xt7xgx44rk44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44rk44/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1978-07-jul7-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1978-07-jul7-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1978-07-jul7-ec. 1978 1978-07-jul7-ec. 2011 true xt7xgx44rk44 section xt7xgx44rk44 

     Minutes of the Special Cl'l-ed Meeting of the Executive
Committee of tile Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky,
Fridazy ea July , 1978.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
Universitv of Kentucky met in the Board Room on the 18th floor
of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington campus at 3:00 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time) on Friday, July 7, 1978, pursuant to notice
sent to all members on June 27, 1978. Certain items were added
to the agenda subsequent to that notice. A waiver of notice
regarding these additional items was executed by all of the
members of the Executive Committee, a copy of which is appended
at the end of the Minutes. The following members answered the
call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William
R. Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Ar. George W. Griffin, and Professor
Paul G. Sears, Ex-Officio Secretary.  Mr. Richard E. Cooper was
not present. The University administration was represented by
President Otis A. Singletary, Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran,
Raymond R. Hornback, ant Donald B. Clapp; and Mr. John Darsie,
Legal Counsel.  Representatives of the various news media were
also in attendance.

     A. Meeting Opened

     Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 3:00
p.m. Following the invocation pronounced by Mr. Black, the
secretary called the roll and reported a quorum, present. The
meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business
at 3:03 p.m.

     B. Minutes Approved

     On motion, duly made, seconded and carried. the reading of
the Minutes of the June 6, 1978, meeting of the Executive Committee
and the June 2L. 1976, Speci-al Called Meeting of the Board of
Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes of the two meetings
were approved as published.

     At the recuest of Mr. Sturgill, the secretary read the Minutes
of the Telephone Conference Call Meeting of the Executive Committee
held on June 30, 1978.  On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr.
Clay, and passed, the Minutes of the June 30, 1978, Telephone
Conference Call Meeting were approved as read.

     C. Capital Construction Projects (PR 1)

     President Singletary recommended that two capital construction
projects be approved for transmission to the Council on Higher
Education, noting that the estimated costs of the two projects were
less than $100,000 each and, therefore, had not been submitted to
the Council earlier. The final cost figure on each project exceeds
$100,000 and now requires Council approval.


     On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed
without discussion, the capital construction projects for the
paving of the Blue Lot at Commonwealth Stadium and the Shively
Sports Center Addition were apDroved for transmission to the
Council on Higher Education. (See PR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

     D. College of Medicine Budget for 1978-79 (PR 2)

     Since the College of Medicine Budget had been discussed and
approved in the telephone conference call on June 30, 1978,
Mr. Clay moved ratification of the action taken on June 30, 1978,
approving the College of Medicine Budget for the fiscal year 1978-79.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

     E. Agreement Between University of Kentucky Board of Trustees
         and the Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. (PR 3)

     President Singletary noted that the Executive Committee had
received a draft copy of the agreement between the University of
Kentuckv Board of Trustees and the Kentucky Medical Services
Foundation, Inc. which had been approved "in principle" during
the telephone conference call on June 30. The final agreement,
incorporating the changes discussed in the June 30 call, had been
mailed to the Board prior to the July 7 meeting. He then asked
for approval of the agreement and authorization for him to sign it
for the Board of Trustees.

     Since the agreement had been discussed fully in the telephone
conference call, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Griffin,
and passed, the agreement between the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky and the Kentucky Medical Services Foundation,
Inc., was approved and President Singletary was authorized to
execute the agreement. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     F.  Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 4a)

     President Singletary recommended that PR 4a, which contained
routine appointments and personnel changes, be approved as a whole.
Without discussion on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Professor
Sears, and passed, PR 4a, Supplemental Recommendations of the
President, was approved as a whole. (See PR 4a at the end of the

     G. Appointment of Medical Staff, University Hospital (PR 4b)

     President Singletary reminded the Executive Committee members
that under the Bylaws of the Medical Staff, University Hospital,
which were approved by the Board at the April 4, 1978, meeting,
the Board of Trustees or its Executive Committee must approve
appointments to the Medical Staff of the Hospital. He recommended
such approval be given to the physicians and dentists listed as a
part of PR 4b.




    On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed,
the appointments to the Medical Staff, University Hospital, as
recommended in PR 4b, were approved.  (See PR 4b at the end of the

    H.  Budget Revisions for 1978-79 (PR 4c)

    Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr.
Griffin, and passed, the Budget Revisions for 1978-79 as recommended
in PR 4c were authorized and approved. (See PR 4c at the end of
the Minutes.)

     I. Meeting Adjourned

     There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was
declared adjourned at 3:15 o'clock.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Paul G. Sears, Secretary
                              Board of Trustees

(Waiver of Notice, PR's 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, and 4c which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)



We, the undersigned, being all the members of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky hereby waive any and all requirements relating to
notice of items to be considered at the meeting of the
Executive Committee at 3:00 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, July 7,
1978, including the requirements of KRS 164.170, and consent
to the transaction of business relating to the following

          Supplemental Recommendations of the President
          Capital Construction Projects
          Appointment of Medical Staff, University Hospital
          1978-79 Budget Revisions

                                William . ,SturgiIl, Chairman

                                Albert G. Clay   C

                                Wil     R. BYack    7

                                George  -Griffin

                                Richard E. Cooper


                                              Office of the President
                                              July 7, 1978


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


Recommendation: that the Board approve capital construction projects for
the paving of the Blue Lot at Commonwealth Stadium and the Shively Sports
Center Addition for submission to the Council on Higher Education.

Background: The estimated costs for these two projects were less than
$100, 000 each and based on their estimates the projects were not submitted
for approval by the Council on Higher Education. The final cost figures on
both projects exceed $100, 000 and they now require Council approval. Funds
were previously budgeted for both projects.

Action taken:



D t              9 71



_, 1978


Office of the President
July 7, 1978


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


Recommendation: that the Board approve the attached 1978-79 budget for
the College of Medicine.

Background: The 1978-79 Operating Budget for the University of Kentucky
adopted by the Board of Trustees on May 9, 1978 omitted the College of
Medicine because of the pending changes in the practice plan. The attached
budget reflects the changes in the practice plan which resulted from the
adoption on June 20, 1978 of the tBoard of Trustees Resolution Regarding
Medical Practice Plan. " The fundamental change from previous budgets
is the omission of practice income which will be handled effective July 1,
1978 by the external corporation rather than the University. This is the
same budget approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
during the conference call of June 30, 1978.

Action taken:

Approved  )X


Date:                       1978I



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                                                  Office of the President
                                                  July 7, 1978

                                                  PR 3

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:

          Approval of Agreement Between University of Kentucky and
                Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc.

Recommendation: that the Board approve the attached agreement between the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services
Foundation, Inc. which was negotiated pursuant to the "Board of Trustees Reso-
lution Regarding Medical Practice Plan" adopted on June 20, 1978.

Background: The Board action on June 20, 1978 provided that:

       "The President is authorized to negotiate and execute a contract,
       subject to approval of the Board of Trustees, with an appropriately
       qualified organizational entity for carrying out necessary functions
       and assuming the responsibilities involved in the administration of
       income for professional services under the plan. "

Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. meets the "criteria" specified
under Section III A for the appropriately qualified organization. The attached
agreement conforms to the provisions of the June 20 Board resolution and
specifically satisfied the "conditions" set forth in Section III B. The substance
of the attached agreement is the same as the document approved "in principle"
by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees during the conference
call of June 30, 1978 with the exception of the language added in the last
sentence of Section 13-A. The contract was approved on June 30, 1978 by
the Board of Directors of Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc.

Action taken: Approved     ,      Disapproved             Other

Date:       c\LLJ 17         1978


          TRIS AC EMEaNT made and entered into this        day of
              , 1978, by and between the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE

UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, a statutory body corporate existing pur-

surant to Section 164.100 et seq of the Kentucky Revised Statutes
(hereinafter referred to as the University) and MENTUCKY '1aDICAL
SERVICES FOU1MDATIO, INC. , a non-stock, non-profit corporation
formed pursuant to Chapter 273 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes

(hereinafter referred to as the Foundation).


Section 1. RECITALS
          A. Foundation is organized for the purposes stated in

its Articles of Incorporation as a non-stock, non-profit corpora-

tion and will use and apply the whole or any part of its income

and principal exclusively for charitable, scientific, or educational

purposes at or for the benefit of, the University of Kentucky

Medical Center.

           B. A substantial number of University's faculty in its

College of Medicine have heretofore executed agreements with

Foundation, known as "Practice Agreements and Assignments" where-

by said faculty have assigned to Foundation their professionally

generated clinical income.

           C. The recruitment and retention of the members of the

medical faculty of the University will be improved by permitting

the said members to supplement, by income from the practice of

medicine, the salaries provided by the University.

           D. The University recognizes that the medical practice

 activities of its faculty members can be conducted in a more

 efficient and economical manner. if those faculty members who


produce income are permitted, through the medium of the Founda-
tion, to exercise a larger voice in the expenditure of the funds

so produced.
          E. The University has heretofore established, in addi-

tion to its previously adopted Physicians Service Plan, a

"geographic full-time medical service plan", the said geographic

full-time plan having been adopted on June 20, 1978; said action

is hereby incorporated by reference as if set out i- full herein.

          F. The aforementioned action of University's Board of

Trustees authorized the University's President to negotiate and

execute a contract, subject to the approval of said Board, with

an appropriately qualified entity for carrying out necessary

functions and assuming the responsibilities involved in the ad-

ministration of income for professional services under the plan.

          NOW THREFOORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


          A. "The Plan" means the geographic full-time medical

service plan for the University of Kentucky College of Medicine

established by action of the Board of Trustees of said University

dated June 20, 1978.

          B. "Clinical income" means (i) all payments for pro-

fessional services rendered to or with respect to patients whether

denominated as diagnosis, treatment, evaluation, or consultation

and whether said payments be characterized as fees, retainers, or

otherwise, and (ii) all payments whether direct or in kind, (ex-

cluding actual travel costs) for oversight or administration

of, or consultation with, facilities, programs, or other opera-

tions providing care, services or evaluation relating to patients,

and (iii) witness fees or other payments relating to depositions

or other evaluations in the capacity of an expert witness. Pro-

vided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be deemed

to include in the term "clinical income" any item excluded there-

from by paragraph II, B of the plan.



         C. "Practice agreements" means those documents, de-

nominated Practice Agreements and Assignments heretofore executed

by certain members of University's faculty, the University, The

Fund for Advancement of Education in the University of Kentucky

Medical Center and the Foundation.


          A. Pursuant to paragraph III, A. of the aforementioned

action of University's Board of Trustees dated June 20, 1978,
University hereby recognizes Foundation as an "appropriately

qualified organizational entity" as described therein for carry-

ing out necessary functions and assuming the responsibilities

involved in the administration of income for professional services

under University's "geographic full-time medical services plan".

          B. The parties recognize that amendments to this agree-

ment may be necessitated in the first year of its operation due

to the complexities of certain of the matters contained herein.

Such amendments may be made from time to time by mutual consent.


          A. Foundation agrees that it will accept, pursuant to

practice agreements the assignment of all clinical income by

participants in the plan and, in accordance with such assignment,

agrees to bill the amount of duly established charges for pro-

fessional services to parties determined to be responsible for

payment of such charges, with the exception of the billing and

collection of the professional component of combined charges for

institutional (hospital and clinical) and professional services.

University hereby agrees to bill and collect said professional

component of combined charges in accordance with University

policies and procedures and to remit monthly to Foundation the

net amount collected which is attributable to the professional

component of said combined charges. The determination of the

net amount collected which is attributable to professional



components of such charges will be in accordance with the exist-

ing basis and method utilized by University for such determination.
          B. University, in order to assure proper transition,
safeguard University assets, and provide an appropriate period
for the relocation of certain of its current personnel hereby

agrees to perform the aforementioned billing and collection func-
tion for the period beginning July 1, 1978 and ending November 30,

1978 and to remit collections for professional services rendered
on or after July 1, 1978 by faculty who have executed practice
agreements to Foundation.

          C. Provision for the performance of the billing and

collection function, including billing and collection of charges

for the professional services of faculty who have not executed

practice agreements, including those covered by the current PSP

and DSP will be the subject of an addendum hereto which will be

executed by the parties prior to December 1, 1978.

          D. Foundation agrees that it will, through appropriate

contractual arrangements, provide for the collection of its de-

linquent accounts by Health Care Collection Service, Inc., a

Kentucky non-profit corporation, under the same terms and condi-

tions as that corporation now collects accounts for the University.

Provided, however, that Foundation may require, as a condition

precedent to said contractural arrangement, that said corporation

amend its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws to provide that

a person designated by Foundation serve as a member of the Board

of Directors of said corporation.


          A. In accord with paragraph II, D. 2 of the plan, the

parties recognize that Foundation must reimburse University for

actual expenses incurred by it which are attendant to the produc-
tion of clinical income.

           B. Foundation, in order to provide for reimbursement of



University expenses hereunder, agrees that it will cause to be

deposited, on a current basis, in a segregated account, an amount

ecual to sixteen and one-half (16.5%) percent of all monies
collected by it which are attributable to clinical income, until

said segregated account shall contain the sum of Nine Hundred

Twenty-Eight Thousand ($928,000.00) Dollars.

          C. Foundation agrees to pay to University, from said

account, as reimbursement for the provision of professional

liability insurance, the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-Eight Thousand

($228,000.00) Dollars in seven (7) equal monthly installments,

the first said installment being due and payable on December 31,

1978 and monthly thereafter until June 30, 1979.

          D. Foundation agrees to pay to University, from said

account, as reimbursement for the remainder of the expenses atten-

dant to the production of clinical income, University's actual annual

costs, not to exceed the sum of Seven Hundred thousand ($700,000.00)

Dollars. Payments hereunder shall be made in seven (7) monthly

payments, the first six (6) of said payments, due and payable on

December 31, 1978 and monthly thereafter until May 31, 1979 to be

in the amount of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars and

the last of said payments, due on June 30, 1979 to be in an amount,

not to exceed One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, deter-

mined with reference to actual University expenses hereunder for

the period beginning on July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979.

          E. Foundation and University agree to jointly conduct a

cost study during the term of this contract to determine the actual

cost to University attendant to the production of clinical income.

          F. In addition to the above, Foundation agrees that it

will reimburse University for all "plan income", as that term is

defined in paragraph II, C., 2 of the plan, paid to faculty by





          A. Consonant with Section II, D. 3 of the plan adopted

by University's Board of Trustees on June 20, 1978, Foundation

agrees that it will pay to University, in recognition of any

unreimbursed costs of University not specifically provided for

in Section 5 hereof, and for the purpose of providing an academic

enrichment fund for the College of Medicine to be used by the

Dean of said College in support of the programs thereof and for

related purposes, an amount equal to nine (9%) percent of the gross

clinical income collected bv said Foundation. Amounts due here-

under will be computed by Foundation on a monthly basis as income

is received and remitted to University within ten (10) days

after the close of each monthly accounting period.

          B. Foundation further agrees that it will deposit, in

a restricted account maintained by Foundation, on the same basis

as provided in subsection A. hereinabove, an additional amount

equal to one (1%) percent of the gross clinical income collected by

said Foundation, said restricted account to be used bv the Dearn

of the College of Medicine for the enrichment of the programs of

the College and for related purposes in his sole discretion.


          A. Foundation's Articles of Incorporation, as filed

with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Kentucky on

June 19, 1978, have been inspected by the University as a condi-

tion precedent to University's entry into this agreement.

Foundation covenants that it will not, absent the written agree-

ment of the University, amend or otherwise alter said Articles

or adopt any by-law or other operating practice which would

effectively alter the character of said Foundation.

           B. Foundation covenants that it will not engage in the

practice of medicine, nor will it solicit, administer, receive,



perform or accept any gift, grant, devise, bequest, contract or

other arrangement with or from any governmental unit, entity, or

subdivision or any person, corporation, partnership, association

or other entity whatsoever except as specifically permitted herein.

Provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be con-

strued to prohibit the Foundation (subject to the approval of

the Dean of the College of Medicine) from negotiating and execu-

ring contracts providing exclusively for professional services

by faculty who have executed practice agreements.

          C. Foundation covenants that it will not merge with

any other corporation or convey any substantial portion of its

assets to any other corporation, partnership, or other entity ex-

cept as specifically provided herein and that, in the event of

its dissolution its Board of Directors shall cause its assets to

be applied and distributed as follows: (a) all liabilities and

obligations of the corporation shall be paid, satisfied and dis-

charged, or adequate provisions shall be made therefor; (b) assets

held by the corporation upon a condition which occurs by reason

of the dissolution, shall be returned, transfered or conveyed in

accordance with such requirements; and (c) all of the remaining

assets of the corporation shall be transferred or conveyed to

the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, or its suc-

cessor, to be used for medical education and research, if said

University or its successor, shall qualify as a public corporation

and an instrumentality of the State of Kentucky or as an exempt

organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue

Code of 1954, as amended; and if said Universty or its successor

shall not so qualify, then to some other organization or organi-

zations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educa-

tional, or scientific purposes in the field of medicine as shall

at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations

under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954,



as amended.

Section 8.