xt7xpn8xdb9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xdb9w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2006-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2006 text GLSO News, January 2006 2006 2006-01 2019 true xt7xpn8xdb9w section xt7xpn8xdb9w g ,
’ GAY and ’v ., IE’ it ..'~
; Less-AN H80 AfEWS
" Lexington, Kentucky January 2006
A Publication ofthe L'exingtonfiafl and L'esbian Services fli'ganizatitm ,
S. S ”a". C i Volume 21 Numbert
lster oun 1n oncert Y Corpus Christi
Saturday, January 21 c" _ _
.__..... Corpus Chnstl, Terrence
Believe it or not, it has been ten years McNally's tale ofa modern day messiah who
since a few women gathered together in happens to be gay, has sparked controversy
Lexington with a dream of forming a wherever it has played since its premier at
women's chorus. Those founding sisters New York’s Manhattan Theatre CIUb in
of SisterSound Lexington's Women's 1998. ActOut Theatre Group will present
Chorus had no idea just how successful Corpus Chli'Sti} directed by 30 List, at
theirearly effortswou|d prove. Lexington’s Downtown Arts Center, 141 E,
In celebration-of ten wonderful years, Main St- It Wt" play Friday and Saturday
SisterSound proudly announces their nights, Jan. 5-7 and 13414 at 8 Pm and 3U".
latest concert series “10 Years ofWhine, Jan. 15 at 2 Pm- Tickets are $15 or $12 for
Women and Song" The title says it all. Seniors and Students. Reservations can be
While there have been many women who made at (359) 225-0370- ~
have lent their voices to the effort In COIPUS ChitSfi, Playwright Terrence
throughout the history of SisterSound and McNaIIy creates a Christ-like figure named
manya song sung, there has also been a Joshua who is born in a sleazy motel in
great deal of whining along with ample Corpus Christi, Texas, the playwright’s
quantities of laughter, smiles and even a home town. Joshua hitchhikes across the
few tears. desert having occasional conversations
This current theme will carry through With dei performing miracles, and
the next two concerts. The Chorus will be gathering disciples.
reprising some of their favorite pieces In contrast to the anger and hullabaloo
from the last ten years, as well as it has inspired, Corpus Christi is a quiet,
incorporating some new women—themed beautiful play that weaves in and out Of the
pieces into their repertoire. Among the Bible and through the biography 0f the
selections featured in the upcoming playwright himself, with theatrical liberty as
, concert are: “And All That Jazz,” needed. It contains the same amount of
“Everything's Coming up Roses” and truthful elements that may be expected in
“Harriet Tubman,” along with new any heartfeltwork Oggntigb-ed on nextpage
additions “Bread and Roses," “Nicolia” &
and The New Under gaflguggggoge‘h page Sponsor of the Month
correction SlStCl' Sound
I“! Dem. llll‘ Pllllllc Health Celeémfi'ny Oar
HIV/AIDS Brunch Tami? tear/innIi/arwry
1 son 420-1431 Saturday: Jan 21, 8 Pm

 ~- GAY AND SisterSound Concert -..froni page 1 .
\ LESBIAN Please plan to Jom SisterSound in
SERVICES celebration of this important milestone on
y Saturday, January 21, at the UK Singletary
RGANIZATION Center for the Arts. The performance will
' LQXifiQfOfii Kentucky begin at 8 pm. with general admission
5m NEW; In keeping with the 10'“ Anniversary
theme, ticket prices have been rolled back to
P £3922; “70'th b . their original price— $10foradults/seniors and
u '3 e on y y' $5 for children.Tickets, which make excellent
GLSO gifts, are available from any chorus member,
P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 at the Singletary Center box office, or by
www.IexingtongIso@yahoo.com calling 502-319—4044. For more information,
www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet to join the chorus or to make a tax—deductible
————_- donation, please visit us in cyberspace at:
News EdltOl'S www.geocities.com/sistersound.
Mary Crone & Jackie Cobern
Pride Center Office Manager COW“ Chris“ -from page 1
Bill Chandler |ll30d lt_ri]st, tdirectofr fir ActOitJtt’: production;
reca e e s orm 0 cm roism a e opening 0
M Corpus Christi in New York City: , “Critics ofthe
original production seemed, overall, a little
GLSO BOARD disappointed. They walked through picket
Tom Collins, President lines, security dogs and metal detectors to see
Joan Brannon, Vice pres_ not a cultfugelil firework: disptlray and| not at
pagean o asp emy u ra er a p easan
Ben Salyers, se‘freta'y and calm-hearted experience”.
Thomas Collins List is a graduate ofthe U. K. with a BA. in
Mary Crone Theatre and the Univ.of Memphis with a M.F.A.
Lindsay Mattingly in. Directing. He is a founder and Artistic
Terry Mullins Director of Chance Theatre Co. For Corpus
_ Christi List has assembled a cast of 13 led by
Chery| Smith Nathan Richard Wagner as Joshua, the play’s
central character. Reservations: (859) 225-
GLSO Membership
8; Newsletter
IndsiéiglUNS/COUPIGS The GLSO web site is now updated monthly.
er ear
See gag: 20 www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet
Opinions expressed in the GLSO Sign the guest book and give us suggestions of how we
News are those of the authors and might make the web page more helpful to you or to
glon'é’zggsgarlr’g "g’tjgf’figtithgsse 0’ newcomers to the GLBT Community. You can call the
9 0a . SO - .
received after the deadline, which is Pride Center 253-3233 and talk tOIBIH, Office Manager,
the 15th ofeach month, maybe out between 10 t& 3 M - F, or Jackie who is here most
or not printed when space is limited. Saturdays from 1 0 - 2 to make suggestions.
The staff reserves the right to edit or
reject submissions and ads.
GLSO page 2

 community News
40+ Club Kentucky Theater

The 40+ Club is a group for women . . .
over 40 (and their younger friends) who Brokeback Mountain, WI” be opening
are interested in attending a wide variety at the l
' » :2 $252423; $1.20 ‘ ’
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 Soulforce in Action Earlier this year Dobson promised to
dedicate his life to amending the US.

Soulforce has joined in a call for the Constitution with a Federal Marriage

IRS to investigate the political actions of Amendment that would make second-
James Dobson and Focus on the Family. class citizens of Lesbian and Gay
On November 28, 2005: Citizens for Americans in committed relationships and
Responsibility and Ethics in Washington deny them their basic civil rights and
(CREW) filed a complaint with the Internal protections.
Revenue Service (IRS) against James Although his non-profit status bars
DObSON'S FOCUS on the Family. Naomi him from electioneering, Dr. Dobson
Seligman, CREWS Deputy Director, was continues to use his considerable political
delighted when Soulforce offered to muscle to support anti—gay initiatives and
launch a national drive to support this to endorse candidatesfor political office. In
complaint. BY 3thth the petition early April, 2004, Dr. Dobson endorsed
addressed to the IRS, YOU Wt" join Republican Representative Patrick J.
thousands of Americans who are Toomey in his race for Senate in
concerned about James Dobson's Pennsylvania. In addition, it was reported
growing political influence in Washington, that Dr. Dobson actively campaigned
DC. and across the nation. during a rally for Rep. Toomey.

FOCUS on the Family is atax-exempt Other candidates that Dr. Dobson
501(c)(3) organization whose stated reportedly endorsed in 2004 include North
purpose is "to spread the Gospel ofJesus Carolina Republican candidate pat
Christ through a practical outreach to Ballentine for Governor and Oklahoma
homes." In past years, Dr- Dobson has Republican candidate Tom Coburn for
become increasingly shrill about his Senate.
political beliefs (especially against GLBT You can read more details, including
people) on his daily radio program and thefulltextofthe complaintsenttothelRS,
through hisfundraising letters on the CREW web site. There is a link to

For example, on December 1. FOCUS that web site on the Souldforce web site at
onthe Family announced that itwould end www.soulforce.org/petition/1. Please sign
its long time banking relationship with the petition to call on the lRS to
Wells Fargo because 0f the bank's investigate the political actions of James
"ongoing efforts to advance the radical Dobson and his organization.
homosexual agenda.”

Couples Union
Counseling Ceremonies

Rev. Kenneth Walbel
Professmnal Sp1r1tual Direction
Ecumenical * Holistic * Inclusive

PO Box 12172 kypadre@aol.com

Lexington, KY 40581 (859) 338-1195

GLSO page 8

f; The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
id A Charity Organization
:1] Scott Ackerman.
m For all your real estate needs........................................294-2055(mobile) 338-8483
’n SisterSound 8060243
:h Diverse music for all women
3; Richardson Vision Center
,r 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
g Ernesto Scorsone
3. Attorney At Law 2545766
it Unitarian Universalist Church
2 Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
S kentuclw Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Cofiee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244
3 1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7430
I GLSO page 9

 GHQ leefler Gulendur To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ._._ ,7 I ,
Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet \. ,
January 2006 ;
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday \ ' "
$3 33" 1813513 gthrch 39M Opens k 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 7:30p Lexington Insight Center Open 108-2!)
: a . c a 's ISCUSSlon pea ers 266-5904 Grou .pc @ the Pride Center 2p Narcotics Anonymous
New Year's Day (call for place) 278-7103 ) 8p Gary/Lesbian AA 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA call for place 278-7103 WOOHY AflMllOfl
Call for place 278-7103 8P Corpus Christi @ the 7309 ”“06"
Downtown Arts Center “a" f°' P'a“) , Mondays:
"Brokeback Mountain" 8" Corpus Christl @ the 8pm - GOV/ Lesbion AA
Opens - Ky Theater [3°th Arts Center Discussion/Specker(Co/I for
5 Location] 278-7103
93 and 11a UU Church 8p AA Open 7P GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion ' 7530 p Gay/ Lesbian AA Center Open 10a-2p and :"gf‘gfwo Stroi hf
10:30 a St. Mychal‘s Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) Group-PC (call for place) 278-7103 5P'9P . Fl) y g
SoulForce (call Jamie 230- (call for place) 278-7103 8p Gay/Lesbian AA laP Corpus Christi @the 29 Narcotics Anonymous A' 'Oncel
5525) v Call for place 278-7103 lDowntown Arts Center call for place 278-7103 Wednesdays:
2p Women's 40 + GroupPC ' 8P Corpus Christi @ the 7pm - GLSO DiSCUSSlOH
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's Downtown Arts Center Group
6p Imperial Court Mtg.-PC . 8pm _ GOV/LeSbion AA (CO/l
REHEmRM for Location) 278-7103
,2 Ch I 7:30 p Gl-SO Board Mtg. ' ' h . Center 0 n 10a-2 - '
,1” _ Myc. “th 8p AA Open zgstgggall for place EpOC‘EJfPOCDlscussmn 730 p Gay/Lesblan AA 2p NarcotiggAnonymlous Epm - Rglnbffiyv Bowllng
W “’3‘“ Discussion/Speakers 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 2787103 call for place 278-7103 eogue Cu and ones
3:??? c Amt: (call for plaCe) 278-7103 Ca" for place 278-7103 8p SisterSound Conce ' Frldflys. ‘
it ‘ ‘“ Dr. Martin Luther King Singletry Center 8pm ' Gay/Lesblon AA
5'3” to W- Jr. Birthday (Call for Location} 278-7103
Ce up a: , recs: ' Saturdays:
Newsletter Dead-line _ _ 2pm Narcotics Anonymous
10 o s 8 AAO j c t o 10 2 278-7103
:3 a t. Mychal's p pen 7 GLSO Discussion 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA en er P9" a- P Sunda s:
SoulForce (call Jamie 230- Discussion/Speakers 7p GSA (call for place p _ (call for lace) 273-7103 3p Narcotics Anonymous . y _
255.5904) Group PC P 9.000m & ilom UU Church
5625) (can for place) 278-7103 call for place 278-7103 W h' S .
6p Imperial Court Mtg.-PC . - 0’3 '9 eNlces.
10:30 - Moss, St. Mychol The
6pm - SisterSound Reheorsol
@ Londsdowne Presby.
.2 Church.
9a and 11a UU Church
10130 a 31- Mychal's More information about many of the events are
in this newsletter. You may want to call or email II-wookly:
the group to confirm the date and time, see the .
directory on back page. 6pm - The Imperlol Court
SoulForce -
Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC CO” Jamie 230-5625
Call for Place ma be abbreviated- Call
Manlllly Adlvllles:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Boord Mtg. (3rd Mon.) 7:30pm - Lexington insight 7:30pm- LexDGA Met. Sat. J 2pm -Women 40+[2nd. Sun]
7:300m - Fairness {2nd Mon.) lst Friday) 6 -9 Open House (2nd Sat.) 4pm- Integrity {2nd Sun]
8pm- Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon-Every 3 months] 4pm- Gen Y/ntegrity [3rd Sun]
GLSO Page 10 GLSO Page ii

 - . financial base that will increase the voice
Ky Fairness“ W‘Elcommg (Phange and visibility of GLBT Kentuckians and to
and Advancmg Equallty insure a fairfuture for all. Members will also
,, . . . receive an ampersand lapel pin to
. F?"“’e '8 free. Changing he?“ and symbolize their commitment to equality, a
minds '3 not. Advancmg equality Is not, quarterly update detailing how proceeds
reads theliterature concerning the new are utilized, and invitations to Friends &
rgiembership ”99'5"." 0f the Kentch'lgx Family cocktail receptions preceding major
airness Alliance. Friends&. Family. . Kentucky Fairness Alliance events around
takes that. statement seriously in its the state.
missmn to insure. fairness for all GLBTQ Those interested in making a
:ersolns. The Iallirance 20:? S to advargcet commitment to fairness by becoming a
qua 'ty "Ct onyt roug t '.S program u member of Friends & Family may contact
also by embracmg a ”.e‘” acting director. KFA's central office at 502-897-1973. Call
Recent” Christina Gilgor took over to show support of Gilgor and Friends and
as acting director of the state KFA. In said Family
role, Gilgor has moved quickly to insure '
the continual growth and prosperity of KFA Responding to Our Opposition
due to a strong personal commitment to
the advancement of equalityforallGLBTQ by mary crone
persons. Sometimes it is helpful to know what
KFA feels confident letting Gilgor take the opposition is saying; sometimes it only
the helm as her qualifications are leads to anger or depression. 80 read this
paramount: an undergraduate degree in if you want some information, otherwise,
social work as well as a master's in public know that we need to continue to support
administration from UK. Furthermore, she all of those in our community that are on
and her partner of seven years, Julie the front lines whether that be lobbying the
Stephenson, set a strong example for legislature, speaking up to coworkers, or
everyone as they provide a happy home coming out in High School. Anyone that
for their two small children. KFA strongly would like to write about possible
welcomes Gilgor‘s many contributions and responses to right wing propaganda, send
talents. in your ideas (as an article or not) to
One of the contributions in which lexingtonglso@yahoo.com.
Gilgor has been instrumental is the The statements in italics came from
implementation 0f KFA's newest program the website of Open Door Ministries, a
rightly called Friends& Family. Gilgor has group active in the UK community.
striven to see that this program succeeds (www_opendoorrministries.us/) They have
in the hopes that it Wt” deVeIOP a links to the Baptist Student Group and to
formalized membership club of GLBT Southland Christian Church. They define
Kentuckians as well as their friends and themselves thus; “Open Door exists as an
family. on-campus Christian community and safe
In fact, Gilgor galvanized volunteers haven for individuals struggling with
early in December to call people across homosexuality. We strive to offerhope and
Kentucky and encourage them to enlist in help to those who want to begin their
the program. One becomes a member by journey to purity. t
making a one time donation. thus They really do believe that they hold
becoming a “friend”or by donating a the high moral ground. Therefore,
monthly, automated gift, thus earning the oppressing GLBT people seems like part
title “family member.” of God's plan to them. We can state that
In turn, members can feel confident we do not believethat loving...
that they are helping to create a solid ,
continued on next page _
GLSO Page 12

 someone is evera sinand point out that They are saying that we mistakenly
more than a few things listed in the Bible think we were born gay because we do not
as sms, such as women speaking 'h remember makingaconscious decision to
church, weavrng clothing made from a be homosexual. According to them, that is '
combination. 0f fabrics or eating lobster, because we are all born with a tendency to
are notconsrdered srnful by most people sin and our identities as GLBT people is
today. And we can remind people that reallya gradualgiving into our sinful desire
we d_° have freedom to choose our own to be gay. They argue that even if we are
religious beliefs. ' born with “homosexual tendencies,” our
To accurately discuss the roots or giving into those tendencies is a choice, a
homosexuality, we must realize the choice that is bad for us and bad for society.
inherent emf”, nature Of all people, Therefore, making laws about homosexual
whether they are gay or straight. “behavior” is justifiable, including sodomy
Homosexuality, when Wt (”to ”3 true laws, anti-gay marriage amendments, or
and proper eontext, is no different than laws limiting our right to parent.
any other sm. No one has to make a lnthis samevaintheycontinue:
conscious decision to enter into any From a scientific/psychological
Sinful/ifesty/e. Thattendencyishominto perspective, there seems to be a strong
our being. The conSCIous dee’e’eh that correlation between the development of
can and must be made ’3 the decision to homosexual feelings/tendencies and
overcome that e’” and begin ”W79 _a dysfunctional relationships. Early in life,
pure and whole lifestyle, whether the em unhealthy relationships with family
77 quest'on '3 Endei Izsthhomosefuagtxl members (including parents and siblings)
ying, gossm, a u ery, a co 0 .
addiction, etc.” ...continued on next page
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5:55 page lg

 and with peers leave deep emotional development of homosexual tendencies
wounds. There are a number of prominent include societal pressures, pornography,
factOIs that are known to influence sexual masturbation, demonic influences, and
development including: Abuse (sexual, an amoral belief system... These are, by
emotional, physical, spiritual) - Parental and large, factors that the individual
dysfunction (absence, detachment, cannotcontrol. Butdespite these factors,
overbearing control, lack of gender the decision to yield to homosexual
affirmation) - Betrayal - Ridicule or temptation is still the individual's to make.
teasing from peers - Sexual play w/same- It doesn't usually happen ovemight, but
sex peer - Rejection - Abandonment - rather it progresses over years.” it is
Lackofnurture-Loneliness. typically in (the teen years) that the
There is so much on this list that it enemy (Satan) will have his best
would be difficult to find anyone that had opportunities to convince someone that
none of these negative experience in their he or she is "93V", that they were bom this
lives. So why isn't everyone gay? way, and that there is nothing they can do
This list also provides an ostensible about it.
scientific/psychological basis for arguing Our long held belief that we are born
that LGBT people need to be “cured.” if different is now supported by scientific
identifying us as sinful doesn't convince research. However, the fact that we are
some people,then saying we are addicted born different is not what we base our
or emotionally damaged may be rights upon. People also havethe rightto
appealing. chose to be gay, bisexual or whatever.
Providing several ways for us to be In the Declaration of Independence
considered impaired also makes it seem it states that all peOple are endowed by
compassionate to offer us help in leaving their creator with inalienable rights
the “homosexual lifestyle.” All the major including life, liberty and the pursuit of
professional organizations, AMA ( happiness. We have some rights
doctors),(APA) psychologists, social because we are human, and we have
workers,etc. saythat homosexuality is not additional civil rights because we are
a disorder and does not need to be citizens. Equality and fairness are basic
“treated.” Offering a “cure” is, in fact, seen American values, and is increasing
as unethical. number of people understand that we
There are other factors to be have the right to live our lives as we see
considered as well. One strong possibility lit.
to consider is generational sin. There are We need to focus some attention on
many instances in both the Bible and in the repeated use of moral arguments, '
studies of