xt7xgx44v29b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44v29b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1985 1985 1985-11-08 2020 true xt7xgx44v29b section xt7xgx44v29b Vol. xc' “a. 25' , Established I.“ University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky W. “m I”! Friday, Navombor 8, I985 1‘ 1 . ‘
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. . , . to renew S Africa ~ ~ -
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- .- . ',. I = t B) ELIZABl-ITIHEXRVW ('ommitti-e mi-riitx-zs felt that in i: ‘,i 1‘3" 1':
4 ‘ 5 . _ ’ :1 -' i. . .‘ ‘ Editor-in-(‘hief stltutloiis of learning should perhaps . '. f , flail/1:.
;. ‘ ' P; ,. . , t '5‘ \K ;. . make some kind of statement about ,' 1' j ' f1“,
“‘3 .. ' -' - . . g} , PreSIdent (his A Singletar} has the practice ”l ripiir'hi‘i” ”9 31' ' ‘i ’I'b.
i -. . -. . t I, ' it!” asked the Board of Trustees to re stressed. howcwr 'hat the resolu- 73' - f. "J'té
1 , A. ".3 view l'K’s policy ut :mestitlg in lion is not binding and is tiliiiiiiiiel} J" :y “if Vii-157,“
5 x . v!" ‘ companies dmng business in South a deCision of the boards u: ‘rustees 'J‘ 7‘;
, _ 1 i 5 Africa ofiiidiiidual institutions t >' in". 1'
- - K i. .¥ _ .fi. Slngletary's derision stems from a The resolution will not tl't'UlYlP law ~'. = C
. k \i -‘ c i > a; .\ recent General Assembly resolution unless it is passed at the lul. «\slon 7‘. ._; .- ‘i .; , "_ .1!
“” h.“ f \ ‘~. t. :\\ urging state public universities to (ii. of the legislature wher. .t wineries -'.‘ 7.’ " H
. M. i. ' 9‘: ‘ vest. according to a copy of his Jan 7.5(‘0l‘5tmt'atltlwl '2. ,‘
:2”, x ‘ ' . to. memorandum to the trustees ob l'K‘s policy will oe- ll’\ mm by f 3- . 1f
\ .; ‘ _. \. :3. tamed by the Kentuahi Kuvnnl the board s investiiivri' miniziit'ee __ ’,. _ h“. 3
1“} “it; x, "4" At its last meeting Oct ‘35. the leg, before (30”!ng beiort tin .‘illi board - ~ . ‘. .1":
. ~ i f islature‘s Interim Jomt committee at its next meehng lit-t to said ‘_ ,"
“ ' s it ‘ 1., a on Education made the recomrlien Htibel' T Mt't‘owari board t'l..ilr _; | ‘ . -. , ~
' . is dation because the South Airway. mar. Mct'owan uht hail lust re .’ y 5" . "
k , t , ~ ‘ K government “has continued apart- turned from a lllrl.l(‘“ trip last i.
" . .‘-..‘ ‘ y , ~ .. I. held and thereby excludes black t-iti» night. had not sL"‘71 Sihfl‘eidi S f . .i "'j
, _ 'a‘l : f. “-M ‘ 9, y " ’ - zens from the political and economic menu: ', Ev ~i - z
a ‘ -‘ .’ it .: kiwi. , > procases " He sa-ri hr- WU’lli‘." ‘ spt‘ixtlla'o- on 1 - ; " ' _'
'.'-‘_ , ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ 3-. "The South African economy con- what action the ouarv‘. uni lake be ‘\ . . 5: g.‘
1.; )/ 3/ A," tlnues to thrive as a result of invest cause ht‘ hadn t talkm 'i1'h an; of ‘3 ‘l ‘ a L
. ‘ _ . ' J merits from L'mted States compa- the members on lht‘su‘i'i'tt't “ .-‘ ' > _' ' . J
’ ‘ “‘ . r , ' nies and Kentuckians profess to On Max 7. the lnv'lrvf '(‘l i will ‘; ._' ' ~ .- '
‘5! . ‘ ' _ believe in the equal rights of .1“ pen» lL's holdings in t‘iirriptir“t.'~ ‘ha' lid 1 ' ‘ . -. “j:
. . 7 ple to participate in the political and not adhere to the Nil at. Prm _ - - . _ j-
' ‘ . economic 5ygtem"' [he FPSUlIJliUrl (‘lples The l’lt’Xt do} ll‘is ll\t’>l- . \. , » v" _
. “C“ “M “W“ 5“" states ment counselor sold slll k in Boeing j .7 * ‘ . i
Lady killer Rex) Ernesto Scorsorie 1) 73th if" . lht’ only ”l‘e-‘m‘em not ’7 mm I i i: ‘ ‘ .
[)lstl’lCli. a member of the interim Plldm‘t‘ ‘iithlhfiwvi {Mil} t ‘ ‘ ; . _ .".
Kenn Ro ers c o h' h‘t . . ’ . _ . , committee. said last night that the The lnl\'(‘l“\ll} of l.titll\\ill' be - . .v -,
8 OOOYlostgni ht inoRnifp 'ztrelri isosgll L22: no.0- “slid Of O‘bOU' EOUP'e Ci medr liner: popular due“! COUN” 'Od‘ bond Sawyer resolution was adopted h)’ the came the tint lat‘tzlt‘ uli 'tt't“i',\ -“ ,3 ' ‘. ‘ i J
‘ g p k y '0 iome ogers or o rovmoriene ' es ow. filo—member body with "very little Kentucky to divest ""ltll‘li‘l'i‘i iit't ‘ f . _
_ discussmn " 28 . " ' . '-
Newman Center gives grant to UK rel'g'o t d'
321:”??le S.(‘R()l'(‘ll fifitlibrzg so’mainekwho would clothe (‘atholics that justifies revolution as is really interested in all students really want to strengthen the pro the visitina scholar prm‘i‘it' Y‘t‘ltuls‘e , V
i 1 cm: I: ltor 01” a. ll" d wee - [20 mm c 835- a solutiontosm‘tal intusllce being “PM“ "’ religion. Said Lon- gram any waywe can time for a faculty member or hire a . .i ‘ , .5 .1
~ ' ‘ p rooms. “01d seminars and perhaps The Rev Larry Hehman. pastor of stance Wilson. a professor of social Nancy Dye. associate dean for part time imiructor to learn Rcli-
[41:0 hgwmuhn (centjer Inc [“1“ cast gm]? one or NO public lectures. High the Newman ('enter, said the work who Chairs the corporation's basic studies tn the (‘oliege of Arts a gurus Studies lot ”‘4' program > m. , . ;.~ . '. . y’
is real ont e aca emit waters to bait . , p. gut”, grant is the largest the cor- board. not ( atholiclsm as such. but Sciences. said the college is “enor tl'UdlK‘lOl') course and iii-mg m an .. * 2 -
‘nlgal‘flhf‘n ll formally-presents [K The ef‘EhaSb 15 on providing the poration's board has exer awarded a religious, studies program mously pleased" with the gift to its outside Consultant in see lt-)\\ we ;. . i '_ ‘ f
i ":1 rd;]i~1“l for he reiifllmb bilidifi“ 5:91;“; Vdnn‘ta‘q gflirléutitsdto EEO! and um hydiiugngd tit ‘,.,th hp \;i.l l‘.n‘:,ll'lilfll..ll,~.' flat the gran‘ came two-year old. interdisciplinary pro can an)», mm ”mum gum-m Baer - _ ' . ,> '
p 0g 8 ., . ‘ ‘ uve 5. ~ sat . a ing at was the boards belief that "people Wlln no strings attached. Wilson said gram said . ,- ' . , ‘ '
The 33‘0“) ' the first lrstallment 0“?“ filming >(‘h0l3r5 associate get educated in everything but rell- she assumed the program would try Dye will acoept the grant at a re- The college has no: madr speL-ific . _ , .
Or a three-year, $9000 gift " Wt“ mail“) “ilhfai‘iiill gion" atauniversity to bring people of different perspec- ception at 8 tonight at the Newman plans for the consultant but .,m. u-in ‘ - “ . . _'
bring a religious studies scholar to The mmmmefi which High said The grants purpose is “to give an lives to l'h’ liu: 'lt's purely up to Center. come in this acadeiiiii- year Beer ~ ' , .
campus next semester “for an ex- hopes to make a (18051011 in the next educated approach to religion that thelriacult) As part of the arrangement M.» mid ' ' " .’ . - .A -
tended ”"15” ‘0 enhance our few weeks. is “looking into the pos- conforms to the education the} «stu chael Baer. dean of Mes. said the High shill the consultant would be ' f j I. 'i'
COUFSPS- 531d “31135 High‘ coordi- sibllity of getting someone in Liber- dents” get at it secular campus," M}, d like h, give a balance. to 0011989 Will match the corporation \ from a “benchmark universih with " ‘ '. ' . " ‘
nat‘or of the ptrogr-aml d- -t w rk ation Theology-H a movement Hehman continued expose Sllldé'nls and the community grant in three ways a fun dopartment of religious stud- . , , . ‘ .' I. '. t
i commi 09 is a rea .\ d 0 among Latin American Roman “The idea is that Newman (‘enter to all kinds of news.‘ she said "We It will hire secretarial service for sci-1.x \\l mm” ' I . .1 ’i -.
S eak K' '1] U S " ' '  " 1" I"
p ers 1dnappers k1 . . hostages --
. . v» l . v I" . ,
laud work .. - - - ..
, t e in eiru , ca er c aims
of nurses : - l . . . .
' ". . .. .. Bodies of Six not found in Coca—Cola factory dump Site . .- .r' 2 2:.
H} Lissixrklxs l, . If“: . '. i: , .
(‘ontrtbuting Writer 1. ~. g. ' B) .\l().\.\ ZHDE owy Shiite Moslem faction to pres A re iresvntatixe 0f the lit-us agen» - ,. ' , '. ‘ _ i'
l _ i i , , . .
‘ 'p _ ' ' 1 Assomated Press sure Washingtonintomakingadeal c}. which declined to be identified. ' V 5‘
About 200 people gathered yester— l ,. é . ’ Six Americans are missmg in Leb said yesterday's first call came at t . . : i‘ -'
day to see the praentation of the g 1‘ - BElRt T, Lebanon - An anony- anon Islamic Jihad claimed 0c! 4 7 1.3 a m 12 1'» a m t—js'r mm a ; 1 , . , ’2‘
Frontier Nursmg Service collection. is y . mous caller said lslamic Jihad ex it killed one of them. diplomat Wil- man who. speaking in (4355,”; .Air- . A . . ‘: -'_-
while a variety of speakers praised .' :3. \ tremists planned to kill their half- liam Buckley. 57 But no body has at)“, declared the Amen.“ ms ._ . _ . ‘ ‘ ._
its founder Mary Breckinridge and , _ 3:" . " , dozen American lltrslagos yesterday. turned up. tages wouldbeshot by {mug squad ‘. . .9 l .
discussed the future of the service . ' t 3‘25, and a second caiiei claimed the." The other American captives are - -. _' ,; ‘ -’- -. '- ;.
and obstetrics. .. * .1 ‘ "‘" ‘“ If"? . . were dead. 311‘ “0 bOdirs were found Peter Kilburn. 60. an American Univ ”’3 promised t? “3“ “gm“ 3‘ 1 . ;. g -" . 7 -‘,
Paul A. Willis. director of librar» u, , I g," *6 Q, i l a in the deSigrtaled 3P0t versity of Beirut librarian: the Rev pm. ‘lmal “m" ““ “‘-‘ .“here {he ' , . . ‘ i.
ies. opened the event saying. “It is 4 , t ‘ -'- 3 _' Vi , , The captives were to he “exe~ Lawrence Jenco. so. a Roman Cath kx‘d‘e“ had been dumpei, Tm“ "“11 ’ ‘1 ‘ " ._ .’ .8
not every day that the University rev 5 it? ,‘ . _ . , . _ cuted" by fir-mg squad because indl- olic priest; Terry Anderson. 38. was never made. But another man. . , . .
ceives such a unique collection of ' ~ l; ~.‘ , fl “ ,1. reel negotiations with the United chief Middle East correspondent for 5993““ °°"°q”""" “ban” "“3”“ ' ‘ -’ ‘
papers.” Following his remarks, at - I a“ ‘. ." "1“ ‘- ‘ ‘ Stata had reached "a dead end." The Associated Press; David Jacob- recalled theagency at m“ m ‘ t ' "
slide show was praented focusing ‘ , " “ . ' the first man said in a call to a sen. director of the American Univ . ’ -.
on Breckinridge‘s efforts. —« -- J \M we; » Western news agency. versity Hospital. and Thomas Su- ”9 .Sa‘d that "all {he ””11?“ ”if“? j » " ‘ _ . J i .'
Consisting of actual photographs , - a- _ ._. “M c , man In Washington. however. a White therland. the university's dean of Qaflemanfiiimlggiu-(mfie £1121; tbof ' i . . ‘ ‘
of families attended b the nurse "" “"M'w‘ “"”"5'°" Home official said "contacts" in the agriculture. been i 5‘ . .' . ‘ .
midwives. the show was partially A" Gallaher, chancellor 0* ”‘9 LEXinQ'OV‘ campus. OCCEP'S the Lebanon hostage case had not bro- , , . the dereltct. shell-pocked (“‘3‘ Ole .
narrated bv Appalachian men and Frontier Nursing Service Collection otMemoriol Hollyesterdoy. ken down And PreSldent Reagan 'lslamlc J'had' or Islamic ”013‘ factory m the hola district 0f south - ' * ‘ ‘. '
women, One narrator said, “I don't said of the death threat. ‘Evtdently 3;: bteallg‘lefioltlgwbe my? “PPfAfun‘ Beirut . 1 ‘ ’
. . - . - . . . . . ., on is ers rans ya- . '
know what wed done back yonder about humanity and ‘compasSlon director of the National Association ”1119‘? 15 no substantiation Of that at tollah Ruhollah Khomeim. had said But policemen. reporters and Mos- ’- ..
without the Frontier Nursmg SerV- from Mary Breckinridge. . ‘ of childbearing Centers. discussed a ' it would release the Americans lem militiamen found nothing after .
ice Patterson sald‘Breck‘inridges‘fa- the current program of maternity Since the calls could not be au~ when Kuwait frees 17 Shiite com- several hours of searching the rat» _ ' .‘ T ‘
. . . V0." 9' saying “85‘ The ”5"?“ care. calling ‘1 an ”UPS“? down SYS‘ thenticated. it was impossible to de- radon servmg prison terms for the infested factory. surrounding build- . ‘
Marvm Bireckmridge Patterson. thing IS to do.'the next is [0 write tem." She Cited FNS‘s success as termine whether they were a ma- bombings of the US. and French mg; and nearby neighborhorxt ‘ - ~ . ‘
the founder s “cousm. also talked 803w? hardestisto‘thinkr . ‘ evidence of the effectiveness of de- cabre hoax or Simply part of a war embassia in Kuwait in December where bodies have been dumped be- 4
about how she learned a great deal 0 owtng Patterson. Kitty hrmt. centralized care. of nerves being waged by the shed 1%3. Kuwait refusa, for? ‘ ' ‘.
(; 0 a] 't 0 _ g 0 Basketball tickets
on sale Monday .
UK, Vanderbilt KA football relay to Nashvdle benefits muscular dystrophy um.wmhw. summons
361135223: Sl SAN SMITH _——————————-—-————— nations for this annual event that m“_ NIWOI'M W Student basketball tickets for the
. , . _ raises money for the Muscular g m m .2 PM pg! Czechoslovakia and Vorthwatern
“This 15 a worthwhile event because we raise Dvstr by Association. ‘ . A: suite N ‘ nd ‘
AlfiamtodayKappaAlphafra- ' hm llhel t 3‘ ' ’ ‘ 'gamaon ovl4a 22m"
ternity started its eighth annual the money to go to mid] a gOOd cause __ thelleilifgtggsthfiusinissds aniltfdstl: III 9‘ a ”- w w :mmdlsyfimdmmwglt‘lgnibugmandf
mfifihqfifififihdfiflmm helping those people afflicted by muscular aster“; ":flmbm‘ gratis; said N .i-u a... mucky Memorial Coliseum
. . . iar an user. ra rnlt W .
Anal 45 ton fraternity mfemlgrfi dystrophy. This football run really promotes the chairman oi Museum Dystrophy): m”""'::"_. ng}: Students can plck up one ticket
are ing urns running a cot - - - - - n which is the fratemitv's national ' ' ' ‘ per validated ID and can get a max-
120 mllwoflarqume‘ Ky‘ fund raismg because it is such a unique event. philamhmpy muss imam of m “cm if m “)5 are
The Vanderbilt KAs will meet Jack Farley. presented.
them in Hardyville and run the foot- K So far they have raised $400 from
ball theremaining 85 miles to the app: Alph' member the indiVidual and-business donors. There m" be no group seating for
yam,“ smd‘fl f", 05:1. :3” — but their goal is to raise SUI”. theflrsttwogames
sen me or U - an- . “ ‘ ' worthwhile ev t be- , - ‘
derbiltfmstabansame. average to be a 21-mile run for each Muscular Dystrophy." Farley said caug‘fflfrgse the money 5'80 ,0 by u- nion—ulna. no ”la m law‘s w‘" 8°:
"We will have groups of seven group' . . “This will really raise awareness to such a good cause _ helping those Iwhfimpfl h» :ng'mfi f ”y Spam h '
that will m t t diff The fraternity has a van moi-ting this event became n will be so visi- . * ghflfiu ‘7“ , .or lrs our gama are
so a erent markers . le afflicted b muscular d tro- -
.. . the toll dv ll " 9909 y Y3 ~.. ,3 now available for so) at the col-
along the-way, said Jack Farley. a runners ar .V1 e. ble. phy," Farley said. "This football h , = ~ 'd l“. iseum
KA member. "Each person will run “We will carry a_ banner on the Lexington buinesses and families run really promotes the fund raisin J. . fl“ . Tickets will be available from 9
about three to four mlla. which Will van that we are raising money for of the KA members have y'ven do- because it is suchaunique event." _ n.m.to4p.m WWW!

Elizabeth Cara: Sacha DeVroeinen KENTUCKY
VI W POI NT Editor-in-Chiot Managing Editor erne
E Fran Stewart Alexander S. Crouch
News Editor Editorial Editor Established 1094 Independent Slnce 1911
___________ ~____________.__________________M—____________________________
, Cultural stereotypes ave de mlte llmlts
.1 I am short and ”I “5 body 100“" ——_—_ "_—_— stepped out of our hermit crah shells fi."‘?’»‘ .\
‘ . like a huge rotting watermelon ’l‘his . , more often. .\ I is \
fact makes me very sad I hate u-a G t Shatter YOUI' llllISlOIlS The Greek sign for a university \ x in: t
g . ' " termelons l have a cheruhir face, LIBS and'learn that no was an icecream cone. Well. that‘s ’ -71; c l .
p the kind you see in ore-Renaissance OPINION . . what the sign resembles. It actually l. / ‘4‘) \I‘
' ‘ paintings Ill the \ii!l\‘il_\ i an: try foreigner 15 as represents a burning torch. a sort of 1/ 1“ Q {Q \\\
l' ‘ \ ing to grow “ F“ Manchu beard t0 — ' ' h' /h symbolism foramindon fire. ////‘ ‘ '1. . "x’wgt ‘ \ \c\
I ' ~. I add d "mm S‘m-‘ter (“um to my {3' interesting as 15 81' Ever try talking to one of us'.’ If é}. & I l ‘ S X
' ' I “WWW“ . . ., khaki shorts and Nike running media stereotype. our “wisdom of the East” bull / ‘ i
' ’ ' I “m dB“ 4 goddamn "’mgm’r shoes“ doesn‘t set your mind on fire. pure I , . ; »
., .. l I . A“ “‘3” "fl“ ‘3 that "U“Ch that — frustration will. Our strange accents I I' .‘\ V » t ‘j ‘\ \I
. . - - . ' - mak“ your 04”“ "“S‘fmme ”.19 de- . , . . and idioms will reveal the frailty of \\ r ‘t t \\
. 'I . parturc lounge at the (tIII‘IL hgypt. \ou see. we foreigners have ste» regression, bodies on automatic pilot language as a vehicle for the com~ ' u ‘\ - ‘ ~
, 4 . airport. and \lltt‘ll lik“ an old mun; reotypes tor you. too 1 credit you on barroom dancing floors recreat- municationof meaning. 1‘ \ t ‘\ \'

. " ~ . .V tr} ()UthlL‘“ \lg- ’dWl‘lte song is with an insatiable libido akin to that ing the engine room of the sinking . . I - \\ \

’ ‘ ': "Kismet hisnie' Khan Kali. ' of the rabbit family I dare not step Titanic. You don't fool me. 1 don't Interacting with .VOU gives us a .’ "My &\\~\ M \‘\\.\\

I '. , j .' .' I but 7t has“ I hit The \l :"t "hurls yet ()ul ()1 my house after lllldmghl I trust nobody. My nightmares are chance to loosen up the chains of ,I'm navs "Maggy.” .0.th ”A“ “yummy,“

. . I -- . '. . My ta:.te .ii fuzz-.ntzin music is have been warned Leather—booted full of expert breakdancers admjnjs_ culture and custom on our minds. ln

‘ » ' high“ "9‘6""9‘“ “mi “'phbumtfi “ado“:as aimd" “19:35?” terms terminal W081 kiCkS 105110“. a world where the mass media pro- Madonna (left) the Buddha (right) ~ East-West dichotomy. or
-' ' . '. ' - l low Wilt Disney iii me songs 0 screec own t e streets I e si e» fatAsians. vide a bizarre stereotype for each of ‘ . . . .
ft. =- ‘I .' ,- > I you renu-nd»: the iiflt‘ that goes winder missiles “They search for US. we have an Opportunity to form pure bUH' The columnlsl belleves " s the latter.
- . ,I ‘Zippetg. lim in. zippety Hey foreign \‘igins. (\ little one," my [t was Kipling who wrote some- our own independent prejudices. . . .
" ' ‘ , . . ' “hat ‘d “W WWW “hi“ -" “”9 guru Said 1 am at “5K 5“ l 5‘41." m thing about East being East and the Shatter your illusions and learn that Homo sapiens. Our hearts are full of and freak yOIu out by Singing ”Zippe-
: I— ' . [My ’lt'~;ii;. restroom :axnrite With my own eyes i have seen a West and a meeting with Twain. (1 no foreigner is as interesting as neurotic longings for happiness. just ty Do D3.” And as long as our
' L ' 1 tin?“ 1 d!“ WU! ”we”??? "0" number 0f Walpurgis Night SOTOWY love Huck Finn.) This East/West di~ his/her media stereotype like yours. hearts are happy what‘s the differ-
; ' .' ' “gm" \0“ lfm’d M‘k JUOUFW“ parties. chotomy is pure bull. If you'd only , ence'.’
‘34 " .. ,' t’ KW .WU a Wm‘v 'Y~ 1* 'I‘H-filK‘W.‘ stop looking at us as a bunch of We do smell. talk. think and eat . Of course when my heart is full of
' _. - ' 1 her?" ' "I A” “'1‘ "- We "1 l'UlEmE l have $90!? your strange ““5” 81‘s on vacation from Ursa Minor. differently. But beneath these quirks Joy 1 long t0 SlnIg ”Kismet. Kismet VA. Dhoundiyal is a communica
.' -' . .» I ,4 - . mtm‘lt‘> 810W“ “Hum-'79“ “”3”" m hard rock music inducing il mental If only we had more courage and we are the same old humdrum .. KhaZI. Kazi but I can adjust tions graduate student.

. ..~- A _
j . ~ I ‘ 1"]8‘ who? Intercollegiate State Legislature. an terious meaning 0f KISL and what UK, Asbury College.I Berca College. signed by the KISL governor. it will future leaders of the Commonwealth
' " ‘. . . _ ' t’xClllng new group on campmf" this organization can do for your Western Kentucky lniversity. Mun actually be submitted to the General of Kentucky! For further informa-

1’ ’ . . -' . How PM,“ M h“ e . we“ . I I ray State University. {\lorehead Assembly, tion on how you can have a voice in

. . " I rushim Ftiutidhd‘lt'lr‘ I‘ tr- (,6; ”,th By the time i get that mouthful KISL is a statewide organization State University and Eastern Ken» Kentucky. please contact me at 258-
.. . ' , . {or Jii‘e‘i mew} I:;,p,:..,m;‘,h; 0“! mt“ 99’5““?S mind '15 5“ cluttered of college students who prepare tucky University. Many other Some of our previous “KISL bills“ 6109 or drop by the KISL office. No.
. I . uil‘ . n II‘IIII‘III‘IIII'I'I'I‘III NI unere in with hOng information that he pieces of legislation and take these schools are in the organi/ational have even been passed by the Gen- 11 in the Student Organizations Cen-
' . ' . ' ‘ mail; 4;; “sh“: mi ‘ Kl , 9
. . . . . were“ 278-742 - .
' , ' . ‘ .u. 20% Discount
' 2549 Regency Road, Lexington, Ky. NW; 5., ln., s 4 ~ is m
' . I . Wev Inn’stdeiwem oreo F" 35"“ ‘ °T 7"”
~ . ‘ - _ , i 52 0” m"_‘“"':fl““w “7 "my mgm Saturday Night
, . , \" ’ MT. 8 S 12” 2 item pizza DENN'S PECK 276—2574 P I
' at McNoese lano C osslcal Music
, ‘ ‘ \- __ Piz- 6 Offer good only 370 LONGVIEW DRIVE Behind Foodtown (P )
~ ' ‘ ‘ '7' F )5 (- ith co o H ll- IO-BS ,
. .' {ZN II II I :4 w cfmnzgm LEX'NGTON “40503 551 s. Limestone 253.0014
, . . ~ 1‘3““ I- II - ufi'
I ' l f ‘3. ‘3’}: ', :t II "‘(:e‘“e
. . J I], . “
. . . -' ' .9 1o9 “‘9‘
‘ ‘ V.“ I \n// o‘“ete 278-7426 —
‘ l I " . 2549 Regency Road. Lexington, Ky. Now: 5... mm H a m .. n.
I ’ . I {WoliMi'ourdelwery area: F' ‘5‘” M°m 7““ . . . .
. , Then get in on the ground floor in our undergraduate officer Ijuniors earn more than $1900 during one ten—week
.. . ‘ ., commissioning program. You could start planning on a career summer session
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. . I » , oming Soon... . . . . . . . .

. . . .~ Universit of Kentuck IEaming $100amonthdunngthe schtxrlyear lfyourelookmgtomove upquickly, look into theManneLorps
‘7 . . . y y IAsafreshman or sophomore. undergraduateoflicer commission-

. . 1 ‘ BASKETBALL PREVIEW youcomdcomplewyombasicM- t. mgpmmfloumuld

. I I .I . . . ing during two six-week summer an 0 mow Will Stan oflmaking more 6.

. .5 7‘ sessiomandearnmorethanSllOO . 9 '"li than SIZOOanear.
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7 ‘I " CALL Us TODAY-e0 1—- :2?“ , : ..'- -. g: I : , :2:
, . :- - .4 '- 1'0 RESERVE YOUR SPACE! E - g: é {E =E
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For further lntormatlon contact: ’ J 0
“NBA coums. Advertlslng Dlrector l L ‘5
257-2872 ‘
See 1st Lt Reckart at the Arcade Student Center today or call 502-637-9704

 KENTUCKYKER~EL My, Novm‘, I,“ - J
'— L'fi" ’ — ——-<—=‘ -
“Essa—g / (-2: ; Ali. . _ ll‘Tll ~
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'3 . ".7 f: _,.I_f=‘-;' . . ' r . fr . '1‘.‘ i —' z I;——-,'_I—I . ArtsEditor ' .
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‘-". , _ n _,_t y z o . . ~‘i-alf'lsi—IéE-E ,__. ; usontAm gang.
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O . ‘ . I
. °- 00 p" r .- ' Sunday series Downunder’s ‘P 001’ v ~
°Ali I’M 1’ ’ ' .
, 0 \ I -
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0 . . ,, ., ) fine modem tragedy :
til-3| 0 sundae specnal 7““ , . .
«03.1%. G ~r.-' (7 g '.' '.’ By ERIK nmr: _______,,_-,_,_, ~ 7~~—— , 1 .,5
\ \\ . . htaftreports . StdffViriter REVIEW Ixr'.’ ‘ , .
M..." a" Saloon _ 2850 WWW Shopping (”WI Tonia” and mm“ S Wclltgt mire can yogoétsk fromf a ' I/ . The Actor's Itiuild (ll lz-xmgIton _"_"‘_ j 2 if ‘, .,
row. country rockers The Greg Austin Bond plays from 9 pm. to i am. 32 I‘m 3 n some g . mumc or . J N - production 0f barn Shepard I IIlIOUI , , .'r >7 . I. I I‘
cover. free and a discount on some 300d ‘99 v .4 ‘ ‘I for Love is a compact. enchanting .ite MN: \"lI‘n’.;lL,\ .' r. . .. _.;,.; ;,, I. .I: 2.41;: I- .I‘ r
The Bar —— 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, Top 40/disco music on a cream. N display 0f roughrandtumlrlv senli lit-t that VKt‘t") ,~- 1'“. f‘ - it"l' .' If _{ (I I. " .‘II
sound system, 4 pm. to i am: after hours on Saturday from i to 3:30 am. That‘s what you can get "115 Sun— I V {hell'wh'tii l: Characters t‘i’pf’i” I“ “ ‘l‘lh I. it‘ll!" . ' '- 1 " II. 5" l . II; '5 . " -- :I‘
”‘0’"- day, when theIt‘enter for the Arts “In 3““ II) I”? Imd “Nd mm Irf-I‘II..»II. TIT“ , I2, .. II I I I 'I ’II.-I"'I'.’-I‘. Il'Ir’ .II:
Bottom Line -—- 361 W. Short St. Tonight and tomorrow. Jumpstreet (rhythm opens its second annual (‘enter SUh' ‘i"“\“ll"l" :IlhnlbIrng yhlfirfillapfi {treated . I~I(\- “ ‘1 ‘ ‘ ‘ J “- i’Ul w ,I" iIl’I f- .- t "_
and blues),9p.m. tola.m.Coveris$‘3:$5for couples both nights. days series 'I ’ I,” "III II III‘“ \ ‘mI‘ “95“!“ I ‘ r1'1'5‘i'4": -I‘ , '.'l
If.“ A Saloon 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Quadra (Top 40 I _ " "M ”"3 “We 0'09“ pathos l‘Jltllt‘ .\ lild'v t": - ' I M5"! .555 ‘:‘ ,'I -'_.‘I fr ‘
rock).9p.m. ,0 y a.m.$3covar “5“”me You even have a choice: The May- offer a selection of works by Mozart. "F l t l . r. uwparirrr. ' t x <.\.'. 1., r. ildd ' :I'.I.'II]'«.I-I ?- I
Moodlng‘! —- i505 New Circle Road. Tonight and tomorrow, The Trendells S‘Ilh‘i’ Community (IOllege Cho'r Wlh Beethoven, l-‘aure and l’OulenL‘ i To (Ir d‘IIHII T“ In d, .IhIIIII LIAN 'II I :‘I‘I I‘III I ' I I w I II ‘II III". IILI'I - '
(Top40rock),9p.m.tola.m.$:i.50cover. perform m the Center's Recital Hall. The (‘entral Kentucky Youth ()r mo e ”I’m“ rep 1“ 'h“ WWW 1"" cor: tz‘vitt. iw-w; «l‘ ' ,‘ m .. 5,3,1"-
c.“ M _ 337 E. Main St. Tonight, some" Age (original dance), 9 p.m. whlle the Central Kentueky Youth chestra. a group 0i area Junior lllgh “If?" ”II J Ireun;on (I); ”(fighngll (Ithr’ tit";t-x.ili!t‘ liw,‘ ~ I"_" _ ,~." .II-ZAI .'I .I ~\ '.II‘
yo 1 am. Tomorrow, Raging Fm (original dance) 9 pm. .0 1 am. 52 cove, Orchestra plays m the (‘oncert Hall school students. will perform Bur na Iioye'rs Ull( er} Ir» . an ln\lilllL. :z'f,I‘.IIl'II-,I'- '..-I":'I
both nigh“. tok's "Rumanian Folk thingies." f‘r‘ku’mddhc" .TIUI \f'lrh I18 ”lit' H? l‘lr‘ Wm. I , . . I. ._ “,1“. , :‘II :I E r; III-Ir: .'
Crystal's — Hyatt Regency Hotel. Formerly Pim's Pub, the lounge is now re- 80th performances beglhal3P m llaydn's ”140'"th Symphony." ‘:“) enI ““.“. plckupllur I“ (”1d IIIIlI ix‘iIlir'zim‘.’ , 3 i' . f ..i.:'. .r :‘I ,.".I'3»III.'tII'I ,' I-I
modeled and features Top ‘0 dance music on a sound system, in addition to While deCldlhg “Ithh Show to 599- Brahms IIh-‘Imphonl N” lI “ml the .en promises 5m m Imm III II IquIm lllt‘ W" "‘ ’7'" \"iW‘T‘ 3 "“""L"”Y’ '\ II I'~I. ':'.I'II'V-‘f :1' I' tI
YOur favorite videos on a large screen TV. Open every night until i am. No .‘IOU can browse in the Art MUSQUTH ever-popular “(ireensimu’s II sunrise ”ii "9‘ l‘I-l ~" N3 ‘ it ‘ ‘ ‘ l I " J I".
cover. also in the (‘enter for the Arts, More than 13 im people attended The plan b a tight cum “WW. ”I u‘vI ‘ I’.I =“Ir, ‘1}
Great Scott's Depot _. 684 S. Broadway. tonight and tomorrow, Citizen where Armand Hammers noted ”St )IeurI'I (‘enter Sundays “I'st‘ frustrations one following tlil' new! WWW l I " l" I' 'II'JI‘ IVII'IlI‘I
Kona(originalrock).9p.m. tol a.m.$2cover. Daumier collection is currently on “him lm‘lUdt‘d the popular “Ha m .‘ superprrogression 0,- “b, ,, \I‘I, motifs 34.1.4»; ~ . ‘ z: r, . ~ -, _'I. ; I ‘.‘ I‘I'lI' ‘I
”Hanan Davis Inn ~ TU) W. High St. Tonight and tomorrow. Lush Pyle (‘Xhlhll- “Gaul haChIIShU“5 La;nIng jugt over a.” hryur I-‘yrmdr... ' l ”Twit": V". ‘ I- .' ' if 2. ' '3. II» I,I'._‘I..i"~‘-
loriginaldonce), 9p.m.to i a.m. $2 cover. Tth year‘s hht’hP ”“'lU‘l€‘-‘ *1 ICC [pi-e" “I a plzn [h-yi ul]. ,1: (ml r~ 'l ::= v.2"! -: n ' .JI . ~ .I 'i -I;»‘I.I.‘ fly
L. a, Oliver‘s _ Holiday in" on 1.75 and Ngwyown Pike. DJ Mike Morris spms After the show. take your (‘enter turc and slide presentatimi by Urap- punches “mm ch‘Iirat‘tiI*r~ :6“ '.I: ', y . . ‘I‘It'l,
me has tonight, Bottomless see, Mug Night, where 55 buys an the bee, you Sundays program or a spectal cou- cr Hill. a cartoonist with the Dt’trrtlt their GIRL“ tragic :lr'nas The “Stiff 1.x: \';' H, y y _ I i'. ;, ' ‘ . '5'.
can drink from l0 p.m. to l a.m., and you keep the glass mug. No cover. P0“ from the show to the COllseum ‘\I‘I“I5 INO‘ 17 . the lh l‘IafIUHY 13- an acute rce Imn OI, W. ”m (h. . :ri'ci‘ r' .1. ‘i-s . ' . .’.' ' r I I- II‘ : -. ‘3 i"
”5er — 388 Woodland Ave Tonight and tomorrow, Usual Suspetts (Top 40 Baskm RObhth- and get a hot hull-{9 Brass QUINN?! NOV 24 and .i hOll- seems to 5:“ Ermwth-r; ,‘,. IUIII “ipg I“: .. : ,, . I. -_ I,. . ‘.‘I. 3.3 i
t°€kl.9P-m '0 ‘ °~mt ‘:’-50‘0"" 0"9'99-"1- sundae your chmce 0f flavors day “mm “Hm I The ”IOWA” he'irtIof American t'irhIWiInIit i ‘IIi rrII ct ~Iei.:;;i.r :zIt..L . . ' Iir‘ ;
Split” ~ Rodisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow, Between The Two for only 99 Gems The offer ‘5 gotxl Sounds Of [”1155 at (‘hrl-‘lmaVH inadt’solatenowht’rt’ III“ I III IIIII IIl I. RI IrI‘Ki,.'
(Top 40 rock). 9 pm. to i am. No cover. 0“ Sundays only SponsorEd h) the School ”1 MUN“ I l-‘iur ‘i ' l r. r . ~ .,,. 4. AIH , I - .-‘I I\
Two Kays — 333 S. Limestone St. Tonight and tomorrow, The Boys (country The Maysnlle (Iommunlty (Ih01r. IDe‘I 8 The characters ‘.‘, mymiul \unli H 1“.” ‘ . ”f: g I CI'I‘ ‘
rock without Doug Breeding),9p.m.tolo.m.$2 cover both nights. comprised ”f 72 “Udems and com' The “In“ 1“ made V’*>il‘l(I l’.‘ a {Hyde-n wagons: ("glhllgII tt‘inr I'; it; I'lI ~ h' " - ~ ‘ - r m ‘.‘ - ‘IiII 1, 'I
20014,". Club A 5539 Athens-Boonesboro Road. Tonight and ,omonow’ per, munity restdents from northeast grant from the tillIlCt‘ m lh‘t’sltli‘nl the pagespof Shake; ”:0 ,m‘. [II h it w “I“ ., ‘ ' ' . ‘I .I . : '. '. ':I
fect Stranger (Top 40 dance), 9 pm. to l a.m. Tonight, $3 cover. tomorrow 54 KohlUCklI and 50Ulhea>l Uhm- Will ("15" Slht‘llelar.‘ ens ”gm, lm er; Irina”. :ny1:1 \lfn rtilrirrrl.rl,.-:I.I ' t ' 1‘ -I ‘rI ‘. 'I'
COVGF. I I . ~’ . .I ~ I I
O I .A . I... I_‘,I . "l‘, ~,
Jazz Series g ~ | Golden Age - :
f \\ K :I‘I.«II‘
I a l o I: .‘ I \\ I f a ..“"-,.-,H-
/& mixes c assnc, .. 6 - Q 5 l per (trifling : -.
° o. . i ' .: \ssJ ! . -.
/ , progressnve 4. . xx \‘,1:‘e~.\ l at LM N 01’ = . u _ -.
0' l I i A I- II .‘I - I , It I
' t B} .xsxrztriuon'u' 7'." ' c3 ‘3 , I 'f.‘ “L” “l “l '. ‘_ '- _ .
Staffh'riter ._ . \ . Y .‘