xt7xks6j496r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j496r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1990 1990 1990-10-09 2020 true xt7xks6j496r section xt7xks6j496r  

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Kentucky Kernel

H” _ ..

Tuesday, October 9, 1990

Wethington promises University new library

Senior Staff Writer

UK President Charles Wething—
ton, in a move designed to ease fa~
culty fears that research would be
de-emphasized during his tenure,
yesterday called for a new library.

Wethington told the University
Senate in a 45-minute address that
UK’s library. the “heart” of the uni-
versity, had “facility problems."

“We’ve been talking about a need

to expand our library facilities for
some time here inside the Universi-
ty," Wethington said. “And those
plans are fairly far along in terms of

While saying no formal plans
have been made, Wethington an-
nounced he would form a steering
committee in a few weeks to plan
the new library and its location.

“We have not made a final deter-
mination On site, but it would be
somewhere in the environs of the

Unstable IFC policy
faces change again

News Editor

Two weeks after UK’s lnterfrater-
nity Council voted to bring kegs
back into chapter houses, one frater-
nity is seeking to again amend the
governing body‘s controversial alco-
hol policy.

Alpha Gamma Rho President
Mark Waflart yesterday made a mo-
tion to have the IFC return to 3
“bring your own“ alcohol policy,
which would prohibit fraternities at
UK from centrally distributing liq—
uor or purchasing it with chapter

If the motion passes the floor later
this month. UK fraternities would
return to nearly the same alcohol
policy they approved last fall.

The policy was amended two
weeks ago by IFC 6-4 to allow cen-
tral distribution of beer at fraternity

Under the proposed policy, indi-
viduals who bring alcohol to frater—
nity functions would be given stan-
dardized lFC control cards,
designating the quantity and kind of
alcohol they brought to the party.

Individuals would then have to
take the alcohol to a control area.
which would be policed by fratemi-
ty members of age “20 and one
day," the policy states.

Only specific fraternity members
would have access to the control
area, which would prevent any un—
authorized drinking at parties, Wa-
flart said.

Waflart said the proposal is a
“good compromise" between a
loose “BYOB" policy and a policy
that allows central distribution of al-

cohol. The policy, if passed, should
give fraternities better guidelines on
alcohol control and enforcement, he

The policy specifies that individu-
als must present their IFC cards and
have them punched to be sewed the
alcohol they brought to the control

Fraternity members in the control
area reserve the right not to serve
any individuals that may be intoxi-
cated and may stop the flow of alco-
hol if necessary, the policy states.

Excess alcohol not consumed at
the fratemity function may not be
returned to the individual until the
next morning. at which time proper
identification and the IFC control
card must be presented, according to
the policy.

Some IFC members voiced con-
cerns about complications arising
from such a policy at the meeting,
although they said the proposal was
“a step in the right direction."

“There would be so much more
possibilities for fraternities to be
brought tip on an infraction of poli—
cy," Sigma Chi President Fred Wei~
denhoefer said at the meeting.

IFC President Sean Coleman said
although the proposal is a good step
forward, he will have to do “some
serious thinking" about the it before
the vote.

The proposal is modeled after a
similar policy in effect at Western
Illinois University, Waflart said.

A newly formed Alcohol Manage-
ment and Policy Enforcement Com-
mittee, made up of several IFC
members will meet before the vote
to discuss any improvements needed
in the specifics of the proposal.

1990 yearbooks now available

Staff report

The 1990 Kentuckian yearbooks
are now available in the Grehan
Journalism Building in room 32.

Ordered yearbooks with paid de—
livery should arrive in the mail in
about two weeks.

UK ram

Jeannine Blackwell,
a German professor
will present "Last
Year in Germany:
An Eyewitness Ac-
count." Tuesday at
the Peal Gallery,
Margret L. King Li—



brary North at noon.


UK receiver
Steve Phillips.
despite adver—
sity, keeps his
. lootball focus.

Sports .................................. 2
Diversions ...........................
Viewpoint .............................
Classifieds ..........................

There are some surplus ’80 and
‘90 books available for $20.

Students may order the 1991 year-
books to be delivered next fall.

For more information, call Ken-
tuckian Editor Tracey Boyd at 257-

central campus of the university,"
Wethington said.

But Library Director Paul Willis
said the site currently being given
the most serious consideration is in
the Clifton Circle area, behind the
Rose Street parking structure.

He said UK hopes to present a
plan to the General Assembly in
1992, and, with state and outside
funding, the new library would be
ready by 1995.

Wethington hopes the steering

committee will develop a fundraiser
for the new library.

Last month, UK kicked off a
fundraiser to improve its humanities
collection. He said the current li-
brary is hurt by space limitations.

“This library at the University of
Kentucky is a very good one in
terms of collection (and) ought not
to be allowed in any way shape or
form to go down Wethington

Chancellor for the Lexington

Campus Robert Hemenway said the
old library is outdated.

“It’s difficult to use." Hemenway
said. “It's not as modern a facility as
we would like.”

Willis said that the new library
may include some of the smaller,
more specialized area branches that
currently exist.

“We want to examine maybe
some limited consolidation of some
of the branches.“ Willis said.

Library could be used to house spe-
cial collections. He said the new
building will have room for expan-

Wethington also told the senate
that teaching and research are inter-

”But I think to have an excellent
lfniversily, we must have the same
kind of excellence in teaching that
we have in research.” Wethington

Wethington said Margaret l. King





A construction worker, aided by a crisp. blue sky, walks on a platform near the UK
Medical Center. Temperatures are expected to near 80 degrees today.

See WETHINGTON. Back page

Shutdown looms
as Senate weighs
new budget plan

Associated Press

WASHINGTON Senate Republican and Demo-
cratic leaders pressed tor approval last night of a re-
vised 3501’) billion delicit reduction plan essential tor
averting a Widespread shutdown in govemment servic»
cs on this morning.

President Bush declined to say whether he would
agree to the plan, which em l\l(ll'l< smaller cuts in \lcd-
icare but possibly higher tax increases than an earlier
version the House rctt‘t led last week

“We’re giving said the president \
\Pttkesman. Marlin l:ll/'-\.1llt,‘f “We've cot to s w what
the bill looks like" when the Senate tnns‘hes

lint hundreds ot thousands ol federal aorkev hiccd
the threat of torticd furlouuhs and lawmakers 'if'll"’l
of chaos it the White House Lllltl Congress fully! to rc
l\'tl"l71li yfl‘i'le

no signals."

\Oth‘ their Hiltl’ilhvlt‘llt! nuptisst- t’)\ _:r :1: '

"Were not llh‘l dealing with {‘t’ttL‘i'lillN
Senate \latority Leader (ieorge \iilchell
urging his colleagues to pass the measure .rncklx
“We‘re dealing with individual human beings and Lint-
ilies. and their hopes and tears and dreams ‘

“This has jUSl been playing marshmallow \tuit‘ at
far. said Sen. Alan Simpson, R—Wyo., the Senate's as—
sistant Republican leader. referring to the ltmtlx‘d tin-
pact on the govcmment during the (‘olumbus Dav hol-
iday weekend

"Any thoughtful. reasonable person mm k'iwm s
\\ hat happens to this government tomorrow

Debate on the budget began iii lht.‘ .lrl\ "7;! .
Leaders of both parties had spent the div l'\ in: it”:
up support tor the budget .snd t if .\ separate rmxisur;
bringing the shut—down government link t :c

“This is not a shining moment tor unwncf \enat;
Budget (‘ommittec (‘hairrnan James Siw‘r L‘» i .‘ltf‘. .
\Llld ot the budget mess as debate began,’ \nil ttanklx.
our countrymen are rightly tired ol it “

The House passed the budget 25“»th
mltlnlL'hl session early yesterday. The measure ton
rains tar fewer specific \andlllg cuts and tax l' t reases
than the yersion that went down to dcleat l.l\i katlh

\llfll If


.‘l ti [‘(Ni‘

tors unhappy

package. '



Greeks hope blood drive is
a (many) pint-sized effort

Stait Writer

Farmhouse fratemity, Alpha Delta
Pi social sorority and the Central
Kentucky Blood Center are sponsor-
ing a blood drive to be held tomor-
row and Wednesday between 6-10
pm. at Farmhouse fraternity.

“It was originated and planned in
a joint effort with the Central Ken-
tucky Blood Center and since then it
has expanded into a large and
succesful event," said Shannon Mor»
gan, president of Farmhouse.

WLFX-FM will be broadcasting
live at the drive. Prizes, such as free
dinners, will be given away.

Last year 200 pints of blood were
donated. This year‘s goal is 350

“1 would like to see the goal high‘
er. We have exceeded this before,“
said Steve Strong. Farmhouse chair-
man. Hc said he would like to see
the goal to go over 400 pints.

The blood, which goes back to the
Central Kentucky Blood Center and
will be distributed mainly in this
area. can be donated by anyone
meeting the requirements.

To give blood. one must be over

18, exceed lot) pounds and be in
general good health. A good meal
should be eaten before donating and
after donating.


When, where
to donate

Today, Wednesday
6'10 p.ui.
Farmhouse Fraternity

“Everyone should at-
tend mainly because the
blood bank is extremely

Steve Strong,
Farmhouse chairman


“Everyone should attend mainly
because the blood bank is cxtretnely
low," Strong said.

On Oct. 20, Farmhouse t‘ratemity
and Kappa Delta sorority are spon-
soring a 3-point shooting/slam dunk
contest for a community service at
the Seaton Center.

Plans are not definite but as of
now everyone is invited to be in-

putting ott‘ those decisions for later M the month
The vagueness of the new package lett sonic sena-

”bill not going to ».igii onto lhh till—in~iiic l‘lLlilks
said Sen, Phil (irarnm, R- l’cxax, .ino \ill‘w
ported and helped it me the first package.

.\grccntent on a deficit-reduction plan 1\ ifsxt‘llll‘til
tor avoiding the shutdown of govcmincnt writtc»

See BUDGET, Bash page


Members of Congress who vot-
ed against the budget a second
time “were acting as destruction-
ists" according to the former
Speaker of the US. House of Rep-
resentatives, Thomas P. “Tip”

A broad-based resolution pmsed
early yesterday by Congress called
for budget cuts. allowing individu-
al committees to say what they
will spondfl'he measure did not
contain any specific cuts.

O’Neill. who was the 17th
tirernent in 1986. said he didn’t
know how he would have handled
thcbudget impasse.

would [have voted? lflhad made
a deal with the President of the
United Sm: I would have
m dong. Did they vote right or
6d they vote wruig?” O'Neill
d m allowing me ques.


tion he raised. “Ultimately it (a
new budget) will be passed."

But O’Neill. who made his com-
ments at a short news conference,
said he would have not have gone
along with a tax on heating oil, nor
would he have gone along with the
all of the proposed cuts to Medi-
care. He didn’t suggest what he
would have cut, only saying, “I
think i could have gotten a much
better deal."

O’Neill also noted divergent
elements combined in the House
of Representatives' vote to defeat
the $500 billion deficit-reduction

p “For the most part the liberals
voted against it in the Democratic
Party and the ultraconservatives
voted against it in the Remblicm
Party,“ he said.

“Almost everybody - in , the
Northeast, whether liberal or mod-
erate. fought the increase in heat-
ing oil. 1 asked him (Rep. Joeefli
Kennedy who took O'Neill's em-
greesional seat) ‘how are you vot-

Former Speaker of House O’Neill
rips anti-budget leaders in speech

Senior Staff Writer

that heating oil; no way. That’s a
killer. It would cost the average
poor family 560 a year.’ "

O‘Neill felt President George
Bush‘s drive for the capital gains
tax cut hindered much of the talks
on the budget.

Another problem O’Neill saw in
the budget talks process we in let-
ting Press Secretary James Brady
and White House Chief of Staff
John Simunu set too much of of

"in my day we left that preroga-
tive to the Ways and Means Com-
mittee," he said. “Never before did
I see anything where you had a
Brady or a Sununu doing that
much with the republican mem-
bers in Congress were sitting idly
there. When I was speaker of the
house we brought in Brady. we
brougln'in Simone and we wanted
their advice and we talked to

While O'Neill didn't take too

SO. O'NEILL. Back 9399




 2 - Kentucky Komel, Tuesday, October 9, 1990

Phillips cuts through adversity ?

Senior Staff Writer

Like the surgical knife that cut
deep into his knees, UK senior re-
ceiver Steve Phillips has sliced
through the vanous roadblocks he‘s
encountered during his topsy-turvy

“It’s really been a roller coaster —-
a lot of ups and downs." Phillips
said. “But this past spring and fall,
things are really starting to look up
for me."

True. Phillips, a six-foot two.
Jill-pound split end who is regarded
as owning the best hands on the UK

football teant. has undergone three
knee operations and three frustrating
seasons since he decided to play at

Three knee injuries and three
maddening, bowl dream-ending
losses to University of Tennessee at
each season's end.

“The past four years, it's been
tough knowing that alter the Ten-
nessee game, there would be no
bowl game for its." Phillips said.

And this season. his last with the
Cats, hasn't fleshed out as well as
Phillips had hoped it would. UK's
tough 1-4 start has surprised Phillips
as much it has anyone.




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“This start is definitely a shock to
me -- I never would have thought
this." Phillips said. “We're just lack-
ing in our concentration right now."

Concentration is one asset that
Phillips has never lacked. Some
argue that it is just that —— his con-
centration — that keeps him com-
peting in collegiate sports.

Phillips came out of Fairfield
High School (Ohio) in 1986 not as a
sheer athletic machine, but as a re-
ceiving craftsman. Phillips was a re-
ceiver who, without incredible speed
or leaping ability, relied on well-
charted routes and impeccable

Without flash and eye-popping
speed, the three year lettennan
didn‘t catch the eye of a lot of

“Most of the attention came from
MAC and Division 11 schools," said
Phillips, who bench presses 340
pounds. “I really wanted to play in
the SEC."

After signing with the Cats, the
disappointments and heartbreak

In 1986, he was redshirted and in
1987 Phillips missed the whole cam-
paign because of three extensive
knee operations. The operations
transformed Phillips further into a
control-type receiver.

“My speed slowed down quite a
hit ifrotn a 4.9~to a 4.6-secotid 4t)-
iiieter dashl." said Phillips, who was
named Most Improved Wide Re-

Staff Writer

l‘inishing eighth in a golf tourna—
ment is usually not what most teams
sime for when entering competi-

But when five of the nation‘s top
\t‘VCl'l teams round the competition.
eighth place doesn’t seem like a bad

That was the situation facing the
UK women's golf team this meek-
end in the Lady Buckeye Invitation-
al Tournament at Columbus, Ohio.
The Lady Kats finished eighth in a
l9-team field which was billed as a
preview of the national champion-

ceiver for the 1990 spring by the
UK coaching staff. “It’s really hard
to practice with the pain. Now, I‘m
more of a possession receiver who
tries to run good, disciplined

In 1988 he played tight end, but in
I989 he was switched to split end
position, where he has prospered.
He caught his first pass as split end
— one of 11 passes he caught for
161 yards last year.

Phillips says he loves to use tim-
ing and athleticism to make the
spectacular catch, like the famous
leaping one-armed touchdown grab
he made in last year's 31-0 rout of

“My strongest asset is my ability
to catch the ball in heavy traffic,"
said Phillips. “The hardest thing for
me and a lot of the receivers is try-
ing to run smart, disciplined routes
when we are tired. That's tough.“

Phillips, who was expected to
play a major role on this season‘s
squad, has caught only two passes in
five games for a total of 22 yards.

The bad start doesn’t seem to
phase the indomitable Phillips.

“1 think our hands are a lot better
than they were last year.” Phillips
said. “We’ve all learned to come to
the ball.

“Individually, I’m going to try to
catch every pass that’s thrown to
me," Phillips said. “Also, I'm going
to try and help the team wm as
many games as humanly possible.“


“We were a little disappointed
with our play on the last round.”
said UK coach Bettie Lou Evans.
“We moved from ninth (place) to
fifth and l was hoping we‘d move
into third because we‘ve improved
day-by—day all season.

“But there‘s no doubt in my mind
that these are the teams which Will
compete for the national champion
ship. I really believe these were the
top teams in the country."

The women‘s national champion-
ship will be held at the same course
at Ohio State University in the

The Lady Kats. ranked ninth in




Photo Counesy of UK Sports Information

UK senior Steve Phillips heads down field after catching a pass.

Golfers compete with best in Ohio

the nation. finished 29 strokes be-
hind tourney winner and No. 1
ranked San Jose State. The Ktits’
SEC rival Georgia finshed third.
Other highly ranked teams in the
tourney were No. 2 Arilona, No. b
Furman, and No. 7 Tulsa.
Sophomore Dolores Nava led the
Kats with a score of 230 (+14) to

place 10th in her first toumament of

the season. Chris Miller was one
stroke behind at 231 (+15). Other
UK scores were Jayne Lohr (240,
+24), Tonya Gill (245, +29), and
Lisa Weismueller (247, +31).

“1 am really pleased with Dolores
Nava’s play," said Evans. “Especial-
ly since it was her first toumament






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Where? When?





Share your talents at UK’s
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Thursday, October 18, Lexington Campus
We need contributions of baked goods and handcrafted items
for the Bake Sale and Craft Show. All proceeds from the sale of
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You may also contribute to the festivities by providing enter.


tainment—use your imagination!

If your office organization or committee would like to partici—
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Here’s how I would like to participate:

Please send this form to:

United Way Fall Festival
Room 111 Administration Bldg. Campus Address

Speed Sort 0032
Phone: 257-6383

Suggestions are welcome.



Contact Person




Campus Phone


Tuesday, October 9 through Thursday. October 1 1

Classroom Building, Student Center.
MJ. King Library. Commons. and
Business and Economics Building

4:00 p.m.
to Commons.
7:00 p.m.

Amy Lou Daugherty
Stephanie Ann Farley
Victoria Belle Glass
Diana L. Goetz
Kimberly Dawn Horned
Melissa Reriee' Monroe
Maria Moore
lvy Morse
Melissa Rose
Minni Saluj‘a
Sherry Lynn Stroup
Anne 'l‘ekrony
Kimberly Ann Thomas
L. Paige Walters
Christina L. Warner
Kelli Beth Wicklinc

MJ. King Library.

Donovan Oak Room

Commuter Student Board
Kappa Delta


Delta Gamma

Laiices Jr. Honorary Society
Sigma Chi

Lexington Community College
Chi Omega

Kappa Kappa Gamma
Societas Pro Legibus

Kappa Kappa Psi

UK Women's Soccer

UK Band

Delta Delta Delta

Phi Kappa Psi

Famihouse Fratemity


of the season."

Nava, a native of Buenos Aires.
Argentina, had not played iii the
timed States this year and needed
extra time to adjust.

Evans said she was happy with
the balanced play of her team. but
her two stars, All-American candi—
dates Lohr and Gill. must play bet
ter to compete with the highly-
ranked teams.

“It’s good to see we have other
people who can step in and play
well," said Evans. “l‘ve said all
along that makes us a better team.
But we need Jayne (Lohr) and Ton—
ya (Gill) to improve. They’re the
leaders of this team."





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 1) l'l:‘R.S’l().\'S
UK Brass Ensemble displayed its potential

Assistant Arts Editor

The UK Brass Ensemble began its
recital last Wednesday night with a
clash of cymbals at the Singletary
Center for the Arts Recital Hall.

Conducted by Skip Gray, the 22-
member ensemble, comprised of
trumpets, 'trombones, tubas. horns,
percussion, and euphonium, per-
formed well overall. Each instru-
ment seemed to have its own voice,
its own soul. However. there were
distinct moments of untimely mis-
takes and imperfections that could
not help but ruin some of the recital.

Throughout the recital I was most

impressed by the seven trumpet
players. They truly carried the show
with power and strength behind
their music. The tubas also sounded
wonderful with restrained energy
which was released at single mo-

Contemporary composer Aaron
Copland‘s “Fanfare for the Com-
mon Man" was a loud resounding
first piece, followed by the contrast-
ing piece of Adrianon Banchieri’s
“La Battaglia."

Girolarno Frescobaldi‘s “The Bat-
tle" was one of the best pieces in
the performance. it was lively yet
controlled, terrifying but sup-
pressed, which caused the audience
and musicians to be enthralled with

the music.

Aurelio Bonelli’s “Toccata Atha-
lanta” was mediocre in comparison.
but was immediately followed with
the magnificent “Ancient Hungarian
Dances" of Vaclav Nelhybel. The
dances were played with delicate
precision and triumphant clarity.

A UK Brass quintet, comprised of
Todd Hastings, Teresa Rata, Kenny
Ringel. Mark Castro and Kelly Dia-
mond, united beautifully in the Jo-
seph Horovitz's five movements of
“Music Hall Suite.” The most im-
pressive movement which truly dis-
played the quintet’s mastery was
“Soft Shoe Shuffle.”

The ensemble ended with lengthy
piece by Alfred Reed entitled “Sym-






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phony for Brass and Percussion." lt
was drawn out and several mistakes
and misinterpretations were preva-
lent. but it was a strong attempt.

In fact. most of the performance
was well-played. Considering this is
the first major performance of the
ensemble for the fall semester. it
was a good team effort and director
Gray tried to combine every sound
into a harmonious performance. The
ensemble needs to concentrate more
on following cues for precise timing
to make the next performance more
of a homogeneous experience.
Wednesday’s recital showed that
this ensemble has plenty of potential
that may be nurtured at another

to perform

Staff reports

Sixteen-year-old Lexington vio-
linist Alyssa Park is scheduled to
perfonn at UK‘s Singletary for the
Arts Center on Oct. 19 at 8:00 p.m.

The Spokesman‘Review Chroni-
cle said that Park has the “musical
command of a seasoned veteran.” .

She will perform Mendelssohn’s
“The Hebrides (Fingal’s Cave),”
Tchaikowsky‘s “Concerto for Violin
in D Major,“ and Beethovan‘s
“Symphony No. 8 in F Major."

Park’s recital marks the second
performance in the 30th Anniver—
sary season of the Lexington Phil-
harmonic Orchestra.

Park made her professional debut
at age H with the Cincinnati Cham-
ber Orchestra. Since then her en-
gagements include return appear—
ance at the Sandpoint Festival in
Idaho. a debut with the Cincinnati
Symphony and Maestro Jesus Lo—
pez-Cobos and performances with
the Louisville Symphony, Central
Kentucky Youth Orchestra.

Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. October 9, 1990 - 3

The EaSt Meadow by Zale Schoenbom










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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, October 9, 1990



Kentucky Kernel

Established in 1894
Independent since 1971


VIE l/VPOIN '1 ‘


Editorial Board
0 . a
Tom Spalding. Editor in Chief
(1A. Duane Bonifcr, Editorial Editor
Jerry Voigt, Editorial Cartoonist
Brian Jent. Managing Editor
TOHJ8 Wilt, Executive Editor
Victoria Martin. News Editor
Clay Edwards
Curtis 1. Jackson
Ken Walker



Solving nation’s
deficit calls for
new leadership

While Congress was debating how to fix the deficit thing
without taking responsibility for it last week, a trial in Cincin-
nati shed some light on how the nation’s coffers were depleted.

A jury acquitted the director of the Cincinnati Contemporary
Art Center of obscenity charges that stemmed from the Robert
Mapplethorpe exhibit last spring.

For the better part of a year, the Mapplethorpe show was at
the center of a debate over government funding of the National

Endowment of the Arts.

The NBA debate over dirty pictures coincided with a debate
over the constitutional right to burn an American flag.

The two issues followed a presidential campaign in which
candidates pandered to voters by wrapping themselves in the
American flag and making promises to fund programs that the
government had no money to pay for.

Meanwhile. the nation’s debt continued to escalate as few in
(\mgress and the White House gave any thought to what rami-
fications deficit-spending would have on an economy financed

by junk bonds.

Yesterday. Congressional and White House leaders attempted

to reach a budget agreement that they were supposed to have

done eight days ago.

liven with some government agencies shut down and thou—
sands of federal workers nervous about being laid off. our na-
tion’s leaders failed to come up with a budget package that ad-

dressed the nation‘s problems.

As The New York Times noted Sunday. a similar crisis in a
country with a parliamentary government would throw itself
into political chaos and call for elections.

As of the writing of this editorial. Congressional and White
House leaders appeared to be moving toward some sort of
agreement that would postpone addressing the real issue of fi-
nancial mismanagement for another 12 months.

Lawmakers have two options that will reduce the deficit w
cut government programs or raise taxes to pay for existing gov-

ernment programs.

Leaders understandably are hesitant about voting to raise tax-
es in an election year. Anti-tax rhetoric provides good fodder
for challengers facing an uphill battle to unseat incumbents.

Cutting government programs. on the other hand. can be
equally painful politically, especially when it means axing pop-

ular pork-barrel items.

But unless the nation‘s leaders are willing to either pay for
existing programs or cut them. shutting down the government
for a few days each year may become a national tradition.

The only way to change that may be by sending a new slate
of leaders to Washington the next several elections.

Six easy steps that will reduce everyday stress

Dear Counselor: l have lots of

problems in my life and it‘s getting
on my nerves trying to deal with
them. l‘m also busy with school.
work anti my new girlfriend.

I‘d like to practice some of the re~
laxation techniques I‘ve read about
but l iust don't have time.

Could you suggest some quick
\lt‘l‘s for reducing stress before
things really get out of control? I
want an exc'iting life. but not Exco
drin headache \‘o. 12 every day.
Mike 2.. engineering sophomore.

Dear Mike: Actually. you've al-
ready taken Step One by being
aware that stress can have negative
consequences in your life

Most people are all too willing to
tolerate day-to-day stress.

They say. “l'm hyped all the time,
my mind races, l do three times as
much work as anyone else, I never
need much sleep," and then wait un-
til they have an emotional or physi-
cal crisis before they do something
about ll.

By the time it‘s serious. they‘