xt7xgx44tz95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44tz95/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1934 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1934 Vol.5 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, April 1934 Vol.5 No.11 1934 1934 2019 true xt7xgx44tz95 section xt7xgx44tz95 ' i' ' IN? I;
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L The Kentucky Press Association was among the first f
I of the organized state press bodies to form the Regional L)
I Code Authority as authorized by the Graphic Arts Code. L 33L
L This was done with the full sanction and approval of the , Igg L’- Lin
1 National Code Authority. This move was consumated with 3; L12 j,
| dispatch because of the efficient and far-seeing organiza- :5 .i,
I tion which has been serving the state press for over half ;{ L: 5.133,
a century. :1 L13: Eli;
Volume Five Under the leadership of George Japlin, chairman, and L13 332.3
through the efforts of the hard-working secretary, J. Cur- ..E L {L5
N b El tis Alcock, Kentucky is rapidly being organized and is 11L 13‘;
um er even functioning as smoothly and as efficiently as can be ex- I L. if);
' cted in the earl da. 5 of what has been frank] caller] ': LL
3 A I’il '934 36 e riment” Y y Y E" ‘3 313
d p ’ an xpe . . I 21“
I Of course, there will be many complalnts; these are {I IL 33‘
L _ ' expected. Nay, more, they are welcomed because it is only . .3: ‘ L,
I —_————-————_ ehrough the solutions of the many small problems that the L I E3L:
. whole can be welded into a solid and united front. L, 31 33;“3
2 Accordingly, every prinfler-publisher and commercial LLI‘ ‘LII‘
L printer in Kentucky must give every assistance to the Code 1‘_ LL IILLII'
3 officials. All communications should be answered prompt— f 3L; L
ly and in detail, as requested. At the same time our editors L ILQ
1 and proprietors must have patience in many things and IL 3.37:
not expected too much until all problems have been met and . IL L :e'
. solved. Have confidence in the state and national author- . IL ILL:
ities, but, more necessary, give them your every assistanc. 1 LI
1 - . _____________———-— ‘ 3?“
.3 ' 3 1 ‘
.— 1 . 1 3. I. 3;
— I I 3
1 L . L1’1
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 1,7,. 55'! " ‘5 A' _ .‘ 5_5 E. '
55 E 5 ' .E .5 5 5 _ ‘ 3
55-5 5' v 55553 ;
5115‘ ‘ 5‘ ‘ ‘ i
‘5‘ 1 i‘ E 5‘ ; Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1934 .
E5 ' ‘55, 3: 5 _——.——————————————-———— 5
' 55 E“ ” v .
:5 1 E5 5 . Important Informatlon From Secretary Alcock
i' 3 55 1
EE ; 5‘ “. I All printing, printing or publishing, provision that daily newspapers, for your remittance covering the initial
E555 ‘ ' ‘5 5‘ and publishing plants are definitely al- the daily newspaper publishing part of assessment, as per statement mailed
555‘ ' '5 5 ‘-.'5 ‘5 located under the Graphic Arts Code, their business only, may subscribe and you, please do so at once. They must
5555 . _ 5 5 except the newspaper side of daily assent to either the Code for the Daily have the work sheet with information
5‘E55 ‘5 5 newspapers, and since the code is now Newspaper Publishing Business (ANPA in order that the assessments may be
5555; E55 ‘15 5‘ in effect I will endeavor to give some Code). or to the Graphic Arts Code. determined. Funds are needed to carry
5555- 515 ‘5 55‘ information on the subject for the ben- Where dailies subscribe or assent to on the work, both national and re-
IEEEE‘5 ‘5 ‘55- efit of publishers and printers in Ken— the Graphic Arts Code, they are au- gional
E‘EE 3 5‘ tucky. tomatically allocated to Industry NO- Have you sent in the names of all
E‘5 ‘ . “‘ E Divisions No. A—2 and No. A—5, of A-5 for their daily newspaper and the publishing and commercial print-
3!‘ 3 5 5 55 the Graphic Arts Code, are being ad- commerclal Drmtlng husmess- T1113 ins establishments in your county?
55E‘: ‘ ‘ - ‘EE 5 E ministered by the Joint National Code puts their entire publishing and Drum" We want them to pay their share, so
‘5‘. 55 3 5 55 E. 5 Authority, set up by the National Ed- ins plant under one administration send them in to the secretary. 5
"5‘ 55 ‘ .'=?5 E itorial Association, and in Kentucky Publishers and commercial printers Remember, that all newspaper pub- ‘
5‘5 ‘ 5555‘ E ‘E‘ by the Joint Regional Code Authority, should remember that they are af- lishing and advertising plants and job
‘5EEE5‘5 ‘ ‘55‘ 5“ set up by the Kentucky Press Asso- fected by only two codes—the Graphic printing plants, regardless of size, in
‘. 5“. 55 7.5 5 ciation. Arts Industries Code and the Code for Kentucky come under the code.
55 555 ,5 55‘5 55 The official title of Division No. A-2 the Daily Newspaper Publishing Bus- For information about the code write 5
‘5. 5555 35 E55 555 is “Non-Metropolitan Newspaper Pub— mess The codes are administered as to the Jomt Regional Code Authority, 5
55 5555 55 55 555 lishing and Printing Industry.” outlined above. There are other fea— J. Curtis Alcock, Secretary, Danv1lle, 5
5. 555 5‘ 555 The official title of Division No. A—5 tures of the code that should be con- Kentucky, and not. to the JOint Na- 3
555 5 55‘, is “Daily Newspaper Publisihng and sidered and I suggest that those in— tional Code Authority. All 'questions
5". 5‘5 5 55 ,55 Printing Industry.” terested read the code and become are handled first by the Regional Au-
5 51‘ 5 NE ‘, Industries No. A-5, No. A-2, and N0. thoroughly informed on the subject. thority.
. 5‘5 5 55 55555 5 ‘ A-l all under one Graphic Arts Indus- Must Pay Assessments ' A number of remittances are coming
5‘55 5 5555 5 5 tries Code. Division No. A—1 is being Por the past three weeks I havenas in showmg no proprietors or partners.
'5 £555 ‘5 5 55 administered by the U. T. A. The acting Regional Code Administration Remember proprietors or partners are
t 5555‘ 5 5 '5 5 5 Graphic Arts Code and the Code of Manager, endeavored to compile a classed as employees and are to be as-
. ‘55 5 5 :55 Fair Competition for the Daily News- complete list of all newspapers and sessed along With the other employees.
5555 5 5" 5 paper Publishing Business are two commercial printing plants in Ken— Confidential Notlce
‘55 51555 5 ‘5' 5 5 _ separate codes. tucky that come under Divisions No. Your secretary sent out a post card
'5 555 555 5 555.5 5.55 Establishments publishing, or pub- A-2 and A—5 of the Graphic Arts Code, to members of the K.P.A. advising
'555 55:5 .5555 lishing and printing, one or more and have mailed “Work Sheets" and them that the Continental Teachers
. 555 5. 5 5 55‘ newspapers or advertising newspapers Statements for assessment. for the Agency, Denver, Coloration and the
'. 555,55 .5 5553. '5555 (except establishments in which one J01nt National Code Authority to ev— American School of Spiritual Law,
5' 5‘55 .5 5“ ‘5 5555 ‘ ‘5' or more daily newspapers are publish- eryone on my list. Most of them have Gardner, Mass, do not justify an ex-
‘5 5555 i 55 55 '55 ' ed or published and printed) are un- complied with the law and sent checks tension of credit. An investigation of
55 555 ' 55 5 5 55' der jurisdiction of No. A-2. in as directed: Others have failed to these concerns proved that they are 5
5, 555 3 555 5555 Establishments publishing, or pubs do so. This is an important matter unworthy of credit. Many newspapers 5
5 5 5.55 555155.515 lishing and printing, daily newspapers and should be attended to at once. are running these advertisements and |
55 ; .5 -' 5; 55 5'5 (except such establishments which as— Copies of the code have. also been if they had been members of the K. 5
55 f ‘5 555 sent to the Code of the Daily News— sent to all those on my list. Those P. A. they would have received the
5 5 5 ‘ 55 '55 paper Publishing Business) are under not having received copies of the code warning. ‘5
'55 5. . 5 5 5 E5 the jurisdiction of A—5. or the “Work Sheet” and Statement It pays to be a member of the Ken— 5
5 55 :5 5 55 5 55 Commercial relief printing estab- for assessment, are asked to commun- tucky Press Association. If you are 5
55‘ 55 5'5 5 1'55 5' 55 lishments as defined in the Code, being icate with Secretary Alcock, Danville. not a member, write Secretary Alcock 5
5" EE 5 ‘5 5 ‘ 55 all such establishments engaged in COSt 53’5th for information. 5
5555‘ 55 55; 5', 5 commercial relief printing which do Many requests are coming in about ____._
‘5 5 5,1 5“ 55 5 5 5‘55 not publish, or publish and print, news- guides of fair value under the Graphic T0 Non-MBtl‘Opoman NeV‘ZSDaDel' .
.5 5.55 _5j5 55 ‘5 5‘5 5 5 papers or advertising newspapers, shall Arts Code. Industry No. A-1 (UTA) PUPIISher§ and 00111111815013] 5‘
E5- 55» :5 5:55 be divided between A-l, Commercial tried to get NRA approval for the Printers In Kentucky: ‘
' 5‘- 55 5' 5.5 55 5 555 Relief Printing Industry, and A-2, Franklin price list under section 26 (f), DIVIS_10nS N0. A-2 and No. A—5 of the 5
5 555 5'; § : 55 5 55 Non-Metropolitan Newspaper Publish- but the NRA consumers board object- Graphic .AE‘E‘S IndliStrleS Code, are be- 3‘
5 55-5 5, ‘3".5 5E5} ing and Printing Industry, and No. A— ed. Therefore the matter has not yet ing administered in Kentucky by the E
‘3 ‘55: i 5 5“, 555 5, Daily Newspaper Publishing and been settled and the result is that the KentuCkY Press Association, working '
5 ' 5‘55 5 5: 5 5 E55“ Printing Industry, as follows: code provision against selling or of- under the National Editorial Associa- 5
3 5‘55 5 ‘E 5 j E:‘-55 First: Upon the basis of member- fering to sell below the establishments tion. The N. E. A. has SEED up a Jomb
E "55 55 5. 5 5:5 5 ship provided for in the Code. own cost is the only guide at present. National Code Authority and the
. :‘ 55‘ 5‘5 =5. Second: Those remaining shall be This puts plants who do not know K.P.A has set up a Joint Regional
55 5‘ 5 555 5 divided upon the basis of location. their own costs “on the spot.” The Code Authority, carrying 01153 the pro—
‘5 55‘. 5. 55 3.5551 5 35; within or without metropolitan areas National Code Authority is working visions of the law, which is now In
‘ ~ 5 . .5: ‘5 ‘5 “ 5.‘ as defined by the Code. on the problem and will probably have effect. 5
5.5 55 ‘5 '25 5'35 ‘55‘ Third: Those thus located in non- something to report soon. In the Non-metrOpolitan publishing and
5 55 :55 5'5 5 3555‘ metropolitan areas shall be divided meantime I suggest that all printing printing industry comes under Indus- 5
5 ‘ 3 9 E "5 5 ‘5‘, upon the basis 0f the annual sales establishments get together and adopt try No. A—2, and daily newspaper pub-
!, 555E { 555 E 555 ' volume, mentioned in the Code. their own cost system and quit selling lishing and printing industry comes
5‘5 ‘55 ,5 55% 5 3155 E5555“ Every establishment is definitely al- below cost, as the code is now in ef- under Division No. A—5, both under the
' ’55 5“ 555' t5.:“ 5 located to its Industry by the Code fect. jurisdiction of the Joint Regional Code 5
5 555i5 55 5.555 55555 and they have no choice as to by Code Assessment Authority. Establishments under our
5555:5555 {.5 “53755 ‘55 whom they are to be administered. If you have not forwarded to the jurisdiction are classified asrfollows:
1‘53" 5‘5 {355 55 The only semblance of choice is the National Code Authority in Chicago Publishing (only) weekly newspaper .
5:2: 53‘ 5 ‘ 5:55 55.3 ' *
5A4355 5 :55
5:555:55. :53 i 5.53
5 ‘5 5 .5; :53 5
55;, \5 3 -" ‘4 ‘E E 5‘“; E455: 5 ‘ ‘ .‘ 5
5155‘ , 7 "
~5a551 W __;;V _.._ a, .

 ., - is: I .
‘ ' 5| ,1 Ti ‘

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" {iii 1 E.’ .

‘ . 253 V :25:
I 1, April, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 11 i : 5
——-———— L: . ‘
l publishing and printing (only) weekly out a special graduation issue of your cord the happenings of the little towns 55:55 .5 51.”;
‘ newspaper; publishing and printing paper.. 5 around us, one gains renewed faith in '5 ,1. E51:
Weekly newspaper and doing commer- Many newspapers have taken kindly life. Here are set forth only that .5? II 5-5: 5;
itial cial printing (combination shop); pub- to this idea and have issued splendid which uplifts a community—the activ- 'I E: 5
tiled fishing (only) daily newspaper; pub- editions during graduation week. The Ities of the busmess men, the church 1‘; ".3 51?.
nust lishing and printing (only) daily news- edition should be printed on special items, the happy social gatherings of I 55- 555 ;
.tion paper; publishing and printing daily glazed book paper for bringing out the the people, theImarriages, births and 5: l 2‘
V be newspaper and doing commercial half-tones. It should carry ind1v1dual deaths, farmers items. and all the ,31 ,iII
arry printing (combination shop); commer- cuts of the principal, the high school, thousand and one daily occurrences 5-55. 51:,
re- cial printing only; advertising news— school board, etc., and group pictures that make up the Simple annals of the III 55I. 55
papers, publishing only, and advertis— of the graduates (single if feasible), great common people, who are really lIIf 1,115
5‘ all ing newspapers, publishing and print— football, baseball, and basketball teams, the foundation 0f thlS broad country 5:5 5;.5 :1'55 :
‘int- ing. and numerous other school activities. of ours. 5; I 5
nty? Since the Joint Regional Code Au- Many of these illustrations you have Sometimes people speak lightly of . .3: II’ £5 5,
3, ’50 thority of Kentucky was set up the already in your library. Editors have the country newspaper, but it is one i I! tiI
secretary and acting administration found that the graduating class, of the most potent and uplifting fac- If}: If i": 5
Dub- 5 manager has made an effort to com- teachers, etc., will help pay (sometimes tors in our national existence.—Chris— 555 555:
job pile a list of all publishing and print— the entire cost) the cost of the half— tian Science Monitor. . III .1
a, in l ing establishments in the state that tones as they would have to meet that ———_ 1:33
come under Divisions No. A—2 and No. cost if an annual book were printed. COMMUNITY CALENDAR, III 555
vrite “ A-5 of the Graphic Arts Code. “Work Your advertisers will surely 000perate — :5 Eg-'..;
urity, K Sheets” and “Statements” for admin- in special advertisign, etc. A year-round booster for the com- :fI I
ville, I istration assessments by the Joint Na— Start working on this idea at once; munity of Garretson, S. D., is its com- 1:52 ,1
Na- . tional Code Authority have been mail- you have a month to work it up. Do munity calendar, an enterprise of the ’. 3,15,
lions ed to every establishment on our list. not forget to secure orders for extra Commercial club of that city for many .' I? j".‘7
Au- Many of the establishments have filled papers from the students and their years. The calendar sharply focuses .g ,5: 5
out the forms and mailed checks, as families. You might print an order attention on the community. John P. <51 I f
hing required, but others have not done so. blank for that purpose. Such a spec~ Sanders, editor of the Garretson News, I515 I If};
tiers. Copies of the code have also been ial edition will require work, but it Will is a member of the club. I7.“ II j-. ‘
are { mailed to those coming under our jur- pay YOU in dOHaI‘SI g00d W111, and sat- Started 11 years ago, the calendar is r 5
l as- isdiction, or will be sent to those who isfaction. A tip: watch your underlay popular with the residents and busi- L }l. ;]
yeeS. have not received them upon request. and overlay in the printing thereof.—— ness men of Garretson. Solicitation 5 “ .I '31:
If you have not received copies of the V. R. P. of the business firms of the town rais- ,'f' T; i- E
card work sheet, Statement and code, kind~ h ed sufficient money to defray expenses. ,. 1‘ 51 ’f
ising ly write to J. Curtis Alcock, Danville, OLD BOOKS 1N COMMUNITY The number of contributors has var— ‘ a ‘
:hers Kentucky. MAKE GOOD FEATURE STORY led from some over 40 to 29 in 1933. 11.5 .
the A system of accounting and cost —- No one firm pays more than $25, and 1»; II. 55'
Law, finding will be adopted by the National An Iowa paper carried a feature the lowest conltribution is $5. ,5 >2:
, ex- Code Authority. as provided in the story about 01d books in the commun- “The past few years,” Mr. Sanders 5;, I‘I5‘
In of code, at an early date. The provision ity recently, leading to considerable reports, ”there has been a committee 3' ' 1‘35}
are 55 against selling or offering to sell be- interest, and several follOW-up stories to budget the fund so that each one ‘5, g," L
ipers 3 low the establishment’s cost is the only with manuscripts dating back as far who comes in pays his proportionate ' '5 III-
and | guide at present. “I know this puts as 1671. share. Of course some will not con— 5:5 55- :51»
e K. I plants which do not know their own “Savil’s Redemption" in three vol- tribute. No other calendars are issued 15-57;
the costs on the spot,” says National Ad— umes, written by Rev. John Savil in in Garretson by the business men, with . Iii;
‘5 ministration Manager, C. A. Baum- 1871, or 262 years ago, was unearthed the exception of a few small ones from |. i 5 I5
Ken— 5 gart, who further says “We are work- in the attic of one subscriber, and wholesale houses with the dealer’s I'
are ‘5 ing on this problem and hope to have others found books over 100 years old. name (my ' I :
[cock I something further on it to report A merchant, especially one who Each year’s picture on the calendar, 1'5 I35 IEI‘
I soon.” handled books, might be prevailed up- taken by a local photographer, is of l 5‘: II
The National Code Authority by- on to give a prize for the oldest book natural scenery of the Garretson re- 5. III
5 laws (printed on the statement blank) found, but whether he does or not, gion, a beauty spot of South Dakota. II I?)
I’ states that proprietors and partners there is a good deal of interest in such The overall measurement is 14 by 22 I55 515,5,
1 are to be included in the list of em— stories. inches: Reading from top to bottom I355 III:

fthe i ployees. A few establishments have ———_——— are: waterfall picture in three colors; ' E 5'; ti:
a'be- ,5 overlooked this important matter in THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER the greeting, “Best Wishes from the I 155;:
' the :’ filling out the work sheet. —‘ Business Men of Garretson, S. D.”; the '. ‘I i 1:
rkiIng - Remember, the code is in effect. Turning from city newspapers to calendar pad, and the notice: “See 5:51 .
oc1a- 5 Anyone desiring information may write small town press exchanges that come Business Directory Under Calendar i I 5-;
Joint to Secretary Alcock, who is serving as to the editor’s desk is like stepping Pad.” I .- F
the Administration Manager until the from the slums, full of vice, into an Calendars of this community adver- I II 72".:
ional Jomt Regional Code organization can old-fashioned garden sweet With lav— tising nature can be run not only on :i .
pro— be completed. ender and thyme and the scent of a January to January basis, but also II 5ng
W in J. CURTIS ALCOCK perennial flowers. The pages of big on a monthly or a seasonal basis, or 525 3 II
1 Administration Manager dailies are so full of murder, thieverY~ from May to May, for instance. ’1 I5

and E— immorality and selffishness that the 5.5 ii.
iduls- It GRADUATION EDITION better news is obscured by these glar- —__ :‘II i1]
pu ' -— ing shatterings of the Decalogue. One 5 5. 25::
omen If your high school does not issue an puts the papers aside with a feeling OurK $13023“? b23333? 13:): . f IIll

r the Annual, you have a splendid opportun- of depresson and heartache that the every; m ilin mfin; f :mutifal in- . 5.}. ~

Code I ity to make some extra money. and, world is so full of tererible and un— . gamitiox: ngn Sou (:10 this” 1‘ 5

- our at the same time, do a constructive bit happy things, ‘ y ' , I
ws: In your community service by putting Then picking up the papers that re- —— it:
aper- [I ' .f‘l
- ‘ it

. ii; iii

‘ ' .’ 3 i?
‘ - , 31' IE.

 I.II.'I'¥’T"“?II in {II I III A I - I I I I I I I I I I I. I I II I
III: II « I 1
II . II I .
I. II I 1 .. I
II I II I I I Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1934 I
.I‘ I III ' I I I ——————-——_'——‘———_————-—-—-—-—'—‘_— I
I ‘III I II ‘: I I I ‘
.r“ I I III I. I I I . . . .
III‘ I III I I I I I tom sheet Will obstinately stick to the the end of each month and eliminates ‘
III I III III. I II Kentuqu Press cutter, making the stock uneven and the one source of dissatisfaction, Short I
IIII I I I I I. _________.____————_—. hard to jog. In this case, sprinkle a ratin , which in nine cases 0
III II II I I I Official Publicatixn of THE Ksmocxv little talcum on the bottom of the few, fiewspapers are able to 31:3,)“:
III I III I. , w cutter. if they do collect, the collection causes
II'II‘II I I" I: I I ; VICTOR R. PORTMANN Editor a sore spot With the customer.
, III . III . I .I _ ._ ASK ME ANOTHER 2. About the 25th of the month, the
III . .II II Primed on THE KERNEL Puss, Denart- —— advertising department is able to check
I I I III II mem 0f Journalism, UniVCTSi‘Y 0f Here’s a feature that has Proved up the number of inches to that date I
II II I -II III Kentucky, Lexmgton populalr overdthe entire country, 139th that has been run by each advertiser
.I;;:' I II PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS m da‘ ‘65 an m commum y Wee 165' and has a selling argument In being
11 I I I 'I . . Why not start a weekly feature in your able to show the advertiser that by
II. II I I III I‘ :1 George A. Joplin, JL . _ . President Eiget’hiiféfliafgafis :15: 3:135:23? the use of additional space he will fall
I iII I ’ III II I- — Commonwealth, Somerset u . . gt g p d in a 1W” rate column.
. I II . I III. II II A. Robbins _ . _ Vice-President cal locatlonSI etc, In your. OWI’} an Making no exception to the display
II I I I II I Courier, Hickman CuulltY- Old‘Settlel‘S Iand inhabitants rate card is a prime essential for suc- I
III III I I II J. Curtis Alcock . _ . See-Treasurer w111 help you, ask their cooperation in cess, the newspaper found_ I
,II III I I I II. . Messenger, Danville sending 1n questions and answers. ________
III III I II: Make lt a prize contest, if you WiSh: The Press congratulates Editor Den-
III I I ‘II I , EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE in cooperation with some merchant: ny Spragens, Lebanon, on the splendid
I III :I II ——:—- . . it will pay you in reader interest-—- 16-page edition of the Marion Falcon I
II III III J. L. Crawford, Chairman, Times—Trib- V. R. P. on the occasion of the 100th Anniver- I
I- I : III III line, Corbin. _ . ——————‘—- sary of Marion Icounty. It. was a .
II‘. II I III I G. M. Pedley, Herald, EddyVllle, J. L. SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE TIME brlght, newsy edltlon, fun of 1Hustra- I
LI II' I I II I . Bradley. Enterprise, Providence; Vance —— tions and historical facts of Marion
i III I I III E Armentrout, Courier -J Ournal, Louis- Now that general business is show- county and of Lebanon. It was a cred-
IZII II‘ I I II . V1118; J. P. Gozder, News—Journal, ing a strong dISDOSitiOH 130 return to it to the editor and his staff, and to
'EI III III II II III Campbellsvflle; Keith H. Hood, Demo- normal many newspaper publishers Kentuck ‘ '
I.I I. I II I I I, , I y Journalism. I
I III III I: III I_~ cratI BEdeTdI T1105. R. Underwood, are tightening their subscription credit _____————-——
r, I III I. HeraIdI Le’fimgmn; Joe CostellOI Demo- policies, or declining altogether to car- The N. E. A. gained a signal victory
I II I I. I ‘I II ”at cynthl‘ina; J-TINOHISIIndePend' ry non-paying “subscribers.” in their fight against the discrimina-
E III I III .I III 611131, fishland, R. L. Elkin, Central .Rec' “No credit” is the sign figuratively tory provisions injurious to newspaper
II: III .‘I II III: I II gla's ”“5““ J08 RmhardsonI TlmeSI posted insome business offices, as pub- advertising as affecting the smaller
I III; .II I III I I) go.“ . lishers also realize the significant vol- newspaper in the Tugwell 13111. Ac-
IIIIIIII I I I III Chairman Legislative Committee: ume of flow of C. W. A. and P. W. A. cording to advises from Washington,
I II ~ II :III I ,I B. B. COZIDB, Shelby NEWS, Shelbyville. funds into their communities. all such provisions were removed from
,II I III: .= II I III —————-——————— An eastern publisher writes: the bill, and all provisions requested
I I, .II :II III I A FRIEND PASSES “In the past month I’ve spent a good by the N. E. A. were added in the
’.I I II; I .III ‘I __ bit of time cleaning up my subscrip- final draft“
III II I I'II Tom stark has left us The mam- tion list. I would have a lot of money ________
I: II I I. I I bers of the Fourth Estate in Kentucky if all of them would Pay up and 1"“ THOMAS H. STARK
II III I. II ' I I have lost a comrade and a friend. He getting hard boiled on the subject. I __ I
III. I: {I ‘II'. I ‘I worked long and hard in the develop- refuse longer to send my paper to any- . I
I 5 III I ment of journalism in his state and one who W111 ROI? pay for it the same Thomas H‘ Stark, pres1dent Of the
II‘ I, I:I I. I had done much in the promotion of as they pay for other necessary items Stark Advertlsmg Agency, Martin '
I‘I - ['1‘ LI - III . community newspapers, in both the for the home.” Brown Bulldmg’ Louisv1lle, dled March
I J I IE :I I II I editorial and advertising departments, ——’——— 12’ at his home’ 56 Easmver Park’ at" I
I‘ III II II III I His genial smile, his kindly interest, EFFECTIVE RATE PLAN 2:525:13; 11:32:25 0(1); several months. He .
I Hi I; III II I I and his loyalty will be sadly missed in ~ - . ' - - I»
I, II: .3 ;III I“ the Kentucky Press Association of HOW a special display rate card was Mr. Stark was born.1n_ Blue LICK I
I I .- I I. I II III‘ . substituted for the local contract sys- Ind. and moved to Louisville when he
I III ;' II . II I :.I which had been long a member. The - - - I - -
I. II. II I. I. II . I Press joins in extendin th h term, to the complete satisfaction 01 was a boy. He was educated in public
I- II.- . II: I II of the edito f th g e sympat y customer and advertising department schools there, and after his graduation I
, _ III. II" I I I III . . .r5 0 e State t0 ms 5‘11“ is thus described by a publisher: from the Louisville Male High School I
IIIF I I : I II‘ Vlvmg famfly- “W did aw 'th 11 lo 1 - . I
-III ‘E I I .I II t te d tagl‘viild a d' in 001:- studled in Germany. I
I; I,_I III 1; II II rac S an es a 15 e a 1513 fly ra e He entered the advertising business I
I II II I I I MAT CASTING HINT card with the graduated scale from in Louisville when a young man, and I
. III; I. ; I; I: I . — our open rate downward. both as to was associated with M. B. Lowman in II
I II: I. II I .There 15 a Way to overcome wrink- inches and rate, and making the the stark—Lowman Company before I
I fII-I I; I I I II lung and hardening 1n casting matS. a spread between the number of inches forming his own company. He spec- I
. I; I If .I II I II problem often. encountered, especially used small enough to interest the buY- ialized in state-wide display advertis-
‘I I II I II II “1 mats cmtammg a MIR-tone- Rub er of advertising to get into a lower ing and and nation-wide classified ad-
I I II I. .II III a properly baked and dried mat with rate column by using more inches vertising for newspapers and other
I . II 1' 1. II I. I III pure glycerine and place it for a few ri ' ‘
I I “I I . . II . . ‘ .du ng the calendar month. periodicals.
,II‘ II I: 'II I IIIII minutes 111 9» warm SPOt. Mats Which “We simple asked our advertisers to He was a member of St. Mark'3
I I If Ii III III have become “71‘1“le may also be sign this rate card as agreeing to the Episcopal Church, the Optimist club.
I’ I‘ III I‘. II I II softened Wlth glycerme before making rates outlined and they then make and the Advertising club of Louisville-
III I I I. III a cast. . their own rate according to the num- Survivors include his wife, Mrs. ‘
F I III;: III II Glycerlne does not create steam ber of inches used within the calen- Nellie IBuckler Stark, and five sisters.
III III II“ III III II when heated as water does and there dar month.” Mrs. Charles T. Hatheway and Mrs. ‘
I II; II II. III I II: III W111 be no 10111010195 made under the The system has these advantages Marion Forrester, both of Chicago;
.I-; II II 3-, II I L: II mat. . _ . over the old contract system: Mrs. Ambrose Bruner, North Vernon,
IE I 'II III I, I I, I II Sometimes 1n CUttlng enameled Da- 1./_It closes out the customer’s bus- 1nd,; Mrs. Joseph Burge, Sn, and Mrs-
I:'-'_-- I: II I II. I. II I Ix: I DBI‘S— always hard to handle, the bot- iness and the newspaper’s business at William Atwood.
eIII III . '
II I; .11’ ,I E? III .
h ' . ‘ ‘ ~ . h- I ~ J
”I“ IIII I .- , ‘

 ‘ 5 "1‘1"." 1""? r
' ‘ $333 135 "
. i?“ 'I‘
4 , April, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five ,1
ates ‘ V v 1
1,... - Contest Rules For l934 Flve Prlze Contests
it: Five contests will be open to Ken~ which will be considered in the judg» one of the above prizes. :1 :3,
1’18“ tucky papers in the annual 1934 {news- ing are subject matter, thought 56- The All-Around Contest : :3: j
‘ paper prize contest and each editor ‘5 quence, community appeal, rhetoric Every editor is urged to enter his 7:": 3,} L1,.
the privileged and urgedt to sand h1s etntrty (diction, unity, figure of speech, punc- paper in this contest. There are many h: 131 «.5.
neck in for each cohltes. ‘Id‘ ese 00h ess tuation), and vocabulary. Prizes of- excellent newspapers in the state and A :3; '
date , include best. a -:r:tun d‘tonhvl‘spah‘gt fered are: first, silver set; second and each editor is justly proud of his pro— 3?,1 3r 3'
tiser b95115 fight pagcf‘b et cfve‘rtirs‘ii‘i‘ con'b- third, certificates. duct. There are no restrictions as to 413,1 .-
einu news. 5 TY: an es a g 1, Each contestant is required to select the size 0f the paper 01‘ the circula- ‘55, "“E t.
; b; postuondn . to the rules amended last one editorial published in his paper tion — every one stands an equal 4‘
fall Accor 1 g . 1. 'b1 t 1: between the dates of May 1, 1933, and chance. In answer to the question 0f 31f} {53“
year, no heWépaPIell‘ 315 331%: e 0 e2 61; May 1’ 1934. The editorial should be the relative merits of the all—around 233:] i .3 1
pm any cflntesghénsgccfedfn atsw‘g’m 8;: pasted on a sheet of paper with the newspaper. the following comments i :31
sue" place or . . . . g y ' notation of name of newspaper, date are offered: ‘ a; i’
.. , Also, no editor is eligible unless he has _ , , u G 1 A _ Th‘ , h ”:3 3 1
1 attended the last mid-winter meeting of issue, and writers name. No can- enera. . ppearance. ls 15‘ t {e iii .1
of the K.P. A. ned’“ or chpped editorials Will be con— fii‘St requisite Of a paper and this Is 1% iii.‘
Den- ' The exhibit this year promises to be suit-red m thls COhtBSt' given, therefore, t.h e largest percen- 2% {‘1
ndid one of the largest and best since the BESt News Story Contest , tage. Items contributing to the beSt light: ‘ ‘
tlcon I contest began. The committee is is- At the request _Of a number Of edl" general appearance W111 be. correct ad- 131-533
iver- ‘1 suing this call for the newspapers to t0rs,3this contest is contmued for com- vertismg and text composltion, make— .‘t‘tfl ,3,
as a , be entered, and, as in the past, vai_ petition this year on the best com— up and press worls. a uniform system ‘, 3.3;?
stra- i uable prizes will be offered. The rules munity news story. The factors to be ’ 0f headlines. Whhe cartoons and 11' f3 ‘3‘
irion and regulations for each contest fol- considered are content, sentence and lustrations contribute to the attrac- -, 13,]
med- low. The papers will be put on dis- paragraph structure, thought, unity, “Veness and 5"“ general appeara‘lce 11:9? 3 {33%
.d to play at the mid-summer meeeting. coherence, vocabulary, t