xt7xks6j2258_532 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl.dao.xml Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                    1886- Cubit feet ? 7 boxes This collection comprises six scrapbooks (plus one box of miscellaneous items) of letters, newsclippings, and photographs documenting major milestones in the career of Lexinngton, Kentucky surgeon Fred W. Rankin, M.D. archival material English unknown This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Fred W. Rankin, M.D. Scrapbooks Correspondence –– Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                1886- American Medical Association Military Medicine –– History –– United
                States American Surgical Association American College of Surgeons Letter from Sister Margaret Teresa and Sisters, Sisters of                                 Charity of Nazareth, St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky, to                                 the Staff of St. Joseph Hospital, offering end-of-the-year greetings                                 and special recognition of Fred W. Rankin, M.D text Letter from Sister Margaret Teresa and Sisters, Sisters of                                 Charity of Nazareth, St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky, to                                 the Staff of St. Joseph Hospital, offering end-of-the-year greetings                                 and special recognition of Fred W. Rankin, M.D 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl_7/rankin4kdl_7_5/i7-5-1/i7-5-1.pdf January 6, 1953 1953 January 6, 1953 section false xt7xks6j2258_532 xt7xks6j2258 _ ( ST. .J¤sEr=·H HDSPITAL
msrsns mr DHARHW ur NAzAnerH
January 6, 1953
To the Staff of St. Joseph Hospital. 3
· Dear Doctors: r _
Another year has come and gone, a year of work and play, of pleasure
and,_perhaps, fornsome, pain. This last, we hope, has been the mini-
mum. But play or pleasure, work or pain, it has all passed and brought C
t Jagain this lovely Christmas season when all hearts expand and go out, *
one to another. And so our hearts go out to each oflyou with sentiments ‘
of friendliness and well-wishing.
Through so many years (75 of them), the Sisters of St. Joseph's have
been happy to work with and for the Doctors and their patients. During.
the recent years of war we missed those who were "at the front", and
V now again, some have been called by their country, and while their
U nu ber still is small, they are greatly missed. Our hope and prayer is
that they will soon come home.
y) `l’’) ”` we want everything at sti Joseph's (your hospital) to be just what you y _))._ ,»s
( want it to be for the welfare of your patients. We have tried hard to
make it so, but human efforts sometimes fail, and for these human fail-
1 ures, we ask your kind indulgence.
We are grateful to all the Committee Members who have worked hard and
faithfully to form and uphold the policies of the Hospital. We appre-
ciate the time and work involved.

 We recognize and appreciate the efficient manger in which the service `
heads have conducted their respective services and the cooperation and °
help which has been given them by their associates. Complaints from
any department have been practically non-existent. _ %Y
Our affectionate esteem goes out to those tried and true members, the: I
Honorary Staff. They worked hard when things to work with were often
sadly lacking, and they brought forth St. Joseph's Hospital, the well-
I ‘equipped institution that the younger Doctors know today._lIoMthem god I .?4 if
all the heartfelt thanks which we are able to express. May God bless » `
their days with peace and contentment.
To each and every one of you goes this wish, straight from our grateful
hearts: God bless you and yours and fill your hearts with happiness and -
your homes with health and prosperity. ’
At this time it is fitting that special recognition should be shown to
one who has long been a devoted friend to St. Joseph's. I refer to
Dr. Fred W. Rankin. Intensive training and research, plus naturally
skillful fingers have fitted Doctor Rankin for the work in which he has
‘ shone with a brilliance far surpassing many others. The benefit of they
a A skill and profound knowledge of this great surgeon and great man has g Q
been for many years the heritage of nu erous residents and internes.
Doctor Rankin has blazed the trail for many residency approvals, the
development of extensive training programs, and increased resident
staffs at St. Joseph's, all of which has entailed hours and hours or time
and work. These programs have been kept up to standard because Doctor
Rankin and his associates would not let them fall short of the norm.

 It was once remarked by one of the surgical residents that just to
attend a meeting in which Doctor Rankin participated was.enough to
change one's whole trend of thought on a scientific subject, and pw S
again, that Doctor Rankin's presence at a meeting was an assurance of
f few empty chairs. ’ A
To this great benefactor and friend, the Sisters of St, Joseph Hospital, , y
express our sincere appreciation and affectionate devotion. We hope
  s     iiii ` khgziié  §;§§;§§'lIiff Z;3“’§iiTAQi`**`   “
good things which you so richly deserve. P
Very sincerely yours, c
Sister Margaret eresa and Sisters ,