xt7xks6j1s6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xks6j1s6x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1976-03-apr6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1976-03-apr6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1976-03-apr6. 1976 1976-03-apr6. 2011 true xt7xks6j1s6x section xt7xks6j1s6x 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, April 6, 1976.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, April
6, 1976, in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower
on the Lexington campus of the University, with the following members
present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Professor Paul G. Sears, Mrs. Robert 0.
Clark, Professor Michael Adelstein, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Richard
E. Cooper, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. James
Harralson, Mrs. David Hermansdorfer, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr.
Zirl Palmer, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, Mr. James
A. Sutherland, and Dr. John R. Woodyard. Absent from the meeting were
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. Stanley Burlew, and Mr. John R. Gaines.
Members of the administration present were: President Otis A. Singletary,
Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zurnwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter
P. Bosomworth, Raymond Hornback, Jack Blanton, Donald B. Clapp; and
Dr. Robert M. Drake, Special Assistant to the President. Representatives
of the various news media were also in attendance.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at
2:05 p.m. The invocation was pronounced by Mr. Black. The Secretary,
Professor Paul Sears, reported a quorum present, and the meeting was
declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:07 p. m.

      B. Approval of Minutes

      Since a petition from six members of the faculty of the College of Law
had been received requesting that the Board of Trustees disapprove the action
of the Executive Committee on March 12, 1976, respecting the appointment
of the Dean of the College of Law, Mr. Clay suggested that the minutes of the
March 12 Executive Committee meeting be approved excluding Section IL
Appointment of the Dean of the College of Law.

      Mr. John Crockett moved that the reading of the Minutes be dispensed
with and that the Minutes be approved as published excluding Section I. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey and passed.



       C. Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Singletary mentioned several of the items in his monthly
report to the Trustees and recommended that the report be received and filed.
Without objection, it was so ordered.

      D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      Recommendations of the President as contained in PR 2 being routine
in nature and having been in the hands of the Board members for approximately
ten days, President Singletary recommended that PR 2 be approved as a whole
and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. Mr. Cooper
so moved. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Clark and carried. (See PR 2
at the end of the Minutes. )

      E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

      President Singletary recommended approval of PR 3, Supplemental
Recommendations of the President, which related to a patent assignment to
the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. Mr. Sutherland so moved.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey and carried. (See PR 3 at
the end of the Minutes. )

      F. Budget Revisions for 1975-76 (PR 4)

      Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mr.
John Crockett and passed, 1975-76 Budget Revisions as recommended in PR 4
were authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

      G. Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 5)

      President Singletary recommended approval of the recommendations
from the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate that the honorary degree
of Doctor of Laws be awarded to the Honorable Julian M. Carroll, Mr. James
S. Hudnall, Mr. Harry M. Young, Jr., and the honorary degree of Doctor
of Science be awarded to Dr. Herbert P. Riley.

      Mr. Black moved approval of PR 5. Mr. Zirl Palmer seconded the
motion, which passed without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)



       H. Construction of the Library/Learning Resource Center at
          Hopkinsville Community College (PR 6)

       On motion by Mr. Kessinger, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed,
approval was given for submission to the Council on Public Higher Education
of a proposal for a new Learning/Library Resource Center for Hopkinsville
Community College. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 7)

       President Singletary asked Dr. Sears to respond to any questions
relative to the proposed amendments to the Governing Regulations as presented
in R 7. There being none, Mr. John Crockett moved that the proposed
amendments to the Governing Regulations in PR 7 be received for consideration
at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. His motion was seconded by
Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J. Appointment of the Dean of the College of Business and Economics
          (PR 8)

       Following the resignation of Dr. Charles F. Haywood as Dean of the
College of Business and Economics a Search Committee was appointed to
recommend on a replacement. President Singletary said that the committee
has done its work and has recommended the appointment of Dr. William W.
Ecton as Dean of the College of Business and Economics, effective i-mmediately.

      Vice President Cochran gave a brief resume of Dr. Ecton's excellent
qualifications for the deanship and introduced him.

      Mr. Harralson moved that Dr. W. W. Ecton be appointed Dean of the
College of Business and Economics effective immediately. His motion was
seconded by Dr. Sears and passed without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end of
the Minutes. )

      K. Petition from Six Members of the Faculty of the College of Law

      President Singletary said that on Wednesday, March 31, a petition was
delivered to him for transmittal to the Board of Trustees requesting that the
Board disapprove the action of the Executive Committee on March 12, 1976,
respecting the appointment of a dean for the College of Law; that the procedures
leading to that action be investigated; and that further action respecting the
appointment of the dean of the College of Law be abated until such time as there



is full compliance with the Governing Regulations of this University and
with the standards of the Association of American Law Schools. The petition
was immediately duplicated and copies were mailed to the members of the
Board of Trustees that same afternoon.

       Since the Board members had read the petition from the law professors
which gave in detail the grounds upon which they based their request as stated
above, President Singletary said he wished to respond to the various points
made in the petition. He outlined his own involvement in the search procedure
as follows: (1) the appointment of the Search Committee; (2) a conference
he had had with four of the six persons signing the petition; (3) his instructions
to the Search Committee at its first meeting; (4) the final recommendation
from the committee to him; (5) his offer of the position to Professor Lewis,
his acceptance and subsequent appointment; and (6) the receipt of the petition
now before the Board. Since his contact with the committee had consisted only
of the initial meeting and the final meeting, he asked that the three faculty
members on the committee describe for the Board members the procedures
which had been followed, particularly as they related to Dr. Lewis.

       Professor Oberst, Chairman of the committee, explained the manner
in which names of possible candidates had been sought which included both
written and oral requests for suggestions from members of the Law faculty,
advertisements in the Chronicle for Higher Education and consultations with
knowledgeable persons in the law world. The committee identified five persons
with superior qualifications and Dr. Lewis was one of the five. They determined
his interest in the position and arranged for him to come to the campus for
meetings with faculty, students, and administrators.

       Professor Campbell who made the plans for Professor Lewis' visit
reported that arrangements were made for at least two meetings with Professor
Lewis - one formal meeting, and one informal meeting.

       Professor Matthews reviewed Dr. Lewis' excellent qualifications for
the position, indicated that there was significant faculty consultation and further
stated that the claims against the President were unfounded, in fact or other-
wise. He continued that, following Professor Lewis' visit, the committee
contacted the other four persons identified by the committee and found that
none of the four was interested. It then became the committee's responsibility
to decide whether to recommend Dr. Lewis to the President or start all over
again, which would probably mean that an acting dean would have to be appointed.
The committee decided to go to the President with the single recommendation
of Dr. Lewis who was eminently well qualified in the comnmittee's judgment.

       President Singletary said that he wished to have read into the record
a letter, signed by 16 of the 25 members of the Law College faculty, endorsing
Dr. Lewis' appointment. The letter is included at the end of the Minutes.


- 5-

       In conclusion, President Singletary said that he was satisfied that
there had been no violation of procedures under the Governing Regulations;
that only the Association of American Law Schools was in a position to
determine whether or not their standards had been violated; and that the
Executive Committee, being fully knowledgeable of the request from the six
law professors that action on the law dean appointment be delayed, had acted
as they thought fit and proper in approving his appointment. Therefore,
President Singletary recommended that the Board of Trustees reject the
petition before them and approve the action of the Executive Committee in
the appointment of Dr. Thomas Lewis as Dean of the College of Law.

       Mr. Albert Clay said that in his opinion the charges directed against
President Singletary were unwarranted and that he resented them. Mr. Homer
Ramsey as the only lawyer on the Board said he would like to make a motion
but would like to preface it by saying that he had read many petitions and he
resented the implication of this particular petition. He then moved that the
Board of Trustees reject the petition and approve the action of the Executive
Committee in the appointment of Thomas Lewis as Dean of the College of
Law. Professor Sears seconded the motion.

       Professor Adelstein noted that he had talked with "both sides" and,
while perhaps there might have been a bit more meaningful consultation, he
wleas convinced that the procedures followed were proper and he would support
the President's recommendation.

       The Chairman put the question and upon call of the roll the vote was
recorded as follows: Voting aye: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Professor Paul Sears,
Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Professor Michael Adelstein, Mr. William R. Black,
Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr.
James Harralson, Mrs. David Hermansdorfer, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr.
James A. Sutherland, Mr. Zirl Palmer, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Homer
Ramsey, and Dr. John R. Woodyard. Voting nay: None.

       Mr. Clay said that the vote clearly put the Board on record as giving
the President and the search committee a complete vote of confidence.

       L. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. George Griffin, reporting in lieu of Mr. Clay, the Chairman of
the Finance Committee, moved that the Interim Financial Report for the eight
month period ending February 29, 1976, be accepted. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Cooper and passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )



       M. Amrendment of Policy on Utilization of University Housing Facilities
           (FCR 2)

       Mr. Griffin explained that the proposed Amendment to the Policy on
Utilization of University Housing Facilities was being made on the advice
of counsel in order for the documents relating to the housing and dining
system bonds to conform to current practices. He moved approval of the
recommendation in FCR 2. His motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey
and passed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

      N. Acceptance of Audit of Spindletop Hall, Inc. (FCR 3)

      On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Black and passed, the
financial statement of Spindletop Hall, Inc. , for the yearsended December 31,
1975 and 1974 was accepted. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

      0. A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $7, 500, 000 Consolidated
          Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series F, of the Board of

      Mr. Blanton explained that bids for the construction of a Fine Arts
Complex were due to be taken this summer and that various utility projects
on the campus require funding. He suggested that the Board of Trustees
consider a resolution authorizing $7, 500, 000 University of Kentucky Consolidated
Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series F, for the aforementioned purposes.
Thereupon, after such resolution had been considered, Mr. George W.
Griffin introduced, caused to be read and moved immnediate adoption of a
resolution entitled:


and a true copy of which is attached to these minutes. The motion for the
adoption cOf said resolution was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey. After full
discussion, Mr. Clay put the question, and upon call of the roll the vote was
recorded as follows: Voting aye: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Professor Paul G.
Sears, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Professor Michael Adelstein, Mr. William
R. Black, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. George W.
Griffin, Mr. James Harralson, Mrs. David Hermansdorfer, Mr. Thomas
B. Kessinger, Mr. Zirl Palmer, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Homer W.
Ramsey, Mr. James A. Sutherland, and Dr. John R. Woodyard. Voting
nay: None.


- 7-

       Since the Chairman of the Board of Trustees was not present at the
meeting, on motion by Professor Paul Sears, seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey,
and passed unanimously, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman of the Board
of Trustees, was authorized to execute the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance
of $7, 500, 000 Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series F,
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and the Notice of Sale
of Bonds, $7, 500, 000, The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series F.

       P. Cold Room Addition - Food Storage Building (FCR 5)

       Mr. Griffin moved that the Board of Trlustees approve the construction
of an addition to the Cold Storage Building; authorize the expenditure of
$150,000 for this project, and authorize the President to obtain the approval
of the Council on Public Higher Education and the Executive Department for
Finance and Administration. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and
passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Q. Lease with Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (FCR 6)

      Explaining that the Urban County Government had requested the use
of a small area of University land located on South Limestone in the vicinity
of Shawneetown Road and Road A into the stadium for the purpose of developing
a small playground, Mr. Blanton recommended approval of the leasing of
this land to the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. Mr. Griffin
so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Kessinger and passed. (See FCR 6
at the end of the Minutes.)

      R. Quarterly Report on Investments (ICR 1)

      Mr. Griffin made the motion that the report of investments for the
quarter ending December 31, 1975 be accepted and made a matter of record.
His motion was seconded by Dr. Woodyard and passed. (See ICR 1 at the end
of the Minutes.)

       S. Recommended Amendments to Code of Student Conduct (SCRCR 1)

       Mr. John Crockett, Chairman of the Board Committee on Student Code
Revision, reported that his committee had met and considered recommendations
from the Advisory Committee on Student Code Revisions transmitted by President
Singletary with his recommendation for approval. The committee recommended


- 8-

that the Board of Trustees approve the amendment to the Student Code of
Conduct as set forth in SCRCR 1 and he so moved. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Griffin and passed. (See SCRCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T. Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (SCRCR 2)

       Mr. Crockett said that the proposed amendment to Part XI-B (page 43)
was necessitated by the adoption of the amendment to the Code of Stuaent
Conduct. He moved that the proposed amendment to the Governing Regulations
be received for consideration and placed on the agenda for approval at the
next meeting of the Board. His motion was seconded by Professor Sears and
passed. (See SCR CR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       U. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 3 20 p.m.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  Paul G. Sears, Secretary
                                  Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky

(PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8; the Petition from certain faculty members
of the College of Law; the letter from sixteen faculty members of the College
of Law to President Singletary; FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, (including a Resolution
Authorizing $7, 500, 000 Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds,
Series F; the Notice of Sale of Bonds; and the Bid Form) 5, and 6; ICR 1;
and SCRCR 1 and 2 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the
meeting. )


                                          Office of the President
                                          April 6, 1976

                                          PR 2

Members, Board of Trustees:


I.    Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

      Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
      and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
      report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by
      the administration be accepted.

      Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
      staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
      with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
      recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
      vice president through the President and have his concurrence.

      Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
      appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
      or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
      the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

                           BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Bernardo, John J. , Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,
       College of Business and Economics, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Carpenter, Michael D. , Instructor, Department of Business Administration,
       College of Business and Economics, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Garkovich, Lorraine, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, College
      of Agriculture, 9/1/76 through 6/30/77, rank pending completion of
      Ph. D. requirements.
Hatta, Tatsuo, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College
      of Business and Economics, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Knoche, Karl F., Visiting Professor (temporary), and Senior Research Associate,
       Institute of Mining and Minerals Research, College of Engineering,
       3/1/76 through 9/30/76.
Levin, Jeffrey E., Instructor, Department of Economics, College of Business
       and Economics, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77.



Lynch, Lawrence K., Assistant Professor, Department of Business Adminis-
       tration, College of Business and Economics, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Neill, John R., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of
       Medicine, 6/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Pearson, L. Wilson, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
       College of Engineering, 8/1/76 through 5/31/78.
Walser, Ronald H., Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of Horticulture,
       College of Agriculture, 3/15/76 through 6/30/77.

Administrative Appointments

Duncan, Phillip A., Professor (with tenure), named Chairman, Department of.
       French Language and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences,
       7/1/76 through 6/30/80.
Garrett, Hubert Leon, Professor (with tenure) and Chairman, Department of
       HealthThysical Education, and Recreation, College of Education, effective
       7 /1 / 76.
Self, Elrrno B., Associate Professor (with tenure), named Division Chairman,
       Hopkinsville Community College, 7/1/76 through 6/30/79.

Joint Appointment

Larimore, David, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Behavioral
       Science, College of Medicine, also named Associate Professor, Dept. of
       Psychology and Counseling, College of Education, 3/1/76 through 8/1/77.


Assell, Ruth, from Assistant Professor (without tenure), to Associate Professor*
       (with tenure), College of Nursing, effective 7/1/76.
Campbell, Sandra, from Assistant Professor * (without tenure), to Associate
       Professor" (with tenure), College of Nursing, effective 7/1/76.
Companion, Audrey L., from Associate Professor (with tenure), to Professor
       (with tenure), Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences,
       effective 7/1/76.
Cowen, David L. , fronm Associate Professor (with tenure), to Professor* (with
       tenure), Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine,
       effective 7/1/76.
Ellison, Geraldine, from Assistant Professor* (without tenure), to Associate
       Professor* (with tenure), College of Nursing, effective 7/1/76.
Hagihara, Patrick F. , from Assistant Professor (without tenure), to Associate
       Professor (with tenure), Department of Surgery, College of Medicine,
       effective 7/1/76.
LaCharite, Raymond C., from Associate Professor (with tenure), to Professor
       (with tenure), Department of French Language and Literature, College
       of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/76.

*Special Title Series


Litvak, Austin S., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), to Associate
       Professor (with tenure), Department of Surgery (Urology), College
       of Medicine, effective 7/1/76.
McEvoy, Susan, from Assistant Professor (without tenure) to Associate Professor
       (with tenure), Department of Pedodontics, College of Dentistry,
       effective 7/1/76.
Nelli, Humbert, from Associate Professor (with tenure), to Professor (with
       tenure), Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences, effective
Pratt, Mary Alice, from Assistant Professor': (without tenure), to Associate
      Professor* (with tenure), College of Nursing, effective 711/76.
Sachatello, Charles R., from Associate Professor (with tenure), to Professor
       (with tenure) Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, effective
Sammon, Patrick J., from Assistant Professor (without tenure) , to Associate
      Professor (with tenure), Department of Oral Biology, College of
      Dentistry, effective 7/1/76.
Utley, Joe R., from Associate Professor (with tenure), to Professor (with
      tenure), Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/76.

Tenure Granted

Hicks, Beth, Associate Professor", College of Nursing, effective 7/1/76.
Luther, Dorothy, Associate Professor*, College of Nursing, effective 7/1/76.

eappointme nts

Baumgartner, R. Paul, Jr., Associate Professor-', College of Pharmacy,
       7/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Kingston, Richard, Associate Professor*, Department of Allied Health Education
       and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 7/1/76 through
LaGodna, Gretchen, Associate Professor",, College of Nursing, 7/1/76 through
Politis, Andrew, Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Periodontics, College of Dentistry, 7/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Vogt, Donald D., Associate Professor*, College of Pharmacy, 7/1/76 through


Trodahl, John N., from Associate Professor (adjunct, voluntary), to Professor
       (voluntary), Department of Oral Pathology, College of Dentistry,
       7/1/76 through 6/30/77,

*Special Title Series

- 3)-



Post-Retiremrent Appointments

Gordon, Helmut A., Professor (part-time) (without tenure), Department of
       Pharmacology, College of Medicine, 7/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Sullivan, Mary Ada, Librarian IV (part-time), Newspapers & Microtexts,
       M.I. King Library, 7/1/76 through 9/1/76.
Zabilka, J. H., Machinest III, Department of Chemical Engineering, College
       of Engineering, 7/1/76 through 6/30/77.

Early Retirement (pursuant to Board action of December 9, 1975)

Davis, Karl E., Jr., Plant Superintendent, Printing Services, Division of
       Business Services, effective 4/1/76.

                      ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

New Appointments

Andrews, Donald A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
      Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
      11/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Appleby, Howard A., Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Physical Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through
Ballenger, Sandra, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 3/l/76 through 6/30/77.
Blankenship, Keith, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Brown, Gary, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Campbell, Jimmie Ann, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
       3/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Chapman, James P., Assistant Adjunct Professor, Department of Classics,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Clark, Sherry, Clinical Instructor (voluntary) Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Day, Jane, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Edinger, Patricia, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Hartner, Sandra H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
      Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 3/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Hauser, Connie, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.

*Special Title Series


Howery, Nell, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 3/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Jones, Stephen Otis, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Lange, Don, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of'Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 3/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Mason, Jana, Clinical Instructor, Department of Physical Therapy, College
       of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
O'Daniel, William, Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 2/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Sackett, Judy, Librarian III, Newspaper/Microtext, M. I.King Library, 7/1/76
       through 6/30/77.
Schlesinger, Jan, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 3/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Sullivan, George, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 3/1/76 through 6/30/77.

Administrative Appointments

Van Booven, Paul, named Assistant Dean, College of Law, effective 7/1/76.
Waldhart, Thomas James, Associate Professor, named Acting Dean, College
       of Library Science, effective 7/1/76.

Promotions (without tenure)

Browne, Susan E., from Instructor, to Assistant Professor*, College of
       Nursing, 7/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Meyer, Edward Allen, from Instructor, to Assistant Professor, Department
       of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Wilson, Angene, from Instructor, to Assistant Professor, Department of
       Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, 8/16/76 through'.


Hisle, Wendell L., Jr,, from Librarian III in the Community College System,
       Henderson Community CQllege, to Librarian III in the Community College
       System, Lexington Technical Institute, 3/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Lawson, James D., from Assistant to thie Dean, College of Agriculture, to
       Assistant Director, Agriculture Experiment Station and Cooperative
       Extension Service, effective 3/1/76.
Pearcq, Walter H., from Lecturer (with tenure), to Assistant Professor (with
       tenure), Departmrent of Economics, College of Business and Economics,
       effective 3/l/76.

*Special Title Series

, _




College of Allied Health Professions

Department of Allied Health Education and Research effective 7/1/76 through
Chiswell, Charles L., Assistant Professor*, joint reappointment with Pedodontics,
       College of Dentistry
Davison, David D., Assistant Professor*
Gardner, Davis L., Assistant Professor*
Herring, Kent, Assistant Professor*, joint reappointment with Restorative
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry
Kirkhorn, Judith Berg, Instructor*
Morris, Bonnie Lynch, Assistant Professor, joint reappointment with Medical
Parsons, Dennis E., Assistant Professor*
Watjen, Russell, Assistant Professor*

Department of Dental Hygier'e effective 7/1/76 through 6/30/77
Curtis, Sylvia B., Assistant Professor*, joint reappointment with Allied Health
       Education and Research
Fair, Kathryn, Assistant Professor*
Ketrick, Sheila, Instructor*
Miller, Penny, Instructor"

Department of Physical Therapy effective 7/1/76 through 6/30/77
Jaeger, D. LaVonne, Associate Professor*
Seymour, Ronald J , Assistant Professor*
Wadsworth, Carolyn T., Instructor*
Wadsworth, John, Assistant Professor*, joint reappointment with Department
       of Allied Health Education and Research
Williams, Duane, Assistant Professor*

Departnent of Medical Technology effective 7/1/76 through 6/30/77
Martin, Kenneth M., Assistant Professor*

College of Arts and Sciences

oer                effective 8/1/76 through 5/31/78
Hart, Johnson Murdock, Assistant Professor

Department of English
Foreman, Walter, Assistant Professor, 8/1/76 through 5/31/78.
Halliday, Patricia, Assistant Professor, 8/1/76 through 5/31/78.
Potratz, George, Assistant Professor, 8/1/76 through 5/31/78.
Prats, Armando, Assistant Professor, 8/1/76 through 5/31/78.
Semon, Kenneth, Assistant Professor, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77.

*Special Title Series



Department of Geography effective 8/1/76 through 5/31/77
McIntosh, Terry L., Assistant Professor

School of Journalism effective 8/1/76 through 5/31/77
Adams, Joyce, Visiting Assistant Professor-Journalistic P