xt7xgx44tw92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44tw92/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-12-03 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 12, December 3, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 12, December 3, 1914 1914 1914-12-03 2015 true xt7xgx44tw92 section xt7xgx44tw92 Best Copy Available
/ € T` '
‘ University of Kentucky
I . I I
° ····· I ··· I ···· I ··—·· ·-·
Kentnekians Give Sister · Graduates of State Univer- Some Works of Professorsl Mass Meeting of Student Cgwtter $**01:98 Touchdown
· State Defeat for Defeat sity in Years Gone by Are That Have Brought Fame I Body in Chapel at or entgc &a°“ Fumble
Thanksgiving Day. Put in Control. to Institution. 3:30 Today. ‘  
——-— ···_- —‘*_ ·‘—"- HARD FOUGHT GAME
.....   —-— -—. -—- Outwelghed, but not outcloaoed, the
· ln one of the hardest fought b¤tt16¤`·|• 0 O O 4 0 O 0 ·I• O 0 O Q (By Anlta Crabbo.) A large number of the students of Iwudcat muh lost ns mul num at me
. on the local grldlron this seasonl•|» NEW TRUSTEES O Interestlng and valuable oontrlbu- the University have petitioned J. T. season to me volunteers 23 to 6. on
Tlgert‘s fast Freshman eleven rompedlé P. P. Johnson, Jr., L•xIngton.466 ol tions to the world': literature have Gelder, preoldent of the Student Ath· wan Fmd_ u pm of · wr", du
_ over the scrubs from the Unlversltylt J. E. Brown, 8h•Ibyv|||• .... 461 0 been made from tlme to time, by mom- lettc Association, to call a meetlng of c8|,,b,,m0n_
I of Tennessee, Thanksgiving Day, to O J. I. Lylo, New York, N. Y .... 370 0 bers of the faculty of State University the Association. The students have, Surely, if ever. the mu Vu on an
I the tune of 33 to 0. Io G. G. Brock, London, Ky ..... 361 O‘of Kentucky. In addition to many as on previous occasions, become dIs· mum in tm, num, fm. Puk md mm
The game was scheduled With the O John W. Woodo, Aohland, Ky.348 O monographs and magazine artlclos, ntlsded with conditions pertaining to both wom injured md removed from
' Freshman eleven from Tennessee, bnt=·|~ Dr. S. B. Marks, Loxlngton. . .298 O published at various times by profes- the present management of athletIcs.`th6 game baton the ond of the unt
ln thelr anxley to win, the Tenne¤o•0`¤I» O rt ·I» ·I» 4 4 0 0 O 0 O O. sors of the University, the books ot A meeting, as requested by many hm; park mined · com god by
' boys brought along several other men, The ballotlng for members of the Dr. A. S. Mackennlo on Southcn: and students, has been called by the pres- inches and mmm fumbled puns n
. from the scrubs whom they played in ` Board of Trustees from the Alumni of English literature; a mechanical ident of the Association, which will be l very inopponum mmm
the game on Stoll Field._ Howover.`State University closed Tuesday, De- treatise by John Pascal Brooks; Prot. held In chapel this afternoon at 3:30.i This victory for Tonnage pnctb
L the Freshmen were in position to show , cetnber 1, at noon, and resulted In the J. T. C. Noo'| book of poems, and A proposed constitution will be sub- cally gives umm the cmmpionship of
_ their own prowess against even the election of P. P. Johnson, J. E. Brown, Judge Lyman Chalkley’s historic mitted to the Student Association and Dixie fm. th, anon Auburn, on ·c_
I scrubs of Tennessee, and after mak- for the term ot stx years; J. I. Lyle, works have established an enviable sboudl It be adopted the election oficount of chtmpiommp of 1913 md
I lng ilve touchdowns while the Tenne¤· G. G. Brock for four years and John reputation for tho Institution from a ofncers will be chosen at this date. being undgfonod this seuom hu put
= see crowd was thlnklng about setting W. Woods, Dr. S. M. Marks for the literary viewpoint. All students are requested to belm A claim, but football men of me
l started, permitted them all to so back term of two years. \ Maok•n¢I•'• Work Notable. lpresent and take part In the atfalrs of   South concede me Knoxville mm as
i to Knoxville, with the exception of the A total ot 616 votes were cast In the The ilrst member of the present too- adopting the constitution and election me champions of the S_ It A_ A_
i • left hnlfbaek, William Ragland, who election by alumni from all over the nlty to ORS! S work of Ultdll DON of 0f¤¢•|'|· \ The game was hard {ought and
i was badly hurt ln the latter part of Unlted States and trom Chinn, So¤tn\w•s Doctor A. 8. Mackenzie. D••¤ of` —-··•·••······‘ Tennessee earned every yard gained
I, the game. . Africa, Honolulu and the Philippines. Graduate School and former professor over our 155-pound line. Every mm
{ “ A late report from Good Samaritan who ‘rh•y Arc. of English In the University. In 1904       lon the team fought true to has tltle
  H0gp{tn]_ where Mr, Ragland is under P, P. Johnston, a member of the Doctor'M•cken2ie wrote the tlrst 111B-I and made the game alive at all stages
L treatment tor concussion of the brain. class of 1899, Is a prominent land tory of Lexington Lodge, No. 1, Freel       of me gum,
g was that he was resting easy. owner and farmer of Fayette County and Accepted Masons. This W3 al Tennessee in Lindsay, Vowell, Kel-
E Doctor Tiggrt, as coach, has de- and has been a member of the Fayette  small Work, but slnce the lOd8e IB overg -—-—— ley and Carroll have a quartet good
  veloped a winning team, which prob- County School Board slnoe 1908. lone hundred and twenty-Ilve years old 5 Impressive Song is Impr€S— enough for my mam in the south
- ably rgnkg as high as any Fresh- J, E. Brown graduated In 1903, De-land no complete record of It had e¥81‘ . 1 S b M. C   Most of Tenuess»ee’s gains were made
man team ln the country. Dur- partment of Agriculture, and is nowlappeared, It Involved a great deal of Sw? y upg y _ ISS a' ° Iby vowel; and Lindsay. For Kentucky
  lng the season only six olnts Were presldent of the Shelby Loose Leai’_research. €1°U1€ M1t·€h€11 U1 Chapel Sch,a_d€,._ Tuttle, Scott ud Cmmhel,
  scored against them, by the Strons Warehouse Company and a director ini In 1908 Doctor Mackenzie collab- Judge LymmQalkley has com-xlgd in the most consistent work on
IO team from the Institute for the Deaf the Citizens' Bank of Shelbyville. Iorated with other southern scholars In ' jboth the defensive and offensive,
· and Dumb at Danville. A total of 287 J. I. Lyle graduated from the Colyproducins the"L|br¤1'y of Southern· p°°°d mr Bmw University an imuwm while Bailey and Hedges did good
» points was piled up by the Freshmen, lege ot Mechanical Engineering In Literature," whose sixteen volumest Wlllcll mey be used ¤·¤ ¤¤ l¤V°°¤·t1°¤`work ln many lustnuctm
whleh equals the record of almost any 1896 and took his Masters degreeLwere published at Atlanta, Ga. Hel hymn at chapel exercises and as an? Hedges run rm- 30 yards new- close
mum ln the country. three years later. He is now head en- was one of the four writers to bel Alma Mate, Song for the g[udgn[g_·0f third quarter through the Tennes-
Although Tennessee’s standardFWnS glneer and general manager of the singled out for special mention byiTh€ Song was Sung beautifully in`S€., team_ was me greatest gain for
lllfted up to the breeze on Walt ield Cvarrler Air Conditioning Company of reason. of style and thought, " ichapell Wednesday, by Miss Katherine the day The punung of Schrade,.
hanksgivlng day, their colors Werelhew York City. He was president ot. Evolution of Literature. lmimheul a Junior in me College of ave,-aged 10 yards more than K€“8y_
trampled in the dust on Stoll Field. K, S, U. Alumni Association 1913-1914.% Again In 1911 appeared the "Evoln- Agriculture. who punted for Tennessee. Tuttle,
Z?;’§ZL“.EZ2 ’ ?.’.?§’.If’.ZZf§’.Z?EZI.EZ‘.1 TEE l ...IQ1;..E‘.;  “‘§’.;’§§§"ZL‘2I’.Z`§   if LZT12.‘§I,5 ‘§$§ZL“2‘?"...Z.‘If5.ZZ EEZ. "JZZI M **·* —· em       T· C-     "?“’   *" “’€“  
*1* see llne tor lon and shortflr lh- d Com n d ted from even bee bll h d I th U It d\Ecmn addressed the Students and LBO  { game of football {Dime Blue and
ennes H i d 08 D8 Y. STR UB ¤ DU 9 G ¤ 6 ¤ 6 J. Sandman and Miss Katherine \\hlte. His allaround work, both on
‘ gains, while the Tennessee backs were I the Arts College of this Institution in|States and It IB the only anthropologi- Mitchell sang Solos. end and at half back, should give him
unable to make consistent gains. 'I`he|1898. cal study of literature ln the world. The anthem, Set to the mm of ,,_ plane, on me All_S0uth€rn mam
long runs by Captain Rodes, often} J. W. Wood, ot the College of Arts, It received the commendatlon of schol— __Am€Mca’,, follows: Rainey played his nrst game slnee
through the whole Tennessee team, class of 1896, Is county attorney of ars, not only In America but in the early In season against Louisville and
were features or the day. The line-up l lloyd County. He is one of the most European countries as well as in In·\ To th. cl". 0, 1915. made many gains on end runs,
follows: _successfuI attorneys ln the State. dla, Japan and Australia. It has been I Park, near end of tlrst quarter, be-
Ky_ Fresh, Posltlons. Tenn. Fresh.; Dr. S. B. Marks graduated fromltranslated Into Spanish for use In thelhmucky, NOW ti) thee gan to pass, and lr he and rllte had
qiuuydon, Klnne.L.i}.lt ..... llrInk1ey)State University In 1895 and receivedlSpanIsh-speaking countries of the`Smm l,“{vm_my’ ’ `not been put out the score would have
llleke;-son ,,,.., L,T.R ....... Spivey k his M. D. at Columbia University In world and is considered one of the our {ami we pledge. been closer.
  ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   ‘‘‘‘‘‘           and     “°“’        
spalslngy ....... R.G.L .... Mambaughl - .........-........ “HI•tory of Englloh LIt•ratur•" Tempmm mums, tgleirnellillrfhe Tennessae soul only to
, · t·l..n., om, from enemies 8 ¤*~·¤¤¤I¤e¤· -<>¤l¤ try *0
Server ,,,,,.,.. R,T.L ........ MorrIs  MR. PHILO DIX WIILL MAKE AN Next the author Complewd h1S "H1¤· About Thee hedgel kick, which never netted anything,
C. Haydon ..... R.1·1.l. ......... Welch ADDRESS TO THE V. M. C. A. SUN- tory of English Literature" lt was In the tlrst quarter Tennessee
Rodes (C) ...... Q.ll ...... Donaldsonl DAY EVENING AT 6:15. L. J. SAND- published In 1914 by the Macmillan u rushed the ball down the field and
Grggfelder .,... L.l~I.R ....... Lothropl MAN WILL SING. ALL YOUNG Company. This work was unanimous- Oh, Alma Mawr dam,. Vowell went over tor the tlrst toucll·
llrltton, Kinne ..l·‘.ll ....... Gllbreuth   MEN AND FACULTY OF THE UNI-lly adopted by the Kentucky Textbook Thy mw upon us hem, 'down_ Carroll kicked gnnk Many of
Gibson ......... l1.H.l. ...... Ra land VERSITY A INVITED TO AT- Commission last Ju .
suhstltutes; Kentucky ~— l·Ju:ank,iTEND THISTAEETING. thas been accepted I:'vTsl;'11o1?;ntT;ct1lOilI; Now let thou Shine!   wfurgowirs lbegun in
Kelley, Ilarrlson, Flynn. 'I‘enncssee—| .___..•..._... of Missouri and Washington. lim up my coumenumxn lm,. sn,. ;,,m,·es:h D? gotlrg [Gym? 8
Kolth Fowler and Adams. THE FOUR-K CLUB WILL MEET 'I‘hIs one is the only book In exis- Thy grace and peace enhance; lt . ·L · A lg or W . (fun-
· ` I Hung. flgm [hy crown Shun glangth I 0* r"- relxnessee 1111B 1111lt* 1B(‘t‘lVt*d
()|'|lt·lals—~(‘uswell, of oeorgetown.‘MONDAY, DEc.7, AT NOON, IN Trllltence that meets the college require- And strength dmml the Itlck-ori, hut ralled to gnln gud
Referee; Rodeo, of Kentucky, Umpire; |EDUCATION BUILDING. IMPORT-I ||l0ll1B for UIQ Yell' 1915 to 1919. A wwr M ,kIckcd to Park, who returned 5 yards,
lvltzgernld, of 'I‘cnnessec, llead Lines- ANT BUSINESS. EVERYONE ll valuable feature of the book Is Its one ALL STUDENTS IN QHAPEL ATI um, und Tumt, furled to mak`, uw
man. IVERV PROMPT.   3:30 TODAY. lneccssury gains, Schrader punted 6.3
· 4

2 ` T H E I D E A • •
_______(_____‘  • A-A•L·~ · ·—· — · —•- •   .   _ _   _-
Symphonic Orchcstra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go': G0. {
”°°* IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"“°  
Mc At Admission 10c , qw
FIR8T·CLA88 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H.. ITAMPIR, Jr., Owner and M•n| •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.   “
n ' ‘
yards m May, who fumbled; Crutcher Twenty or thirty men accompanied I pockets are full of note books. Hin League Park. The game was very ex-  
i · r
piokml up the ball and raced over {OI'} the- team In some manner. The Blue l head In empty. Citing from the start and no one could  
A D A M     tour nrnt score. Scott missed try for I nnd \Vhit9 section gave some yells f0r  Next cometh the wine fool, S0ph0— form an opinion who would ugher vic- •   ·
gm;}. Park on next kick-off placed uw team and one for Tennessee. lmore, who hath mastered all the great tcrlous from me contest,   s`
hall over goal. Tennessee tailed and` Tennessee certalnly showed the writers of antiquity. He looketh with .. - ,,, ;_ “ N
, punted to Park. He returned ball tot proper spirit. Everyone on Lhe <·am·$¤1d¤r.R¤mey ......... R. H ......... Tuttle 'FEANSYLVANIA AND   T · B
n o
V / and was carried from the Held. Mc- mnasay ........ F. B .......... scm · b
\ Maulcy goes to half, Hite to quarter. $ub¤muu0ns..p0r Teunsuect C".     The ` ' fl
V - _- Tennessee falls to gain and D¤¤t¤·‘ro1| tor Wolf, Wolf for Carroll, Cam- Exemne Game Played no League Pork   E
_ ', Scott, Tuttle and Hite make first d0W¤ term; mr Rainey, Sorrells for Carroll, on Muddy Held. Store h E
,\   Ibm fail on next DIM and Dum- NGN t McSpadden for Sorrells, Cates for Tay- “ I
» { - • I 1
' lthe close of this period Hite &t{6mDt-B I lor, M, Vowell for Bayer. For Kon- · Thg A]|.gtm·¤_ composed of former c°“•'• Tad. Eqncuny s°“°“°d   it
M `some new play and gains 50 yards On I tucky; Hite for Park, McCgulgy for players of local and teoetom teo_ms_ 133-135 W.M;i¤ Se, ° E
:[)BBB €X€CI.ItOd OD "spread pl8y·" Oni Hite, Zerfoss for Wright, Gumbert for met the Crimson 6]Bveu Tuesday at   .   t
QNX! DIHY Hite EMM 20 Y¤¥‘d¤ 9·|'0¤¤d   Hite. Hite for Gumbert, Hedges for e
gend but was removed from the gsme»}me_  
I . (
}with 8 W!‘6¤Ch6d WHBL F8J|i¤8 Wl Summary: Touchdowns—Crutchor, _
make sein Schrader tries dwp kick G. Vowell 3. Goals from Touchdown The College BOYS I
tbut f8·U¤· \—Ca.rroll 2. Goal from Placement- T ’  
I The thlrd quarter f0l.1I1d T€DDGBS8G·Qgr]-0||_ Rgfg|•gg—Hg¤ry' of Kgny0¤_   I R S
hrushinz thé ball Bild 0165* 80011 W¤¤\r Umpire—Smuf!or, ot Ohio Wesleyan.  
lover for their third touchdown. Ou: Hggd Lm€¤mm.(;mB¤pg°, of penn. f0l' CVQIY OCCRSIOIL S • • ’
,_ -. Tseries of punts Schrader finally got gylvggjg [gugth of qum·t°;·¤-Fme€u COIOI {H8]?-'·gU8I'8I1•   . ‘
" {E;- _ lone for 60 yards which rolls out oflmmugom teed 8Rt1SfBCtOI'X; ‘
©R·B_g£-gg, lbounds. Kentucky makes tlrst down.t ___•_•__;__ ulngigt gn Arfgwe   ]
liiedges gains 20 yards through center. ·rH|Nqg wg;]-H M|g3|Nq_     up     C0. ‘
On next play Tuttle lost tour yards. O 1
    t-Period ended but on Tenueoeede 35_ We,"3 glad W6 do not drink at any Cluett, Pe•body& C0., Inc. M•k•n __ 1
Ward line. I For——this is our position- . °
y Thi! f0\1!'U1 ¢l¤¤¤'¢61‘ !0\1¤d MU! That way we miss the tool talk of   AM I   Q
Especially COLLEGE MEN,’w¤¤¤¤ fizhtins d¤¤¤¤r¤t<>¤v- M¢C¤¤-I The booze house wu- mama. To
Find our Styles way above Q Eykgzils ;0iE¤· TS¢h¤`¤d9¤‘ ini: GSUI:  —Jud Lewis iu Houston Post. _ t D C '
c ut a . eunessee ma e rs
the average • • ’ ° ° ° }d0WIl but WEB p€DBHZOd 8.Ild f0l'C€d to I \Vg’rg glgd wg do not drink gt 3,]];       O  
{punt. Tennessee carries ball to our! Om- bean is ngygr buggy; Q
|30—yard line where Carroll kicks goal I We ngygy fjgundgr in the htm;
tfI`Om DIIOBIDBDL BON] Bid0B flu in Ou]- tongug jg never fuzzy_
· I
    Iearrying the ball and resort t0 D\1¤¢·‘ —YoungsLown Telegram. ··w
mg. sm-mus gm pm me ms ns. . . 21 0W2ly b0l11p&l1y » t
yards, but failing to [HERB HEX! GOWDI \\'g'r6   wg do not care at cugg
  !l‘9S0l‘t to Dlllltillg. TBDHGSSOG [HBS; For liquor [arg and me]|0w, I   I
thaw ¤<> scm ¤¤¤*¤ by ¤¤¤¤*¤¤— z¤*· No mmun ¢¤¤¤r1<>¤¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤. · SPORTING GOODS AND HARIJWARE
    lfoss intercepts pass and returns bill}! And says; "Yersh fine old fell0W!" F     d G , re
5 yards. Schrader punts. Game ..D8u-on F;-ce pres; 00 a an ymnaslum Supp·—€s
' ’ E • • • •
Futnishmgs ,°·*d°d· T€¤¤€¤¤*** S ball °¤ K°¤*“°"Y B Bicycles and Repanrs, Pennants and Posters,
15-yard line. weyre glad that we dou’t look upon Fishing Tackle ‘
NOW   I Ten men, Wright, Park, Tuttle, The wing when it is md, I
Scott. Hite. Bailey. P€¤‘i6, M¢C¤¤l€Y·} For when wa wake up at the dawn sP°¤d Pncn °¤ GYm¤•*i“m E‘I“iP¤°¤t• BUUUUU K°d|k'   ' ’
DOW¤i¤8 Bild Smml Dl¤Y0d U19U' NSU There's no pain in our head. ud S“PPu“· T°Y·•
tgame for the Blue and White. —Birmingham Age-Herald. I
( ; ( : ' In second quarter Tuttle got by the I46-IIB WEST MAIN ST. LEXINGTON, KY.
    €¤U¤‘9 ¢9¤·¤¤· but 0¤ ¤¢€0¤¤¥· of Bl \Ve’re glad we never taste or touch
sprained ankle he was caught from be-- The 3{uff mu; murders lgughtgrt -——-···—··;*—~——=j;j · ·· ;; -r··——·—···· a V ——··~—-——
t `
hind. ‘l·‘or thus we miss the horror known °= - _'_
& CO• p 3.500 fans were reported on Wait. As mam umm ··m¤r¤1¤g men-.·· t
·.».-»······ tmc. an of whom.       _M.,m.,...¤ C.,r.,,m.... Am. WELSH & Ml IRR AY
{thirty excepted, were pulling tor thet
The College Fellows, Shop EV0l\1¤¢9¤|‘|· { \Ve're glad we do not drink a drop,
  Many old m6¤ f¤‘0¤1 Dirt! lll South Ot the stun that sets your hud   N I   ( IO. t
• l · _
I cxin ton {gat- { O, saw me game, among whom were. gwhlrl; U i
g uw-p•»•••• <‘. Lauer ’14, R. L. Gregory ’14. D. More And w this muh we am-tbuce the tact l°°°" °'°w°‘ · t
Manufacturers of {SBD 'N. FU-!D¤U'i¢k 'I3. A¤‘¤1¤i6¤·d '14» That we have never "0wn0d the I ¤°  
    Weller '11, Mautlu '11, —— Humphries, w0p)d_·· e e i
EXCLUSIVELY       ·  an ~ I he Right Now Servzce 3
—_.;—-;———-~ -t~——·--~—-V--—— ~—r·-— l       V
University Lunch Stlnd   J D   ·—··—·-· ·_____
• • • I U .. "lZ
C|t•r| •x¤Iu•lv•ly to 8tud•nt• I EVE. EAR, Noe! and _rHn°A,', Hehold the wud-eyed heshxnan,     A  
and Faculty of NIU UNVOFINY · OPECIALIIT with shining morning face as he 0n· I
‘ GIa•••• Ground to 0rd•r. "· - I
A, B. HARNETT ,t,eo,_,,__o e_oe,___ {mu. ns   H., c....»,.,..,..,...,».., t2'[t28 North Limestone Lextnoton, Ky_ . _
COI. I. LIMIITONI AND COLFAX | QM;. pho". ggg.x guldntu n•_X kind punters in both hands, and een his • i

 A il,
.   ..7,. ,
" ¢‘—•w~.» ~
' " t T H E I D-E A I.
 -   ‘·•* 
J [ i °°°°°°°°°°‘°°•••‘•°°°°°°°°‘°°°°°°°°‘°, °"“°°“°““ Patronize Our Advertisers.
=' • | ‘ ___._.._........—
4* J J (A.gI'1CL11U.1I`&1 J J W k] S . _
; . 82 £1'111071€tf¢ W. S. GRIFFING ·
Q, I ____________ 
AJ? The Sanitary Grocer  
  “AG'° SOCIETY HOLDS ,°"""““· “‘ °*""’ °' “'° ';';""“"°:“ annxmc zuoA¤zm:u·1·• mms. 1 mm ·run· muommmcwr Phone 720 .
  WEEKLY MEETING °f v°°°m°" S°1°°°°’ ’°°: th ml; -—— lW¥'l`H SMITH M MGM °'¢l°°*· cer. s. •.lm•mn• me vl•··gle•l•,ge§.Qi-
·_3 .... ’|°“ "°m tl" °°'°""°°" °° °r I stopped to see Smlth at the end Well, the hour rolled around all  
O   O M th• mating of th• Agricultural ’°" m' 'm’m°”* °“ w’°“°°°”· °f!nr has Latin class at me request, to right, but my man dldn't show uv: ARE YOU HAPPY?
_ Society M0¤d|Y ¤l8h¢» N0V€¥¤b€l' 30. °°’m° "'lu°d "' ”’000’000 from 27 I make an appointment when we could then nlne came and he had still l'alled` • _ I » ` l ` 4
an Interesting program of both agri- “°“‘*“'°°t°d °°““"” °f °h° s°*t° °° have plenty or tlbe to talk things over.Ito keep the appointment.         cn.
_ ¤¤1¢¤¤~1 wd ¥°¤°N‘ ¤“b}¢¤t¤ WM °t'h°r sum. for immediate smught"' We had quite a lot of trouble llxlng I went to bed feeling bitterly that M9 W"` short ot
  slven. Attendance was good, there °"°" ‘; G‘;;'°"‘m°“*d'“”*:°°:;;’“· RTE? me dale for the mtervlew. He could I h¤dn’t accomplished anything; and um.8 Husain WHHJ you WA".
Eg NWS ibmlt MU DN¤9¤¢· TUB DFG- pmmp °'° °u wu u° ° ’ ° ° ° ° come only on Wednesday evening at resentfully that some fellow who had ph", 3.5 ,
{ ¤¤‘•¤¤ *•• •• f¤l1¤w¤= °' D°°“"" K““° "°“ °"""‘°"‘· s ewnock. wen, 1 cu-ry n morning pretended to be decent mo nmn TO ____
{ "E*P°"°¤°°¤ in V¤¢¢i¤¤'·i¤8 H08¤ _‘*‘°'°'°'_“"‘ paper and Thursday was to be my ME. I wish I could underscore that
· m x¤¤m¤xy,·· E. 1:. munn. I ATTENTION, SINGERS! hard day, but he me he mt mm to word ··u¤u.·· or course smnn would   I   I _
"mlaul mlm! W? UW F`•|'¤¤¥'¤' H"` Munn, QQ. cm, T°m°',_ come then, so I stayed up later than think me heartless to apply such an 1 I
t W“•»° A- D- B0•l•y. Nw n 4:46 In CM"'. I should on Tuesday night to do some eplthet to him. nn_ L T.  
. "T"“°1 Till" L¤°¤ L•°¤|!¤· advance studying for Thursday. On Don't you know, Smlth ls just one 127 Chen aide
*4 · • -—-—-•-•·•-—--— On tomorrow, Friday, afternoon, Wednesday morning l awoke with a of donna of students who do not con- P __
°HAR°E° PR!FERRE° A°A'N°T Prof. Bruce Reynolds, ct the Arts headache from too little sleep. elder lt necessary to keep appoint- H°“”8 °~m· t°8¤·m· Ph°¤° BMX
NJREAU 0F ANIMAL INDLNTRY Club, will be ln the University Chapel That afternoon, Tom, my room- ments unless lt happens to be abs0—'  
Au i TT d to meet every male student in school mate, remembering lt was my birth- lutely convenient. I sincerely hope to!
Q lent Om 0 b Tcompzzlcy rn who can nlug or who thinks be cm. day, sold he was going to celebrate lt see the day when every fellow wllll D Y K
· can umu. sm 6 ng m an Mt The object ot this meeting ls the for- by taking me to the Ben All that consider it as necessary to keep his O Ou now
3 thy Bureau of Animal Industry in con- d t hi _
n - wml the outbmtk of me foot matoin ot a University Glee Club. night. In the next breath he sald my appointments as he oes 0 pay s The but I- mm, tw good
{ M th dl It Heretofore we have had by this time race was tour inches longer than debts. when it coma to · phcto,
a .
W mit zznnumaymdud ::;l°°:’:c°;: a Gleo Club who were about ready to —;——-———· ———-——— 'r.Ph? B, on an ag, dd.
{ nmlng or me .n¤.... hm., W "'° ‘ °°"°°"· "“‘ "’ ’°"‘° ‘"‘°'°""I { LAWYERS OUT AFTER ·¤·* •••
L · able hitch this year the Gle• Club har BIG ANNUAL DEBATE
, peered at Niles, Mich., last August, ed H it
( ` but that the veterinarians ln h Ibsen BN", neglect ` Own"' I      
l C use ever man who answers the above Movement on Foot For Intercollegiate
` ' failed properly to diagnose lt and the y •
Bum t t I tt d wl qualification, namely, lt he can slug or Mating of Four Unlveraltlea. 311 W. Mun Sh’••(.
l au uu ou G en an ognmslthluks he can lf every such man ln —···—·
· ·;" The Student’• Photograplnr
. , l I h ffl t
  allowing stcok to be shipped to Chlca. school wm meet tomorrow at 4: 45 a Tentatlve Cast Announced The regu ar terms o t e 0 cers 0
l g0¤ and elsewhere. This spread thel I the Legislative Assembly of the Henry
n · representative University Glee Club d R h I f C | 
' inlectlon. Swckmen are now making wm be hunched. l 3.11 C €3.I‘S3 S 0I` Om- Clay Law Society having expired De- gmklrt ‘_ pouch, p,.°p,|•“,.
eQ>rts, lt ls reported ln reliable quar- ______ I edy Are Begun. cember 1, the usual proceedings were
  to have their Congressmen open SIXTEEN MINERS ..... dispensed with and a new corps of      
arrluvestlgztlon when Congress re- TM mst "y°°t° mr th° S"°u°" ottlcers was installed Monday evening. 107 South LIm••ton• Strut
c.,,,,,,,.,,_ TAKE EXAMINATION ~>¤¤ ¤¤·v· "¤¤··~¤y‘· ~·¤*·" w¤*·=¤ *~ my   B. ¤. sam. spew; R. °°"°°"° *[‘§,{j,*;‘;;',;"K;'“°' "°°"
, to be given the flrst week in January, • '
¤x»¤¤·M’—*‘;¤~T mn ""‘° '““ """° '°'°“‘“"“ °"““"“°‘ were new Tm. .nm.,.. in Pro- E` C““°"’ °'°"" ““" R' E' L` M“"""’ =·¤¤T-¤¤~¤¤ -¤¤·< <=¤~¤~~m¤
tion commenced Monday morning. Y Séfzéunt at Al‘m¤·  
A. A QUARANTINED TUESDAY The enmmmon is hold each ml and tessor Weavers room. Twenty-tive Them omcem wm serve only mm. Mat Mc An", un Gln. n
Compute quarantine of me Experb spring by the examining board. This w°r° mmm and 8 numb". 0f the °m°rlweeks. This practice was adopted in M ,
t mem; gmkm hm hmm an but rw mm 18 appointed by me oevsl-nm- or ‘“°'“"°'“ ‘"‘° “'°"’ “““"‘° ‘° "° °"°°‘ order um the posts or honor might   S
° ° the state. rt consists or me chief and *`“' h""° °"i°° °‘" “"‘°° °h°“‘ Irotate and enable all members to pur- ·
_ ular employees was announced Tues- Th n t h I, I W h Id I t Where all ns Wen md GOOD.
dh. morning by mmctm. Kasue two assistant lnspectors of mines, one 8 rs N Ba sa as e as Uciplli-6 GQUBUY U1 U16 ¤·ff8i!`¤ ¤·¤d ¤0¤·
Nbucos to this enact were htm. pow operator and one miner. mgmt at P°’:;"s:m (LM: T: mum m` trol of the sessions of the assembly. Hq; Chqcqlgge, Cgndy uu] kg
teres was sp ay y e prospec- ____,_,,_____  
ed. This will cause classes hereto- S'“°°° mw °’r° tain! m° pr°°°m
{ I Th t tive members ofthe cast. The husky Tennesseeans knocked Dr   d G d
me had °t um tum t° b° had at :]:2; n;:;u;¤i¤in;”w:;:uixpfssfse Herbert Graham, stage ma¤ager,|.our Southern championship aspire- ° ‘ War Or on
m° Agricununl C°“°g° Building or after reading the play, discussed it tlons sky-highward, so we'll have to DENTIST
elmwhem State. Among the number ls Tom b hi nh bei th
' 6 • •
The uammme was considered ad. Robinson ,14, who is making good with and outlined some of his plans for the A e content t s season w ng Mcclclhnd Bmldm.
q rehearsals and the production ot the premier danseuse of Kentucky, and  
vlsable to rotect the Statl0n's liv th° N°"h Ent C°°l C°mp°’ny’ having
p 8 play. Rehearsals to be held Monday, load our guns, sit on the fence and QQ TO
swck against mf°°u°u {mm f°°t and charge of one of their mines at Aut". T d d \\' d d l ht w k · welt for next year's hunting season to 9
mmm! manu, as this is readily can The Kentucky Mining Institute will Iwata; is Q gjluy n S B' 69 `[0 Bn Johns Drug StOI'€
ld its wlnt r meetln ln Louisville y' °' a °"°n ' p ' N°"* *° P°'* °"'°°
rbd in me clothing or v°hi°l°8 of ho 8 g A tentative cast which will rob- —.. -••-——-
•, vl•nen.. · D°°°mb°" 3 ud ‘· wml h°°d‘*“”‘°” 1 1 b; nnnomzz oun Anvanrlszns For h'¢$€|'iPti0¤$» $¤u0||¢!Y. SM1
_____•______ at me Seelbach Hotel. Several of the ably be changed Seven {mes Ore " ' "" ‘ Willi, Cllutfy, HKS Mid CMMS
TWO EXPERIMENT STATION professors in the mining department the play is given was announced at       _._.....__._..;..;...
orrncmns Acv ¤noM¤·r•.vlwnn attend me menu;. The senior "‘° "“" °' “‘° ’°"°“’““‘·   s..---M-,..-swo--- ..,-e.ve1
-— class wlll also attend in a body. ' ° ' v_ _ ______e V
· l nr. Joseph xma, director of the N<>*><;¤>· hom lm the ¤*¤¤¤¤* ¤¤¤ lt mtu c|0thU$ »--·<¤ . i, —-n     _ [
E rj ;_ gum _ d D _ R b · · has “· **9- This ls s specialty that makes our ,_ t _ _ .  
· xm mm on an r 0 an Patronlze Our Advertlscrs• -—-•-••-1- tailoring Juatrlght. By studyllng yogf   *1   ·.   4 gz  ·
person lty we are able to ta or in - ‘
    BALL°vidu•llt;1{nto your clothes, an weicut ‘
····~.     T    and fit garments on the prem ses
to your measure at our popular price   H S F t
/ _ \     Varsity basket ball practice did not $ 1 8 UP      
I;.   begin Tuesday as slated, on account of By Walking on tacked
I   l the T. U.-A1l—Star football game, but Call and see our large display ot im- soles, when W6  
» H   I the men donned their suits and began ggultrudmfgugmgcz wool"`. md hug thgn on fol:   sarge
4%, work in the Armory Wednesday at Price- wor One wh: ¢
  1 i d0n’t trade here just be- 4:30 ,,_ ,,,_ V::,$L:::$ 1;;iEg§;|5$Y you wait.
‘\‘1]‘ `l·`$*·x?¥ ` V cause they hké us- The outlook this year! r a winning To be absolutely all hand tallored
.?_   ]·{*`._§` 0 and give satisfaction in every detail.        
Q Q. ,_Q.‘·.4·; ` “ , ,, q“i“t°° is °x°°p¤°““uy g°°d· with We stand back ot every order taken.
‘:°`.;h 1 3;;*    · We ve got the g00ds• one or two exceptions last year's Var- with 0¤¤‘ l¤¤'¤·¤\6¤· 113 SOI.lth Bl‘08dW8y
n   Qc :¥‘?'%:*?'   M n w cu Ann FI ALL  
V xxl.?    not on ’¢m—b¤t for ,9m- Zzsguaz cgzsegliwnzazzgoggzz R%*:T';:T° :” TJE "'*E'*&E°   k d C I C
Q'   Q 1 l.•xIngton'• R•IlabI• and Orlglnal · IH     0.
  '.___ AA Th_ _ f However, w th Tuttle, Scott, Jimmy Us 1-·"°"_ _ _ _
 ,_,»lit)_:i‘           0 Park, K_ Zgrfggg and Cglngin Morggn I ·      
‘   ,4-".f{;·.x‘ Hart Schaffner & Marx or last years squad, a successful   t   cu,
ju" 7(‘$.,   J   •
"“·‘*"* ETS Cl°th°S"t}\“t makes It the ¤<>¤¤¤¤ *¤ ¢¤¤¤*¤· G¤·¤l>¤··¢· WM N. E. cmu sam and mum. .
4   `°-Q&l;t y0UI'Ig man S store. gtarrgd on several 0ccag[oug lu; Nut Door Unlv•r•lty Book Stora. L€XlYlgtOH, · K€HtUCky
M ly ·• ,_  
mk   P~j;,i;; - _ season is ready to begin work and
l \ $*2 _ ft" We’ve the hatsv shuts; neck' many new students have joined the L M I lu JACK DUNN
' · , 1 w· • •
Q ,,, if`; _  WGS.? Bhd 311 tht? 0thB1' ful'- practice.
§ ig_;4"‘~ kn F!   nlshlngs for young men; too- The schedule for this year has not
·."`.= A` tbe d. I i bl
    P _   \ ye en announce t s reasons y Phoenix Habeydashery
1..; in certain that State will combat Vander-
, ‘ =·_V._ hilt, Cincinnati and Tennessee on her Styleil for Ccnegc NIU! _
  $2 Q • own lloor. k and · I
.g•&• ..~_ l       Au. svuoznrs an CHAPEL AT Ma "S °f E"9"’h C°°h“
, _ 3:80 TODAY. _ _
' · ‘• Lex1ngt0n’s Blggest Store ________;________ Phan: H•t•l Bleek L•ungtoa,   A
c•·••s•¤»••.u.» In Patromze Our Advertlsers.
* r

 4 T H E I D E A ‘ { •
 -—-——-————— g
, Arnoue U. une e movie Illm boys muet welt; those who welt ore • •  
    In her system ot edvertletng; celled wnltere; therefon the boys who Elite Pressing    
r»\|•='•¢¤n:g“Tl{Jur:::ym °t:; gllx  tgvegdagt bd! Tens w•|·•• • lone eempnln so to Putt Hell ere women. Nix, thnt 6- I- WHIILIN Nin Q; ·
’ luna"' manu me [mit, of ul. lumuuom For high-echool ntudentadvlelng. wo¤'t do. Well, men wetted while .-—   .
  A P°•t |$|°¤ IUUU for ul! IOIMUI WUNIU WI! Did! Ind hl hl! b$¤ |“|“ ·