xt7xpn8xdh34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdh34/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1987 1987 1987-09-08 2020 true xt7xpn8xdh34 section xt7xpn8xdh34  






Three former Wildcats say goodbye to
the NFL. SEE PAGE 4.





For a review of the movie
“Fourth Protocol.




Today: 80% chance of rain
Tomorrow: Chance of t-storms



am 1894

University of Kentucky. Leidngton. Kentucky


a-» m

Hands up


Daniel Diachun, an undeclared sophomore and
member of the UK water ski club, gives a

thumbs-up sign during ski practice in the Ken-
tucky River yesterday.

ALAN HAWSE/Komel Staff



Jesse Jackson says he will seek
the Democratic nomination

Associated Press

PITTSBURGH — Jesse Jackson.
declaring he has a good chance of
becoming America’s first black
president. said yesterday he will an-
nounce his candidacy for the Demo-
cratic nomination on Oct. 10 and
pledged to campaign for “jobs, jobs,
jobs. peace and justice.“

“In a real sense. I‘m trying to ful-
fill the best dimension of the Consti-
tution." he said. “If I can in fact be-
come president, indeed as (John)
Kennedy became as a Catholic, in-
deed as (Franklin D.) Roosevelt
came riding in a wheelchair
every woman can, every man, boy
and woman and girl can,“ he said
on ABC-TV‘s “Good Morning ameri-

“So in a real sense. I‘m giving
America a chance to make a choice
to fulfill the highest and best of an
authentic and honest democracy,“
he said.

Jackson. who for months has been
campaigning around the nation as
an undeclared candidate, said he
will make his candidacy official in
Raleigh. NC, at the national con—
vention of his Rainbow Coalition.

“We agree that what we need is
not just a new occupant for the
White House. We need a new direc-
tion for our nation." said Jackson.
45. “We need a government that
cares. a president committed to the
well-being of the American family


“But if one does not
vote for me because
I’m black, I’ll leave that

in God’s hands. .
Jesse Jackson,
presidential candidate


who will protect them from the ex-
portation of jobs and the importation
of drugs.“

Jackson, who in 1984 won prima-
ries in Louisiana and the District of
Columbia. becomes the most liberal
in the Democrats‘ sizable field of
presidential contenders for 1988.

He said his new campaign will
work on broadening the party‘s base
of support. widening its ”mains-
tream into a river." in part by
continuing his old theme of register-
ing new voters.

"The leadership of the Democratic
party is going to be much fairer to
me in part because I‘m part of the
leadership of the Democratic
party," Jackson said.

“The party has recognized the er-
rors of its ways in 1984. It will ex-
pand and coalesce and win in 1988."
he said. “We will work out any in-
ternal problems internally. My cam-
paign must focus externally on jobs,
jobs jobs. peace and justice."

People should vote against him ”if
I do not make sense," Jackson said.

Fees for registration,
housing due tomorrow

Staff reports

Tomorrow is the last day for stu-
dents to pay registration and hou-
sing/dining fees.

If these aren‘t paid. students will
have their registration and/or hom-
ing and meal card canceled.

Next Wednesday, Sept. 16. is the
last day for students to drop a

course without it appearing on their
academic record.

Sept. 16 is also the last day to
change your grading option from
pass/fail to letter grade, letter
grade to pass/fail. credit to audit or
audit tocredit.

It is also the last day to record
any intention of exercising the re-
peat option. Both should be done in
your college dean‘s office.

“But if one does not vote for me
because I‘m black. I‘ll leave that in
God‘s hands because God made me
that way and I'm glad about it." he

Jackson, relying heavily on his
support from organized labor. for-
mally disclosed his plans during a
Labor Day swing through Pitts
burgh. Cleveland and New York

He made his first announcement
on ABC-TV from Pittsburgh. at-
tended a Roman Catholic mass at a
racially mixed inner city church.
and marched through a supportive
crowd of more than 5,000 people
watching the city‘s 100th Labor Day

From the pulpit at the Roman
Catholic Church, the Baptist min-
ister led pre-parade worshippers. in-
cluding many laidoff steel workers.
through a 10-point “Workers' Bill of

Jackson said workers have rights
to a job. to union representation. a
living wage, safe work place and
pension security. He played to the
local audience, saying American
steel workers should not lose their
jobs to foreign “slave labor. "

”let us fight together and not one
another," he said.

Jackson was scheduled to attend a
Labor Day picnic in Cleveland and a
Caribbean-American festival and
parade in Brooklyn before joining
striking NBC-TV technicians in

The Jackson camp, with an offi-
cial "presidential exploratory com-
mittee in place since March. has
placed new emphasis on organiza-
tion. in contrast to the 1984 cam-
paign that was notorious for its
chaotic pace and minute-to—minute

Jackson officials have a goal of
raising 35 million by March. So far.
campaign staffers say. the Jackson
forces have brought in around $1

A Time magazine poll published
Sunday said Jackson remained the
leading choice for president among
likely Democratic voters. with Mas-
sachmetts Gov. Michael Dukakis a

mum "c“"d' See JACKSON. Page 6

independent since 1971

Tuesday. September 8, 1987

UK campus to Vegas:
money raised for cure

MDA telethon
reaches record

$39-million mark

By ROBERT .\I.\('\'
Associated Press

LAS VEGAS. Nev The 22nd an-
nual Jerry Lewis Labor Day 'I‘cle»
thon raised a record 339021523 yes~
terday and workers tossed confetti
as the entertainer declared the cf—
fort “a good day for mankind “

The show surpassed last year‘s re-
cord of $34,1B6.773 by nearly $5 mil-
lion. A long list of corporate spon-
sors presented Lewis with an
additional $4306.19? in pledges
above the 3‘39 million raised across
the United States and (‘anada

Celebrities sang and danced
through the leg-hour event and
muscular dystropy victims and their
family members made poignant
pleas for funds to help fight 1.‘ dil-
l'erent diseases and 34 neuroinuscu
lar disorders targeted by thc \ciy
York-based Muscular Dystrophy A»

Donations soared past last year's
record in the 20111 hour oi lllc it-li»
thon. bringing cheers from a crowd
jammed into a sports paiilioii .ll
Caesars Palace where the iclcthnr.
was produced.

“As corny as it may sound. my
God. what a good day for mankind,
Lewis told a national audience

()ne of the most touching Illtllllt,‘lll.\
came when Hob Sampson. tormcr
vice president of l'nitcd .»\irlincs.
told of his long battle against tlic
crippling disease

“These lungs are going fast." the
wheelchairbound Sampson said in
an emotional speech. "You don't dic
of muscular dystrophy. you die of
pneumonia. or something else. If
not. ultimately you will die of
strangulation. So they do a tracheot-
omy and put you on a respirator. So
you buy six months.

"I don't want a respirator. '
Sampson said. his voice breaking "I
want to sit up and sec what this
looks like when it comes to get you."


Earlier in the show. Lewis playcd
a videotapc of Jim (irigsby. a Las
Vegas tirctiglitcr who helped launch
a national program :5 years ago in
which lirclighters stand on busy cor-
ners. collecting donations in boots
for MDA (irigsby learned about two
years ago that he had a form of thc
disease. and died earlier this yca r

Lewis. who had attended (irigs
by's luneral. was visibly shaken by
the segment. and his voice broke as
he continued the show

Lewis. who spends half of his timc
throughout the year working to raise
money for the New Yorkbascd Mus-
cular Dystrophy Association. sought
"onc dollar more" than last year's
tclcthon record. He said this year‘s
budget for the association will be
$100 million. with the money uscd
tor a variety of purposes. including
paticiit care and rescarch

Lewis~ co-hosts included Sammy
Davis Jr . Ed McMahon. t‘ascy
Kasem. Julius Laltosa and Tony 0r
lando. Stars making appearances in-
cluded Frank Sinatra. Ann Margret.
Tom Jones and Paul Anka

The tclcthon. which began with a
siiiglc station in Ncw York l‘ity in
1966. was carried by some zoo sta
tions this year.

UK fraternity
raises money
for research

By STEVE BR \(a;
Contributing Writer
and ('llrlltl (“1.1.15
Staff Writer

While most people rested this
Labor Day weekend. others worked
to raise money for charity

The 22nd annual Jerry Lewis
Labor Day Telethon raised more
than $39 million for Muscular
Dystrophy .

The 21'_--hour tclcthon was broad-
cast live trom ('acsar's Palace in
Las Vegas and was carried by 200
stations in the l'iiitcd States. includ-
ing WTVQTV in Lexmgton

But some of the work for MDA
took place hcrc on the (K campus.

'l‘hc I‘K chapter of the Kappa
Alpha fraternity contributed time
and money to show its support for
its national philanthropy.

tin Saturday morning. Sept. 3. the
KA's sponsorcd a pancake breakfast
at their house on thc I'K campus.
Invitations wcrc extended to all fra-
ternities and sororities to contribute
$25 and eat all of the pancakes they

Graham Haughiiian. \‘lt‘t‘ prcsi~
dent of the I'K's K.\ chaptcr. said
about $52.3 was raiscd tor \Il).»\ an
all but thrcc git-ck 'lI'gLillllllllUllS do
nated $2.3

tln Monday. I?) fraternity brothers
participated as \olunlccrs at the He
public Savings Bank "Labor Day
10K” race KA‘s .\1I);\ (hairman
(‘raig (‘umbcrlcdgc said about 450
participated in this year‘s race, KA
has participated tor the second year
and hoped to raise $2.500.

Also yesterday. the KA‘s volun~
tccrcd for thc late night phone shift
at tho Fayette Mall Twenty KA‘S.
working lrom it-zto pm to 1 :io a.m..
inadc $9.000 in pledges

This is the eighth year the frater»
\cc IR \ I I RNl'l \. Page 6

Traffic fatalities low during holiday

(‘ontributing Writer

Fatalities for the Labor Day week»
end were running low to avcragc.
according to Kentucky state police

l-Iight fatal accidents were i‘cport»
cd statewide as of 10:13 last night.
with none involving more than one
fatality per accident.

The accidents occurred throughout
the state with none reported in the
two major cities of Louisville or
Lexington. Elizabethtown reported
two fatalites.

Several l'K students said they
didn't notice much difference in tra-

liic this wcckcnd compared to nlhcr
\\ cckcnds.

Barbara Jctlc. an carly childhood
cducation senior. said trailic was
light on Interstate 64 and that polici-
surveillance was low as wcil

“I thought (the policc “titlltl‘ bc
out in tull toi‘cc but driying to Louis
\‘lllt‘ on Friday I didn‘t scc one."
shc said

.lcttc said traffic was light on l-6~1
Ul'lll she reached thc tilll>l\ll'f> oi
Louisvillc. where it bccanic a illlll'
inorc con-lested.

Traveling in the southern part ol
thc state was similar lid I’atscy .i

ii.il'i\r":llu iiiiiior \iitl l1t~ also i-i.

\‘iltllllt‘l‘t‘ll light lraiiic

I had no tll’tllllt‘llm HI‘ I?» tic
itt‘t‘l. lici'c .ind Sonicrsi-i I think I
patrol lllt‘ wtiolc

\tiyy Yum (‘til\


Him-y .\tllll llt' s.‘t\\ "w .itiitlt'iils
and thc day \\.t.\ likc .iiiy otiici trip

Records weren‘t available to com
pare speeding \iolations to last
year, a state police spokesman said
Howey er. he said citations were run—
ning about average in comparison to
normal years

Sessions on stress to start Monday

Contributing Writer

There's 300 pages left to read in
“War and Peace" and you‘ve got an
essay test on it tomorrow. Your
girlfriend from back home just told
you she wants to start seeing your
best friend.

You‘re experiencing stress.

From 2 to 4:30 pm. Sept. 14, in 230
Student Center, there will be a
stress management presentation to
help students deal with stress.

This presentation will be the first
of three this semester. The other
meetings will be announced some-
time in the next few weeks. said
Mike Nichols. director and staff psy~
chologist of the Counseling and Test-
ing Center.

Nichols said he plans to set down
a theoretical base about stress. He
will try to explain what stress is.
where it come from. and then show
a psychological approach to stress.

Nichols said he will "give 10 steps
to dealing with stress and the prob-
toms of stress.“

Nichols said “a little stress is good
and you want this kind of stress.

“What happens sometimes is that
a person has too much stress and
problems can arise." he said. “To

lose so much stress a person needs
to relax.“

There are several relaxation tech-
niques. such as physical and mental
exercises. Nichols said.

Having a good diet can also help
in relieving stress; a good diet does
not actually mean to try to lose
weight but to eat well and to excer»
cise regularly. he said.

Nichols also will speak on the im
portance of humor in the presenter

"People need to take themselves
and others less serious. it you take
yourself too serious you will tend to
look at events too seriously and this
causes stress." Nichols said

“How a person looks at an event
and the event itself can cause
stress; what you tell yourself about
your surroundings can effect how
much stress you have "

The stress management presenta»
tion is open to the public and is free.

Tickets for Hayes show
to go on sale Sept. 19

Staff reports

Tickets to see actress Helen Hayes
perform Oct. 21 will go on sale Sat-
urday. Sept. 19, at the Singletary
Center for the Arts ticket office
from 10am. toZp.m.

After Sept. 19. the ticket office will
resume normal hours: noon to 4
pm. Monday~Thursday and noon to
6pm. Friday.

Considered the first lady of the
American theatre and winner of two

Academy Awards. Hayes will help
the UK Fine Arts Department
launch its first fund drive

Full-time UK students may pur-
chase two tickets for $5 each. A
valid UK ID card must be presented
at the ticket office.

Tickets for the public are priced
at $20. $50. and $100. The 8100 tickets
include admission to an invitation-
only reception for Hayes after the


 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL. Tuesday. Wiser 8. 1 987


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through

the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

publication date.




Ointramurals: Golt entry deadline; Free; 135 Sea-

ton Center; Call 7-3928

elntramurals: Mixed Doubles Tennis League (dead-
line was 912); Free; 135 Seaton Center; Call 7-3928

'Religious Tuesday Night Together-T.N.T.-A Time
tor Worship & Fellowship; Free; Baptist Student Ctr.;
'4‘ 30p m :Call 7-3989

~Other, King Library Orientation Tours; Free; King
Library South; 10am ;Call 7-8397

'Sports. Japan Karate Club — Shotokan; Free:
Buell Armory 730-930; p m,



0Theatre The Woo'gatherer (through 9 12);
$3 00. Briggs Theatre. 8 p.m., Call 7-3297

oAcademics Last day tor payment of registration
tees and/or housmg 8 dining tees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration

IMowes. Crocodile Dundee: $1.95. Worsham
Theatre; 8pm.; Call 7-8867

0Movies: SOul Man; $1 95: Worsham Theatre, 10
p m : Call 7-8867

'Religious: Bible Discussion Group — Great Cm-
mission Students; Free; 231 Student Center; 7'3c
pm; Call 254-3997

OSeminar: Designing a Study Plan Seminar: $10;
103 Barker Hall; 11 am; Call 7-8673

OSports: Aikido: Japanese Martial Art Beginner
Classes; Free; Alumni Gym Lott; 8:30 pm; Call

comer: King Library Orientation Tours; Free; King
Libray South: Noon: Call 7-8397


0Movies: Crocodile Dundee; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

OMovies: Soul Man; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10
pm; Call 7-8867

OSeminar: United Way Training Seminar; Free:
Worsham Theatre; 9 a.m.-Noon; Call 7—631 5

~Seminar: Reading Critically Seminar; $10; 103
Barker Hall: 1 pm; Call 7-8673

OOther. King Library Orientation Tours: Free: King
Library South; 2 pm; Call 7-8397

OSports: Japan Karate Club — Free Introductory
Class. Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 5:30-6:30 pm.

-Sports: Japan Karate Club — Shotokan: Free;
Alumni Gym Balcony; 5:30-7:30 pm.


09/9 —- Movies: Crocodile Dundee: $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

09/9 — Movies: Soul Man; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10pm; Call 7-8867

09/10 — Movies: Crocodile Dundee; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

09/10 —— Movies: Soul Man; $1.95: Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm: Call 7-8867

09/11 —- Movies: Crocodile Dundee; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

09/11 — Movies: Soul Man; $1.95: Worsham
Theatre; 10pm; Call 7-8867

v9/12 — Movies: Crocodile Dundee; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre: 8 pm; Call 7-8867

09/12 — Movies: Soul Man; 5195: Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

09/13 — Movies: Crocodile Dundee; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre: 8 pm; Call 7-8867




09/9 — Seminar: Designing a Study Plan Seminar;
$10; 103 Barker Hall; 11 a.m.;Call7-8673

09/ 10 — Seminar: United Way Training Seminar;
Free; Worsham Theatre; 9 a.m.-Noon; Call 7-6315

09/10 —— Seminar: Reading Critically Seminar;
$10: 103 Barker Hall; 1 p.m.;Call 7-8673

09/14 — Seminar: Motivation and Learning Semi-
nar; $10; 103 Barker Hall; 2 pm; Call 7-8673




'MOVleS Crocodile Dundee; $1.95: Worsham
Theatre: 8 pm :Call 7-8867

OMowes. Soul Man; $1.95; Worsham Theatre: 10
p rn ;Call 7-8867

00ther College of Dentistry 25th Anniversary
Convocation: Free; UK Center tor the Arts: 10 am ;
Call 7-4900

OSports UK Volleyball vs Eastern Michigan: Free
with UKID. Memorial Coliseum: 7:30 pm; Call 7-


0Movies: Crocodile Dundee; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

0Movres: Soul Man: $1.95: Worsham Theatre; 10
pm; Call 7-8867

OSports: UK Football vs. Utah State; Free with
UKID; Commonwealth Stadium; 1:30 pm; Call 7-


099-9 12 — Theatre: The Woolgatherer; $3.00;
Brigg's Theatre: 8 pm; Call 7-3297

09/13 — Concerts: Center Sunday Series: Trum-
pet-Organ Duo: Vince Dimartino/Schuyler Robinson;
Free; CFA Concert Hall; 3 pm; Call 7-4929

09-13 — Concerts: Center Sunday Series: Images
01 Aging Through Literature; Free; UK Center tor the
Arts: 3 pm; 7-4900

09 13-11 1 — Exhibits: Art Museum: Contemplat-
ing the American Watercolor (through 11-1); Free;
UK Center for the Arts: Call 7-4900

09-13-11/1 — Exhibits: Contemplating the Ameri-
can Watercolor Selections lrom the Transco Energy
Company. Free; UK Art Museum: Call 7-5716


09/8 — Sports: Japan Karate Club — Shotokan;
Free; Buell Armory 7:30-9.30: p.m.

09/9 —- Sports: Aikido: Japanese Martial Art Be-
ginner Classes: Free; Alumni Gym Loft; 8:30 pm;
Call 266-0102

09/10 — Sports: Japan Karate Club - Free lntro-
ductory Class; Free: Alumni Gym Balcony; 5:30-6:30

09/10 —Sports: Japan Karate Club — Shotokan;
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony: 5:30-7:30 pm.

09/11 -— Sports: UK Volleyball vs. Eastern Michi-
gan: Free with UKlD: Memorial Coliseum: 7:30 p m.;
Call 7-3838

09/12 — Sports: UK Football vs. Utah State; Free
with UKID; Commonwealth Stadium; 1:30 pm: Call

'9/13 -— Sports: Aikido: Japanese Martial Arts Be-
ginner Classes; Free; Alumni Gym Lott; 7 pm; Harry
Sloan; Call 266-0102

09/13 — Sports: All-Campus Fall Volleyball Tour-
ney — Proceeds to Charity; $1 O/team; Newman Cen-
ter; 11 pm; Call 255-8566

09/13 -— Sports: Japan Karate Club — Shotokan;
Free; 135 Seaton Center; Call 7-3998

09/8 — lntramurals. Goll entry deadline; Free;
135 Seaton Center: Call 7-3928

I9/8 — lntramurals: Mixed Doubles Tennis League
(deadline was 9/2); Free; 135 Seaton Center; Call 7-

09/14 a 9/15 - lntramurals: 60" Starting Dates
(today and tomorrow); Free; 135 Seaton Center; Call

09/14 —— lntramurals: Flag Football Starting Date;
135 Seaton Center; Call 7-3928




OExhibits Art Museum. Contemplating the Ameri-
can Watercolor (through 11-1); Free; UK Center tor
the Arts; Cell 7-4900

Exhibits: Contemplating the America Watercolor
Selections trorri the Truieoo Energy Company; Free;
UK ArtMuseum; Cd 7-5716

-Concerts: Center Sunday Series: Trumpet-Organ
Duo. Vince Christine/Schuyler Robinson; Free: CFA
Concert Hut; 3 pm; Cd 7-4929

OConcerts: Center Sunday Series: images of
Aging Through Literature; Free; UK Center tor the
Arts; 3pm.; 7-4900

OMOVies: Crocodile Dundee; $1.95; Worm
Theatre: 8 pm; Cal 7-8867

“Religious: Celebration of Worship; Free; CSF
Center; 7 p m,; Cd 233-0313

-Sports: Aikido: Jweee Mania Arts Beginner
Classes: Free: Alumni Gym Lott; 7 pm; Harry Sloan;
Cell 268-0102

OSports; All-Campus Fell Volleybdl Tourney -
Proceeds to Chuity; StO/tean: Newmm Center: 11
p m ;Cdl 255-8586

OSports: J“ Karate Club - Shotokm; Free.
135 Seaton Center; Cdl 7-3928



Ointrarnurals: 6011 Starting Dates (today and tomor-
row), Free; 135 Seaton Center; Call 7-3928

0Academic: Applications tor Student Teaching tor
Spring 1988; 104 Taylor Bldg; Cdl 7-1857

Olntrunurds: Flag Football Stating Date; 135 Sea-
ton Center; Call 7-3928

OSeminar: Motivation and Leaning Seminar; $10;
103 Barker Hall; 2 pm; Call 7-8673

OOther: College of Dentistry — information Table
(Admission s Caeer lnto); Free; Arcade at Old Stu-
dent Center; 10:30 a.m.-2 pm; Call 233-6071



09/9 - Academics: Last day (or payment at regis-
tration tees and/or housing 8. dining tees in order to
8\ old cancellation at registration

09/14 — Academics: Applications tor Student
Teaching for Spring 1988; 104 Taylor Bldg; Call 7-

09/8 - King Library Orientation Tours; Free; King
Library South: 10a m.; Call 7-8397

09/9 — King Library Orientation Tours; Free: King
Library South: Noon; Call 7-8397

09/10 — King Library Orientation Tours; Free;
King Library South; 2 pm. Call 7-8397

'9/11 -— College 01 Dentistry 25th Annivereuy
Convocation: Free; UK Center tor the Arts; 10 em;
Call 7-4900

09/14 -— College 01 Dentistry — lnlormatlon Twle
(Admission a Career Into); Free; Arcade of Old Stu-
dent Center; 10:30e.m.-2 pm; Call 2336071

09/8 - Religious Tuesday Night Together-TNT.-
A Time tor Worship 5 Fellowship; Free; Batist Stu-
dent Ctr ; 7:30 pm; Call 7-3989

09/9 - Religious: Bible Discussion Group —-Greet
Commission Students; Free; 231 Student Center;
7:30 pm; Call 254-3997

09/13 —- Religious: Celebration of Worship; Free;
CSF Center; 7 pm; Call 233-0313


. . A

9/15/87 Seminar: Speed Reading Seminar; $10:
103 Barker Hell3:30p.m.;Cali7-8673

9/15/87 Sports: UK Volleyball vs. Miami 01 Ohio;
Free with UKlD: Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 pm; Cdl

9/16/87 Academics: Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student's transcript

9/16/87 Academics: Last day to change a grading
option (passitail to letter grade or letter grade to
pose/lei; credit to audit or audit to credit) in dem‘s



 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuosdly. September I, 1987 - 3


As super-spy, Caine does little to help ‘Protocol’

Senior Staff Critic

After watching “The Fourth Pro-
tocol," one thought immediately
comes to mind: How can a film that
has so much going for it turn out to
be so bland and uninteresting?

“The Fourth Protoco " is a new
espionage thriller starring Michael
Caine (“Hannah and her Sisters")
as a British secret agent caught in a
cat-and-mome game with Russian
spy Pierce Brosnan (star of TV‘s
“Remington Steele”), whose mis-


















sion is to detonate a nuclear weapon
in England.

In many ways this film is similar
to the infinitely superior “No Way
Out," which starred Kevin Costner
(“The Untouchables") as a Navy
lieutenant on the trail of corrupt pol-
itician Gene Hackman (“Hoo—
siers“). However, that film con-
tained enough action and thrills to
keep the viewer on the edge of his
seat — literally — right up to the
final twist of the plot.

At first glance, there is very little

difference in this adaptation of
Frederick Forsythe’s novel of the





same name. Brosnan and Caine act
as British counterparts to Costner
and Hackman, and both seem well-
suited to their roles

Indeed, Caine is, as usual. superb
in creating the characterization of a
talented. yet weary. super-spy who
is one moment avoiding danger

Exhibitimfi & Sale

Famous Fine Art Reproductions,
Popular Posters, Photography
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from international hoodlums and the
next dodging insubordination
charges from bosses who don‘t par-
ticularly like his style of doing

Pierce Brosnan is the real disap—
pointment. To be more specific. the
problem is with his character.
Major Valleri Petrovich, a silent,
morbid fellow who doesn't say 50
words in the entire picture,

Brosnan does all he can with the
role, but Petrovich is such an illde-
fined character that Laurence Olivi-
er in his hey-day couldn‘t have
made this guy believable. Petrovich

is supposed to he Moscow's top
young agent. a model of ingenuity
and selt'control. but when he is not
killing people, his metabolism is
geared toward nothing but relieving
his sexual appetite.

A weak character. however. can
always be overcome by a strong sto-
ryline and lightningquiek pacing
lTntortunately. “The Fourth Proto-
col" misses the mark here. too
Every plot detail unfolds with the
immediacy of drying paint. so it‘s no
wonder that each development is
met with audience apathy

Rated R Now playing at South
and North Purl: theaters.

Erik Rocco
Arts Editor



Cosby tops
stars’ income

Financiall). the top to entertain
eras of W86 and 1987 are as lol-
lt)\\.\. marked in millions ol dolr

Bill ('oshy $84

Sylvester Stalltiiit-.$1‘l

Bruce SpringstH-n 53.,

Charles M Seliul/ y it

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Steven Spielberg. Is ill

Madonna. S47

Whitney Houston. )4;

Michael Jackson Kl,

Johnny (arson. 54o



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3 Wildcats
are given
pink slips

Staff and Associated Press reports

Three former L'K football players
were released yesterday from the
National Football League as teams
trimmed rosters to the 45-man,
openingday limit.

Running back Marc Logan. UK‘s
second~leading rusher last season,
was released by the Cincinnati
Bengals along with 11 other players.

Logan was taken by the Bengals
in the iitth round of the NFL draft
last spring

Also released were Jon Dum-
hauld. a 1985 UK graduate and de-
fensive lineman. and Cornell Bur-
bage who was the (‘ats‘ leading pass
receiver last year

[)umbauld was let go by the New
iirleans Saints while Burbage was
released by the Dallas t‘owboys.

Dumhauld said he was surprised
by the move.

“I really didn‘t expect it at all."
he said “It was the farthest thing
from my mind. Apparently they feel
I'm the most expendable on the de-
fensive line, I don't agree with that.
1 think I'm one of the top three de-
fensive linemen "

Logan was the Bengals' leading
rusher in a preseason game against
the Saints Friday night The S-foot-


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MARK ZEROF‘Kernet Staff

Former UK running back Marc Logan was released by the Cincin-

nati Bengals yesterday

11 207-p0und back rushed for 28
yards on three carries in the Beng-
als 26-1-iloss.

For UK last season. Logan racked
up 546 yards on 109 carries and set a
record for most carries in a game,
against Mississippi State with 35. He
was the Cats‘ second-leading rusher
last season behind tailback lvy Joe

Released by the Bengals. in addi-
tion to Logan. were six»year veteran

linebacker Ron Simpkins; defensive
backs R.L. Harris, Sonny Gordon
and Daryl Smith; wide receivers
Greg Meehan and Tom Brown; run-
ning back David McCluskey; punter
Scott F‘ulhage, quarterback ’l‘om
Ehrhardt and offensive tackle Jim
Warne. Heim said.

None of the rookies released were
drafted higher than the fifth round.
he said.

Lady Kats win tourney

Staff reports

If the UK volleyball players felt
any pressure from their No. 18 pre-
season national ranking, they cer-
tainly didn’t show it this weekend.

The Lady Kats defended their
Kentucky Kickoff Klassic
Championship by routing Eastern
Kentucky University and the Uni-
versity of Louisville at Memorial

UK was never seriously chal-
lenged in the six consecutive games
it captured.

On Friday, the Lady Kats gave up
just eight points to EKU in three
games. UK made quick work of the
Colonels. 15-5, 15-3, 15-0.

Kentucky continued its hot play
the next evening against U of L. The
Cardinals jumped out to an early 2-0
lead, but the Lady Kats roared back
to take the first game, 15—7.

“The turning point in the game
was when Laura Linder began set-
ting the ball to Lisa Dausman for
what amounted to 10 kills." UK
coach Kathy DeBoer said.

Kentucky controlled the strong
servers from Louisville and cruised
to the championship with two more
victories, 15-10. 154.

“Louisville served very aggres-
sively tonight and kept us on our
guard,“ DeBoer said. “We knew we
were going to have to play tough to-

night to win, and that’s what we

While the UK defense covered the
Cardinals, Dausman bombed away
at thenet.

The 6-foot-1 senior middle blocker
dominated the front line with her 10
kills. For her play. Dausman was
named the tournament‘s most valu-
able player.

UK‘s Kim Thompson was also
named to the all-tournament team.
The junior outside hitter tied Daus-
man with 15 kills in the two games,
10 coming against EKU.

Joining the pair of Lady Kats on
the all-tournament teams were
Louisville's Michelle Annbrutster
and Teresa Macklin, Deb Winkler of
EKU and Morehead State's Dale

Eastern defeated Morehead in the
consolation game Saturday, 15-9, 16-
14, 15-10.

UK will put its national ranking
and perfect 2—0 record on the line
Friday. The Lady Kats play host to
Eastern Michigan at 7:30 pm. at the


A University of Louisville player
goes for the spike against UK at
the Kickoff Klassic this weekend.
The 18th-ranked Kats won the
two-day tournment, which
marked the start of the 1987

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White

Assistant Sports Editor

IAIN mOF’Komol Staff

Before you choose a long distance

a close look.