xt7xgx44v00z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44v00z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1942 Vol.14 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, December 1942 Vol.14 No.2 1942 1942 2019 true xt7xgx44v00z section xt7xgx44v00z H; ,. 1 '11“ 1 .;
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1 The Kentucky Court of Appeals ruled Litigation over the publication of a cial statements are published shall be 1111 “‘15.:‘1
‘ that Fayette Fiscal Court must publish statement by Fayette Fiscal Court arose filed with the auditor of public ac— ., :111'1111‘1 ‘
1 a financial statement annually in the last spring after members of the Fayette counts.” ‘ .1131: 1111
news a er f tli lar ~ .‘t ci 1 i ' ‘ t . ‘ ' ' ‘ 11‘». 1‘1“" .
1 Fa etfiepcouiit: e 865 rcrlat on 111 :45)“; Y ga’flfye”. ASISOCIZUOH’ (headed Judge Fulton stated that the court “1‘
1 Y _ .i- ' ‘ _ )3 on ogeis, saw} a eman upon could not rule on the question of the ,‘11‘1i1-‘1‘ _ '
| The deCiSion affirmed an opinion fiscal court to publish statements an- . - - - . ' . ‘:'§|""t‘-:‘:‘:i. .
l _ , _ _ ieqiiired publication of an annual state- . 1 - g ‘
handed down last June 20 in Fayette nually on the countys finanCial condi- , . . ' 111. ‘1 :‘1': 1
. . _ _ ment by the county tieasuier. ; | ,1; 1 1 :1, :
Circuit Court by Judge Chester D. tion. I h' 1 dd 1 ll 4 * $11113 . 311‘ 3
Adams. The opinion given by appellate court 1: tdls respecctl-gn Yf I “:3 appe ate : 1‘11“ .‘| 1 ; ‘
1 In its 'opinion, the appellate court 1113— applied to a declaratory-judgment suit Gin” beClFSIOH 1C? roré “6 opinion ' 11115111111511 1
held two sections of the Kentucky stat— filed by Fayette Fiscal Court against the given y ayette ”cult ourt. . _ 1 ‘1‘1 1‘1‘1‘1
1 Utes which require publication in local taxpayers’ association for an interpreta- Judge Adams had1ruled that, If the 1 11111111
newspapers of annual financial state- tion of state statutes and to a second county treasurer certified as correct the 'l 1:11»; 11113111, :"
inents by the fiscal court and by all oth- suit, filed later, by the taxpayers asso— fiscal courts PUbIISth statement, 1‘ was 1 11:1 111‘: ,1 :
61‘ county officials who handle county ciation against the fiscal court to com- unnecessary for the treasurer ‘0 PUbIISh :3 1 "1.1.111 ‘
funds. pel publication of an annual statement. one also. | 1,111 1 111.1,. ‘.
1 The court declined, however, to rule Judge Will H. Fulton, who wrote the Judge Adams “correctly adjudged that“ i ‘1‘ 1|
1 on the sufficiency of a financial state- opinion delivered at Frankfort, asserted the duty was on the fiscal court to pub- ’ 11- 111. ‘
1 ment for 1941-42 that was published by that Section 938q-19 of the Kentucky lish the statement,” JUdgC FHIEOD'S 1 “‘; 211131.
| Fayette Fiscal Court last summer short- Statutes, which was enacted in 1938 to opinion declared. “That was the only 11 1111.71 :1;
1 ‘Y after Judge Adams handed down the require county officials to post county question really involved before the '| 111 -;;1l;11.-‘ 1 1i-
ruling that such action must be taken. budget figures quarterly in a conspicu— chancellor (Judge Adams) and the fur- 1 '1'1‘ 113331“
1 The high court asserted that the ques- ous place in the courthouse, did not re— ther declaration made by him may be ‘13? ‘1 11
‘ tion 0f the sufficiency of the publication peal Sections 3747a-l and 1845, tWO 3‘15 _ regarded merely as the reasons given by ' 1:: a ' f1:
' of the statement had not been raised enacted in 186 to require fiscal court him for his conclu51on. 1 1.1 1111:.
prior to the ruling by Judge Adams and and money-handling officials ‘10 Pllthh “Since the treasurer was not a party : |1 ‘ 1‘1 "1
1 that ”‘10 declaration can be made as to statements in newspapers- to the suit, we are not authorized to di- ‘ 1' " 1111:; ‘

. _ . . . >211“! :
speculative rights that may arise in the Judge Fulton commented that the ma entry of a Judgment declaring it to 1 1 11111:.
future.” three acts were not irreconcilable. be his duty to publish the statement in 1 11111 '

f The court e x p 1 ain e d that Judge He added that consideration of the connection with the fiscal court.” 1 “1'31! -
1 Adams, in his opinion in the case, had weight of Section 938q-19 and Section The judgment entered in Fayette Cir- 1 | 11:11
. outlined methods whereby the county‘s 3747a-l, which applies [0 1311b11€at1011 0‘ cuit Court after Judge Adams’ ruling in 1 1111‘ '
1 ElI1111131 financial statement could be con- annual statements by fiscal C011”, reqmr- the case was appealed by fiscal court, 1 1‘5? 33:]
‘ (lensed, but that H i u ,, ‘ n: w e ed the a Jellate court to ad udge that which announced at the time it ori ‘i- jlij.‘ ‘
1 esc s ggestio 5 er p1 . _ 1 g , 11,”, ,1
‘ “0‘ 0p€rative insofar as the appellate the latter S€CUOn was dominant. nally filed suit against the taxpayers’ as- in" 31;];‘1
. . . . . 1H ; ‘ ‘
1 gourt was concerned because they were ”The 1942 General Assembly so re- soc1ation that it planned to obtain an 1 ‘:l““.1«,1. ‘11
r HOE Embodied in the lower-court judg— garded it,” he said, “by providing that appellant-court decision on the publica- 1 j‘g'irli 1l. '-
ment. 1 Copies of nCWSpapers in which the finan- tion question. 1 » 1I 111‘ ' :1 .
— 1‘ 1‘;
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Page TWO THE KENTUCKY PRESS December, 1942 . Dece
l l l"
. l 1 33 Fayette. Court Orders Further KPA To Hold ”War Clinic” Meeting Readers Can Supply Features . . . l Proposed
i‘ Litigation In Publication Case On January 28-29, Louisville Altl . f Conszder:
l . rough agreelng that local features _
' l : Fayette Fiscal Court, at a special \Vith few dissenting votes by the KPA do enliven the pages Of a newspaper, l .In acct
' l ; .‘ meeting, directed County Attorney membership on the feasibility of'holding many editors complain they do not have ; tIOH 1: 0
, a ' ‘ Samuel Cole to file suit under the Ken- the annual mid-winter meeting, plans the time for lOOking up material or for l tucky P
' j “ tucky Declaratory-Judgment act for are rapidly being made for the 74th an- the more careful preparation which 1 "Amendr
- l . 3 court determination of the sufficiency nual convention at the Brown hotel, many SUCh features require. But its l ments we
. .v 3 - of a financial statement published by Louisville, on Thursday and Friday, tures, and good 01185 tOO, may be 0b- 3 mefling,
. 3 the court last August 27. January 28-29, as a “War Clinic.” tained by enlisting the aid of ones l the mild
. i , j The proposed suit will be another The dates selected were contingent readers; for a surprisingly large number l- 1943:
i . 3 f step in a sequence of litigation over the on the hotel calendar, governed by the 0f persons are glad to contribute ma- , To ad‘
3 3 necessity of the court to print an annual war services, which filled the hotel to terial if it is suggested to them. Here ' the £0110
‘ j. financial statement each year in Lex— capacity every week-end. Accommoda— are given a few suggestions for that type after be
. ington newspapers. tions could only be granted up to Friday 0f feature material. 'Some Of these are r SCCUOU
3 3 In the foregoing decision, the appel- noon. Altho many of the members 110p. adaptable for single stories, for a series, 3; There s]
l late court asserted that the question of ed that the dates could be set for Friday or for the incorporation of several view- l members:
“ the sufficiency of the financial “subse- and Saturday, the hotel could not grant points into one composite or Inquiring l duals 0T
, j quently-published” statement had not this request. Reporter feature. nected W
: 3, been raised prior to the first ruling in The “far Clinic will be geared at high Letters. Issue a call for interesting allied b'
34 3 ' the case by Fayette Circuit Judge Ches- speed with every minute full of import- letters from men in the service. Also a method I
3 , ter 13- Adams and that ”11-0 declaration ant information for the publisher. Ev- for old letters from men who served in . the Assot
» can be made as to speculative rights that ery elfort is being made to get “t0p- the last war, the Spanish American War, l motion 1
3 » may arise in the future. notchers” to preside during each section or the War Between the States. Other 2 and to I
, 1g 3 . In the resolution passed December 19, of the Clinic. old letters of local historical or pioneer i that may
33 ‘ Fayette Fiscal Court stated that the Preliminary plans for the social side interest. Diaries. 3' Of the 5
3' , ‘ ’ form of the 1941—42 annual statement include a luncheon on Thursday noon Recipes. Favorite recipes, economyl be electe
3 . “has been questioned.” and a banquet-floor show-dance that recipes, etc. A man who prides himself l manner :
. “In order that the duties of this court, evening at the Brown, followed by the on his COOking- A woman famous for l paper m
f: ‘ and of the various officers of the county concluding luncheon on Friday noon at her pies. The high SChOOl economics i to all hpr
,33 .. may be fully determined, adjudged and the Pendennis Club. The Friday morn- teacher. Chef of a local hotel or m l cept t e
i .7: stated,” the resolution continued, “Sam ing program Will be devoted exclusively taurant. A baker. 3 Th
l3 H. Cole, county attorney of Fayette to association affairs. Pet peer/es of: taxi drivers, police: 51111:: I
‘ County, is hereby authorized to insti- l0hn H- Hoagland: Chairman, and men, service station operator, banker. r: ,f,
l j tute the proper legal proceedings to de- Vance Armentrout, Louisville Courier— doctor, hotel proprietor, school teacher, e: 21th t
l termine the rights and duties of the fig. Journal, Virgil P. Sanders, Carrollton mail carrier, garage mechanic, posmian, l lerlt es
. ‘ cal court and of the various officers of New-Democrat, and the KPA president athletic coach, minister, librarian, 1110-? cc 11'
l 3 the county with regard to the publica- and secretary C9mP0$§ the program C0m- tion picture theatre proprietor, meterl Th t
l, i, , tion of any financial statements that are mittee Wthh 15 making every effort to reader, department store Clerk. . . . 5th ‘ amend cl
l “ 3 ‘ required to be made by them.” make this the outstanding and practical ilar features on favorite: superstitions. S .6
l event of the new year and of vast im— sports, books, hobbies, man or'woman t' ectfior
l __—__"‘—_”"”__—__ portance to every newspaper publisher in history. ; Sleons a1.
ill l Executive Reaffirms Confidence and editor in the State- How it works. Heads of various 2103 hoclfietgg
3 In Newspaper Advertising T_-——T——____—‘_—fl__ tiVities and organizations W‘mld weld represent:
' 1 . . Installs New Linotype come an opportunity to explain thel Se t'
‘ : At the NEA Advisory Conn?“ meet- - - - ~ way in which the activity functionsq C If)”
3 . ing, Mr. Sam Williams, Public Rela— .The Citizen—Times, Scottsville, R. R. For exam le' draft board telephontl Executiw
tions Director of the Associated Food PltChford’ editor, recently installed a service church em 10 merit burealld dent, SEC
. Chains, quoted a paragraph in a letter new model 8 Linotype equipped w1th city arid count ,olficeI: lyaun dry station Chairmai
he received from Mr. L. A. Warren, 71/? and 14 pomt Excelsmr With Mem- agent librarrycanniri factory bankl Shall bet
l] 3 President of Safeway Stores, which phis Bold and 24—p01nt Memphls Extra )ost dfi'ice ich, )lant dgir ’ 1 annual v
ll}: should be of interest to every newspaper Bold Condensed Wlth Medium, CondenS- I Hob 17 led C oil ectidns ofy- uns butter-l uP011 thr
,3 publisher in the United States. ed. This new type face w111g1ve Editor 11‘ '3 ~ .. . g ’. ta the close
3" - . . . . . ' f nd a modern and com )r hensive ies, stamps, IOd‘S’ dolls, gardenlng, g: Ce t'
l . “Reco nizm in this war )eriod the PltCh 01 . . . 1 6 ~ k' b 1 kin for: p 10“ ‘
{l9 . . g g 1 type—dress for his publication. iug ma ing, otany, WOOC wor g’. ‘1 term of c
. gt. ,1, Vltal importance Of a free press and ____________________ tune telling, printmg, horse shoe PltCh Sect'
‘ . ‘ the invaluable service it renders in in- ‘ , ‘ ,3 ing, hunting, painting, training dogs]; Shall 10“
ll" : forming and arousing the civilian pop- Greenville Leader Ofiice Damaged entering contests. l Chair C01
'13 ‘v ulation to its duties and obligations A disastrous fire, destroying l7 busi- Melodramas. A series. Down thr0113h3 electeglah]
ll. . in a total war effort, we reaffirm our ness buildings, damaging many others, the years at least one exciting or melo‘: as th P
faith in the value of newspaper adver- with a loss of over $100,000, visited dramatic event has been observed byal tar 4‘;
. ‘ tising, which we have expressed in pre- Greenville early Sunday morning, De- country doctor, sheriff, telephone line-3 othyer an
' vious years. We continue our support cernber 20. The plant of the Greenville man, bus station attendant, minister; appoinrile
g j ’ of newspaper advertising to the fullest Leader was listed as “damaged,” but we railroad conductor, service stationflp'l after h'et
. l’ . extent possible under the nation’s war are unable to give the extent at this erator, fireman, nurse, schOOl prinCIPll" Congrelsss‘
, 'lil ‘ economy.” time. —Arkansas Publisher. 1
l .‘E- , '
ll‘ ‘ r
, ll:3 i

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' I1 II,
‘ . December, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS ~ Page Three ' J‘a JII,I I: ,
2 . ' - , J:
J Proposed Amendments To "Be except the district from which the of both the Secretary-Manager and the ‘, JJJJJ JJJ J, J.
, Considered At “War Clinic” Chairman 'of the committee has been Treasurer. _ , :J,;JJ
atures ‘. I cor dance with Article VIII Sec- elected, and two from the state at large, Section 4:. Executive Commlttee, J JJJJJ J
Qaper, J _ n ac f h C 1tituti0n of the’Ken- to hold office untJll thelr successors are shall hereafter be known as Sectlon 5, I'J JJJJJJJJ'JJ J
:have ; tron 1’ O t e 015. . t' J1 4d chosen. 'The Presrdent, Immedlate Past Executlve Committee. JJLJ J J
or for J WCkY Press JJJ‘LXSSEClaglfiF e n 1 C d President, Vice-President, Secretary- ———-——— - J JJJ J.;‘,J‘,
which J “Amendments ’ t :1 O Jow1ngd amcnr- Manager, and Treasurer shall be ex- To change Section 3 of the By-Laws l-J'JJIJJ J >
t for menth were propose :tJt ifie n11 -su_mmet officio members of this committee. which reads, ”The membership fee shall ,J JJJ JJ J J
)e ob- : meeting tOJIaY over [9111 “J: afaihiihra ______ be $5.00 and annual dues $7.50”, to I ,JJJJJ -.
one’s I the Jmld‘wmter me 1 g y’ That Article V, Duties, shall be read as fOHOWSi _ 3 ‘JJ Jll ;
lmber J 1943- J, .. b 1‘ ,, amended as follows: “The Executive commlttee shall have J jjisz I J J
e ma- I To add to AllllCJ-le Hr JMCHJ‘J $511111) ’ S . 3 Th S J J M (re power to set and establish the member- JIJJ ,J JJI
.t type after be known as .CFUOHN‘E' b- 1 . s sf J1 AI iatie n and colleci all moneg action to be presented to the member- ‘JJJ, J JJ
se are J Section 5,—SustainJ1ng em crs up. OJ 1: ssoch o b (1‘ Y ship at any regular meeting and shall JJJ JJ Hi»:
series, ‘.J There shall be eligible tonustJaiching cue rom t :Jmeg er: JrJechelnEnpi: be concurred in by a vote of three- , JJ ,JJJJ
.view- iJ membershlp lJn theJAssocrauon 1n 1v1- ments as ma e. e S a J P _ fourths of the voting members present". JIJJJJJ ,
.. J duals or busmcss firms who are con- count With each member of the A550 _ ____________*_____ I III; 35.;
ulrmg ‘ nected with the newspaper business or ciation showing at all times said mem— ll TI 3 ’IJ‘ I; J‘ J
allied businesses who desire in this ber’s standing with the Association. R0 of onor J J, IIJJJJJ
resting method to contribute to the welfare of The Secretary-Manager shall have au- In another column, the Press is pub- J Jin 'I'1 i
Also ‘- the Association and to assist in the pro- thority to contract for and make expen- lishing a Roll of Honor of all Ken- I; JJJ JJ J
vedan motion of better newspaper practices ditures in performing the duties of his tucky newspapermen, editorial or me- J ngJJ-EMJ
1W“ ‘ and to the extension of such services office and in conducting the business of chanical department employees, who J ,J,JJJ:J.
Other 3 that may be rendered through the office the Association in the sum not exceed- are in the Armed Serviceg_ This list is J, JJJ J'J .
,ioneerJ of the secretary-manager. They shall ing $100, and he shall submit to the not complete. We invite all newspapers J IJJJ J
i be elected to membership in the same executive committee all matters involv- to send us the names of those who- J JJ J; J {J .
onomyI manner as is provided above for news— ing expenditures in excess of $100. Should be included in the R011. Also :J J” ,si
limseli J. paper memberS, and shall be entitled Whenever such expenditures shall have please notify us promptly of those who JJ J J ; JJ :'J >
)us for J to all privileges 0f the Association, ex— been approved by the EXCCUtiVC coJm— paid the supreme sacrifice in defense of Jr, J JJJ
mums? Cept the voting privilege. mittee the secretary shall authorlze our American ideals. ‘,J Ji‘J ‘
or “35' _.____ them and upon execution of the work ————-—————————-—-— J’JJ J‘J J, J :
. I That the words “Secretary-Manager” or services for which said approval is Trade-at-Home Ads JIJJ,,,’ .
Pom} ‘ shall be substituted for the words “Sec— given, he shall order the Treasurer to ,, JJ _ ”ii : J ,J.j, .
)anker, retary-Treasurer”' wherein and wher- pay for them out of association funds J Trade-at-Home ads are being run , JI IJJ J “
eacher, ever these occur in Article II and Arti- upon presentation of itemized vouchers, in newspapers throughout the_ country ; J {J I-JJ JJ: , ,J
)stman, ‘ cle III. which shall be receipted and filed with followrng the rationing of gasollne, Jtlres JJ JJJJJJ JJJJJJ JJJJ J
n, mo.JJ ________J the Association’s records. He Shall make and enforcement of other regulations. J _ JJ JSJ‘J'J .
meter J That Article IV, Oflicers, shall be reports of his acts, showing the amount In C2136 YOU have not YCE prepared your J JiIJ IIJ‘JI \
' 3 51m— amended as follows: of money and from whom received and home t0WD pl‘OIDOUOIL the followmg J .EEJJ ‘Jii JJ
JUUOHS’ Section 1. The officers of the Associa- the amount and to whom disbursed, ShOUld be 0f “565 r ‘JJJ" 1": .JJ
woman tion shall be a President, Vice-President, with vouchers therefor attached, at the ”You Should Trade at Home 130- f ' ,JJ JlJlthJIJ J
J Secretary-Manager, Treasurer, and an annual meeting of the Association suc- cause—Your Interests are here;~ the com- _ J J, : J {J J.
ous ac-J- hold office who is not a duly qualified ceeding his election, which report shall munlJt)’ that 15 good enough for you to 1‘: .JJJ J Jul
[f1 weld, representative in this Association. be in writing and read to the Associa— lJiV'C 1h ShOUId be good enough 10 buy J _ ‘1, JJJJ- :
”n_thCJ Section 2. The President, Vice—Presi— tion and published in the report of the 111; you ShOUld SEC the ElCtUill gOOdS be . I J, ‘
“mom” Executive Committee. No person shall annual proceedings of the Association. fore you order; YOU CM} get what you J J JJJJI :.
Jephonei dent, Secretary-Manager, Treasurer, and The salary of the Secretary-Manager want when you wantJlt; every (1011“ ,E‘ JJJ J: J’J
bureau, Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be fixed by the Executive Con} spent at home works for the commun- J JJJJ:: JJ-J,J
“3ng Shall be elected by ballot at the regular mittee: . it}, In :VhlilJlg/ZEJ: ldivehislheogcllig 13:1}: 13:3; J 'J‘JJ
’ ‘ annual wrnter meeting and shall enter Section 4. The Treasurer shallJ re- J‘Jml S 3111C: h ng0 remain Zhe J JJJJJ J
butter.V upon the discharge of their duties at ceive and secure all monies received Inc an Jere fYou 0PJ 1' J f, "tr JJJ JJ.J J JJJJ
J J the close of that meeting. With the ex- from the Secretary—Manager, and shall man you my rom pays us part 0 c1 y, J II. 331- JJrJ .
mg’lagi cePtion of the Secretari-Manager their pay out, upon Proper voucher from said county and Sta“? taxes; the man You i J Q JEJJI
ngrlfoy term of oflice shall be for one year only. Secretary-Manager, all expenditures so buy from helps support your schools, J J JEJJ J
,e pltch' Section 4. The Executive Committee ordered. He shall keep a record of all your lodge, your church, and your home; J J’, i,
*3 dog5,J shall consist of eleven members, the monies received and paid, and shall when ill luck, misfortune or bereave- I J J,J,
h! Chairman of the Committee to be make a written report of his acts, show— ment comesZ the man you bunyrom is J Jigitji’ '
throng J elected by ballot in the same manner ing the amount of money received and here With his kindly greetlng, 1115 words J J J J, .
3r melO'J as the President Vice—President Secre~ the amount and to whom disbursed at of cheer and his pocketbook.” J , J, J
,ed Wig [fly-Manager and Treasurer and eight the annual meeting of the Association Several publishers have run Similar . J 1in J J
neJ lines.1 other members of the Committee to be succeeding his election. This report copy to the above over their own srg- J JJ {2135 JJ ,
[filmsfii aPPOinted by the President immediately shall be published in the annual pTO‘ nature; others have 501d it to the cham— i ia'vaiii M'J
troni JJJJJsJ after his election, one from each of the ceedings of the Association. All dis- ber of commerce or to merchants lndr- ‘JJ J‘“J J: Mr J
rch Congressional Districts of Kentucky, bursing checks shall bear the signatures v1dually.—Wlsconsm Press. J ,J :Ji JJ .. _
1. 3% l: :1 ~l
3? ’l g.
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 ~-‘ 311.1 ,
3' Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS December, 1942 Dace]
:Jg- .' ‘ ‘1
" 1 1 The Season’s Greetings Draft and U. S. Employment Service 1 w
l ‘ . . , ~\
‘ 1 1‘ he Th P d 1 1 b t Under War Manpower Commzsszon ‘ 45W
3 ‘ e ress exten 5 tie seasons es 1 15:33:,»
I ‘ ..._‘-.\~
. 1 ‘ . . 5 r 1 . . . W1“
. 1 1 ent Pr S SS gleetll’lgs to. you andyours With every The.“ a1 Manpower ComniisSinn by 1 3““
, " 1 ‘ hope and Wish [or a Victorious new year Executive Order ot the PreSIdent issued 1‘ M3;
1 1 . crowned with health and ha )iness. Dec. 5 has been iven control over the '
. : " Official Publication of the Kentucky pl 1' 1 . .- 1 g ., . 1
press Association ———————————-—————— Selective Seiiice System and authomy 1
_ ‘ . __——‘—————— Nelson Pleased With Scrap Drive over employment and jobs. The Exec- 1
‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' " Order )rovides that the Commi: B d tovt
> Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher . . . 1 _ _. 1 time 1. . . 3 ar 5
‘ “ ‘ ———————-— Further ev1dence Of [hell ”I?“ 0‘ thp SlOll may require all hiring, Whether {01- 1 Alfred Sl—IV
‘ l‘ a ‘ a ‘ — . . . a]
’ i Printed On The Kernel Press. Lexington iecent newspapei 503301“: IS PIOVIC a speCific plant, a particular Job, or for ,1 James D E
1 _ ____.__ ed by a telegram received by Central . . , _ . r -
. 1 . . f 1 11 £11 all Jobs in a gIVCl’l occupation, in a 1 Jewell C.E
: 1 ‘ KentuCky Press Assomagonaofice: ton Of‘hce. Text 0 “6 message 01 0W5' designated area, to be done through 1 E d' H ,
" fl 1d H' kman o. aze e, in ‘ 5_ _ ' ison _
L 1 . Hwy Lee water e Pres‘icdent I £661 that the nfatipn Ewe: “incl,“ the United States Employment Serv1ce. 1 Shelbt
1 t _ ' ’1 — ' " — c c v n .
1 5. Vance Armentrout l/"i-ce—Prsstl‘dgftr Journal, Louisvfle papers 21 debt 0 I: £11115 01 L]: 1n1 The Commissmn 15 also directed to see 1 Wade W. N
i Victor R. Portmann ”£.a.....&.'....._. U. of Kit, Lexington valuable lserv1ce t CY 123’ 6_ iepserec that no employer shall retain in his em- ‘ M°unt Tm:
1 ‘ SECTB ary- TEEN-“‘87 .. , . ., Ya ' 1
District Executive Committee through [.10 newspappls nitec 1C1 P ploy any worker whose serv1ces are more 1 James 5, T;
1 1 J- Curtis Alcoa“ AdV°°ate'Messe“g§“Gm“gle' (32“? Metal Dlllve' I ail? 16.11CL311}; 0 ca (1):] urgently needed in other jobs. 1 Arthur J. R
1 1 - ‘ ; F‘ t, J a ore, un— m - _ . -. _ _ .
1‘ zialt‘lrgr‘fitéuggglmégondirsTerroeMumford. Union 00- you furt ier at [11? time _ 16 liesu 5 While the same Executive Order pro- J°hn TBS;
11 e gfng’iliitrice ii/iTorregsesrliliggd; Third, John H. Hoagiand, of the newspapers campaign, 10“ eV— hibits voluntary enlistment in the arm— J. D. Embr;
‘ ' - 0°“rier'Jm‘mal’ L‘misvm"; §°urgellJ$1Rfihagi§§$ er, 11‘3“ been .50 great an.(1m01€ 1m— ed forces by men between 18 and 38 Miles JDOHG;
v ‘ ‘ 1 ; F'fth, Fran C. e , rm e - . . . 1.0 V6 .
i ‘ Edgesfiglfzsrgdzwsmlh, Fred B. Wachs, Herald-Leader, dustr1alsc1ap 1? so essentila to 1:)1 years old, and defers from the draft 3:111:11 C00
1 . 1 . - _ * ~ ~ 11 .
1 1 Efifénggglglfitfievgntl’; migonRoEiigsocnébfiffaég’nfhaiglri:; the nations -Wlllt€l SUPP'Y 1311(1) €1E men over 58 years old, an order from 1 Padu
1‘ 5 Nint‘h' H- 13- Bmwmnggr‘lvmm gepubnca‘ln'dxéfizgi' that I am asking you to gixe W at ed— the “far Manpower Commission directs ‘1” LENS“;
.1 3 ; st t -at—lar e, auncey orsey, n . . ~ . ~ 5 . , . ,ose .
i Ligand.“ g f0” you feel is appliopliiate tonal 1 the United States Employment SerVice William}? -
l ‘ 1 . . . ' ( . . . .
. 1 5: Legzszatwe Committee fild its collection a ong tie ilnes ou .1:th to complete an occupational clasmfica— Ralph Schw
- ‘ ‘.1 C . Ad he, Mor an e , - - ll 1‘ ‘6. _ 1 .
15 1 Slidirrmiix‘inéghieeglifiilrlin?Comriigiilvealth,ngerset: lecently to your nationa CO“ m C tion ol each registrant under the Selec- gurgeSSMSC‘:
‘ 1 ‘ Egbert C. Taylor, Record Herald, Greensburg; Thomas DONALD M. NELSON th6 Service ACt and [0 request €21Cll reg 1 E53726 Dar--
1 ‘ R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington; H. A. Ward, Allen War Production Board.” ' . ‘ . . 1 g ne 1c
1 ‘ 00- News, Scottsville: Henry Ward: Sun-Demcm“, istrant whose questionnaire indicates ' C. Burton '1
1 .‘ Paducah; Cecil Williams, Journal, Somerset. ——“————"—————"_—— that he is ualified t0 Cl‘f01“111 services 11 John W, W
i Newspaper Exhibit Committee . F . T . q p / Louis Mitcl'
1 Mrs. Lee Spalding, Kent‘ificky Esttandaird, II’Bziircl‘sitown. T747751)“ tatzon ax in an essential occupation and that he 1» James E. p1
i ,, chairman; J. LaMarr Bra ey, n erpr se, rov ence; . 1 1 1 1 . ' . ‘ ', ' . ' ' ' ' 1 Lester Watts
1‘ Mrs. John 5. Lawrence, Record, Cacllilz;SMlss Lilla?!) Office 0t Price Administration on No- 15 not. ilitiliring his highest slkill in all Steve Maho
17 ' R . 11 C . B r. Russe prings; 55 A _ . . 11 ll ares
1 1 §dggafi€is€ton?s§:raldg Haligiisburg. vember 21 ruled that the 3 per cent tax 655:?” aCtllvftY 1011611339” [oh 3 (Efforts 1 Ed Clark F1
1‘1 . 1 Kentucky Press Women’s bomb P _d t on transportation of property imposed Pl” 1C1 61:111D oyipent 0 ICC, :17 6116 is Clggfsrci) P231
1 ,i an ; . ‘ " -
1 iii: $3313§$§§§;,H1§53§§;§?§§3 deliri‘l‘cdsselport, under the 1942 Revenue Act and effec- 510“ ( C macfe~t0 13651121): Heiefior A- Y. Marti
- “ ‘ FirSt V1“ Pres‘dei‘dt" Lilli/1“. °MY°““§’ Jgursgfi'gggfi' tive December 1 must be considered a tram ti) trans €11 to suita C W01. 1 1 Sam Living:
Second Vice Pres en; rs. ary en er , _ _ . - -1 . . 1 lltla ac- ,
3 , Record, steams. Third Vice President; MrS- J- R- freight rate increase that cannot be pass- which 1e ‘9 neec ed 1“ an €556 ; mem
‘ W11 , Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary; _ . , tlvlt . 1 ....1,.{thiimi‘1
‘.5 Missagérlth Lucas, Independent, Maysville, Corres- Cd Cu I30 consumer CXCCPt 1-11 tllC case Till W’ 1 M O 1“ C0 nmission has 1 lCCthe ser‘
1 5 pondlng Secretary; Mrs. J. L. Bradley, Enterprise, Of newsprint and a few other ltClIlS. The e I (11 lanp we 11 ’ {cal 1 us Th
1 1 5 ruling as to passmg on the tax, then, statled 1t 13? W165? an1e1n1)pyeitis 1(em Whenl e.
‘ a . . ,- ' ri ica ' 5 1e 15
. does not apply to newspiint. W1“ “e imme late 055 O C 1 1 _
1, NATIONAL eDn‘ORIAl ___________________ ployees he may file a replacement SChe" P oyee list
‘ ‘1 ‘\ i /' - ule irrespective of the state of prepal‘a- mg the R:
" 5 ’53 ASSOCIATION es’ hrzslmas Bonus . . 1 .
75“ ‘1 ”42.5““: ' I / Employe C tion of the Manning Table. The R01 Manning
‘ Internal Revenue Commissioner Hel— placement Schedule, simpler in f01‘m1 from the ]
'.‘1 vering has issued special regulations than the Manning Table, IS dCSigned t0 _ the War D
1‘ ‘ ' 3”“- covering the payment of Christmas and provide for the systematic replacement The \A
1 We, _ '. i _ ‘ . . , .
: MEMBER 155mg year-end bonuses, which speCily the foul of men who areto be called for militalry :tfatesfthat
1‘ 1‘ W followmg types of bonus payments serVice. It COHSlStS‘Of a plant summat V at our—]
1‘ ‘ 1 KY PRES which may be made without his author- and replacement llSt. The plant sum- 1 Manpower
‘ K TUC ization: (1) payments which are not mary is a survey of the personnel made 1 the Withdr
:3} ‘ 5 ASSOCIATION greater than the amount paid to the by the employer and arranged generally t1‘Ythrougl
3 OMANIZED UNI/MY- ”69 same employee or for the same position by job titles in the various departments: 1 P1aC€ments
1“ ‘5 ‘ -—————————”——‘————~ as in 1941; (2) bonuses paid in accord- it should give the number of women; d1§ruptlon
it - - , . . . to 1m '
S.“ 5 Volume Fourteen, Number Two ance With a contract entered into befme employed, the numbei of men not nimum,
'5 October 3, 1942; (3) bonuses paid in be considered for replacement such 351 The 0th
1“ 1 —-————Z—’—-—" - - - - . 1 ' ' 111-1 na - i
5‘ Gasoline For Presses accordance With the settled policy of men With lTlll’lOl children, 1)11y51cally1)er1 tivili‘g’f-fi -
,1, ‘ the employer over a period of at least fit, over 38, under 1.8; and the Illlfilace‘1 CIUdeecl , '1
i To secure a six months supply of gas- two years, calculated on a fixed percent— of men to be congldered for rep ied 1 '18 a W1:
2,". ‘ oline for washing presses, apply to your age of the salary of each employee, (4) ment such as single men and mm em . ofa 1iessei
1 local gasoline rationing board for the a bonus or other additional compensa— men Without children. The replfilcef:1 [01 of th St 0i
, :35 proper form for an E card or an R card tion based on a fixed percentage of an list: itself should list With respec 1 b 1 1 656 11
“ ' ' ’ ' l' ”l l l ' M H1 1 l m 10 ee the followmgi JO 1 Wlthdrawa]
. j: for gasoline for non—transportation use, employees 11’1(l\l(lla sa es. r. e - eac1 ma 6 e p y . d “1-5 based '
‘ ‘ . u . . ‘ V . ~ . (
‘ 1 ’ fill it out and it Will be honored, ac- vering said all other types of bonuses tltle, age, local bo