xt7xgx44sj91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44sj91/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1988 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Middle Tennessee State University, February 25, 1988 text University of Kentucky vs. Middle Tennessee State University, February 25, 1988 1988 1988 2014 true xt7xgx44sj91 section xt7xgx44sj91 ’ " 1
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ln Kentucky sport has always   that always do/ng your best is
been more than playing a game.     an attitude that extends beyond
Here, sport meanstradrtron. lt     g_   y      yyyt   ttt  i the playrngtield. Just as basket-
means pride.        a e   ball is nmlust basketball at
Thats why we support this         Kentucky motor oil ismtjust
publication with pride. Pride in     motor oil at Valvoline. With pride
the University ot Kentucky Pride   { as      and tradition, we make motor
in its athletic programs. And     VAL     oils preciselytormulated to meet
special pride in the student ath-   ctsi    vpmmrg Mgprr _r   your car’s special needs.
letes who honor us all with their     { aa i:   _ Valvoline Oil Company
commitment to a/ways doing     K {_ yzys a Lexrngton,KY ¤¤~r~~~ i··i Division
lherrbest _ _   Wi" ot/-\shland;OrI,lnc.©l98Z 1
At\/alvoline, we believe a K Valvolrne Orl‘Gompany» l l  

     OI %I#~42i
CONTENTS We’re Proud to be
Coach Sharon Fanning ...............,....,..... 2 I
Basketball Staff ................................ 3 S
Dr. David Roselle .............................. 4       I
Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ..................... 4
Meet the Players ............................ 5-22 [E,} 9
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker 6 _/-LJ
10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis!  
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15) T
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17
' Opponents’ Feature ,.......................... 18 /
Lady Kat Feature ............................. 19  
Scorecard ................................. 22-23 ° »—~ I ¤‘ ·
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 5;,
Assistant AD’s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25   U
UK Sports information Staff ..................... 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff .................. 27 9
Lady Kat Records .......................... 29-30 7 '
Former Lady Kats ............................. 31    
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33 9
UK Campus ............................... 35-36 °
Your hometown grocery stores
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky
Written, Produced and Edited by
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports information Director
Special Thanks to
EAigR.';· Z   UGSSQG, Whcllc she served HS 3 FANNING,S RECORD AT UTC
i   ya   _. »_V‘.       graduate assistant coach to Pat YEAR W L PCT
      9     Head Summitt for one year be- ieve-77 20 is sos
  `,V‘· 5   ..  r»’     -itV1 Y —  . .Vi‘Vi   1`lli   fore returning home to build a 197778 19 7 731
  ylv,     l. <~»     1978-79 is ii ,593
  _r.—l ` ..   _,.. l i     Pmgmm at hm alma mall? ieve-so is is ,535
          . *     o A noted s eaker who is ver 1980-81 ie 9 me
, `.~l° /   r/w a"  . . ·  · · y 91 *
_ 1 _     ``‘‘      active in civic affairs, Fanning 19;:3; 1;   gg?
  _ ,         {_ _A=_,__ ,   also served as Coordinator of iees.s4~# ze 5 1839
   5 W   , .        Women’s Athletics at UTC since l984·85; 16 i3 552
     `   i   ippl T   1978. She is a current member of Egg?. li gg Egg
  ‘.‘r ity  V-`  l r   _,T.     ._   ·r_‘ J *r_, _ -l,_   the National Women’s Basketball Toms QE E; ET
This summer, Coach Fanning gave instruc- Cémches ASS9C‘&“9“ BOaI-d Of 'gollllloln Conlololloo €ll¤m¤l¤¤S
tions at a basketball clinic in Jackson, Ky. D1I`€C[OI`S. "NWW Fl‘“‘"€"Up5

 .   C?/(rerun/zstty oy %7.Thh t h'l- ·—  
lax dollars from the University’s general dregogidrs WSE; rl-jlllzxlencléaagviasxe lfillll Plc, also Serve? db dean Ol Vlrglma
funds. M A   d d K; · d » Tech s graduate school and dean of re-
- Hagan, a native of Owensboro, replaced algsef Tl?gnsyll§a;§;€[?l:lVea;l;lya recent gra U- march and grarluatc Stud1€$· _
thc late Harry C. Lancaster as athletics direc- l Dr; RlO$;€ll€ 15 khcwh as im mriOViirOr·
tor on July l. 1975. Since then, UK athletics At Virginia Tech he implemented a uni-
has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success, versity-wide core curriculum, helped se- .
beth Oh rim Praying iifiid and in the €i¤55· cure increased support for sponsored re-
r°°m· search and was recocnized nationall for
Hagan has seen UK basketball teams win BOARD OF DIRECTORS ·. — · ·, · · D · . · y _
_ _ _ his initiatives in computing and informa
an NCAA championship, an NIT champion- UNIVERSWY OF KENTUCKY [lam systems
ship and make another appearance in the Fi- ATHLE-HCS ASSOQATION ` ` ' _ . . .
I . _ _ In 1978, he was recognized by Virgin-
nal Four. The football Wildcats have ap- Ex_0pFlClO MEMBERS_AT_ .' T h f h._ _ h. _ ll
pcared in threc bowl games. Last season, Six l\]El`lBERS LARGE ld cc Ol. lh {CAC lng €xl'€_ CllCC‘
UK tearrre appeared in ttrerr respective Ncaa DL Dull, Rosdlc Ml l_D_ German De Rceeiie hee hehie variety ci iced-  
Chalnplgnshlp gv€l·][g_ Drs An Galllllhel, Ml,. Sa-l-. Roach €l”Shlp pOS1l1OI`lS llrl IlH[lOl'lZIl IT`lZ1rl`l€I1]2itlCS
Academically, Hagan helped establish the Dr.]ack Blanton organizations and served as executive
Center for Academic and Tutorial Services Dr. Raymond l-lornhaek STUDEN MEMBERS secretary of the Mathematical Associa-
(CATS). The University of Kentucky was the DF- James M- Khdcl Miss Susan Brothers tion of America for nittc years.
grst-univcrsityf in the natioda to opaell anaarca- Eli**“a§::bg;g· Lilwiim Mr. Karl Crase He has made llllmelells lllvlteel ed-
cmtc center or stu ent-at ctes. cc orts ’ d . , · ha f- ld d -. ·d l b_
have paid off, as UK lcd the Southeastern ALUMNIMEMBERS FACULTY MEMBERS llxairjrayla Jlzlhlgnaagga ébhajlaac glaplgaa
Confcrcncc last year in the number of stu-   l Dr. Daniel Rccdy b` df l. la   a Cl '_ _h`
tientatnietee rtarnea to the ieaguea varroua M’·W""“‘“B· S“"¥*“ Dr- Ni- r’i¤¤¢¤¤<> ff"? "°r O ‘W° °‘? “ “‘“ Wai "“‘ C
Acddemlc Heder Rdlls Mi- iehh C- Owcm Dr, Chtirles p_ Roland editorial board of a third.
Hagan's involvement- in college athletics TRUSTEE MEMBERS   Dr· ROSEH9 is married tc the rOrm€r
extends beyond the University of Kentucky. Ma Alam B Clsaadlar Da Paul sears g I-OUISC DOWirriS or Mimrii1$$€r· N·Y·»
He serves on thc Bxccutivc Committee of the Ml; lelddls Rddlsea, Dsl lla Vadldaeell amd Ihcy h£lV€ 11. SGH, Afihuf. i6. illid 21 _
Southeastern Contcrcncc and is also on thc daughter, Cynthia, 15. t
4 i

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` One of the most talented players in Lady   .   ` i j ,     E
Kat history. Bebe is expected to be one of the   — · g   _ L .   ’[—\/   1
top players in the Southeastern Conference     .   ` gi   _» 
this season and should be a strong contender    T.       
for All-Arnerioa honors. She led the Lady   11 .._,_·     ,i.t·; Q .;    if   .
Kats in scoring last season with an average of       _   S
17.7 points rt game. which ranked her fourth ‘     ‘·‘l  i,  S ;. 
in inet eeneaew elnens SEC players- She wes . ASS—.r-»`,·-,   `ltr   —   ¥
also fourth in the sec in free throw percent- . »i2:‘é,.?§; :V_V,   ‘`ly 2 ·.>`r    =°·  . n S S S   S? I
nge (78.6), sixth in Steels ret annie (2-6) and     ‘ t`°.S`‘S ¥   -,r· Z       A rl~r   —‘ SS  $ * 4  ,
ninin in tebnnnding <7- ll . »   =··’       l
Bebe is 14th on the all-time Lady Kats l » S—_»-   ·—ii;£;.;*f.s .·‘S =S°S     ‘’‘Sl ’ ` SSS ‘ ·
scoring list with 937 career points, and if she H "~i· j   ·rS=       '~V» Q; `iii 8       ig; ·. ,.,
keeps nr ner eenent rnee She Snenld ensny ” rri‘     SQ `.“.S   `         ‘ *
finish as one of UK`s top five all-time t          
A tirst-team Parade All-America as a sen- M ,. y ' ·‘·_   ‘iii'=     __‘,   ’`‘S`     V  
ior at Henry Clay High School in Lexington,      V.   S,   t`‘‘ i     `B  
Bebe suffered a stress fracture as a freshman     `· ·l       i     j V  
and played in only half of the games in her   “    I‘_°_` gf      " Sl‘`   ,`'?   ._rV ‘       ‘\é,_; . S " _
tirst year. But as a sophomore, she started in   ___/__         ‘     `_irS Z   __ ._   i‘$*s.Q‘.~i’*-° `   i   __   _ . _— S   .  
22 of 27 games and was the fourth-leading      »_ ·     '» i   *‘? `_’_‘`   »V—;   ··‘V’». _ iir·. a   Hf: `·..». if   _’‘`  
scorer on the team.    gl       . ·‘   '.__j   ..‘‘  Aj  r.     _V_‘    
Last year she began her junior season by    ` _ 2  I 7*         · ° _ " V   ·‘__  
being named the first unanimous MVP in the _ `.'r “  .; V x r~.E _   =;=   ` ‘ ‘ Q `·‘=; j   ‘Sr.s   i’‘‘=   gy 7 .·_          
10-year histoty ofthe Lady Kats Invitational     _   I:   t `°i`'     :r_       _
tournament. She excelled in every phase . ,M~w   »         ____   *
tggtg and Sggying in dgflblc Hguygs in   but Cosby T0p   Show: Oprah WiHff€y STTOW   and lS an   rOle  
Lhreleé   at twcpgiilireihoiglieeotuplt Ztint lhs; I;?i\;0I`1t€ Ig`00d: Bibs Ht0£l)l€S and Pagmpesz model for young Student_athleteS’ ·
’ it _ -0 - rom [lg IQ gm Img g wit 3 1S Sfllllg O mLlS1C, Wil C lllg SO3pS B1') p ay- . . .  
’ career-high 32 points against Alabama, and ing tennis Favorite N0n—baSketball sperir whlle also plflylng a Very lmpor-  
then scored so potnts on 14-for-17 from the tennis Most Adnnred Athlete nrlrneeintes mnt l€ad”ShlP rele fw her team- Q
field in the next game against Florida. znletes inn eng ndmiresgnle Lern Eaverite mates. We are fortunate to Q
Bebe has twice represented the Universit Ym¤8SlUm¢ €m0T121 01S€Um 3V0Fil€ · i
anti the USA in international competition. Iii City? D¤bF0V¤ikt Yngeslnvia Comment im have th 8. Opportunlty  
. l9g5_ elm played [Or thc U_5_ in the jones Women’s Basketball: "They should let us tv work with Bebe Cr0ley· `
Cup competition in Taiwan and in 1986 she Play m0V€ and realize that girls CHU li¤g€l'·Y0ii -—C0dC]l Fllllfllllg -
was a member of the USA Select team that and SYUUCFSYSP without Wiliking" gg
competed ill the Canadian invitational.  
Personality Profile © @ ;
Birt11d·1te· 3-lt)-65 i
M'. _f ' `   . p Bebe is a tremendous athlete .
alot . Conlmunitations _ _ _ .
[ligh School: Lexington Henry Clay and tremend0u‘$; ”ldlwdual· Her _
High School Coach: Jackie Austin experience; quickness, jumping  
I l F ability and 0verall perception of Q
~`avorite music: ros e and soul avorite .
Performer: AnitaEB:il·<   -— t* ..»‘‘’ A     py ‘= -V   V I
; A ,%€;A   €.é   ~  3      2        ‘·     tz ~AV¥A   AV‘  ;A;1 —     V»A1,   - -
     J »  f  ‘i4       .     ¢‘’·VV   ,[VA     ‘A‘:·»’,v     ‘~;»·V   AV  Pe*‘$°¤¤mll PFUYIIB
     v*   1   11% Vttti    E. / ,»    t   .  < `‘*v  Y e     {   ‘v_’    .—¢‘   ;:*’*-1 v,v‘¥ B tenuate: 3-28-66
    Q-VQ =A "  *1 f V ‘ l   W   {eil {  M A ,   '      ··’V· “iifj V,V’ Q ij Major: Business
  V 1 1 " T T '  s    = aeee réuie   fg ‘   · ‘   High School: Clearwater Central Catholic
  ,    »     High School Coach: Nancy Yengel
  ‘ ‘   6   * M  iAi=é L   ""”"Y     -·’ i   l/-.::     L
  V   ,.‘, g ,_,:, A     " ”"T"".V7*’“ /  A   .   Favorite music: Soft Rock Favorite Per-
      °   ‘   vlit _“ A' "   former: Stylistics Top Movie Star: Meryl
  t   _   .  ·--.    V f        Streep Top Movie: One On One Top TV
§   · v_       V :   »   V   ·A I         V Star: Bill Cosb Top TV Show: L.A. Law
; I -5 . - Q . AV   7% » · "   qt ,   ,
  L4   , .A VA____, t V_`_   .-»V, z     V A ri H     I!   »·%,V» Favorite Food: ice cream Hobbies and Pas-
2 _   1 C ' ,,   *-5 ‘i·i'* f   Q gig- pr       V?   ‘ times: water skiin , softball Favorite Non-
, · ;_- ,. ~s-  A J 4   NW. - ! V g
1 .’ 5 · .  ,-=’   if V.   é     1  "  _,         basketball sport: softball Most Admired
t   ~ ` .. =       js  Alt gf}, V ·   1   H   Athlete: Wa ne Gretskt Favorite Gvmnasi-
.   l =· ’ .   y ) '
        A. _,,,    VA;_   ·A V »   um: Clearwater Central Catholic High
` -     :-   .-»»   1,       School ¤ m Favorite Citv: Norwalk. Conn.
V1rt··:* */·· s it:         ·   A by . '
~;,    ‘6*6 “         No. l Team in ’88: Texas Comment on
              Women’s Basketball: "l like the small ball
{Q2? ’_:V    · —.       we lat with, and l think it has im roved the
  s·»V%>;»--te-,—+i,=;·;;;.·¤v2zee·*¢-.A .,t. A   p } p
  ·V‘·   [   overall game."
    ’`-V:-       ~ V V ~
    V;:V. i   %   @ (6
  ’iii       .
2       AS one 0f three seniors on
      -·‘·     . .
_   1-E   the team, M1chele’s experience
.   ,V  A _ A   _ H --\ AAV_     and athlenc abzlzty should be an
~   V »  V--·   »·-—» 2 --z6·-   €-‘ ~ 1 - Q   advantage for the Lady Kats She
  ~ A can run the floor, shoots well
        -¤-i *§     and is e very geed passer- Mi-
      ·~===       AAA;   ehele ZS ee u”$eUlSh player and
t     :::V»A   »AVA   .tAA ;        
          Q   6:€» i     wants the team te do well. We ex-
    ·V-eV’           At»t 1   peet leadership frem ew se- ·
t       .:‘.:A`   · ·
        as ‘   mers and expect M lc he le to
>   =.’. V  ¤EV      AAAAAA           · - »
          R       Pla-V “ ble Part I" Q 99
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          AVV:l t       2 t. 1 s _C0aCh Fallning
  After strugilin with a severe knee rob- when Michele tore the anterior cruciate haa-
A _ ee E _P c
  lem as a freshman and sophomore. Michele ment of her left knee in the semifinals ofthe
  finally enjoyed her first full season last year Florida state championship, She underwent
  as ajuniorn She played in 24 of the teams 28 extensive knee surgery before coming to Ken-
  games and, although she never received a tucky. and has necessitated arthroscopic sur-
  starting assignment, finished as the Kats’ gery twice since.
  fifth—leading scorer with an average of 4.6 A versatile player who could help at either
  points per contest. _ guard or forward, Michele will be relied on - —
  Her outstanding high school career at for her exceptional scoring and passing ability 5 11 Senlor Guard
¤ Clearwater Central Catholic ended tragicallt this Iear. ClG8I'W8`lZ€I',  
1 e > I:
  Year GP—S FG-FGA Pct. FT-l·"l`A Pct. RliB—AV(§ PTS—A\'(} Steals Assists
  1986-x7 24-0 42-90 46.7 26-36 72.2 61-2.5 1 io-4.6 _ I2 24
  1985-86 17-2 14-27 51.8 10-ll 90.9 15-ss 314-2A2 111 14
  1984-85 15-1 15-35 42.s 16-27 59.2 23-1.5 46-1.5 3 111
  TOTALS S6-3 71-152 46.7 52-74 70.5 99-1.8 194-$.5 25 34
  Career Highs: 14 pts. vs. ()hio State. 1986-87, 8 rhs., twice

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Monique possesses all the skills necessary *»   " ,   -3 Q   ‘» _   ' _ »   we    p x
to be a standout player at both ends Ol the ° A , `  K V `   _ ,»=» * A .          lj 
court, Although she was recognized for her r  I    Jii` _   `— Y       gz .; . i‘’. g   _
excelled more as a detensive player at Ken-   my >»*   “ 1    i, iV·i     L . A ` ’
tucky, displaying good speed. quickness and y g     =  t ‘  A ‘  “°’  
intensity. "j_ an    _;  F ·· _ `  ii A; —
Still, she can be an explosive scorer. and ` . ``‘i .: .·       { I A t
has hit double figures several times even ,          ~_\    _: · =
though she has never appeared as a starter at   " i   `'lt     Mg'.  ( ~   -
Kentucky. Her career tree throw percentage _ 3 .’ {A  if-     t'`.    . l _ `.
ol` 88,8 is a good indication of her shooting t ( . ey A     jg  if  .a.°`  
touch. She is a classic zone buster when her A »» —       A 3     ‘ ]
shot is "on." ,   ,._   ·   iii: _` ·
Monique is regarded as one of the all—tittle .     ig     .   ".
great players in West Virginia high school t * " X"   `V  ‘·ti` f`  3  .  1
history. As a senior at St. Francis High $_  1 _} L     ‘ g 
School. she was honored as West Virginia __ (   _' ___{ .g, t_=· ¤ _A _.·,  _   ~ ., . All  _!
Player of the Year and was named to Parade 4;    i‘` "   ‘’--           {  L `‘.‘iil‘,    `°   -.
magazines fourth team All—Amet‘ica list. Het ·   i   . ‘·.- .   · il A tr      =`· '· ·~q
2.835 career points in high school are the    "   Q fj      
most ever scored by any male or tcmale in    g  .—A_ A -?·iQ¥.5.’ V      *   r .   ‘```i _?‘  
that state. Her jersey, No. l4. has been re-   __    _`   `‘`'‘   ‘ `i`.                
tired at St. Francis.