xt7xks6j2258_534 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl.dao.xml Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                    1886- Cubit feet ? 7 boxes This collection comprises six scrapbooks (plus one box of miscellaneous items) of letters, newsclippings, and photographs documenting major milestones in the career of Lexinngton, Kentucky surgeon Fred W. Rankin, M.D. archival material English unknown This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Fred W. Rankin, M.D. Scrapbooks Correspondence –– Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                1886- American Medical Association Military Medicine –– History –– United
                States American Surgical Association American College of Surgeons News clipping. "Letter of Veteran Visitor McMahan Gives                                 Picture of Early Clinic Days." By Charles G. McMahan. Mayovox 4:23. Alumni Issue. Mayo Clinic,                                 Rochester, Minnesota text News clipping. "Letter of Veteran Visitor McMahan Gives                                 Picture of Early Clinic Days." By Charles G. McMahan. Mayovox 4:23. Alumni Issue. Mayo Clinic,                                 Rochester, Minnesota 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl_7/rankin4kdl_7_7/i7-7-1/i7-7-1.pdf September 26, 1953 1953 September 26, 1953 section false xt7xks6j2258_534 xt7xks6j2258 =M A Y 0 v 0 x September 26, 1953  
_ , O O
  e .   LeHer of Veferan Vrsrfar McMahon
mm Gives Prdure of Early Chmc Days
‘ A Rochester lady, mother of a neighbors are beginning to come 1n.
Clinic man, has taken us gently That means that the ulcer is ex-
to task for a serious flaw in Mayo- tending.’ _
_ vox.   _   "Another one of his comparisons
It is   audi proper to stress concerned the parathyroids while
current pete? Jefsand events, she he was doing a goiter. He said:
V jsurely there is also ‘They are like a little boy driving
i _ writing of the people a four—horse team. They are little-
/ cf preceding Clinic but Il'1€y do 8 lot of WOI`k.,  
. _ Young Dr. Mayo :**`·
*‘*"'** There rs indeed, Ma’arh_ The "Another story he used to often
prgbiem is for- a comparative new- tell had to do     €&I`ly days r
comer like Mayovox to get to know Ot Pldctlce lll Rochester- He telu ,
the men and Wgmen who lived the l'lOW   fH[l’l€1' WOLlld t3.k€   out
earlier Rochester story. We’d like lh the ccuhtly tb She elcese elle
nothing better than to receive more d¤Y» and the hext ueY Sehd, him ’
letters like a recent one from Dr. cut alche Wlth tl chuckle he wbuld
Charles G. McMahon of Superior, saY? ‘Whethet I get iu el het de'
Nebraska. pended on whether I got my foot
. A surgeon (F_A_(j_S_), Dr_ Me, in the door before they saw that _
Meberr has been visiting here one futher was hbi _fdlldWi¤g ru<=l’
or more times a year for upwards “Dl- Lculs Wllsch» elle ct mY lh'
er 40 years_ structors at Minnesota University,
On his first visit, he recalls, erzey was iust Startins tc build up the r
Watson vvas several years away ClinicLaboratories then. Henderson
from his job as desk clerk at the Wes steltlhg ch hls Orthopedic De-
Damon Herein, (And the cirrrre Phftlhhhb which he was tc build
. man mentioned above "was in short uP td lts _Pl"eseht hlgh status Judd
y oams» at the time, Dr_ McMahon was training the first of his assis-
rememhers)__ tants, who afterwards did such
First Visit great work at the Clinic. Few sur-  
He aiso reeaiis from this first g€OHS CHD point to assistants Wl'1O  
trip that "a Minnesota friend asked d€Vel°Ped mm meh Of the class
i Dr. Judd between operations who bi Slsttuhlc Hettlhgteh ehd Rath i
l that snappy young assistant was. km·
, l Dr. Judd replied: ‘a young fellow “Of eeume· mehY VeYY able suT·
named SiStrunk·’ geons were developed in later years,
hr claim to he one of the tevv but I was thinking of my earliest
men left who have seen Dr. Don- V1§uS·
’ ald Balfour do a tonsilectomy. Kmdhesm €¤¤iSid<=r¤¢i¤u
(This was several years after my . VISIUHS Surgeons are elWeYs
first yisit_) treated with kindness and consid-
.rOn my first Visit, all the Surgery eratron at the Clinic, and as I look
was being done by wm and Charlie back °¤ the Yam I chu think of no
Mayo and Starr Judd. On the train place elscwherc Where se much lh'
to Rochester we talked to an old iormauou hi Value cell be acqulfdd
doetor trom eme isiaod_ He prood_ in a short iimcii Thru old friends,
ly said that yourie Starr Judd was It have also been fortunate in estab-
·a third Mayoy t l1sh1ng contacts that have been of
"Will and Charlie had attained gteitt Value *0 me-
national prominence by that time _Wh°H I See e humhef Of lllféf-
and were often away on the medi- estmg Opemtlehs m che mdflllllg,
cal missions that ’fall to men of lust by gomg from che Y00m to
distinction. Starr stayed in Roch- ahhlhhi at SL MMYS cl the COIOH-
ester and did his own surgery as lah I Oftcu thmk ct h0W lllUCh
well as that of the absent Mayo. ground (mc W°uld`he·Ve tb c0V€f to
Seventeen Operations See, an equal amount of surgery in
"He attained a proficiency in Chicago Or New Nhw Yctk·
doing surgery well and rapidly that _Theh l thlhk 0t New Y01'k
revv meh have ever eouaiied One taxi drivers, and feel that I have
day at the old St. Marys I saw him added mem}? Yeats tc mY lifd by
keep three operating rooms eoiiie making clinical trips to the Mayo
1 followed him from 8:30 e. rrr. cllm°l" . is
until shortly after 1 p. m., and in  
that time he did 17 ma`or 0 era- 4 ·
tions J P HOIe-m-waII' N0 Longer .» e

 Seventeen Operations
"He attained a proficiency in
doing surgery well and rapidly that
few men have ever equalled. One
day at the old St. Marys I saw him
keep three operating rooms going.
I followed him from 8:30 a. m.
until shortly after l p. m., and in
that time he did 17 major opera-
"Dr. Will and Dr. Charlie talked
as they worked, and much could
be learned from their terse com-
ments. Dr. Will said one day:
People say to me, ‘Doctor, how do
you stand it?’ I tell them I can
stand more than the patient can,
and if there is any choice I will be
the doctor every time.’
"I remember him on a sizzling
July morning, when he had a large
schedule, remarking: ‘This is great
corn weather}
"Dr. Charlie used to turn to the
farm for many of his comparisons.
One day when Crile and several
other notables were in his Clinic,
he was doing a gastroenterostomy
for a duodenal ulcer. He said:
Homely Diagnosis
" ‘Maybe you’ve had an old
farmer with an ulcer on his leg?
His britches rub against it all thru
seeding time, and it doesn’t seem
to bother the old fellow any; if he
comes into town, he may drop into
the office and let you take a look
at it.
" ‘Then one day you get called
out to the farm to see him. When
you get there, the girls are out
doing the milking, the Old Lady is
putting on hot packs, and the