xt7xks6j2258_380 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl.dao.xml Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                    1886- Cubit feet ? 7 boxes This collection comprises six scrapbooks (plus one box of miscellaneous items) of letters, newsclippings, and photographs documenting major milestones in the career of Lexinngton, Kentucky surgeon Fred W. Rankin, M.D. archival material English unknown This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Fred W. Rankin, M.D. Scrapbooks Correspondence –– Rankin, Fred W. (Fred Wharton),
                1886- American Medical Association Military Medicine –– History –– United
                States American Surgical Association American College of Surgeons Letter from Evarts A. Graham, Department of Surgery,                                 Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, to Fred W. Rankin, M.D.,                                 congratulating him on his promotion to the rank of Brigadier                                 General. Also inquires why someone named Blades has not been                                 promoted. A written postscript states, "Blades got his promotion                                 today 12/30/42." text Letter from Evarts A. Graham, Department of Surgery,                                 Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, to Fred W. Rankin, M.D.,                                 congratulating him on his promotion to the rank of Brigadier                                 General. Also inquires why someone named Blades has not been                                 promoted. A written postscript states, "Blades got his promotion                                 today 12/30/42." 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j2258/data/rankin4kdl_4/rankin4kdl_4_61/i4-61/i4-61.pdf December 28, 1942 1942 December 28, 1942 section false xt7xks6j2258_380 xt7xks6j2258     I   ivc        
  igj    cx  IT  » ‘  u I I I P I e 1  I ceees   I r ’ I I   I ¢IIe># 
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  II I y e _ I WASHINGTON   U N IVE RS ITY I  3Jj* _Ig;jgI
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  600 s0u·rH KINGSHIGHWAY _ A . A 7 D9C@mb€I` 28: 3-942 ` · p  
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  N Dear Fred: » I I  
I . I am writing, first of all, to congratulate you upon your I  
A·0 ` promotion into the exalted group of Generals. I think it is swell _  
ye and very well deserved. I4 was very happy when I heard about it. I y —  
Q5} tried to see you in Washington when I was there about a week ago, p  
  but you were out of town. I _ I  
y c o Speaking of promotions, isn't anything going to be done Ay,u
= for Blades. I called him on the telephone to ask him if he was a I _.
, Major and he told me, "Not yet". I was hoping that at least he   lll’-y
  I would get the promotion as   Christmas present. I know you are  
  doing everything you can and I don‘t want to be a nuisance about it. I I  
  `_ y . I should like to know, however, what is holding up the promotion. _  
  It seems to m .th t he has received rather shabby treatm— t on trat L . _  
  score. He h  to get into the Army   °("’(}7j"’**,F 
  ' He actually haslkbeen on active service for eight months.   is teach-  
  ing Majors and Lieutenant Colonels in thoracic surgery. It seems to y Y
  me, therefore, that he is certainly entitled to a promotion. I feel Y.;
  · doubly strong about it right now. because the group of forty Army  
pi Officers who were sent here for special instruction in surgery has `  
  just left. When I saw the number of gold and silver maple leaves I yp
I c on the shoulders of men who had nothing at all on the ball jcompared  
I with what Blades has, it made me feel still more strongly that some I  
p injustice has been done him. \ I  
I With best wishes for a Happy New Year, ` p  
  ’ l V Cordially yours, / I  
q , EVARTS A. GRAHAM. BK §°/JI   I  
  tg, Brigadier General Fred W. Rankin i ¤ %M I 4 c L  
i y Office of the Surgeon General I &\ J I Icec  
  U. S. Army I I 5( I  
i.e· I l8l8 H Street _ %°    
  c Washington, D. C. .      
 Ii I ia I I I I I I yp;
  ..      ,   ce .    
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