xt7xks6j274f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j274f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-02-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1932 1932 1932-02-16 2013 true xt7xks6j274f section xt7xks6j274f Best Copy Available




skmj-wf.f.ki.- y




Is 'Cats' Fourteenth
Straight Win; Ninth


From Other

Convocation Speaker



Fans Apain
Pack Gymnasium To

More Than 4,000

A fighting Wildcat basketball
team virtually assured Itself of an
undefeated season by overcoming
the flashing attack of the VolunTennesteers of the University of
see, Its last serious opponent, by a
score of 41 to 27 in a spectacular
game Saturday night. This victory
brought Kentucky's winning streak
to 14 straight, nine over Southern
Conference opponents, and maintained the 'Cats' conference lead.
Only the biggest upset could give
Vanderbilt, which ends the Wildcat's season here Saturday night, ft
victory over Coach Adolph Rupp's
wonder machine.
The Kentucky team, In spite of
the score, failed to hit a championship stride. The play of Darby.
and Sale was far below the
par that they hRve shown in pre- MAY-DA- Y
vious games. When, during the
first half. It looked as if the Big

of the
night, George
rame last Saturday
Skinner, alternate captain-elef the 1932 football team, was
presented the damage trophy,
the second time In as many years.
The trophy is awarded each
year to the football player who
makes the highest scholastic
The presentation was made by
8. A. "Daddy" Boles, athletic director. Skinner's standing for the
past semester was 3, the highest
possible, HU three year standing is 2.77, which is one of the
highest in the university.

the halves

Tennessee-Kentuck- y

Blue had finally met Its nlemfeis,
the forward wall would have been
responsible for a defeat. However,
during the second half their play

was much Improved.
Forest "Aggie" Sale maintained
his Southern conference leadership
in individual scoring by adding 15
points to make his season's total
This was the first game in
which Darby, third in conference
scoring, failed to tally.
The 4,000 frenzied fans, who
again crowded the gymnasium, let
out their biggest yell late in the
game when "Frenchy" DeMoisey
scored his first and last famous
"twist" shot. Every time he would
pivot and with one hand toss the
ball, the crowd would rise to Its feet
prepared to shout, but he was seriously off form all night and missed
many shots.
The Volunteers played the Kentucky team to a stand still during
the first period and with only one
minute before half time had a lead
by Sale
of one point. A set-u- p
followed by a beautiful long shot
from the middle of the floor by
Caotain Ellis Johnson gave the
Wildcats the lead again. Within
the next 30 seconds DeMoisey followed the crip and as the gun was
fired another of Johnson's from the
middle of the floor hit the hoop to
give Kentucky a lead of 20 to 14

at the half.

Sale opened the scoring in the
second period with a crip, but
of the
Qreenblatt, the "dead-eye- "
Tennessee team, sank two more to
bring the Vols within four points
of the 'Cats. Another by Sale and
a crip by Reader maintained the
Wildcat lead of four points, their
smallest in the second half.
At this point In the game, Stafh
ford, the six foot,
of the Vols, was put out of the
game on personal fouls. From then
on it was just a matter of how
big the score would be. Greenblatt
took Stafford's place at center but
was likewise unable to get the
This strengthened the belief of
sport writers that there is no man
in the Southern Conference able to
get consistently the tip-ofrom
either Sale or DeMoisey.
Feathers, the Vol halfback who
made a 73 yard run against the
Wildcat football team, entered the
(Continued on page 4)



Smbhard and Blade
To Give Student Cup
Scabbard and Blade, honorary
military fraternity, will give a cup
to the freshman student who is
considered by the department to
be the most outstanding in military science, according to an announcement Issued by Cantaln Clyde
Oradv, llason olllcer of the organization.
According to Captain
most outstanding man In each company will be selected. These cadets
will be placed in a seoarate company, and on Field day. May 28,
will drill as a unit, and the best
t, ,ill
lUIl 4., i UI11VI I ."IL y Ullll, Will lui'
selected on the basis of his
during that drill.
The cup which is to be awarded
U on display In the show case In
Buell armory. The selection of
Judges of the final drill have not
yet been selected, Captain Grady


"The youth of today Is not so

different from other generations,"
was the opinion expressed by Dr.
S. Pnrkes Cadmnn, pastor of the
First Congregational church of
Brooklyn, when interviewed on his
arrival in Lexington Mondny night,
to deliver the convocation address
at 10 o'clock this morning In Memorial hall. His subjects during the
series of nine addresses here will
Include the "Approach to Religion"
and a discussion of "Immortality."
It was a rather portly, white haired man that stepped from the train.
A closer view revealed a face furrowed from a life of thoughtful and
reverent consideration of life and
His conversation with the
writer was sufficient to reveal his
friendly attitude toward those with
whom he is associated and his statements indicated his understanding
and Interest in the affairs throughout the world.
In speaking of the students' atn
titude toward religion. Doctor
expressed the view that college
students are not unresponsive to
spiritual religion. They are Interested in a genuine religion and will
not be satisfied with sham
He further stated that
there was a general tendency among
all Protestants to neglect church
and that such an attitude is not
neculiar to college students. He added, however, that staying awav
from church could not be regarded
as an Indication of a religious attitude.
He added that the United States
needed a wider distribution of spiritual and cultural influences and
that he was more interested In coming to the South than in speaking
in the North which is mo'-- abundantly provided with speakers of
various tvries. He said that if it
were possible, he would advocate a
distribution of funds for education
from the New England states to the
Southern states.
When asked to give his opinion
of state universities and denomina
tional colleees as training places for
students, he replied "that anv school
which did not base its teaching on
relielous principles could not be a
eood place for young people." He
Dointed out that churches were the
promoters of the educational svs- tems and the founders of our first
colleees. He added that state institutions could not afford to sauab-bl- e
over religious doctrines since so
manv different views are represented among the student bodv.
Commenting on the differences
between American and European
universities. Doctor Cadman said
that in America a liberal education
was considered as the privilege of
everyone who desired it. whereas in
Europe, only an exceptional few
have the opportunity of attending
a university. "The best of our stu
dents are eaual to the best of Euro- nean students, but our universities
are made up of a mo-- e mixed groun
including a greater number
duds'," he said.
In speaking of students, the lec
turer said that in a large measure
thev were too inclined to follow the
herd instinct and, as a result, were
less individualistic than they mieht
His most Impressive remark,
according to the viewpoint of the
Kernel reporter, was that young
Deople of today must be given a
chance to develop and to learn by
No matter what mistakes they may make, the world will
be no worse than the condition in
which they found it.

Features, History, Beauties
And Traditions Will Feature Organization's


Baritone Gives
Sunday Recital

Generations'-Cadm- an

Over S. C. Foes


Famous Scotch

'Modern Youth No Different



souvenir program will
A May-da- y
be issued by SuKy Circle, university
pep organization, according to an
announcement made Monday by
Ted Cassady, president of the organization.
Gilbert Kingsbury will
be the editor of the publication, and
Niel Plummer will be faculty advisor. Other appointments will be
announced in the near future.
According to the members of the
circle, the new book will contain a
history of the university, university
traditions, pictures of the May
queen and her court and university
beauties, and feature articles.
Fraternities and sororities will be
asked to purchase pages in the book.
On these pages the local history,
founders, and traditions of the
groups will be recorded. The purchase price of the book has not been
decided upon but the organization
may subscribe for 25 copies and receive their pages free, members decided.
The circles present constitution
will be revised, President Cassady
The committee on reannounced.
vision met last night and began the
preliminary work on the remodeling. The present constitution has
been used since the organization of
the circle, and conditions warrant
a change. The committee is composed of Vernon Chandler, Mary
Elizabeth Fisher, Ben LeRoy, and
Ted Cassady.
In the future, Cassady announced,
candidates for the circle will be allowed to sell candy in fraternity
and sorority houses around the
campus. The goods may be taken
from the stand at the close of basketball games or may be procured
by calling Frank Adams,
of the concession committee.
This feature has been innovated in
order to secure funds for the spring
activities that are spoasored by the

Club Representatives
Meet to Oppose Cut


Hi. 19.12

The staff of the 1932 Kentuckian
has decided to dedicate its forthcoming annual to Prof. Enoch
Cirehan. recognized Journalist in
Kentucky, organizer and present
Exhibiting great powers of musi- head of the department of JournalUniversity of Kentucky,
cianship and dramatic interpreta- ismwas the
announced Monday.
tion, Cameron McLean, InternationIn accordance with the theme of
ally known Scotch baritone, ac this year's annual, an original
companied by Mabelle Howe Mabels dedicatory poem in the style of
at the piano, presented the pro- Tennyson's "Idylls of the King",
gram at the regular musicale Sun- has been written and will accomday afternoon in Memo:lal hall. It pany Professor Grehan's picture In
was the artist's second appearance the annual.
Each year the annual Is dedicatat the university in the last two
ed to some individual who is outMr. McLean's repertoire Included standing in some particular field
songs of practically all types, vary- Last year the book was dedicated
ing In the extremes from opera to to Dean F. Paul Anderson, of the
ballads, and Including melodies and Engineering college. In 1930, the
catchy French, old .English, and Kentuckian was dedicated, rather
Scotch folk songs. In the presenta- vaguely, to the World War dead,
tion of his program of four groups and in 1929, to Henry Watterson,
the baritone used his voice to great statesman and general of the Reeffect, exhibiting excellent tech- construction period.
nique, diction, poise, and broad
Professor Orehan at present, in
range of volume.
addition to being the head of the
The program was begun with the department of Journalism, is chairaria "Bad Amorosie Carl," written man of the Athletic council of the
by Mozart at the age of 14, and university, and university represen
Mr. McLean's rendering of the se- tative to the Southern Conference
lection led the large audience to Athletic Association meeting to be
anticipate much. They were not held Feb. 26 and 27. He is a memdisappointed.
The second selection ber of the editorial staff of the
given was the aria "II Lacerato Lexington Herald, a member of ASpirito" from Verdi's opera "Simon lpha Delta Sigma, an alumnus o'
It is interesting to Kappa Alpha social fraternity ar
note that the opera was revived by honorary life member of the Kenthe Metropolitan Opera Company in tucky Press Association, a member
New York about two weeks ago and of Kappa Tau Alpha, national proportions of it were broadcast over fessional Journalistic fraternity, anf
an NBC network Saturday after- author of an unpublished book or
noon. February 6, with Lawrence the study of words, the contents o'
Tibbett singing the leading role. which are now being used in hiThis aria terminating the first class work.
group, the artist sang as an enProfessor Grehan was graduated
core, an ancient Scotch song, a reTransylvania university In
quested number, arranged by Kreis-le- r. from
1894 and In that year was winner o'
Kentucky Oratorical diamond
In the other three groups Mr. Mc- the
was news editor of the
Lean presented 12 selection, of LexingtonHeLeader for six years unwhich a few outstanding numbers
Sam J. Roberts.
which were accepted most enthusi- der the late Mr. Grehan has been
For 25 years
astically by the audience were "J'ai
editorial staff
Dit au Etoiles", by E. Paladihle; connectedLexingtonthe
but re"The Opium Smoker." by the sing- of the as managing Herald to install
er's friend Frances Mayhew: "Kanthe
garoo and Dingo," from Kipling's the department of Journalism at was
Mr. Grehan
"Just So," songs, set to music by university in of the plan for unipromoter
the English composer, Edward Ger- versity students in journalism to
man; and "A Ballynore Ballad," arranged by Herbert Hughes. En- buy and pay for a printing plant
cores were presented after each to be used in the publication of the
student newspaper and for instrucgroup.
tional purposes.
The Kentucky Kernel was first
published under its present name
in 1914, the year the Journalism
organized. The deFinal Figures Show Total department was
partment of Journalism at the
Of 3,011 Enrolled
Is now classed as an "A"
school among 25 "A" schools in the
United States, and the Kernel press
A total registration of 3.011
is the only
students was announced from
the office of the registrar when in America, so far as is known.
Twenty-tw- o
thousand dollars has
it closed yesterday afternoon, ofbeen paid in nine years on the toficially terminating the regular
tal cost of The Kernel plant, which
period of registration. The figures
was $27,000.
show a decrease of 219 from the
Recently Professor Grehan held
enrollment for the first semester
and a decrease of 91 from the the position of national treasurer
for Kappa Tau Alpha, national prosecond semester enrollment last
fessional journalistic fraternity. He
is also a member of the N. E. A. and
Besides terminating the period
the National Association of Teachof official registration, yesterday
ers of Journalism.
was the last day on which student could drop or change
classes. Fees fill be charged for
C. C. Calhoun, an alumnus
further schedule changes and no of Capt. university, will be the reprethe
classes now may be dropped withsentative of the university at the
out failing grades.
bicentennial convocation of the
figures are George Washington University to be
The registration
subject to correction, it was anheld February 22, in Constitutional
hall, auditorium of the Daushter's
of the American Revolution.


B'inmm Pearlman has been ap- pointed first assistant anounrer at
the university extension studio of
WHA8 to fill the place of William



Ardery, who resigned last week.
re- O'b animation of the band
wesiev leaner will coin muo us
head announcer, A. R. Stephens suited when it was learned that
will become second assistant, and several of the faculty members
played Instruments and were will- Ralph E. Johnson was added.

Kappa Delta Pledge, Will Succeed
Hetty Whipp
Final Selection Made From
Four Candidates By
Men of Rand







Nie, Plummel.
fllso sflid ,nat
is hoping JournaU;m department. once play- .
ed the alto (better known as
will turn out. The fust
he (JUnd tne com.
at 4 o clock this
practice will be held
t he
room of
afternoon in the music
p,ummer aiso
art center. The follow ng have had dlmcultv , decidlng hether
enrolled In the band to date R C.
basketball or to compli-Allesnare drums; Elmer J. KU- presence
n bfl d , h
patrlc. comet; David Young, bass
up of
drum: Carl Simpkins. trombone; "lese faculty team is made string
divisions: the tirst
Morris Able, bass; T. C. Sherwood,
cymbals; A. C. McFarland, flute; m'". or Faculty Players; Wrecking
and Auxiliary men. There are
Alfred Brauer. piccolo: Niel Plum-IC'so it looks as
Pnrtmnn ten In each
trombone: Wilbur Wortman, trom thoueh the teachers men to do
bone: Wildan Thomas, cornet, and ulty thise coaches rleht The FacPlayers wear football uniforms,
Dean C. R. Melcher, alto.
and the Auxiliary men will apnear
in any thing they can find. Most
f the members of the Wreckine
C'ew welch well over 200 pounds
The masent ai"t ntilitv mmi of this
f 'moiH avreeatinn will b
Kentucky Municipal league1 Peak Bart couldn't ouallfv as a
announced the publication Monday Weekiii" Crew man. His associates
of its Kentucky Directory and Blue n the piacttng; Jnh 't'l be two o- Hook for 1912. The publication con fhw of Doctor Allen's boa con
tains a wide range of information strictors.
"oncerning state, county, and city
But. ladli's and pentlemen. tlie-"overnment: and the resou'ees and are wit all of th features of this
miscellaneous data of Kentucky.
orinrinle event of the current ye'r'
Collection of data has been under no bv a lnu shoi The 8hle
of this contest wi'l he Miss
the direction of Dr. J. Catron
Jones, heead of the political science
Averill. anrl 0nn R'tr.ih
department of the university, and
secretary-treasurof the leatiue ninnilni? It is rumored that D-The book will be dedicated to John Rivd Dean Anderson, rvan Welst.
v Brown. Lexington, speaker of the nnr npn Tavlo- - win les,d the fachouse of representatives, and A. B. ulty cheering section (if anv). The
feature of h evening wl'l be a
Chandler, Versailles, lieutenant
(Continued on page 4)
have applied The
complete, and Bromo








Municipal League
Issues Directory

o"i-ctn- ls









Dean Melcher formerly played the
that his lip had

Elizabeth O. Jones, freshman in
the College of Education and Kappa
Delta pledge, will be the band sponsor for the coming year. 8he was
V'-srelected yesterday at the meeting of
members of the band to succeed
Betty Whipp, who was elected last
Miss Jones is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Spillman Jones.
1332 Fontaine Road, Lexington, and
during the first semester won second place in the Stroller amateur
She will assume her office at once. She was selected sponELIZABETH JONES
sor over three other nominees who
had been selected from a group of
approximately 60 university
The new band sponsor will be re
quired to accompany the band dur
ing the football season, when trips
are taken with the Wildcats, and
on various other trips throughout
this and other states.
Miss Jones as sponsor of the band
Dramatic Organization Nego- will receive much publicity. The
have been
tiates for Rights for Sucknown for the past several years as
cessful New York
the "best band in Dixie" and news
papers throughout the 8outh give
mucn space to the doinss of the
PLANNED FOR SPRING Kentucky sponsors and her escorts
when they Journey with the univerStrollers, undergraduate drama- sity football team.
Names of the three other nomi
tic organization of the university.
may offer "Good News," a highly nees: Julia Catherine Webb. Al
com- pha Gamma Delta. Marjorle Pow
successful New York musical
edy, as its spring production. Nego- ell, Alpha Delta Theta; and Frantiations for production rights are ces Penn Miller, Chi Omega.
being carried on at present by Wil
liam Ardery, director of the organ
ization, and it is expected that an
early decision will be reached.
Members of the university admin,
istration have approved tentatively
the production of "Good News".
Although It was planned originally Kentuckian
Sponsors Popuby Strollers to produce a revue this
larity Contest: Awards To
year the general unpopularity
Be Made to Popular Man
entertainment of this kind, and the
large cast which would be required
and Woman Students
were factors operative against a decision to carry out the plan.
Plans for the popularity contest,
"Good News" is the collegiate sponsored by the circulation
detype of musical comedy which has partment of the Kentuckian, were
many audiences. completed at a meeting of repre- found favor with
Although this type of entertainment sentatlve sales managers, Thursday
has suffered through the producHonors for the most
tion of many inferior pieces the popular man student and the most
production which has been selected popular woman student include pictentatively is generally accepted as tures in the hall f fame of Colbeing the outstanding show in this lege Humor magazine and
pictures in the feature section of
The success which 'Local Color" the annual.
had on the campus two years ago
A silver loving cup will be ofwas remembered by Strollers when fered to the sorority and to the
musical comedies were considered. fraternity which has the largest toIt believed also that an entertain- tal sales. Also a cup will be given
ment which had proved successful to the individual who has the greatin New York and which few
est number of sales. The cups will
had the opportunity to be on display at the Dunn Drug
see, would be an additional attracstore, the week of February 15; at
Rose Street Confectionery, week of
The first call for persons for February 22, and at the Tavern, the
"Oood News" will be issued as soon week of February 29. As a special
as arrangements are complete. Miss inducement, a Kentuckian is being
Georgianna Weedon will be in offered for each twelve annuals
charge of the choruses.
will be
A meeting of Strollers
Any student in good standing in
held tonight in 111 McVey hall.
the university is eligible for nomination except members of the Kentuckian staff. For each candidate,
a petition, signed by 15 students,
must be submitted to the Kentuckian office before 4 o'clock Thurswill be
Election of All Other Spon- day, February 18. Election between
sors of R.O.T.C. to be Held based and sales of 7,annuals
closing day
Feb. 17 and 18
of the contest.
As a special feature of the sales
Jane Dyer, Company A, and Eve- campaign, the price of the 1932
lyn Grubbs, Company B, both un- Kentuckian has been reduced for
opposed were declared elected to the time of the contest.
the post of sponsors by Capt. Clyde student who makes a down deposit
Grady, who is in charge of the elec- on a Kentuckian will be allowed 10
tion of the regimental, battalion, votes and those who pay in full
and company sponsors of the R. O will obtain 15 votes. Each graduElecT. C. unit at the university.
ating senior who has paid his sention to the remaining posts will t ike ior dues in full will be entitled to
(Continued on page 4)
place Wednesday and Thursday,
February 17 and 18. in the recitation rooms of the various sections.
The 19 remaining
for positions will be voted uion bv
sophomore and advanced military
Persons who are absent
from class will not be allowed to
vote. The votes will be counted bv
The proposed 15 per cent cut in
Captain Ovady, in the presence of the state budget as it affects the
the cadet colonel, cadet lieutenant university has met with numcous
colonel, and the two cadet majors.
protests by organizations in LexingRules governing the counting of ton, especially the Kentucky Edulie ballots are:
cation association.
An envelope that contains
In Lexington the Rotarv club.
more ballots than the number of Lions club. Optimist dub, Kiwanis
men present in the section at that club, the Kentucky Federation of
hour will be thrown out.
Women's clubs, and the Kentucky
Ballots not marked correctly Congress of Parents and Teachers
will not be counted.
have voiced protests.
3. A candidate who receives most
The tight is being carried on by
otes will be declared elected.
various luncheon clubs, women's
In cae of tie vote, no one organizations and civic bodies of the
will be announced elected.
state, manv of which have sent
The two candidates haviii" the resolutions to members of the genhi"hest ntimlx"- of votes will be eral assi mblv asking them to curb
voted on at the nevt regular class the proxsed cut.
of the coinnanv. and the one rePresident MeVev in an interview
ceiving the hit! her number of votes-wil- l yesterday afternoon stated that a
be declared elected.
further 15 per cent In addition to
the voluntary 10 per cent reduction
1'. K. tilt Al)l ATE MADE 1KAN which the university had made in
resnoiiM! to the reouest of Governor
According to announcement
reLaffoon and the members of the
ceived from Bethel Junior College, budget commission would be disRussellville. Marvin B iker, univer- crimination acain the university
sity graduate, has been elected dean He poinU'd out the fact that botn
f the college by the board of
cuts would reduce the univer&itv
budget by almost 25 per cent.


uni-vers- ty




New Band Sponsor

Registration Closes

C0I.net, but he said


Co-E- d.


Dyer, Grubbs Are
Company Sponsors





Prof. Enoch Grehan
Is Annual Dedicatee

McLean Presents
Varied Program At




Band Added to Attractions for Colossal
Contest Between U. K. Faculty, Coaches

Due to the great hiterest shown
by the world at large in the event
to be staged between the faculty
and the coaches' basketball teams,
Elmer O. Sulzer is organizing a
faculty band as an added attraction for this colossal contest, which
is to be held Tuesday. February 23,
in the Alumni gymnasium.
Although the faculty members
and coaches are on perfectly friendly
terms, there has been a dispute for
some time as to their relative athletic ability. A challenge was offered, and it was decided that ttie
noint of honor should be settled on
the field of combat. After due conplans were made to
charge a small admission for the
contest, and to devote the
to the Student Loan Fund
which is sadlv in need of aporonrU-tlnn- s.
Dr. Paul K. Walp, political
science department, is in charge of
the plans and practices.
The game was to have been held
tonight In the A'umnl gymnasium,
but was postponed in ord-- r to
the roaches more time to wt limbered up (at leat th'it is what the
teachers say). The coaches retort
hut when thev want to give th- faculty members at least a sm"
chance: that thev don't want the
some to be too much of a




State Wide Camoaiirn Planned to Petition Legislature Organization of Faculty Band Ing to take part in the enterprise.
Dr. Allen of the zoology department
Not to Make Cut
Will Be Attraction
has been instrumental in securing
at Game
a great many oi the lumbers v.ho
A meeting of representatives from

a number of clubs interested in education and In preventing the proposed 15 per cent cut in the state
educational budget was held at the
Phoenix hotel Monday morning.
The committee decided to launch a
campaign In every county and city
in the state this week for the purpose of obtaining signatures of as
nunv voters as possible who will
the legislature not to
make the proposed cut in the budget for any phase of education in
the public schools, the state department of education, the state
teacher's colleges, and the university.
The committee has had printed
arid distributed from the Kentucky
Education association offices 10,000
copies of printed petitions to be
sent to all school people and P. T. A
workers in the state, who will obtain the signatures. The school
forces have asked for a hearing beFebruary 21
fore the legislature
Representatives were present from
K. E A., Kawanis. Eastern State
Teacher's college, and other institutions and clubs.





volume xxn




Protests Are Made

co-e- ds

To Proposed Cut
In U. K. Kudset



� Best Cof



The Kentucky Kernel



amlnatlons about the seemingly Inevitable list of student failures

It Is reassuring Hint oil members stdl,nts wl)n flonl laziness, indif-n- f
tho university f nrult y and staff f,,1Tlir(, or various othpr causes
slimed the affidavit which Prcsl- - Mnvp )0rn unable to moot the schol-doMrVry requested thry sign to ns,lc ,rr,,u,Timii!s of tlip unlvrrstty.
K"litnrkv TnlTrnllrenlr rrt'H
from any rvnlorable as such a condition Is.
absolve the university
I.rxmirtoM TVmrrt nf cnnin.rnr
suspicion of proselyt intr students thpsp failures arc no move serious
r ri t'.p h:ih!- incirtl
from othpr stairs The accusation; than those of many whose names
TTr'vrrttv of
was levied aealnst one state
never appear on the deans' lists.
111 particular and tlip subse-fii"i- it
The appearance of a C or n be- T::i!ciid nl
?2 Ifl )i
l)V thp
Kv 1'"
side a student's name does not
rUs inn.
stntp legislature prompted our
mean that he has really
request. President McVry's gained that much Information f'om
pntysft At.t.
movp was most admirable.
the course. Too many students col-- 1
ThP artion dons not mrnn that lect enough surface Information to
i awiunce iifrhon
students arp unwel-com- p last until exams are over, then
Mn'uini'iu fvfi'"
bit lint tho legislature dis- promptly discard It. like the forapproves of any moans rmploypd by eigner's icp cream soda, as so much
Mun in C Win i.
.'..hn M Knur
those officially connpctPd with trip Mil plus foam. That there Is beneath
Hnhrlt r 1V1H'
Plim Wnrrcn
university to persuade students who each course an underlying purpose,
micht attend colleges in their home a richness of experience, never seems
- r,
state to come to this state. Pro- - to occur to them
Tills sometimes, may bp the fault
solytlng. as such, always has been
.l.ilm fit
Piintiv Tin
a despised practice in the clergy of the Instructor, but In most cases,
and other professions, and It Is no it Is the student's own failure to
recognize the possibilities that lie In
less so In educational Institutions,
Flrniuir Smith
'Mly Hniclin
Legitimate means of acquainting even the dullest and seemingly most
prospective students with knowl- - unnecessary course. College courses,
I.llMl) (loorl!
Ell7.ir.rth Hindu!
pdiip of the university Is not de- - after all, can Rive only a sample
H'i lerr
nipd, nor arc common publicity of the knowledge that study can
Jiuq Hntiy
Jumps Curt Is
The regis- - bring, and Hip student who Jls- methods disapproved.
may respond readily to missps a course without a dpsire
trar's office
o know more, and sonrch further,
for literature, catalogues,
the suggested field has missed
like, and the publicity bu- .Vt'M
and the
has only "taken ofT
Mary C Terrell reau Is an approved organ for ad- - sompthlng-- he
Kubprt H McOur!
CleorRP M. fliwncer
Mary Alice Salyprs
vertising the Institution in Kentuc- - the foam."
What those students who sleep
kv and other states. When publlcl- Itrpnrtrr
tv is healthful it is invaluable to through lectures and cheat through
.ToAn Carlpar.
James Palmer
Phil Ardery
Herman Graham
of the i.nlverst- - warns think they are going to col- tho moinin.nr
Charlton Wallace
Rurnam Pearlman
ty's reputation: so. too, is attend-enc- e lege for is a mystery. They never
Mury Caldwell
Jane Hamilton
here by students from states seem to realize that by skipping
Marjoiie Weist
Hetty Dlmock
through the scholastic
other than this, when they come as
J?!inrj. Vnlfier
orld they are spending good money
free agents and for no other reaand getting practically nothing in
Kielvn Treaties..
John Ootid Nell Oishmnn