xt7xks6j2258_67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl.dao.xml Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                    1886- Cubit feet ? 7 boxes This collection comprises six scrapbooks (plus one box of miscellaneous items) of letters, newsclippings, and photographs documenting major milestones in the career of Lexinngton, Kentucky surgeon Fred W. Rankin, M.D. archival material English unknown This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Fred W. Rankin, M.D. Scrapbooks Correspondence –– Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                1886- American Medical Association Military Medicine –– History –– United
                States American Surgical Association American College of Surgeons News clipping. Source unknown. "Dr. Fred W. Rankin Named to                                 Head A.M.A.: Former Clinic Surgeon to Take Office in                                 1942." text News clipping. Source unknown. "Dr. Fred W. Rankin Named to                                 Head A.M.A.: Former Clinic Surgeon to Take Office in                                 1942." 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl_2/rankin4kdl_2_9a/i2-9a-1/i2-9a-1.pdf [1941] 1941 [1941] section false xt7xks6j2258_67 xt7xks6j2258 M Cx’=*I¤.»¤.s =·. ·i ..   -· .   r. ·-;.   " ·~· ` .. ·.  
   is » ·`    C ,   » _    {lie}.    
    TG O , BI'] II'].  —»  
  1 ` H° cl A M A
    BITIG to 98 .   .
  ilii   i' J . _._ . .
‘*· _ . i r Former Clinic
. i  $¤rqe¤¤ *° Take
J- —   rie    iii    Office in 1942
.   V;.: i   Dr. Fred Wlrerieri Rerkiri ei
 1     Lexineten. Ky-. formerly ef Recli-
    =r‘ ii ester. wee riemed ‘ r-reeiderii-eleet
?% ‘.??Ii?Fi2   of.the American Medical associa-
 i   i¥=.=¢ ··a°   iieri ei e meeting ef ite lieiiee ei
      -.ri   delegates in Cleveland yesterday.
 1   i.-‘.`’   =ria i ·»·‘V He will eiieeeed. Dr- Frank H-
:}    ..»;   si·. 2e.-  Dr. Rankin, whose wife is the
  3*-?$:-.£f"?;.    ‘e·= >» former Eaitii Maya, daughter or
ii    .i,_ 55;;.;;;. . V```` 3  {F ‘»:»e   i·r’ · the late Dr. C. H. Mayo and Mrs.
f it:¥°Y¤§Y*£§f5?F§’i ’’’"     , ’ `ii_A``   i»VV jg e_V_`··a el? Mayo, was head or a section in me
g . Vr,° L? ···e— ‘ '·`:'   ,_V.   .:—·   .A.· _ division of surgery in the Mayo
l V   ’»· ‘Sfg’~.:.j»—.g Clinic from July 1, 1926, to Jan-
      uary 1. 1933-
le       NATIVE or canorriu
        A native or Moorsevine, N. c., he
  "    "`V· j .`'···»   i:‘¤   was graduated from thee University
i .     »ri»   of Maryland schoolof medicine in
i   S=?TAiti—-;FF.j_jg§§?$5fi§;é;i§;F;.§Ffj_gf Baltimore in 1909 and eompietea
I   j  _-i. ;   his irit-errisnip in 1912.
l ` ‘   · _Z_V   From 1913 to 1916, he practiced
.   ':*:‘jf*¥ '-e» :%£$§§§?YfQ;¥: `’:` ` H ill Baltimore. He received an M.
  · 5  ;_Y;”.:·¥ i:·   A. degree from St. John’s college,
  · ° · ‘‘‘·`   ·   Baltimore, in 1915.
1 , _ In late 1916, Dr. Rankin entered
i _ DL Fred W_ Rankin Of LEX. the Mayo Foundation as a fellow in
l jngigglh Kyn who has been SH·I`g€I'y. His S€l`V1CB, WhlCh_ VVELS
named. pmsideubelect of the interrupted by the war, consisted
American Medical association. ef SEIJSGYYL f0lll‘ Y€dl`S Hlld SBVGH.
Dr. Rankin, former Mayo Clinic mon · s.
surgeon, will take office in During the World war he served
_ 1g42_ . as a major with themedical corps
in the American Expeditionary?
` Ll+`o·rce, being attached to the fourth}
i , . and twenty—sixth combat divisions.;
i ` Later he was commanding officerj
l of Base Hospital 26, which was},
‘ staffed by Mayo Clinic and Uni-ic
versity of Minnesota men. *
x After the war he returned t¤{
, Qthe Mayo Foundation, remaining?
here until January 1, 1923, whenf
he left to become professor ofi
surgery at the University/of Louis-  
ville school of medicine and clrlefrf
l I of the surgical staff of the Cityi
, hospital, Louisville. l
A year later he became surgeonl
l " to the Lexington Clinic, Lexington, 3
nl Ky., and two and a half years after
that he returned to Rochester to
, head a section in the dision oft
surgery. Upon leaving here ini
` 1933, he returned to Lexington. g
Recently he was appointed clin-.
ical professor of surgery at the
`_ i University of Louisville school of.
medicine, the appointment taking
‘ effect as of July 1. He will con-
{1 ~ tinue his practice in Lexington
\` while carrying on his new duties
at the medical school. g.
Dr. Rankin is the author of threei
textbooks on surgery and of many¥
published papers upon clinical andf
operative surgery. He is a col-oneli
\ in the medical reserve of the4U.·
S. army. \ i
He has served as president of_
the Southeastern Surgical Con— I
gress, the Southern Surgical asso-E

 :* ‘   ’·° ·· »   ·’* ., 5    
  To Head A  M A
 J · O I I
  (Continued from Page 1)
` ciation, is one of the founders and
at present vice president of the
American Board of Surgeons, and
a fellow of the American College
of Surgeons.  
He also holds membership in the
International Surgical society, the
Society of Clinical Surgeons, the
Eastern Surgical association, the
Western Surgical association, the
g Southern Medical association, the
i Kentucky State Medical associa-i
3 tion, the Minnesota State Medicali
  association, the Southern Minne-g
  sota Medical 'association and the§
  Association of Resident and Ex-’
  Resident Physicians of the Mayoi
  He is a member of various schol-Q
if astic and scientific fraternitiesf
i including Phi Beta Kappa, nation-?
g al honorary scholastic fraternity,§
  and Sigma Xi, honorary scientific;
ri society, and of several social clubs.  
  The Rankins have three sonsl
  and a daughter.  
  Other Rochester men who have if
  served as president of the Ameri- 
  can Medical association includei
i, the late Drs. W. J. Mayo, C.  
{ Mayo and E. Starr Judd.