xt7xpn8xb22b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xb22b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1922-03-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 17, 1922 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 17, 1922 1922 1922-03-17 2012 true xt7xpn8xb22b section xt7xpn8xb22b The Kentucky Kernel









MARCH 17, 1922



The nntnes of all Juniors who have
not payed their class dues by April, 15,
A NEW READjNG ROOM will bo turned into tho Student Council. A. 13. students pay Otis Jones,
John Albright, Fannie Summers
Faculty Invited to Unique
Anna Louise Connor, Kitty
Conroy. Agricultural
William Finn. Law and Engineering
students pay J. Shouse.
of the hammer and
Treas. Junior Class
of tho carpenter's saw that
disturbed quiet hours atPattersonllall
last week have transformed the right NEW FOOTBALL RULES
parlor into a reading room. The
shelves and French doors were put in
with funds provided by tho board.
Money realized from tho sale of three
Liberty Bonds, one bought by tho
Hall girls during tho war, one bought "Bo" McMillan and Coach
Moran of Centre Give
with tho proceeds of the Mardl Gras
carnival two years ago and one owned
by the Philosophlan Literary Society
Football players who may have worhas furnished this room with a handsome divan, two large chairs and gold ried over the new rules of tho game
cloth hangings.
recently adopted by the football rules
Above the boolc shelves on each side
committee, thinking they would pracof tho grate hangs an alco gravure
picture, on tho loft a section of tically have to learn the game all
over can take heart if they have confiHyposylo Hall in the temple of
built by Rameses II, on the dence in "Bo" McMillan and Coach
right a section of Hyposylo Hall in Moran of Centre College. "Bo" says,
the temple of Karnak built by tho son that the rules will not stick more
of Rameses II, gifts of Miss A. E. than a year or two and Coach Moran
Crane who picked them up while in says they will not make any great difEgypt.
ference in the game anyway.
Two floor lamps aro being made by
Tho rules aro reprinted here for the
students in tho College of Engineer- benefit of those interested:
ing. Shades for these aro being
When a
"Goal from touchdown.
fashioned by students in the Art De- touchdown has been made, the side
partment. Everything handy and all scoring the touchdown has possescomplete except the books!
sion of the ball anywhere on or outOf course books are necessary to the side the
line for a scrimefficiency of a reading room. A read- mage, from which by any legal play,
ing room without books would be as as from any ordinary scrimmage, pass,
foolish as a greenhouse without plants kick or run they may score a field
or a University without professors. goal or touchdown and that the score
The girls are unfortunate in that tho of any character shall net them one
funds were exhausted before they got point.
our books, but they are especially
"If the attacking side makes a foul
fortunate In having a faculty com- or illegal or incompleted pass or other
posed of men and women who have play they lose their chance for the
exquisite taste in literature, so a one point following a touchdown.
party has been arranged for Friday
"If the defending side offends the
evening of this week to which each rules, the score of one point shall be
faculty member is invited to appear awarded to the attacking team."
in costume representing a book which
Changes also were made in rules
book he, or she will present as a gift governing the shift play and clipto the reading room. All girls will ping. Tho newshift rule reads:
also appear in "book costums." Presl- "In all shift plays 'both feet stationary on the ground' is interpreted
(Continued on page 2.)
to mean a sufficient momentary pause
as to admit tho official seeing that
the play is legal and that tho ball is
not snapped while the men aro in motion. It is tho intention of the rule
that when a man shifts to a new posiOF
tion ho shall come to a full stop so
that all momentum is lost and make
A Large Squad of Twirlers a now start from tho position at rest
whore tho ball Is put In play."
And Receivers out
Tho clipping rule follows:
for Positions
"Clipping is throwing the body from
log or logs (below
of tho diamond have some behind across tho
tho knees) of a player not carrying tho
thing of real interest to look forward
shall bo ruled as unnecessary
to, this wook as basoball coach Jim ball and
Note This rule iB not
arrived Thursday and took up his
meant to apply to the lino plunging."
The catchers and pitchers have boon
hard at it for somo tlmo working in- BOTANY CLUB HOLDS
doors and with tho arrival of Coach ELECTION OP OFFICERS
mooting of tho
At tho regular
Park, tho mon trying for the other
Rafinosquo Botany Club, Tuesday,
positions will bo given a tryout.
Thoro 1b a groat deal of good ma- March 7. in Whlto Hall tho
oloction of officers was hold, preterial out for tho varsity spuad and
Coach Parks sided over by A. Andorson.
from all indications,
Tho officers elected aro: prosldont.
should bo able to develop a crack
about n W. A. Andorson, vico prosldont, Ruth
nine. Monday afternoon
dozen players warmed up on Stoll Taylor: troasuror, C. 0. Muttlngly;
Field for tho first outdoor practico and socrotary, Charles Hubbard.
Aftor tho rogular program gonornl
of this season, under tho gutdanco of
Paul Coopor who with Hud Slomer is discussion followed of how tho Unidirecting tho mon until tho arrival of versity campus could bo beautified by
ornamental shrubs and wild plants.
Coach Park.




ik?Jk HP"







vvmmvc WiuAMi.




play-writin- g



Internationally Known Authority On Labor Questions
Here Next Wednesday
Comes to University at Instance of Important
Campus Organizations
Whiting Williams, internationally
known authority on labor questions
and author of numerous magazine
articles and two books on labor, will
address tho students and faculty at
the special chapel period Wednesday,
March 22 fifth hour, and again at 3:30
o'clock in Dicker Hall.
Wednesday's fifth hour classes have
been moved forward to Tuesday at tho
same time, and Mr. Williams at this
time will address the students
"Tho Worker's Mind at Home and
Abroad." At tho afternoon meeting
his subject will be "Somo Principles
of Human Rolations in Commerce and
Mr. Williams comes to tho University at tho instance of the federated
engineering societies, Delta Sigma Pi,
tho commerce fraternity, and tho
psychology club. After tho talk in
Dicker Hall in tho afternoon a tea
will bo given at which time opportunity will bo offered to meet Mr. Williams.
Mi. Williams has recently lectured
before tho School Business Administration at Harvard, tho Tuck School of
Administration at Dartmouth,
Wharton School of Finance at Pennsylvania, and tho Personal Research
Bureau of Carnegie
Leaving his position as vlco prosldont of tho Hydraulic Pressed Stool
Company In Clovolnnd, Mr. Williams
donned workman's clothos to get the
worker's view of labor. Since thin
tlmo bo has labored as a minor, stoel
workor and shipyard employee in the
United States, Great Britain. France
and Germany.
Tho results of Mr. Wlllluuis endeavor to get the workman's aide are
published in a series of articles in dlf- ICQnUuufd

on pago 2.)








The University rifle team won the
mntch over V. P. I. by a small five
point load. J. W. Phillips, a sophomore in Company C mado the highest Mrs.
Woolman, Authority on
score of any cadet firing. His scores
Textiles, To Give Personal
averaged 95 per cent and he was an
Conference To Girls
important factor which enabled the
team to win. Challenges have been
Mrs Mary Schonck Woolman of Bossent to the University of Dayton, University of Cincinnati and to tho Uni- ton, nationally known home economics
workor and specialist on textiles, is
versity of Louisana.
being brought to tho University Monday and Tuesday, March 20 and 21, by
the Vocational Guidance Committee of
the Woman's League. Mrs. Woolman
will speak at chapel the fifth hour
PLAYS Tuesday on the vocational aspects of
home economics, and tho same hour
on the preceding day in Room 101,
Dramitized. by Students in Agriculture Building, on "Clothing."
These lectures promise to be excepMiss Jewell's English
tionally good, and will be of interest
to all University girls and faculty women.
plays given in the LitFour
Monday and Tuesday mornings
tle Theatre Monday and Tuesday from S:30 to 11:30 Mrs. Woolman
nights, dramatized by members of hold personal conferences with girls.
Engagements for these may be mado
Miss Frances
class and directed and played by stu- with Dean Jewell. A tea for the visitor
will be given at the University Pracdents, amply demonstrated the talent
tice House, G49
South Limestone,
of University folk.
Monday afternoon, ! to 5 o'clock, to
The first play, "Roses, Ruses and which all University Women are inRomance," dramatized by Dorothea vited.
Murphy from the play by O. Henry
Mrs. Woolman knows both the comwas acted by John H. Warren, William mercial and educational sides of
Mooro and Dorothea Murphy. Profes- subject, having had experience In
sor Carl Lamport gave several enjoy- field. She is the author of: "The Makable selections during the intermis- ing of a Trade School," "Textiles," and
sion before the second play.
"Clothing, Choice, Care and Cost," and
"Butterflies," dramatized by Carlisle has lectured for many seasons in varChenault from Rose Sidney's story, ious leading universities of the counwas well acted by Anno Hickman, try.
John Vogel, Wilna Brown, Sue
Mrs. Woolman is a graduate of UniChenault ,A1 Sturgis, Willy Sams, versity of Pennsylvania and Columbia
Charles Long and John Albright.
University, and studied for seven
"Three years in Europe. She was formerly
Asunder," or "Till Death Do Us Part," head of the Clothing and Textiles Deby Arthur partment at Columbia, and was on the
and directed
Hodges. The cast included Albert faculty there for nineteen years. As
Hukle, Ida Kenney Risque, John Wil- organizer of the Manhatten Trade
Atliams and William Hickerson.
School of New York, the president of
tractive costumes and stage settings tho Woman's Education and Indusdesigned by the Art Depart- trial Union of Boston, she showed her
ability as an executive.
Henry Taylor took the lead in the
last play, "The American," supported
by Jenetto Lamport, Joe Wadsworth
Frances Green, F. T. Munford, Leslie
Morton, Aubrey
Hadon, Bryant Gover and Raymond
Wilkey. This clever play was dramatized by Frances Marsh from tho story
by Frances Hart.
of Series of Sunday
Monday evening's
Afternoon Concerts
opened the Little Theatre season on
tho campus. Tho next program will
be given March 27 and 2S.
Tho first of tho annual series of
Season tickets for tho plays may bo Sunday afternoon concerts given by
secured from Miss Frances Jewell or tho University Orchestra was held
Marguerite McLaughlin. Tho prices in Chapel at 3:30 o'clock, March 12.
aro $1.50 to students and 2.00 to out- Miss Myrtle Keshelmor was tho piano
siders. Since the Llttlo Theatre re- soloist for tho afternoon
and her
ceives no subsidy from tho Unlvorslty selections were exceptionally
and Its ontiro oxponses are mot by the rendered.
sale of tickets, tho staff is very anxious
Tho program was as follows:
to have a largo sale of tickets.
Minuet In E Flat
(a) Mlnuot
DR. P. P. BOYD SPEAKS (b) To a Wild Roso .... Mao Dowoll
Miss Keshelmor
Selections from "Martha"
Dr. P. P. Boyd was tho spoakor at
Selections from Irish folk songs.
tho rogular mooting of tho Whlto
In his remarks Professor Lamport
Mathematics Club, Thursday afternoon at 3: 15. His subject "How To stressod tho idea that Irish folk music-iamong the most beautiful and moat
Road Seorot Mossagos." was Uustrat-owhich imaginative of musical compositions.
by tho uso of diagrams
Tho concerts will continue nt inter
showod how messages wore written
using characters, tho lettor forms of vals of two weeks until Juno. Tho
using codes, interchanging words, and next will bo givon on the afternoon of
assigning differout meanings to words. maroh 20, nt which Mrs. Gilmer Pryor,
The next mooting of the olub will soprano, will be soloist.
About two hundrtd people, warg
be held Mnroh 2jt Mr. Augustus Sigk
ui'MCMit Sunday afUrntHm,
will spunk oji "is'ajintivg NunHjira."


















No. 21





Louise Council, Allcno Frntmnn and
Martha Hucknmn.
Those present wero: Allcno Frat-maMyrtle Clar, Elizabeth Shropshire, Louise Council, Anna Louise
Connor, Juliet Gosleo, Boulah
Adelaide Longest, Marquise Garnet, Bopo Kraft, initlntes:
Chatficld, Ilolon King, Francos Kenny,
Amanda Gordon, Evelyn Kelly, Mary
Agues Gordon, Estello
pledges: La Verne Purcoll, Allceuo
Arnold, Emla Hoods,
and LaRuo

Fraternity Danquct at Lafayette
The Kentucky Kpsllon Chapter I'lii
Dqlta Thotn Frntornlty of tlio Unlvor-citentertained Wednesday evening
nt the Lafayette hotel with their
Founder's Day banquet. The decorations wore in the fraternity color, pale
blue and white, and an clahorato
menu wns served.
Judge Lyman Chnlkloy, one of tho
most prominent of tho alumni, presided as toastmaster and tho reapsponses, very enthusiastically
plauded, wore made by Messrs, William K. Massio, Captain D. J. Both-uruCaptain Joseph ilorrencc, Mr.
Harvey Edwards of Versailles, Mr.
Harvey Edwards of Versailles,
Headley Shouse, Mr. William Tate,
Mr. Burton Prewitt.
Among those present were: Arthur
P. Shanldln, II. M. Noel, W. G. Bob-biJ. Burton Prewitt, James Shouse,
James B. Wilson, William T. Shelby,
Leonard Giovannoli, Paul Cain, Robert
Giovannoll, John E Williams, William
Tate, William Blanton, David Milward,
John Shouse, John Walsh, Cecil D
French, Austin II. Bell, J. William
Tunks, Luman H. Gilman, Robert
Lawless, John Berry, Edward Fitch,
Neal D. Canne, Robert Jewell, Viley
McFerran, James Park. Judge Chalk-ley- ,
Howell Spears, Charles Vauglit,
Thomas Young, Augustus Gay, Sidney
Kinkead, Carneal Kinkead, Dr.
Reddist, Dr. John Scott, Porter
Land, Leroy Land, W. K. Massie, Prof.
H. S. Hincks, Capt. J. C. Torrence,
Capt. B. J. Bethurum, James Thompson, Headley Shouse, Dr. D. Clay Lilly,
Harvey Edwards, Prof J T. C. Noe,
Charles Milward, King Swope, William Kinnaird, Doctor Lipscomb.


and other men and women organlzn-thother men and women organizations in Lexington. Tho subjjoct of
his talk boforo this meeting will bo
"Tho Workor'n Mind at Present and
Its effects on Business and Social
Progress." Tho public Is invited to nil
of these meetings.


The members of Kappa Delta fraternity entertained with a banquet Fri
day evening nt tho Phoenix Hotel,
following the onltlation
of their


The members of Sigma Alpha Epsl
iraternity win entertain witn a
dance Saturday evening at their chap
tor house on South Limestone.

McVey will make a talk suited to
the occasion. The evening will end
with a general good time in honor of
Saint Patrick.
The following invitation has been
sent to each member of the University
"The Woman's Self Government As
sociation has refurnished ono of the
parlors of Patterson Hall, and it is
to be formally opened and dedicated
on Friday night, March 17. President Frank L. McVey will make the
dedicatory address.
"You are cordially invited to come
representing a book, and if you caro to
bring a book as a gift for the library
The Faculty Good Time Club of the it will be much appreciated."
University will entertain Saturday
evening on the Campus.
(Continued from page 1)
The banquet which was planned
for Saturday night by the Pi Kappa ferent magazines which have been
Alpha fraternity was postponed to placed on reserve in the University
March IS, inasmuch as a number of Library for reference of the student.
the members of the Transylvania They include:
chapter went to Louisville to attend a
"What's on the Workers
dinner given by the fraternity at the Scribner's. Five editions.
"Full Up and Fed Up the Worker's
Mind in Crowded Britain" Scribner's.
Alumnus Rho, Omega Chapter of the
Collier's Weekly:
University of Kentucky, and Kappa
"What the Worker Thinks" (Series)
Chapter of Transylvania College of
"I'll Work Here."
PI Kappa Alpha fraternity will cele"That the People May Deside."
Founder's Day
brate their
"Cold King Coal."
with a banquet in the Palm Room of
"Jhn Barleycorn and the Worker."
the Phoenix Hotel March 18 at 6:30
Wednesday evening, Mr. Williams
p. m. Covers will be laid for sixty-fivwill be the guest of the Optimists Club
fifty-secon- d


Alpha Xi Delta fraternity announces
the pledging of Rowena Noe, Lexing
ton, daughter of Dr. J. T. C. Noe.
The members of Sigma Chi fraternl
ty entertained Saturday evening in the
ballroom of the LaFayetto hotel with
their annual dance.
Tho fraternity colors, blue and gold
were used in the decorations. A bank
of palms screened tho orchestra and
an electric illumination of the frater
nity emblem hung on the wall.
Tho hosts for tho occasion were:
Horace Miller Clay, Charles Mahonoy,
William Nisblt, Silas Wilson, Scoggan
Jones, N. G. Porter, Clifford Duke,
William Hlllen, John Crenshaw, Duer-soFindley, George Rouse, Edgar
Gans, Thomas Foster, Salin Brana-man- ,
Paxton Hedden, Robert Clem,
Porter C. Porter, Thomas Hardesty,
Lawrence Beardsloy, Howard
William Jarvis, William Embry,
Osborne Echols, John Withrow, William Hansen.
Pledges: Howard Mahonoy, Harold
Cooke, Maurico Hawkins, Alvln Hlllen.

What the World Believes





7:30 P. M.

Lecture followed by Social Hour Refreshments
10 A. M. Special Discussion Classes for Students.



Dixie Ice Cream must be the best because
students cat so much of it. They know
that it is nutritious ad one taste proves
that it is delicious.
Prompt attention given to orders for
dinner parties entertainments etc.
When Hungry Think of Eskimo Pie

Mrs. I. D. Best, prominent in city Y.
W. C. A. work spoke to tho Y. W. C.
A. girls in Patterson Hall last Sunday
evening on "What Makes Life SucLula Blakey, member of
the Alpha Xi Delta fraternity, which
had charge of the program, conducted
the meeting.
The successful life, according to
Mrs. Best is a life of service. The
road culminating in success is a road
that winds uphill all the way and is
beset by many difficulties. A refreshing thought, after all the adverse
criticism youth has been receiving,
was brought out by Mrs. Best when
she said that despite some surface
faults the young people of today seemed to her to be thinking more seriously of their part in the world's work
than ever before; that they seemed
eager to serve.



Come In And See Them

It was just the other day
In a fortune telling place,
A pretty maiden read my mind
And then she slapped my face.
Wife: "Darling, darling."
Husband: "Yes, my dear."
Wife: "Don't be foolish, Charles
was calling Toodles." London Mail.
The less a man




says the more he



The Lafayette In Readiness
For Spring

The approach of Spring finds us
in complete readiness to supply
your apparel wants, for this new
season. .. College men will find
our Spring displays of unusual
interest. We have used exacting
care in selecting garments that
emphasize the spirit and vigor
of youth and they are sure to
meet with your approval.
Come in for a look at the new
spring styles.

Is Represented on Campus by


Tho table was decorated with tho
farternity ilowor, white rosea and
ferns in baskets tied with white ribbon. Myrtle Clar presided as
and responses wero given




Tau Delta Alpha fraternity of the
University of Kentucky announces the
following pledges: Charles Terrel,
Elbert DeCoursey, Neal Sullivan, A.
V. McRee, T. R. Anderson, William H.
Hickerson and Morton Martin.

Next Sunday




(Continued from page 1)

Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church

The first Italian Olympic Games will
bo hold at Rome In April, 1922; entries
closo March 31, and should be accompanied by a fee of two lire for individual contests nnd live lire for collective
contests. Competition is invited from
American Colleges nnd Universities
for the Interlatlonal football match
(one team for each nation), rowing
(skiff or
foot races (100
metres, S00 meares, 5000 metres), relay races of 1600 metres
Ono team or three competitors
will bo admitted to each event from
each nation. Details may bo obtained from Avy. Co'rrado Petrono, President of the Executive Committee, Via
della Mercedo, 33, Rome; general information from tho representative of
tho American University ujnion in
Rome, Professor Gorham Stevens,
Porta Pancrazio.


Tho members of Alpha XI Delta fraternity will entertain with n dnnco
Saturday evening at their chapter
house In Lyndhurst.


One of a Series of Sunday Evening


George (Red) Woolf.

"Where The Student is Always Welcome"
L. B. SHOUSE Pres. and Gen. Mgr.

Wm. Beaslcy

L. B. Shouse,







� 3


Alumni Notes
March 18 (Third
Snturddny, Mnjostlc Hotel C:30 p.m.
PIttshurg, March 19, at homo of
II. Leo Moore, 7065 Flaccus Doad,
Bon Avon, 7:30 p. m.
Lexington, April 8 (Second Saturday) Lnfayotto Hotel, 12:30 p. m.
Denver, Colo., April 6 (First
at Unlvorslty Club,


12:30 p. m.

Chicago, April 15. Will bo banquet for senior engineers on annual Inspection trip.
Cincinnati, April 4, Highland
Business meeting
Country Club.
and dance.
The meeting of tho Philadelphia
Club Saturday will bo In honor of Mr.
and Mrs. George P. Mills and will bo
an Informal social. Mr. Mills, '10, and
Mrs. Mills are returning to Lexington
to make their home.


The next two years will be a critical period in tho history of the University and financial and other
problems will demand tho utmost
loyalty and support of all alumni and
friends, President McVey told the
Lexington Alumni Club at a luncheon
last Saturday, March 11, at the
Lafayette hotel. Dr. McVey paid a
tribute to the eleven alumni in the
House and to J. W. Stoll, '82, the
in the State
University graduate
Professor Carl A Lamport gave two
violin solos, accompanied by Mrs.
Lampert, and the president.W. C. Wilson, '13, was in the chair. Lester
O'Bannon, '15 Captain Joseph E.
'16, and Ed Dabney, '20, were
named as a sub committee on activities to have charge of tho monthly
programs. The next meeting will be
at 12:30 o'clock, Saturday, April 8.
President McVey spoke on "The
Present Situation," reviewing tho action of the house of representatives in
increasing the University appropriation $120,000 over the budget report
and speaking on the debt of gratltudo
which the University and alumni owe
to Hon. J. W. Stoll in the senate,
eleven alumni who are members of the
house, and Herbert Graham, secretary
of the Alumni Association, for their
constant efforts in behalf of tho institution since the opening of the Legislature. Their service has been notable
and they have worked early and late
in the face of great disadvantages and
difficulties, he said.
Problems inside the univer3ity aro
at a minimum, and the State is to bo
congratulated on the whole attitude
of students and faculty, Dr. McVey
said. "Tho University has a spirit, a
purpose and fundamentals which will
be victorious and it will endure long
after the life of tho present generation," ho said. "Our part is that of
pioneers building for the future and to
give it loyalty, sympathy, courage,
strength and tho benefit of tho doubt
in controversies until wo know tho
truth. Wo must catch' tho spirit of
learning, science and literature to
have a conception of what a university
is. The State can como to tho front
only through education, and tho university is ono of tho great agencies
by which Kentucky will realize a larger placo in tho nation."
Dr. McVey




Evolutionists Win Fight In Kentucky;
Restrictive Bill Beaten by one Vote.
lost their
Legislative fight in Kontucky today
when the House of Representatives
turned down their bill by a vote of 42
to 41. This marked the close of a contest that began January 23, following an address by William J. Bryan,
before tho Legislature, in which ho
attacked evolution as synonymous
with atheism.
Preachers speaking on tho bill today
and tho foreruncalled it
ner of an ora of intolerance. Supporters of tho measure, which was
an "act to prohibit the teaching


atheism, agnosticism
as portalnlng to tho
origin of man," said that thoso teachings wore breaking down religious
faith nnd that Prusslanlsm
Darwinism were closoly akin.
President Frank L. McVey, of thn
University of Kentucky,
called to
speak to tho House of Representatives, said that the University had
taught tho samo fundamental things
for half a century. Ho donled that
there was a single atheist In tho
Tho Declaration of Independence
nnd tho Federal and Stato Constitutions wore Invoked in arguments on
both sides of tho question. Tho Bible
nnd text books on geology and zoology
wore quoted freely against ovolutlon.
"But for laws wo already have I
fear that some ono would bo burned
nt tho stake today," said Representative George C. Wagoner, a preacher,
as ho referred to "Shadows of tho dark
apes hanging over us."
A representative, a high official in
the Masonic Lodge of Kentucky,
whose vote against the bill made It
a tie, called the pastor of his church
by telephone while the roll call was in
progress for final advice as to how to
representative from
"Bloody" Breathitt County cast the
deciding vote against the bill.
Charges were made that there was
a million dollar fund behind a National movement akin to the bill. Public- '18.
George Gryan Shanklln, '11 is a naity and advertisements appearing lotive of Lexington and is in the concally have been traced to Chicago."
sulting engineering department of the
New York Times.
General Electric Company at Schenecxx
tady. His residence address is 7
"Back the University"
"Your letter of February 23 came in Ardsley Road.
Keith Frazee Adamson, '05, is of
time and I had the pleasure of reading Maysville. Before entering the army
it to our Denver Alumni Chapter at in 1917, he was assistant professor
its meeting on March 2nd, J. A. Brit-tai- of mechanical engineering at the Case
'18, the president, said in a let- School of Applied Science at Cleveter to the alumni office. "On the land, and previous to that was instrucabove date we had a very nice din- tor in mechanical engineering at the
at tho University University of Pennsylvania.
ner and
Every one present was very present address is 1324 Park Road, N.
much pleased with the idea of Presi- W., Washington, D. C.
dent Mc Vey's visit to Denver. We
want you folks to know (who are
Alumni at Tournament
Leo Hunt, '13, who i3 teaching
back in Old Kentucky) that we have
in Denver a live and enthusiastic mathematics and Is physical director
Alumni Chapter. We will back every- at the Ashland, Ky., high school, was
thing that is good for the University in charge of the girls' team which won
with all the strength at our command. tho State Championship in tho high
We will bo only too glad to have you school tournament last week in the
advise us from time to time just what University gymnasium. The Ashland
girls outclassed their opponents and
is happening."
won in a walk.
"Duck" Writes the News
Garnett J. McKinney, '21, who is
at teaching mathematics and is physical
The University
Owensjioro jis well and Iprosporing director at the Versailles high school,
"as well as could bo expected in these was in charge of the girls' team from
dark days of the Republican adminis- Versailles at the tournament.
tration," Grecean "Duck" Pedley, '1G,
John Brooks Juett, '21, better known
reports. Needless to say, Duck is a as "Tubby," was at tho tournament
Democrat; he is managing editor of with his girls' team, which had the
misfortune to draw Ashland for its
tho Owensboro Inquirer.
"Brodio Payne got several letters initial game.
Lucille Dean, '20, physical educafrom people down hero as the result
of tho work done by y. t. in tho tion for the. girls at the Paducah high
columns of tho Owensboro Inquirer," school had her hopefuls at tho tournasays "Duck." "Tho Rotary Club, of ment, who reached tho
which I am a member, acted on tho She remained over Sunday before rematter and wroto letters to houso and turning.
Captain John W. McDonald, '15, U.
senate members. Personally, I am
somewhat disappointed that tho ap- S. Cavalry, and Mrs. McDonald anpropriation was not larger but sup- nounce tho birth of a son, John W.
pose it is good considering tho bad Jr., at Colbonz, Germany, on February
year financially and all tho other IS, 1922. In 191C Captain McDonald
stones that always lie in tho path was seed analyst with tho Ross Seed
of benoficlal legislation applied to our Company, Louisville, entering tho
army In 1917 whore ho won a comAlma Mater.
"Tho Kornel is improving. Squlrrol mission, lator being promoted to his
Food particularly, I think, is more at- present rank. His adress is Provost
tractive, oven though this must bo Marshal's Department, A. F. G., A. P.
said at tho oxponso of our old buddy, O. No. 927, Coblenz, Germany.
Bill Shinnick.
Frazler Gains Prominence
"My Buddy Memo is working hero
A feature of tho debato on Evolunow which is pleasant for us both. Ho
has a young boii who will shortly bo tion beforo tho Houso of Representaready to don tho Bluo and Whito of tives last wook was tho speech of Retho Wildcats. Thero is also a young presentative Emery L. Fraztor, ox- - 22,
in defense of tho Unlvorslty and "froo-doJudge Penick coming on."
as guaranteed by tho constituTho "Nemo" ho rofora to is no
other than G. N. McCarty, '1C, who is tions of tho United States and of Konwith Ballard and Ballard Company, tucky." Mr. Frazler Is known as "tho
rosldonco 509 West Ninth street. Mrs. boy orator" of tho lower houso. Ho
And has been mentioned ropentodly ns a
McCarty was Anita Crabbo,
"Judge" Penick is E. S. Penick, 1C at- candidate for Clerk of tho Court of
Appeals In tho next stato election. Ho
torney at Elkton, Ky.
should bo ono of the strongest candiAlumni In Schenectady
On a trip with Dean Paul Anderson dates in the field.
of Darwinism,
nnd ovolutlon


tho first of tho month to Schenectady,
N. Y., whero bothwerc speakers nt
a Joint mooting of vorloijH engineering societies, Thornton Lewis, '13,
vlco president of tho York Heating
nnd Ventilating Company, saw sovcrnl
alumni, ho states.
"Wo ran in to sovoral of the alumni,
among them Keith Adamson, '05,
mnjor in tho ordlnnnco department, U.
S. Army, who I understand is very
highly thought of In tho sorvlco and
who has charge of some very Important work at tho Watorfieet Arsenal
near Schenectady, but whoso headquarters aro at Washington. Wo also
met a young man Wm. Rnoacll David,
Lexington, of tho class of 1919; and
lastly greatly enjoyed meeting Bryan
Shanklln, class of '11. Shanklln Is ono
of tho big men In the research laboratory conducted by tho General Electric Company at Schenectady, and
works a groat deal with Dr. Stelnmctz
nnd Dr. W. R. Whitney, who is director of this laboratory."
At tho opening of his letter, Mr.
Lewis states: "I havo been following
in tho newspapers and also through
tho Kernel the fine work which you
nnd others of tho alumni have been
doing In Kentucky to further the Interest of tho University. Here in
Piladelphia we have been doing what
little wo can and have written a number of letters to various members of
tho Legislature."
William David, '19, is In the sighting
department of the General Electric