xt7xgx44rm81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44rm81/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1921-12-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1921 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1921 1921 1921-12-13 2012 true xt7xgx44rm81 section xt7xgx44rm81 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS

The Kentucky Kernel






No. 1J









University Man Selected To
Represent State At
Oxford University

Townspeople Faculty and
Students Fill Vast Auditorium to Its Capacity.



Nine Applications Submitted
To Committee in Charge

Proceeds Given To Student
Loan Fund.

William Hugh Peal, son of J. S. Peal,
Sr., of LaCenter, Ky., will be the 1922
Rhodes scholar from Kentucky according to a statement made public Sunday
n'ght by Dr. Frank Aydelotte, of Swnrth-roor- e,
Pa., American secretary, in confirmation of the decision made by the
State committee at the University of
Kentucky last Saturday.
This award carries an annuity of 350
at the
pounds sterling, about $1,400
present rate of exchange, and free tuition
at Oxford University, England. Peal was
selected out of the nine men who applied
for the scholarship. He plans to study
international law. He will leave Kentucky in the early part of October, 1922,
for Oxford and will continue his studies

The students in the accompanying picture have been dubbed "The Upper Ten" of the Freshman Class of the
University of Kentucky as a result of the application of the army intelligents tests applied to 275 freshmen in the
College of Arts and Sciences by the Department of psychology, under the direction of Dr. J. B. Miner, head of that
The scores made by this group range from 177 to 185 representing the ten highest scores made in the class.
The made score for the men at the University of Kentucky was 129. The median for white army officers is 139.
The median score for the students of twenty American colleges including the upper classmen was 130. The
median score for freshmen at Yale in the army Alpha test was 160. A scoro of 185 reaches the bordci line of genius.
The average for this group therefore ranks these persons probably in the upper one percent of the population for
the entire country. In America, a person with an intelligence rating of this kind will have no trouble in getting
on in the world either socially or economically.
The names in the group are as follows: Upper row, f om left to right: Ray Morralle, Covington, Kentucky;
Eugene Lair, Paris, Kentucky.
Horace J. Godbey, Lexington, Kentucky; Joseph F. Hines, Wicklefle, Kentucky;
Front row, from left, to right: Miss. Margaret D. Chenault, Richmond. Kentucky; Travis Y. Oliver, Murray, Kentucky; Miss Agnes Gordon, Washburn, North Dakota; Miss Mary Dunne, Lexington, Kentucky; Miss Isnbella Van
Mr. Joe K. Roberts. Lexington. Kentucky, who'holds the distinction of being one of
Meter, Lexington, Kentucky.
the highest in the group, is not in the picture. It will bo interesting to note whether or not these people live up
to their expectation in the way of class grades.

for three years.
Peal is a senior in the College of Arts
and Sciences of the University of KenHis
scholastic standing is
among the lighest in the University and
he has been on the high distinction list
for three years. He is an
having served in the navy during the war.
At the present time he is a special trustee in charge of the property and busiMen's Club.
ness of the
Peal has taken a very prominent part
in many student activities during his
four years at the University. In 1921
h won the Bennett Prize for the best
cesay on "Principles of Free Government." Ho is a member of Delta Sigma
Pi, honorary fraternity of commerce, a
member of the Acacion Lodge of Masons.
Among the offices that he holds in different student organizations are the
presidency of the Patterson Literary
Society, speaker of the Mock General
assembly, presidency of the Ballard
County Club, treasurer and a member of
the executive committee of the Democraof
tic Club, secretary-treasure- r
Intercollegiate Oratorical Association


Dr. Funkhouser Js In Line
For Position, Several
Games Scheduled

(Continued on page 7.)


i- -

In the December 1 issue of the Wilmore
Enterprise, edited by L. S. Fitzhugh, appears an editorial under the heading,
"Decadent Stago and Film," in which the
editor of the excellent paper discusses
ably and at length, present conditions affecting both the speaking and the movie
In this discussion the esteemed Enterprise takes occasion to mnko generous
of the
comment upon tho production
"Mikado" given by University students
at Woodland Auditorium, Thanksgiving
In behalf of tho students of
tho University, tho Kernel wishes to
thank tho editor for his kindly comment
upon tho efforts of fellow students to en- (Continued on puge 7.)

to tho plan adopted by the

Su-K- y


asks that the




tuclcnts going to their homes for the
Holidays make a special effort to visit
he high schools and boost the

Univer-ilt- y

und its advantages in order to
nt crest tho students to enter the University after graduating.

Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association Conference at its meeting Demas and a Happy New Year.
cember 2 and 3 at Atlanta, the next
president of the organization will bi
elected by the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Funkhouser will probably have this
honor, if ho continues as the University's
representative at tho Conference.
Dr. S. V. Sanford of tho University of
Georgia was elected president at the
last meeting, and Kentucky is next in
The presidency,
lino for tho position.
according to the constitution of the
organization will go from state to state
in their alphctical order. And as the
University is tho only member of the
-- m this stuto, Kentucky
will furnish thw next president of tho
Otner officers elected at tho meeting
were J. B. Crenshaw, Georgia Tech,
vico president, and N. W. Daughorty,
of Tennessee, secretnry and treasurer.
Tho fourtoen institutions which are
members of tho now Conference are:
University of Georgiu, Georgia Tech,
University of Kentucky, University of
Maryland, University of Virginia, VirHugh Peal, Senior In tho Collego
ginia Poytechnic Institute, Washington
Aits and Sciences, who was elected
and Lee, University of North Carolina,
attend Oxford University In England
North Carolina A. und M., Clcmson, and three, years under the conditions of
Rhodes Scholarship.
(Continued on page 7.)


Athletics and Legislation
Will Share Immediate Attention of old Students
Plans for a new alumni
athletics that should make possible an
undefeated football team in 1922 were
formulated at a special meeting Wednes-

Wishing Everyone a Merry ChristSu-K-


Editorial byn L. S. Fitzhugh'
raises reriormance uiven
by University Students

OF S. I . A.A.


day of tho Executive Committee of the
President Rodman
Alumni Association.
Wiley was appointed chairman of a "Get
There Committee" which will work out
details of the plan and submit it to the
Athletic Council for approval. Informal
conferences of alumni and members of
the Athletic Council indicates that the
proposals arc feasible.
Tho Athletic Council's policy of "absolutely clean athletics" received the unanimous endorsement of the Alumni Executive Committee which devoted a four-hou- r
session to consideration of University problems, the most extended nnd
most successful meeting held by that
committeo in a twolve month. The Alumni Indicated that further support, If
needed, will bo given to maintain a field
representative a3 during tho last season
who will mako known to promising athletic material tho educational advantages of tho University of Kentucky and
will aid such students in obtaining positions whereby they mny earn their way

University students, who were nlmost
ready to give up the struggle to obtain an
education because of lack of funds and
inability to obtain them, are going about
their duties with lighter' hearts and a
great sense of appreciation for the spirit
of the Kiwaninns, who, in keeping with
the high purpose of their organization,
concentrated every effort and got behind
the movement that has swelled the Student Loan Fund of the University.
Faculty, students, and towns people
combined in filling the vast Woodland
Auditorium Wednesday night December
Al6, to hear the Sue Harvard concert.
though many might have gone primarily
because they felt they were helping a
good cause not one went away feeling
that he had not been amply repaid in
personal enjoyment for his time and
Sue Harvard, who hails from New
Castle Pennsylvania, is the only woman
who has ever been admitted to membership in the kiwanis Club and it can
be seen from her youthful charm, and
fetching personality coupled with her
ability as a singer makes her not only
a favorite with her brothers but also
with her audiences.
of eighteen numbers
The program
which she gave without the least apparent fatigue was vastile and gave her
audience ample opportunity to sense her
remarkable scope which included notes
so high and sustained that one marveled
at the ease with which she accomplished
them and then tones so soft and low that
cne could not definitely tell where they
The things
ceased and silence began.
that were most pleasing about Sue Harvard were her simplicity and gracious- ness, the clear unaffected qualities of her
voice and the near-perfe-

(Continued on page 7.)


Newspaper Illustrations of
Van Verveke Are Being
Shown In Art Studio

Of especial interest to the journalism
students of the University is the exhibition of original newspaper illustrations
by Mr. nnd Mrs. George Van Verveke,
this week in the studios of the Art Department in White Hall.
The exhibition opened Tuesday afterThe
noon with a tea in tho Studio.
hosts were members of the art faculty,
Professor Carol M. Sax, Miss Belle Bates,
and Miss Ruth Elliott, assisted by Mrs.
C. B. Lowry, mother of Mrs. Van Verveke,
Mrs. Frank L. McVey, Mrs. P. P. Boyd,
Mrs. Georgo Starr, Mrs. Lyman Chnlkley,
Mrs. W. W. Anderson, Mrs. A. C. Zem-bro- d,
Mrs. F. W. B. Morso and Mrs. H. W.

through the University.
Mrs. Van Verveke, who, before her
The University's legislative program
was given special attention and tho sec- - marriage, was Miss Margaret Lowry, and
(Continued on page 7.)
(Continued on page 7.)
























I "t







Lafayette Billiard
















'J t












ila, For Gentlemen


(A. & S.); Wilkerson, N. M. (Eng.); Wilson, H. (Law); Wilson, R. C. (Eng.);
Wilson, R. 0. (Ag.);
(Eng.); Winter, E. S. (Lnw); Winton,
I'orlic (Ag.); Witt, Norman
Woodwnrd, R. (Eng.); Young,

Pictures For

the course in physical education as conin the University. The work Is
not strenuous nnd every student in the
University, who is physically fit should
take some form of gymnasium work.




Those beside whose names this mnrk
nro not on Senior cards,
but may graduate by carrying cxtrn

At present there is much Scarlet Fever
in Lexington nnd an epidemic is feared.
This would be especially serious if any
cases should develop in the University,
nnd nil students who arc ill in any way
should report it at once, as a slight cold
may lead to a dangerous disease. Scarlet
Fever is a children's disease and is very
hard to combat when it develops in an
older person.
The Department of Hygiene and Public Hcnlth reports that there were no
epidemics in school last year and the
school has been free from them so far
this year. President McVey is very
pleased with the record of last year and
with the assistance of the faculty and
students the same may be accomplished
this year and all eqidemics may be


Wc Are Giving Special Service to College Boys. Right

A communication
has been received by
the Department of Health from
McCormick stating thnt there is much
Emall-po- x
in this vicinity nnd advising
that every precaution be taken to avoid
an eqidemic.
In order to prevent any
case which may arise while the students are home for Christmas vacation,
nil are urged to be vaccinated before
leaving school. Dr. Holmes nnd Dr. Ireland will do this work free, and advise
every man, nnd woman to be vaccinated
as it will have to be done if an epidemic
develops and this is the best means of

preventing the disease. .
Every person in Kentucky is required
by law to be vaccinated, and no person
can become a member of a public school
as a teacher or student without a certificate that he cr she has been vaccinated
in five years.


and Oldest Stu
dents Dine Together

A box of Colgate's tooth paste has been
The youngest and the oldest at the
received by the department of Hygiene I'niversity of Kentucky had Thanksgiv
nnd at the Dental Clinic a sample will be ing dinner together.
Mrs. Stoughton
given to each student.
Fletcher who is the eldest student, had

The Department of Health wishes to
inform the faculty that they should not
excuse students from classes on account
ot illness unless they have an excuse
signed by some member of the Department. All excuses must come through
the Department and are not to be accepted if they are not properly signed.
Many students, particularly girls, are
presenting excuses from their home
physicians to the department of Physical Education and expect to be excused
from gymnasium
communications are presented they must
be turned over to the Department of
Hygiene and Public Health and the
physician who gave the excuse will be
communicated with. If the excuse receives the okeh of the Department, the
student may be excused.
Students and many doctors do not
realize the benefits that are derived from


with her for Thanksgiving dinner at the
Leamington, Roscoe Kash, who is only
fourteen and the youngest student in the
history of the University. Mrs. Fletcher
is very much interested in Roscoe, and
together the two present a most interesting picture.
Young Kash who is an exceptionally
bright young lad is taking a
course and expects to finish his medical
course and be ready to serve as an interne in a hospital when he is 21 years
old. If these ambitions are realized
Roscoo will perhaps be the youngest
physician in the United States. But for
all his brightness he is a good sport and
has made a host of friends on the

Now the Suits and Overcoats
5fou Wear Home Will Have
ro Look Good So Let Us
Have Your Order Early.


"Cleaners that Satisfy"

Phone 631--


Groceries and Fresh Meats

Cigars Cigarettes
And Tobaccos

Agriculture Building

Formerly With Caskey Jewelry Co.

Careful Watch Repairing





pre-me- d

Mrs. Fletcher who is 74 years old, is
the sunny-face- d
old lady one may meet
most any dny on the way to and from
She is registered as a special
student in the department of language.

Benckart & FOTSCH

Eagle Barber Shop


South Limestone St.
Work Guaranteed
Lexington, Ky.


For Any King of Dental Service
Call on





Ufe PKoenix Hotel
Invites You

To Make

It Your




Newly fitted and furnished rooms at reasonable rates make it a very
attractive place to stay. Recommend it to your visiting friends and relatives.


Just Opened

Enjoy a healthful contest

Entrance through Billard Parlor.

Phoenix Hotel Company



Continuous Performance, 10 a. in., to 11 p. m. THREE PICTURES (Changed
Every Day) Personally Selected, so that the variety is sure to please everyone.
Courteous Attention; (Best of Order. "Go Where The Go's Go.")
7 a. m. to Midnight.
First Class, (New Equip
mcnt) Being the only tables of this late design
in the City. A Game of "Billards", or "Pocket-Billiardswill be Enjoyed, as we permit noth
ing but perfect order

Kcfnuvcr, W. G. (Eng.); Kelly, J. R.
Eng.); Kemp-KcfforFred, (A. & S.);
Kenney, C. A. (A. & S.).
(A. & S.);
PICTURES FOR ANNUAL Kinchcloc, Miriam (H. E.) ; King, Elizabeth (H. E.); Lavin, R. E. (A. & S.);
Ledwidge, Geo. (Law); Lemon, C. J. (A.
Senior Sec- & S.); Lip, C. P. (Law); Little, R. C.
(Eng.); Long, II. S. (Ag.); Lovett, J. T.
tion Must Be In Before
(A. & S.); McClurc, Berenice (II. E.);
December 16.
Mclurc, Mnrthn (A. & S.); McClurc, II.
V. (Ag.); McCormick, Gladys (A. & S.);
Sonic of the seniors lmve fnilctl to hand McDonald, Martha (A. & S.); McKcc,
in n picture for their section nnd anyone Louise (A. & S.); McMahon, Orena (A.
who has not done so is asked to nttend &: S.); Mann, Adeline (A. & S.); Marsh,
to the matter immediately in order that Frances (A. & S.); Miller, W. G. (Eng.);
all mountinRs may be sent away bbefore Moore, Anna R. (A. & S.); Moore, W.
December 10. The office of the Kcntuck-ia- n I. (A. & S.); Morgan, Pearl (II. E.);
is in the Journalism Department of Morris, W. W. (A. & S.);
Dorothea (A. & S.); Muth, Al. (Eng.);
the Science building.
Following is a list of Seniors who have Myers, Pansy (A. & S.).
Ne3slcr, F. V. (Eng.); Nicholson, G.
turned in their picture to the Kentuckinn
tn be run in the Senior Section of the K. (Eng.); Owens, J. W. (Eng.); Par-ris1022 Annual.
Ann (A. & S.); Payne, Martha (A.
If your name appears on
the list, and you will not be graduated L S.); Peal, W. II. (A. & S.); Peck, Anna
with the class of '22 you are asked to (A.
Porter, R. L. (A. & S.)
notify the Staff before leaving Friday, Powell, G. W. (A. & S.); Premitt, J. B.
(Ag.); Proctor, Ella Raymond (A. & S.);
December 16.
Adams, Mary Christian, (Ag.); Adkins, Piopps, T. B. (Eng.); Rache, Oscar (A.
hiul (A & S); Akin, G. B. (Eng.); Allen, & S.); Reed, Katherinc (A. & S.); Revill,
J. M. (Law); Allen, Hiram T. (A & S); M. K.'(A. & S.); Rice, Addie Lucile (A.
Armcntrout, A. W. (A & S) ; Ashby, Paul & S.); Rice, Geneva (A. & S.); Riley,
K. (Law); Atkerson, J. H. (Ag.); Baker, Georgia (A. & S.); Riley, T. M. (Eng.);
lluth (A &S); Bambcr, R. F. (A & S); Roberts, C. R. (Eng.); Rogers, Henrietta
Banta, M. L. (A & S.); Barnett, Mary (A. & S.); Royster, S. B. (Law).
(A & S)
Baugh, J. F. (Eng.);
Sam, A. E. (A. & S.); Server, Jim (A.
Bnumgarten, Geo. (Eng.); Baxter, B. B. & S.) ? ; Settle, Margaret (A & S.);
(Law); Beam, H. J. (Eng.); Becker, H. Shanklin, A. P. (Eng); Short, C. L. (Ag.);
I.. (A & S); Bedford, Henrietta (A & S); Shropshire, Elizabeth (A. & S.); Siler,
Boll, Anne (A & S); Bcllew, Clarice (A Eugene (A. & S.); Soler, J. M. (Eng.);
& S); Bennett, R. M. (Eng.); Benson, Slomer, J. J. (Eng.); Smith, Margaret
Geo. W. (Eng.);Bischof, L. F. (Eng); (A & S.); Smock, W. M. (A. & S.);
Wake, W. E. (A & S); Blakey, Lula (A Snapp, Edna (A. & S.); Sopor, L. (Eng.);
& S); Boardman, Sue (A & S); Bobbitt,
Spears, S. M.. (Eng.); Stewart, W. B.
G. (Eng.); Bourland, C. R. (Eng.l; (Law); Stokes, W. K. (Eng.); Stone, NelEroderick, W. C. (A & S) ; Brooks, M. T. lie (A. & S.); Sullivan, Henry (Law);
(Ag.); Brown, Ella (A & S); Brown, Swearingen, V. C. (A. & S.) ? .
Oakley (Ag.); Bryant, Henry (Ag.);
Thornton, D. L. (Eng.); Thorpe, lime
Byrd, U. S. (Ag.); Cain, 0. W. (A & S); (A. & S.); Trelkeld, 0. F. (Eng.); Tins-leDaysie Lee (A. & S.) Tinsley, Glenn
Casner, J. F. (A & S); Chcnault, Carlisle
(A & S); Chcnault, Sue (A & S); Clar, (A. & S.); Tompkins, Marian (A. & S.);
Myrtle (A & S); Cole, Margaret (A & S); Trimble, Roxane (A. & S.); Vanarsdale,
Cooke, J. W. (A & S); Connor, N. D. (A Sadie (A. & S.); VanMeter, Martha (A.
& S); Congleton,
Eva (A & S); Conk-wrigh- t, & S.); Vincent, P. H. (Law); Voelcker,
Nelson (A & S); Craig, R. H. A. H. (Eng).
(Eng.); Crenshaw, J. W. (Eng.); Currey,
Wade, T. E. (Ag.); Walker, F. C. (Ag.);
J. R. (A & S)
Walling, II. W. (Eng.); Warth, L. H. (A.
Darnall, Isabellc (A & S); David, H. & S.); Wedekemper, F. J. (Ag.); Weil,
T. (Eng); Davis, R. E. (Ag); Davis, W. Hcrschel (Ag.); Weir, II. C. (Ag.); West,
li (Eng.); Downing, Virginia (H. H. E.); Logan (Ag.); Whitmer, J. R. (Ag.);
Drake, Lois B. (A & S); Duncan, D. C. Whitworthy, Lucy (A. & S.); Wiggles-wort(A & S); Duvall, G. F. (A & S).
Frances (A. & S.); Wilhelm, Jim
Edwards, Phil (Ag.); Elder, 0. V. (A
& S)
; Enlow, J. II. (A & S); Evans,
Jo (H. E.).
Faulconer, J. N. (A & S) ? ; Farmer,
James (Law); Fendley, S. D. (Eng.):
Fielder, L. C. (A & S); Fitzgerald, L. G.
(Eng.); Forkner, Amanda (A & SI; Fow
ler, E. C. (A & S); Ford, G. E. (Law);
Fratmnn, Alleene (A & S); Friedman,
Evelyn (A & S); Futrell, W. D. (Eng.);
Gnllup, George (Law); Gregg, Ed;
Gibson, C. R. (End.); Gibson, B. G.
(Eng.); Gibson, Mary (A. & S.); Glenn,
Howard (Eng.); Goldcnburg, Miss (A &
S.); Gordon, Marie (II. E.); Gould, L.
P. (A. & S.); Green, Elizabeth (A. & S.);
Green, 0. C. (Eng.); Gregg, S. S. (Eng.);
Gregg, S. S. (Eng.); Gregory, P. W. 1
(Ag.); Griffin, Gerald (A. & S.); Hagan,
J. A. (A. & S.)
Haggan, Mary Esther (A. & S.) ? ;
Mamilton, Chester (A. & S.); Harbison,
Margaret D. (A. & S.); Harmon, Emilie
(A. & S.); Harris, Esther (A. & S.);
Haydcn, Basil (A. & S.); Heller, Fannie
(H. E.) ; Henderson, F. D. (Law); HenHenry
dricks, Annn C. (A. & S.) ?
C. I. (A. &. S.); Herring, Lafayette (A.
& S.); Hill, Angie (H. E.).
Holbrook, Y. C. (Eng.); Holland. J. W.
(Ag.); Hollowell, C. A. (Ag.); Howell,
W. B. (Ag.); Hukle, A. E. (A. & S.);
Hunter, J. T. (Ag.); Hutcherson, W. R.
(A. & S.); Ildhardt, Henrietta (H. E.V,
Johnson, Keeno (A. & S.); Johnson,
Raymond (A. & S.); Jordnn, J. S. (A.
Lucy (A. & S.)i
& S.); Kavanaugh,







� JMiijjgj



several weeks ago.

Alumni Notes


great address to a
of the Alumni Association, who has representative audience hero recontly."
been In Arizona for some time because
Mrs. Mary Elliott Flanery ex- - Cntlctts-burKy. Kentucky's first woman memof til hcnlth is much improved, according to reports received by relatives and ber of the House of Representatives.
He was very ill
friends in Lexington.
during the last winter and spring but
"Enclosed find n check for alumni dues.
recently left the hospital and is now at I nm glad to sec the University coming
270 North Stone Ave., Tucson, Arizona.
to the front and wish it the best of
One of his regular correspondents is J.
in all its efforts." J. Guy Aud '15,
Ciaig Shelby '04.
H Tew Street, Silver Creek, N. Y.
Butler T. Southgnto '02, former



Ho made a







Neophytes initintcd included
Wclhclm, C. V. Watson, John F.
The program for tho meeting, which
A. V. McRoe, Jr., Guthrie Duvall,
will bo held in Dr. Prior's room nt 3:30, Prod Kemp Kefford, Clyde Davidson, II.
consists in an interesting talk by Doctor T. Allen, T. Durham Winstcad
1'unkhouFor. All Pre Mods are urged to Beverly B. Mann. Alumni present were
be present and to remain for the picture. George Sun nnd Fred Auksburg.

The Engineering Faculty Club of tho
University of Kentucky will hold its
Delegates to the Woman's Self GovernProf. J. T. C. Noc, ns a member of the
annual Christmas Dinner in Dicker Hnll, Board of Regents spent Monday of this ment Association conference which openon the evening of December 17. Quite n week at Bcrca where he inspected tho ed Saturday morning nt the university,
few outside guests are expected to nttend, Beren Normal School.
were welcomed formally on behalf of
among them being Governor Morrow,
the association by Miss Frances .Tnwnll.
this is the third dinner of Its kind to be
The Patterson Literary Society will dean of women who explnined the needs
held by the Engineering Faculty Club hold its annual declamation
contest of the organization nnd the goal to which
and it promises to be n big success, as Tuesday, December 13, at the fifth period the members should strive to rench by
has always been the case in the past.
in chnpel.
The prize is the gold medal cooperation nnd determination,
which is valued at twenty-fiv- e
dollars,' Dr. Frank L. McVcy spoke of "Leader-give- n
by George W. Crum, Louisville, in ship as being the characteristic needed
Meeting of the White Mathematics
Club Tuesday, December 13, 1921, in honor of his son who was a member in the schools to upbuild the educational
Mr. R. V. of the Patterson when he attended the institutions throughout the State."
In the nfternoon the delegates who
P.lnir will speak concerning "Dcnumcr-abl- e University. Any member of the Society
eligible to try out for this handsome presented Berea, Georgetown, Kentucky
Wesleyan, and Union College for Women,
Time of meeting 3:30 p. m.
were taken for an automobile
The Horace Mann Literary Society held through the city and suburbs by members
The Chapel hour Tuesday was given
Thursday of the faculty. It was decided to hold the
over to the Committee on Vocations for a most interesting Meeting
Women's League of the University and evening in the Education Building, when conference next year at Georgetown
Porter delivered an oration and lege.
a large number of women students of
Following the drive the delegates were
the University attended, Mrs. Mary Love Mariam Kincheloe gave several delight-- j
on the
A (entertained at a tea bv Miss Jewell in
Collins of Lexington, spoke on general ful selections
essentials for success in the vocations fleasant social hour followed. A splen the Women's League room.
That night in the Little Theater they
open to women. After she had aroused did program has been arranged for next
witnessed a play by students, "The Gift
the interest of the audience, Miss Francis Thursday evening.
of the Magi."
Jewell explained the function and aim
Rinelia Volers of Butler, Ky., former
of the new committee which was created
student nt the University, was the weekn
bV the Woman's League under her
tion. Miss Lula Blakey, the president of end guest of Knthcrine Reed at Patterson Hall.
the Woman's League presided over the

"Enclosed my check for alumni dues. I
would have sent it sooner but have been
Civil-Physimoving about so much the Kernel would
re-iR. M. Pcrrin, nl-- 1
not have reached me.
so of '21, and I have been mnking maps
for the Tennessee
since June. I want to keep up with
athletic, social and musical happening!!
Please shoot the
old campus.
One of the advisers of the American on the
C. C.
delegation to the World Disarmament Kernel along to this nddress."
Anderson '21, Mays Hotel, Centcrvillc,
Conference in Washington is Howard P.
Ingels '05, formerly secretary of the U. S. Tenn.
War Industries Board.
"Please address me now at 1904 JefX
ferson Avenue, Ooledo, Ohio." R. N.
Major Walter Gullion ex now on duty
O'Hnra '21.
with the Militia Bureau of the War DeX
partment, Washington D. C, is prepar"As a matter of interest to the alumni
ing a manual for the guidance of nation- recently, I am dispatching this com- al guard organizations. Although due
to tell you that Dean F.
for foreign service Major Gullion has Paul Anderson came to Kansas City and
been retained at Washington for this addressed the local chapter of the Ameri- - meeting,
A meeting of the Catholic men on the
special work. He is a brother of Carroll
can Society of Heating & Ventilating
campus was called by Father William
H. Gullion '04 and Major Allen W. GulBest, head of the departProf. Harry
1. fundi at his home on Barr street
lion '14. His father, Ed A. Gullion ex-i- d
"Professor Anderson's talk dealt with ment of Sociology, delivered an address Sunday morning, for the purpose
of or- Boles is in
a member of the Kentucky House of
of Prehis work in the A. S. H. & V. E. Research at Hamilton College Wednesday morning. ganizing a Catholic
Kepresentatives elected in November.
Assisted by
Laboratory and the program which he His subject was "The Choice of a Life
The purpose of the organization is to
has outlined for various Universities to Work."
bring the men in closer contact with
J. Franklin Corn '16, an attorney at cooperate with the Research Laboratory
each other, and with the members of
recent- in an endeavor to compile new and useEowling Green, Ky., was married
A Christmas program
consisting of
Plans are already " the process of
ly to Miss Irene Knox, daughter of Mr. ful data for the science of modern heat- stories and carols appropriate to the the Catholic Church outside of Lexing- formation at the University of Ken- ton.
and Mrs. Oscar Andrew Knox, of Cleve- ing and ventilating.
Yulctide season will be the feature of
for the annunl hiBh school basket-fiThe officers elected were Gerald Grif-tuck- y
land, Tenn. Mrs. Corn was a social
"His talk was characterized by that the Y. W. C. A. services held at Patterpresident, and Al Muth, treasurer. ,fca11 tournnment, held under the auspices
favorite also in St. Petersburg, Flu, punch and pep which only "Little Paul" son Hall next Sunday evening at 6:30.
the gymnasium,
A meeting of women will be called short- - oi the university in
where she spent several winters with her can put into an address. He was heartily Several members of the Lampert family
ly after the Christmas holidays, and the ,U3Ually about the middle of February,
grandparents Col. J. H. Hardwick and and enthusiastically received by the fifty will render some Christmas musical
officers of vice president and secretary and also for the interscholastic hitrh
Mr. Corn was an officer 01 more men who attended the meeting. selections and they will contribute in
Mrs. Hardwick.
school field meet, which has been dehave been left open to the women.
War and a member of F.dgar Cline of the class of '05 and Lynn making this last Y. W. (if. A. program
in the World
cided on Stoll Field some time during
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Lamp and Evans of '15 were among those present. of the year, attractive.
Preliminary rifle competition begins in May for the past several years.
The writer introduced Dean Anderson as
S. A. Boles, athletic director, is in
the Armory Monday afternoon Decem
The Y. M. C. A. State Student ConferGALLEY TWO
of preparations and is being as-dber 13 and continues through Wednes-.charg- e
Robert J. Raiblc secretary of the class speaker of the evening. Professor An- ence will be held in Winchester from
the 15. The fifteen men who make j sisted by George Buchheit, basketball and
of '21 has joined the United States Foil derson's present work and line of en- Friday noon to Sunday night of this the best scores from each company track coach.
Company, Louisville, and is in the pro- deavor is of inestimable value to the Uni- week. There wilt be a special faculty will
be selected for the rifle team which
The two Louisville high schools, Male
Saturday afternoon. The will
versity and I wonder how many of us conference
duction department.
enter in competition with other
Manual Training, carried off the
realize it. I want to say that one of the University is entitled to twenty-fiv- e
The military
is in receipt honors in the basketball tourney and
BeW. C. Eyl '17, consulting Geologist, is men who attended the meeting came up students and five faculty delegates.
of a challenge from De Pauw University track meet last year.
preparing a map of Kentucky which to mi! afterwards and said that if such cause of this meeting there will be no for a match sometime
early in February, Friday and Saturday, February 10 and
composed the Y. M. C. A. program given Sunday night.
f.hould be the most complete map ever men as Professor Anderson
11, 1922, have been set as date3 for the
made of the State. Ho expects to spend faculty of the University of Kentucky, he
There will be another machine guncominR baskotbaU tournament nm, in
The Philosophian Literary Society met
more than a year in its preparation. The certainly wants his son to attend that
firing exhibition in charge of Captain
, hi .
vitations w, be
scale will be four miles to the inch. He institution." Herbert E. Barth '15, Mgr. ir Patterson Hall Wednesd