xt7xks6j2j3t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2j3t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-10-19 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, October 19, 1973, no. 22 text Bulletin, October 19, 1973, no. 22 1973 1973-10-19 2014 true xt7xks6j2j3t section xt7xks6j2j3t e
SUPPLIES: Your written orders for items that B U L L E T I G
are stocked by the library are being filled
and sent out within 24 hours. We are start- F ,___
ing a new service that should be of benefit UNIVERSITY OV k¤ET¤€KY
in emergency situations. Beginning Oct. 22, ‘ LIBRARIES
1973, Cliff Black will be in his office (406
King Library) from 10-ll Monday through Fri- October 19, 1973 ,No.22
day to fill orders for those that would pre-
fer to pick them up personally. We hope that
this service will greatly reduce the need for "immediate" supplies.
For those items that are not stocked by the library, please keep in
mind the current state of the economy. Inventories are low; produc-
tion is running at near peak capacity and deliveries are VERY SLOW.
If you anticipate projects that require additional or new supplies, ‘
sufficient lead time in ordering will lessen the possibilities of "do-
ing without“ come start-up. A point to remember: Helga, Teri and
Rose do not, can not fill your supply orders. They don't even know V
where the stuff is! We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you.
PERSONNEL CHANGES: Appointments: La-Donna McCownm,classified, Cata-
loging; Deborah Henderson, classified, Circulation; Louise Shelburne,
classified, Interlibrary Loan. Promotions: Rita Tongate, classified,
POSITION OPENINGS: Reference, classified VII, open 10/18/73; Acquisi-
tions, classified VI, open now.
UKLA: “The first fall meeting of UKLA will be held on October 24 at
ZYUU p.m. in the Rare Book Room of King Library. There will be no
business meeting, in order that we may give ample time to our guest
speaker. Dr. Steve Topel, chief psychiatrist of a special government
unit new working in Lexington, will talk to us about group interaction
and how to plan meetings that produce full and lively participation.
Let's test it and see how it works." _
PLACEMENT: If you're interested in working as a professional in a Law
Library, contact Paul Willis. He has a 3-page list of job openings in
Law Libraries throughout the country.
SOLINET: The Southeastern Library Network, Inc. has a new newsletter
as well as a new director. The first issue (October 1, 1973 Vol. l,
No. l) produced the following bits and pieces among others: The news-
letter is to be issued monthly .... Atlanta, Georgia will be the home
of the new headquarters when it opens in November or December of this
year .... The network is right on schedule according to the Kennedy-
Eckhardt feasibility report .... "The time~table of replication l5
months after the hiring of a director...still looks good"..."SOLINET
members will have the opportunity to take advantage of a tie-in to
OCLC prior to implementation of a SOLINET system" .... non-profit status
as an educational institution has been granted by the IRS .... First
meeting will be held Nov. 8 in Atlanta and will be attended by Bill
Gardner from UK.
KLA: At the annual meeting of the Kentucky Library Association held
in Louisville, Kentucky on October l0-13, Ellen Baxter, Chemistry/
Physics Librarian was elected the vice chairman of Special Libraries
Association, Kentucky Provisional Chapter for 1974. The newly elected
chairman of Kentucky Libraries Association Special Libraries Section .
is Vivian Hall, Geology Librarian.

 page 2 October 19, 1973
MANSELL: "The editing of The National Union Catalog: Pre—l956 Im-
prints reached the halfway point after five and one half years of the
National Union Catalog Publication Project°s existence. During this
period approximately 10 million cards from A through K have been inter
filed, edited, typed, and shipped to the publisher, Mansell Informa-
tion/Publishing Ltd., London, England, and 275 published volumes have
been received with a alphabetic coverage through Jersey City. (Board
of Education). An additional 10 million cards remain to be edited for
the catalog, the largest bibliography ever undertaken, with an expec-
ted 610 volumes." (Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 32:314,
Sept. 7, 1973)
SUBJECT HEADINGS OF THE WEEK: Arts - Nigeria - Management; Bombs -
Safety measures; Do-it-yourself work; Middle managers; Mummies —
Radiography; Pot - lids — England.
SCI: “A representative from the Institute for Scientific Information
(ISI) will present a tutorial on the use of SCIENCE CITATION INDEX
(SCI) for all interested faculty, staff and students in Room 245 of
the Student Center on November 9th. One presentation will be at
10:30 A.M. and another at 2:00 P.M.
SCI is an international interdisciplinary index to the literature
of science, medicine, agriculture, technology and the behavioral
sciences. It covers more than 2,400 primary journals. The approach
is multidisciplinary and uses an indexing system that follows scien-
tist's own traditional method of literature searching - that of lo-
cating articles related to their subject interests by examining cita-
tions of articles known to be relevant.
A new tool, SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX, will also be reviewed.
This will be a great interest to those persons in law and the social
sciences. The same basic approach is used. All interested persons
are urged to attend."
"LIBRARY GOVERANCE: Ed Holley, Dean of the School of Library Science
at North Carolina and President-elect of ALA, reviews many of the
questions librarians have been kicking around re: faculty status, col-
lective bargaining and the role of supportive personnel in libraries.
He wraps it up by suggesting that library workers ask themselves these
two basic questions:
'l. How do they want to participate in library management?
2. Will staff participation benefit not only the staff, but the
library‘s clientele as well?’ (WLB, September, 1973. pp.42-
(University of Cincinnati NEWSLETTER, 2:2, October 5, 1973)
Editorial comments concerning this position will be gladly received.
ORALL: "The Ohio Regional Association of Law Libraries will hold its
fall meeting in Lexington `, under the sponsorship of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky Law Library. Friday'morning's session in the Law
College court room will feature a panel discussion on automated legal
research, with Robert J. Asman, president of the Ohio State Bar Associ-
ation Automated Research, Jay Lautzenheiser of IBM, and Courtnay J.
Walker of the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission. ‘
On Friday afternoon Esther Greenberg of Case Western Reserve Uni- ·
versity Library and David P. Waite, president of Information Dynamics
Corporation, will discuss computers and technical processing.

 page 3 October 19, 1973
ORALL (cont°d.):
Friday night will bring banquet greetings from Erwin Surrency,
president of the American Association of Law Libraries, and from
Marion Boner, president—elect of that organization.
Saturday's program will consider computers and cooperation, with
Dean Hal Schell, Librarian of the University of Cincinnati, and Ruth
Atwood of the Louisville Technical Referral Service."
TRAVEL TO KLA: If you went to the meeting in Louisville, now is the
time to submit your Travel Expense Voucher. Please include receipts
for all items over $2.00. If you are eligible for mileage reimburse-
ment, the rate is l0¢/mile and the trip to Louisville is 80 miles one
cils in to have them run, please indicate number of copies and if you
would like the stencil returned to you. Unless otherwise indicated,
multiple pages will be run front and back.
BULLETIN BOARD: An "official" staff bulletin board has been mounted
to the wall in the Staff Lounge of King Library. This board will be
maintained by Rose Crump and will be used as another communication
link between the Director's Office and the library staff. Notices of
various kinds including announcements of special courses and Univer-
sity Staff Job Opening sheets. Perhaps between the "Green Bean" and
this board, better communications can be maintained.
56 days to the BIG MOVE

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