xt7xks6j2258_76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl.dao.xml Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                    1886- Cubit feet ? 7 boxes This collection comprises six scrapbooks (plus one box of miscellaneous items) of letters, newsclippings, and photographs documenting major milestones in the career of Lexinngton, Kentucky surgeon Fred W. Rankin, M.D. archival material English unknown This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Fred W. Rankin, M.D. Scrapbooks Correspondence –– Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                1886- American Medical Association Military Medicine –– History –– United
                States American Surgical Association American College of Surgeons Journal article. "Fred Wharton Rankin –– President-Elect."                                 Current Comment. Jour. A.M.A. 16 (24): 2696 text Journal article. "Fred Wharton Rankin –– President-Elect."                                 Current Comment. Jour. A.M.A. 16 (24): 2696 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl_2/rankin4kdl_2_12/i2-12-1/i2-12-1.pdf June 14, 1941 1941 June 14, 1941 section false xt7xks6j2258_76 xt7xks6j2258 .   CURRENT COZVIMENT ·I°J‘{,“i}EAi4i‘Ii9·f,Xi \
FRED' WHARTON RANKIN- the Section on Surgery of the American Medical Asso-
` ‘ PRESIDENT-ELECT ciation. His contributions to medical literature include
Again a surgeon of international repute has been 3 m911O§13Ph 011 MSUYSGYY of the C0i011"§ F1 werk 911
elected by the House of Delegates of the American ‘_II?I1€ COi911· R€€t¤111 and A11¤$,” P11bi1Si1€d 111 1932
Medical Association to the highest honor in the province J9mtIY WIIIIHDYS- .l· A· Bdfgdn and I-- A- Buff, 311d . i
of scientific medicine. Again the House of Delegates 9} W91`k fm Cancer OI the COIO}1 and R€€1L1m, Pubr
recognized service to organized medicine: the physician h$h€(1 Wrrh Dr A- S- Grairam U1 1939 He has QISO
selected is one who has participated notably in the €011if1b¤1€€i €i1¥1Pi€1‘$ 011 S¤fg€1‘Y of the colon, W1ti1
affairs Of the Ame,-{Can kigdical Associatmn and gf particular reference to carcinoma, in several systems
aiaiiiiany other scientific bodies. Dr. Rankin was born in of surgery. ln the American Medical Association Dr.
. S'?.   ooresville, N. C., on Dec. 20, 1886. After receiving Rankin has been especially active. He was a member
iihis bachelor of arts degree from Davidson College in of the House of Delegates, representing the Section
1.905 he received his degree of doctor of medicine from on Surgery from 1935 through 1940. On several occa-
the University of Maryland in 1909 and the degree sions he has aided in the work of the reference com-
of master of arts from St. mittees. In 1936 he was
john’s College in 1913. __ ;__,:,_:_____ ._=_·     appointed to the member-
H9 "{9St9lS° im99€ hO“O,;“   i``   ii  E,,.  d;9;ai99Ei,99“t9 in 9121
ary toc or o sciences y _ _»V:VV:_ 5    ::_i    ,..   °:-·_»     ..·-    uca io an
Davidson College, his alma __:__.    I i °i`''’‘   _4;Va Hospitals, and he has been
mater, in 1937, and honor- i   . gi  active in the work of that
ii`i   ary LL.D. by the Uni-  ii Q “) —°_’_   liiodyla He waisi appointid
versity of Maryland in   A ·, ._ ·   ‘i’= y t e spea er of t e
1939, Following his gradu-   i·,a:   a1,,,,   House of Delegates a
ation in medicine he be-   '·ii   E‘t      member of the Committee
came a resident surgeonat   ; ',i‘i  _; ,,V_   rzt   on Medical Preparedness
the University Hospital in 9*   ;,, 1; V;a.._ i _; N    1n_194O and has been
Baltimore from 1909 to   ,=_,    assiduous in the duties of
1912 and served as   _’t:“ that committee and espe-
assistant demonstrator of  F cially in 1n1l1tary prepared-
anatomy and associate in _       ness in the Fifth Corps
Surgery er die Urrivererry . »   ’‘::. . »i;i;r= 2   i»r.`.¢   =...   iiii   ‘’t  ii i`i1   I Area- Id 1923 Dr- Fred
of Maryland Medical Vazi   .__’  -;_i »._i·-;     ____ ;  ..::»   _ · W. Rankin married Miss
School from 1913 to 1916.   :_·‘‘i   ·ii='.i   :__,V=   i’:iZ T i a   ii - Edith Mayo, a daughter
He their idirred die Meyd   =·°`r¢ : =iir‘1   =... · ..=.E. ;   ==i, ·   Y  _ .»   n   . *51 r=.:   ._»_ di Dr- Charles H· Meyd
· Cirrrre rrr Redrer»rer» Mr¤¤—·   er‘...   `  i`“       :.. . »»i’‘» ; = .r·‘:.;   r·. 3%; ,;r ° »:»_ ddd he hdsiiouf ddddrem
eedrrg as eesrere-rrr Srrrgedrr   iiiii’’=· = = —   ,..   rt. .   ,i»e· `T .=.; rz liii iié i‘r   ii‘ I Frederic Wherrdd Edith
er $1- Merfe Hospital,   ```E         ir   i‘·_’ r   Grdhdm Cher1ee Mdye
1916*999* He was Pm   . I     =i-o§   :,,i    »;.`i  or  are T"°.““*“ %“€Xd“d“·
reeeer er Surgery 9i the     ..·   ‘‘°°e;r z   :,l,.. .5;   rirf   rii    ‘   »`ei»_   . Al“l9St .‘mm9d}9t9lY {OL
U“IV€1`5ItY di I-d¤iSViiie»     .i;E  r ii»·   ·· I°W‘“% hrs didmddeidd Wed
  and Served as ;¥:iis‘1==‘·~»"i.   ‘·=·`=ei§."Eijfl·§=a5£ " "Z=§=¥s;:.—f::=5.*===·*52`ZQ:iii.‘¥’=’E1?`$‘E¤"Z§1=¥5é==·- -—‘-=1#i=1*’%E‘s"-.=&‘·· d€1L1g€d   invitations
surgeon to the Mayo FRED W- RANKIN» MD- , to attend many meetings
Clinic and as assijciatc PRESIDENT—ELECT or rm: AM:~;mcAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Oi State and other nicdical
professor at the University of Minnesota Medical organizations, indicating not only his popularity with
School, Mayo Foundation, 1926-1933. He then removed the medical profession but his devotion to the work
to Lexington, Ky., where he became surgeon to of organized medicine.
St. joseph’s and the Good Samaritan hospitals, with
A which he has been associated since jan. 1, 1934. In THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL
the X/Vorld VVar Dr. Rankin served as a major in To the distinguished names of Rudolph Matas,
the Medical Corps for seventeen months and was surgeon, james B. Herrick, internist, and Chevalier
attached to the First Army Corps, 4th and 26th divi- jackson, otolaryngologist, the House of Delegates added
sions in France, as commanding officer of Base Hos- that of Dr. james Ewingrof New York, world famed
_ pital No. 26. He is now a colonel in the Medical as a pathologist, as the recipient of the Distinguished
Reserve Corps. He has been honored by`1nany medical Service Award of the American Medical Association
organizations, including the presidency of the Southern for 1941. Although 74 years of age, Dr. Ewing came
Surgical Association and the Southeastern Surgical at once from New York to be present on the platform
Congress. He is a fellow of the American College of at the opening session to receive the Distinguished Ser-
Surgeons and a member of the American Surgical vice Medal in person. To repeat the record of his
Association, American Proctologic Society, Eastern and career is almost unnecessary, since he is widely known
KN/'estern Surgical associations, Southern Medical Asso- on several continents. Dr. james Ewing was born
ciation and many surgical clubs and medical fraterni- in Pittsburgh on Christmas day, 1866. He received
ties. He was one of the founder members of the his bacheloris degree from Amherst in 1888 and his
American Board of Surgery, representing in that body master of arts degree in 1891. Following his funda-

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 ¤§iit r`    
_;e==·. fj  ‘;R if CURRENT COMMENT qa .,,  _
will be asked to send representatives, exhibits and, PROFESSIONAL TESTIMONIALS I?]   ·';¢  
indeed, to participate as much as possible. The Council The Bureau of Investigation of the American Medi-  ·‘
on Scientific Assembly is charged by the Association cal Association has always contended that testimonials,
with the development of the scientific aspects of this whether of doctors or of laymen, are of little scientific
session. ’ value. Frequently a monet_ary exchange infiuences a
Noteworthy among the social functions of the testimonial, in its opinion.
1941 session were the opening general meeting, which An orthopedic surgeon in Chicago recently received
was nc]c] in tnc Music Hall undgy perfect cnn- a letter on the stationery of the Scholl Manufacturing
ditions and which included addresses by distinguished C0lllP3llY of Cl”ll€21g0 Which reads: I
clergymen, the governor of Ohio, the mayor of Cleve- f"Dearf Sir: It is our intention to make a clinical investigation of some
. . . . 0 our oot preparations and ld l`k t k 'f `ll`
land and the officials of the Association, and the Pres1— to do tins work for ns, We Wm I E 0 mw ` wu are W1 mg
. . .“Due to your wide experience in this field, we ould g tl app -
dent’s reception ln the Hotel Cleveland. largely attended tote getting affidavits tion you and learning your EL for Itféeymediiit
· · ~ - reports. ·
and Wlth Ideal arrangements for thls dehghtful func" “These_affidavits should contain the extent of your investigations and a
tion, and the   touruarneng   the largest I.€giS_  in regard to our claims, as well as the effectiveness of these
tration in its history- The dinners given tO the Board d "If you do decide _t0 make this clinical investigation, will you please
_ rop a note to Dr. Einstoss, so that an appointment can be arranged for
of Trustees and the House of Delegates by the Ohio tt tllttt that W¤ll be mutually agreeal>le·"
State Medical Association and the Cleveland Academy Apparently the Scholl Manufacturing Cornpany fails
of Medicine were on a dignified plane, again perfectly to recognize that statements obtained in this manner
arranged with the provision of delightful entertainment do ll0t €0¤5tlt¤t€ €1€€€Pt3ble Scientific evidence on which
and cxccotiona] cuisino to devise claims for products.
The House of Delegates voted in executive session P€l`ll3PS tll€l€ l$ H0 Y€lP1tl0llSlllp between the request
Wnnont a dissenting Vote to Cady onward the trial and the statement issued on Dec. 8, 1940 by the Federal
of the case of the United States government versus the TIad€ C9mllll$SlOll?
Anaerican Medical Association et QL, SO that a decisicyn “Scholl·Manufacturing Company, Inc., 211 West Schiller St., Chicago,
_ eng? in the manufacture and distribution of devices known as
may be l'l3.Cl f1'OI11 {116 l”l1gl1€St COLl1'tS HS to 1l'1€ place   _l10ll’S Ziuo·Pads’ and ‘Dr. Scholl’s Kurotex Foot Plastersj designed
. . . . . . . .   ; {>;reatment of corns, bunions and other foot ailments, has been
Wl'l1Q1'1 OI`g3.1'11Z€d SC1€1'1t11:1C 111€CllC1I`1€ IS to occupy In  y the Federal Trade Commission to cease and desist ·from
our economy. The unity of the action taken, the careful °     ‘S“"p*°S€““}“°“$ °t the Pt°dtl°tS· _ _ _ _
_ _ l ~ _ t— respondent is ordered to cease and desist from disseminating or
              C2\l1S1I'1g to be d1SS€IIllIlZ11C€(1 Zlfly advertisement IH COIHHICYCC   I`€[)fE·
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ` _ sents, directly or through inference, that the use of ‘Dr. Scho1l’s Zino-
1I'lSlgl1t 11110 11116 3.fTZl1I‘S of l1'1€(l1C3.1 pI‘3Ct1C€ 11'1 ’[l‘1€     `   sgops pagn insgantly or in one minute; that corns or callouses can
· . . . In  e 1 te out a ter t e application of ‘Dr. Scholl’s Zino·Pads’ w`th0ut the
States t€5t1l°l€d to the €Xtr3·OYd1H3·II1y lllgh cha  se of surgery or other aids; that the use of ‘Dr. Scholl’s Zinb-Pads’ is
Of the I.€pI.€S€ntatiOn in the HOLISE Of Delegatesgr.    cune or remedy for corns, callouses or bunions; that ‘Dr. Schol1’s Zinc-
_ ~ I · _   l-~ u   have healing properties; or that the use of ‘Kurotex Foot Plasters’
body Whlch IS chgyggd   thc Allqgylcall Mgdlcal  ,s_uL:1 H  tantly relieves the pain caused by corns, sore toes, callouses, bunions
. , . , , , , to  o   tender spots on the feet caused by new or tight shoes, or gives any
C13,t101’1 W1’[l'1 lZl’1€ €St3bl1Sl1II'1€1‘1t of 1tS pOl1C1€S. s t.,,    egree of relief from such condition in excess of that which follows from
· · the protection from outside pressure and friction, o ` l` f f
The   SQSSIOH Wltncssed the €lld Of the tern] Of such conditions except during the time that the ‘I·<§1t;§;’Xa1:'EI)f)0I1i€E2StIf!(;”I;`:
service of Dr. Thomas Cullen as a member of the Board am ‘”°*“·
of Trustees, a service which he has rendered as a con- _—_ —
tribution to the advancement of medicine for the past CllI‘I’eIll' Comment
twelve years. In his place comes Dr. Charles W. ——
Roberts of Atlanta, Ga., for some time a member of FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS INJURIES
the House of Delegates and of the Council on Industrial This year, aslinl the previous four years, the American
Health. The death of Dr. Fred Moore and the election Medical Association is circularizmg hospitals, dispen-
gf Dr_ Fred Rankin to tnc presidency bygught about saries and other institutions in the United States with ·
two vacancies on the Council on Medical Education 3 VIEW to Compllmg Q record ot the deaths and lllll~ll‘l€S
and Hospitals. For these positions the Board of Trus- Eisultmlg ttjio ilebmtlolt ot the Fourth of IUIY Wltll
tees nominated several distinguished physicians, from YCWOY .S' S t Blmiust H?. lmigedpartdof gms? annual
summaries severa s a es fave a o t `-
whom the House of Delegates elected Drs. Harvey B. ’ - · P E 6 Ectlve anti
Smne Of Baltimo e Hd R H H d f Cl I d fireworks legislation. The number of deaths from this
I th I 1 Y af A usée 3 BH O SW au; cause has been reduced therefore in 1940 to 8 as com-
ll 6. f€V€ 0Plll€llt 0 llldllcdll lll€dl€€ll Pl“3·Qtl€€ thls pared with 20 in 1937. The total number of injuries
Councils part- is now so vital that these additions to has been reduced from 7,205 in 1937 to 4,462 in 1940.
the membership are consrclerecl especially fnrtunatc_ Although the improvement is considerable, it is still
Tlqus passed the annual S€SSiO1·1 Of   Credit to OIJVIOLIS   th€I`€ C31'1 be HO 1°€l3.XHt101'1 of €ffO1't 11'I
the Local Committee on Arrangements and to the city in the ilttglglpt ti Previm Such unnccessaly 9·CC1d€mS· HOS‘
which it was held; a credit to the official bodies of the plta S .t mug Out t 6 gmmtry are agam asked to cOOp`
A . . _ , _ erate in the careful filling out and prompt return of the
ssociation who weie charged with the creation of the - · · - . .
h_b_ d h I d_ _ _ _ _ questionnaires which they will shortly receive in order
€X l ltshall I S fall Eng of lls affallsi a Cledltt ll"ld€€d» that a still further improvement in the situation may
·  o allaw o participate . t be brought about »
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