xt7xks6j3246 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j3246/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1921 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 8, February 15, 1921 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 8, February 15, 1921 1921 1921 2015 true xt7xks6j3246 section xt7xks6j3246   r
To Editors: The ~ ·
ws in me bulletin THE UNIVERSI I Y OF KENTUCKY Entered as second
is prepared for the   ____ _ __J,+m_   _; I;.,i:7 ‘_    :7 V. ,.\ class matter at the
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` for ipublacatnon on Y   ‘     d     in         IQ? mgton, Ky.
rccclpt. ·· · -ea--.1~»·. ~ ‘ ··>»· _·-~ ··.;._;,.< ·¥· ,. N-· ;- ` .
February 15, 1921 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY
0. . . 0.8
1,  Farmers, Wives and Daughters Alumni Clubs Formed Social Service Workers R. O. T. C. To Be Given ‘
n -\ . In Various Cities at University A Risvid Army Ins ection
Attend Farm Week Louvenhon —~ —.— ¤ _-_ P
Three hundred and nity-four former The American Red Cross plans to The lIl$li€CtlOll of the R, Q,. T_ (]_ 1
The Hmm annual Farmers, Week the class in that d€_Dm.mmut_ The students and graduates of the Uni- establish at the University of Ken· Hf the University of Kentucky gig ‘ V
and Horne (jonvention at the Univer- 11igl1·grade and purebred dressed 63 versity of Kentucky were added to the tucky a school for the training of 111011111 by omg;-ps from the Umm of
sity Of Kgutugl-;y I<‘gl)ruary 1 to 4, Wits DGP CURE. of l.l`1€l1' lll/€ \V€l§§hli U-Nd the memlmrship of the Alumni Associa- social S€l‘\’lUB W01'l—2€1‘S f0l` KGlltll<5li,V COIOHGI RODGYL FlG111i11¤‘ in cli;]-vg f V
the best SVG? hem at the Agriculmml IOW grade only 57 Der cam` Ml" GUS` tion of the University i11 the tlll'E"`· cities and towns Miss P·1uli1 \Vh · R O T C ·‘ ‘ M · b 0
College, both in point of attendance ling used the carcasses to show 11ow lv y _ _ ` ’_ p A` L ` °v _10 _ eh ' ' ' ‘ nf"mS Of the filth AYHIY
and in interest shown i11 all branches to determine a first-class carcass from “ GG `S dm Ot the Lekmgmn Club- U, who “ as Sant tv the Umvgrslty il (#0l`l`*$ AYG11, instead of being the 1,6,.,
of the meeting. W, W, Fitzpatrick, an indifferent one. Again the pure- Whlch (mma F€bLl`U*U'5’ 5· YGB-l` ago DY UIQ Lake DiVlSi011- of UIC flmctory glancing Over the local Corps
rigid representative of the Guernsey bred scored, giving the greatest per The contest between the blues, lcal Red Cross to make ready for the es- as has been Cusmmary h€1.€t0fO1.8
Came Club, ;md‘.1olin Gosling, beet ceutage of meat in th€ high D1‘i€Gd by John Skain, andthe whites, led by tablisliing of such a school. reports will probably hiya I-jeidém - · ’
judging expert, Kansas City, were cuts and lll the inarbling ofthe meat. Frank Batmjlé Wag Won bv the blues Homme iucrmsc in imm_G__t md _ ll _ _ _ " ‘ mmamm
out-of—state speakers on the program Dairy day showed a marked in- ' ’ ` _ “ _ ' _ ° _ `° I m` dstmg HM less than UV0 days, and
and proved LO be rem authorities on crease in mmmst in the dairy indus A standing membership. icomnnttee uease m enrollment this semester. more ii iieeegsuyy
Subjects of vital interest to farmers at try. The slump of the tobacco market has been appomted by W¤¤¤m Combs TO get the People i¤t€*`€St€d in this The embryo onicers wm be given 3
this time. Mr. Fitzpatriclt was grad- has set the farmer to thinking of live l>F€Sid€¤l1 of dw LGXi11gt0¤ Alumni phase of social work, an instructor in great uga] Of pycfitalblc training thi
uz)_Ij9(l f1‘0m the U11l\’€I‘SllLy of KGB- stock Pllld l)y·Dl`0(.lllCl3S. THB (l3.l1`y ~ Club, LO Continue grcfjvgly [hg enroll- hmne service has been installed in yeah The bi_,,.fGutuI_ fth _S
tucky in 1914, and while in college business requires little capital and ment Of former U K Smdcms Cach State COME _ U ,' __t A be tl ° GO €y€¤¤‘W¤1
was a member of various stock judg· the returns are quick a11d regular. thmu {hom th __ _ ge 91 mvglsl y' V IB Summer Bncampment at Camp
ing teamsl Interest in pm_G_bmd dairy came is g e spring. l sum has been set aside for the train- KHOX, which comes next Jung, and
The tmctor School was one of the growmg The membership of the Lexington ing of girls who are not able to pay the authorities me hgpjng that the
new features, Farmers were given The Kentucky Horticultural S0cie— (Tim I5 nsw gréilter that the jn€¥ub_°r' fOI' their attendance at regular schools interest of Q, large DOI-tion of the COYDS
Dmcticai eyrperienee in operating trac- ty was well represented and some fine Sup OI t G mmm Alumm AS°°C“m°H or social sei-vice Thi an { k ca 1; I
. . , . . · . - .· - . . last year. Membership in tl1e local ` S K may a G H Gmussdt¤t1¤e<=m¤w11aaev
tors as well as thorough instruction specimens of Kentucky-grown apples _ _ _ the form Of mmm t tl _ WH ·
I in the analysis of the gasi engine. were exhibited. Much time was de- ¤%¤l>_¤¤¢1¤<1¤S mfmlbershlp m the Asso' _ _ _ y O pursue mu H attend the cam?
Beet cattle day brought out the voted to advising farmers how to ““m°H·_ Subécmpmon to the Kernel- Studies m New Ymk Or Other °€“t€1`S» The Reserve OfH€€1`S’ Training corps
largest gathering. The animal huS_ Spray and produce mmkgtable my the University student paper, and an- or it may be that they willbe placed is to spend six weeks at the reserve,. ~ `C
bzmdry department provided a pure- ples. ““?1 °l“"°“"y OI Dmmbers °f the AS' in institutions where they would get tion. The Nations] Gum-d of the Fm »
bred Steer, a nig1i.gi·ade steer, and an Coldstream Farms, Lexington, Ken- S°°1at1°n‘ the work as practical apprentices Army Ama W-]; · 1* 1
ordinary "country run" steer. Using tucky, exhibited some high=priced Among those Diesent at the lunch" The course is Own O I t _ ' ` 1 1 come m detachmcntsi _
these as illustrations, lVIr. Gosling Holstein cows including Rolo Mercy Boil at the Ph<>¤¤¤< hOt@1_S&tu"d¤Y» at 1_ H y _O S€m°TS' Bam to Stay thmg WEEKS-
gave U4 practical demonstration Of D€K0)_ with a wO1.1d»S 1.€C0%.d Of 51 Which 1‘esults· of the drive were an- Two CIQJSSQS 111 applied sociology ;___ _
judging beef Steers and pointed out pounds qi butter in 34 Week. nounced, was George Ixarsner, who are now maintained at the University `Forrner Univer .t 1
the importance of producing the pure- Authorities stated that the 1921 “‘”·t‘:1C“1”~t€d at the IjlmV€"S1t§’ in 1872 by the American Red C;·0SS_a Class M M ak 81;
bred and me nigh-grade. animal. He couventioiiv was the most successful ;€a`;?“g’ however, bemm mcewmg ms in family welfare, and one in Commun- an cs crmeamcter
also showed how to distinguish when ever held 111 the history of the insti- eg €€· ity Organization i - _
steers are "ripe" for the market, a tution. Final figures ofthe total en- The annual hmcheons me hence' ` — Official tests Of U16 Dérmeameter,
point well brought out, as few men rolment shows 1,500 farm DIED and forlfhfo become mmhly f““Ct‘°nS» bY all instrument with which it is Said
3,-gglly knew, After the demonstra- women, which, with the illustrative (IBCISIOH Pt HIOSB ammdmg Saturdax Wildcats Have Lost Only -that the physical qualitig f
tion the steers were taken to the col- program offered, marked the event a The dmve Ot the Cmcmnatl Club Of O B k G _ S 0 Steel
, lege butcher plant and butchered by record o'ne. uw Association is HOW 0H and GUS nc as at anla may be tested Wlthout d€$t!`0Yi¤g it, p
club is 9X}_)€UE€tl to be the second iarg- "‘— ‘‘‘‘*‘ " have recently been conducted in thé"" `
_ _ QSL Mgmbgl·S Of the Association m.O_ The Wildcat Basketball team of the laboratories of th C 11 W2
Poultry Association For 1 Average Annual Cost of DOSE to 0,.ga,,iz€ clubs in wm. · . . 1 B ° Sg° °f E¤gi·
_ y coun- University of Kentucky lost its iirst neering Univ ’t
State to be Forrned Education Is $711 85 ty of the State this spring All for- l ' HSI Y Of K°HtuCky* and
' . · game of the season February 8 to have proved th
_i‘" L—" mer students as well as graduates of . ’ 6 permeametw to be
At the annual Farm and HOHIB COD- The 3.V€I'3.g€ cost of €dl1C&lLl0l1 3.lL U19 the University may be n1_embers_ the Ccutre COIODEIS by a Score of 29 a' Success- This illstrumem; is thc.
vention, held in Lexington February University of Kentucky has been es- —— —-— to 27· Thls was a hard fwsht SMHG Work of C, W_ Gordon, of Lexington
1 to 4, plans were laid for formation of_ timated by the class in statistical Second Semester and dm not decide the Smm Champion' 3· 1920 graduate of the University of
a State Poultry Association, involving methods, Department of Eggiigmicg, Enyolhnent Hcaviest Sh1D`¤S @19 Wildcats did better play- Kentucky, College Of Engineering, a `
all existing county associations. A as ranging from $711.85 a yea1· for in History mg m the last half and would have member of the engineering Staff of
committee was appointed to recom- students i11 the College of Arts and ‘——Y wom had the time been Several mm' Um LOCOIHOUVB Superheater Company
_ mend the method of organization a11d Sciences, to $895.01 for law students. I 056 hhuHdr€d_ and `thréc new _St“' Utes longer- at its East Chi€¤80 Plant.
, steps to be taken to complete the The estimate was made from statis- (fm S. we laglstgmd at the Umver- UD to that game the UIUVQTSUY M1'- G01‘d011, who supervised thc
_ _ _ . _ _ sity ot Kentucky tor the second sem-_ _ , _ _ _ “ ..
Association as soon as possible. The tics compiled from the Colleges of ester, bringing the wml Gmoumgnt Squad Imdlwon SIX Straight g&m9s> Its tests, has T9t¤1`H€·d to Chicago to get
Committee selected includes J. H. Law, Arts and Sciences and Engi- for the year 1920-1921 up to 1333. Vmums bcmgz 3 V¤1`iGtY of new specimens for Con-
Martin, i11 charge of poultry work at peering. The 11l1H1b€1‘ of students for the YVBSIGYMI- Score 38 to lil tinuing the expg;·jm€utS_
the University, chairman; Harris Len- The lowest avgl-age Obtained was Slecoud Semester this Session doubled C¤mb¢1`1&¤d· SONG 37 to 21- ——-— 
. t 1 · ¤‘ · · . · ‘ · . -.
mall, Midway; \V. Clayton Thompson, that of one woman in the College of Sggsgginuglf iiblsgltsggd rmyt lgcccdmi Gemgetown- SC0l`€ 38 to 20-   Drive Planned t
Georgetown, representing the poultry Engineering who reported that hm. . ` ,` B O new S u €HtS’ 4 Chattanooga. Score 42 to 10. . 0 . ‘
breeders at large· Mrs. E, P. Ellis , I are gum FWD hundred and Seventy · · - ‘ . ., Boost Memorial Blllldillg
\ · of the Oldham béum POUR? ASS0’ expenses tor the present year would ex-service Illélll have applied for and _,Cm°mmm‘ Score *6 to 19· ———-
_ _ `_ _ y y be $639.69. The highest average was received ex-service benefit; `Al1lJl\1‘H. SCOTG 40 to 25. The C0u1‘t of Appeals has dg(;]3_)·gd
c1at1on, LaGrange, XV. B. McReynolds, reported for men in the Cong _Q Of -
ofthe Christian County Poultry Asso- Law Whose GX Buses { _ ug t 1 _ `“;"'_'_'" the Pond ISSUG of $100,000 forlthe
ciation, Hopkinsville, and Oral Mead- $908`83`f0l_ the 32114 clpplomma €(   St\.ld€I\t5 Take FARM PRODUCTS AT MINIMUM. M61HO1‘ial Building of the Uujveysjty
' o1·, of the Simpson County Poultry As- ‘ i ' _ 3 ( l Extension Courses `————— of Kélltucky illegal a11d the hundred V
sociation, Franklin. _ -~—— That th f fl- t I_ -t- .
· I · More Hay Culture In _ I e armers 0 gen uc ty be- C1_iZ€llS mid business houses of Lex-
Thls Committee Wm drew up the Enrollment In the Bxmnsmn Courses lieve prices on farm products have ington who uarant d th'
plan of organization and present it at Kélltllilky Recmnmcnded of the University of Kentucky totals _ 1 1 tl _ _ g U 88 IS amount
amucdmeating of m@l_€Dl_€S€ntatiV€S __ 474,011 approxiumtgly Onemhird the 1eac'1ec 18 minimum, was brought must now make It good by paying »
of the County associations to be ham Kentucky farms are suiering from total number of students residing at out m the discussions at the f=¤‘m and $1jOP G3`C{1` A _ A
at the 1921 Stale Fail., according to under production of hay and legumes the University. The department has Home Convention held at the Univer- Hslde {wm that $$*000 has begn
an mmouucamcnt made by J. H. Mala Sufih ELS SOY· beans and alfalfa 3.11d been in operation only one year but sity lag]; WEEK 'fhis was the keynote $:0 ected and $1*000 is SDH du€· mak'
· tim over production of tobacco a11d corn has enjoyed rapid growth and wide of an the addqggggs mw t th C lng {1 @@1 of $165’000 for the Memm"
___t___ in the opinion of R. E, Stephenson, pepu1ai—ity_ _ L ' ° 8 a S OD` wl Buildmg- The total cost of the
, Department of Soils and Crops, Col- The extension course consists of VGHUOIL building will be &Pi“`0Ximi’-t€lY $300.-
Agr1culturalMe1i11bers . lggg Of Agl.icultm,€_ Figures Show two impormut phases, one COHSiSt_ Faruiers. were ulrgetl to plant staple 000. There will be gt drive Ou the
` Meet Wlth EIlgll’l€€l'S that only Hve acres of hay of inferior ing of the correspondence course in "C1`(?DS and tO_ Commue to build up the Campus among uw faculty and Sl$\1·
quality and small yield is produced University and high school courses $01L Attenmm was also Called to the dents in a few daysv and mtg? ill the
Plans contemplate a notable meet- Ou the average m1.m_ and the Othcri 1 . · ,, 11¤D01`U1110€ of I>0l1lt1`Y Hlld dairy D1‘0- SD1‘i11g Z1 Statewide drive to com new
_ W i ll c ass €}.lZ€11S10l1 \VO1 lt, _ 1
m¤ Qf the t“’€nty`S€°0¥1d mlmlal com Specialists poi11t Ollt that Kentucky where professors visit cities in duCtS' the mud
veutjlon Of the Assoclatlgn of Soqtharu f3.1'1l1€1`S fOllO\V H, 0119 CY01) Systgfu t()() \Vhi(;]1 @13,55535 are ]OCg,tg(`[_ j__-_; _
$gl;“’“1m]`;} YQOTEIGYSG In §*BXm$tO“ intensively. This necessitates exces- The largest correspondence course GYPSUIII Scholarship   M€h’S Dormitory
°€ 1`¤¤l`Y ·>» Y '· Gncm SESSIONS sive plowing and causes decrease rof is that of practical n1i11i11g which has I ° K
_ . . . . ·1 · — · s Established °
of U"? ASSOC‘“t“’“ will be h¤1