xt7xgx44v590 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44v590/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1982-05 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, May 1982, volume 6 number 4 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, May 1982, volume 6 number 4 1982 1982-05 2020 true xt7xgx44v590 section xt7xgx44v590 C K m J A

Central Kentucky

Jewish Association
VQI VI May 1982 L no 9


Federation in action

On Sunday morning, April 4, at 9:00 a.m., 12 CKJA Board members were
whisked away from the Temple parking lot for the first CKJA Board Retreat.
With us for the day were Norbert Fruehauf, Executive Director of the Jewish
Community Federation of Louisville, and Beryl Weinstein, former President
of the Jewish Community Federation of Daubury, Conn. Both guests were
extremely helpful to us as we moved through our six—hour agenda.

We spent the morning defining: (l) the values and tasks of a small
city Jewish Federation; (2) the significance of the American Jewish
community to individuals, to the United States and to Israel; (3) the
development of the Council of Jewish Federations, its present resources
and their accessibility to us.

In the afternoon we focused on leadership development programs, a
necessity for strengthening our Jewish Community, and developed a frame
of reference for planning a young leadership program. We also spent
some time learning how to evaluate our present programs/activities and
were introduced to "Guidelines for Excellence for Small City Federations."

It was a good day — productive, stimulating, reinforcing our identity
as Jews and enhancing our cohesiveness as Board members of CKJA. Each of
us came away with an increased self—image of ourselves, CKJA, our community
and our commitment to Israel.

We will have other Board retreats . . . as we move into the business
of improving the quality of Jewish life in Central Kentucky . . . we will
need the time to renew our commitment to CKJA objectives and methods of
operation. It was good to look at the issues facing us as a community in
an objective light. The monthly Board and committee meetings are consumed
with the day—to—day operation of the organization. How refreshing to
take a day or so a year to establish objectives and priorities by which
to guide our decision making for the year!

Sue Friedman




W/efl Tip our Web

”Hi Bobbie. This is Phyllis. Did you call me?”
"Yes, I called to thank you for sending your Hadassah Donor in.“

"That's very thoughtful. I couldn't imagine why you called. I
know you are CKJA co—chairmen for Russian Resettlement. I thought maybe
a new family might be coming.”

"Not today. But, as long as I have you on the phone, how about put—
ting your family on the Adath Israel Sisterhood Birthday Calendar?"

"Later maybe. But, as long as I have you on the phone, will you
come by and pick up some clothes for Nearly New?"

"Sure! But, it will be later. I have to substitute drive for Meals
on Wheels at noon, and after that I have a University Hospital Auxillary

"Gosh, Bobbie — Lexington is really lucky to have you! Thank you
from all of us. I hereby proclaim you CKJA Volunteer Citizen of the

And Bobbie, you forgot to mention you are also on the CKJA Camp
Shalom Committee. The kids say thank you too!”

‘I’ Thank you *


Once again UJA is sponsoring a National Singles Mission to Israel,
July 18 to 28th, 1982. This is a fabulous opportunity for 450 men and
women ages 25 to 40 to "walk the land and come to know the people of

In a UJA mission "You will encounter a unique people creating
history — touch their lives — enrich your own AND in that encounter you
will discover yourself."

This journey includes a Bonfire and Barbeque on the beach at Tel
Aviv, and on this mission you will fly in an Air Force jet to Ramon,
have lunch with Israeli soldiers and spend the night at Masada in a tent
and sleeping bag supplied by the Israeli Army.

Interested? Tempted? Anxious to participate? Call our CKJA office
for more information, 277—8048.


Project Renew a]




Project Renewal is a joint effort of the Israeli government and the
Jewish communities of the diaspora to rehabilitate 69 depressed neighbor—
hoods in Israel. The twinning of Lexington and Louisville with the Selah
neighborhood of Netanya provides an opportunity for our communities to
forge direct relationships with the residents of Selah. Project Renewal
requires citizen participation on both sides.

Project Renewal funds are maintained separately from all other funds
contributed through the UJA and the Jewish Agency and are released only
upon express approval of the joint Louisville—Lexington Project Renewal
Steering Committee.

On March 24th and 25th, a delegation of six people (five from
Louisville, and Gloria Katz from Lexington) traveled to Israel to meet
with the residents of Sela and representatives of the Jewish Agency.

A neighborhood steering committee was composed of 50% residents of
Netanya Selah and 50% of professionals from the municipality, government
ministries, and from the Jewish Agency who represent our interests.
Several times each year delegations from Kentucky will visit Selah to
jointly review proposed plans, budgets, and progress on specific approved

The project is directed by a Project Manager, a neighborhood resident,
whose salary is paid by the government.

The neighborhood steering committee has subcommittees in areas such
as Early Childhood, Youth, Formal and Informal Education,Employment, Health,
Aging, Religion, Community Welfare and Adult Education and Culture.

Residents and professionals have worked together to identify the needs
in each of these areas and to set priorities, and to develop program pro—
posals. More than 100 people took two full days as part of the neighbor—
hood planning process to wrestle with the difiicult task of setting
priorities among all of the different areas.


Partnership For The Eighties






The delegation which had been authorized to approve expenditures in
the amount of $480,000.00 thorugh March 31, 1983, approved allocations
for the following proposals:

E Y CH :

Proposed activities for parents of infants and young children.
Proposed activities for the infants and young children.
Proposed renovating two existing bomb shelters for use in these programs.


Proposed after—school cultural and sports activities for elementary school
age children.

Proposed 5 day per week activities for students in grades 9 through 12.
Proposed a summer camp program.

Proposed a youth leadership program.

Proposed renovating an existing building for use as a gynmasium.

Proposed a day care service for those elderly able to come to a center.
Proposed home care service for those elderly not able to come to a center.
Proposed a dental health program.

Proposed the construction of a center for the elderly. (At present the
elderly share a building with the youth.)


Proposed an enrichment program to provide cultural activities for adults.
Proposed a community theatre.

Proposed a dance group.

Proposed a community newspaper.

Proposed a Goodwill Rental Center.

Proposed religious adult education.


Proposed work—groups to provide on—job training in the field of gardening

and day care work.

* The reason the gardening project was selected is that this is one that
can be taught rather quickly, and once the proposed park is completed,
it is hoped the city will give this group the contract for the mainte—
nance of the park.


Proposed extermination of rodents.

Proposed a dental health program.

Proposed a public health education program.

Proposed the renovating and expansion of the existing health center.


Proposed religious education for pre—school age children.

Proposed Hebrew School for boys.

Proposed a course of study to teach young men to prepare bodies for burial.
Proposed the construction of a Mikvah.

Proposed a course of study to teach young men to be cantors.

Proposed a children's choir.

Proposed the renovation and expansion of one of the Synagogues.

Proposed the completion of a partially finished synagogue attached to the
religious high school.


Proposed an expanded school day.

Proposed the purchase of scientific and audio—Visual equipment for the

Proposed a community library.

Proposed a tutoring program.

Proposed study programs to be followed up with cultural events outside
the neighborhood.


In addition to the physical projects mentioned in conjunction with the
above committees, the following are proposed:

Establish a park for the entire neighborhood.

Improve housing conditions.

Bring sub—structures up to standard.

Beautify the area.

In addition the following materials are requested from the neighbor—
hood steering committee:

1.) A map of the neighborhood detailing each structure and designa-
ting the physical project to be funded by Project Renewal.

2.) Plans of each physical project along with photos of the site's
present condition.

3.) Monthly reports from neighborhood in addition to regular JAFI
quarterly reports.

a.) Names of children in the neighborhood for the purpose of
establishing a pen—pal program.

5.) Updated detailed approved budget.

The Israeli government, which shares a commitment to Project Renewal
has been working for the past year and a half on renovations of several
apartment blocks in Selah. Pipes have been replaced, entrances and
stairwells renovated, apartments enlarged, and porches enclosed.

During the visit of the joint Lexington—Louisville committee, work
was begun on the neighborhood park. Designed to separate the neighborhood
from the major Tel Aviv—Haifa highway, the park is a cornerstone project
for Project Renewal and Selah. The park will provide a central meeting
place, a basketball and soccer court with night lighting, and, perhaps
most importantly, will be landscaped by the first "work group" of young
adults who are neighborhood residents trained by the Ministry of Labor
and undertaking their first professional assignment. The park will also
include a greenhouse which will be run by a second work group and will
provide a connection between the park and the neighborhood elementary
school grounds.

A number of Lexington residents have visited Selah in the past year.
We encourage anyone visiting Israel privately or with an organized tour
to contact the CKJA office so that arrangements can be made for a special
visit to the neighborhood. Senator Walter (Dee) Huddleston, is traveling
to Israel in early June and Selah is included on his itinerary.



Additional details concerning the budget or particular projects are
available from the Co—chairmen for Project Renewal in Lexington: Arthur
Salomon and Ellie Goldman; or from the CKJA Community Worker, Judy Saxe.
Specific projects can be earmarked for individuals or organizations or
named as memorials or tributes.

Pledges to Project Renewal are payable over a five—year period. If
you have not already done so, please consider a pledge to Project Renewal
now of at least the equivalent of a one year pledge to the regular

For all, we are the bridge

between years of terror and persecution
and new lives in freedom;

between the agony of Jewishness denied
and the joy of renewed Jewish identity.



NCJW worker in Selah receives award from UJA

Yehudit Ninio, director of Natanya—Selah's Etgar program for mothers
and preschool children, received an award for outstanding leadership from
the National Women‘s Division of the United Jewish Appeal.

The Etgar program, developed by the National Council of Jewish Women,
trains neighborhood residents as paraprofessionals who give semi—educated
mothers the knowledge and skills to help their children with school work
so that they are not excluded from the educational experience of their
families. It also provides assistance to new mothers.


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Four holiday parties — Succos, Chanukah, Purim, and Passover —
were held under the auspices of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association.
These parties, serving approximately 30 children ages 3—5, offered
games, music, crafts, and food particular to the holiday being cele—
brated. We look forward to more parties next year and hope that parents
will plan to bring their children of pre—school age.

Joan Flashman
Kitsy Newburg
Co—ordinators, Pre—school Parties



As a wrap—up for the CKJA 1981—82 Forum Series let's give a pat—one
the—back to Chairpersons Susan Gerstel and Harriett Cooper; good show
ladies! Musically we were tuned—in and turned—on by Giora Feidman, one
of the finest clarinetists in the world today, and Cantor Sarah Sager
who gave us such a memorable musical experience.

Max Dimont was a most interesting and provocative lecturer and Thelma
Ruby and Peter Frye gave us an evening we will count as glorious and
rewarding in "Stars In Your Eyes — A Portrait of Golda Meir."

Ken Germain received a glowing thank you note from Thelma . . .
"nobody will ever quite match the gang in Lexington . . . please accept
our most grateful thanks . . . Sincerely, Thelma." Our words exactly —
Forum organizers, grateful thanks.


Israel Independence Day 34 is history now. It will be chronicled
as fun for all who attended — food for feasting and food for thought.
Levy Rabinowitz and all who assisted him deserve the Hebrew accolade —
Hazak V'Ematz! What better way to spend a Sunday than a celebration of
a happy and historic occasion? We all look forward to Independence Day
35. We yearn to celebrate in Peace.


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On Friday evening, June 11, 1982, at eight o'clock in the evening,
our daughter Ruth Marie will lead the services at Ohavay Zion Synagogue

in honor of her Bat Mitzvah.

It would give us great pleasure to have our friends join us for the
services and Oneg Shabbat immediately following.

Jo and Bob Belin

In The Know

Board Meetings — 8:00 p.m. — Temple Adath Israel and 0havay Zion

Ruth Belin — Bat Mitzvah — Ohavay Zion Synagogue
CKJA Board Meeting — 8:00 p.m. ~ Ohavay Zion Synagogue


Board Meetings — 0:00 p.m. — Temple Adath Israel and Ohavay Zion


Board Meetings — 8:00 p.m. — Temple Adath Israel and Ohavay Zion

CKJA Board Meeting — 8:00 p.m. — Ohavay Zion Synagogue