xt7xgx44v66s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44v66s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1922-02-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 13, 1922 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 13, 1922 1922 1922-02-13 2020 true xt7xgx44v66s section xt7xgx44v66s   





The Unive‘sity 3

President McVey pr siding.


read a;d approved.

T e ennUa report of the Auditl

for 192-—2 Was read and ordered to be included in the minutes.

"President Frank L. McVey
University of Kentucky

The Auditing Committee for Student

its annual report for tranSLit.al to the






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9 Committee for Student Enterprises




counts presents you herewith


niversity Senate.

The Committee has been in operation under Senate rule
t time, its work has been largely educational

and records


two years. During tLa

and corrective. It has found that students for

been careless in keeping their rervhts

been difficult for them to make ea isfactory statements.

tee has held conferences with the





carious ctudent bodies and attempted



















Report of



to instruct them in the vork of keeping their financial records andln
making their annual financial reports. Practically all student Wgam
irations have shown a willingness and desire to cooperate with the
Committee in keeping accurate and satisfactory records. In some hp I
stances, the Committee has had to show considerable persistenCy and
firmness in getting ti; stu Owe ts to make reports.

In some cases, the students, by reason of careless methods,}mVemt

1 1

oeen able to give complete reports, and the Committee has been compfiiw

to pass on incomplete evidence. This is due in the main, we believe m
carelessness, rather than to improper handling of funds. In suchcamni
the Committee has approved the reports only so far as the evidencesuh
mitted showed, and has issued warning s to suck organizat ions that flflkr

evidence must be submitted in the futur .

Your Committee ha co me to the conclusion, after due deliberatmn,
that the publication 0 reports annually will have a most favorable n-
fluence in this Work; It will encourage class 0: ficers to strive a
keep their re cords in such cor dition as will meet the full approvalof
the Committee and the members of the organization represented.


The most flagrant wrong with which we have had to deal is the ;
failure of class officers to keep vouchers for expenditures. "h ham }
:ormula ted specific instructions, published herein, and these if f0}-

ll have a favorable effect on the work. Them

lowed in the future, Wi
instructions are si ple
future, shall oe on

and easily understood by any student. lnthe
i 0
lack of proper regard for these instructions.

Tolicy c Withold approval from reports showmg

The various reports submitted for the year l920—Zl are as follmwz)

(1) The Class of 1922, the Class of 1923, the Class of 1924, z._ a n ClaSS‘
of 1921. (2) The Pan—Hellenic Council; (3) the Young Men’s Christian 2
Association; (4) The Kernel; (5) The Young nomen’ s Christian A sociatiom‘
(6) The Little Theater; (7) The Kentuckian; (8) Mb Strollers; (9)Th5 {
Athletic Council. ,
Fraternities and sororities Were not included and have not been
asked to make reports. One or two other organizations that should
have reported have escaped our notice, but we have a more accurate lfii
for the coming year and expect to include all organizations. Attenfiw

is called to the fact that we have not audited reports of dances or
Single performances by a class, as we expect such organizations to UP
clude these items in their annual reports.

We have prepared for the Printer a more detaieed statement WhiCHls
in process of being printed, and will be distributed to organizationSOEI
the campus. ;


Attention is also calbd to the fact that this report covers the
period from July 1, 1920 to July 1, 1921.

Respectfully submitted

Wellington Patrick
D. H. Peak
Edward Wiest

Henry Curtis


d1“ repor

ave not
CVS, to






The ;






.ons 0n

the Fund


:iting Committee for Student Enterprises also made a special
”iiikzuio”, as folllovrs:


"To the University Senate:

Through President hoVey we are transmitting to you a special
.VO performance in Lexington this winter. It is

report on the M d
'Wort annually on the financial audit of all organiza-

our custom to r
tions, but owing t.
matter we are making this special report.

the queStions arising in connection with this

(1) we have passed on the Vouchers submitted by Mr. EVans and
hr. Wilsor regarding the finances of the Mikado performance. So
far as th= vouchers go the report is in proper form. A question
arose regarding the integrity of some of the supportung vouchers in
connect' n with ticket sales. We invited Professor Lanpert to come
before the Committee and make a statement. As a reSilt of the

evidence submitted, our committee is of the opinion that the whole
financial ajfair of the Mikado performance at Lexington was very
poorly managed and open to criticism. It should be pointed out,
however, that Professor hampert did not handle the funds in connec-
tion with the performance, and that it was his desire that the
matter be properly handled. Without attempting to enter into the
matter in detail We are confinind our report to the statement that
in our judgment the method of management Was questionable and open
to criticism.

(2) There is transmitted herewith certain correspondence from
the Student Loan Fund Committee regarding the performance. Your
Committee takes the attitude that it is concerned only with the
fidelity of reports, and that the question raised by the Student
Lean Fund Committee is one for the Senate or other administrative
authorities to deal with. It is pointed out that the Student Loan
Fund Committee in a second communication withdrew part of its re—
quest, and left this Committee free to do as it liked in transmitting
the correspondence to the Senate. Since they have left the matter
in this form, however, We consider that we have nothing €136 t0 d0
but to transmit the whole matter to the Senate without comment.

Respectfully submitted

Wellington Patrick
D. H. Peak

Edward Wiest

Henry E. Curtis

Auditing Committee for Student

The follom;ng is a copy of the correspondence from the Student Loan

Committee in regard to the performance of the Mikado:

"To the Auditing Committee for Student Enterprises Jan. 26) 1922
University of Kentucky '


~ , i .. . i n ' .L H ‘
The financial statement of the Mikado recently riled Mluh oncrable





















”A”. v-qr “V "‘





















by Mr. Evans, Production Manager, being a report open to
pection, has been examined with much interest.

we be permitted to respectfully call your attention to ’
certain portions of this report in particular, and to certain facts '
relative thereto.

There is transmitted herewith several copies if the Le ington
Herald and Leader showing advertisements of the Mikado, and also a
copy of a billboard poster advertising Mikado. It will be noted
from the accompanying copies that the Mikado was advertised ”for the
benefit of the Student Loan Fund”, in all advertisements appearing
before the public; in not one that has been found was such statement
omitted, and in no published statement Was it ever suggested that “W
other person, organization or fund was to receive any benefit whatewr.
Upon this represe tation to the public, may of whom patronized Mikado
because of such representation, we submit to you this proposition flat
the Student Loan Fund is alOne entitled to all orofit resulting thmm-
from. The fact that permission Was not asked of tie Loan Committee
to so advertise, and that the Committee was not informed of the intmr
tions of the Mikado cannot be deemed an abridgment of the right of tn
Loan Fund to claim as its OWn all profit.

It appears from the financial report that the gross receipts I
were $1,310 and that the tonal necessary expenses of production were
$719.71 leaving a balance of $590.29 as profit. It further appears
that of this $590.29, the sum of $565.20 has been expended for unifomm
for the University Band, under the vert proper designation of "Extramd-;
inary Disbursements." May we submit that such disbursement is, as m
admitted, "e2trrnrdinary", that it is irregular, and in view of the )
public advertiSements of Mikado, unjust and unfair, and that such ex-
penditure should not be approved in the audit of these funds.

It is to be noted that the balance of $590.29, which was not so i
expended, amounting to $25.09, is reported as "balance on hand”, Cflwlw
with the very illuminating, and in view of the facts, very extraordinwy
statement from the ”Production Manager" that the ”balance of $25 shmfld
be transferred to the account of the Department of Music, unless Pmfies

sor Carl Lanmert directs otherwise. This statement is very signifhmm
in that it would appear that the production manager does not acknowledge
the right of the Loa: Fund to even this unexpended balance. The stam-

ment is also significant in that the production manager recognizes Prr
fessor Carl Lannert as the sole and final authority upon the dispositwn
of funds of the Mikado.

In view therefore of the foregoing, we Would respectfully urge:

dent Loan Fund is entitled to the payment of the

(1) ”hat the Stu
c of $25.00.

Student Loan Fund is entitled to the return of $565fl0 2
ed in payment of bills which did not gr w out of the
production of Mikado, and had absolutely no relation thereto.

(3) That the Auditing Committee should not approve the financial
statement submitted until conditions (1) and (2) have been met.

{4) That if conditions (1) and (2) be not met in a reasonable tflfi’

a e
improperly erpznd

that the whole matter should be laid before the University Senateo









5 is

3 X"




..._. W- “is

feb. 13 w; {Correspondence regardird Mikado)

-, .


letter are being sent to President McVey and


i 7 _w ,
arl hammert.

{ 1

Respectfully submitted

Committee on Student Loan

Webb Chairman
ces Jewell

To the above letter was attached copies of the Lexington Leader
and Lexington Herald, in which the Mikado "For the
Benefit Student Loan Fund.“ bearing the same

was advertised
Also a large poster,

"To the Auditing Committee for Student Enterprises

University of Kentucky

January 28, 1922

ive to profits

I would respect—

earned by Mikado, presented in t:~ etter of
fully call your attention to the following additional reasons why

Referring to claims of

Student Loan Fund relat
he 1 January 27,

claim should be sustained.

On Eovember 15,
Revenue for remission of

of Internal
reasons assigned being that
"all proceeds will inure to the
which is a University organization.”

application Was made to the Collector
for i"iiicado, the

tax on seat sales

benefit of the Student roan Fund and


This application Was signed ”Department of Music, by Carl Lampert" and
SWorn to before Lula Taylor, Notary Public‘ Upon this apflication and
affidavit, exemption Was granted from payment of tax estimated about $130“
This affidavit is the first, and so far as is known, only written statement
that any beneficiary, other than the Loan Fund was to share in the
profits, and it should be pointed out that this statement was n£t_for pub—
would aptear the Loan
Indeed it is


lication. sowrn statement it
Fund was at
doubtful if
thereof as objects of philanthropy on a par With the Loan

However, upon this
least entitled to share equally with the
the Government Would have regarded the Band and the manners


Second. About a year ago, the Department of Lusic produced a play

entitled Robin Hood. Although this Was a Student Enterprise, much

like Mikado, no financial statement was ever filed With ycuf Committee, 30
it is understood. It is common knowledge that Robin Hood was a finanClal
success, so much so, that various members of the cast were Paid various
sums for their service. These sums were paid on , basis of PTOfitS

earned. It seems however, that although funds wer availaole Ior distri-






















”my . ”N



«harm» u .V‘


 :1v:~.~, M‘s:


A) F‘j.’ ,
.1.“ d 2Correspondence regarding Mikado)


Jg‘f j: gff‘ bution to members of the cast, ye

all bills incident to the productim
[a ‘ ’ V I - ‘- vv ’\ ‘ C ~
i' 5&4, of Rooin nooo were not paid.






“lyifi ‘ g; f ii It should be aointed out that in the financiol Statement of the
‘iif‘ g ” j‘ Production TaF“0€f of Mikado, Voucher No. 34 is a payment of a bill X
' d H 3‘ due the Lexington Dry Goods 09., amounting to $50.31 growing out of

5 ' h ‘3?“ l the production of Robin Hood and reported under the designation of ,
l fi;§ Extraordinary Disbursements. The payment of this bill still fuitherr
{‘ ‘tt, reduced the reported profits of Mikado. In View of these facts,
ht “‘ I Would respectfully request your Committee to disapprove the payment
fl ”El g of Ni bill from profits of the Mikado, ahich sum should be reu urned

n 1 E‘ ‘ J~

U0 pr rofit to which the Student Loar Fund lays claim.

y be stated that when your Uommittee has completed its in-
n, before final action is taken: I should like opportunity
8 d1tional evidence of the claim of the Loan Fund. How-
'f "our Committee should Me 1 that this is a matter Without




j isdiction, and conclude twia this matter should be referred
to the University Senate, such vidence will be presented to the S new.


opies of this letter are being sent to President McVey and to
rrofessor Carl Lampert.

Very respectfully,

Wm. 3. Webb
Chairman, Committee on Student

.4 »..__..__.__._.._W.\_ x. .r


Professor Carl Lampert
University of Kentucky . ‘
January 28, 1922 '

My dear Professor Lampert; g

The Auditing Committee has received a letter from the Student
Loan Fund Committee regarding the Mikado performance in Lexington }
some weeks ago. The fiuditing Committee notes that the statement
is made in that communication that a copy has been furnished to you.
Our Committee has also received the financial report. The Student
Loan Fund Commit ee made inquiry of us regarding the report and re—
quested to see it. We of course gave them access to it, as we pre—
sume that all reports are subject to inspection by int crested persons.

Our Committes will meet at 3:30 o’clock, Tuesday, January 31 to



audit the accounts of the mo} do gerformance. It is the desire 01
our Committee th at you file uch state ment in connection with this
matter as you desire to make. We request that the statement he made


in writing.

Our Committee oeing a Committee of the University Sena.te, will I
probably conclude that this is an administrative matter, and will
prooably refe. the matter to the Senate Without comment. For this
“t reason, eSpecially, we desire that you file such written statement as

you care to make.



‘ It is also reques sted tn
‘; 3‘ time to discuss the Mlole

t you appear before our Committee at that
tion. Cur Committee is composed 0f

?! the following mesmers: Doctor Wiest, Senator Peak, Pr fessor Curtls




.....¥ ._\_

action postponed until


"6 (Correspondence reg!



Mikado) 1

Very truly yours

Signed - Wellington Patrick
Ch irman, Auditing Committee.”
”The Auditing Committee for Student Enterprises

University of Kentucky

Feb. 8, 1922

At a meeting yesterday of the Student Loan Committee to uhich
Professor Carl hampert had been invited to discuss the financial
report of “Mikado” and in particular the claims of the Student Laon
Fund as set out in our let:er of January 26 addressed to the Auditing
Committee, after very full discussion, it was ordered that the Chair—
man of the Student Lean Fund Commi ttee request of the Auditing
Committee the privilege of Withdrawing their claim as set out in
paragraph 4 in the letter referred to, which reads as follows: "That
if Conditions (1) and (2) be not met in a reasonable time, that the
whole matter should be laid before the University Senate.

In compliance therefore with the order of the Committee, I am
requesting that the above paragraph he considered eliminated from
their letter.

It may be said, however, in explanation that the Committee noes
not desire to relinquish its rights as set out in said letter and
this request is not a repudiation of their former position, but this
paragraph is requested withdrawn that your Auditing Committee may

have the greatest freedom in the disposal of this matter and may take
such action as it thinks best unhindered by any suggestion from the
Student Loan Fund Committee.

Very respectfully yours

Student Loan

Rules Committee were read and

The following recommendations of the

the next meeting:

be held at regular recitation
Students absent from the

1. That the final examinations
@eriods of the last week of the semester.

last recitation period shall be marked "X”.

effective in any

2. That changes in prescribed WorK shall be
t part of the course

student’s course when e changes are made in the

Which he has not yet taken.

Fund Committee."

















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‘ ~r~ 4-2.»- a.


















f o l l owi
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«Jpcteritloéy 1“

‘Eecteciology 3‘
,guc criolorf 4‘
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teriology G~ Changed £0 lOEa—lOfib — a two semester

nf courses, and changes in course numbers, which had been


?rcnutciaticn oi hodarn English; 2 hrs. weeK; one wnmeter
' ' ‘glish pronunciation c: the present,_

in Kentucky.

"' a ,7:
L_: «can j;

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Lecture 1 hr.; Lab. A hrs.


Le 102 — Jen rel Bacteriology,
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- Changed BO 111 " General Pathology.

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ily by the Council were offered and approved by the Semen.