xt7xpn8xdg5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdg5r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1979 1979 1979-09-27 2020 true xt7xpn8xdg5r section xt7xpn8xdg5r m
l UCKY V " i.- ... straw“
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Vol. LXXII. No. so _ er n l 12:32: lam?
Thursday. September 27. WW an independent student newspaper ' y
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oda State Dept. offICIa .
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state , . . retired U. .genera .
.;" . Vii: m,,..- . M... 1m.“ - i 1"."
| PADl'CAH MAY BECOME the .. I 1 a I .
second city in the state to allow the sale 14.2.“ . I .. .. . "1 . ‘ . , . . j
of liquor aft“. I am. , h 56 . , yf-VV. .‘ ' ' -. {33. .- Ii d Isa g ree O n SA LT I I
The Ptduenn on Comnnssnon nae .. .. ,
ntnentnee that would allow the '1. e ”at a, prams MCDANIEL it tne eetnns otzeooiaunenens ns -
bent and ntshtelubs to stay open this . e” nt e” s. '- Ed'w' approved. the Soviet Unton wnIi have
“he be V Mflwqwéw ' to dismantle 270 launchers.
Currently, bars in the western fiva 71'; '. _* ' , Lexingtonians were told yesterday If the treaty is not approved. the
“much city musmo“ by 1 “mm: ,. I .i . ”WWW” ' i that the proposed Strategic Arms Soviet Union will have over 3,000
extension was requested by developer a _._,__._._..__ 2“,... , ., .' .4 f. 2%,;35: l {it Limitation Treaty with the Soviet launching systems in I985. compared
Robert Green. who is consrderlng _..t l. '1. ”4:2 (4 r. ., a», . .i: Union would: with 2300 in the United States.
operatingahoteland conventioncenter 1;. -_I 42;." Maine an. «(fim .. gé: .. PTOVldC valuablc‘ although The treaty also places a “m“ on
imposed [M downtown Paducah. if: ' , J's. e " 7 it? flawed protection for the United develo ' ' f
'- st: ., . , _. ..: . . gt; a: e V . pins and deploying new types 0
A se-YEAR-OLD CAFETERIA sir 7 “g g lg g Statess 0i . nuclear weapons. Dyess said.
WORKER whose son was killed in y f” , 22 e _ 4,, ~Give the Sovrets an unnecessary including the number of warheads
3 Vietnam more than a decade ago has . . s " g " advantage In the nuclear arms race. currently packed into the nosccones of .
pert lat’hChed a campaign to make the I it I ’9’ 7*“ ' ' ' f 5 Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State missiles. The Soviets will be permitted
nation's involvement there “hm": as a j {'71. ' I tog: J a; ‘- William Dyess and retired US. Army a maximum of IO warheads on these
war. ram” that? a upon“ “"0"" . ’ ’ Wis” '- 35 , , 4;; Gen. Richard Stilwell debated the heavy missiles. .
‘ ”men“ Mm" 0f, Hendersog h's ' .M fl ”'7. ~ tin treaty before the approximately 750 Because they use larger missles.the
itihitilli‘egshcb‘fhfdi‘dief: \Shbansdiltib tiii .1 M f .953}. people Wht? attended a‘SS-per-person Soviets could put as many as 30 .
Vietnam. She says she.” "m, to , e as luncheon in the Lexington Center Inleldual warheads tn one lnnsrle's
Washington to present her case to the . . " aw i __ Bant°°m7 nosecone Withoutthetreaty s limits. he
president if necessary W ' ..ee' " , ' - .. I , . The luncheon was Sponsored by the said. The US. Minuteman lll missnes
. _ , . ‘ " , Greater Lexmgton Chamber of can have only one warhead.
- nat'on 5 gt; Commerce. “The fact is, in major provisions,
MICHAEL THEVIS was “3% . , t Dyessi'the former Chief of the U.S.- this treaty is not verifiable.“ Stilwell
ACQl'lTTED of obstruction of justice f ' , . . ; 7‘ 30"" B‘latmt Altai” Stall at the saidieXplaininsthalthe United States
and mail fraud charges yesterday by a - . _, _ eat _. i ' 7' State Department. spoke in favor 0i can't detect the number of warheadsrn
judgc ruling on motions in a , . the treaty. while Stilwell is opposed. the missiles. .
racketeering trial against the , if», ' . ‘ Stilwell‘s 39-yeararmycareerincluded “With SALT ll, it will be much
m‘lhom‘te POthOSmPhet- t i : , .. assignments as chief Ol long-range easier for us to collect data“ on the
LC“ mndmg‘ however, are .Chargcs I I t " planning at the North Atlantic Treaty types of missiles they use, Dyess said.
that Thevis and two corporations he . '.' . :1 . "_‘ , g3; Organization and commander of US. Each side is also limited to one new .
liif’fgiieii’n‘ieriifflitlt ii Sixtii’i a , Forces in Korea. from i973-76- type of ICBM during the treaty. This -
_:- -- a, 11.. ‘ , 47- M 7 7‘ . t
orno ra 'ln ustr '. “2;: , ' ' - gj-rg . .. ‘
\ P Mufph'; )also refused to acquit " ‘4/ V l ‘31:. - plan to do. Dyess said. “Defeat 0f UK campus
Thevis.eanette Evans and Bart Hood of SALT ll WOUld not solve any
a charge me). conspired to murder f in problems the United States is facing.“
government witness Roger Underhillto , . ' _ . 1 The Senate needs to assess the US. hears debate
prevent his testimony at the trial in __ "sz , . positioninthe arms race.Stilwellsaid.
Progress at Rome- 03- 5;," . W ' woe/e, ..__=.v - '2 - t "It's later than we think, ladies and SAL 7'”
FINANCIAL S AFE GL‘ ARDS . .. A” ’ >- W W . .‘ , . ; _ L; firglemen.“ he said. V“The Soviets are on
.e e ._ m y" posrtion to move forward faster
ARE’ SO LAX at the general Services ”Wye-i, . _ 1 .' :1 . gt than the United States .. 3y DEBBIE MCDANIEL
Administration that its own auditors . _ , “a . . : W ‘ ,1 g? _ . ~ _ - .
7 were able to trick the scandal-ridden ‘2 p we" :5:- s .: . Stilwell disagreeing Wlth Dyess. Ed'm
‘ agency into sending 3 595.000 check to f ‘ . . ”I , _ . ' 5 . added. “What will hurt us islthat) our .. . ' ‘
a fictitious firm for goods never “A m” 3%!»1) . é ,. F allies will perceive that our nuclear “ll we cannot ratify a blte‘SIZe 0t
supplied. the chief GSA auditor said 'MW Weamet see, . it . . umbrella is full of holes. We cannot let SALT II. l have no reason to believe
“ed““day' ; fl ' I ”‘Mt age w .. ' ' fl ’ the world come to the conclusion that we can turn it down and get a bigger ,
Howard Davia, deputy inspector i. ..1 "I'M/A"; -».. ,, I' I“ é . we're number two. and (he SOVlClS are bite," William DyCSS. UHS Deputy
general it" aUdttSt to” a Senate .. - , “/t/ ' A” , ' . / number one. Assistant Secretary of State. told 26
subcommittee that GSA “duo” .' . ., . . _ .. t. a Mix 1"“-'.}-'_/]' 5’ i “l have dealt with them or rather. students, faculty members and guests
' ”tamed. the “he“ last tut" by I V I ., By DAVID MAYNARD/Kernel Staff against them , more than has been attending a campus seminar on the .
introducing false information into the I good for my health." Srategic Arms Limitation Treaty
agency's computer system In Kansas .' .
City. In my SOIItUde Dyess said. “We must continue to be yesterday. _
. rivals with the Soviet Union." Dyess and Richard Stilwell, retired
world Computers may rule in the future, but just try activity golngonaround her in Me Vey Hallassheslts bezfifipgifl‘r: :izsih?:i:ilglaiii::: sLeiisiinafingii [fineigi‘h aégegirdegf :2: / .
EGYPT AND ISRAEL OPENEDa reading one 0.! those printouts. Sally Krebs, .an on the steps and ponders about what I" the pages in with the Soviets, Dyess said. First. to Patterson Office Tower for about two
new round of Palestinian autonomy advertising mayor senior, is oblivious to the frenzied her printout mean. allow unrestricted travel between the hours following a luncheon at the .
talks yesterday. but negotiations soon ' . ‘ ' Lexin ton Center.
flared intoatable-pounding clash over F I tcgldleubefs‘uSScogrictiinmthigdmttal: ‘th "Ougr Problem still is to contain '-
.,. .. i; .ov01 .
tasgtclgildpflmoyccflgoirdl[lirgtsogzlszens IO reshman' callege representatlves nuclear holocaust. them," DyCSS said. adding that thC
Later. the talks went behind closed “The desire to survive is universal," Soviet Union has been “running” With
doors and the mood was described as . . . I he said. thleilr pgodlijcgiolr‘i ofbnuclear meaponS. .
cordial. The Salt ll treat ' restricts the w l e t e - - as een “wa "18-" 1-
The dispute. in which the United WI ll be pleed In OCtO ber el eCtlon United States and the govier Union to “I think in accuracy and reliability. .i.
States backed Egypt. underlined the 2,400 nuclear missile launching we‘re Still ahead" in the arms race. 5.
Wide gap in the Egyptian and Hm“ systems each. This number wouuld be Dyess 53ld~ .
" ramming: Sig‘lltilrerittggcilfight“? By CARY WILLIS but were vacated in various ways. The This will be the second year reduced by Dec. 3l, I981, to 2.250. “l disagree." Stilwell said. “Missile 3;: 7 -
Israel m ”1681967 Mideast war y Managing Editor law and dentistry senators resigned freshmen have been represented in SC. The launching systems covered by for missile, we‘re the same. ~72 «
' their posts, Sturgeon said, and no The first pair served last year after the the treaty include are land-based “l think that perception . - - has a 5;.
weather A special election will be held Oct. representative was elected for library Student Senate passed an amendment intercontinental ballistic missiles. way not only ofinfluencing “3“th httt -
l7 and IS to choose two student science. The education senator “just that gave the first-year class submarine-launched missiles. heavy becoming reality.“ he said 3h°tlt the
INCREASING CLOUDINESS IS senators to represent the freshman never showed up this year." he said. representation. bombers and air-to-surface ballistic U-S- position in the nuclear arms race. '.'.»
EXPECTED nus MORNING witha class and one each forthe UK colleges While the fourcollege senators must Candidates‘ applications will be missiles with ranges over 600 He called the Soviet‘s missile
' good chance of rain by afternoon or of law. dentistry. education and be upperclassmen enrolled in their accepted from Oct. 2to Oct. l0. There kilometers (cruise missles.) inventory “unprecedented and ‘.‘
evening High in the low to mid 70s library science. respective colleges and must have is a $5 filing fee, and a maximum of The Soviets now have about 2.520 uncalled for."adding,“l recognizeitas
Rain willcontinuetonightandtaperon According to Brad Sturgeon, completed at least 60 credit hours, $50 has been set for campaign launchers and about 5.000 nuclear a threat.“ ~
to hsht Show"? t°m°”°wt Ton'Ehts Student Government public relations freshman senators will represent the' Spending. warheads. The US. has 2.050 Because the S°Vt°t5 have continued 3f
ighidrhrztivl-dinbtchénldi've735p" 505' h'eh chairman. the college senator entire class of first-year students, and Only freshmen and students in the launching systems and will be able to producing weapons. the United States 7.»;
' posmons should have been filled by are eligible only if they havecompleted l: w. dentistry. education and library increase its strategic forces under COUld become involved "l a nuclear
the regular 56 eleCthhS lasr spring, fewer than 30 hours. Continued on page 3 SALT ii to reach this limit. Continued on pile 4 3.;
C ' / ' K d b Ik
arter gives exp anatlon t0 6/7/78 y, UT ta 9068 on .
By DONALD M. ROTHBERG White House press secretary Jody Powell Carter was the featured speaker at the “We do not have to send the cost of crude oil reference to the ineldent. Kennedy said he did .‘ -
AP Political Writer said Carter had sent the note after reading dinner. which Kennedy did not stayto attend. through the roof by abandoning price not. believe Chappaqmddiek would be 8 :‘
“erroneous press reports saying his comments With Kennedy showing every sign of moving controls,“ the senator said. “The OPEC decrsive issue in the 1980 campaign. . ‘ -
7 WASHINGTON — President Caner called were a veiled reference to Chappaquiddick." steadily toward a presidential bid. he and nations have the power to fix the price of oil . “i think the real issues in l980 are economic , '
a brief cease-fire yesterday in his stepped up White House aides in the past have said that Caner have been sounding more and more like they sell us. But why should we give them the issues 7 the rate of "inflation. rising ~.
verbal assault on Sen. Edward Kennedy to if Kennedy does challenge Carter for the I980 rival candidates. power to fix the price of American oilas wellat unemployment and energy. the senator said. .1 ,
‘ send his potential rival a note saying remarks Democratic nomination. Carter would not At the Queens town meeting, Carter also a time when inflation is already running l3 Asked about the recent emphasis‘from the _ .
V - he made in New York were not intended as a make an issue of Kennedy‘s reaction to crisis questioned whether Kennedy would fare any percent here at home?“ White House on characterandthe abilitytoact I
a reference to Chappaquiddick. conditions when he drove a car off a bridge at better with Congress than Caner has. in a remark widely interpreted asa reference calmly In CHSIS conditions. Kennedy replied. :- _
l . . . Chappaquiddick in I969. resultingin the death “Sen. Kennedy has been in Congress for l6 to the Chappaquiddick incident. Carter said. “People can draw whatever inferences they -
n the hand-written note. Carter said hts fM J K h ears " 'd C rt “H‘ ‘ ' h' “We've had some crises where it re uired a Will."
- " statement Tuesday night at a “town meeting” 0 ary o opec ne. “ . . y . ’ 88' a er. '5 mayor premise. '5 . . q . . M while Sen Edmund S Muskie D- .
_ in Queens had been “grossly exaggerated” by Kennedy told reporters. l apprecrate his mayor goal. has been to establish a steady hand.acarefuland deliberativedecision lean . - b kf‘ ‘ . . ~
. the press. sending it (the note. to me and were i to be a comprehenswe national health insurance to benmade. I don‘t think I panicked in the Maine. told reportersata rea l‘;i85(t)meeting.on . .
. ‘_ ' Asked by reporters about the note Kennedy candidate. I‘d be talking about the issues which policy He has never gotten a comprehensive CHSIS- . . . Tuesday that he hopes tile “trite?“ :
7 _ said he did not consider it an apology but are most in the minds ofthe American people national health bill out of his subcommittee. lt Carter aides have said the president would doesn‘t get off to too car) a start. urtfer é
’ ’ added “l was 'ust glad to t it .. and l think that‘s also what he'd want.“ IS not easy." . not‘raise asan issue Kennedys reaction to undercutting Carter sability to get support or i:
g - ' J ge ' Kennedy‘s comments came at a poolside Kennedy was in Washington speakingtothe Cl’lSIS conditions when he drove a car off a his programs on CnP'tOl H'tl- . ' 1 .
‘ Carter had told the audience in Queens that appearance preceding a Sl.000-a-plate dinner National Association of Black Journalists and bridge at C happaquiddick in l969 resulting in “The best course for the Democrats is forthe ..
_ as president he had to deal with several crises sponsored by the Democratic National he repeated his criticism of Carter‘s energy the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. president to maintain his political Viability as 5. '
and “I don‘t think I panicked.” Committee. policies: When asked about Carter‘s oblique long as he can.“ said MUSKIC. i
A ’ i t
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KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel Jay roam Stm Maui Mm Gum Tho- cm Guy um i
Editor in Chief (‘ampus Editor Tel-l Young I’III Mll- - Enieriainnwni Ediior DINUOI of Pholox'aphi‘ }
er 2 Autu'lalf £41m}! Richard McDonald
(‘uy Wllh Lin Dolls-rd Cindy McGee John (by David Maynard
Managing Ediior Edi'imial Ediim Kirby Stephen! Spam Ediim Plioio Manager ‘
, s . . (‘upi‘ lz‘diiiirs Brian Richard '3
I di
m tons .. © ' ..
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U Senate should change 7-day policy . OE @\ . m 2
ti —‘
> \ "“ l litll‘il' i 77‘; tl
University Senate Council should be applauded for AS laSt year's 80 President Gene Tichenor PM it» |ll ‘ L l ‘1‘
approving a withdrawal policy Tuesday that changes “The “W“ might h°t mean much to the University H t / ,
. the time a student can drop a course without receiving Senate, hUt graduate schools and employers Wl" see a l ' l // / i
any mark from one to three Weeks » but that‘s only hit 0t 'W'S‘ 0“ transcripts and it Will hurt.“ ‘ l ‘i t // / 1/
the beginning of the battle. ' The decision does most students little good if it was /, //l / //.
The policy, which was introduced by Student intended to grant a grace period when classes could be i / // /./// 5
Government Senator Mike Breen, will go before dropped without record. Seven days is hardly enough {A ‘ i / ,/ t
University Senate Oct. 8 where many expect the it to time to even get a decent first impression of a course, 4! Vi . 4'? t. V", ‘ ' _ l( 'V/ _ ( ‘/,\ _ . . ‘
die. If it does, it willbean unfortunate setback forthe much less have any indication about how wellyoucan I _ 2’1 1" v “ .1 © at". " , ‘ —_ 9 re°’_“:" "_ ‘
students of this institution. perform in it. And with the shopping that goes on 'f V . c 4*, . j a ’ - -‘ fi . z" ‘ ,
University Senate‘s initial decision to give students during drop-add, many students might attend a \ ' (69“; i l \_ , / , , 3 “
only seven calendar days to withdrawal from class course only once or twice before the deadline expires. o ‘lw :__,_..'"——- v {at}: f ,Mlt" h l ., , / ' w I
w'thOt’t havinga“W"grade appear ontheirtranscript As a memorandum from SG Senators Breen and t ' . T” ' t‘ w. ‘ \ ‘1 ”it , g
occurred last April when a 49-45 majority passed the Vincent Yeh to Senate council pointed out, “the one- l a i :45)” h\ 3:? '1 i‘t‘ a”: ’ t
POhCY- Andull U Senate fails to change their present week withdrawal period inversely stultifiesastudent's ( V “V .\ T - ‘
stand, the seven-day . withdrawal POhCy Will be academic status. Students would be penalized with . a I!" ,5 "
implemented at the beginning 0t next semester. unnecessary ‘W‘s.‘ which leads to competitive ° \vl ' -.- ..-—~"" g, 7;, ”S y x \
Supporters Of the. “seven-day". Pent)d say It IS disadvantages. Furthermore, one weekdoesnotallow ‘ I t 3 3 \
necessary asaway to include more information about a student enough time to arrange and assess his \
a students academic career. However, information schedule with regards to the academic benefits and .. ‘ i '
contained in a Single “W"is not a precise indicator of liabilities a particular course offers.“ \ \ \ \\ E ”a. ,
that career. A “W“ doesn‘t tell why student dropped S 'f U S t t t t I act ’n me te e tof I
out of a class. does not even tell whether the student 0‘ ‘ ena' e wan s 0 ru y l m r 5 er s N MAN...” my
was passing or failing, and probably discourages the. students, It should. follow. the steps “0f the TRIBTlleym MMUCHDEFEQ‘} film?) The Bot-Bl“ BUT Ink
students from trying out new subjects and from University Senate CounCil and Withdraw the seven- J “"
leaving classes they should not be in. day" Withdrawal policy. ____________._____._____._____————————
Letters to the Editor
m ' h Id ’
M a/ e/ f 6 6/8 dlfierences S 0” n t , ' wonderland David Barrow explored not - ~ .“quotation by stating: “each Ol
Don t mow WOOdS less than 200 years ago. us shall give account of himself to t
ls it really necessary to mow that God.” But in Timothy 5:20 Paul says. ,
t i f d l t. h " lientucky‘s géeenery $03“ SVT’hd little woods? “as for those who persist in sin .
e n W3 0 00 r e a Ions I S eac year to urger ueens. awn (homosexuals. maybe?). rebuke them
9 mowers, and parking lots. One of the Martha C' leec , th res nee of all so the rest ma '
few wooded spots left in this area, PM“ Pathology graduate student srtiande i: fe:r."(Paul also judges other);
By STEVE WEINGARTEN of my knowledge, these differences, related to insecurity. lt isalsothebasis ENE“? wfl‘lf‘l ZOO-year-old _ 0' Smemhwctmns ‘0' “Ch "l l
besides the anatomical ones, are the for the inherent distrust between the ar woo s, w} d owers and small AbUSIVB humor Corinthians 5:3 8‘ I3 and 2 l
Undeniably. women are the most only proven majordifferences between sexes. If the relationship fails, pan of crfeatures, stands at the southern edge H . ~ 1 m t be Thessalonians 3:14‘) The . Old
discussed subject With the men on this male and female and do not provide our self-esteem goes along withit, only 0 'the UKcampus. Mowing ofthis tiny ff Tm: "15:”: cf :12: :ggat Testament 60d 315° leaned heaVily °h '
campus, as well as anywhere else. evidence for assuming that women to be precariously tacked back on with Wilderness. by the University now ebeCipi/eyhttsel.ttricta;1 w'th th: human judgment 0f others. Score?
These discussions very often go —————————-—— the emergence of anew relationship. If threatens "5 survrval. . 3‘13“]! eta "(1; J ePcase Fid Five fOr Judging; two againet.
beyond details of sexual conquests or we could start each relationship as No. one denies that Kentucky is t; i prIaZIfar ohtnh ”m it? bang; ln Exodus 20:5, God Via Moses
the Size of Candy Thunderboomer‘s 0 inian happy and adjusted individuals. we beautiful, and most M us take pride 1h 6P ' w 'c dl p' d e l declares: “l the l.ord your God am a
tits. “I just don‘t understand women" p could give and take as much as that. BU! perhaps we take for granted ntaw'cdst ungfeptate nessltan cl?" ra f jealous God. Visuing theiniquities of
is a comment that has echoed through possible from each relationship, and her boundlessness. The t°h°w'h8 s “p‘l' y :3 09 an :n "c t dss to the fathers upon the children to the ‘
the halls of men‘s dormitories just as _.___.————— end them when it became obvious that excerpt from . the diary 1°t Dthd Peg}? ” ”F's: e.“ :nge S l’ efn I: third and fourth generation . . ."Butin 2
often. if not more often. than reports may be members of some yet there was nothing left to give and take, Barrow, a ,P'Ohe‘” “mm“ {mm 1550"" a "me Elmor'soht e Ezekiel 18120: “Thesonshallnot suffer :
0f Who screws and who doesn‘t. unCIassified SpCClCS. instead of trying to cling on out of the North carOIIna 'WhO passed through same genrfh 3.5 thatdWC::iaSlCenro:r: thC iniqulty 0f the father ' ' ' and "16
l propose that a communication 1 find it interesting to note that the desperation 0t insecurity. [ZZYSESCtgz’nniyolfnhL-csra31:31:): [:10 Lithfifoufs£ltgtyajtsthrvitationgto 3:5 wickedness of the Wicked S-h allbeupon
breakdown is responsible for the cynical diatribes toward womanhood Unfortunately, overcoming the lost and how little we mate} hajele‘f: maintenance bf a “we-them“ himself. Still another; m Matthew
cynical feeling that so many (l‘m come almost exclusively from men conditioning of society is no simple As to the soil lthink sinierel that divisiveness is a lamentable 52H} Jesuspsays, mid bwhoevzr
tempted to say most) men have who have lostagirlfriend or potential matter. I propose that to begin the great Creator has imbued ity with commentary on the arrogance and says, You {801' shall be la e tot e
towards women. Ever one is alwa s irlfriend. lmustadmitthatlhaveh d ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - - - - hell 0f fire. Then Jesus calls others
. . X y g . ' ’ a improvmg relationships With the every rich property m the greatest insecurity of the perpetrators of such of l” v I a ions Matthew
Willing to make assumptions aboutthe times when, having lost a girlfriend. I opposite sex, or any relationship for proportion that is to be found in the “humor." It cannot be excused as oo7s onie :ral fico s ‘
, oppositesex,but few people evervoiee doubted that. I would ever find a that matter, we need to start thinking whole of North America if not in the “appropriate” even when a problem ”Theft?! ail: eliterall dozens of
their beliefs to a member of the sex in woman With whom] could build an of people as individuals, each of us whole world. The growth in these parts exists and merits commentary. There ent contradictizns in other
question for confirmation or enduring relationship. Who are we with our own values.goals,andneeds. is black walnut in b d - is sim l nothln valid about appar -
refutation. I refuse to believe as so kiddin u s? That “ erfectwoman” ‘ 3m“ a u“ ance, py S. . . biblical parts, some theologically
. 8t 8 Y . .P ConSider the fact that everyone sees vastly large and tall sugar trees black demeaning and humiliating an entire ‘1 bl th t Wh ls are
many other men say they do. that “all does not eXist. Neither does that things from an individual point of lin hackberry and white ash‘ white group of people. reconCia e, o ers "0T. d ye e f
womeh are alike. and you can‘t trust “perfect man.” ladies. reference, and no two people perceive walnut, wild cherry coffee iiut tree Our foreign exchange students [Ct‘ilcirct'so maay‘ dwacllim :3 imgroti‘ps 1;
them. Come on guys, they‘re .St‘“ The best we can reasonably hope for a situation exactly alike. A guy may and bucke c with a mixture of others deserve an apology from the ' ns ians ‘ o ’ a i
/ members of the s eies homosa iens - - - ' - . y . . interpreting 00¢ 5 W0“! the correct
. _ Pe P . is to find someone thh whom we can stare at a girl and be perceived as too tedious to mention _ . , indeed, cartoonist and the Kernel staff. wa q
IUSt hlte us. share ourselves, This sharing should horny; he may stare at another Bltl what they call the lowest class of land lym afraid that l have to agree with I
It is an established fact that men not come from desperation to find a Wh° perceives him as a nice, shy guy l5 abundantly better than our best. The 5‘0“ Whitlow two other people. The French novelist t
tend todo better than women in tests mate: but from real garing and loving. Wh° wants ‘0 meet her. growth of the trees in these counties is Journalism associate professor Pierre Louy (1870:1925) wrote: “Love t
of logical reasoning, but women This is where so many people become Above all, let's avoid generaliza- so luxurious that they formashade so . . . was for the ancient Greeks the t
usually‘ score better than men in confused. We have been conditioned tions — ladies,allmen are not only out universal and addthereto the darkness . . 'sentimcnt most virtuous and fecund in T
expressiveness. This data lS regarded by seeiety to believe that we cannot be to get into your pants. (I guess that of the soil, that it may well becalled as Many contradlctlons grandeurs. They did not attach to it t
by most seientists as concluswe of the totally happy or normal Without qualifies as a generalization about itisrendercdfromsomeof the lndians' This is hopefully my jastrespometo those ideas of shamelessness and i
fact that these differences do em! in finding one speCial member of the female perceptions, but it gets my tongues, “the dark and bloody M L de and othe “born-a ain” immodesty which the lsraelitc ‘
the thought processes of men and opposite sex to devote ourselves to. opinion across.) round.“ , , . The roduce from these r. aven r r g . - ~ - - l
. . . 3 , , P writers who feel that now (after nearly tradition. along With ChI'lStIan
women (on the average) but the Irrespective of the philosophical counties is beyond what I could ever 2000 ears) we have the “true” biblical doctrine has handed down to us “
reasons for this difference have not question as to the possibiltiy of total Steve Welngnrten is 3 Psychology/ have any conception of. Great thin s y ‘ A d Ella Wh l W'l dt't l
been undeniably resolved To the best happiness this conditioned belief is Education senior h ' - 3 message, whileall the presecutors were n ee er icox summe ' l
' ‘ ' ave been told and "t some instances not real Christians after all! Given my up best: “So many Gods, so many
exaggerated accounts have been own choice, I'll take your “love“ crecds./ So many paths that wind and l
7 j . t \. hartded abroad 5° as t° exceed all approach over Mr. Kues' alternative wind./ While just the art 0f being
>\ W D“ \ C0" belief: but 'h truth t never saw any day, but astowhetherit istheonly kind,/ 15 all this sad world needs." j
- . _ » . “KB WWW ' WEE Mt anything "he 't ' - - I am incredibly interpretation, I'm not so ceratin. l, Signing 0”. (maybe) .
777 t?“ ONLY Pith-”h” ”” l Lliiidms‘h'Lllfp‘SfdeZ?33‘323‘2ll“2l ‘°°' “a“ q“°‘° “Pm “m“ 3”“ ”m"
r 4f". »i C) l W with Indian corn have been gathered from a I4. 10 Paul agrees Ynh the Judge A a S senior l
I '1‘ l ‘;_ Tr“: K tut-i single acre and I can by no means I ’
, \x .- PI .9. . _ ‘ i .4 dispute it. lt is as good for wheat, L u I l
03\ «KAPPWN \-.-_- “1s ,, t , ‘ J h barley, oats, and rye...lt isexcellent 8 6,8 p0 Icy {
.0 ,/ , ' J. \3 -.-' ' ‘9 ‘ r for tobacco, hemp and flax. lt . . t
3,\ 0 Got i \ v“ ~ '. _ ' produces fine peach trees and apple as The Kentucky Kernel welcomes all contributions from the UK l
t .' Feta. _ ._/ 13,71 “55'! é~ far as it has been tried and indeed they community for publication on the editorial and opinion pages.
_ - 3'. . ‘15: “its: ‘ ’ have many fine orchards. _ .especially Letters, opinions and commentaries must be typed and triple-spaced.
/ ‘H 1/, l o q“; m" f ,. V ‘t on the south side of the Kentucky and must include the writer‘s signature. address and phone number. UK ,
, e. t .. x c ‘ ’ 4 \ k \ _ {RH/[7,; River which is the oldest settlement, students should include their year and major and University employees l
-_ _@ / _.‘ ”J *5 t '_ \t 373‘ 34%? and raise abundance of spirits in the should list their position and department. . l
- ' . is " 1 n ' . m . '1‘ / \\ '. fruitful years . . . In one word those The Kernel may condense or reject contributions, and frequent writers
. / x .0 ./ ,l f t, * . . ' ‘ K- > ' who are blessed with the use of their may be limited. Editors reserve the right to edit for correct spelling, I
’ / . ‘ ‘5 ' ‘ . ‘ ' , ‘ . ‘\\ limbs in these regions and lack the grammar and clarity. and may delete libelous statements. \
_ , ,l' 1 .\ 7' kg) . ’ 9“ , ~ .,5 .- necessaries of life, deserve neither pity Contributions should bedelivered to Room 114 Journallsrn.Unlvmlty
“ . < v t." u .,; .‘f [i - ’ D ,. \\ 5’" '2'" nor assistance. . .“ of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 40506.
, r” , V - ‘lldlll Mm ll \ . t t I am unfortunately in no position to For legal reasons, contributors must present a UK ID before the Kernel i
’ \.l ' ' . \ r - rt“ ‘ \ ‘3. ' I - 4 offer alternatives to parking lot: and Will be able t0 accept the material. i.
\ \/ . /' \ x 7/ / ’ condominiums; nor am I prepared to '
. \\ / (.M" ,,,/‘ " ,4 ’ suggest that preserving a wood: is Letters: _ l
. - \ -~—.._ 0 kg“ i more important than mkin‘ room for Should be 30 lines or less and no more than 200 words They should I ,
.;.;__‘:‘_ I l ‘ people to live. But surely we can try concern particular issues, concerns or events relevant to the UK _
. » harder to give our grandchildren a community. , .
- chance to see at least a tiny part of that . 3
. ‘ \
. ' _ ' l
ll ' i, _, ...«,.,.~- .... .fllwv . . .....-..r. --.. .1 , .-..,»~-r-'e‘ ”NA-"~fi‘7W‘. -'"-""" ‘ """‘"' ...... u... « WA...“ ~~v. vkremt‘._‘1”ac».-t.r*t" ‘ ' 'N‘ "i .
_ ._ .' .   ‘ . , ' - ~ -. * -’ ‘ ”4..” h* .A-’ ___.
. . ,, p,- “if-J [ ”newt-‘9: t. ‘ .' . . ,. , . . . , . . , l

 ‘ l
I}. y
l H” KlN'H ( Kt KI‘RNH . Thursdly. September 27. 1979-3
" 5. ”defeated f—fi
i dig,” lhe Aenlui A. Aemr/ .‘lll lourrmlism Building 1 nltt’Mth ol Kentucky.
t lumgtim Ki 403M l\ puhlnht‘d cath class dai dUIIrIgIhc springand lall
} I . summers and werklt during lllt‘ \utiltttt‘l sewon
SSS Ina Etal S on anal I la rea ..
ldl€\ .iri' nIAIlcd 3H \raI St: ill \t'llICHt'l S.‘ l“! summer or one LCnl per
tear rIiiII mulled
. "I!" Sherman
‘ Iy JIM ADAMS Ilegislation Tuesday. under the treaties. the Hemisphere." ldaho. also urged defeat of the Jim ( Ind-rm 1“] "WW ”W I ma. who" i
i Associated Preu Writer The treaties. which take Panamanian government lakes The blll" “0‘" manflllt'l» measure, \aylng “WIth Soiiet I'rruluilirrrr «1w Annular". pm; i4",
effect Monday, will end US. full control OHM waterway on RCP- JOhr‘ M~ Murphy, l)‘ co mhat troops In the _.__~.___._.... ,_ ,____ M
, WASHlNGTON — Tl“? possession of the Panama De; 3I‘ '39:“ f h l N-IYr lOld the “0““ llllll (‘aribbeam do we dare giie
H011” sued Illd 5"“ ‘0 Canal. which slices across the _ ouse e l 0 l C cana ”J“!Ion f” the bl” Cl’Uld Walk away the Panama ( anal"
‘ Prflldcnlt, Carter on Wednes- Central American country and legislation last “(SK W35 :0 violence In Panama . [hose RUSSIan troops are VO‘er Reg‘suatlon Sept. 24'27
'l IO 8" 0t" final P ‘f' Occ n embarrassment l0 arter.Iw 0 “AtimebombtstIckIngaway traInm MarXIst terrorists all . . .
dzilaiis fill the tfeatiiu that will 32:1:6123cgfibbe2: lc a l5 sending VICC l’rCSIdcnt . . Murphy said. "We hate me, m": Caribbean." Locallon & TlmeS.
eventually give control of the Carter and Panamanian XZiéfairy EI- Stx:£‘g:d:v:nnc: :IrIyIIeovsveIeIkadeIfIZLZawIc might lace , lhe ”caiIlestrn "105“th Student Center
Panama Canal 10 Panama. leaders already had Signed the ‘ I . f - . . _ lanama (anal lone oier to (In front of SG office) Mon. thrU