xt7xgx44tw8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44tw8g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1912-09-12 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 1, September 12, 1912 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 1, September 12, 1912 1912 1912-09-12 2015 true xt7xgx44tw8g section xt7xgx44tw8g i¤¤ ; 
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~ F OO‘l` B LL
_ Death Claums
t ..,..,.,. _ ‘— Dr M A Scov ll
• Au •, ro•p•ct• and RuI••. _ V '_ Thlnk Earnutly, 1’h•n 8ub•¢rIb•. · . • C
__ Tho schedule in as tottowsa _ A Thg {do, 4, the only lynn, pub". ¤'*‘•¢*¤•‘ ¤* !¤¤••‘|m¤M Button and
S be. —
GD 28m:ml‘ylvil|0 College, Smll l umm M gum, Umyonggy gf Ken. D•*" °f c¤"°¤• 07 A¤•"¢¤|Y¤•‘•·
‘ _ txucky, and is the omctal student pub `;‘
Oct.   COHGKG, ot WOR ° ]|cgfj()n_ It fg published each week   Melville Amana Sc0ve"• 57 yam
Virginia, Stoll Field. by fhg g{_udg¤f_·’ under the direction Oldv dean of the College of Agrioult-UY9
Oct. 12-—MinmI University, SwllF1eld, - ot the Advisory Board and Faculty ¤¤d director of the Kentucky Agricul-
Oct. 19—Un|verMty of Cincinnati Cin- A ·
. Th f th ture Experiment Station, one of the
cmmm U 0 purpose 0 o stat! is to get out
` a. paper that is worthy gg gate Um. m°¤t D¥'0¥¤¥¤€¤t 111011 |¤ America in
Oct. 26—Go0rget0w¤ College, Stoll versity, one that will give tho news. m°’m""° °f “*g"°“““"° and bl°°d°d
mud' —· - 7 But here we are conimmed with the live ¤¢0Ck. died August 15, at his home
NOV- 2*'Vh'$iDl8 Milltlfy IDBUQIRG, quggtjgn, Whgt jg uewg? News {S {hg} on the Experiment Station fannv nett
Stoll Field. me of me p,p,,,·_ AN, tb,,,, other eye.! the city limits on the Nichcinsvlllc
" Nov. 9—H&u0ver conege, sion mm. · m,,,,t,;» We €,m,h,uc,“, ,,1,,,,,, mlnike- Denth was due w malignant
Nw 16—'I‘e¤ne¤soe, Knoxville. . ` .   me amrmmm Above ,,(,w,_ ,;,0,,, endocnrdius. an infinmmatlcn of the
Nov. 28 — (Thanksgiving) — Central ... knowledge, above circulation, the very inner membrane ot the heart, often as-
University,StollF1e1d. heart of A paper ue, in it, m0,,_;1¤<>ci¤te _____ _i__]is printed primarily for [hp Student phgmistpy at {hg ['nivgrgiry Of Illi-
the Navy to °' 0 to 0 S"°"€· I ibody; help to make it what it should! nois, assistant professor 1:476-80, and
With UW cpming Of Director Sweet.   3,     nual, as the case may bc. Naturally be and take it for what it is worth, DP0f<‘SS0¤’ of 8i·’Z¥‘i<‘¤lY\1¥`al <`h€mi$Y¥`Y
]'md· intergat in the <‘0¥¤i¤s: fuotballi O       the business men of thu city are cowl state Vniwrsny has hewn making ISSN-4. For one year from that latter
season is incmashig Bild HN lovers of' ur   S tinuaily being besieged with requestsfrapid strides to the rt-ont; in ram, the date he was a spevial agvnt of thc
uw game M9 ¤·¤¤U!`€‘d of Seeing somei —‘* or demands that they advertise in thei atlvzniivennerit has rovoiitly bven by l'¤1iY<‘d Statvs U*¤‘D¤¤`Y¤¤€m of A8¥`i<'¤l‘
800d Playing when under his guid.`Whi¢h $h¤\-Nd B6 CBNWHY C°"*id' various publications which are sup-lleaps and bounds, This does noL3,p~_Il1¥`€‘. ft`0H1 \\'hi<‘h D0¤iKi0¤ he was
$1106- After having spent his vacation` ered by Every $u¤P¤¤‘\¤f` 0* ported in the main by advertisements` ply simply to the number of students <‘8U€‘d tv the di¥‘€<`Y0¥`ShiD of the K*‘n`
M his md h0m€ 8*- Dryden, N. Y"` Sum U"‘V°"'nY· and that these institutions of thu city onrollod, but tg gent-m_l_ Thy whole tuvky Agricultural Experiment Sta-
` I
Coach Sweetland returned to the Un]. "T plaeo before the people. And, with ` atniosphore is [}Q!‘Illt‘3,[<‘m a re-iam at1»·0t·su» Qtwy Wn thing um or ugmuiiui-ai subjects and his max-
Graduation has depleted the rgukgl ii! the YBW that he demands in RHI innnerative standpoint, of little value; will uid in its upbni1ding_ t'ui·tlwi·n1oi·0, ¤€ii¤‘ D<‘¥`50¤Bl D0Dul9·¥'iYY· the Kew
of the W"d°¤¥¤ tv 8 vonsiderable ex- °¤***’S that he be °h°“'“ **"`°'“ M“*‘| to the advertiser. As a natural vousoi we believe mm nw tw; mtuium for ruoky Experiment Station bevanw n
tent" 'rha UK,. men who XVGPQ hQ[@ s0u'ri• you See) haforx) he can be B0ld'E(]Ll(’Il(‘(‘, tl\€I`(*fO]`(*, Yhf) bllSiHOSS [Hana this \]])—b\[ildil\g' is [() gnjl ()\1I il, g0()d`Y“0d6l for luany other St&t·€S» and his
lust Y€¤¤' 8!1d Will not be seen wearing if M 5906 fm 0l*D0¥'[¤¤i*Y *’·*i"¤m8l-T*"iot‘ thc city looks askance at an op- t·o||t—,,;(» paper mm will .·t·;|,·(-[ t·p,»dntiiit1uenc0 and pvéstige Pxtvlldvd
the White and Rh]? thlB 898,80]]. gpg ous to hinlself or to his business no} ]I0l'{llllit)` to 8dVOI'[iSt‘ ill B. (‘OH(‘L{(* p8` ()ll {[10 l'lli\'0|'si[)'_ \\'(‘ $il1g'0l'(*Iy hr- throughout the lvulted St:/’·t€S• until at
CUBE?. Q\1¤l‘t0t‘·b&¢·k; Earl, tn,(·kl(-y and 0¤6 IS ¢i¤i<‘k¢*¤‘ {0 Biezv UPON UC if ht" pm; believing that he will derive no` lipye mu; with [hn SUNW-; of me Sm. his death he probably was one of the
°°P*¤*¤i Collins. vnd; Watkins, half- b€“€V°¤ that R <'°*`****“ i"`°j***‘* is °ft wturns twin his outlay and in not a  (mus we shun be mtubioti to a,,·im»t»e ton best known agrivulturaiists in
buck: Rodes. half-buck; }sg,b||tz_ WU8 value K0 his i"¥*¤‘V€Sl- the ¤‘*'°"g‘ tow t·ust·s t·unsideritig the whole` this end, America.
8¤¤¤`d$ SDQRFB. end; Williams, tackle; NS! kim! of l><‘*`¤U¤¤*°** Wm **0* Sum*'€`1si·in·nm» a polite form of bluukinuilti with an or the grow-m.·mionod du- Agricultural Board Member-
Bralldstetnery half`ba(`k_ and hIQad()fs'{ to bring hinl into Hut"   cuurskn :\S \\'(‘ hH.\(? Bail], xll'. t`VOI`8.gB Llt’[" [i(‘r\ and ['(*(l[|(»¥$[_ [h(‘[‘(* still l`Q[l\f[il[§ il? YYKS a ulenlber Qx‘0t“(`[0 of the
ond. ysllvh BUUUII is the IUUBY nuturul lmnglplmnt tlmnundg that he be showin, `gnother qu(»s{iun_ gn obligation rests Kt*Ilill¢‘K)' $[&!€ U0&i'd of AHl`i*`UlUU`9·
The old lltvli that will be bunk mid, in Nw W0¥`l*l· and is OMF the on *`*"i 'l`Ii¢· ltivu, we iiclieve. while not Olly upon eavh and evvry student In the Mil! ill¢*H1b¤‘¤` of the l*`U0d Stuiidurd
the OUPB who will form the nut-tous? ··u¤·¤·i¤¤s law of ¤¢‘]Y·l*"°*‘<**"'¤*i°** *"`°i’ `tiruly t`i·t~t· from this class or tmtiegv t’niv4»rs1ry_ nur uhy pmtoug the vital Uoiiiiiiitwc of the l'uit•·<| Stztws IM
Imulld Whivh tlw 1912 team will [m;I*U*i—i out in K ·1¤¤t·\¤¤~·¤¤ &u"l’· apublivutioiis, Is one of the most, iin— quostion'? ’I`ht· obligation is_ Sub- [Nil'(llil*lH of Ap;i‘i<‘ultul\*. Sii1\‘•~‘ U0-
DUUY. HP0 Harrison, tavklv und oupmini In l·**XiUK**’U the "'*"`*'h**"*** ”"*` ` nortunt advertising fut~toi·s issued by st·¤·ibt· for The ld·»u_ The price is voniing dean of the t`oll¤·g•.· of A;:i‘ivul~
UN?} UOWl1|Hg. guard; Johnson_ SU"**““`h“* u"f°"lu*'**‘*"Y *""'”**"i· rmmluiiy institution in the city. It reuuiies, tiwd at u mintmum_ It is stu-h that ture. that •h~nurttn¢·nt of the l'tiiv0¤*-
hlvklv; Guyn, quarter-ba,t·k; }'3rk5_ <‘i*>' ¤*¤i*l•<**'*¤ {WU ¤**i"*"¤*i‘i*’S· ‘“'*’iund is read by, inoi·¤~ students than any 4-un tnoot without hardship to sity has had rapid and successful
quui·tt·r-truck; Tuttle, end and but-};. *`<*ll*‘¤•'¤» and K "*"'i*"Y uf *"h*"` ***1** any other publivutiuti uf its kind in ttn·mselves_ so wu t·un'r pipruro any growth. and is now ncuriy parallel in
field; Woodson, m,t·k1o_ ¤'¤*i0¥¤¤l W¤‘mu'i°'*“· NH or ‘*'m"" W lmxitigtuti. It is u weekly publication refusal along that line; henov, wo oniy piwiiiiin-in·t· tiu·ou;.;imui Ain¢·rii·u with
W_ ($_ Hm-I-|B0n_ one of the most suc ut Solllv Ullw dllfillié rtw >'¢'¤¤‘ Bland every student In State University usk that you duly consider this, and th•.· l*I\t¤*l‘ill\¢*ltl Silfivll-
((`ontinu•_·d on Pugh 2_) I°ubh°.uUUu’ weekly m0mhly' or un" (Continued on Pugu 3.) . ((‘0ntinu¢·d on Page 2 » t\`t»iilttiu¢·d uu Page 3,)

 2 rms rosa l
ml {TDI!} touchdown [ud other ICOM   W k l   Iubhct of J0uf“·“·'¤   nm ·
stand as at pnsvnt. W   n n D B , ‘
FOR A PLEASANT JOURNEY · "°° "‘"°""°°“ "‘ ‘ ’ °“"‘°’“ “‘
0. The 20-yard aoa•, in which the Enghxh verslty course untll it was prenntsd `
present rul•s new provtdn restrictions here ln Lexington, and It remain
to |¤t»erfer••e• Nth tb• fvfvlfd DUI Dr A B true even now that nowhere ln th
1,.,.1 yl. is eliminated, sb that the rostrlctlons of   ' ` huh '“ °¤° °‘ my South ls there a parallel to the court
wm now apply to any part of the field. PN mem in   :"“‘:: sr otrered in tthe science of comparaun
s rss,
7. After a touchback, the ball will y ° n mn ’ 0 literature. For the mst time this year,
Tennosssa to dallvor a series of lec-
__ Y__ ppp b, pug gu phy yom gh. |}y·|·j H-. mn. ·t AO · B hw] of th in addition to the many courses In
T th T th lsmsa ot em me as-we use “'“‘°" ° ° t¤•<>r•u¤•¤ me svpnel musmu. a
0 e 0 e South, in Knoxville, and this was an
  8 On · nckou um bm muon of opportunity ls offered ln commercial
‘ ’ unusual honor to bestow upon the
n . · : v bd in phy gn the what M th °.m’ IM ih Hbflfl tfllulhg. Other inad-
n n n vers ty en uc . ree
North | G° [ | South ..lK.,..t.....¤..... ts. one ts. U ` ’ °' K ° " “`° °" ¤·¤¤¤· ¤·*• ¤··¤ *¤¤··¤ te ·¤·¤r ¤-r
othor nan invited to lecture were the
catal and then borrow su
ot the team kicking os. Taking into H U md 8 °¤“° ¤°°‘
nlmlrlml th. “"".I" d th. °°° P' P' CI°':°°;‘ ° um tlons which were nrst thought. out at
new md um Chmn in me mln the com D 8 J mm of Lund Bunmm Kentucky University. It is not too
All Meals ln Dining 0ars—8•rvioe a la Carte mckon dmmce 1. lmgmonod b, nu ‘ ‘ ° * much to say that lt ls only a question
annqulpmost aloomeany Llomea U°"°”“’· “"’ P"'- °· *""°“'° or use when em- school or English
sum" °' °° University °f virgin" will not only be the greatest in the
9. The fleld j\1d§€ ll Oulllllllfbd. [bg ly. ym <|¤ mg cog"; of umn
  The   Hnelmln h¢]$·ftGr       ·t-dent, funn   gygfy scum, for   I- thlx ·I yl but ma
·· n o
time and be judgebf on lm. pl". in sua} tu Um n Md m opportunity rank with the institutions that have
••. c. mss. n ••¤••»·•¤• rome Ame. wl s. asm sl., t•¤l•»••••, xy. '“""°“' *" ¤‘°“°’ "°'“°° “*°’¤· EW
the hse ef ¤¤r*¤¤¤¤•¢s· 4 no me or work done at
°‘ ju sh" llsh constitutes the foundation of an
W. A. IECItLEI\,¤••••raI Pa•••s|•r Aqsnt, Clnclnsatl, 0. 10_ The number of mm ,1;,,,,,,; 0. 0,,, on U¤"•”“y_ eduuuon umm my mm of mdouor
l the side llnes, now three, will be ro- Dr. Mackensie is enthusiastically in nd when tm. il nm, N had the
_____.____________.. ;°g·|·gAL;__ duce to one for each team. favor of the policy of President Bar- School of English vm in tut
(Continued from Page 1.) U- Pl`°*’*¤l°¤ will N ¥¤•¢• thi'- I k" t° nin m° pmlum °f tm. mm` flnanclal encouragement which will l
_ "_"‘_"’_—""""* bounding ball can not score a legltl- :u°¤ ’° “b;° ‘m"°t 8°°°t°; mm` enable it to acquire a national reputa• I
consistent players of the 1911 a;nr•- mate goal. " °f °“‘r t ’°“°g mw m w°m' tion. Some plans are already bein: ·
  ¤•t~*°¤· ¤¤• l>·>•¤ ¢¤¤••¤ te ¢•••·•*¤ 12. The Interval between the sm °“ *° ’*""° “‘° "°"°°"’“' °*"’°"“"“’ worked out with a vlew to emma lu  
tl"' Yen"' ““”· *“d “d°*' tm 8***9* and second and the third and fourth u°° °n°'°d u uw ""°“° d°°°"m°m“° usefulness, but The Idea will reserve l
*“°° °‘ m' °*Pm¤°Y *·h° wM°•*¤ periods ts reduced {rom two mloutos md an ""°“° °°u°8°°‘ In °N°r w the discussion of the plans until they  
should be ob] g ey mako our University better known in
tt ° ° d °l°P mw * tut to one minute. k M k I d wd are more mature. .
C   bunch · Kentuc y, Dr. ac enze con uc =
0.R“_l,’ who did some mr, good Teacber·s' Institutes in the counties of _
work Int anon and is in um for the S", R“,P,|°”_·•,"•hm•n*` T°_ Powell, Spencer and Breathitt, and LAW D!PARTMlNT
VM,-ny tm. you is Owned to ml night. later on the same kind of work will GET! A BIG BOOOT. A
    1 bed on account of blood whoa, md be done in Bourbon county. At these ·——-
· lt ls doubtful whether- he will be able *“"““°°‘ ‘“ °' “‘° “’°°"°" °' “‘° ls ls •¤el•¢y New-
E to pncum lt LIL •‘ REAU TH'. county were in attendance, as well as ____ °
1 the leading cittsens and in each case
° _ A 1* h l th l thi (C0¤ti¤¤ed fre P 1.) ' Th La De t, th
We are the Ong ew C nge! n e me, B yen m we resolutions were introduced endorsing E W Putman u ough on
_ _ _ will make football a far dltierent game the Bmw Umvenn of Kentucky md ot the younger of the courses offered
lI'l8t0I’S lll LCXll\gt0ll Brom that seen last year. Probably We leave the issue to your better juds- y   at State University, has made rapid l
, its enterprising administration. Not
of   class tailored l the most important change 1. lu po. ment. The increased siae ot The Idea only were hmmm. Zhu on English advancement under the guidance of g
gard to downs, {our downs being al. has added greatly to the cost of pub Dean W. T. IAi!erty, he by hard labor  
armcnts m d t ` lowed to make the ten yards hl, lh. ltshlns tt. our adveruslng rates have °°°|°°’ bm °° °°"°°m"°‘ i°d°°m°1 and alugenoe nu brought lt, wanna Q
U g a 8 0   stead ot three, as formerly, been materially lowered, while the Uilsnbmdsmauc thmm;|°°' nzmnl the past few years, from nothing to its fi
'- y0\1l’ m€aSLlI'C {or   Tm. mus; wwmsee-s. . result-0 svsee mv. he but little ¤¤¤¤·•ss¤· gm °°'    T us; iznzlvresest mssslwde- .
so many tied games during the 1911 T"“° lt l'- "°'° ll- “°* Y°" uw ‘*M°‘ I The College of Law has no long list `
popular form so as to arouse the am-
l season and the coming season will be “"·k° business mm' *1*** *9****** is bmw of me mom mmmgem teach". of honored and aged graduatev to re _
No No featured by big scores as a result of Th° Id“ M """t°“°° W°“‘d b° b"i°f· tlect honor upon lt but it has been  
M l b t tha I ad and thus induce them to send their '
ore Less the change. However, the rule will, “ °'°“ ’° "° “ °q“*°° *·° meet best mmm w tm. University on account of its merit and hizh ,
' give teams a better chance to "let the] the °*P°“‘m“*`°'· wd it l' f°'°°d **° As Dun M the newly 0 Ind standard admitted to membership ta ‘
·   but man wm]. Under the old mlaldepend partly upon subscriptions. We the Aswcwuou of Amedun Law
l Graduate School, Dr. Mackenzie has
itivcl worth   lt was not a ditllcult thing for a strong` h“° b“¤ “°m°Wh·*t 1°¤g'·hY is tl"' taken up much if his spam time dm Schools. This association establishes '
pos y l _ lartlcle, but we make apology by say- _
. team to be held to a 00 score by a reciprocity among the leading law col
l i that d , lng the summer months in writing to
  and     team by tar its interior. Thls was SK 9;*:0 °¤ ;wws¤t :° mutiinlmen and women of um and other leges or America; that is, credits are I
% strikingly illustrated ln a number or im;‘;sg“y0u s’;“m;eu:; ::1; 0;';“2m;’l States with a View w build up the 8iVe¤ te ¤·¤d ¥‘°°°iV°d {mm ¤t“d°9**  
  ` games last year. mmm we beg 1 I d be   but graduate school in the South. going from one college to another. ·
I The big D¤‘<>bl¢¤1 to the coaches this y' ' mp Om an sow The result, of course, will not be seen Dum Lanerty is indeed to b° com
we buy our weelens ` year will not be how to score, so much 5 you to contribute whatever news you at once, but the seeds have been sown gmtumwd “p°° his °'°u°° in um m°t`
dlrect from the mills . as new to stop thélr opponents from _ °'“‘ ‘“‘° ‘° °“b“°'"’° '°" TM “°“· ,,,,,1 the 1,,,.,,,,t ,, ,,0,,,,,, U, com in ter- It pisses the Lew Seheei is sees
ellmingting the Il scoring. Thus the mhlh work will pol __;._._ due Muon The Commmbo of M_ society: it is in the same class with
  Iuarvs profit.   to build d€f€llBiV€ work and heavyg H. d minigtrgtjon connected with the Grad- the best'
  armcnts made . back—fleld men will therefore be at al     um, gchw] will won be summoned The increase in the standard of
here! 1 premium. 1 P   l S _ to meet, when its policy win be Out, emclency has not been the only step
~   Another big change in the rules is. O 1 ICG CICHCZ lined and the organization strengthen- t° the {mm- TM ““mb°" °f ’t“d°m'
I       that allowing the forward pass ten: ed so as to place tt ultimately on a "m`°“"d hu b°°u *8 if by magic- A
_i l vsrds buck of the goal line. and will, footing with older schools of the great ]¤"$° m°"°“° i* °"P°°*°d this Y"'
|l~ l The increasing popularity of Ameri-
= l thereby do away wlth one or the pmt- mm, V owing to the fact that the Law
. one year- lll lcan Government is shown by the dl- m um °”m“' .
I M 1 tiest and most spectacular plays ini vision of the co r 1 wt u The Department of English had] S°h°°ls °’ T”·““Ylv*m* *ud C°“u`u
l we nl 0 k ;`f0otba11—the stand on the one-yardlpmsidem Burksrtilf HJ: B5:   only two com-,6, to our wh6n\Universities have ceased to exist-
t S H13 B C8|)$ l l line. The rule allowlng the ass back. ' ` These law colle es were of long exist- r
l `. p the present head was appointed. The 8 I
ll to order, Ml   of the goal line will prevent bunchlngj hm in or °f these` nm; you- thm, hg hold 0mc6_ um,0ugh}euee and had an henertble and e¤- °
ll W l up on the defensive and makes the; During V¤€¤U0¤ DT- Tuthm Vmwd he had but one student assistant, nlnetvume uu °f K"*d“‘*·“- but °wm¥ t° {
        “`}B·Bt Stand" for which the Wlldeatgilhe Boston, New York and Congres· courses in english were Ocemdwthe reduced number of students they {
l lil l are famous, practleally a thlng or the; sional libraries. sesrehlns fer materiel At the same time from that year until` d°°*d°d *° ¤b°“¤h *h°¤• d°¤•*‘¤¤°¤*·•· Z
E} I   ' past. irelatlng to certain epochs of church 1911 up the phuowphy, mc]ud;ug}Practic&l\Y the Wh0le of IRM Yell'! {
y . Here are some of the changes in the} history. Logic, Moupbysiu md Ethic. wu, instructors and lecturers In law has
~         rules as decided upon by the Commit-! ML hmmm wok Weds] mlmry taught in the same department. Iti b°°¤ "°t’·m°d f°" um y°“· with ’°m•
l   *tee on Football Rules: Scourms in me Summer School of the was not until 1907 that the tlrst regu-! ¤dd*¤<>¤¤ t° both- Th° "°°m’ we
W | |   1. The playing field, now 110 yards] University of wl·c0mm_ lar assistant was appointed in thef ubmry °t uw L"' D°¥’”tm°¤t h"' [
.  !. , in length, will be shortened to an eveni O J 1 t 1912 I b Department of English. In 1910 an-? been ”m°d°1€d and chinled. I0 with
i ll |100 yards. This change ln itself is] On une B ’ ' we nun? the other teacher was elected, while ini the enum? °°ndm°“· tm °“u°°* *
l   } not vital, but it is made in order tcl 121 tl: Mmivernjy of Kentucky B ad- the present year two more have beenlfor uw Y°*"" work ls truly °pum“u°• .·
l ll _make possible on small grounds an} m Ss on to the I mom the students M added. so that there are now flve in-I and w “m”`°°°d°“°°d Y°"` i' 6* l`
Q I Qcxtension of territory in which the tor-l iybdeliagtment [Tuned tho History structors in the department, and forTV°°“’d·
2   award pass may be used. l ut' “ [Mover 12:1 Ig sliglbersé MTM the tlrst time It becomes possible to!
’ 2. A zone of 10 yards width beyondlmx mw ng W 8 max O"` extend its usefulness. There are nowi °
} ilthe goal lines is established. The pur- :;y’ Sgpmmgezlg? at 4 p` m" in thelthlrw \1¤d¢‘FK¥‘ld¤¤te COWHGI offered, N OT I C El  
237 W. Short Strxt I 1} pose ot this ls to provide ample space ’h"°° °" u kn; New smdeml as well as eleven graduate, so that to ‘—‘_ »·
Opp. Court House H;   for execution of the forward pass andxgle tlgnpzg m ta ° m·;l<;;w1¤r*;;1 m° day there ls no uhlyoymy furthe There will be ¤ meetins ef th•
I     scoring on a pass made across the D ’ are espec a y uv ' Southland whose scope ln the sphere B"°°k' E"Kin°°"U‘K S°ci°U'· is UW
Next door toSUmversity Book `li } goal line into this zone is permlttod,1 Examinations for the removal of ot English ls more comprehensive. It Ci"! BUUMHK. next Monday llhlht at
r wm   3· TM numbt"` ef "d0W¤" to Sain <>0¤dNi¢>¤1¤. wd fer ebtaiuins credits is not generally known gh.; Amp,. 7¢30. All matriculates in the Collage  
;.p....r:tt_____i::i;   ` in yards ls increased by one. [ `ln advanced courses, will be hold Sat- Saxon was never taught in any instl- °' CIYU E"¥m°°"l¤¥ W9 °¥P•¢¥N\ U
"   4. 'l‘he on-slde kick is eliminated. lurday. September 21. Those inter- tutlon in Kentucky untll lt was intro- be P'°'°¤'· U °m°°?| iN W lll .
Hsar Pr••. Barker, Dr. Tlg••·t any 6. The value of touchdown ls In- ested should consult their instructors duced several y•ars ago hy gh. W", elected. *_
Ceach 8w••t|and—Armory. lcreased from tlve to slx points, thai at once. sent head of the dopartment. Again, H. L. FARMER, PNIMODL ·;

THE lDl’,A 3
DEATH CLAIMI DI. M. A. 8COVELLl ttt:t·-yr Iittts of t·I'I`orI that lntitt-tl h7s ttti n·· tht-tr tlxnt · ·- t:·n nt-itht r
((Y0hH¥1\t·Pfl f!'0m l’R$!f‘ I.} ltttt t*t;*¢·$—t. t:-tltt-txt ll<\t` ts:ttl• t·t'.t!ttl. \‘t't- ll\1\)’   G  
""°`“"""`“"“"`""""`   e Ji "ht·t·t· is no tlt-¤¤ M M=tt····l-·-tt-l I,- ,.0,,,., .,.r.».._ t,,. mttct tw to ttwml ‘_“3?,'{_T,°‘€? A‘liYre’llZ'S°"S PHOENIX HOTEL BLOCK
(lollerzes and Expt-rlmt-nt Stations and mm; M jh, (Tank mm Hmm Hd, .\`.h,.,,l} I l l ' l" lll 'l" “‘ - — I - .
the Assoc-lation of Om:-tal /\t:t·l<·nI•ttr:tl of my mw w_mm'_mm' '__ 11,,,,,,,. ':_`,ivH_ W 1____p H. (Hmmm mm ·—·· 
(themists, form:-r mt=mht-r§¤¤tt1*‘kY S,,,,,,l mn ,.,,0,,],. amt ,;,,.5- ,.,,,,].| ntl .1,,, ;,, ,. 4,,;.., ;,,,m.,H,,q ,.],1,.,. tw G. P.  
BIB"! Fatt (Y°mml"""· “"‘l mlmlllll ·.·:t;.·,t tttttttwttttttl hi·tt. 'I`hr- tllrt--tttt-Wl tIt‘t·~n rtl »· Ti =i·l: hint :ttt·l t’=<~t`- It    
M me Omelal l’¤*”Y Tesl lll ll`e rnttl sintttlirlty ot` his snr- ··*· h nnrll nttt ;y;t,, ·x... tlntttgt by ;t,(t_;,t htm qt, C     l
,, _. . ._ _ _; , _ ocgc ocsl
WMM! ("l“mbl“" l*xl‘°’llll°"‘ (lll tttmnttstt-ttttmt wtm t-vt-ry ht-nrt. l|¤t= ·t t;t»t~ ;·»ttt,t;tte nt httjxtnu, ln vit--,t `~`~`-;`/`~`~`~"~ l
($80- tn 189:% uml was a "lemlwr el grmtt pnwt-r ft-t· tzoorl was in this tr.il`I.l tic tt·· »¤t· t;tt·ts_ t·.t~ h··tit·vt- tltnt it ir OUR 5ltE(~IAI-[HKS 1   wtant distinétivc
the mnowmg Other ¤¤tl°‘-M uml ln- "llis was n lovlttxt pt-t‘.¤t>Ilf\llly»l withttttt it In-t-t· in tht- tit-ltl of t·ttll»-z‘- h _
ternatlonal organizations: Amerit-an T]l__H_ Mw no (.],.m,tm or ,·m·y t~rl,,,],H mi,,,,,,_ VINE lSg,N,_ ,(,,;_,h,,,. 5 ’/2 nfl Lotltty fmt) méttlltmlftg l and t2lSt€fUl style In
Anoclatmn °f Agrlellllllml Selemlm jt-z1lr·t·:=·.· in his naturt-. To thnsr ot--, with tlwtett- to imtnt-tllntt-ly t`·.llow dur- this {Ul. l fhfif (jl()th€S; they HTC
the Society of Chemical lndustrY,Lon- mgwl in kmdmd mms of who,. ho` my Hm Wm. lm2_m_ am, [-mm HN, 246 WIEST MAIN I   d  
dem; the Seelely of pmmomm of alt-`¤i»‘-4 ;‘8V<‘ the full mct-tl of l>¥'¤lS<‘lst:ttttlt»t>ittt nf tht- ntlvt-rtlsln; managr-r E ap expe to
Asttcult-¤l S°l°”e°· llle Amerlean and cpt>i·t~t~latl0t1. llc was sin-pin nntl§,xl.·Ut;,,!tt· \g•8|_ Many havp {gkpn . . pay 21 pI"lC€ HCCCSSGTY
Chemical Society. the Amelrlcan np;»rttnt·h;1l·lt- ns 11 rhtltl. 'l'0w-arti thost-` $.t,m(. in {hit; isgmt ng :1 Sm-; of an ox.       to get it, 3 good many
Breeders, A”°°l°ll°" and the Amell with whom ho was assoc-intctl_ eitl:t·v§;{tr;,m»,;t_ mu] tg- round Sa¢tgt‘ut·mry (`UYUTS Qxcll-?SlV€_lY to SFl1d€l]tSt 7 , . .
can Society of Academic, Pollttt-al and in u “_(_hni(_al m, Purdy, busimsq “.ny_t will (_{mHmH_ m mlm Spam with Us and Faculty of btzlte lltttV€t'Slty; SllCh FDC!] (JOD { rcahzc
S°el¤l Selenee tht-lc was ncvt-r any at‘t‘0HHtl0lt tt"; t`t··nn tintt- tn timt-, whlrh. ln the <-nd,l A' B'   that thffy CHU blly jllS[
Llvely lmereu ln Lexlnemm Sl1l‘¢‘F$¤FiI5'· ll \\‘¤·S UNB ll8l>l*Y ¥`¤<‘¤lU’l will mt·:tn murh towartl thc flnanciall Cm" S. Llme and Colfax such clothes T€3dy at
Dr- Seovell had taken B' llvely lmmee that ht- was :1 born t‘tll<‘l‘ Ol` mt·¤· H" V support of this t>&p(-I'. A small ¤l1m·l    `
est in the welfare and devellmmenl el ted, and those whom he lt-tl, fvlt tit-t tt r nr tttlvt-rtlsrrs know by thc pastl t ls StOr€°
the cm" of I’°xl“gl°n· as well as the tht- trash. that thtty will txt-L zi. neat profit from   . .
State University and the agricultural un is mm that great mm] No grim ml if im_{`Smmm in Smog in The meat i Ot]? Hbllltylf.0 méét y0\1l'
and ll-'G ’t°ek lntereste °l the Slate only in thc distant-0. The throlthitlsa mnt mw- always rt-atly and willing t0l ldeals ls becommg more and
and nation, and was recognized as one puke Of the Chybf his awnpmme and mh mph Spam as their busmoss dg-E .     t't;]0r€ EGHCFBUY k!lOWh. WB
0-f the most efficient advisors of the adoption was stmcd at the ]_(_qm_S'   mmm. Um in an MSM. me Size Of! g • S Q;Vd3. big StO