xt7xks6j271p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j271p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-10-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1938 1938 1938-10-21 2013 true xt7xks6j271p section xt7xks6j271p The Kentucky ECernel






Begin Planning
Homecoming day is not far distant and so far we've heard no amBiennial Convention
bitious plans for decorations of
houses on or near the campus.
Will Be Held In Union
Alumni look forward with a great
deal of eagerness to seeing the
campus dressed in its finest, and
the University can "put on the dog" MRS. HENRY S. VANCE
when Interested. So. a hint to the
or the early bird gets . . .


Kittens Will Engage Tennes-



Reiristration To Be Followed
Here's An Argument
By Welcoming Address
"Dear Editor: Before entering inAt 11:30 A. M.
to any of the issues to be contained

herein. I would like it to be understood that this is not submitted as
an adverse criticism to the "status
quo" but merely as a question, viz.
What is the purpose, or should I
say benefit, in becoming affiliated
with any one of the various Greek
Social Fraternal organizations on
the campus?

Do Yon Agree
"To date, after having devoted
as much time to observation as my
rationed time will permit, I have
concluded that the more eminent
fraternities offer to the new member of the campus something of the
following: Join our select group and
we will: (1) Make, you a 'friend' of
a limited group and thereby make
you an enemy to all other such
groups and to all those individuals
who belong to no group at all. (2)
We will guarantee that you have a
date each night even if it is only
with someone who came to college
for the purpose of obtaining her
'MRS.' degree and who couldn't tell
you if her courses are in Commerce
3) We will grant
or Agriculture.
you the use of our fraternity pins
which may be used either for the
purpose of becoming engaged or as
a certificate to the right to buy intoxicating drinks in wholesale quantity. Please inform me if there
are other reasons for the affiliations." E. P. J.
Call for Comment

think that you are not taking
a fair cross-sectiof fraternity
and sorority life in making your


However, we would much
prefer to have answers from frater-nit- v
and sorority members themselves. And we believe there will be

For Alma Mater
"Dear Sir: At many universities
there is an old tradition of playing
the Alma Mater song at the conclusion of every game. If the host
tram loses, its band serenades the
winners by playing their song too.
It would be a very good idea if
Kentucky adopted this procedure in
future football games." A. W.
If the students would remain for
a few minutes after each game, the
sight would be encouraging to those
who respect school spirit and its
Football Firing
Because of our advertising circular (Kernel) today, all letters and
news stories are being trimmed to
the quick, so again come these excerpts: an unsigned article concerning the lay-o- ff
of two football men
from the squad, says that "We believe no little criticism is being directed toward Kirwan because of a
seemingly hasty and not entirely
justified action on his part in the
dismissal . . . Discipline yes, but
not to the extent of forcing two fine,
young men out of school . . . Everyone makes mistakes
we do
not believe they deserve the punish-


ment to the extent that it has


been meted out
We are of the opinion that the
matter should rest entirely in the
hands of Mr. Kirwan. And if the
boys know what is expected of them,
they should not sign up unless they
intend to comply. It might seem
rather cold to some, but there is
a point where oral discipline loses
its effect.
I'nbiaw-- d


"Dear Sir: The Senior Class election is over. It has been one of
the fairest elections in many years,
and has probably caused more at
tention on the campus than any
The Independent party
bhould be commended for its victory, one which probably means the

dissolution of all political combina-ion- s
for a long while. The students
of the University will continue to
(Continued on Page Four)

Mrs. Henry Shelden


tional president and alumna of
Theta chapter of Cwens. honorary



society for sophomore women, will
preside at the ninth biennial convention of the organization begin-in- g
this morning in the Union building for a two-da- y
Mrs. Vance was national secretary and treasurer of the society
after her graduation from the University and in 1936 was elected
Following registration this morning, Mrs. Vance will give the welcoming address and at 11:30 a. m.
Dean Sarah Gibson Blanding will
discuss "Trends in Education Affecting the Lives of Women Today."
Luncheon will be served in the
cafeteria of the Union and at 1:30
p. m.. Dean Cora I. Orr, dean of
women at Muskingum College,
Ohio, will address tre
conference. This will be followed
round-tabon "Social Probby a
lems of the Campus," led by Mrs.
B. Holmes, assistant dean of
"Ritualistic Problems." will be the
at 3 p. m.
subject of a round-tabl- e
led by Dean Thrysa W. Amos, University of Pittsburgh dean of women. At 4 p. m. that afternoon the
delegates will be guests of Mrs.
Frank L. McVey for tea at Maxwell
A Cwen hall of fame and individual chapter exhibits will be on display in the Union after the tea.
Following dinner at Boyd hall. Miss
Helen P. Rush, assistant dean of
women at the University of Pittsburgh will hold a conference with
chapter presidents on parliamentary rules.
Miss Rose Demestichas of Pittsburgh, national
Cwens, will conduct a discussion
group on historical materials after
Miss Rush's round-tablOn Saturday morning. Miss Blanding will entertain delegates and
local representatives at a breakfast at her home on the Richmond
pike. After a business meeting,
luncheon will be served at the cafe-fiand at 1:30 p. m. delegates
will be conducted on a tour of the
Mrs. Betty Miller Groff, national
secretary and treasurer, will hold
a round -- taoie ana exniDit on dusi-neprocedures at 4 p. m., and at
5 p. m. Miss Demestichas will give
the closing address. The annual
banquet will be held at 8 p. m. Saturday night in the Lafayette hotel.
Mary Jane Roby. member of Theta chapter, is in charge of arrangements.





New Voting System
Passed For Lawyers
First, Second Year Men Vote
As Juniors; Others
As Seniors
At a meeting of the Student
Council Tuesday a new plan for
voting by students of the law college was passed. Under this system,
all first and second year law students will vote as Juniors, while
third year men will vote as Seniors.
The previous plan had been to
have first .second and thrid year
men vote as Sophomores, Juniors
and Seniors, in that order. Many
of the lawyers felt that after completing three or four years in. the
Arts and Science college, it was un
fair to have them start out voting
as sophomores again.
A petition suggesting this plan
was submitted to the, Student Coun
cil signed by approximately
members of the Law School, who
believe that this would be the plan
agreeable to most students.

The Inquiring

Two books were reviewed at a
meeting of the University Book
club Monday afternoon in Patterson hall. Dean Sarah G. Blanding
reviewed "A Southerner Discovers
the South." by Jonathan Daniels,
and Margaret Armstrong's "Fanny
Kemble" was reviewed by Mrs.

The Question:

Just what do you call a good time?

The Answers:
Walter Hodge. Arts and Science.
Junior: "I consider it a good time
when I come home from the races
with money and Billie Dyer. I call
it a good time also when parties
oont run short of punch.
Evelyn Lannert. Arts and Science.
Junior: "If I'm feeling mighty good
and am doing the things I like
I'm having a good time."
Bernard Opper, Arts and Science
Senior: "My idea of a good time
i.s to curl up in a good book, namely
"Rover Boys at Boarding School"
or "Happy Days at Thistlewaite.
Perusals of this type are steps to
the cultural advancement of the
college student."
Margaret Piper. Education, Senior: "Having a good time is being
happy and having everyone around
me happy. It's usually somethirig
that Just happens, not something
planned or looked forward to."

Union Committee
Must Attend
House committee members
will be automatically dropped
if they fail to attend the next
meeting at 7 p. m. Tuesday,
Oct. 25. Room 204 of the Union
building, according to Homer
Thompson, chairman. Valid
excuses in writing must be
turned in to the chairman
before the meeting, and no
excuses will be accepted after
the meeting. A complete list
of members of this committee
will be published in Tuesday's

Lauded by local sports scribes as
the most promising array of Freshman footballers the University has
ever sponsored, the local Kitten
eleven, victorious in it's first start
against Vanderbilt's yearlings, 20-will play host to the Volunteer
Frosh of the University of Tennessee, this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock.
The Tennessee Baby Vols, con:
querors of the Centre Lieutenants
in their opening encounter 20-'
will come to Lexington with a better build-u- p from Knoxville's sport's
writers, than the praise afforded
... ...
the local aggregation by Lexington
scribes. Last year's tussle ended in
a 0 win for the Tennessee yearCouncil uajayette Studio
lings in a game played at Shield
Watkin's stadium before 2,500 specMary Jane Roby, Arts and Scientators.
ces senior, is in charge of arrangements for the national convention
This season's edition of Tennesof Cwens beginning today in the see's gridiron machine has been
Union building.
it is claimed and is
therefore one of the best possible
collection of high school stars ever
assembled in this section of the
Coach Myers, Rupert, and
pleased at the auspicious
debut made by their charges are
same stalProf. A. J. Lawrence, head of the expected to start the
department of business education, warts who played most of the exgame with the possible
will preside over the business eduception of a backfield post.
cation division of the Annual Education conference at 10 a. m. Saturday, October 29. in the Education
Business teachers from
the entire state will attend this
Three talks and a round table u. K. Agriculture Professor
discussion will be features of the
Heads Poultry Research
program. "Teaching Social SecuriLaboratory
ty Accounting" is the subject of
John A. Pendery, University of CinApointmerrt of
cinnati. Benjamin R. Haynes, head Martin, professor Dr. poultryHolmes
cf the deparment of business education. University of Tennessee, will bandry and genetics, as director of
discuss, 'Trends in High School the new Regional Poultry Research
Laboratory at East Lansing, Michir,
Business Curricula." B. Frank
announced today, by Dr.
research specialist in business gan, was Mohler,
Chief of the Bur
education, Washington, D. C. Will John R.
eau of Animal Industry, U. S. De
make a talk on "The Distributive
partment of Agriculture.
Occupations and Business EducaDoctor Martin, who for 21 years
The meeting will be closed with has served on the staff of the Uni
versity, is a graduate of Purdue
a round table discussion on business
holds a
education led by Mrs. Marguerite University, University master's degree
of Kentucky
D. Fowler of the Louisville Public from the
and a doctor's degree from the
University of Wisconsin. He is the
author of numerous scientific papers
and publications in the field of
poultry husbandry, was for several
years editor of Poultry Science, the
official publication of the American
Meeting of the
Ohio Valley Regional Library
has served on numerous nationis being held in Cincinnati,
wide committees of the industry.
Ohio, October 20, 21, and 22, to
discuss pertinent library problems
sucn as Adult Education, Federal
Aid, and the reorganization of the
Kentucky Library Association.
The University is represented by
15 members of the library staff.
They are Margaret King, Miss EliThe eighth annual exhibition by
zabeth Hanson, Miss Margaret Tut-tlartists of Lexington and vicinity,
Mrs. Carl Stutsman, Miss Bes- sponsored by the Brush and Pencil
sie Bough ton. Miss Catherine
Club. Will open from 2 to 5 p. m.
Miss Jacqueline Bull, Miss Sunday at the Art Center and will
Norma Cass, Mrs. Lysle Croft, Mrs. continue until November 12. It may
J. C. Eaves, and Miss Artie Lee be seen each day from 8 a. m. to 5
p. m., and will remain open in the
evenings during the Guignol play,
beginning Moday, October 24.
This year's show contains picGarth House and his orchestra tures by several artists a number of
will play for the Union dance from whom are former students of the
9 to 12 tomorrow night in the ballUniversity.
Nell Pulliam, Kather-in- e
room of the Union buidling. AdMcGinnis. Theresa Newhoff.
mission will be 40 cents per couple Christine
Brown, and Burman
or stag. Women are to come
Pearlman are among those represented.






Lawrence To Head
Educational Society
Annual Conference


Van-derb- ilt

Martin Appointed

Regional Director


Library Conference
Meets In Cincinnati

'Susan and God To Open Season
For Guignol Monday Night At 8:30
Military Department Selects
75 Second Lieutenants
From Advanced Class






"Alienation of Affections" will be

the subject of a case to be tried by
the seniors in the College of Law at
1 : 15 p. m. today in the basement of
the law building, according to Professor Randall, presiding judge at
the trials.
John B. Breckenridge and Walter
N. Flippin are the attorneys for
the plaintiff and Tom Burress and
John L. Young attorneys for the
defendant. Any students who wish
to be members of the Jury should
be in the first year room by 1:15

At UK Art Center


To Fail, Dean Declares

Dean William S. Taylor, College

Education, yesterday attacked
the admission standards of American colleges and universities as "far
too lenient" and declared himself
in favor of a selective program
whereby "the thirty percent who
cannot hope to succeed" will be eliminated.
Though the magnitude of higher
education in this nation extends
to astounding proportions relative
to similar trainng abroad. Dean
Taylor said it is time measures were
contemplated as a means of combatting the undermining of our
college system.
"I think it is unfortunate that
we admit an army of young men
and women into our colleges and
uiversities knowing at the time we
take them that thirty percent of
them cannot hope to succeed in
the colleges as they are organized
at present. We should do one of
two things. Either we should provide a program in which these
young people can succeed, or they
should be advised not to enter the
institution. I think our large enrollment list is a sign of democratic principles and of our nterest
in intellectual
doubt, however, if we are justified
in continuing to enroll students in
a program where such large numbers are sure to fail."
Dean Taylor compared American
and European students in light of
success possibilities following
taking into consideration
the method of trainng, type of stu



Engineering Board
Locates Offices In

Mechanical Hall

The recently
Board of Engineering Examiners
headquarters in
has established
Mechanical HaU at the University.
it was announced by Professor C.
S. Krouse, head of the University
mining and metallurgical departof the
ment and secretary-treasurorganization.
p. m.
Other officers of the unit, elected at a recent meeting, include G.
T. Howard of Lexington, chairman,
and J. T. Kinsella of Newport, vice
chairman. Professional engineers
in Kentucky are notified to make
spoke application
Dr. Alexander
for registration with
on "Music and the Community" at Professor Crouse.
meeting of the Mcthe first fall
Dowell Music club held Tuesday
night in the auditorium of the Lexington College of Music.
Miss Mary Louise McKenna, soprano, sang a group of songs,
Members of the senior class in the
accompanied at the piano by Miss
department of civil engineering
Elizabeth Tillett.
At the conclusion of the program made a trip to Frankfort Thursday
a reception was held to welcome afternoon to inspect the foundation
new members of the club. Miss of a new office building now under
Louise Best was chairman of ar- construction there.
Officials in the department stated
Paul W. Matthews is
that this foundation is of particular
president of the club.
interest in that it is being set on
concrete pilings, forty feet in length,
which penetrate the mud and clay
of an old river bed.
While at Frankfort the class will
inspect the new Memorial Bridge,
Allan Vogeler, junior in the Col- recently
constructed across the
lege of Law, has been appointed Kentucky River.
head announcer of the University
of Kentucky extension studios of
WHAS by E. G. Sulzer. director of
the radio studios, it was announced
The place was left vacant by Phil
Sutterfield, who is now employed as
announcer at
A pep rally and official send-oSutCharleston, South Carolina.
for the football team will be held
terfield began announcing in Oct- at 7 p. m. tonight in the Alumni
ober, 1936.
Immediately followHaving led his class last year ing the pep meeting, the Wildcats
scholastic-ally- ,
Vogeler is a member will leave from the Gymnasium
of the Kentucky Law Journal, a for Cincinnati by special bus.
pledge of Phi Delta Phi. legal fratAn interesting program which will
ernity, and a member of Phi Delta include speeches by football authorTheta, social fraternity.
ities and music by the University
band, under the direction of Conductor John Lewis, has been arranged by SuKy. Elliot Beard, president of SuKy, is to have charge
of the program. The cheerleaders
will be present to lead the students
in yells and songs.
SuKy Members Jake Greenwall
and William Elder are in charge
All organizations which exof planning the program for the
pect to contract for pages in
the Kentuckian are asked to
see James Quisenberry, busiSPANISH CLUB ELECTION
ness manager of the book, in
Natalie Corbin was elected presithe Kernel business office.
dent of the Spanish club at a reAny students interested in
cent meeting. Other officers chosen
selling the annuals on a comwere Margaret Massie,
mission basis may see Quiand John Keller .secretary-treasuresenberry or Chick Young,
Plans were made to hold
circulation manager.
one educational
and one social
meeting each month.

Senior Engineers

system of selection,


Vogeler Appointed
Chief Announcer

SuKy To Sponsor
Giant Pep Rally
In Gym At P.


Page Contests
Called For




Wildcats On Rebound From
V & L Humiliation Of

Last Saturday


Party Leader

Musketeer's Coach Plans To
Loose Two Sets Of Backs
On Big Blue


At MacDowell Club

and utilization of training by the
"The great majority of college
graduates in Europe are liberally
trained, rather than professionally
trained. It is safe to say that practically all college graduates in Europe today to find empoyment, most
of them in the field of their specialization," he said.
"It is true that in Germany and
Italy the program for elementary
and secondary education, and even
part of the college program is high
ly militarized today and is an in
tensely national program.
is far less choice of what one shall
study in those countries than in
America, but most of the people
come out of the schools and go into
their field of specialiratin, the
Dean added.
According to Dean Taylor, the
American college graduate must
search for favorable opportunities
In Europe, the student is prepared
to put into immediate practice what
he has learned at college.
Approached with the condition
of "adulterated" teaching methods.
Dean Taylor emphasized that there
is probably just as much of that
going on here as in Europe.
Dean Taylor expressed himself
as favoring government scholar- ships to students desirous of college
training and of promising ability.
"The government today, through
its NYA program, is providing some
funds for needy and worthy stu-- 1
dents. It will be just a short step
to the point where they could provide the funds necessary to enable
a young man to secure the education that may make him of larger
worth to his state and his nation,"
he concluded.

Crother's "Susan and
God" will be the curtain raiser for
Guignol Theatre's
at 8:30 Monday night. October 24.
Four students. J. B. Faulconer.
senior. Gordon Bugle. Junior, Helen
Freidman. junior, and Adele Ball,
sophomore, and two alumni. Mary
E. Lyons and Christine McBrayer,
are in the cast of the present production.
rag rug 13
A large
feet in diameter is a special innovation in the first set. On a open
solid white porch of a Westchester
home in New York the rug fills the
atmosphere with quiet originality
and good taste.
Susan Trexel fMary E. Lyons)
who has such individual charm
that it covers most of her faults
most of the time for most people,
returns home from abroad diffused
with the religious movement of
or other people
not yourself." and proceeds to apply
it to her friends to save them from
themselves without asking them for
Barrie Trexel (E. M. Brummettei
husband of Susan is a habitual
drinker, loves Susan sincerely but
allows her to have her wish in all
matters. They are estranged at
the opening of play and Barrie
comes to see Susan to ask her to
live with him again. They agree to
open their home for the summer
and Barrie is to stop drinking and
help Susan with her "movement."
Their daughter. Blossom (Noma
Jackson), who has never known
what it is to have real parents, is
with them.
Charlotte (Christine McBrayer)
a healthy outdoor type of woman,
loves Barrie and is a true friend of
Stubbs. a wealthy man of 50. has
married a young actress. Leonora
(Evelyn Combs) who longs for the
stage and invites an actor. Clyde
(Leslie Betz) to their home.
Irene! Burroughs (Virginia Olan-ton- )
a restless and hard woman of
about 35. is in love with Michael
O'Hara (Gordon Bugie) who is indolent in manner but has great
charm. They are friends of Susan's
and Barrie's.
Helen Friedman and Adele Ball
are the two maids in the play.

Capurso Speaks

Taylor Says Entrance
Standards 'Too Lenient9

Students Hold

Mock Trial Today

To Show Paintings

Percent Of Those dent

of Second Lieuten-

ments, which became effective on
Wednesday, Oct. 19, are as follows:
i James P. Alcorn, Carl W. Allen.
Qyrus D. Allen. Leslie Allison, Roy
W. Bachmeyer, Paul T. Barnett, Roy
J, Batterton Jr., Elliott B. Beard,
Eugene R. Bell, Wendell Binkley,
James P. Boiling, Herman W.
Brooks, Ray Brown, Alfred D. Cav- ep. John E. Clinklnbeard.
Ernest E. Collins, Frank F. Davis,
Arthur J. Dotson, Paul J. Durbin,
William B. Elder Jr., James B.
Merle W. Fowler. Jr., Elmer
Gardenhire, Dennie Gooch, Jr.,
James D. Graham, William A. Gray,
William H. Hall. Marshall F. Hart,
Stanley Hays. Wickcliffe B. Hendry.
Herbert F. Hillenmeyer, Robert
F. Houlihan, John J. Howard, John
B. Johnson, Honshell K. Johnston,
Floyd P. Lacey, Jr., Philip J.
Oscar T. McCutchen, William
B. McGary, Robert R. McNamara,
Campbell E. Miller. Dewoese C.
Albert W. Moffett, Charles G.
Moore, Elmer C. Mullen.
Forest T. Mulliken. William K.
Mullins, Bethel R. Murray, Jr., William W. Neal, Murrell F. Neblett,
Louis C. Nelson, Charles M. Parrish,
Karl E. Rapp. James R. Rash, Jr.,
Rcbert W. Rudd. Delwyn C. Schaf-fe- r,
Harold C. Schuyler. Malvin R.
Sebree. Joe D. Seed, Clifford Simpson.
Robert R. Smedley. Arthur W.
Smith, Harry R. Smith, Paul K.
Smith, Sidney R. Smith. Henry P.
Charles Sternberg. John E. Stone,
James Taul, William F. Threlkeld,
Norman A. Wides. James B. Williamson, Maurice P. Willis, and William T. Young.

Lexington Artists




ants in the University ROTC from
among the members of the second
vear advanced course were an
nounced yesterday by officials of the
military department. The appoint-

Tri-Sta- te

Entering College Doomed


Seven Sophomores To Start
Against Xavier Musketeers
In First Tilt On Alien Sod





All men students with sur- -.
plus clothing are asked to
bring overcoats, suits, shoes,
and shirts to Dean T. T. Jones'
office for distribution among
needy students.

see Frosh Here At 2 P. M.




21, 1938

Dean Jones Asks
For Surplus








Sign Your Name
We received some good letters
this time, but a few raised in our
minds the question of the advisability of signing names. Henceforth,
we would appreciate all writers signing their full names. We promise
not to divulge the secret and will
print only the initials.




The season's high in sophomores.
seven, will clog starting noies ui
the lineup Coach Ab Kirwan will
cut loose on Xavier University in
Cincinnati tomorrow when the
Wildcats, after four successive home
grid appearances, make their first
start on alien sod.
Following the Washington
Lee humiliation of last Saturdav in
which Kentucky showed marked
symptoms of acute staleness. Doctor Kirwan's prescription for this
week has been light but spirited
workouts, minus the usual dose of
scrimmage. Ia all the sessions held
this week the outstanding factor
has been the revamped spirit and
enthusiasm, which during the Wash-ingo- n
and Lee game reached rock
Meanwhile, in Cincinnati. Xavier
Coach Clem Crowe, who cut his
team's last game to see the Cats
Courtesjf Lafayette Studio
in action, is grooming two sets of
backs that he plans to rotate on
Homer "Tub" Thompson. Educa
W. and
tion senior, elected by 66 votes over L.. Blues over KentuckyLike
would cona win
his nearest fraternity opponent in
seathe recent senior election, is chair stitute a completely successful
man of the board of Union direct- son and the Musketeers have been
ors, and has been a member of the aiming at the Caw all year. So far
varsity basketball squad for the last this season the Muskies' report card
shows two wins and two losses, havthree years.
ing wrested games from Transylvania and Akron, while bew:
trimmed by Ohio University and
South Carolina.
The strong pcints in the Xavier
defense, which has been cracked
for but four touchdowns th:s season, are the ends where Ed Kiusk.
177 pound Junior, and Gabriel
New Party Meets To Discuss
180 pound sophomore, hold
sway. Crowe regards these men as
Methods Of Strengthening
the best flank guardians ever dePolitical Hold
veloped at Xavier.
Four bertha in the Wildcats startThq recently elected senior class
ing line are expected to be plugged
officers were introduced to their by sophomores with James Hardin
independent constituency Wednes- at end. John Eidner and Waiter
day night in the Union Building; Reid at tackles and Emmett
or Robert Palmer at left
where approximately one hundred
guard. Line Coach Bernie Shivery
members of the new party gathered was
faced with the necessity of reto discuss ways and means of keep- placing a regular tackle when Luke
ing their hat in the campus political Linden. 230 pound junior, was released from his fcctball obligations
Chairman Herman Kendal cal- ance.a lax in training rule observLinden's place will be inled the meeting to order and heard
reports from various committees ap- herited by Eidner. 215 pounder, who
pointed to consider financial and has been hampered all season by a
constitutional matters pertinent ta broken finger and a smashed nose
In case Reid does not receive the
the party's immediate welfare.
Paul Durbin, chairman of the other tackle nod the role will be
committee for finances told the enacted by Harry Brown. The remeeting that his group had devised maining end is expected to be
guarded by Bill McCubbin while
a plan for the issuing of membership cards for the organization at the other guard will be plugged by
ten cents each. He said that this Tom Spickard with Captain Shernominal fee would provide for the man Hinkebein holding down the
defraying of any expenses- incurred center of the line.
The backfield will probably find
by the party in future political
moves and suggested that the an- three sophomores in starting helmets, Dave Zoeller fat left half
nual dues be held at that figure.
Chester Mason at right half and
"Dutch" Ishmael at fullback. Thi'
trio will be governed by Joe Shepherd from his usual quarterback
position. "Hoot" Combs, wiio alternates with Zoeller at left hali
Music by Bach was featured in still gives ground to a sprined ankie
the regular Thursday niht musi- injured last week. Mason, who hac
cale held Thursday. October 20, in performed creditably in relief roles
the Music Room of the Union buil- so far will get his starting chance
in place ef Dameron Davis,
The Carnegie Music Room is open Conference's leading scorer,the who
from 12:15 to 1 p. m.. from 4 to 5 was bashed up by W. and L. Satp. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. Monday urday. Carnes may
well break ln- through Friday.
, to the starting line-u- p
at full back
Numbers on the program were in pace of TshmaeL
Toccatta and Fugue in D Minor.
Concerto for Two violins. St. Mat- thew's Passion "O Thou With Hate
Surrounded," and Mass in B Min- or.





Musicale Features
Bach Compositions


Lawrence Addresses
Education Meeting

Independents desiring membership cards in the Independent Party may secure them from officers
of the organization, starting today
Possession of a membership card
entitles the holder to vote at meetings of the party.

"A F.'oposed Commerce Curriculum Study for Kentucky" was the
fubject of the lecture given by Dr.
A. J. Lawrence, head of the department of business education, at the
fall meeting of the Kentucky Business Education Association, October
15. in Morehead.
Others attending the meeting
were Professor H. P. Guy, of the
Commerce college. Miss .Vashti Albert, Harold Johnson, and Melvin

All University freshmen will be
guests of the Freshman Club at a
Halloween "funbaxee" at 7 p. m.
Tuesday, Oct. 25. in the Woman's
All women who are majorir.g ui
physical education are asked to meet
at 4 p. m. Monday in the Women's

Deadline For
Kyian Photos
Is October 26


the last day on which


The Home Economics club will
meet at 7:30 p. m. Monday mh: in
the Ag building.



students interested in forming
a bridge club are asked to leave
their name, address, and phone


tuckian pictures will be taken
and no orders will be received
after that date. Sidney B.
Buckley, editor of the annual
announced yesterday.
All students desiring pictures in the Kentuckian must
have them made or renewed
in the basement of Memorial
hall by October 26. for no pictures will be made in the

number in Mrs. Lebus' office. Room
of the Union bulding. Besin-ner- s
classes will be taught by Mrs
D. H. Peak.


me Brush and Pencil club will
meet at 8 p. m. Monday at the stu- aio in professor Edward W. Ran-nel- s'
home. All students who are
interested in art and desire opportunity to draw are urged to join
this Informal groups

� have been sold. Consequently, we cannot expect
to be allowed in other sections of the stadium
before the half. If, as just stated, the present
section is inadequate, the department will see
that it is enlarged. But until that is established,
as a fart. let's try a little more rooperaion.


Published semi weekly during the school year ex- crpt holidays or examination periods.
Entered at (he Post Office si Lexington, Kentucky, aa
nutter under the Act ot March I, 187.
Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Assoctstloa


Pmbliihert Representstirt
Nfw Vokk. N. Y.
Boston to
Eict - fan F.eitea


$2.00 One

ii is T. Igi.fhrt
H. MrmsirR
Ji .n Mr.EiROY
Hrfy M. Smiih



Snrs Editor

Business Manager


!'( ;ui'

of Irequcnt complaints rerrived by
Ikt tiflit'c staff. Mis Elizabeth Cowan, secretary