xt7xgx44sv19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44sv19/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 10, June 1, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 10, June 1, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt7xgx44sv19 section xt7xgx44sv19   I   A A   ' `‘ · """i"*‘\L__,- ~ “ * ‘A   -r »·   
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To Ed·It•r•: Th• _ d
···-· ln vii- ¤·····¤·· THE UNIVERSI OF KENTUCKY A Entered .4 .a......
In prepared for the   class matter at th•
:"°“ °'::_'°;°I°“°d   post office at Lew
or pu ica non on ' Ington Ky.
receipt.   ‘ ’
June 1, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY · Vol. II. No. 10
An executive order recently, issued The eighth annual meeting of the Henry Watterson chapter of Alpha The University of KEHUICKY will The annual inspection of the Uni-
lgbiriiliiri ;){;lig;id;Irl1(jl;;7(;T1;‘§1doi25é Kootuoky Mloiog Instituto will bo Doug, Sigma, honorary journalistic get the iirst contest of the New South- versity of Kentucky battalion or
_ _ _ . . . held at the University of Kentucky, fraternity of the University of Ken- €m_IntBmO1hgat€ Contest League' ir Cadets was OOIO OO the Campus. bY
rules so as to peimit the U. S. Civil _ April, 1920, and on that occasion will Colonel C F COX Field Artill l. _
' Service Commission to waive the phy- Fmday and Saturday- June 6'7¤ and *¤¤kr» held its annual pledging GXBI" entertain representatives of Alabama, ere} Staff: liveshiugteu Thee gusiire-
sical requirements under certain con- will be addressed by some of the lead- cises in the office of the head of the Teuessee, North Caroline, Virginia, mm was ’SatiSfaCt0,_y ond the cadets
dirivus in favor of IOOH who WOYO l¤· ing engineers and chemists in coal department, Friday, May 16th, at the John Hopkins and Vanderbilt Univer- complimented oo their oohiovomoots
juggle  lgilimrsi ZY D3‘v?1t§8rvi°G·€ i mining. The first aid contest which is iifth hour, when the blue ribbon bows Sings- _ _ _ It was formerly the custom for drill
f certéggl seggal g;%;ci1j;1;iCSg);€_ Scheduled for Saturday urtoruuuunluue were pinned on Jesse Tapp, Corydon; OOO man fr¤r¤ Ogjch umverslty in to end inspection program, but this
Y P Y _ , S 7 ,-1, b 1 ld . . h Edward Parker. Maysville; J. P. the rrr league will rrrrerrrr his year the wci-ii win be continued as
bar from all examinations and other » “1 9 16, On Stoll Field If t Q Bomos, Bardstown; Robert Raiblgi school and all speeches wil be made lt has boon oooduotod throo limos a
defects vvhich will debar from certain weather permits, but if not the con- Loulsvmo, and Dooom Dlnolog Fmoro from notgs and uct memorized from Week in the basic course and ova
examrnauons- TOOSO _l'Og“1aUOO$ are tests will be put on in the gymnasium liu, manuscripts. A cash prize of $70 will hours o Wook in tho odvooood oourso
ba's€_d upon theriiqulrelnents of th? and armory, The first aid teams will Initiation followed by a banquet be divided between the wirrrrr of until further announcement,
gigliste Zsteitaolgc ed by the severa again Contest for the Phoenix Hotel was hold Friday, May 23, with the first and second place in the contest. 1... ,
m n ea . _ r ll · r· b · ll ; The representative of the University
Upon the recommendation of the OOP which was Won tWO Years ago by LOooOW§§C?;u;T€ él;'ig—;tgI£¤;H zhagggs will be selected by contest, open to EMERY FRAZTER WINS
Commission, after consultation with the Stearns team and must be won Planck Loxlngtoo. Thornton Conoou every meu in the University, which DECLAMATORY MEDAL
uw F"d€*`al Board for Vocational Ed` twice in succession before it becomes paris, eud Fpgdgrgck Jeekseu, ver; will be held some time during the first _
“°“*i°“ and the U· S- E‘“l’1°l’€"S’ C°m‘ the property of any team- The silver sailles all members ofthe scnicr class Semester- Emmy Fmmn °f L“W"’“°Bb“"g·
pensation Commission, the P1‘€$ld€Ht· plaque given annually by the Kell- to bg ygraduetted ju June _ -? .. __ , vim] the Crum medal in the annual de"
‘S";I§“ ‘*¥;,*?,X€°“,f}Q° O,Qd“`·o“ f°‘}°‘YS‘ mls Meme I¤S***¤“‘>· will MSO lis 2* Henry Wrrrrrwr Charter MW has EVERETT KELLY AND iilgzryésggiishriga HE n];a$;rS°§1
WW 8 · F ‘* _t ° °m““SS‘°“ trophy this year. and the list of prrzes in the service, William Shinnick, MISS WOLL GET PRIZES . A - .y g ’ Y ’
m’*"’· mlm d‘S“"’“°“» exempt mm and ril>l><>¤s presented will be of un- Shelbyvil1e· Joan Marsh Maysville; m Jlapal at the U““’€’S“" °f Km '
physical requirements established fOr usiiai interest this year. McClarty Llarbison, Shelbyville, and · t“°ky‘ Others °°“"°’S‘*°” WBT “’· H-
auy position O disabled and hom"` Headquarters will be in the ball Herbert Graham, Fruukfor-t_ Cuptalu Everett E. Kelly, Whitesville, senior ?€&l· Lacentel`? H· B· MOGFOEOIE L6X·
ably discharged soldier, sailor, or ma- room or tho Phoenix Hotel and lusteurl Graham is teaching joumar in the College of Arts and Science, Hlgton;   Pearlman, ltichmond; Bur·
rine upon the certification of the Fed- or the usual dinner lu the main dlu. ism in Franco and tho othoro oro won first prize, $15, in the 1919 Ken- ron Préwltt. Mt- Sterling. The Judges
eral Board for Vocational Education log l.oOm_ tho members will rake cure. lioutonoms in the Army of Oooupa_ tuckian subscription contest with,Miss WOTO D1? J- T- C- Noe and Dr. P. P.
that he has been specially trained for ter-lu supper Registration and im- tion Margaret Woll, Hawesville, a junior in BOYd· _
and has passed a practical test dem- portant business matters will be taken ` the same college, as winner of the The Wlllllerr Emery Fraiier. return-
onstrating his physical ability to per- up lo the momlng or Friday, Jung 6, second prize of $10, Kelly sold 202 ed a few months ago to the University
torm the duties ot the class of posi- and the mst Session when papers will BARNES AND PORTER subscriptions. after HOMIY two years of service in
tirlns in llvhilzgi employment is soggglll-" bg read will convene in the ball rom WIN BARKER TROPHY 1ThO 1919 §{€“F“Cl;ia“»bth€ gnwiriitg §;50S;;ylh;{3r;in;i&6gd;r i;‘{c_0T};
n su mi ing 1 s recommen a 1011 at 1 P_ M_ c ass annua., is 0 e 15 rl u e _ · _ _ Y all *1 1 Il
to the President the Civil S€I`ViC€ The lsiresldeuli, K_ U_ Maguire, Louis. among students the early part 0f June. the UDlV€I`$1l1Y. Wlllh four parts to his
Commission said: "Where it is ap- villa, will preside at all eeseieus aud J. P. Barnes, Bardstown, Ky., and It is to be bound in a semi-flexible cmdlt lll mlllllal Dl`0d¤0f10HS-
parent to this Commission that his COL C, A, Bmwouy or Pltrsburg, will Goebel Porter, Dixon, representing leather cover, embossed With the dove ——————- ` —*
(the disabled so1dier’S, sail0r’s or ma- be the chief Speaker Of the afternoon, the Uni0n_Literary Society, defeated of peace holding in its claws the ENQYCLOPEDIA MATTER
nine's) physical condition is such that Colonel Burrell is the luveuter of tue M. C. Redwine, Sandy Hook, and VV. laurels. The victory idea is carrred WRITTEN BY U_ OF K_ MEN
- he would not ordinarily be accepted. Burrell Gas Detector which has be- J. Kallbrier, Buckner, representing the throughout the publication-by a semes —-—-
the case will be referred to the Fed- como S0 useful in Coal miuiug-_ Mejor Patterson Literary Society of the Uni- of drawings done by William Wallace, A ngtv article Ou the general
eral Board for Voeatiimal Ed¤¤¤tlO¤- A_ C, Fieitiuer, another speaker or the versity of Kentucky in the annual in- art editor of the 1919 Kentuckian. features and history uf I{€ntucky a'p_
That board will then decide Whether erterueeu, is director of associated tersociety debate for the Barker Miss Eliza Piggott, Irvington. Kim pears in the 1919 edition Or the Eueye.
it is practicalvle to eduaate him fw com nnies which writes aI1workman’s trophy. The subject of the debate editor-in-chief ofthe Annual. deserves icpcuia Americana, Or which gdvgucg
. P . , .
the POOMOO SO“ght· If Considered compensation insurance policies for Was: Resolved, That the American the credit for putting into the publi- sheets have just a,.rlvod_ Many io_
practicable, the rehabilitation and ed· Cool miners system of Trial by Jury Should be cation the interesting news matter, dust;-ig} changes eg reeeut years are ,
ucation will be given and when ¤Om· Tho reruem win continue Friday Abolished. The Union men took the the attractive write ups. and Clever ar- here indicated tho not run described,
_ , D e _ Y
pletcd certitlcation of that fact Wlll uuerueeu, after supper Friday even- affirmative side ofthe question. rangement of pictures. The editors have made a serious et.
be made to this Commission mere ing and again Saturday morning, and The prize was a lvoing cup given by F. M. Jackson, Versailles, is busi- fort to surpass all other works lo the
Ulé board OOOS not OOOSMOY it desil" {hg urst uid contest will begin prompt- former DI'@Sld€Ht H€llI‘Y S- B2ll`kOl`r BOSS T1ll1ll2lg€l` of the AIlHll9~l· Value of their articles on the various  
oblo to attempt the etlueetieu for the ly ot 2 o»olook Saturday u_rterrieOu_ and is new the permanent possession —·L*_— States of the Union. Dr- Edward Tut-
I>0SllZl0ll Smlght Other DOSMOUS will be Thg judges will be selected from the of the society UGCHUSG il hi1S b€O¤ WOO GOOD WORK TO EXCUSE hill, of the Department of History, is
OOHSMOYOG and Suggasmd to himr but physicians ot Lexington under direc- by its team three consecutive times. SENIORS FROM the author of tho principal ortlolo, for
he will not be admitted Y0 lhs One YO? tieu ei Dr_ ,i_ W, Pryor. The contest Each contestant for the Barker " 10-wed by Prot, W, R, Jillson, who
which his physical ¢¤¤dltlO¤ OOOSW win be conducted under the regula- Trophy was presented a gold medal. EXAMINATION writes on cii and gas -
tutes all lrygrngdigble b3,1‘," tiUnH Of the Amerlcall Red Cross Qlld Q1I]bOSSG(1 Vfith "K.,’ Hereafter all rep' Seniors Of the Univerqity of lien- W
'_""_"""" medals will be issued to winners of resentatives of the University who rep- · _ I , I LABORATOR
SOPHOMORE MINERS ON full team events and certificates to resent the societies in debating teams tucliy twill P9 €XCl15€dbF10tmiHH$lh;5c1;   THEATRE
INSPECTION AT STEARNS winners of one, two, and three men will receive the same trophy. The ;?;’;aQg;;IgB1‘g0r“‘E?;€ soilgiitgrnisio Or NED FOR
'_‘"`" events. medals given this year are the firs · I _ UNIVERSITY
The sophomore lrlllllllg €¤§lllOOl`lOg In order to avoid confusion, each awarded under these conditions. The Br_DI`0V}d€';_ Sugh titugenis have, i ______
Studgnflg of the University of Ken- team will me with the secretary, C. medals and cup were awarded to the pgmgsétan {ng Or €T,rS Swmss if A laboratory theatre, on the plan
tucky spent May 13 and 14 on an in- W, gtrielrieud, BOX 910, Huntington, winners by Professor E_ (3, iviabie of Oh tgllt $O¤·l;>!` YOHS`- thle ella e n of rho famous ,..1,tmQ the,m_eS,,, is
specticn visit to Stearns, Kentucky. west Virginia, not later than June 2. the English department. who Dreslded t 8 ““’“S1hY me F   ‘"“ mg 9 the latest project of the University of _ __ I
where the extensive mining illte1‘eStS 1919, the names of team members arid at the meeting, mquestvof t G _S?mOrI C aés tas pl 6- KQHUJCKY. It is to be completed for
there afford vast practical instruction. the company they represent, together Sentéd m 3* petmonil nstluc Or; me USG IleXt year, the course in d-ramat·
The students on the trip Werei \vith their addyggggg The problems requlred FO repfnt t Q names _0 B ics being correlated with that of the
D. C. Howard, Benton; E. T- QFOSS. will bg presented to the teams the COMMENCEMENT ’ Swdents m their Cladsgs sluikmg I`? English department; professor Mebre
Benton; M. J. McWhorter, M1ddl€‘ day of the incct. Rules to govern its ROGRAM q“1Y°’d,gmd€S and °}°uS? fri? EE M11 be the director- °
..., burg; N, 0,-Belt, Wickliffe; W. E. oootost will be Sent ururuutly uueu WEEK P amination. TgG1;1B.H1S berng` otlowe Momborshio in tho Organization wm ,
Endicott. Wl¤OhOSlOl`§ S· S- G¤`Ogg» appiieaticn to the secretary by the ___.. lgisrnggyuoliyt e arger universi ies in be of two kinds, active and associate, -,
Nichglasvlllg; H_ E_ Reis, Lexington'; oootalo or the team proposing to enter _ _· _ _ _ The active members will be those who g
H_ w_ wailing, Cgtmpbgllsvilleg E, N, tho oootosu Field ormugemeurs will Sugda;. Ju¤;I15;1—Bar~;`¤rllaureatle se; Examination will begin this year take part in the actual production X
Winkler, Hamm; R, M. Guthrie, Now be under the direction and Supervision mon y aines ay OH li S»l¤ O P Friday. June 6. ¤¤d_ Wlu OOOUOOB ofltlie play whether as actors, scene _
Hope; A, M, Wood, Wilde; H. B. Orr. Of C_ C, giue, senior inspector of as- 3·30 p· m· throughout_th9_f°H°W‘_“g Wee? Chem' painters or electricians. The asso.
Paris; N. D. Witt, Bowling Green: C- .seeie,ted companies, All teams ex- Monday, June i6-Class day exer- istry examinations will be given the moto momborsmp Wm be composed __
0, Anderson, Mayfield; D. S. Smith. peetiug te enter this contest should Glses 111 the mOl'¤l¤%· SOmOl` Pllgrmf mst dar and OUIOYS accordmg rr of all town and University persons
Pembroke; E, L, Schultz, Henderson; have their Captaing ue-tity the secre- age, Glee Club Concert. Presldellts SOhOdl11O· who are passively interested in dre. ·
T, J. Ashor, JL, Ploovluo; R_ M_ tary of tho iosmom Reception, in the afternoon. Seulor L--—— matic WO1`k- ; ·
Perrin, Falmouth; F_ D_ Wgatherholt, T_ J, Barr, professor- of Mines 21.116. Baur ln the €VBnmg· REDWINE HEADS . t`
gieyerpcrt; R, N, O’Hara, Williams- Metallurgy, University of Kentucky. is Tuesday, June 17—Alum1ll l`Oll¤iOnS» DEMOCRATIC cLUB· PROF, C, G, GROOKS I-[EADS 9
town; E. E. Sparks. S¤lldY Hook: J· in charge of arrangements for the Alumni luncheon, Alumni annual busi- Mereus Retiwiue, eg guudy Huck, MATHEMATICS SOCIETY ,·
E, Hare, Lexington; Bishop Hllles. meeting; ness meeting, last cadet dance of Year. has been elected president or the —;—  
Wickliffe; J, T, Stephens, Kel/il: The Program. Strollers. Democratic Club of the University of The Kentucky gggtjgn er the Metue- ,
Frank Eastwvvdi Slaughter? W· M- Friday, June 6. 1 P- M- wednesday, June 1s—ccmme¤ce- Iierrturkr. with Jasper J- M<=Bra-yer- of matical Association of America held
Baulch. Fulton; Victor Barlow. Bm" Opening Remarks—K. U. M€B`l1ll`€» ment exereises, Dr_ Hervey W_ Wiley, Lawrenceburg, vice-president, and its olovomh annual mootm Sat do ,5
low; Harold T. David, Winchester; President of K, M, I, Speaker; Lee Megluiu, class Crater; Miss Bessie Conkright, of Winches- May 17 in th Ph . b id. UIU S?
E, P, Moynahan, Nicholasville; I- G- zine and Lead in the Kentucky-Illr ter, secretary. The club has a mem- Vomit ’Of Ket isms {il {Egg m`
Wuseu Leuisviie; Fred Lukcr, Jeiter- mis Fluoy Spar District—A. H. Reed.   bership of more than 200 and is plan- E I glo an $,9 y' .:13 10 Bssor
sontown; W. B. Thornton. LeXl¤g€O¤9 Mining Engineer of Marion, Ky. Depreciation and Depletion—C, D. ning for interesting meetings, with Dimiitas GSB gms! mg' alas of twenty
A, H, Voelcker, Louisville; C.   Human Engineering-—M. L. Felmen, Burdick, west Kentucky Coal Cc, prominent speakers tor each pro- ,,_oS€,,t ea? .W§§B give? Y members ’
Young; Nelson; Earl Wallace WIL Safety Engineer T. H. Mastin Co. . gram, I rm m 9 B Bc ‘°“ Whlch f°l‘
_ _ r Has the Metal Industry Any Les- lowod Proto C G C k C
ton; LGB Oldham, H0pl{]nSV]ll@; J, N. Gas and Coal Dust in MiHSS"COI. Sons for the Coal InduStryg__R, Da'W' W SOI- . . TOO S, enter
Adams, Somerset; J. M. Denton, LeX- G_ A_ Burrell, Pittsburg, pu, Son Han Chicago ' ‘ TUFTS TO DELIVER go1l,e,ge,was electedipresrdent, and Dr,
iugten; W, R, Amon, L2111C?lSt€l`· Chemistry of C0al—M¤j01` A· C- ’ ' BACCALAUREATE t· k l Smlth’ Of Umverslty of Ken-
_____ Fieiduer, Pittsburg, Pa, Saturday, June 7, 9 A. M. uc y’ S€CrGmry'treaSur€r` z
Y· W' C' A' CAMP POSTPONED Schedulg Ratmg of goal Mums fér The activities of the National Safe- Dr. James Hayden Tufts, Chicago, `
The Y. W. C. A. camping party Wcrkmeirs Compensation-H. M. Wil- ._ . . _ . , , ,
_ _ ty Council Frank Morris, Chicago. has accepted the invitation of the Uni- J D· ·
which was to have been held Satur- son Pittsburg, Pa, . . ames lxonr Bowlmg Green- was
d M 10 h been Ostmmd umm S, { d D Pr Hoes in Storogo Borrow Looomotlvo in Mme versity of Kentucky to deliver the elected president ot the English Club
ay' rr ’ rrr p I a 9 an angemus ac, `W0l·](—J Appleton Ireutuu O baccalaureate sermon to the gradu- et the U · ·t lg K ·
later in the summer, as there are HO Coal Mines-—D. J. Parker, Pittsburg. _ ‘ _ ’ ’ ' otlog Class or 1919 Su d J oo mversl Y 0 fmtucky at its
open dates until after commencement. Pa, Mme Rall BO¤dS_C· C- Berk. Ohm 15 lo {ho ho or folio IQ] gy' _ qt regular monthly m¤¤¤¤r· and MISS
and ti,. .......ti...- 0.. i-my ic   not Friday mins, 8 P. M. Bm C0- D.;.,..,. Tun;   .‘En...-'°.,i tigeistgl “°“€’“‘“““°"“t°“’ 1`Y'“"’°°“’-" B°r° ta"`
suitable for camping. The camp will Cafeteria Supper and Smoker. Permissible Explosives (Illustrated) t. 1 J I . . treésuren Ths club IS pkmmng an am'
probably be held in August. Phoenix Hotel. —J. .E Miler Huntington W Va   Duma Ot Ethl°S’ pulbhshed bmoqs ppgram for next year and is
’ ’ ‘ ‘ m · growing m importance yearly.
- - ~. § `O
1 \ .. , - .
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