xt7xks6j2258_525 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl.dao.xml Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                    1886- Cubit feet ? 7 boxes This collection comprises six scrapbooks (plus one box of miscellaneous items) of letters, newsclippings, and photographs documenting major milestones in the career of Lexinngton, Kentucky surgeon Fred W. Rankin, M.D. archival material English unknown This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Fred W. Rankin, M.D. Scrapbooks Correspondence –– Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                1886- American Medical Association Military Medicine –– History –– United
                States American Surgical Association American College of Surgeons News clipping. "Raps Young Doctors As Practicing Greed."                                 "Surgeons Advised to Clean House." Wilmington                                     Morning Star. Sent to Fred W. Rankin, M.D., by Rev.                                 Daniel W. Allen text News clipping. "Raps Young Doctors As Practicing Greed."                                 "Surgeons Advised to Clean House." Wilmington                                     Morning Star. Sent to Fred W. Rankin, M.D., by Rev.                                 Daniel W. Allen 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl_6/rankin4kdl_6_45b/i6-45b/i6-45b.pdf October 10, 1953 1953 October 10, 1953 section false xt7xks6j2258_525 xt7xks6j2258 li°LP=jiP%  V! if il . P   PP f`    }          P; {P-}   lr Pi     ll     . P PP
Qi}? .2   M PP ~ T4 PP      PPP , ,·   P       n     i P P
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     . »*‘’ P;V _‘ V P   A P ·   P  V .
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  j ,_/  .   P r P V   sr ·P   ``’Y'» s   .jlj—;PL.»Ly Der erm unnecessary    PP _Z`  P P
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P · V   i   _P   .   ., . nan ees fQ1`th°Hf services. V liter-Ne s’Newsp¤pers, R. B. Page, Publisher -
  ” Pi 'P ' A     _ `·., V P Th€11' D\1mber_ as 1 say, is   P [ c P P K
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  ~ P P _ P  PP P; y pproval y  P T    
`_.,P "   P     Q         (   ’.”P P P {QP? slome ogier branches of med-   FP? 0- can Ouse .
      Q P .   ’ .   ·‘ 1 e rou sur ' 1   . ‘ .
. .P.V..P P   J P             V .‘ . gihthg Gpengat1astg;°;gr;bF;$;ig;t_ VVV   V 'ljhe new president, Dr. Fred W. Rankin, of
jlyy P' ·[-_h   Q  ~V `~ PP; PP     ....  P — _P P P VP , Thursday the" ACS beard Y  `  P `   Pl. .. e American Collegeof Surgeons begun his ad-
" `   PP     ” VP      P P1 1°   ~ gems r°p°*lt°$l that '·‘“°h.FI`   `on by discussing Pa subject of unusual
T         P   M     ;· “$ .f€°‘$Phm¤§ ¤PPe&ned P  P P E   . P .
    P     P .   _ Jig ` PQ_;V.L diminishing. P n P   ‘ _ P  not only to the profession but thelaity.
    ?=i`_           \ _»A_ ·——-————-——-..  ¤PP· ~*`PP.P· sZ ;P.P·  P_ _·__s,r  V ` admit," Dr. Rankin said, "that there
jg   ._i'   4V`; P   i’P’   c[.. if J.i.’,P       1     VP  PP      are still men in our profession - fortunately
  {cv V y .   ` g P é  ,P. if       ' ‘*.P—.     .J· { .V.;i _iV their number is small e-who practice` division
1 ii it         lP``— PP P     .‘ti       P   of fees who do ghost surgery who perform un-‘
;.PP_g.hz;t L V _ l P VP       VP jp  . _PP_     { PL `At_P P ~ , 2 . necessary operations, and who charge exorbitant —
xlznslni; P n   °   P   PP   5   V P     fees for their` services " P P l
army , AsPracl1cl Q AP PP      i   PPP   e.. _   P; V P
P ix be - * P P· , PPS? PP PV P;.   V `Vt‘. _P  _ P VV  c ,7;;   The responsibility of the College of_Surgeons,
  P P Clggx&C£·tg:tA3:€§2;AT}éi1§%;V; l _P»' .P ji ’l.P_ PP     P , ‘     .Po.l   he added, is "to make very effort to end these _
‘*· - S P 7 M P P A   P" ;i`P 1   f P~P* _ ` _ . [ .
·;§1*;§° gléesurgeons blamed the *‘younger Q . PP ,P,_ . Pyr.   P ._P. P VP   P I .,er       Q .pract1ces," condemned by the American Medical .
 ¤¤P·£P.Pts¢P;J..;c ..·. ,2; S admil that P    P · ~   P: P P- PPP         wl . r
lgwas S m   H  ur profession-- .  _,_.   V ·_ ‘ _P·P   ..... P P—VP V L PV,PP if __·VP P     Pl Dr. Rankin reported on the co1lege’sV self-ex-
#1.} .  VV n   I  `  _  V   P"  ST V   PV P.     ...V   Pop amination. Self—correcti6n is the next logical step.
 Vi  JVPP   ~P._, PV»P_PVg>_’i·\PP{P`  QV    PP`     ;,;PP}~;iPi·“-jj.?   P The surgeons have before them examples
    Pi.~i.Pi P.  .Pi*     ~¢        It P wherein other professional and trade groups, od-
  PP.PPP     PPPP. i `P.P ?  {‘?P;Li`Q}· PPPPI iTPi;;PP;P:e;1s*i; PPP. Q} PPPPPPP   mimllg *“is°°""“°* m *h°i" m‘““‘°°”smPS· h“Y°
 .P  P declined or delayed remedy withthe result. that.,
    ..‘.P Q   thetgovernment - acting upon the public’s ref ,
PP ~·PP zwe PPPP    .;  —  ..e.     PP.P   . . P P PP
    P quest ·‘ S""P¥’9‘i “‘· That *““'*‘S’°‘¥ $°{d°"lP h“.P—‘·P
  ».P     P been pleasing to the organizations~Pco¤eemedse.P P
   P .   = . P~PP ‘ c P P    
  It e~*>e**e¥.*¤ me ev esesore me 
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