xt7xks6j482v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j482v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-12-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1979 1979 1979-12-05 2020 true xt7xks6j482v section xt7xks6j482v ,3 3 ‘ ‘ .W 33 3. , 2 3 ”3,”. ., 3 .3 3 r: 3333 3“ D3 ' M 3' , 33 a. . 3v, ,3. 4‘ (3 3” ,3
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B\ ( \R\ “I” IS Kernel Stall
P k d h While ”.000 people stood up and cheered the Who‘s final number Monday concertgoers. Most of the people in the crowd. as well as the band. were
ac e ouse night. ambulances and medical personnel were treating at least 20 injured unaware of the fact that ll people had been killed.
Vol. LXXII. No. 77 K6 I e] l'niterslt) of Kentucky
Wednesday. December 5. 1979 Lexington. Kentucky 3
an Independent student newspaper
. '-
0 pl 9UP at Open 00" = . were at fault at l he Wl l0 concert
I: . - . - “'——‘AM‘—‘#‘*‘ i 3 , . . .
By JAN HAMMONDS Other stories on the tragedy a! ,3, 3 By RIUIARD McDONAH) dttt’r» “‘0 WP“ “Wldnl ls“ ill‘lhttd.‘ perimeter 0' R'ermm (”hm'm‘
Rwottt‘t (‘t'ncinnafll including a list of ”'05? ”N. . V 33- (3.3.. [3. in." Rushing said (\ltnutes earlier about Ill leet abme the ground.)
. 3 , 3 killed. appear on page 3. "l' one ol the glass doors had been broken "ll was horrible." Rushing said.
On Mondaya group fl m} lricnds V” ...______~ , -_ _ ’3‘ ’-~-“*--— 3. Rlcl. Rushing held-w. the deathsol and se\era| people had entered tlte "nobods was niottng. nobody was 3
and I went to (tncmnatt s Riverfront pushed back and forth. lhen the door 3 \ 3 ’3; l l people .33 (33333333333333, Riseilront arena.) breathing ..
(30|tset31mto seethe British rock group. opened. 3 3 3 _ s 3 , (‘oltsettm \londa} night can be [hen the single door was opened He said he was lrustrated b} the
lhe “,hO‘ . 3 blaring es er} one m the m“ “m i $345 ¥5§ blamed on poor secttrtt\ arrangements lhe “(Nd surged lorward. ‘CCUl'll 211“”th MTmmtl lnClme
. Arriving a hm? alter 4 pm. we C'ghl doors. “uh Onll' one opened h—‘i \ >... . Q ’1 Eli at the arena. 1 “ll was era/3t." he said. about what was happening outsidethe
lound a crowd ol about 500 people the securit) guard. lhe crowd was H AV HAMMONDS Rughmp 3. landscape architecture -\s people lell. Rushing and arena doors.
Sllllng around the doors. lhere is totally out Ol control. 3 senior. \Hls near lllt‘ ”0m Ol lllL‘ cro“d Smphcng stopped [(3 help [hcm Up. “\\'c \\cr‘c_\clltngand hangmgunthc
nothing unusual about this most Alter what seemed lobe lSmtnutes. door. I saw what looked like a gap that triedtopush “W,“ tntothearcna l-ew Qt the others m the crowd doors But the little men in their little
and tans wait so the} can get a good I was lurther away lrom the doortnen about It) leer in diameter wttli people through .33 53mm. door lhe \mglcdom stopped. \cllow um. occur... guard.)
“spot" from which to tie-w the show. when I started. I raised my head to pushed to fill .ll' lhere was a heap ol “3“ the problem. I“. “up “We “.3... “ll“? 1., pull people up wouldn‘t help " i \
aome fans were drinking bourbon look for the people 3l came with but bodies. all trying drasticall) to get tip 33””de iustopcned 33303633113103,“ bttt people were hitting u. and Alter carrying one woman into the
while others were wrapped in blankets the} were no where in sight. Instead. but unable to because people behind 03 mm, 333-30“ none ”3. this ‘would knocking u, d(,“n_“ .\ lew minutes arena. Rttshinggaieup.“\13\ 3mm M3.
and playing cards. all I could 569W?“ about-4.ll()0t05.0(lll tbezn “W 5““!l Pll‘lk‘d “n WP l‘l hatc happened he said later. he said. the area outside the hall torn oll and in} legs were tired. I
Al around 5pm.. CWT} body “(Nd people all toting ‘0 g“ ”‘Sld? them. ”333333 3,3, lt< d333,“ 3n the 333333 doors looked ltke"an air crash scene." lust couldn‘t. carts anyone else." he
upand walked in the generaldtrection 3 It was not known at this time that lhen l was pushed into the heap 0333mm ‘3‘ tlte 33 people died 03 “I pm 53.,“ about 20 people ina pile said. "One or m.- ushers made me put
ot the doors. In the past. the doors eight doors had been opened on the whiletrttngtokeepthe persontnlront trampling ind “333003330” In about three deep. \ke were using to the girl down and show m_\ ““3333"
. . u ‘ , ) I \ ' 1 r \ 4 \ n I u I s i I ‘ ‘ ‘ . '
were usuall) opencdaltttlealterbp.m. otherstdeolthe3entrance.onl3\35llleet ol me trom the saint late. \‘lt both 3333333330“ 3“ least ,0 were initired pull peoplcout.but3s0uC.,u|dn~”wH_\ lhe teal tron_\ ol the situation.
B_\3 6 oclock. the rapidly growing lrom the mob, lhe Cincrmtatt poltcc leanedoteronthe pile. tinabletomote 3 3 ' do it. lheir [ch were trapped ”mm. Rushing “mp wasthatabank m doors
crowd began pushing in both and the securit) officers made no ottrlcct because people were lasing on Rttshtng and Mike Stephens. a and n “a. hard 1.. get them 0.1.3 was open on the opposite side or the
directions. lhe people tnthc back were attempt to tell the I‘ICkCI holders top, ol them. 3 btlslness adritiritsttatton sophonire. "pm sure some 0' [hc people we had arena. with an Ol'dL‘l’l} crowd flowing
shuttling towards the lront and the possibly they couldnt 3 Somehow. I regained-m} balanced were In ( lllClnnllllv to see art ls pm, Our hands on were dead. Some at the through them. "lltit we didn‘t know
people tn the trout began mos'rng There were a lcw people up lront and returned to an upright position. concert h} ll“; “h“: lllt‘.‘ ilde people l picked up were dead. so I put dll3\ll‘lllg.’lb01llllilllllCIllllt‘. And eten
backwards to keep lrom sullocattng. who wantedto get out ofthe crowd but But then I was pushed back orithe pile short|3\ all” , p,m.. 31ml in the them back down. lhtlsc people at the it we did. you couldn‘t get out ol that .
As the pushing continued. the sun couldn t. Some passed out. others while people began to climb oser it stampede ht‘gitn. bottotn ”N couldn't breathe. lhes mmdj‘ he find,
started ‘0 30 do‘m ‘15 did lht‘ were helped b} lhe” friends » - hUl l-Us'k'lll somone grabbed tn} 11”“ and "It's like a patio (outside the would grabsouaround)tturlegswhtlc Stephensand Roshtng both sas (hes ‘
temperature. But no one in the crowd there was no room for people to get helped me to m_\ leet. coliseuml llte crowd was shaped like 3\ou were standing there “ will contact ('inctrtnatt‘s police about
noticed because otallthe bodieswhtch out. I was beginning to leel queas). lurning around to get out ol the a triangle. mm the apes near the litentuall}. the crowd started to the incident llte_\ are concerned that
seemed to be sweating as they were As I started to move closer to the (onttnued on page 6 doop“ h.» and "lhat's w here all the walk on the piles ot people. what the} think isthe real cause ol the
co lewere l'allingandthat‘swhere we “Some ol them were still trsirt' to ds‘ittlh 11nd lnlurts‘s the slnglc door
P P . 3 _ . E 3
were standing." get inside and some ol them were “ll be o\crlooked.
! l 'I here were seteral security guards trsirtg to climb on top ol. (the pile) to fluid Rushing. “So lot. the press has
WO S n blocking one ol‘ the doors when the get to the second lloor," made it lookltkeadrttg-cra/ed rock ‘n‘
I pair armed. "I here was one busted (A concrete ledge runs around the roll not and it wasn‘t that " 3
people will sec it as poltttei/irtg a \rris serious problem "
state Sen “cndcll lord. ll-ls) . tlltl riot mention Kcnricdt b_\ _
: : . . . . . . , . 3 _ name but e\presscd hope that "the Iranian situatiottwrll not
ll) 5Tb”. MASS!“ report. Metcall and Neal latlcd to “l don‘tthinkthe senate has realized I“ THE FINAL ESTIMATE 0. ll... ”mug...“ become .1 political toolball "
(dml‘u‘ Nils" ”PG“ “98.28 WOTIhIOl‘donaled‘ P3P“ What ll hélS done." Breetl sttld. "I donl eommittce. (toy-elect John Y. Brown .lr.‘striaugurationda) lhe Massachusetts Democrat. in a tclctision litters tew 3
‘ 3 used tor posters printed by Shenco have any desire to work with a senate parade next Wednesdas will last two hours and | l minutes Stindas night. said thc deposed shah. \lohanuriied Rent 3
[“0 k K Student Government Printlng Company. which ChOOSCh [0 rcnhnn igngranp" lwcntgmtx hands and I4 floats \Hll [firm at Mum and l'ltllldH. “ldll (\tlt' 0' ”it llltlst \ltilClll lt’gllllt's lll lllt' ll:slsll\ 7.
senators resigned yesterday in the Article IV. Section 6 (el of the SG Crutcher. who has been acmern $0 Wilkinson streets lll downtown lranklorr shortl) bclorc ol mankind " Kcllllt'd) also claimed that ttie :oiiiiu sliali 5?
wake of recent commversy over last bylaws states “All monetary. material for a )Ctlr and a hall including her noon lor the march ol almost one miletothe ('apitol led had stolen "umptccti billions ol dollars ltorri his witntt) " 1"
semester's election of President Mark and commercial semces donated to duties as political al‘t‘airs committee l“ ll 68" CO"taming: the Democratic gtwernor-elcct and his 3,
Metcalf and Vice PreSident Std Neal. candidates shall be attributed as chairman this semester. said “I don't Ml" Phl'l"3h 3 3 ,3 3_ 4 3 3 3 wand
Arts & Setence‘s senators Mike expenditures of that candidate at a l'eellike lcan serieunderan executite “WM“ ”‘3‘“: p‘m“ ”0m“mmmlgwnd‘nmm . . _ . . ,l '
Breen and Lynne Lrutcher. who held retail Value." board I have no faith in will be sworn tn at . pm in lront ol the (apitol. IRANIAN MILITANIS. who h.t\c said the) will kill .
seats on the Urii\csity Senate resigned ' American hostages d the l niled \tatcs attempts a mllllilH ‘35
‘ The 9. . . . ~ . _33 .. W.
yesterday over what they termed a M I IfSI $338 lwould have cauied 3 Brcen sened as press surttar} for WATER SAMPLES FROM A Mt HHNBIRG rescueriow dit lllrt.l\l~t;lln3l.3!ilt\t‘ tll3L lhthetlpidus ‘ll lhu
“man" of principle.“ e ca Ian l ea to exceed thelr $.00 80 last year and was a member olthe ('0‘ NT\' fleck will be tested ”m week to dclcrmtnc the tail to copperalt.l a. hop otistholtrcta‘Iatt‘tscudcrdas 3
Academic Affairs committee campalgn expenditure ltmtt by academic allairs committee. ()ne lcselolchemicalcontamination rcsultinglromalircSunda) lh‘ b“ Khmi “ ‘l‘ "l ytg‘notito klgdmtfi'l l3: ”3‘“ '0 \El .
chairman Vincent Yeh3 expressed $19312 had u been reported. major plecc ol legislation the at the tirecnsillc Southern States (‘ooperatoe “hm ‘3‘: “‘ll‘ “d‘ “1" 3::"33 wou ”l“ “3‘ ”Huh?" 23‘) '3'?
disappointment over the “many, lack Although this “‘88 mentioned 10 the committee lobbied for and got Passed lhc lire resulted in the contamination ol a section ol 2W llqn‘gl‘TUJU‘m l ‘ rantans want ”0m l “r ‘ 3‘
‘ ‘ ' ‘. ‘ . . ~ - . - - * .- , . . . merit. 0531’“ s
of action. saying some olthe senators senatorsatthe meetingtheydtsmtsscd at a l,inl\r't.‘r\ll_\ Senate mL‘Ctlng (tines (reek by it ml\lurc ol pcsllcldts and herbitidts. 33c md thcsthmmw “MW hem threatened mm 3
tend t .. - . . it as an honest mistake and. instead. invols ed gcttin . the stude t "CW“lmtll“ “lurk" RCM‘UFWSSL‘CN‘UH) l'rank ”it"s‘ht" ' . 1‘ ’ ‘ ' .. :
0 stlclt their heads in the sand 3 . . ‘ 3 b ' n 3 3 .3 3 l 3 h 3 ‘d execution it the\ tail to cooperate with their captors.
and forget about issues .. applauded Metcall and Neal lor withdrawal policy changed lrom one ‘\ Wmm‘” lh‘ "mm" “mm m” "d“ ”“9““ 1.1.1”. ' "
t “I d 3 h' 3 " , finding a good deal. week to three weeks h) ltreltghters rinsed with packages ol chemicals and ‘ "YR 33 3333”] 333.3 nt'an ‘oo 3333333033 3N 3n
. (mt 4‘? any deSer l0 Work 3 _ _ 3 _ ' _ _ contcntsol ruptttreddrums.llowedintoadttchthatlcadsto ()tl“ln‘t“_ll_fm 1‘ H I L k l‘ ' l
with a body which chooses to remain ’3 Also m lhe” campaign A “ml" ml‘JWml! In English. BITCH the creek. llarscher said in a release routine matters.
ignorant about certain issues expendituresreport. Metcalland Neal has studied at Oxford University in ,
r ‘ ' " ' u . listed that 2. o; _ ' ' ' ' ‘ 2 ' i
39’“ ontlngd .”‘ h Bret" said. lm were 33333630: pg‘h‘mand bmhl‘m :0???“ ti "3'an “5 d" [933” flflltl rm: LN. Slit‘l'Rth ('01 .\('ll. called on Iran
tsappointe ”1 l e ethical conduct 0f p y ‘ en“) al a co“ 0f ‘ p“ lng m0" schOldrSh'P lCCIplenl on urgcntls t'csterda) to release immediatel) the l' S hostages
my cohorts and peers. “40.65. and recently was inducted into the hang held m [chum 3
3 3 “As far as I‘m concerned' SG'S lhe But . SKY: ArmStmng‘ Meteulrs Omicron ”9"“ Kappa leadership ROBERT 3‘ “HH‘F‘Y' board chairman ol the "683m A cotlnctl resolutionapproied tinantmottsh b3\ .tsbow ol
Joke everybody always says it is." campaign director during last spring‘s honorary soetety Drug to. died )esterday while on it business trip to \cw hands by m '5 mcmhc3\_ “I“, urged both ”3”. and ”.3. .
Brcen was referring to Monday‘s so elections. said Metcalf printed at little (‘rutchen political scrence ,cmm York (‘Itlt Ht W35” _ l'nited States “to exercise the utmost restraint in the
‘ meeting. At the meeting. the senate less than 2-500 posters alone. was director of political affairs last Bcglcyapparently dwd m ‘l helm mmk‘ “lamina? Pmatllne situation" and to tCsOhe the remaining "“19“
1 voted to accept Metcall and Neal‘s Furthermore. Armstrong said year. As political allairs committee ”(maid Snydcmice fluid”! and ‘cmtarl'ircawm 0 c bel“°°"lh¢m Pcm‘lunl
. explznation of “getting a good deal" Metcall used between l.000 and 2.000 chaijmansshc was Instrumental in “""Ndc drul‘w‘” ‘h‘m
. ont eprinting of cam at nmaterials br h ‘ ' A ~ .. . '
3 i used in last 5 rin 's elfctiéb oc ures. lhe combined number of getting louit. Nunn to speak at the SEN. EDWARD KENNEDYS wmmcms about the weather 3
' . H p g 3 "sf posters and brochures reportedly USCd gubernatorial forum earlier ”"5 lormchhahollranmavhave becnamalorcampatgn galle.
3 - l NYSE"- “V9 dlscrcfvj‘nclcs were comes to between a little less than semester. She also helped to establish one of Kenwckyana...“ ml 3.9mm, mosrn SI'NN\. ant-jar and warm toda) with 3
3 3 Yh? {“310an 0 l C WW0” 3.500 or 4.300. depending on what the campus input into SG‘s lobbying ‘1...an Ithink .. w." mm m; vtcstdt‘ntlal candldacy." highs In the upper 50‘s to low 60's Partls cloud\ and riot so
. V n l C" campaign CXPCMIWFCS actual number of brochures printed efforts this year said Sen Walter Dee lltiddleston. l)-Ky “the American mld "Will! “It“ '0‘“ t" lh“ ""d ‘0"
‘ l
l r
e 9 3
‘ -.:,'_..,,. ,... 3 3. u‘.‘-..*“'...o'r“4.d-O>«o---~¢t-.’..l“"“v'“J'V3OE'V‘9-,,V,¢.'-"" - -~A.4C~‘\¥4 / .'.;.'.'.'.;:::_::.. .‘
bad. in fact. the band was in top form kicked and shoved my way out of the '- J; ”—3 - —-““ ' .
lh“ ”“1““; “i“ superb Pete ——‘—‘—”——— madness into fresh air. ‘3 W’fl Q)/ ‘,:_ ~—-— , .
lownshend‘s trademark his evident that lot the nine of us to [sawpeoplegoingdown.lsaw glass E —-—- k ,3 /F\ ’ ‘ “ » 5
windmill-slyleguttarstrums were in remain togctlici. we‘d hayeto hold on doors being broken. I saw "in little a. -z _ ‘ v. i
full force and Roger Daltrey's flawless to each other police protection 333:3'1'2'43' % // é _ z
__ vocals were sharp and eshilarating, By 61-85 or so. that was impossible I found out vesterdav (Tuesday) fs— .w—és =t—a‘1" \ ' :1!
But. in retrospect. the performance But while I could only see two ofthe that there wereionlv 25 Cincinnati _ g;\ _ i
only served as a grim reminder of the people I came with. I sensed no policemen at the ”6"“ to protect and ->=‘es:~— m [r
violence that can accompany such an danger. l was warm. and l was in line control [7000 rock fans. I‘m not \ ' 1:25;. " 70 ,
energetic art form. llie heaying. to see the Vt ho. saving I like to be hassled by cops. I‘m , ,1. ll . ‘
howling mob of cold. drunken rock I recalled the group‘s rock iust saving there should' be more _-- *u r S .
t ”"3““ made ”"3 entrance one masterpiece. Quudro/tliemu. It I“ the around-to make sure things don‘t get i , ‘ -—————
nightmare l know I can never erase story ofa young man confused out of hand. ~ ”I r; '. - TEENAGE
from memory searchlng for meaning in life. Ht“ ‘0“ That wasn‘t the only problem. 4 ' 1
Eleven people died in the name of went to see the Who in concert. I felt General admission or “festiyal a" A! ,_ WASTELAND -
rock ‘n’ roll. being crushed and likethatyouthlwas humming “Baba seating .. should be abolished, .1 hat . 55:" {‘3 ’_'~ ‘ .
trampled to their cruel and painful ()‘Reilly’"and “My (ieneration“andl first-come first-served bullshit is ‘5- ‘37 ~J "' '—
deaths was fired tip. , I ’ : it y y ’ f 1: .
I could haye been the twelfth, . But suddenly l realized making. it itiiisl‘lgzjithlcir 2:33: iiidnliiiketrjitiih‘fiiggi ,’ , .-.'-."-.‘-.'-." ‘
Police and coliseum guards were inside was not gomgto beeasy, Stories those choice WA” '.
checking for tickets seyeral hundred of the rowdy crowds at Cincinnati ‘ _ . .
yards from the doors. lnexplicably resurfaced in my mind. lhad heard of And “'hfit really purlles me IS. . ..
crazed young people were hurling beer people rushing the gates there to watch 3h." weren l the doors opened earlier? . y .
bottles and setting fires. one ofwhich McCartney. Elton and others; I had ”‘6. stampede could have been “”0"“ I” MARK KAMEMSH
was in the back of a Ford pickup. heard of how Zappa once flipped the avotded 'I only people were admitted g"
I and the eight others who traveled bird at an unruly (‘incy audience and b-V 6 0 clock or 50‘ It was “5 before I As I was finally going in. I saw As a matter of fact. I didn‘t know could have taken to ayoid such a 1i
upto the Queen Cityfrom l'K showed walked offstage finally got through the gates. and ambulances and other emergency anyone had died until Igot back home .tragedv.
our tickets and moyed closer to the “Ah. but that kind of thing won‘t many were 5“” behind me. equipment rushing toward the to Lexington and hearditonthe radio. It is- a tragedy that even the great ‘3
auditorium. happen here." I thought. Some will respond with. " The band coliscum. I thought perhaps the I knew some were hurt. but killed." music of the Who will not soften, if t
It was 6:15 pm. By 7. I could not move any part of was still warming up.“ firetrucks were there to hose down the As I read the facts in this morning's 2'
Vet being particularly eagerto fight my body. A door opened to my left. The group had better practicea little throng and forcethemto back upfrom Herald. l broke down and cried. lcried Editor's note: Cary Willis is a .‘V “
a huge crowd. we stood around the and a surge a mighty gush of sooner if they want their followers to the doors. I didn‘t realize anyone had not only because I know I could have telecommunications junior. and is '- l
periphery and calmly waited. It wasn‘t humanity the likes of which I hope I stay alive. died. been one ofthe l l. but because actions Managing Editor of the Kernel. . é
‘ V.
l I I I I l . . . :1 i
CIVI/Iza non of today IS gomg through changes Similar to ancient Greece :
,. .
In his classic The Greeks and the Apollonius. and the marvellously of security apparently lost in the could argure that we entered a totally display numerous tomes on astrology. our socictv takes a bit of a snooze. .;-'
Irrational (Berkeley: I'niyersity of empty and clever Obscenities of heydayofGreekciviliIation.AFearof new worldview. an outlook that which (as in its Hellenistic version) gathering energy for the next portion "
California Press. I‘JSI l. E R. Dodds Herodas. The 300 years of Greek Freedom? demanded we see the globe for what it promises a sure guide to everything in of our journey into the future. on it
emphasue‘s how (ireek‘ civilization CI‘-lIl]81l0n (called "Hellenistic") We happen to live in a similar was: an Island in the Sky. We all one‘s personal life. No thinking may be that the West has reached a 13?
viewed the implications of its great following Alexander's march to the period. Science proffers an almost shared the cxhiliration when Apollo required. We bowl with collective rage point in its development where it is .3
achieyemems in philisophy. art. and banks of the Indus. generally settled unlimited array of questions. each |l saw the earth. shorn of political when there are hints of the coming confronted with the limitless §
poetry. and how the (ireeks reali/ed 5*. leading to further questions that boundaries. The New Age was upon demise of the automobile. Did we possibilities suggested by science and ’.;‘
that they had created a context of tin manta a itarel promise to'alter our baSIC perceptions us. Man's greatest adventure was scream asasociety when Henry Ford technology. Those rampantly 5.; ' ,‘
limitless further possibilities. (ireat g of the universe around us and the about to begin. But has it'.’ started giving us his black Model Ato uncertain potentials may. indeed. Z
-. .y,.h....,..,.ugh WW...
a . . . « . . . t . smooth.unchallengtngtimes.Butifwe '
BL Aeschylus. SOPhOd“~ 50“"“65- _—‘—_—— mid-20th century. so that 0t” cries by opponents of ERA that of anti-gravity be worth pursuit? succumb to this Fear of Freedom. we 8}
:risttotrliharyies. dEurtt’titzllehs. glam. down to a contented commentary and grandfathers 3might mutter how Somehow this “new“ addition to the . may simply loose freedom in all of its 3%
DTIS one. sero (pigs. ucy i es. summary of recollections about the, different is this world from the one Sonstttuttong would take away .. What happened to the New Age? most important aspectsNotonlydoes 3‘ K
emos ene. an orens of others (iood Old Days. Sowhat happened. they knew. Experiment has protection for women. We hear The coming century where ever more this freedom include the traditional }: , .
:Erlegfistanyltydtgp‘iiliajrrtorengrt‘lie méil: :hitigitfilis Lhisurraldicgl stwytch ufrom :tlirar:cte;ytletd‘;p:[work ofyy'ritedrs ofall from opponents of easy access to bold ventures would take qplaCC. exercise'of political Participation. but 3 ‘
something happened ‘0 'I)odds dc ”deuce 0in Chesmucy“) c; “asp .nmp steal“ a t (jigs/35a n20 ertnthts various literature that exposure‘of the cypanding the human intellect. What it also incorporates our freedom to 3.3; 3
thin“ tn tht‘ late 4th» century 3 CA ofIfeedom "They t‘ nd I .i 'ted'r furor rgaised b rMatissehnrd [gift 0'6 youngk mighlftauievi/hen to stray has appeared. instead. Is a numbing “We, rapidly If we choose. * I
Alexander launched hm military. hiloso hers p22”. xpilywr'i e: hc car] 20”); and” a) mugissnot‘: urhomkunown ya Lies. We notethe rush unwillingness to think. an ominous Societies that back away from the :5
ad\enture and conquered most ofthe historians, d it Itahr IS‘SI. :th ; om cyonventions "yto ctid 1‘) ac. into conservative “reltg'tou‘s‘ refusal . to TCJCCI assertions by I-reedom .ln an title like the one 1 3
known world but art literature century . a‘n p01 ica eons 5,0 t p . y , a in u e 3 -— sects. since they offer ”certain authorities from the Reverend Jones approaching. are condemned to '3 y t
~ ~ . y B.(.(rreece had offeredapath tone scales and the haunting answersto imponderables: life. death. to the panderers of astrology. molder and be subsumed in some ‘
ht‘tt’t.‘~ and ’5'“th cultural to intellectual freedom that terrified cacophonies of Ligetiand Penderecki. and the meaning or man. We cringe at Nostalgia is “in.“ reading is “out." other Great Ideal. :3 ‘
' “Pr“t'ml‘ 500" [00k 0“ a markedly most (ireeks. once they realized the and all aspects of our culture say they the continual barrage in the media Give us Security. so the public cries. it
introspective mood as contrasted to implications. Succeeding generations .pride themselves in seeking questions about industrial waste. and we are But were the “Old Days" so secure? it
theenthusiastic.almostbubblytone 0i rushed into acceptance of various and solutions unthought by our encouraged. by implication. to shut The age of Einstein. Hitler. World John Scarborough teaches history 3
the erstwhile "Golden Age"of Greece. brands of certainty: astrology. Stoic fathers. and undrcamed by even the down offending factories. Nobody war ll? and the classics. His column dealing :3:
After Alexander‘s death in 333 BC... philosophy. magic. and the numerous most imaginative ofthescience-fiction seems to be saying anything with books. academics. the :5
came the limp semi-soap operas of religions that f'estoon the pages of writers. In I969. when man walked on concerning new technological It may bethat we are in oncofthose bureaucracy. questions of teaching g
Menander. the merly fulsome epiCs of Hellenistic history gave peopleasense the surface of another world. one approaches_ Newsstands bralenly occasional resting periods. in which andthelikeappearsevery Wednesday. 3-. l
' ' I I I I I I I :3 ;
Pro-Arabian semtiments are not necessaril anti-Zionism anti-Semitism . l
I .. .
By DAVID THOMAS culture. goals and ideals are closer to In your article you spoke ofa “dual more US. military and economic aid Ayatollah Khomeini. let me first say was in the best interest of the L’nited ;
Jewish culture. goals and ideals than refugee problem.” Don‘t be absurd. than any othercountryinthe world. In that I think he is cracked. and that I States to supportthe shah. Ifeelthat it 3
I would like to reply to Steve ofany other minority. Upon realizing Arab Jews immigrated to the new spite of the fact that what was would fully support US. military is right for the U.S. to support Israel. 3
(ioldstein‘s editorial in i‘riday‘s this it made me wonder why. with all Jewish state. The very smallnumber of Palestine.and what now is Israel. isthe intervention if the situation deemed it but is it in our best interest? Why the 5
Kerrie/(Nov. 30i. Why is it that you. thesimilaritiesahere has been so much Arab Jews who chose to stay on in most fertile land in all of the Middle necessary. I can. nevertheless. see two {80657 I say that we should start I1
and unfortunately most of the Arab Israeli animosity throughout their Arab country were allowed to do East. Zionists claim they made the where he gets some Of his thwarted doing what is right andwhat is in the ; .l
Amet'can IerSh communttll equatc h 50. if they chose to face increasing desert bloom. Most of the rest of the ideas (sic). The U.S. was the number best interest of our government. As 3 ‘
anti-Zionism with anti-semitism‘? It Arab resentment. They were not. as Middle East. excluding the already one supporter Of the shah. The shah soon as the shah was overthrown we I «
might be very secure to scoff at the ' l the Palestinians. systematically over~populated Nile delta. is barren was the number one supplierto Israel. ShOUId have said.“0h well.we madca iI
critics of the Israeli government by opinion deprived of their land and rights. Yes. and unfertile. Where do all the Israel is the number one recipient of mistake." and started supporting the t.
callingthcm allanti-semitic. butthisis there are 429.000 Israeli citizens who petrodollars go‘? They go toward U-S- Military aid. Hence be 5665 the Khomeini government. WhiCh iS in '
s ‘ not always the case. By your all- *— arc Arab. but they are treated as developing ancient countries into entire situation as Of the shah as poww becauscofpopularsupport.not :
encompassing phrase I would be the 38:5.1hc factisthatthcrewasvery second class citizens. The Germans modern societies. The Arabworld has American imperialism and because 0f terror. We COUId have t.
conSIdcredv anti-Zionist. and hence little Arab chish resentment of one paid out huge reparations to Israel for neither the money or the facilities to international Zionism in action. "is avoided this WhOIC mess. It is too late .3
anti-semetic. Iconsider myself neither. another until the creation of the confiscation of Jewish land and accomodate the thousands and pchCPtiOFtS may h0t be valid. butthey forthat "OW. 0t coursc.but from now i
As an American lopposc many of the Jewish state. As a matter of fact. Jew; property. Has one dollar been paid to thousands of Palestinian refugees. do have some basis. Khomeini may be on I think America should not be i
, policies of the present Israeli often flcd European prejudices and the Palestinian refugees? The mistakes You also claim that the US. as brutal as the shah. but with one taking such inflexible sides. and start 1‘
government as detrimental to peace. wentto the Arab world for refuge. I‘ll continue: Israeli settlements on supports Israel because it is the only difference the Iranian people playing middleman. This is the only 1
That means I must by anti-semetic. be the first to agree that a Jewish state occupied Arab land continue to democracy inthat part ofthc world. I