xt7xpn8xdd5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdd5n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1967 Vol.33 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1967 Vol.33 No.7 1967 1967 2019 true xt7xpn8xdd5n section xt7xpn8xdd5n {7 {naggingygp 1 1 ,_; .e _ I ~47 , ' ' 1 - ' I 1‘ r “ ”-‘-T““~“?,:'”f7?2c’7;~e ”V ‘ *7“? 7 ,:» ~"'"’7~.xfz; '—-"'5_“'""—' #fl““w-“»'” 'W "N ' " ., ‘
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VOLUME 33, NUMBERS” A cusr7r96/ - ' EIGHT PAGES ,
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his; - 3* ~. , . A. ,7' I -’ - - - . {if ‘Efii‘gwwwe‘exme , i585“, . ~. 3 7
, _“- :- ‘i . , ' maelseguflg‘iwiwwgw‘w'mmetfign 5-133", 5‘
enfr‘*~:=7ee‘ if i a ' , , - . 7vewmwm§wmm7wwi~ . =1: 7 1 I " .
StenatehewsvomeJenersoman: an afloat searcher the missing Ken- 7777777777777777w7m7eeee
neyewenfirstemaceawardsnthe 7,.~t,uc1a’+~ax3‘af“‘, " ' -' ‘ - 4 ~ \g‘awe‘eeifieg :3
a 47777 redee‘e‘eee ' :72 ' 5: ‘ HeineM‘gehere‘efghfie’h‘rhfieefldi‘leefl“iii 71:: 7 1: these we ‘7} .4 ’
79“fieeuleofeiiieein‘getiieBesi‘Ant’i‘tmut—IdmontestTheMitmhwmhcwwmm '- Wessesssnw? t
fiN ;7 - Bath County News—Outlook. Class 11- ryei ' “ .
#7:; Winner was the Anderson News, in “mi”,“”“‘“i” - 7 .
The Glasgow Daily. Times and The IV (daily) division was won by the trim: 9- it? = a ‘ e him. . I
.jgf-‘jiJeffer'sonf RepOrterT took second Frankfort State J ournal. Second place fie ‘27 y, _ -- ‘ - . ~ I “we 111174 _
riggipmce‘ honors in thesweepstakes div— awards went to the Carlisle Mercury, “tzwwfitg” “Wig \ “ 7; “ j \N I
33'1?;?:-fi'sion, "with The Bath County News— The Woodford Sun, the Kentucky emwemgyiwew 1 1 ‘j N . _ “ _ _ - ,7
‘anltlookJuand the Woodford Sun tying ' Standard, and the Park City Daily WW - ' e i ‘ i i
*{IiEOr- thirdrplace in the weekly divis—.’ News. Third honors Were taken home ‘ ' ~ ” . M j X '7'
ff;i§%‘f—ion' and The Winchester Sun taking. by the Edmonton Herald—News the I L , , -- .7 , “777 i.
75:14:;t111‘7d place: in’ the daily. division. Breckinridge County Herald-News, '- e .- 1 - '1 7 - i, v “ ' 4 “,3.th
iséiffil-ioriorable mention awards went to the Shelby NeWS, the Commonwealth— 7e ~ / ' 7*“ i i ,- .‘ Wire‘s
Iii: ithe’ Ru'SSellville News-Democrat and Journal, and the Mayfield Messenger. -I “5 ‘ ‘ :” ,-’- 7. M .3
air-Stile Cynthiana‘Democrat in the weekly Honorable mention awards go to the t :4 I. 3477777777“ ‘5‘ " ”“M‘WM:7W 7‘
E;'-=-‘diviS_lon‘,-and The Middlesboro Daily Carlisle County News and the Fulton ' " '. ’ ’ limes->171? i
,_., I A f . , _ . .. . 3 \ »Q~MWW*2~"*‘W‘I 'I vn' .fi «3:916»:$1:}:‘x:-«n~;§-§-.;: ,4.
-:_;L'News;in'the-daily group. ' 1 News, The Russell Sprmgs Times - {f .- . , ;' -.~, , 7 fit “3
_ ' 1 ' Journal, The Voice-Jeffersonian, and I . - ‘ 77-7-7 - : .
I , ,1 ~r {_ , g ' ' the Glasgow Daily Times. ‘ ; V " ‘ - ‘ w.» ' - ’ N77
Presentahon Held ”9' - 7 ‘ ' I I W 1 - 7‘7 ~
I. : , . 1 Judges Scattered , W7 ' ‘ 7 ' -. -- . “777
- 3361-.‘5-Thei'pre‘sentation 7 of these awards ' a , - g - » ' We ‘77 .
12%;. .-;was held up for-ya month due to a Some complicauons were realized “1‘. ~ - , - ' _,i §T§§® 1 “meeg ”
, ' $121; Official Publication GUEST EDITORIAL . JaCl{-N0tes 3:: . .
Kentucky Press Association, lnc. ——_———_—_- . . . 33:} '
. 203 w. 2nd St. 3 2 is, ' ,
V Lexington, Ky. 40507 ' . By AoJ. Viehmanr Jr. , 12% 4
. Voice ofpglhlaittah:ws Inc. For those of you who started myw ‘ . 3
St- Matthews Ky- 40,207 m e n 0 Ce 0 a column last month, read into what'fi’igr" ,
A, J, Viehman', Jr, Editor ' seemed to be a ridiculous blind alley, % f , .
, Member ' , and then decided that “Jack has gone ”i
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce . - , , Off his nut.” I’ve decided to finish’fil , '
Newspaper, Association Managers Reprinted from the Winchester Sun what was left out last time. . 5:4 .
National Newspaper Association 7 ' ' ' -' 7hr '
" International Newspaper Promotion Let’s go to the races. It’s not nec- do some chore. Well, another convention has bitten“ '
Association essary to drive to Indianapolis or Because, of our hurry, we often do the dust. We hope that all of you who i .7 .
Better Business Bureau some other distant point - the races things we would not do if We paused attended, had a good time. Our only,,§
Kentucky Press Association, IHC- ' are right here in Winchester. That’s to think of the consequences of our regret is that the Weatherman dld'n’§,'3£}§§i .
Hojérf'HV‘g (K3:S'°"\;K:;°;'r‘:°s';;em right, you can find a good race al- actions. Did we pass another vehicle co—operate as well as we would‘havegfil ,
A. J. Viel'imag, 1;. Sec.-Mgr.-Trs. most anytime you want right here in improperly and run the risk 0f caus— wished. The thought occured to me, '71?’=i'fi
Execu'ive C'ommmee Winchester. ifig 1:tn iccident'idDild we evefr stopfiig while looking out at the drizzle, that, 3
eor . '1 o ‘ - . w t wou a en a c - ’ ‘ :72; r
G gelll”ll:'l"‘s hélf‘l’hmlhhhsf 53:1": D's.) If you’re a Doubting Thomas, then ghorlild ru: out from bgtrween two cars Egeieslzf; 11:93.; aggfkhoiffigt tavfifi 33% ' ’ '
Al J. Schansberg (Third Dist.) drive around town some night and just and into the path of our vehicle? h i f h - 2 .
I Ben E. Boone Ill (Fourth Dist.) observe what happens. FQI' that mat- , _ - t e except on 0 t e newspaper con- a? .
Frank c. Bell (Fifth Dist.) - - n t limited to evenin S Granted, It might not be our fault, test, everything seemed to go smooth-. ~33; . , - .
Thomas M. Buckner (Sixth Dist.) ter, racmg IS 0 g but hOW much consolation Will that ly and we’re thankful 'for that. Next, i ‘ .
Warren R. Fisher, Jr. (Seventh Dist.) only' The race track m.ay be South give a grief—stricken family? -- ’ 1 t b t C b 1 ‘ d I- ;{5 -
, _ year, we pan 0 e a um er an _, /
L°”" 0° R°‘°"(Ei9h'h Dis“) Main Street, weSt Lexmgton Ave Some Of those guilty 0f Speeding Falls and r0 ram chairman Jim .3
James. T. Norris,-Jr. (Ninth Dist.) nue, the Maple Street Expressway or “scratching off” and other acts 0% Lee Crawforhi gas promised us,someg is .2 __ . . .- 3
”$3329? “chillsrdqflll‘urgshl aligns; :renuglihffrgzo Crlge 8:351:31.” reckless driving, are teenagers, who new and exciting activities. We’re 3% M“
‘ Donald B. Towles (AtiLarge) tl'l d - yIn fact gOU ma even because they are Operating vehicles going to make our plans well in ad_"2 { _ al,;"’:‘:h;t“
Tommy Preston (At Large) 6 rivers. , ’ y y with 300 horsepower, think they have vance in order to provide you‘withsig . wingsfir
LWY 5'°"° “3°“ Pres‘dmh be one Of them. arrived. Perhaps they’re just letting the kind of summer entertainment, 35 Message
Perhaps some of us do not realize off excess steam when they speed, that you’re sure to enjoy. ' 5h jgfigg
we are speeding as we drive along but there are better ways to utilize One interesting development took 33%th
. the busy thoroughfares of our com— energy than endangering lives. place during this last meeting, which {A . “his
K e ntUCk Press munity. Perhaps we are just moving . We should all rte—appraise our mot- some. of you good country people 9: .2 “h
with the flow of traffic; or maybe oring habits and eliminate any which should get akick out of. As most of you ; ifs
we’re more concerned about getting are/not conductive to safe motoring, know, I not exactly what youwould call: a; , : :me
to a meeting or hurrying home to especially speeding on city streets. a farm boy. Having grown up in aeltY’ae, i ,3
Has Ne W Home ______________-_________—_——_—._ of some 700,000 people. the closest ‘* ..
_ that I had been to the country was art . 3 or,“
. drive through it on a Sunday .afterl-‘f.ii§332§:;‘K l _» " .
This issue 0f the Press mark? the noon. Mind you. I said a drive, -be:—.i'“~- , 3 is
first. tlme that 1t .has been PhhllShed cause we never got out of the car inV'E: l . “:3.
outSide of MadisonVille Since we GU EST EDIT RI order to acquaint ourselves With all '. it:
started the publication up again last ————‘-——— of the farm animals which one sees . 1-, . seeps».
.Ianuar y. We are now being printed . . , grazing on the hiIlsides. This brings " ,3 . , .. pf
in St. Matthews, by Al. J . and his , me to the real meat of my story- A‘ , 3,3
son, David Schansberg, who also publ— number of years ago, While livingin, , We“
hSh the VOICh"JefferS°h1ah' It 15 very -yeur-o 00 um . Lexington (my Dad worked here forfglj-e, g W it”?
our thlhklhg that. the closer prox— ‘ about three years), myfolks musthavef'f'2" 7 K ’
imity between Lexmgton and Sthat- » gotten inspired over all of the horsesr'jff"; i , K ‘
thews Will enable your editor to learn 4 . . , in this area, so they decided that theifféhai' i. V: K
more @1391.“ the innards 0f news— I ' son was going to lea'rnto rid’éi‘NatéTir‘jli .3 K. "
Papehhg' . nee S (I uwyer - g , _ . gggtirallyr',t.he,f.i stLstep..wa‘sggtoq.bas.:tkithe;li:s .> t
I Wleh to Sincerely thank Ed Amid» _, 2 ' .2. . ; he. a iii-5' newuseacaioutofthectriveway - , ' ' _.-.-:~>'-‘
«Baily; Andirslodnhand afi of hlll‘e fine . , . . . . , r, _. ,. s3, and paint it"towareroyland’Parkiiéand‘f K , g “
~ gfipEnI; tweho awfgflgé hag: fIOSIlIIEE BY RUSS METZ ' . cause they may also ’prove to be , the pony track. This ritual was‘r'ee-j' f ' 3V
these six, months in order to bring Publisher at the Bath County News-Outlook Juvenile, but because it s a "Juvenile pegged Iehegy iweekghd, and ’afterK’av a“. , - .K , ._
’ . . . court. . w e, a 3 ng e‘ out one pony as,-:;,.‘2;;3;g;§;g ~ i
your W ogoantgiéorhlilfgi fipw?sliitkégé 25:; In short, thanks to Chief Justice “my own.” He wouldhe askedfor eachiiig"§i§j§§l' ~ l 1..
’ that grabbed him'but the fire laddies Warren and hls merry men, this time we appeared, and things seem’edjssfgrggi ‘ l _, ~- '
GUEST EDITORIAL They said he had set fire to his kid is gomg t0 get everything “ht S to be gone swmminglyr until medal/23%;“??? , - it
——-———————- grandma’s couch coming to him in the way of Justice. “my pony” was not there. As a second‘gegs‘e; ’. r Don, Hulette, h
. s2 Nah he wasnit'a teenager. He was Including, we presume, the right choice, Iclimbed aboard anotherponyiggg- , of the past aWt
7 . seveh years old; a first offender. to carry an appeal all the way up who apparently resented beinga sec--.; past few your,
andhur S But everybody knOWS that seven is to the U.S. Supreme Court which end chOice, for he proceeded to rung - , the president
the dafigerous age expecially for a started the whole thing. away With me. From that time'Ohh'II‘Zieré ' 7 Journal won t‘
kid with matches.’ And this seven- Wait until word gets around to the have disliked horses. I was so St¥°hg2h§§l award in the '
year—old tried to burn his granny’s second and third graders! in my dislike that. I could almostfivj‘ggg 3
own monumen couch. AnyWay that’s what the fire— ' . ~ With clear consc1ence, cheer theéfi ‘
- men say. But how do they know for 01‘" ihf California, iiyhere they gfow world’s fornLOSt glfie bottlersl. Icanw'ég, ‘ g .
- , ' 'a 0t 0 nuts, a cur ous new cus om even remem er as in a ir to reeifih‘igl ——-'—_
Reprinted from the Henderson Gleaner-Journal EhrinTagii Egg: tog: $313020 :3:le was recently started in churches turn my fraternity pin, ahengl learnedéi'é‘fggéi' 2
There is something significant in the kids. that hang ,around the fire en- ghielifgighi her disc?:ed 31: igrtllllcé- that she had wangled a weekend invit-eglt
fact that Carl Sandburg sfinal resting gines and mess up the brass. rgxe whilha A cgnviihedsfnurder om; atirtriln fog mhe, at tfhei coiuntryhhome (£135,321 . _ ,
place will not be marked bya marble But this kid is gonna get a fair g d h f_ t i 10 _ so e. 0 er ren s, w o werk -
slab. His body is to be cremated and trial, see. The time is past when execute/"t e 11‘s n .years - planning a weekend of horse hae._,.gi1:§h¥ ,.
Ehe ashes Siatteredharogmthemem- a kid can be tried, convicted and 1:31:11“ clergymen tolled the” church rfilhg-to do 5 have a happy endingfiéfgggj: 3 -’
rance Roc near is irt ace in ' - Y S I'Y e r~ g ‘ ‘
catesburg. m. p EuniShft-fé 22am; $3312 Eighth; Said Mrs- Ronald Reagan. wife of though, for while I was at Kentuckvssig; 3*
Carl Sandburg has already left his protected by a ruling of the Supreme the Governor: "I think it Would be Dam, it was suggested that Igoijefig
' . ‘ , too, if they rang church bells ‘ horseback ridin . Not wantin to ap-wf’fi '
mark on our times With or without any Court, and he s entitled to all the nice . H g . g “K3“,
monument. His biography 0f Lincoln trappings of modern justice—lawyers, every time a man is murdered. pear too cowardly, I donned by hestgfifgf-l '
on which he spent 20 years in research judges, appeals, bondsmen,“no bugg—' .___________—___. pair of Jeans, and stroad up to one 012,;
, has been hailed as magnificent liter— ing, bail, habeus corpus the works. M0 N "o w." the four legged things and Cllmhe‘l'iiifi
ature. His poetry featuring the COTh'" The kid mentioned would have been '55 e la I s Flght 0h- To my amazement (and eh'i"_xr.7 ‘
mon man, the farmer and industrial treated summarily only a year ago. Joyment), I discovered that I really???” - .
. worker ofthe Midwestbroke the tradi- Granny would have tanned his hide has a popular column had a great time rding. My mountyr '
r’" tion that one had to be from New and that would have been the end , turned .0”: to be.a salted horse, ahh‘:ih.§
England to Write a really great'poem. of it, except maybe for a traumatic B M' N . R W'll , by a little .leaning in the saddletfhij‘if}
He was an earthy man, drawmg his experience that would have required Sal/1t £55k ‘eKttie - 1 S: couple of. kicks, a hard slap, andaw . '
:‘rri‘lggthirfé’htfié‘i it"s“riarfié‘ieiiéfthhi‘: calling in Drv Spock, Wide he ’ y' 231$$de21:33:11?iéise‘siéae‘éaéii‘if°%§ésil
rgsidence from the Midwest to the wasn t away iron; hisAndofg‘igrel July 9, 1967. Well, the 4th, passed wonder of the whole thing is that 110W:l
. hills of North Carolinafor his final demonstrating somew ere. . here qu’ietly. So quiet you Could hear I’ve decided that I wOuldn’t'mind owneiignig
years he was merely seeking a con-' If he dld ant S‘gfer anfiféufeartéchifie a pin drop, if you had one to drop. ing my own horse. Of course, my wife»! ‘ .
tinuation of the ruggedness which had perience rom t e spa . E t he All week the weather was cool enough and my parents are certain that I’mea
marked his boyhood and early man— been .very cautious w” ’mahc 3’ for some 13901319 to have fire in fire rapidly becomming insane butnever¥?}2é.r~‘ ' _
hood. I expecially around grandam S tthhfs' place 01‘ stove; hUt we didn’t. BUE the less, horse lovers everywhere,r.i{§§§.«.f ’
He believed in America and what 131” 1h this enlightene era 1 g1: I stacked up a big stack of weeds and am one of you now, ‘ 1,;
is more important he believed in the are different. Thls seveJn—year—od brush here below the house where Don’t forget to mark your callendefShh. ‘ ‘ ‘ _
‘ men who toiled in its shops and on its happens to be from New ersey dan the walnut log was removed and set for the Circulation and Advertisifigl‘l‘iil ~ '
farms He sang their songs and no one the County Judge has assigns a the weeds ‘on fire. They were so Division meetings coming upthisfall -
d ' ' thei ‘ beaut lawyer to represent hlm’ The press damp they couldn’t blaze upfOr awhile _____________' '1;
Chlhie errrlthan-y hlonors zhat came to him quotes the Judge as pointing out. that so the biggest volume of smoke rolled ‘ . . 1
during his lifetime Pulitzer prizes under the Supreme Court S dealswh up and spread all over the valley. A quiet 3 holiday was observed in
the restoration of his birthplace are, the youngster ls entitled to all the Bill Norris’ were the first ones to Peacham, which settled in 1776, 132115.33; ‘ , ‘
fitting testimony to his influence on constitutional. guarantees granted see the smoke and Ethel ran to tele- Old as Independence Day itself, and; ' , ,
the literature and life of his age. adults in criminal cases. However, phone and called down to Willie Hunt, was terminated byafireworks display'gtz ,
Stone would be a cheap subsitute the name Of. the'boy 15 not given that their Aunt Nettie’s house was at dusk. — Barre—Montpelier (VEQQEWISA’ .

_ because he is a Juvenile. Proceed— . 3 Times—Argus . . , -;¢;:I;jf_ _ , a
indeed for that which already‘marks ings [00 will be private, not be— Continued to page 5 - El _ _. , , _,
his place in history. . \é. if, ‘ .

7 .. W‘M esmew‘e‘”

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‘2- 1 - t ‘ - AUGUST 1967, THE KENTUCKY PRESS, PAGE 3 ,-
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,,,.. WINNER BGS'l All-Around Class 4 .
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jay :3 l 2 - .. a3.- E - - we '2. 2 -
:3? D°“- Hulette, News Editor of the Frankfort State Journal, poses with some OR 9 :1
:cf Q 2. of the past awards which this prize winning newspaper has received in the _ VV l< _ i
run - past few years. 5. C. Van Curon, the Editor of the State Journal is also - . ‘-
11, I ,5_' '7 ' . the president of the Kentucky Press Association this year. [The State Tradlng Stamps are more efieCtIVe
’4‘ ’ ’ awa in addition to the Swee, stakes ' ’ 1;
mg J°”"‘°' ‘"°“ ”‘e Be“ A” “m" 'd' . P than any other promotion because they have .2
)St- award in the l967 KPA Newspaper Productlon Contest. . . . _1
the - 5 - 2 two rare dlstlnctlons. 3.]
can ‘ ' §
re— : ——_—__—_.—.—.——_—_— 1 They Put right back in the customer’s Pocket the gt
95:" ‘, ‘ , money the retailer paid for the stamp promotion in
r1 _ . 2 . . . .,
> of ~ 2 .. 2 . ~- the first place. _
ere l ,1 ‘ ‘ ' on e ‘ . - They reward the customers fairly—in proportion to
ack . E 2 For t at Contact " 1 how much each one spends.
Lng “ . .~ . -2 _ . - ‘ S&H is able to pass on more total value than the cost of ‘1
’ " ' - With K' t k ’ ' 1 2 1 2 "
cky . , , . 1: 9" "C Y 5 . - the promotion—more than the retailer paid tor the stamp -,
go . ' _ . Weekly 1— Daily service—because it buys merchandise in great quantities .
ap- . . . 2 1.. , - , . .. . '
test . 1 5 . _ .. Newspapers. ' ‘ _ for more than 70 million S&-H Green Stamp savers.
: of , '1 - . . . 1 . _ 2 Buying wholesale, and usmg modern methods to keep ,
bed 3' ‘ ' . O n .e- . , ' distribution costs low, S&H is able to provide brand—name .
en— 1 d - _ ,f . h‘t 1 ‘ merchandise that represents a 21/2 per cent discount on
._ , .
ally 1’ 9’ er Spec; .y Ugh)”: 1 every purchase! -
_ . 0U won In W IC ' . ' . '
mtd . till 2 h - 1 The S&H retailer gives each customer one stamp on
, ews 0 ers W en— .
flna 2 . > p p _ 2 1 every 10 cent purchase. The more the customer buys, the 2-
:1 a . ‘ 1 .One - ’ , . ‘ I more stamps he or she gets. This is quite unlike other "
get 2 complete set at tearsheetS- 1 , forms of promotion where only one person—the lucky
The 1 , p ' on e ' 1 1 winner—takes something home. For instance, an average »
now - complete and correct bill— food retailer doing a $1.2 millionbusiness per year, could ‘
$11; 1' 1 _. y ‘ - ‘ - give away six autos ayearfor the same cost as stamps.That
I’m .- " 2 . ' O n e . 7‘ ‘ way six, out of thousands of customers, are rewarded.
er— . check‘ '” full 5§lllemenf2 _ But everyone'takes home extra value every single time .
er I , . ~ - .32.:1:22:31:.:?:.;:.°.:1:;.:':::. . , . rrey shop where W Green srampr . .
ers 2 . - ,V‘ f " V ‘ " i I T r
' , 1 O . ' . l
K p. s rv I -- - - . . . .
.‘ang 2 ENtUCkY 7 fess . _ e Ice: ‘nC. , 2- , An American way of thrift smce 1896 Jw § -.
. l '1 Business Affiliate of the . . .2 L. 2 : j -
- 2 2 1 .' 2. 1- ‘ " '32: . 3.323553]; .
1 in Kentucky Press Assocnatlon, Inc. y / .
Said - . 2. , , Fan-r a!!! gym: m- cm as - Via—“k :2
play ' - i 203 West Second St., Lexington, Ky. 40507 _ i3
Vt.) , 2 1 __ . . ~ ,. ' ’2
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