xt7xgx44v34z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44v34z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1990 1990 1990-02-16 2020 true xt7xgx44v34z section xt7xgx44v34z  

Kentucky Kernel

Established 1894

Vol. XClll, No. 113


University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent Since 1971

Friday. February 16. 1990


Hill says he won’t resign CHE position despite controversy

Executive Editor

FRANKFURT, Ky. 4— The stu-
dent representative on the Council
on Higher Education criticized at-
tempts by some student body presi-
dents yesterday to have him resign,
calling their actions “immature and

CHE student member Jim Hill
said he has no intention of stepping
down froin the position he has held
since July 1988 and scoffed at sug-

gestions that he
has not worked
close enough
with student

Hill said that
he has offered
his support but
“obviously they
have smacked
that hand away. -
if that’s their in- HILL
tention, they can all go to hell.“

UK Student Govemmeiit Associ

ation President

Sean Lohman

said the Board

of Student Body

Presidents is

planning to

adopt a resolu-

tion sometime

next week call-

ing for Hill to

resign and for

ELDER Gov. Wallace
Wilkinson to appoint someone to
serve the rest of his term, which

runs until July.

The board could not vote on the
resolution yesterday because it did
not have quorum. Only three of the
eight student body presidents
Kentucky State University’s Corey
Bellamy, Northern Kentucky Uni-
versity‘s Scott Kappas and Lohman
— came to the meeting held on
KSU's campus.

Lohman said that most board
members support the resolution
calling for Hill's resignation.

“It’s impossible for us to keep a


Are -

Ser‘ic)’ Slit“ VV' TP’

Talk of contrmersy. crowd—
control fears and the champion»
ship atmosphere that surrounded
last night's l‘K-Louisiana State
University rematch couldn't hold
a candle to the exhilarating tire
that burned in Rupp Arena. Or
those spectators who fanned the

“You get lost in it all," sopho-
more Reed Good said. ”The spirit
and the emotion take you over
and you feel like you become an


extension of the team."

With the brassy horns bl lllll‘
trom the band and the l.ll1\ tli-
dents and otherwise on their
feet screaming and cheering on
the UK effort. Rupp Arena was no
longer simply a gyiiiiiasitim.

For about three hours last night
it became the “House for the Pas-
sionately insane."

It was as if 24,301 people
jammed themselves together in a
single building to let escape all
the wildness and exuberance in
their basketball-driven souls.

“You can just feel the tingle all

over. it is really different lrom
illl\lllllll! l have ever experi-
encedf' \Lllti Reed, who said that
he has been a UK tan ”since

The student section. iii which
Reed sat. served as the pulse of
the crowd's hyper body.

With blue-and-white painted
laces. contetti sprinkling, pom-
pons waving continuously and vo—
cal chords breaking into ungodly
pitches. the student section prac-
tically convulsed in sheer exc1te-

That could hardly have made


Despite being banned from the NCAA postseason tournament this season Wildcat tans, motivated by the vivacious Rick Pillno. have
shown new levels 01 enthusiasm at Rupp Arena. At last night's LSU game some tans show their lme colors.

Old met new at ‘House for Passionately Insane’

make LSU fee

”We really gct 'cm down
tor Robbie Myers \lltl til oppo»
ing teams. "With this many pct»
ple yelling at you. w hat do you

Now let‘s back up a little bit.

UK is on probation.

The Wildcats will hate to sll
home during postseason play. and
they lost the nucleus of their tal-
ent from the past two seasons.

Why is that happening} What

at hiiilic

sii li,‘


Sec NEW. l’auc 4



Kappas celebrate 80th anniversary

Contributing Writer

UK‘s Kappa Kappa (lamina so~
rority turned 81,) years old this week
and held several activities to cele-

The sorority. founded at Mori-
iiiotith College iii Monmouth. 111..
on October 13. 1870. is the second
oldest member of the National Pan-
hellenic Council Group. The Beta
Chi chapter was founded at UK on
February l0. Witt.

Kappa Kappa Gamma President
Katy Burke. a nursing junior. said
that others in the University com-
munity helped her chapter cele-

“We really appreciate the recep-
tion the University and the greek
community has given us." Burke
said. “The ads and personals in the
Kernel have been great."

The events held this week iti-
cludcd tying balloons across cam-

pus. a Valentine's Day luncheon
and a “wear your letters" day.

“Everybody in the chapter has
really been good about participat-
ing in all of our events “ said Sara
Phillips, an elementary cdiicatioii

Gina LaCharite. who has served
as the Kappa’s historian tor ll)
years. said she is proud ol the Beta
Chi chapter‘s accomplishments.

“We've provided the campus
with leadership throughout the
years and have always sponsored
wide range of campus activities."
LaCharite said.

LaCharite said that the image the
Beta Chi chapter has on UK has an
impact on the Lexington communi-

“The actions of our actives on
campus reaches out to the entire
community and not lust LIK.” La-
Charite said.

The week's highlight was last
night‘s “Greek Lip Sync" contest

the Kappas cosponsored With Tau
Kappa Epsilon fraternity.

the Kappa‘s proceeds from the
lip sync contest went toward its na-
tional scholarship fund and UK's
l’aruters for Excellence. The Tekes
donated their proceeds to the Chris-
tian Appalachian Fund.

“We wanted to share our 'dlllll’
versary With the whole campus
through the lip sync contest and we
feel it really ties the whole week to-
gether." said Johnna Schell, a jour-
nalism sophomore.

Another activnics is a tea with
alumni on Sunday. More than 700
Beta Chi alumni live in the Lexing-
ton area.

“We realize they are our found-
ers and we would not be as strong
as we are today if it weren‘t for
them." Schell said.

Schell said the sorority has sev-
eral strong points in regards to UK.

See KAPPAS, Page 2

working relationship i’ with Hill) at
this time," Lohinan said. “it's be»
cause of him that we have to deal
with these petty issues and wc want
to get rid of the problem."

Six of the eight student body
presidents contacted yesterday said
they probany will support the reso-

Murray State l'iiivcrsity student
body president iitllllk' :\llt'l| said
Hill “provcd the only way we could
have a weaker rcprcsciitgitiie on the
council 18 to haxc no rcpicwiitatioii

at all."

“I really don’t see how relations
can be successful,“ said Tara Wig—
ginton, the University ot Louis—
ville’s student body president. “1
can't see him coming to a meeting
and giving us iiiloriiiation or we
giving him input. It appears he'd be
unwilling to do that. and I don't
know it' we can trust him "

Hill said the problem he has with
student body presidents \ls'lll‘ trom

8cc llll.l., Page 2

2 top UK professors
to leave for UNC


SDQC 1 {1'20" .4

ri.-‘:‘..'.cd faculty
‘. .it the end

..i: lot positions

' \wrtl‘ (Liriiliiia

lwo flirt-it
lltc‘lllilc‘ls .. .
t‘l ll...‘ .i..i.l "
.it lil\ i :i..
.llldlal‘di ilii.

Kati ( .7i.iiriiiaii ol the

pi-lit:..il .ci. l . .‘ dctntrtliicnt, sent a
lll.‘!lli‘ to hi-~ .mi‘JtlLilcN \Vcdncsda}
departure of him
.8...‘ t‘olciiiai‘i. .i
mot and asst»
cldl'.‘ .liiccti‘i Lit i.‘sc‘.il’ch ol the
Lucille it Mark.» ('aiiccr Center.

.itvliiiiliitilig‘, lit.“
and his .y.¥' "Unit;

biociicri.i~ti~. trot;

Ken (1 ilciriai. has accepted a po
i’r.ilc~siir ol Political
8cicii.c and Special l’roiccts ()lil‘
l \(‘ 1).”. clopnicnt (it
l \l.ii\ 8a.- (‘oleiiian w ho
also Is on i K Board of Trustees.
'.\ ill bcmiiic 3h: school's Associate
l’rtlx‘thl ."-.l lli'dll t‘l RCNCML‘h ac-
.ordit..: ‘w {lici
l'i‘lili..ii ~
It‘\ (Fit-tin ‘ll‘

smith .3»

..‘r iii tlz.

llcc‘. Li:..


prolcssor Brad-
lv‘partiiicnt‘s acting
‘3 ‘it‘llldll is on sabbati-
said that lll\ de-
thc an-

..il this \i'llli'slt‘l
'stritiiicd” b;
iiiiiiix’t-iiigrii ol the departure

l -.l . .ill that the immediate reac-

l‘dflllh‘ll' ‘.\ l~

tion." he said "Some oi as knew
about it. but most ol tis didn't."

Mary Sue (‘olciiiaii could not be
reached lot ciillllliclll yesterday.
.lllri her husband would not .‘labin
rat.- sill the memo

Kcii (Talc-man .iidicatcd iii the
l‘icllltl a ill\\;lll\l.tclli‘ll with the dl~
Rcllflll thc L'mycrsity is taking in
it. lcadcrship.

"\\ c are troubled by the possibil»
II} that some ot those to whom the
ltlltirc ill l'K has been entrusted
may not fully understand the char-
;ictcr ot the lll\lllllllt‘ll. what makes
it special. and what is needed to
\tl8l‘dlll it." the memo stated.

(‘olcinan has taught at L'K for 10
years and has bccz‘: . hairiiian of the
political ‘s-c'lJllct' litj‘dlllllt‘lll for two
" \'\l.r\

Soil .' wt lT-I,'.'::.i”.\ .v‘il "irs in
It; political s. ictite tic';‘clf’illlc‘lll
\l‘xl the mote llitl} have bccn
ti'oiiipted by lfll8ll'1tlti‘llt‘\;‘llil‘i‘tn-
llilt'llcc’ ot state who. s iii l'myersiA
lj. .il!.itrs

“i suspect the general suspicion
is both he and Ham 8. prctty
much tossed in the tv-zii‘l ;it'.-i‘ lhi.‘
iiitcting belorc last o! m; lil‘dhi ot

.8cc ('()l.l~‘.\l.\\.\‘. Page 3

Search committee meets

Stall reports

. ~ .Jsifllsctl
',.iiii‘i ii 1: Lacs l la-k t‘till‘ably
:ii.‘ 3. lli.iil'. than t". hilli l K‘s
.vi . 'll\ll‘.|lli' .i skepti—
.[lillltlllll\ that the plot‘css
.i.iil be lair

Elie .l iiin‘ittce meets at 3 pm.
Kidd} tn t.:id .i successor to David
smell.- -»i.i‘l \l;‘.llc‘\l last lh'ccm-
her to l.il..'

the l'iii\.-r-~it\ t l Delaware
Hoard l‘l "listccs ('lmii' ii.iti l5os»
tcrl likariii tll heads the ci‘TllllllllL‘t‘.

.vxgr ll'c t‘rcsiilciicy ot

\tt‘i‘iiil..: Wui'd llls'lltl‘i‘l8 .iic

\ .liiilas l

l-dythi' it Il.‘ Hates
‘ .iiid

l‘:s.i..iiii\ ‘:~‘. ":1. \\ _ -~ ‘il‘i
lisiin ls’ ‘»\ .lhwit

\Ll oi the trustees or. m. .oiiimit-
l.\‘ c\.‘:pt i’lxlc'dlli‘ were stiller .ip
t‘i‘lllltftl ill tc‘dl‘lltillilt'ii li‘ .ll.‘ l‘i'dl’ti
l“. (W. \\ .1”ch \\ .iknsi'ii

;\lso named to the search com;
iiiittce were Judith l,. Rhoads. killlh
munity college representative. la
cult} rcprcscntatiycs (Lirolyii .8
liratt. \Villiam l: l.'~i‘ll\ and Loys
l. \lathcr. student rcprcsctitatiyc
lecl Hunter. and l‘;iiil Stairs. w ho is

k“.[‘k‘tls'\l l'.‘ i‘\' k‘l\cls\l \t‘s lc‘l.ll'\



POWER LUNCH: US, Senate candidate Harvey Sloane. a Democrat trom Lomsvnle, talks With
political science lellOf Susannah Bobys. the Lexington Campus coordinator tor Sloane s cani-
paign. Sloane is running against John Brock tor the Democratic Party's nomination





Lady Kats beat
Lady Cards.
Story, Back page



‘Bones’ strip

rock ’n’ roll.
Story. Page 3.


er... .

: 6.0% ram
18%? 3 ' -




 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, February 16, 1990

Campus program helping people kick the smoking habit

Contributing Writer

After designing a program six
years ago to help himself quit
smoking Thomas M. Cooper wants
to help others kick the habit too.

Richard R. Clayton. a sociology
professor and the scientific director
for the UK Center for Prevention
Research, joined Cooper. an oral
health sciences professor, in 1085
to develop the groupcriented
smoking-cessation program.

More than 600 patients have en-
tered the program, active in hospi-
tals and other workplaces in Lex-

While enrollment in the program
costs 8500 it‘s siriall compared to
the cost ot supporting a smoking
habit. Cooper said. At 81.25 per


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pack. someone who smokes one
pack a day will spend about
$456.25 a year.

A small percentage of royalties
are gained from the sale of a book
used in the program, but most of
the proceeds go toward research.

Lita Henry, who participated in

the program, annually commemo-

rates the day she quit smoking

“It’s kind of like your birthday.
You remember that day," Henry

The results of the first Cooper/
Clayton Method to Stop Smoking
showed that 45.3 percent of the pa—
tients were non-smokers after one
year and 36.1 percent were not
smoking after three years.

No other program has reported a
success rate that high, according to

Cooper and Clayton.

The program runs for 2-1 weeks
and is designed for heavy smokers
-—— those who smoke at least 25 cigv
arettes a day.

The first two weeks are spent
charting the pattern of smoking and
determining how many cigarettes
the patient smokes a day.

For the next 22 weeks the patient
is given a nicotine substitute prod-
uct called Nicorette and their nico-
tine intake is slowly reduced over
that time.

Patients also attend weekly group
meetings during the 24-week pro-


“Behavior modification is impor—

tant in preventing a relapse,” Clay-
ton said. “l)uring the meetings, at-
tention is focused on identifying
and avoiding situations with a high
potential tor relapse, developing
skills for resisting periods of crav-
ing, coping Wllh depression and be—
reavement over cigarette loss and
other methods of relapse preven-

The program’s objective is to
gradually re-educate the brain to
think that Iero nicotine in the
bloodstream is normal, Cooper

Cooper said that the meetings‘
importance is demonstrated by the
fact that most patients who do not
stop smoking failed to attend the
meetings regularly.

Hill says he won’t quit CHE

(‘ontinucd from page 1

their philosophical differences over
the CHE student representative‘s
responsibilities. .,

Hill added th‘ he remains op»
posed to House Bill 60, a piece of
legislation sponsored by the board
and several state legislators that
would give students more say in
the selection process of the CHE
student member.

Hill claims that's where the disa-
greenicnt ends.

Btit student leaders say they
don't buy that argument.

“He‘s told me personally that he
thinks the student body presidents

are incompetent," said John Elder,
the board‘s state coordinator for
governmental relations. “The only
time he contacts (student body
presidents) is if it’s absolutely cru-
cial, or they call him.

“If he doesn’t think students are
competent, he ought to be working
with them, not ignoring them. He‘s
the connection with the council so
he ought to be the one to guide us
and lead us. He has not shown any
effort to do so. no matter. what he

After yesterday‘s incident. Hill
said that he probably cannot work
with the student body presidents.

“These guys ought to be spend»

irig their time doing something im-
portant," said Ilill. a third-year UK
law student. “It's ridiculous for
them to stir this kind of mess over

Hill said that he and the student
representatives had “been in step”
before the board decided to sponsor
House Bill 60.

He said that their efforts to force
him to resign are “idiotic“ and said
the student body presidents “ought
to be impeached."

l.ohiiiaii said the three names
stibrriitted to Wilkinson would not
necessarily be candidates for the
full term, btit he did not rule out
that possibility.



Continued from page 1

Trustees," said Ernest Yanarella, in
reference to the meeting in which
Charles Wethington was chosen as
UK's interim president, a selection
many in the University community
feel was pressured by Gov. Wallace

Mary Sue Coleman voted against
the interim president being allowed
to become the full president.

Yanarella said he thinks that the



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“political hand emanating from
Frankfort that seems to influencing
key decisions was more than ci-
thcr of them could take any long-

Mary Sue Coleman was on the
selection committee that chose for-
mer UK president David Roselle.
and political science professor
Malcolm Jewell said he thinks Ro-
sellc’s departure this year may
have influenced her decision.

“My guess is she would have
been more likely to stay if Doctor
Roselle had stayed," Jewell said.
“She had a great deal of confidence
in him.

“You‘ve got great uncertainty in
the University right now about
leadership and the impact the
governor is going to have on the

University." he said.

The announcement of the Cole-
mans‘ departure has created some
uncertainty also about the status of
the political science department,
which has lost several senior pro-
fessors in the past few years, and
the likelihood of other professors
leaving the lTnivcrsity.

“I think that their decision will
prompt a number of people in the
department to reconsider their deci-
sions“ with regard to opportunities
at other schools. Yanarella said.
“There may be additional people
looking in the market and thinking
about leaving. The departure of a
senior person like Ken also has
very serious implications for the
character and quality of our under-
graduate and graduate programs."

And many of Cooper’s patients

“As a group we're very open, we
share the good occurrences and the
bad occurrences. The rest of us in
the group can learn from the exper-
iences of others,” said J ulane Line-
baugh, who smoked for 30 years
and has not had a cigarette since
last October. “This is the only way
I could have stopped. I know that."

Henry, who has not smoked a
cigarette in four years, was so im-
pressed by the program that she is
being trained to lead some of the
program’s group meetings.

The Cooper/Clayton Method
owes its success to three unique


qualities, Cooper said.

The first is that all patients who
report being smoke-free are tested
with a carbon dioxide meter, elimi-
nating inaccurate success rates.

“This study is unique because it
is one of few with a three year fol-
low-up," Cooper said. “Also, most
research shows that it is harder for
women to quit smoking. but the
women in our study had a higher
success rate than the men.“

Another reason for the program‘s
success is peer pressure, Cooper
said. Since the programs are admin-
istered in the workplace, the pa-
tients can watch one another and
reinforce what has been discussed
in the meetings, he said.


Contributing Writer

The Dean of Students Office
is accepting applications for
1990 Fall Orientation leaders.

Fall Orientation is sponsored
by the Dean of Students Office
to acquaint new students with
the University through several
activities coordinated by UK

“I enjoyed the feeling of giv-
ing something back to the Uni-
versity,” said Tommy Meyer,
who was a student leader last
fall. “I liked being a helping
hand, and hopefully, I made col~
lcge a little easier and their
freshman year a little easier.“

Student leader applications are
available in 575 Patterson Office


Dean of Students looking
for Orientation leaders

Tower and are due by March 9.

Student leaders are assigned a
group of about 20 stfidents.

Group leaders guide the stu-
dents through the orientation,
answer questions about the Uni-
versity, and attended the week-
end’s academic and social activi-

This year’s fall orientation
will be Aug. 18-20. The week-
end will include wpicnic that
will be attended by the faculty
and staff, a dance with live mu-
sic and “Lifestyles of the Young
and Healthy," a series of skits
dealing with alcohol and drug
abuse, date rape and sexually
transmitted diseases.

“If I could, I would do it
again," said Meyer, who will
graduate this spring.



Kappas have birthday

Continued from page 1

“We stress individuality and would
like to be recognized and respected
for our accomplishments both in-
side and outside of the greek com-
munity,” Schell said.

Kappa Kappa Gamma originally
was formed as a fratemity because
sororities were illegal at the time.

Since then, the Kappas have es-
tablished chapters in throughout
the United States and Canada, La-
C harite said.

The Kappa Kappa Gamma
house, 238 E. Maxwell St., is un-
dergoing a 5200.000 renovation
which should be finished for next
semester's rush, sorority officials







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Walt Disney World Co. representatives will present
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Kentucky Kernel, Friday, February 16, 1990 — 3



Humer Hayes
Arts Editor

Local band strips rock ’n’ roll down to its bare ‘Bones’


Skinny Bones guitarist David Angstrom (left) said, “Our music is built on intensity w we like to think we
combine the rawness and energy of the '60s with a ‘90s- kindot sound.“


L7 r—' t— s i
Your guide to the latest goings-on in the universe

Eye of the Storm — Billy Joel will perform tonight at Rupp Arena as a part of his current Storm
From tour The concert will likely include Joel classics such as “Piano Man" as well as “We Didn‘t Start
The Fire.“ No word on whether or not the “Uptown Girl” Christie Brinkley will accompany Joel Regard~
less. tickets will remain on sale for $22.50 at the Rtipp box office.

In The Market For... — The real excitement at the Lexington Civic Center this weekend is not the
Joel concert but the Lexington Antique and Flea Market. Just in case your house doesn‘t have enough of
those indespensiblc trinkets that serve no real purpose, check out this indoor garage sale at Heritage Hall.
OK, it's not quite a garage sale but doesflm marker sound any better? What about parasite ba/aar‘.’ The best
part is, it‘s free. Who knows perhaps Billy will stop by for some new home furnishings whittled by crafty
Appalachians or a l-larlcy-l)avidsori t-shirt for his kid.

Film. love and music »— The \‘y'orshan Theatre is currently showing Rob Renter‘s ”When Harry Met
Sally" . lf the plot of two long-time yuppie friends who fall in love and have sex doesn't appeal to you, the
soundtrack by Harry Connick Jr. will. This movie continues the exceptional line-up that the Worsham of-
fers this spring.

If you‘re in the mood for a new film Kevin (‘ostrier‘s “Revenge.“ opens this weekend. Tony
Scott. director of "Top (iuri." makes Costner. you guessed it: a fighter pilot. It also stars Anthony Quinn
and hot new comer Madelrrie Stowe It‘s rated R for sex and violence. Sounds prorriising.

lbid John Larroquette, of “Night Court" fame, and Kirstie Allie of “Cheers" star in “Madhouse." The
theme is one most people cart appreciate: house guests frorii the depths depths of hell, who also happen to be
relatives .. thus eliminating iiiurder as an option. The new flick is rated l’U— l 3 and might offer some illlltlsc“

If you're tired of (ieritol rock ‘n‘ roll. don‘t worry The Student Activities Board (.‘oricert
(‘oriirnittee has booked The Jesus and the Mary Chain. Tickets go on sale Monday. it you haven‘t heard any
of their songs here are some tips: their latest album is I‘llufinulltj. The opening act for the Mar. 3‘ show
will be Nine lrich Nails. '1 rckets will be 58.

Breaking the Code Actors Guild of Lexington is presenting one of their best plays in the last few
years this weekend. The play features excellent acting. directing and technical support. Anyone who is inter-
ested iii drama they should try to go ArtsPlace this weekend. Showtiriies are S p.iii. and tickets are SS for
students and $10 for the general public. (all T 3 006 i for more inlorrtiatrori.

[-75 Blues -—- Couritry/folk/all around singer John Prine will perform tonight at Bogart‘s in Cincinnati.
l’rine, best known for songs such as “Dear Abby." has been a favorite attraction iii Lexington for years. 1 n,
fortunately, he has not played here for a while, so if you want to see liirii you have to take a road trip. llrs
songs, while almost always enjoyable, demonstrate Pririe‘s humorous outlook on life. The performance is
scheduled to begin at 7:30. Adriiissiori is Sl2.75 at the door ——-— gasoline is extra.

Battle of the Bands. part III —— The tlirrd rourid of the WKQQ "Decent Exposure" contest will be
held Monday at Breedirig‘s. Winners of the first two rounds have been Edison‘s Revenge (ground I) and the
country-rock group Sltophar. The winner of the third round will compete against these two bands in the li-
rials. The final winners will receive free iiiusical equiptriicrit and play at Memorial Stakes Day at the Red
Mile. Show your support for the local bands competing in Lexirigtoti‘s biggest battle of the bands bonan/a
The contest begins around 9 p.iii. and admission is a mere S3.

~Cotiipiled by Kip Bowriiar and Hunter Hayes.


Senior Staff Writer

They had just finished playing a
set at WKQQ-FM arid Breedirig's
“Decent Exposure."

Skinny Bones lead singer Davtd
Angstrom was enthused about his
band‘s performance but was not
concented with winning the compe-

His laid—back attitude served him
well, as another band won the first—
round coriipetitiori.

“We Just like to play," Anga
strom said. “Anything that gives
local bands exposure is (a) plus.
We didn't come here trying to win.
butjust to get more exposure."

Skinny Bones will be part of a
triple bill at the Wrocklage that HIV
chides Dawg Ranch and The Grant
The connections between the bands
is a close one. Members of the
(iririd are from Angstrom and
drummer Johri McGee‘s hometown
of Glasgow, Ky. Arigstrorn's
brother plays bass iri Dawg Ranch.

While they've opened for a num-
ber of headline acts, including Blue
Oyster Cult, they've enjoyed doing
their own shows the most.

\ e like the srnachlub dates be-
cause they more high energy for
us." he said. “Our music is burlt
on intensity — we like to think we
coriibirie the rawness and energy of
the WM with a "Illsrkiridvof-

The nucleus of the three-man
band has been together for about It)
years. according to Angstrom, a
[K arts and adrriiriistratiori senior

“John and l have been together
since the sixth grade.” he said.
”We've always been in and out til
bands ”

Bass gtiitaris‘t Mark Hendricks
completed the current llllc‘itlp when
he Joined the band about sl‘.
months ago

The band said it has to overcome
several obstacles.

"'l he hardest part is Jtlsl the up‘
and downs," Angstrom
‘Sornetiriies you try so hard and
play your ass off sortie place and
maybe three people like you.


‘Wc used to take a real casual .i'
titude abotit our music and aid
rnake luri of everything We rust
reali/cd that was cra/y. and
started being more serious
the music we w rota"


Angstrom said that the band ad
dresses issues in their music with
songs like “Drearri.”

”You wouldn‘t know ll was
about prerudrced r\cople unless you
listerietd l(l\k l\ to the lyrics." .-\rr«.'
strorii said. Although we believe
til the songs ac to \g don‘t
to preach to anybody They don’t
have to believe what we do "
and Me (1”
only to be' .


When \rii'stroni
\tttrlc‘ol tltc l‘iltl .s is

cars and girls band." but they grew
out of that as their music expanded.

.\ll of the band members Ltilllnb'

iite to the song writing process

“It‘s better that way if everybody
gets there bit in.“ he said. "We've
got 2‘ originals that we do and oca
casronally we throw in a cover ‘

the band hopes to sign a record
.ontract. but they acknowledge that
:t .sr'l bt an uphill struggle

\\e r.) currently ‘thllxtll! to
or a contract so we can had a wider
illltli‘s'llc .- for our art, ideas and lllLl'
.v\r .‘strorrr said "We let‘l that
ie-Ital‘ly we will his: ltt lci‘vv
ristori \\c-'vc eotten \i‘ll e lll
Let. -1 train the fat but ll chart

.1 them to Ely down to -. u

wne band

\\ liile the
trcak. they ill




waztv for


"Jarn «in-- we 7. like to
,rnprtvyrse " \.:..'s:rorrr said ‘Y in
.tori't .u.lr of that in hard
r v.l .tlr.l wricqaliy or heavy metal
inrrtd~ lint lb.r"- one of things .su
. UK

lit’t t'

The Jesus and Mary Chain to play UK

Staff Writer

The Student Activities Board
(‘oncer't Coriirnittee w ill offer more
musical entertainment this semester
with the alternative dance sotind of
The Jesus and Mary (Thain. The
concert is scheduled for X p lll. on
March 24 in the Student Center
(irarid Ballroom.

'1 ltc ss tickets go on sale Mon-
day at the Student Center‘s Ticket
()ttic: .irid at Cut Comer Records.
R77 .\ Limestone St.

the Jesus and Mary (‘hairi‘s new
albiirii. .‘lHIHNIUHC. held the No. 5
spot this week on The (‘ollege Me-
dia Journal record chart.

the group was No. 1 during the
.yc‘c'h t‘l .ldll. l:

The album has what‘s been -le
scribed as an explosive sound with
funky dance rhythms.

()pernrte for the band will b
\rne lrich Nails. lhe band consists
of only one man. lrevor Re/nor.
whose innovative dance sound has
becorttc‘ Lt layorilc on college c atri-
puses despite not haying a l..il
back-up group.

Nine lrich \ails' r:.-w alburr
l‘ri'tly Ilurc Mitt time. has a hard-
driving beat that propels the album

With the coriibiriatiori ol .\irie
lrich Nails beat and The Jesus and
Mary (‘hairi‘s electrical " larbed-
\th'c‘ istssc‘s.“ tlic‘ ctrltc't’lt silllllilil'
tee is hoping the outcome ‘-\lll bi
an intense and w ell»arterided show

S»\lls concert cttlllllllllt'c‘. t
brought l<.l .M to lx’trpp


l. The Wedding Present

2. Various Artists
Every Band Has A Shorten
Knife Who Loves Them

3. Savage Republic

.1. The Primatives

5. Two Small Bodies
North 43]
Hit A Notct‘).

(i. [71


WRFL Top Ten Albums

Black First

7. Loop
Beggar‘s Banquet/Import

8. Bastro
Diublo Grutpo

9. Lenny Kravitz
Let Love Rule

10. The Lilac Time
Parruiise Circa:

——rAs determined by airplay
and requests on \\'R