xt7xgx44v186 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44v186/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1975 1975 1975-11-12 2020 true xt7xgx44v186 section xt7xgx44v186   

Vol. LXVII No. 72
Wednesday, November 12, 1975


an independent student newspaper —]


2] University of Kentucky"

Lexington, Kentuch y


General Student Assembly apparently stacked

Assistant Managing Editor

in a poorly publicized and apparently
stacked meeting, the General Student
Assembly (GSA) Tuesday passed eight
resolutions which Student Government
(SG) President Jim Harralson said could
carry the same force as Student Senate

The resolutions generally condemned
some of the more controversial stands
taken by the Student Senate this semester.

As the GSA session began around 6:30
pm. in Memorial Hall. only 15 persons
were present. Several of those said later
they were actually in Memorial Hall to
study for an anthropology test scheduled
there at 8 p m.

Arts and Sciences Senator Matthew
Welch asked Harralson. who chaired the
meeting. whether the meeting was fair
because of poor publicity. Harralson said
it was.

Two resolutions were passed with no
more than five people voting ()ne resolved
that Student Senators shall consult their
constituents before taking action on most
issues because previous senate actions
have not been representative of the
student body.

The second resolution condemned the
Student Senate‘s support of the Gay

Student Coalition‘s attempt to gain
University recognition as a student

Then at 6:50 pm, about 30 persons
walked in together to join the GSA session.
The group included SG Vice President
Glenn Stith, Agriculture Senator Charlie
Masters and two members of the SG
publicity committee.

The rest, according to Stith, were
“friends“ he and Masters called Tuesday
afternoon to increase attendance at the
meeting. Stith said 25 or 26 of those 28
friends were members of his fraternity,
Alpha Gamma Rho.

Subsequent resolutions were passed by
overwhelming margins. They included:

~supporting SG lobbying of lowering the
drinking age to 18 for purchase of 3.2 beer
and wine because it would be virtually
impossible to lower the drinking age for all
alcoholic beverages in the 1976 General
Assembly. It passed 29-2;

——denouncing a senate action allowing
the campus chapter of National Organiza-
tion for the Reform of Marijuana Laws to
have free access of SC facilities within
reasonable limits. It passed 32-2;

w«denouncing a senate action which
provides SG facilities for a gay dance.
Proposed by Masters and Stith, it stated
SG should not be “in the business of
dances." It passed 36—0;


After ”A «

SG President Jim llarralson addresses a small gathering of the General
Student Assembly early in its meeting last night at Memorial Hall. Later, after

about 30 additional students came in.

resolutions passed overwhelmingly.

the assembly votes on one of eight

—stating the Senate should not pay
expenses for non-SG groups that attend
seminars, such as the Environmental
Action Society which was appropriated $50
last week to attend the National Whale
Symposium. It passed 37-0.

The final resolution, proposed by Stith,
stated the GSA offers average students an
excellent chance for voicing and subse-
quent GSAs should be promoted to insure
maximum attendance. It passed 36-0.

Article VII of the SG constitution states
a GSA, consisting of all full- and part—time
students who shall attend its meetings,
shall be called into session no less than
twice during each semester.

Tuesday‘s GSA session was the first held

by SG since the constitution was adopted in .

1973. David Mucci, 1974-75 SG president.
said Tuesday he didn‘t feel a GSA was
necessary during his tFnure as president.

The constitution states the GSA shall
have the power of resolution with regard to
SG policy. University affairs and any other
matters of concern to the University
community. It further states the SG
president or the Student Senate shall be
openly responsive to resolutions of the

Harralson said after the meeting that
GS ‘. resolutions will “probably carry the
same sort of procedural force. as those
passed in the Student Senate.”

Another section of Article VII states “all
meetings of the GSA shall be adequately
announced and open to the public.”

Virtually no advance publicity was given
the GSA session, according to SG Publicity
Director Timi Parke. She said because of a
“great deal of confusion" and an “over-
sight" the publicity committee placed no
advertising and did not leaflet around
campus to publicize the session.

Harralson said steps taken to publicize
the GSA session included an announce-
ment at last Monday’s Student Senate
meeting and a request for an article in the
Kernel. A brief article on the GSA session
appeared in the Kernel Tuesday.

Harralson said he would not take
responsibility for the poor publicity and
light turnout. He blamed the Kernel for the
poor publicity and said he announced the
SGA meeting at the last Student Senate

Senate Clerk Steve Vice said he does not
remember whether or not Harralson
announced the SGA meeting at the Nov. 3
senate meeting.

At the request of the Kernel. Vice
checked a tape recording of the Nov. 3
meeting but because of a gap in the tape he
could not determine whether Harralson
made the announcement.


Human Rights Commission has

0 O O O O
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Kernel Staff Writer

The state Attorney General’s office has
ruled that the Lexington-Fayette County
Human Rights Commission has jurisdic-
tion in a sex discrimination complaint filed
against the University Student Center.

In 3 Nov. 6 opinion, Asst. Atty. Gen.
William Pollard stated, “the local com-
mission is fully authorized to handle
complaints against the state or its agen—

The complaint was filed last month by
Sandra McHale, former SC assistant night
manager who applied for one of two night
manager‘s positions which became vacant
in July. McHale claimed she was not hired
for the post because of her sex.

The Attorney General’s opinion was
requested by the local human rights
commission to clarify its jurisdiction in
complaints against state agencies.

Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 344.310
“makes it clear that any local civil rights
commission may implement the policies of
the Kentucky Civil Rights Act,” Pollard

KRS 344.310 provides for establishment
of city or county human rights commis—
sions to “safeguard all individuals within
its jurisdiction from discrimination
because of race. color. religion. national
origin. sex or age.“

John Darsie. University legal counsel,
said the case is “currently in a holding
action" pending review of the Attorney
(leneral‘s opinion.

“The University is not required by law to
comply with local commissions but usually

case of UK employe

does out of courtesy. ()ther agencies have
jurisdiction since the University is a state
agency," Darsie said.

McHale said she has received a reply
from the federal Equal Employment
Opportunity commission (EEOC), where
the complaint was also filed. She said the
Memphis regional office of EEOC
assigned an investigator within the Ken-
tucky Commission on Human Rights to
study the complaint.

EEOC directed the investigator to begin
inquiry within 60 days of Oct. 30, McHale
said. However. officials within the state
commission in Louisville said they are
unfamiliar with the case and are not aware
that it has been assigned them.

Nancy Ray, University Affirmative
Action director, refused to comment on
McHale’s complaint.

Asked if Ray had begun an investigation,
Darsie would only say that she had “talked
with some Student Center people involved
with the case.“

' McHale said Monday she has not been
contacted by Ray concerning the com-

The night manager's responsibilities
include various supervisory duties at the
SC on weeknights and weekends. The
position was filled in late August by Oliver
Kash Curry, a third-year law student and
former aide to then-Governor Wendell

Ford is now a US. Senator. Curry quit
his position on Ford‘s staff in August 1974.

McHale claimed her two years‘ experl
ience as an SC employe made her more
qualified for the job. Curry has said he had
no prior SC experience.


- h:







legal rope

As expected, Federal District
Judge Bernard T. Moynahan
effectively left Jill Raymond at the
end of her legal rope by denying
Raymond’s ”grumbles motion.”


M oyna ha n maneuver which has been used to

A UK alumna, Raymond was
found in contempt of court and
jailed eight months ago for
refusing to talk to a grand iury.
The grand iury was investigating
the alleged presence of fugitives
Susan Saxe and Katherine Power
in Lexington last summer. Saxe
has since been jailed in Phila-

Raymond’s grumbles motion
was the last legal recourse to

regain her freedom short of talking
to the grand iury. A grumbles
motion is an uncommon legal

free persons found in civil con-
tempt when it becomes obvious
that confinement is punitive and
will not coerce them to testify.
Moynahan wrote off Raymond’s
motion, calling it "patently frivo-
lous, without merit and a blatant
attempt to trifle with the Court.”
it is now only too clear that
Moynahan is not going to free
Raymond unless she talks to the
grand iury. If Raymond doesn’t
talk she will probably remain in

jail until April, when the grand
iury adiourns.

Even though Raymond is a
federal prisoner, she is being kept
in county iails which are
generally not equipped to handle
women prisoners for a long period
of time.

In affidavits to support her
allegation that her confinement is
punitive, Raymond cited condi-
tions she has endured with which
no prisoner should have to live.

In one iail Raymond stated her
curtainless shower stall was in
view of male prisoners, guards and
visitors from an elevator.

The brief, which accompanied
the affidavits, stated that a guard
at the same iail “placed his arm
around the witness (Raymond) and
rested his hand on her breast.”

if Raymond is to stay in prison —
and Moynahan seems determined
that she stay in or talk —- she
should be transferred to a federal
institution which has proper
facilities for the long-term
maintenance of women.




I would like to propose the possibility
of conducting an annual UK In-
terdepartrnental Maturity Contest. I
was led to this idea by my nose —which
was educated by four years of un-
dergraduate cigarette smoke smelling.
Now itis no secret (ask any high school
sophomore) that cigarette smoking is
an irrefutable symbol of emotional and
physical maturity. it should follow that
the degree of stink created by smokers
in an area should be an accurate
measure of the maturity of the in
dividuals that occupy that area. The
determination of which department
maintains students, staff and faculty
with the greatest maturity should be
simple to determine by smelling the
roomsand buildings on campus utilized
by the various departments.

After sniffing out the winning
department, what type of monument to
thatdepartmentcan be awarded? Why,
that should be easy —a huge model of
the almighty cigarette constructed of
pure vinyl chloride plastic!

Frank T. Bedcer
Zoology graduate student





The continual ebb and flow of world
politics these days is a demanding
scenario to master for the more-than-casu-
al observer of internationat events. The
intricate linkages. cause-and-effect rela-
tionships, alliances, enmities and general
chaos that are so evident in contemporary
international relationships are awe-inspi-
ring and difficult to comprehend for most
of us peons, and sometimes it’s hard to
make oneself believe even Kissinger really
knows what’s going on behind the closed
doors of diplomatic intrigue.




At the middle of all of the power
struggles by the three Superpowers, the
Arabs, Western Europe, lreland and a
whole globeful of third-world countries
lies one important political development
between the U.S. and Russia—detente.
Detente, it is said by almosteveryone, is a
step in the direction of bringing peace to
the world by establishing a better set of
relations between the U.S. and the
U.S.S.R. through the mechanisms of
trade agreements. arms limitations talks,
food for peace, discussions and so on.

Detente is complicated by a few matters
that are embarrassing to the present
administration. For example, former De-
fense Secretary James Schlesinger was an
advocate of a hard line towards the
Communists; this embarrassed Kissinger
and Ford, and so they sacked him before
he felt that he had to resign over their
differences anyway. Then, there are the

brings ’demanding scenario’

differing lines put out by the U.S. and
Russia vis-a-vis the Mideast oil situation;
and there remains the fact that the U.S.
and Russia still have the nuclear capacity
to wipeeach other out about 50 times over.

The Chinese don’t make the situation
any easier for advocates of detente, either.
They want to play ball with us, but they
fear and loathe the Russians at the same
time and consider their partners in
”cornmunism” (the Russians don't prac-
tice true communism) traitors to the
Marxist revolution. As a result, when
Kissinger went to Peking last month, he
was greeted with less warmth than ever
before by the new de facto leader of that
state, Teng Hsiao~ping. Teng has taken
over the running of China since Chairman
Mao is nearly completely visibly incoher-
entand since Chou En-lai ison the vergeof
his deathbed. The recent shake-up in
Washington has gotten the Chinese leaders
wary of our policies toward Russia, for
hey want to be sure that we won’t
someday team up with the Soviets and put
them out of the World Game business.

it’s just plain hard to be friends with
everybody these days, it seems, but of
course that’s nothing new.

What is new, however, is this detente
concept, and although it‘s been given the
perfunctory endorsements by almost
every politician and peacemaker every
where, there are aspects of it to be
considered that should make us think
twice before getting into the affair too

In order to track this line of thought
down, let’s back away for a moment in
crder to catch a glimpse of two Americans
that have, at one time or another, affected
our lives by the things that they have done.

First, Karl Hess. Hess used to be Barry
Goldwater’s number one speechwriter—he
penned the phrase, ”extremism in the
defense of liberty is no vice,” for
Goldwater’s 1964 Republican Convention

nominaton acceptance speech. Since then,
Hess has travelled a long, winding road
from the traditional right in American
economics and politics to a new land
adopted by the advocates of economic
self-sufficiency, decentralizatioh of gov-
ernment, community action and virtual
freedom from authoritarianism. That
land, of which Hess is now an advocate, is
revealed in his new book, ”Dear America”
(Morrow, 279 pp. $7.95); in case you’ve
missed him on 60 Minubs or Today or in
the pages of Rolling Stone, in the past ten
years Hess has undergone a change in
heart on the nature of man’s responsibility
to himself, the rightful role of government
in our lives, and the erosion of freedom in
America whether in the guise of liberal or
conservative politics and policies. Hess is
a twentieth-century Thoreau—he refuses
toeven pay taxes (and has lost everything
he owns as a result) but yet is still not a
man of rage; rather, he retains his
humanism. His hate is dead.
Jumping.on point for Person number
two: Eldridge Cleaver has also undergone
those changes that come when expanded—
consciwsness-turned-into-rage succumbs
to the humanizing forces of the realization
that doqmatism and knee-ierk reiection of
other value systems only alienate people
and thus diminish all chances that we
have at harmony or goal accomplishment.
His anger has subsided to a calm
acceptance of the problems that we have
and a reasonable promulgation of what we
should do to correct them. Cleaver has
become for all practical purposes a
humanist. But he does intensely dislike the
Russians, doesn't trust the Chinese, and
wants to come back to America because,
he asserts, it's the place in the world with
the most freedoms. He admits, after
travelling to Russia, China, Cuba and
North Korea with open arms, that he is
turned off by their most repressive and
regimentative governments in the world.

(His sympathies were echoed by a
National Organization for Women spokes-
woman recentty, whose speeches on the
advances of American women were just
censored by Soviet authorities in Moscow.)

All told, Hess has made a political and
personal trek from the throes of the right
to the freedoms of the left. Cleaver has
ransgressed the anarchy of the new left,
according to Rolling Stone,and is now "on
a honeymoon with the U.S. military.
Military people are very patriotic and
that’s not a bad idea.” However, their
paths have crossed somewhere along the
line, and that point is at their mutual fear
d-the threat of the elimination of human
freedoms that exists on a very large and
dangerous scale in the world today.

Those freedoms are basically being
wused to the hilt in the Soviet Union.
O'iina’s reindoctrination program on the
merits of the socialist state precludes
freedom of choice, and the merits of any
political order do not equal my desire for
the freedom to make up my own mind
about anything.

Detente, a collaboration of American
businessmen who need a new market for
their goods (e.g. Ford, Pepsi), an Ameri~
can government thatdoesn‘t want a world
economic collapse and a Russian govern-
ment that is having a difficult time making
its ends meet, could provide the biggest
merger of two governments that the world
has ever seen. One of those two is
repressive to the point of bleakness. is that
the type of bedfellow that the people of the
U.S. really want to support?


Dick Downey is a hopelessly ambitious
writer who is currently disguised as a
UK law student. He has had some ex-
perience in the Real Worlds of tour
naism and disaster-area insurance
adiusting. His column appears weekly
in the Kernel.

f . w— v .,
itorials Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University. ?
e‘ l . i
Bruce nges Susan Jones L
Editor-in-Chief Editorial Page Editor
mg“ wmmmffi "j "‘9' a" V“ “3".“ ml: Ginny Edwards Jack Koeneman,
utters stoma not acted a) m and Spectrum articles 7!) win: Managing Editor Associate Editor

I ‘ " ' _. I
we - .uM‘R-‘..



m .v'de visit to West Virginia this fall. Ford \“-:'1 I' S cozi‘
i‘('1~'('t"\.a :~ have more potential and are more prw mu» tt- y« .21'
Maine and your children's tuture than all the Middle East I't'.~t.‘l‘\ (
ot fuel and all of the fuel throughout this vast globe '

Meanwhile. Congressional conferees appear ready to approve a
new oil price compromise that is said to be acceptable to the Ford


The compromise, which would result in slightly higher fuel prices
than under a plan tentatively approved earlier by the conferees. is
expected to be approved by the panel on Wednesday.

If it si acceptable to President Ford. the plan could mean the end
of a 10-month battle between the White House and Congress over

energy policy.

‘Overdose of Vodka?’

MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet
Union on Tuesday suspended
relations with Uganda. once its
closest ally in East Africa, and
accused President Idi Amin's
government of unfriendly actions
and insults.

Amin. said trouble between the
two nations might be blamed on
an “overdose of vodka" taken by
the Soviet ambassador and said
Moscow should send a competent

Still sunk

(AP) -— Rescuers searched Lake
Superior‘s chilly waters Tuesday
for the 29~member crew of the

sunken ore-carrier Edmund
Fitzgerald but found only an oil
slick. empty lifeboats and life

Severance tax

Finance Commissioner William
Scent said Tuesday he has been
“assured“ by the Chief Justice of
the Kentucky Court of Appeals
that a ruling will be made soon on
a controversy involving the
allocation of coal severance tax

At issue is whether coal tax
rebates should go to counties
where coal seams are found or
those in which mine openings are

Kl \ ll‘LK‘


The Kentucky Kernel, H4 Journalism
Budding, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, 40506, is mailed five
times weekly during the year except during
Midays and exam periods, and twice
weekly during summer session. Third»
class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky,
405". Subscription rates are $12 per tull
semester Published by the Kernel Press,
Inc andtoundedintWLthe Kernel beqan as

the Cadet iii IBM. The paper nus been
published continuously as the Kentucky
Kernel since "its.

Advertising is intended only to help the

reader buy and any talse or misleadinq
advertismg should be reported and we be
investigated by the editors Adv-Thain:
tound to be false or misleading wm be
reported to the Bette: Business Bureau







.s. was ”“9"”.







My WW» -.-dW-

Not stripped

Power company decides against
mining land near UK forest property

Managing Editor

American Electric Power Corp. (AEP) has
advised the University that it has elected not to
exercise an option to buy coal and mining rights on
land which adjoins UK's Robinson Forest.

The forest, deeded to the University in 1923. is a
teaching and research facility for the forestry
department. according to Thomas Hansbrough.
forestry department chairman. It is located in
Breathitt, Knott and Perry Counties.

University Legal Counsel John Darsie said he
received a letter from AEP lawyer E. Gaines Davis
stating that AEP decided not to exercise the option
and will halt exploratory core-drilling.

“The whole process of core-drilling was to find if
there were 75,000,000 tons of coal underneath the
tract of land which was up for Option and whether
the sulfur content of the coal would be in the
acceptable range." Davis said.

Although it still owns the surface rights, Davis
said. AEP decided not to purchase the mining rights
because the core~drilling samples indicated there
were less than 75,000,000 tons of coal under the land
tract and the sulfur content was excessive.

(When the sulfur content in coal is too high. an
excessive amount of fumes are emitted from
generating stations which burn coal. The Environ—
mental Protection Agency controls the permissible
amount of sulfur fumes which may be emitted from
the stacks.)

Darsie said there have been efforts over the yea rs
to strip mine in the Robinson Forest area ~
particularly around Buckhorn Creek which flows
through the forest.

“This led the Kentucky Division of Reclamation
and UK to agree that the division would not issue a
permit to strip mine where it would adversely affect
research in Robinson Forest," Darsie said.

It was at this same time, Darsie said, that AEP
had an option to purchase the coal and mining rights
to land in the Buckhorn Creek watershed area. AEP

also began core-drilling to explore the profitability
in purchasing the rights.

After an investigation. the University contended
that the apparent rise in the siltation level in the
Robinson Forst stream was because of AEP‘s
core-drilling exploratory operation.

Therefore, Darsie said, the Division of Recla-
mation ordered AEP to halt the drilling.

Following a meeting between representatives of
the division and AEP, the Division of Reclamation
issued the order for two reasons:

—a permit is required to core-drill; and

~even if a permit was issued, AEP was to
indicate that drilling was not adversely affecting
UK's research effort in the forest.

In a subsequent move, Davis contacted Darsie to
negotiate a mutually satisfactory agreement.

According to Darsie. AEP sued the University
and the Division of Reclamation for a declaration of
rights. AEP said UK,s and the division‘s position
“amounted to a taking of property without just
compensation," Darsie said. AEP also contended
that its exploratory project did not constitute strip

In a Franklin Circuit Court decision, it was ruled
that core-drilling did constitute strip mining as
defined in the statute. But in a Court of Appeals