xt7xpn8xdf56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdf56/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1971 1971 1971-11-01 2020 true xt7xpn8xdf56 section xt7xpn8xdf56 an Independent newspaper published by student, at the university of kentucky .. ' I.
Monday, Nov. 1, I97] LEXINGTON, KENTI'CKY 40506 \'o|. l,\lll, \o. H ' . . «
——————-___————_—__—_—__—_—_— g t i . - - ‘
MCHR ° ocus 0n
o o - §-..:‘.
medical rights Athl t‘ H °
9 tea yperexla :- -
By RALPH C. LONG ' ,‘ .'
Kernel Staff Writer -
Black lung disease, strip mining and community control ‘
of health systems in Kentucky were the focus of the . _ .r . ',
Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) semi-annual ' . . 4’ .3) ,. 5* f
convention said Bob Young, chairman of the Lexington ._ V (a ‘ .
chapter of MCHR. " . . . ' fiefifii .s -~ ”F s, , ' ' f7
The three—day convention was held on the UK campus at 3 ’ '_ g ' _ $9 -‘ ”(of W ‘ . " i
the invitation of the Lexington chapter, with ’ _, “ . “ If " iv; ,
approximately 500 people from all parts of the country ' : ' _, " V r .- ‘ gar " MM“ '
There are two reasons for MCHR's being in Lexington. to .- ‘51s “I“? _ [My « 3,3, ..LE . . .,
“pay our dues" to the suffering in the working places of " a i v/‘avn _--" L. . " '1
Kentucky and to organize. said Dr. Quentin Young, . fl £38" ._ " 1 ~.
national chairman of MCHR. ' ' _ x by?“ » . -‘ . " ~'
Frank Goldsmith. MCHR national organizational . 2’ Z" ' . ' ' ;
director. explained the committee’s position on health care “fl . . ‘- 3“ _ I. , _
SylelllS. ‘* Jig fl :1. ’31»: fl ifif, - . .. “I .' _ .:
. Preliminary position x “'4 . , k 3' g». ‘. :1:
At the present time the MCHR preliminary position on 6%,» . " '39 f: . ‘. fi'_ ' ' "
national health care asks that: .--__ » w "a. _. r ; ' “1;“ 4' * H \ V.
D All Americans be equally entitled to complete and :- " ' ‘v a,“ '- I .3. “e "\ j.
preventive health care. with no charge at the time of ' ‘39. if . ' We“ 9 I .-
service. Health services should be easily accessible in y.“ s '_ 7 _ ‘_ ." ' My?! 'W‘?‘ ’ T'
every community. 1‘“ hi? J“. Qi‘f'. ~ . m‘ .1, fig ‘1‘ . .:
F Health care be paid for by a progressive national i I ' a:_ .___ ' i [‘3‘ 7 g :7 g i
tax on total wealth ”a tax with no loopholes. making ; ' ‘ ii; . ' _ w '1 it)” ’ ' >5 . ‘ ‘ '
\llI‘C the wealthy pay their share. _ . . 5 " -, ‘5‘ ' ‘ '«'*i-§- .5 , ‘ V. I g
} There he an end to profit-making in health care. it” ' j: ' R i "g, . ‘ .‘s N' "- I. »1 s’ ‘ 1'1; F -‘I
D Health care institutions be locally controlled by , - ””"x' . J ‘ ~ 0' ° ' j... _g=-‘3" g i i 3‘
representatives of patients and health workers. 43‘“ i . ‘g‘ p _ .’ ,. " i ‘1 ,3? V ’ ~ .. . Mé f ’V
) Race and sex discrimination against health workers ..i ' ‘ i ,, an» “”9" « y y .2 ‘Q f‘r' ‘ as 3‘
be ended. Minorities. women and the poor should be ‘1 . . Q'W'éf ‘ ..fi f ' ”’5‘ i. I ‘f “f ‘_ -.
justly represented in all health jobs. a; . ._ is If: Sig, g*’*. '4' ._ ‘ 4: x i 3. '1
System has ‘left people‘ ./ ' 7 1 § " ‘: *§ 6 J i - - ‘ I 'J _‘ 1"
According to Goldsmith. “the (health care) system has 2* § . *8 n a ~ 2; ’. 3'...“
gone away from the people," and there is a need for a . ' .. i *1; ‘ i: . . T
”radical change" in the system. At this time. there is no is .‘ saxfeigiseaw... fit A :’ .
_ as? . _ J Kgfngwifi \ ‘ -- ‘ ' - ‘ 1
Though it may be hard to believe, the iffw” "'-=-= ' gage: e ;. 4’
WP Wildcats broke a six-game losing steak by &:;;W”W§Wtfl ; I a9aaLiaE~ 2's; , bi , ’ . i I
’ defea‘ing Va- Tech in SaturdaY‘s «r WW .. ; " " ~
Homecoming Game. Coach John Ray and fiwwifiég‘fiffk V i" i A i l- V
W0” ' Quarterback Bernie Scruggs are W %%*£§wtflm’¥§l‘f . ' 74
° understandably jubilant over the 33-27 if) “My“; 4 “ ‘ ”’mem‘n '0 _‘ . . a “a: 3' f ‘
win. (Staff photo by Jim Wight) ‘ a» W3? " . ‘
C ' ° 't een a main issue "
redlblli y has b '
_____________________— ,
C't d'd t i i 9“
Salsa}? fezggnsgcottfozeuzlfin; campaigns has been. _ the controlled” growth in thecity'. a Pettit said, “I don’t pose as a would like to see Voting laws . 1‘
commissioner. w.“ not available re-estabhshment of credibility in better working relationship wrth traffic engineer except that as a changed which would permit not . . ' . .
gtgfviztregther mne candidates were City 'hall and the removal of UK _ and Transylvania, ‘the citizen who drives these streets, I only students but many other ".
' politics for the employment and elimination of unnecessary JObS am distressed by bad traffic flow people to Vote who move within ' , '
By MADELEINE BAUGH promotion of city employees. and the improvement of at key periods of time. I want the state or county at such time ‘
Kernel Staff Writer Foster Pettit considers the police/community relations. some answers and some results as to lose their vote." ;; f 7
City elections may seem improvement and expansion of Traffic Relief and I think we should get Sykes said. “I feel that the '. . '2‘
anti-climatic after the city sewer treatment facilities, the Synchronized signals was them.“ person who has spent his year ‘ '
primary in September, but elimination of fiscal waste. a suggestion for relief of the Voorhees study concerning within the community iust like .v
Lexingtonians will select its sanitary landfill in conjunction immediate traffic problem by the transit system was ret‘ered to the Constitution allows anybody . '--
mayor and city commission on With the county and the City Pettit. Stop turn right on red by both candidates. They favor who comes from outside the \h . ' .
Tuesday. _ . €011th merger important signs and the elimination of left an improved transit system. state and satisfies the residential ,1" 1‘ g
A major issue for both prioritiesinhis campaign. turning lanes at peak traffic Pettit said he can see it as a requirements should be allowed ’;
mayoral candidates in their Sykes is working for "planned. hours was suggested by Sykes. non-profit municipal system. but vote.“ , - ’ :g .
. . :gObthtiilin; ptriyate enterprise is Pettit slate -
2 -V C C' Richard Viiiiont. William .- .1
candldates cover Student lssues _ “I do not tic?! that ”1.9”” [5 lloskins. and Dr. J. l-erra \iin ‘
In any financial condition to Meter are running on a slate “1th I - . |
By THOMAS B. SWEENEY “If it's a good thing I vote for it. But I don‘t like take ”n ”W purchase "1 the bl“ Pettit l‘heii (>[‘lilltill\ on the .' .
Kernel Staff Writer to make promises because there may be one part system “”QO some ”P“ “' maioi issues ot the campaign ' '
Republican state senator Robert Flynn and his of a bill I don’t agree with and I won't vote for it. two”! m!“ trom ”7“ I?” “1 .sIs‘m‘rth ”It \«Hm‘ to ”tow ' I . I‘ «I
opponent. Democrat Mike Moloney, presented I'm not going to commit myself to anything.” WW” h"”““‘””“””‘ ““1 stated by Pettit, lhe izi'eitesi ‘ i
their views last week on issues of interest to Moloney said his mind remained open to Sykes. deviation l\ on the I\\'1tt‘ .i: ._ ‘ ,
students. The two are candidates from the l3th anything that might come up. “The real question _ A ‘L“”‘VC“"”” L‘V‘m.‘ ““‘ student vote A . ~ ‘
senatorial district which covers half of the (‘K in this election is. are we going! to return a man to "WM“! M I‘M" men “NH" - “ Hoskms \.!l«i students \iiwlliii '
campus. the senate who has done nothing but sing UK‘s theater “““M h“ included. N” 't he .illoued to \otc “it they .ic ' .
Moloney has been Assistant Commonwealth tightsongwinthe Senatefloor’” ‘8 " ”W‘m‘” M ”WM“ ”H" citi/ciis oi the ill\ ” He \irlti . '
Attorney since January of 1970. He was Concerning the question oi .ilioi‘tion. both men ““1 Mint hc ioiisidc'cd the “wrunii . .
previously Fayette (‘ounty Democratic campaign said the present law “will probabiy stand." Change Ill voting Iavvs student ont- who gnu imam in 5 . .
chairman and has served with the Democratic “I did extensive legal I’L‘M‘dleil into the matter." ()n ”H. mm. 0' ”mm, w“ ill\ parents, \it'illiti n ~t he ’
National Committee. He is a graduate of the UK Moloney said. “AS I became more involved I Pettit “My “the mm“. mm. .liit‘Wt‘ti to vote lhcy .irc nndci ' 2
Law School. became convinced the present law is satisfactory “Mm,“ around what you mean the parent‘s iurisdictiori. \shici: . '
Flynn has been a senator the past four years. In right now. Perhaps in two years I‘ll reconsider my by residency. We all know that is where their interest is .lliii .. i '
describing his philosophy, Flynn said. “I don‘t run position. but I‘m Séltigfied Wlth Whélt WC have.“ in the WM: a student has not where their lllLHlllt‘ comes tioin. . > i 7
on a platform. Anything I take to Frankfort is the AS Assrstant Commonwealth Atmmcyi MOIOM‘Y been allowed to have a school he said. l‘hey also pay no taxes ‘ ~ ' .
voice of the people I represent." He said he gives defended the 9‘1”? against the 5“” ‘0 challenge the home listed as his residence. 1 “I would question the true I '
careful consideration to any legislation that would existing 13‘”- think it's a mistake and I think interest in [exmgton itself.” . - “
affect his constituents. Continued on Page 7. Col. 1 it's changing. I think it‘s unfair. l Continued on Page 2. Col. 1 ' .. ‘

 2 TI ' . ' . 4 ,
IE KEthI(.I\\ RERNEL. Monday. Nov. 1 [07]
C 't d 'd P e f
, (‘ontinued from Page 1 - nt Plat 0 rms
. liket ,4, . .
Hosklns said. This is a tough affair: 1112:: mill: Jkt‘l‘lL part in incumbent city Commissioners '
question, a tough question to encourage him {Ln d . “Puld are IUnning together. , collelge towns where the student facilities, such as a health clinic
Ihc students he said. He felt the said. 0 so, he nggs considers recreation cnro intent is more than the on the north side, Pollution and
student should vote where they V, . . . _ faculties, low income housing 3 WW Timon. 0f the “’Wn- “Can the transit system,
resrde with their parents to SIctrIlIont also said he would like convention center/sports arena you limagine what the impact He said the transit system
Dr. Van Meter Said ' 3 “VIC ceItttl‘r include a sanita , ‘ 4 ' “’0” d be on that -1] - - -
that th» - 4, . .4 .. . rv sewcrs, solid w . . , SW could be mumc1 .
' StUdent should vote where the “2er tangy Of actmties, A" dISPOSaL and improved trazl‘st‘tie: community If the StUdent had 3 privately owned but phyla/I (l)r
. I I . I parents live because that's where :4”?ng irena, convention hall flow major priorities {0: vote and were to decide on some like to see the Voorhees stouudg
' I h ~ pay areas, room ' Issue, m' ‘ ' . . ~ 4
mile 15‘ . concerts and lectures 4 Is for Lexmgton- “9 has PFOPOSCd 8 student d‘ybt that all the before making a final decision,
.' - . VimonIt said if students meet be included in .wolid all plan for a sports arena with a town S wcre favor ofIand the He sees the COUVCHtiOn
. .I . the voting requirements they functional building " h: Idg00d mall surrounding it. The man of A:prOple vaere not in tavor center/sports arena as an
_ 5', . ISIOUIdIhave the Option of voting , sai . would support the sports arena, level 4tr 2,!“ e St?“ andIfedCral improvement for downtown
, uIiI Lexmgton or at home. When Incumbent candidates he said. prop l‘t‘ an ehntirely different Lexington.
. ' . t 6 student feels that he wo ’ Fowler list , - 0511011,” 6 said. He feels St d - u
I I “Emmi—M transrt system, a sanitary landfill greatlmpaCt would nOt be SO the State legiSIature,” he said.
I I . I .. ? and low-cost housing as his Fowler 'd II I The student should have the
. .' fl, Immediate priorities. He support matter butsal ’ It IS a state same residency requirement as
‘ .. .g the Boggs planI for a Sports feel that the call se1:1 Why they other voters.
__ . . . arena, and sees it as a facility ri htt 3/ S on have the Edgar Wallace,an independent
I .. . x f that UK could use. 8 Othoeté. d d C a n d i d ate lists the
‘ y - ‘ R .55 ‘ , . . - . , '
I I I I I . I . , .. b It;1 regard to the transit system John C011]; :8ng .e'gs Implementation of an “effective
. . I4 . ‘ . ‘4 - *3 .' " ".f‘ ' 0t men would hke to wait ‘0 candidate form 1 1n ependent adequate mass transportation
~ Q Mg \ I . . . see the VOOI'heeS Study. with th; U der y aZSOClated system,” adequate houSiIlg for .
. I __ ' ' , h I} ... ' "' n erwoo slate. all L ' 3 -
, j . . l I @Q fi II I;I4,.I4I.I;IIIII . If a? I _ Q Q “1 d Small town vote Among his top priorities for the with tehxmgtolnians, cooperation
' _ ' 3V § View III I've}; ("5: l v' . II 3. ' r O I on t want to see anyone City lS the UHlflClition Of e. u.1 dmg InspeCtora and
4' - 4 >2; / ,y s tt‘ 4 is”! N oe d‘senf’anchised,” said Boggs. He city and con t s 59"” the “WWW“ of traffic
‘ / 7 is] gay; .. sea-1’; \ Ely ,/ feels that StUdent vote could improvement of trlieydozy‘tllceS‘ congestion as his top priorities
I ', I . , \ . e .. scan; I: ( ) cause problems for smaller area, better housing and uobvirn He said he would “OI support
, ‘. . 4 t I.‘ . t 4 . C m; p K a mumcmal transxt system if the
. ' ’ 9%“ ’. ' in 55:":- ”T2: ‘14:" C’I!JV 3‘ V0?rhees Study did nOt support
, _ ‘ : c r * 5““ a move- He said th
4 , . 4 e “s . 6 bus
- . ~ .. ,_ - BEN SNYDER DEP’T STORES Wm Md have
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g ' . I, , 1 I‘ \1 T 4.. l‘ "" l .‘IAI" “/4" = ,‘ JD 2 . , . ' l J \ :1 Pub‘llfléil‘fgsbéfillf B03“. 0‘ Student
. I i. r , , 1 ' /Q. I . H “ , .\ l 4’ 'K- ”it Begun as th 95‘ Office Box 4936.
. ‘ ' '“23‘ V’ i 4' ,1 ' s4 I {/M ' t’ I X ,. -"i 5% f2 i; >9 publishedlc '0 Cadet in 1894 and
. ‘. I - , N J “‘ jl . ’ 4:1 :—H: 1‘s s' ontlnuously as the Ker 1
I . , a 1 A I, ; if ,. 3”,“: \ — IE /"( ' >\ t ”1(‘9 1915' ne
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 . THE KENTI'(II\'\ KERNEL \iomia). Ntn. l. I97l ~35 .
1 Continued from Page 1 In another part of the convention Jim Three actions wanted Rassmussen said x—rays are not reliable 5 .- 4
national health plan that meets this need, Brascome, director of Save Our Kentucky According to a statement published by in determining the extent oi the disease , ~ - ‘. »
Goldsmith said. (SOK), said “America is through with its SOK there are three actions wanted by or its diagnosis. .- . ’ . , .
(5 a , cs n 1- ‘ ‘4 u ‘4 -‘ - ' , ‘ .,.. 4 _ , : r " V
It s. an open ballgame , said rape of Appalachia. ‘ the anti-strip niinciorces. 4 4 4 Bill Worthington, a miner gm 34 yea” 4 . , 4
4 Giolldhmlth as to how soon-MSHR plans 4Brascome, speaking as part ot a panel ) A bill abolishing stripniming in said, “the 1969 Health and Safety Act 4 .
W . lecome reality. He 591d There are dlscussu?“ on4 strip mining at the the state was a token to keep the people tinict." _ _ 4
Significant changes we can make 1n the convention, said because of strip mine )A 10 percent severence tax on 4 .
system 110W,” and cited changes in pollution in its steams, Eastern Kentucky gross value of coal mined in BLA S aims - ‘ . 4
out-patient care and training of medical has the highest hepatitis rate in the Kcntucky The panel outlined the three primary -
personnel as examples. nation. } A legislative end to the 31”“ 0f BLA3 . .- W
Goldsmith said under MCHR. medical Brascome also said therewas a definite broad-form deed. } To make the coal mining a “I". ' . -' '4 4 .
personnel would be trained Oat relation between strip mining and the ln referring to a statement niadeby and healthy occupation I
government expense, under a plan Similar infant mortality rate in Eastern Congressman James lsee ot West Virginia 4 . . _ ‘ .‘ ‘,.
t0 the National Student Defense Loans. Kentucky. saying strip mining is a “blessing in DTO improve the administration 0’ . c.‘ ' '
' After training personnel would be Lexington is affected disguise" because stripped forest areas all bcnetit programs for coal miners - .
: atlSSlgnthtO areias twhere they werefneed:d The panel said Lexmgton Citizens, give twfildlifeB more sunscljiinle and stop ’ To return democracy to the 4 .4
(Sir af mite ime to pay or t t because of their use ‘of the Kentucky pres ires. Irascglmc ISdl 4 tbie‘on y way miiiers’ union. which according to ..
e uca ion. 4 River as a source of water, are :1ng s rip. mining is a essmg lS ecause it s the BLA no longer meets the needs 3 4 . ,4
4 (ioldsmitli also said the MCHR plan affected by strip mine pollution, making revolutionaries out of mountain of ”N miner f . 3'.
would allow other people to move from Paul Combs, of Perry County, said people.“ ' '1':
one job to another in the health field, people along Lots Creek, a tributary of Black lung panel The MCHR also met With the lzastern 49 j . ,.
, such as practical nurses becoming the Kentucky River use the creek to ‘ ,. . ,1 Kentucky Welfare Rights Organization ' . -
- . . ‘ . The Black Lung Association (BLA) a so . . j . .
registered nurses and nurses becoming destroy their trash. According to Combs conducted a panel discussion at the (LKWRO), The MLHR pledged itselt to 4 44 .
dOCtOI’S- the only thing the strip mine acid won’t MCHR convention help find doctors for Floyd County, i _ '.
. Labor’s support coming dissolve is glass. 4 .A 1‘ \i‘ll Bl A where the IIKWRO is centered. ' 5 ,4

. Parts of the “Establishment”, such as The panel claimed efforts against strip A“;()rdéng [(91 lmtO 9 W lttl/‘ir mi The lZKWRO is at present attempting ' 1 ' ‘

, ~ - - . . , . .3 s m ‘ 4 if 34 . . 4 4 - ' . . . , v.
labor unions, are beginning to support miners by local and state otficials had at 31‘3“”th [alfalthlii Efisoukaiict hi not to set up a medical clinic to aid an '4 ' . ' . -

" MCHR~ 531d Goldman. He 531d the best been negligent. 9 k’d 4 9 *ll , \ Iwcs “$83th b , the estimated 15.000 people who lack proper i

1 government is now endorsmg community “There has been no reclamation worth wor Lb as \Mf 1‘11 “1: ”4“ my medical care, said (ieorge Tuckcp :4 . '. U ..

. adVisory councils for hospitals. a damn in Eastern Kentucky, said Ms. BLA ecause 0 d“ O m Drunk ltKWRO member. . . ..

dGoldman admitfed the MCHR plan. If BeSSle Smith, mountain WOW” activ15t. Dr. Donald RUSSUWSSCH. a WestVirgmid “This convention marked a turning

l a opted, “1/4011 (1 createI 4anothe§ According to Smith, strip mined land has doctor aiding the BLA, said his maior point," a MCHR spokesman said. “We - .4 4

. gowanmerlit ureaucracy. . t s ah rea nexer been nor canbe reclaimed; 4 ObjCCIlOll to the law was the use of xfrays now have programs to work on industrial ‘ ; . 4

' PTO Em. W031]: milllmllb 1t, bUt t e” S 44 Our land 15 being §3V15116d. She‘said, as medical-legal tools for determining health issues, prison health and preventive - . . . .~

l no 01 er way, 6 said. and the money is leavmg the state. black lung, health issues." .

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1 prior to publication. No advertisement V..( “\‘X‘5 -O“S ’I' _' rug ‘ \D 4/), 1 . .
my cite race, religion or notional 'V..1 “6‘3“ 'I o 25 Cell! 17134;. {I ~4 ,

3 origin os n quoliflcntion for renting 9V .3 .“x .5889 I’ o H 314. er\ .4 V
rooms or {or employment. 2; .( ‘\\\m‘ 1151‘ } a. n p". 9 {-314.11 "hf-Eta .. 2 _‘ ,7: '
W 4 'l 4 C‘- // 3“ I, . a 7,; x . - S _ "e K J 4 4

FOR. SALE 3 [‘14 (,c‘“ (0 “w“ ,4 44.0 °n if Hay c 239’W'1ck 4- j .
. WW (4’ ‘ ; . o . ’4 4 ' ..

- , , . V 1 '6‘“ 's“°“ I~ an o ,4,‘ H, 4 , C)”. 3.582 . I 4 ,
WHITE Butck Spectal convertible. Re- «2 .1 jay . “m“ I, a a .r i“. . Is: C 3 . I .
built engine and transmission. Ex- y 1 L879 8 (10 } on 9. PT i" . Gate 4/ / ‘ -

. cellent condition. Must sell $350. v -, R‘gih“ 4 t9?“ t» a" . P O «\. _ r. 231 W I'\ «i / , .
266-2003, 6—8 p.m. 260-Nl y .1 - 951- - ~~N§4° be ,4 r, H.490 . Ma :S 2 .

' -——"————'— 'V ‘1 ' N'- ‘ ' ° ‘- -'- ‘Q . ‘. "e . X ‘1 ' . .- .
THRIFTY GIRLCHASERS: 1970 vw 4; 1 ~~§?‘?' .° $ «593’ an \i.‘ 0,, “I “i 0“ Well g ’4 44 .
Fastback. Style, stereo and economy. 7 ”I Nsfi‘l ' 3" 99% \\ (343‘ o A /)(" ’3’. \~ _ 4 Vi '/ ._~ .
31900. 252-2831 after 5. 1N3 v ~1 ~gsr- * no ‘3" ‘39 ‘1‘ on =11 .g\ ’l ‘4‘, 90‘, X , 4' , .

_ ———————~-————— v '1~c~.~v . x «a / it C; r a: _ H.“ A3995 , .
WATERBEDS — King and Queen. '7 s; . .- 9 a} or, no “i {i J, «\(4 \r‘. »: 4 . I . .
Boxes still sealed. Guaranteed. 325 '7 0 v / 9 . ~ 1 I; V . 6‘ \.‘ . 4.

5 - . «- - ° b e a -\ 1,. C. . x- . 2 .

for King. $23.50 for Queen. Call ( . o $ X‘ Q g ,1 Ir. '1 .5 \- . )

e - ' 280-Ni .. ' " Q» ”a \\ o A (a . ”I 6‘ \' . . .

s 266 1254 in afternoons. 3 , an $$ 43%} 62? 4‘00 "a 300‘ °W°°°Q°° . 9.9999990 .14‘ «5) /)(I 4”,! V‘, V .
————‘—“—“_"‘——__"”“. . a . ’_'-\ ' ’ s- \- . 2 , . - ,' ,
FOR SALE or TRADE—Uni-vox Elec- ‘2 - ‘b’ $‘ 0° 0 ,-\ “9 . \< ( (* \
tric Guitar. Hollow body, goodzggicgi ‘2 an” 49) $93 96 0965 o" 3 FINANCIAL AID 4 {H ‘69,). J33. '65. l“ j :4 , . ,

c tion. Call 299-0033 after 5 p.m. — j "an -‘g¢‘/ 000 "an 0 (Join, Schohnhips. Loom) 4 1414‘ . (44)! \ ‘ ‘4 j ,. .

'. BIKE—IO-speed Huret, Huffy frame; ‘V U 4 c 9" o - . 4 » ‘l_ 1, ‘. _ 1, . i

y 5 months old. 370. Call Mike. 252%“??3' (a a" «6‘ ‘6‘ .0 0 UK Student Fmancxal , ‘i \ ”ls/4 ‘ 1 \ j .. '

_ ,, _4. . a . 4 _ . . . .. . .
__..___.__.__ __ ,5 ,6“ ‘1" .- . Aid Office—2588606 1 ‘H 0/4 x; j . 4 ,

Y ONE BELL & HOWELL Camera lptlus '7 . 9% on g 4 ‘4‘ (4‘4“ ’ 2 . 4 4 .

5 lights», 1 Bell 8: Howell Projec or y u 3 W \ 4.), a 4 4

u Iplus screen). Office 8-2235. Home 7 04 on . °°°°°°°°°°°° » \H <34} 4" j .. ,
25"7‘33' PW" ._O____29'N2 «5 ° .“° cWWWW \. '4; j 3 . _ .-

3 ‘6" DATSUN 1600; convertible, 4-speed. y l ." ' ‘ A) \ a .

.. need: body work. Excellent running '7 ° 9° é OMBUDSMAN —- Dr. John Scarborough - 257-2351 A. V. 4a j : - V . . ‘ .

8. condition. Book price 312530822? prisg z ”a a. X I/ .y 2 . . ,

- 7 ‘ ‘ - . A ' )5, 1 '

Y flw § (me ’, 4 . . 4 - ,

" REFRIGERATOR—Dorm size, GE. ex- '/ 2 4 - , .

I cellent condition. Much larger and ’4? l 4 ,

it better than most. Chet, 269-3025. N1 j ‘\‘\\\\4\\<‘\\\_\\4<\:<\:\44g / 4 \

JOB OPPORTUNITIES N“ ’V '9 9 9' 99' 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 9 9' 9 99 9 9 <2 ' BLACK g l B )RTIO‘V " 3 '
" ' - ' . , . x A ( 4 a . i -_ , .
PART-TIME employment. 20 hours g . 9 112584837 . V lNF()Rl\l;\Tl().\ I. j _

" week bartender. $2.14 per hour or ‘V o COUNSELING o Frazee Ha ‘ . / V I 4 .

lIt more' tAJimyw ?ep°t29:30 4:42;: “2981121. (7 ° ° . g : Women‘s (lenter— j 2 ' ‘ '

. Contac i r. ison. - - r a . ~ . . . . _ N3 ‘ -
—-————————’-—‘—— $ 6 Health Servrce . (-3.90000000- - - W W»: V , 04404444448 I ,4 , , 4
PART-TIME secretary 9-1; possible .y o 9 44- . .-.l / .. _ . . . V S 4 ,4

fl full time. Insurance Co. Call Mrs. «y 0 233.5823 0 _ an 4,; i‘ / 4 ,4 4 4 l / / . ‘4 4 .

n 80885, 273-2143 belween 9 and 1- '7 o . . o ' g g;— t-‘ V l laniied latent tom — z I .- .

l- 290-N4 7 0 Counseling and Testing 0 on Q, .o _x— tx ; 0",?) it” .; j I . » L'

7 o o _p- _. . -‘ . . .i __ 4
{' ’“’”'“‘L‘o§i~““““ “ '2 o 258-8701 0 ." 9* °. : ‘i j i i , = ~
9 MW .’ 0 9 o {3) .0 .r' “ ‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ V . v ' :4'
. __ O V 0 0 a $93 \ n w l / ' . ‘
LOST in from of erwan W M , _° , is, , ~ 1 . .
:1 pair of gold framed glasses. If found V 4444 (b ‘8’ fl 4 44,. ‘t 4 4
11 please call 257-2013 or 257-1526. 028Nl / 4 - O as"; “is. 41' L‘ \ ‘ . .
wnnun v 0 c9 .09 5% q? . l. \ i. , . .
_,,,--,.. .3 Q- gs ,Os ,9 i l / t ‘ ' -

_ . .. .4 «Q Q ‘\s O c} - l 0 r /\ l V m . .
MARRIED student couple—spart-time ," 12"" e .6 K) 43‘ 4.4, l ,4, .44 'f ‘4 2 4 4

employment. Male .-. paper route: 4V £4 0 (‘9' .0 0° ‘99 .-” H /J 1’, n, 'I 1‘ 4. . ' '

i female—light housekeeping. Furnish- 4V 7;“ Q ‘0 \\ $\ ‘9 .. l (4 f I]. / V. 2 .

ed apartment near campus provrded V L)“ Q; Q\5 a? ‘9 ." H "/4, "1, ',, I l‘ / ~

Ly plus salary. Car necessary. Apply «9 If: 9‘ é ‘9 ' \\\\\\\\\\\V\\\\\\\\‘, l\ / ”I \ I/ l 2 ', . 4

!- stating references in oanLlCi‘anwrit- V >. c1. 093 \fi : 4 ‘4 7444 1(4/4 {4‘ J t‘ /

is mg to Box 410. Hera d 1221-0444” 4 .Epd" 9b ,‘jo‘b' 009 .3. 4 r R [(-N \_\( 4\ 1 [.45 l s. / \ 44 I, (/44 24444 \\ i“ 2 4 4 4

_.__-___...___-— / ' 3. ‘ o , x . ' ., -) . \ \ ,~ ‘ 'i

e K '9‘ - - , ~ . . . . .

En ROOMMATE wanted to share nice one V fir)“ /o}‘ \D.n>’(\\‘ of“ V ”mil ll 50H it t'—— , ‘ 1 // \fi '/ i i x " ‘ ‘- , . 4

gr bedroom apt. this semester only. 5 4V ’3' _ Q4 (4% .323 \O, .3 / .,.. ., 4, , / ‘i \ , ’<: e ‘ ‘ , I‘ ' ‘ l

min. to campus. Call 253-0036 after V d; 4‘0 Qfl “(3’ .3, 1" V _.s.‘-‘)R~ . 4, -.4 «4.4 ,4§4\ i / -. ‘4 .

n 5 pm 290-N4 $ ,4“ “(4g \ 44w 4,43- In“ 5 i I. i1 ,4,“ ”4 t‘ ,. ~ ~

4 _________.....__._.—~———-——-- ‘ 4 4*." l ' _. x i ', . ‘ -_ «‘ ‘

:1 FEMALE roommate needed to share V 14" ‘19 000 0“ 4 ' v I H h” 9 I ‘ 4; l‘ a] i , . - .

el apartment with three others. Call V U; ,1} «L ()0 ”ff-r / 24.4.4134. Hi3 / l L 4 4 .

299-7450 1N5 .V ‘11 \‘i‘ c" 1' /_ . i . ,/

1' WWW ( L . x ,6 ‘4‘; - I j k 4 _. 4. -

ly FOUND g ‘ 309 00 . /.\.\\.\\.\\.\\\.\\\\\\\\\\ l‘ _4--' 4.

id W’me / . b v‘} . \\ -" /' .

BLACK pair of ginssos near King 2 1-1 0 u' exxmmxyxxxxxx~>x~>oe~§>03xxxsxwxxxyxxw“‘t ‘i r ‘3 > .'
Library. Go to Central information In '7 an 4 4 . . 4 4 I ‘ .7 4‘ , 4 .
Student Center m V, $151 an ~ REFERRAL SERVK F. —( for ABA information) , l. d ,