xt7xpn8xb10m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xpn8xb10m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1957-06-jul19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-06-jul19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-06-jul19-ec. 1957 1957-06-jul19-ec. 2011 true xt7xpn8xb10m section xt7xpn8xb10m 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trus-
tees of the University of Kentucky, July 19, 1957.

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in. the President s Office at 9:40 a. m., CST, Friday, July 19,
1957, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Chairman; J.
Stephen Watkins, Harper Gatton, Louis Cox and Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci. Pres-  
ident Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Com-

      A. Approval of Minutes.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Execu-
tive Committee of May 22, 1957, were approved as published.

      B. Agreement with Charles Pfizer & Company, Inc.

      Mr. Peterson submitted a renewal of Agreement for cooperative investi-
gation for Charles Pfizer & Company, Inc.  The Experiment Station is to
make a study in ( 1) "the effects of oxyletracycline and DES on fattening steers
on an economy diet;" (2) "the value of implanting DES in steers on grazing
pasture fed TM in salt."  The investigation is to be made during the year
June 1, 1957, to June 1, 1958. The contract is for the sum of $2, 000. Mr.
Peterson recommended that same be approved and authorized.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was ap-
proved and authorized executed on behalf of the University.

     C. Agreement with Kentucky Department of Economic Development.

     Mr. Peterson submitted Agreement between the University and the De-
partment of Economic Development whereby the Agricultural Experiment
Station of the University of Kentucky will supervise and coordinate the re-
search and field scale demonstration in Franklin County and will provide
technical information and advice necessary for a program of controlling
Johnson grass on a community, county or area basis.  The contract will
run for the fiscal year July 1, 1957 through June 30, 1958, and shall not
exceed the sum of $6, 000. 00 in costs.

     Mr. Peterson recommended the contract be approved and authorized
exec uted.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and the contract approved.



      D. Injury to Jasper Mitchell and John S. Kenney.

      Mr. Peterson submitted report on injury to Jasper Mitchell, an em-
 ployee of the Experiment Station.  The accident occurred May 31, 1957,
 at the tool shed on Coldstream Farm.  Mr. Mitchell was putting a manure
 loader on a tractor when the pin slipped causing his finger to be caught and
 mashed between the bracket and arm of the tractor and loader.  The Uni-
 versity Health Service was called, No doctor was there and the nurse
 referred Mr. Mitchell to Dr, Sprague.  Dr. Sprague submits an invoice
 for services rendered in the amount of $35. 00; the Good Sarmaritan Hos-
 pital submits invoice for $37. 00, aggregating $72. 00,

      John S. Kenney, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment Station,
sustained an accident on June 20. 1957, at the Kentucky Seed Stock Farms,
Jessamine County.  Mr. Kenney was harvesting seed of grass breeding
work with a hand hook, and cut his finger. Because of the location, Mr.
Kenney reported to a doctor in Nicholasville. Dr. Dewey E. Cummins,
Nicholasvil].e, submits an invoice for $6. 00 for services rendered.

      Mr. Peterson recommended that the invoices in connection with the
accidents to Jasper Mitchell and John S. Kenney be authorized paid, with
the expressed understanding that the TJniversity does not admit negligence
or liability in connection with either of these accounts.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee con-
curred in the recommendation, and the bills submitted were authorized
paid with the understanding that the University does not admit negligence
or liability in connection with payment of the invoices.

      E, Contract with U. S. Quartermaster- -Research in Handling Food.

      Mr. Peterson submitted Agreement between the United States of America
and the University of Kentucky concerning radiation, storage life of different
kinds of foods, preservation and shipping qualities.  The contract is to be
terminated twelve months after date of award and may be cancelled by either
party giving thirty days written notice.

      Mr. Peterson recommended that the Agreement be approved and au-
thorized executed,

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and the contract approved and authorized execuit'ed on
behalf of the University

     F. Mr. Franklin P. flayes Employed as Bond Counsel, Delta Delta Delta
Bond Issue Preparation,

     Mr. Peterson recalled that the Board of Trustees and the State Property
and Building Commission had heretofore approved contractual relationship



between the University and the Delta Delta Delta Sorority for an addition to
the existing sorority house, and an issuance of revenue bonds to pay for the
purchase of the addition and existing house. Mr. Peterson recommended
that bond counsel be employed to prepare the bond resolution authorizing the
issuance, sale and delivery of the bonds, and to do all things requested by the
owner. He recommended Mr. Franklin P. Hayes, Louisville, Ky.

       Members of the Committee recalled the commitment, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried. authorized employment of Mr. Franklin
P. Hayes as counsel.

       G. Additional Grant for Medical Center.

       Mr. Peterson reported that the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare had approved the University, s request for an additional grant from
the National Advisory Council on Health Research Facilities in the amount
of $178,547, to be used for the purchase of movable scientific equipment.
The report was submitted for information.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was au-
thorized received and made of record.

       H. Honorary Degrees.

       President Dickey submitted a recommendation of the Graduate and
University Faculties for honorary degrees at the inauguration of the Presicent
of the University on September 24, 1957. He recommended, also, that t1n
names of the persons approved for honorary degrees be authorized withheld
from these minutes and put in the minutes of the Board of Trustees at its
September meeting so as not to make public the names of the recipients until
after each has been contacted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recipients were
approved and the names authorized withheld.

       I. Sale of Small Items on Eden Shale Farm Authorized.

       President Dickey reported a letter from Dean Welch requesting permission
to sell small items at Eden Shale farm.

                                                 June 19, 1957

       President Frank G. Dic key
       University of Kentucky

       Dear President Dickey:

Under date of September 10, 1952, I sent letter to President



Donovan, asking that we be permitted to sell small blocks of timber
on a selective cutting basis, logs or lumber, not to exceed a value
of $1, 000. 00, without prior approval on the part of the President and
that of the Board.

         Following consideration, the request was passed upon as
stated in the letter of September 10, 1952, which was reproduced in
the minutes of the Board.

         In essence, the justification was as follows: This request
is made because we believe that such authority will facilitate making
small sales that can often be made at certain definite times to our
advantage and with very great difficulty if these specific opportunities
are lost. We understand, of course, that we shall make full and
complete reports to you on any sales that are made under the authority
requested above, if granted.

         This policy at the Robinson Substation has made it possible
for us to expand and intensify our forestry work and handle small
sales there to distinct advantage, sales that incidentally would not
and could not be made if we had to go through the formality of bids.
I am requesting that this authority be extended for the same procedure
in handling small items for sale on our Eden Shale farm in Owen
C ounty.

         If there is further information you need about this request,
please let me know.

                                       Sincerely yours,

                             (Signed)  Frank J. Welch
                                       Dean and Director

                                       July 9, 19 5 7

Dean Frank J. Welch
College of Agriculture and Home Economics

Dear Dean Welch.

1 should like to take this opportunity to thank you for your letter of
June 19 relative to the problem of selling a certain small block of
timber on a selective cutting basis not to exceed $1, 000. I am in
complete accord with your request that this same authority be
extended for handling the small Items for sale on our Eden Shale
farm in Owen County. I believe that this matter should be brought
to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees for its action
when it meets on July 19,



     I shall let you know as soon as they have taken action on this matter.

                                          Very sincerely yours,

                            (Signed)     Frank G. Dickey

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authority was granted
the Experiment Station to sell small items on the Eden Shale farm, making
a report on sarne.

      J. Home Economics Building Named.

      President Dickey stated that a number of people had suggested that the
building now housing the School of Home Economics be named in honor of
Dr. Statie E. Erikson. He said that he was thoroughly in accord with the
suggestions, and recommended that the Home Economics building be named
in honor of Dr. Statie E. Erikson, in recognition of her long and loyal
service to the University and the Commonwealth, and that the building be
known as "Erikson Hall".

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Home Economics
building was authorized named in honor of Dr. Statie E. Erikson in recogni-
tion of her long record of distinguished service, and will henceforth be known
as "Erikson Hall".

     K. Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory Transferred to
the Supervision of the Dean of the College of Engineering.

     President Dickey reported recommendation from Dean R. E. Shaver
of the College of Engineering that the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research
Laboratory be transferred from supervision of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering to supervision of the Dean of the College of Engineering, directed
by Dr. Karl Otto Lange as Associate Director of the Engineering Experiment
Station. He explained that this recommendation was due to larger plans
for development of the research laboratory and that the laboratory would be
used not only in the aeronautical field but for almost everything in the related

     President Dickey recommended that the request be approved, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the transfer was approved and
made effective as of July 19, 1957.



      L. Budget Adjustments.

      President Dickey recommended that $3,400., 00 be transferred fromr un-
appropriated surplus of the University budget to the Department of Mechanical
Engineering; that $2, 080. 00 be transferred from unappropriated surplus of
the University budget to the College of Adult and Extension Education; that
$200. 00 be transferred from the unappropriated surplus to the College of
Education; and that $4, 100. 00 be transferred from unappropriated surplus
to the College of Arts and Sciences.

      President Dickey stated that these amounts were necessary to take
care of adjustments in programs.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the budget increases
were authorized and the Comptroller was directed to make the necessary
budget adjustments.

      M, I. C. A, Contract for Services at Bogor, Indonesia, Approved.

      President Dickey submitted contract between the International Coopera-
tive Administration and the tJniversity of Kentucky for services at Bogor,
Indonesia, in connection with improving the agricultural program of Indonesia.
The contract is for a period of three years and approximately $1. 200, 000.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was ap-
proved and authorized executed on behalf of the University of Kentucky,

     N. Appointment of Dr. Olaf S. Aamodt as Group Leader.

     President Dickey recommended the appointment of Dr. Olaf S. Aamodt,
4306 Woodberry Street, Hyattsville, Maryland, to the position of Group
Leader of the Agricultural Contract Team in Indonesia,  He stated that the
appointment was for a two-year period, or for such time as his services are
desired, beginning on or about August 150  Professor Aamodt' s duties will
be in accordance with the ICA contract.  He further stated that Doctor
Aamodt was familiar with work in Indonesia and would make it very convenient
for the agricultural team from the University to work in cooperation with the
Indonesian government.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in, and Doctor Aamodt was authorized
employed and named Group Leader of the Agricultural Contract Team in In-



        0. $7,500. 00 of Hanger Fund Transferred to Medical Foundation.

        President Dickey reported that he was in receipt of a letter from Mr.
Arnold Hanger requesting that $7, 500. 00 of his gift to the University be
transferred to the Kentucky Medical Foundation to be used in connection with
the work of the Foundation in the interest of the Medical Center at the Uni-
versity. President Dickey stated that the funds had heretofore been received
by the University and recommended that the request be granted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was au-
thorized to transfer $7, 500. 00 from the Arnold Hanger fund to the operating
fund of the Kentucky Medical Foundation.

       P. $7, 503. 00 of Hanger Fund Transferred to Expenses of the Medical

       President Dickey reported that there was a balance of $7, 503. 00 in the
Arnold Hanger Fund and recommended that this sum be transferred and used
for expenses of prospective medical staff brought to the University for inter-
views and for the furtherance of the Medical Center program.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and the Treasurer was authorized to make the necessary

       Q. Schedule of Break-Down of Fees Approved.

       President Dickey recalled that the Board of Trustees had heretofore
approved registration and incidental fees of $80. 00 for in-state students and
$180. 00 for out-of-state students. He reported that it was necessary to
break this semester fee down into fee for credit hours, and submitted a

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following schedule
of fees for each hour of credit was approved and authorized made of record.

All Undergraduates except as noted:              KentBcky    Out-of-State

       1 credit                                 $ 7.00       $15 00
       2 "                                        14.00        30.00
       3  "                                       21.00       45.00
       4  "                                      2S 00         60. 00
       5,'                                       35 00         75. 00
       6                                         42,00         90.00
       7                                         49, 00       105.00
       8                                         56. 00       120.00


     9  it
     10  8
     11 i
     I2 it

ENGINEERING, College of:

(Same as above)

      Full Fee
plus $1. 50 Engr.
activity fee


1 credit
2 t
3  it
4  it
5 i
6 "
7 i
8 "
9  "  Full Fee

LAW, College of


c redit

5  It
6   i
7  it
8  " Full Fee

      R. University to Operate on Central Standard Time.

      President Dickey reported that the Attorney General, s Office had advised
that the University clocks be operated on Central Standard Time, in order lit-
erally to comply with the law. President Dickey had advised the Attorney
General' s Office that the University official business had been and is being con-
ducted on Central Standard Time.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President was au-
thorized to cause the University clocks to be maintained on Central Standard
Time basis.  There will be no change in class schedules.

     S. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments, salary ad-
justments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other staff changes
requested by deans and heads of departments.


63. 00
70. 00
77. 00
80. 00

135. 00
165. 00
180. 00

$80. 00


$180. 00

18 1. 5 0

$ 9.00
18. 00
27. 00
36. 00
45, 00
54. 00
63. 00
72. 00
80. 00

$ 20.00
  40. 00
  60. 00
  80. 00
  100. 00
  120. 00
  140. 00
  160. 00
  180. 00

$11. 00
2Z. 00
33. 00
44. 00
55. 00
66. 00
77. 00
85. 00

$ 24.00
  48. 00
  72. 00
  96. 00
  120. 00
  144. 00
  168. 00
  19 0, 00





         Albert J. Lott, Instructor, Psychology Department, effective Sep-
 tember 1, 1957.

         John T. Flint, Instructor, Department of Sociology, effective Septem-
ber 1, 1957.

        David J. Pittman, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology,
effective September 1, 1957.

        Maxine Hopkins Edwards, Secretary, Department of Ancient
Languages, for 12 months, effective June 1, 1957.

        Faye Adrienne Heacock, Secretary, Audiology Clinic, Psychology
Department, effective June 1, 1957.

        Arnold T. Nielsen, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department,
for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

        Isidro Vizcaya, Assistant Professor, Geography Department, for
10 months, effective September 1, 1957.

        Elden Glenn Burcham, Instructor, Zoology Department, for 10
months, effective September 1, 1957.

        Zoe Swecker, instructor, History Department, for two months only,
effective July 1, 1957 through August 31, 1957.

        Herbert Klauser, Instructor, Department of Modern Foreign
Languages, effective September 1, 1957.

        Gerhard Probst, Instructor, Modern Foreign Languages Department,
effective July 1, 1957 through August 31, 1957.

        Everett F. Sieckmann, Assistant Professor, Physics Department,
for 10 months, effective September 1, 1957.

        Harry L. Gracey, Community Analyst, Sociology Department, for
the period July 1, 1957 through August 31, 1957.

        Robert H. Perry, Instructor, Music Department, for 10 months,
effective September 1, 1957,

        Gerhard Weinburg, Assistant Professor, History Department, for
12 months, effective September 1, 1957.

        Erwina Godfrey, Instructor, Political Sciences Department, for
10 months, effective September 1, 1957.

        Rudolph A. Schroeder, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department,
for 10 months, effective September 1, 1957.



        Stanley M. Wagner, Part-time Instructor, Ancient Languages De-
partment, for 10 months, effective September 1, 1957.

        Zane Bland Carothers, Instructor, Botany Department, for 10 months,
effective September 1, 1957.

        Joseph R. Rosenbloom, Part-time Instructor, Ancient Languages
Department, for a period of 10 months, effective September 1, 1957.

        Roger E. Kirk, Part-time Instructor in Psychology, Northern
Center, effective September 1, 1957.

        Gene M. Schramm, Instructor in Semitics, Ancient Languages Depart-
ment, (from Hebrew Cultural Foundation grant), effective September 1, 1957.

Changes in Salary for Summer Months

        J. C. Eaves, Head, Mathematics Department, effective July 1, 1957,
through August 31, 1957.

        William F. Wagner, in connection with contract between Atomic En-
ergy Commission and the Kentucky Research Foundation, effective July 1,
1957 through August 31, 1957.

        John F. Steinbach, in connection with contract between Atomic Energy
Commission and the Kentucky Research Foundation, effective July 1, 1957
through August 31, 1957.


        Charline Noel Wilson, Secretary, School of Journalism, effective
July 1, 1957.

        John E. Reeves, Assistant Professor, Political Science Department,
for three years, effective July 1, 1957.

        Elizabeth Ellis Taylor, Coordinator, Radio Arts Department, reap-
pointed for the period from July 1, 1957 through August 31, 1957.


        John A. Jones, Instructor, English Department, effective September
1, 1957,

        Roberta A. Tyler, Secretary, Mathematics and Astronomy Depart-
ment, effective June 5, 1957.

        Marian H. Coates, Secretary, Speech Clinic, Psychology Department,
effective June 30, 1957.



        William B. Macke, Geologist, Kentucky Geological Survey, effective
June 15, 1957.

        Gerhard Weinberg, Visiting Lecturer, effective July 1, 1957.

        John H. Burns, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,
effective July 1, 1957.

        James A. Peyton, Part-time Instructor, English Department, ef-
fective September 1, 1957.

        Charles J. Pelfrey, Part-time Instructor, English Department,
effective September 1, 1957.

        William M. Byron, Part-time Instructor, English Department,
effec tive September 1, 1957.

        James W. Eroaddus, Part-time Instructor, English Department,
effective September 1, 1957.

        Jasper Shannon, Professor, Political Science Department, effective
September 1, 1957.

        W. R. Irvin, Jr. , Chauffeur, Rehabilitation Center, effective May
31, 1957.

        James Gray, Swimming Instructor, Physical Education Department,
effective June 30, 1957.

        Everett L. Gruelle, Therapist, Physical Education Department,
effective July 27, 1957.

Leaves of Absence

        Hollis S. Summers, Associate Professor, English Department,
leave of absence, from September 1, 1957 through June 30, 1958.

        Marvin Rabin, Associate Professor, Music Department, leave for
July and August, 1957.

        Gordon J. Kinney, Associate Professor, Music Department, sab-
batical leave for the period September 1, 1957 through June 30, 1958.

Changes in Status

        Archie B. Rainey, Technical Director, Radio Arts Department,
transferring to Part-time Instructor and Technical Director of Guignol Theater,
effective September 1, 1957.



        Ann L. Spoonamore, Secretary, Physics Department, adjustment in
salary for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

        Dorothy Cohen, Instructor, English Department, adjustment in
salary, effective September 1, 1957.

        John G. Dardis, Instructor, Physics Department, to Assistant Pro-
fessor, Physics Department, with adjustment in salary (part to come from
Kentucky Research Foundation), effective July 1, 1957.

        J. M. Edney, Assistant Professor, Zoology Department, transferring
to Indonesian Contract, effective September 1, 1957.

        Roger W. Barbour, Associate Professor, Zoology Department,
transferring to Indonesian Contract, effective September 1, 1957.

        Jasper H. B. Garner, Instructor, Botany Department, transferring
to Indonesian Contract, effective September 1, 1957.

        Mona L. Scott, Secretary, Modern Foreign Languages Department,
to Secretary for Foreign Student Information, with adjustment in salary,
effective July 1, 1957.

        Christine Pease, Secretary, Foreign Student Information, to Secre-
tary, Modern Foreign Languages Department, with adjustment in salary, ef-
fective July 1, 1957.

        Jane Haselden, Assistant Dean of Women and Part-time Assistant
Professor in Modern Foreign Languages Department, to Assistant Professor
(full-time), Modern Foreign Languages Department, effective July 1, 1957.

        William 0. Reichert, Instructor, Political Science Department,
to Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 1957.

        Mary Jo Bryant, Laundress, Physical Education Department, transfer-
red so Athletics Association, effective June 30, 1957.



        Billy Samuel Masters, Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station, ef-
fective June 10, 1957 through August 31, 1957.

        Joe Myles Davis, Research Assistant, Experiment Station, effective
June 1, 1957 through August 31, 1957.

        Garnett Lowell Bradford, Research Assistant, Experiment Station,
effective June 1, 1957 through August 31, 1957.

        Rose Marie Hawkins, Clerk-Typist, Experiment Station, for 12
months, effective June 3, 1957 through August 31, 1957.



         Maxine Sue Collins, Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station, for 12
months, effective June 10, 1957

         Betty Sue Ward, Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station, for 12
months, effective June 3, 1957.

        Jack H. Snyder, Assistant County Agent in Training, Larue County,
Hodgenville, for 12 months, effective June 15, 1957.

        Wilbert H. Earley, Assistant County Agent in Training, Washington
County, Springfield, for 1Z months, effective June 15, 1957.

        Raymond Douglas Ridley, Assistant County ..'gent in Training, Hart
Countr, Munfordville, for 1Z months, effective June 15, 1957.

        Kenneth Franks, Acting County Agent, Boyd County, Catlettsburg,
for 12 months, effective June 15, 1957.

        John L. Bucy, Field Agent in Cream Grading, for 12 months,
effective July 1, 1957.

        Janice Taylor, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Breathitt County, Jackson, for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

        Martha E. Owens, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Rockcastle County, Berea, for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

        Sue Carolyn Johnson, Clerk-Stenographer, for 12 months, effective
June 1, 1957.

        William Merrill Miller, Laboratory Technician, for 12 months,
effective June 17, 1957.

        Wallace I. Halcomb, Assistant County Agent in Training, Whitley
County, Williamsburg, for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

        Mrs. Roberta C. Hicks, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Lyon County, Eddyville, for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

        B. Russell Robertson, Extension Specialist in Fruit and Vegetable
Marketing, for 12 months, effective June 17, 1957.

        Gordon Frederick DeJong, Technical Assistant in Rural Sociology,
for the period from July 1, 1957 through September 15, 1957.

        Ralph Jean Anderson, Temporary Field Worker, effective May 22,
1957 through August 31, 1957.

        Carole Ann Simmons, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, for 12 months,
effective July 1, 1957.

        Janice L. Campbell, Clerk, Fayette County, Extension, for 12
months, effective June 17, 1957.



         Gordon Davis Feese, Instructor (Nature), Extension, for the period
 from June 3, 1957 through August 9, 1957.

         Frances Lynn Smith, Secretary, for 12 months, effective July 1,

         Dorothy L. Preston, Clerk-Stenographer, for 12 months, effective
 July 1, 1957.

         Revia Cruey Langford, Clerk-Stenographer, for 12 months, effective
 July 1, 1957.

         Richard R. LeMaster, Assistant County Agent in Training, Madison
 County, Richmond, for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

         Dorothy Sue Vanhorn, Home Demonstration Agent in Training, Bell
 County, Pineville, for 12 months, effective July 15, 1957.

         Eunice E. Kinner, Clerk, Greenup County Extension Office, Greenap,
for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957,

         Edward Manson Smith, Associate Professor and Associate Agri-
cultural Engineering, for 12 months, effective August 1, 1957.

         George H. Jenkins, Jr., Extension Specialist, Agricultural Engineer-
ing, for 12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

        Blaine Frank Parker, Associate Professor and Associate Agricultural
Engineer, for 12 months, effective July 16, 1957.

        Mary M. Zinn. Assistant in Home Economics, for 12 -months, ef-
fective July 1, 1957.

        Finnell Lowell Fields, Assistant County Agent in Training, Casey
County, Liberty, for 12 months, effective July 15, 1957.

        Theodore Hoskins, Aid in Agronomy, effective July 1, 1957.

        James Earl Thorndale, Aid in Agronomy, effective July 1, 1957.

Re signations

        Edna M.. Hansel, Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station, effective
July 31, 1957.

        Clifford Franklin Kerby, Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station,
effective March 11, 1957.

        Hugh Higgins Blair, Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station, effective
March 31, 1957.

        Myrtle Joy Eddings Davis, Stenographer, Agricultural Extension,
effective August 28, 1957.



         Donald F. Austin. Assistant County Agricultural Agent, Clay County,
 Manchester, effective July 26, 1957.

         Mrs. Louise W. Arnold, Home Demonstration Agent, Brandenburg,
 Meade County, effective July 24, 1957.

         Mrs. Blanche Browning, Home Demonstration Agent, Owingsville,
Bath County, effective August 10, 1957.

         Harald R. Jensen, Associate Professor and Associate Economist,
effective July 15, 1957.

        Nancy Blankenship, Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station, effective
July 31, 1957.

        Geraldine Tincher Street, Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station,
effective July 31, 1957.

        Barbara Lay Strunk, Laboratory Technician, effective June 30,

        Orene N. Stephens, Clerk, Powell County, Extension, effective May
21, 1957,

        Mose W. Dunning, Jr., Field Agent in Cream Grading, effective
July 3 1, 19 57.

        H. B. Morrison, Jr., Professor of Dairying and Dairy Technologist,
effective June 30, 1957.

        Billie Jean Kinney, Assistant Professor, School of Home Economics,
effective June 30, 1957.

        Hazeleen Pace Brewster, Assistant Instructor, School of Home
Economics, effective May 31, 1957,

        Janet Faye Malone, Student Clerk-Stenographer, Experiment Station,
effective June 15, 1957.

        Phyllis Ann Dean, Secretary, Extension, effective June 15, 1957.

        Joy Butler Davidson, Clerk-Stenographer, effective June 1, 1957.

        Alexander Z. Kelly, Dairy Herdsman, effective May 31, 1957.

        Columbus C. Litton, Assistant Agronomist, going on full-time USDA,
effective Jurne 15, 1957.

        Mary Ellen Summers, Home Demonstration Agent, Jamestown,
Russell County, effective August 17, 1957,

        Mary Ann McCormack, Acting Horne Demonstration Agent, Burlington,
Boone County, effective August 14, 1957.

        Katherine W. Hixson, Home Demonstration Agent, Mt. Olivet,
Robertson County, effective July 31, 1957.



         Mary Scott Moore, Home Demonstration Agent, Breathitt County,
 Jackson, effective June 30. 1957.

         Margaret M. Strafford, Home Demonstration Agent, Grant County,
 Williamstown, effective August 30, 1957.

         Gloria Joan Hankins, Home Demonstration Agent, Estill County,
 Irvine, effective August 30, 1957.

 Leaves of Absence

         Ray H. Dutt, Associate Professor of Genetics and Associate Geneticist,
 Experiment Station, sabbatic leave, effective July 1, 1957 through Novembar
 30, 1957.

         Warren C. Thompson, County Agent, Hickman County, Clinton,
return from sabbatic leave for 12 months, effective June 1, 1957.

         Royal Keith Kelley, County Agent, Ballard County, return from
sabbatic leave to position as Assistant District Leader of County Agents, for
12 months, effective July 1, 1957.

         Roberta Halcomb, Home Demonstration Agent, Letcher County,
Whitesburg, return from sabbatic and regular leaves, effective August 1,

         Ernest D. Gooch, Jr. . Assistant Economist, sabbatical leave for
period from October 1, 1957 through July 31, 19