xt7xgx44rh66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xgx44rh66/data/mets.xml Johnston, Marianne C. Howe. 1876.  books b02-000000022 English N. Tibbals & sons, : New York : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Johnston, William Curtis, 1839-1863. Kentucky Infantry. 13th Regt., 1861-1865. The young chaplain ... By his mother. text The young chaplain ... By his mother. 1876 1876. 2002 true xt7xgx44rh66 section xt7xgx44rh66 



" I feel that the cause requires the sacrifice of dearest interests."
                                   Page 92.

          BY HIS MOTHER.

              .NEW YORK:



No. 37 PARK Row.

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. The Chaplain's Early Life--Iis Eastern Home-Trebizond-
    Glimpse of the City-Constantinople--Smyrna-Boyhood
    Correspondence-Editing Newspapers  Kite Flying-The
    Kosta Affair--Missionary Work and Times in the Orient.
                                                     Page 5-38
Sails for America-Voyage Notes-Arrival at Boston -School
    and College Days--Teaching Experiences-Decides to En-
    ter the Ministry-Studies in Kentucky-Begins Preaching-
    Anxiety over the Threatening Condition of the Country-
    Devotion to the Union -War Letters-Enlists as a Soldier.
                                                    Page 39--96
Appointed Chaplain of the 13th Kentucky Volunteers- Buell's
    Army--First Attempt to Preach to the Troops-Marches
    and Skirmishes--Among the Enemy's Pickets-Leave of
    Absence-Ordained as a Minister-In the Field Again--In-
    terest in the Soldiers-Views of the Prayer- Meeting-Faith,
    Courage, Hope for the Country-No Despairing in his
    \Work--Camp Exposure-The Chaplain's Sudden Illness-
    Death-Letters on his Life and Character.       Page 97-138

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  THE manuscript for this little work was written
soon after William's death, but for many reasons was
not printed at that time. Although years have passed,
his friends still feel that to have the story of his short
life before them in print will tend to strengthen and
comfort their still sorrowing hearts; that the words he
has spoken, the self-sacrificing spirit he manifested in
defense of his country, and, more than all, his earnest-
ness, zeal, and fidelity in the cause of his Divine Mas-
ter, may stir their hearts-influencing them more and
more to live as he lived, so far as he followed Christ,
thus becoming more and more ready to die as he died,
calmly, believing, trusting, saying as he said, " Now,
if it be the will of God."
NEW HAVEN, CT., March ist, 1876.

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  IN December, I833, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston sailed
from Boston in company with Mr. and Mrs. Schnei-
der, for Smyrna, Asia Minor, as missionaries of the
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis-
sions. A voyage of forty-seven days brought them to
that city. From thence they proceeded to Constanti-
nople in a sailing-vessel; for at that time there were
no steamers on those seas.  Mr. Schneider was sta-
tioned at Broosa.  Mr. Johnston, after some delay,
went to Trebizond, occupying the station permanently
in the spring of I835.

  William Curtis Johnston, the subject of this memo-
rial, was born at Trebizond, Asia Minor, on the iith


of June, I839.   He was the second son of Rev.
Thomas P. Johnston and Marianne C. Howe Johns-
ton. His paternal ancestors were of Scotch-Irish de-
scent, and settled in Iredell County, North Carolina.
His paternal grandmother, Mary Hall Johnston, was
a grand-niece of the well-known divine, Dr. Rob-
ert Hall, of North Carolina, from whose ancestors
descended a regular line of ministers of the Gospel, of
whom William was the youngest and the last. His
maternal ancestors were of English descent, and settled
in New England.   His maternal grandfather, Curtis
Howe, was born in Granville, Massachusetts, May io,
1772, married Sibyl Phelps, of Springfield, Massa-
chusetts, and went to Swanton, Vermont, where he re-
sided many years; subsequently he removed to Ohio.
He led a long and uniformly Christian life, and died at
Grasshopper Falls, Kansas, January i6, i871, in the
ninety-ninth year of his age.


  The city of Trebizond lies upon the southern shore
of the Black Sea, about 6oo miles east of Constanti-
nople. The population at this time was estimated at
about 30,000, composed principally of Turks, Arme-
nians, Greeks, and Jews. William's mother was then
the only woman in the place who spoke the English lan-
guage. The prospect around the city and in the distance
is charming. The sea comes dashing in from the north.
The peaks of the Circassian Mountains rise in the east.
The trees around the city appear above the red-tiled
roofs of the houses; everything is inviting and cheerful
till you reach the interior of the place. Then you come
into narrow, filthy streets, walled in, and you are at once
reminded that you 'are in a Turkish city. On the south
you will find many by-paths-no roads-leading into the
country, the principal one of which goes on to Persia.
  The home of William's childhood was remarkably
quiet and secluded. The house in which he was born


was a stone structure inclosed on all sides by a thick
stone wall-so high that we could not view the street
even from the highest window. Two large, heavy
gates opened communication through the yard, from
street to street, secured inside by large wooden beams
drawn across them from crevices in the wall. Beyond
this inclosure the children were not allowed to go, un-
less accompanied by some trusty person.   In the
yard, nearly in front of the house, stood a large, beau-
tiful pomegranate tree, under the boughs of which the
little boy passed many a playful hour, watching, first,
the deep crimson blossom, and then the ripening fruit.
When he was nearly two years old he had the small-
pox.  We consulted our medicine-book (for there was
no reliable physician in the place). He grew worse.
Providentially, Dr. Bell, of the English Embassy to
Persia, was passing through the city, and was called in
to see him. He at once pronounced it the small-pox,
and ordered the mother and child into strict quaran-
tine. The severity of the disease, however, had passed.


The eruption appeared, and the pustules on his little
hands seemed a perfect wonderment to himself, and
furnished him while in that lone place with many an
hour of talk, after his own fashion.
  The plague, too, raged fearfully, for weeks and even
for months at a time.  Our children were as though
they were in prison. We dare not come in contact
with any one from without.  Great is the alarm when
this disease appears. The Christians flee in all direc-
tions. The Mussulman is a fatalist: if he is to die,
he will die; he does not flee. We and our children
were mercifully preserved amid much suffering and
death. The family, during the hot season, often re-
sorted to the hills a short distance from the city. Wil-
liam's journey thither was performed in a basket tied
to the side of a mule, with his brother in a basket on
the other side, and a large mass of bedding or other
baggage thrown between them upon the top of the
animal.  When all was ready, the muleteer, with
cudgel in hand, drove on till they reached the village.


Here a native hut answered for kitchen, a corn-crib for
bed-room, and a hazel-nut grove for dining-room and
parlor.  The crib stood upon four posts, three feet or
more from the ground. The floor was of wicker-work,
and the roof so low that none but the "wee " little
ones could stand erect under it.  There the children
slept-and sweetly too, for the crib was clean, and free
from vermin-which could not be said of the hut.
There, too, with no artificial walls to restrict their way,
the little fellows bounded from grove to dense wood,
following the herdsmen to the cool brook. It was real
sport for young boys who had been confined in a
Turkish city for nearly a year. William had with him
his American cards of easy reading, and enjoyed his
lessons quite as much as his play. His love of study
and books showed itself in his first knowledge of
them, and the missionary mother, of all others, may be
well content if her boy loves study, for where will she
find a farm or work-shop for him  The winter of his
fifth year he read the book of Psalms aloud to his


mother. He read in the early evening, and was so
eager to read too long, that a certain number of verses
was allotted him for each lesson. Placing his Bible
upon the table, and seating himself in his high chair
he read in a clear, full voice, and so earnest in expres-
sion, that he seemed to catch a little of the spirit of
the great Psalmist whose words he was repeating.
  At this age he could talk in the Turkish language
about as well as in the English, but as soon as he
began to read and understand his own language for
himself, the English soon got ahead of the Turkish.
He used the one for convenience and the other for
improvement. He was often out-doors on Greek and
Turkish holidays, where crowds of men, women, and
children were assembled for recreation on the Medan,
or public square. The natives wore the fez (close red
cloth head-dress), and were often curious to know what
our boys' hats were made of; and when told, straw,
said: " We would not wear seman (straw) upon our


  All were equipped in gay colors, sending forth
salaams-greetings-and even the poor beggar joyed
over his nearly full cup of paras, or coins, of which it
took about eight to make a penny.
  William often met funeral processions upon the
street. The corpse, sometimes gayly and richly dressed,
was borne through the streets in an open box, the
priests and church boys following, bearing lighted
tapers. Then came mourning-women with loud lamen-
tation. At the church the corpse was put in a winding-
sheet-not in a coffin-and laid in a shallow grave. At
the church-gate was a man with a large copper platter
full of boiled wheat, sprinkled with sugar, a handful of
which was given to each one passing, in order to secure
a prayer for the rest of the soul of the dead.
  In these uncivilized countries funerals are conducted
in a hurried, careless manner; yet it is death, and the
thoughtful child, though young, will not forget the
solemn scene.
  The arrival of missionary friends from America, on


their way to Persia, was hailed with great joy by the
children. No introduction was necessary. They list-
ened with eagerness to the things they said about the
land of their fathers. The visit was worth more to
them, twice over, than the same time spent over books,
and the lone, monotonous life to which they were sub-
ject was broken in upon for a little. The time, how-
ever, seemed too short, for in a few days the boxes
were ready, the mules loaded, and the friends were off
-quite a little caravan, following on in each other's
  William's first Sabbath lessons were reading a chap-
ter from the Bible with his elder brother and sister,
and asking questions upon it. His questions were
generally ready, and showed that he thought on
what he read, and wished to understand it. No read-
ing interested him more than Bible history.

  In i844, the family left Trebizond for Smyrna, on the
eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. William found


here a little company of missionary children, whose
society was congenial, profitable, and safe. It was a
sort of new life. Many marks of civilization were observ-
able. There were many English and French residents;
the Franks, or foreigners, showed some energy; the mer-
chants among them had finely-built stores, instead of
open sheds like the Turkish bazaars.  Willie now and
then saw a carriage, something he had never seen at
Trebizond. The Franks wore hats, and the ladies wore
bonnets, but the streets were, as they are in all Turkish
cities, narrow and filthy. The first Christmas we spent
at Smyrna was a solemn day to the children and to us all.
Samuel Riggs, one of the missionary boys, about eight
years old, was buried on that day; he had fallen from a
terrace, and died in a few hours. A few days after,
Miss Shrewsbury died. She was a sister of Mrs. John
B. Adger. These were the first funerals the children
had witnessed among friends.

 Son of Dr. Elias Riggs.


  The summer of I845, the house we were in was
burned. At sunset we hurried away, having secured
nearly all our goods. The flames were rushing on be-
hind us, and a dense crowd before us. The little ones
were in danger of being crushed as well as burned. We
spent the night in an open field, and the next morning
went to the village of Bournabat, two hours distant from
the city. Willie's stay in the village was pleasant and
healthy. He was much in the open air, and not hurried
in his lessons, amusing himself watching the flocks
of sheep and goats following the shepherd over the hills.
He now began to write short notes to his companions,
and also to older friends. Mrs. Brown  took much in-
terest in the missionary children, writing them little
notes, which pleased them, and were a source of im-
provement. We have not his own notes, but give ex-
tracts from those of his friends.

 Sister of the late Commodore Porter, and mother of the late John P.
Brown, who was for many years connected with the American Legation
at Constantinople.


                " CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 25, I845.

 "My DEAR WILLIAM:--I was surprised to receive such
 a nice little letter from you-as the only recollection I
 have of you is as a little infant in your mother's arms;
 but, as children do not remain infants, I ought to have
 remembered that that was five or six years ago. You
 wish me to write you in a large hand, and I am doing
 so, and you must let me know if you can read this let-
 ter. By what you tell me of your studies, you will, I
 see, one day become a learned man. Write to me by
 the next steamer.
                                "M. P. BROWN."

                       "TREBIZOND, Dec., i846.

  "I am glad to see you are improving in your writing,
and I hope you will try and be a good scholar in every-
thing. Little Hattie Charnaud is a very fat little girl, and
looks like her sister, Eveline. Little Edward Stevens,
too, is large enough to walk on the Medan. Mrs.
Stoddard's Hattie in Ooroomiah knows nearly all her
letters. Mary Bliss knows A and 0, but no more.
I send you a purse-how would you like to put money
in it for the poor heathen children, and see how much
you will get in the New Year, i847 
                              "MRS. E. E. B."



                       " ERZROOM, Jan. 29, I847.

  "MY DEAR LITTLE FRIEND:-Many days have passed
since I received your last letter, but you must not sup-
pose that it was uninteresting to me because it has
remained a long time unanswered. You must remem-
ber that you are as yet but a little boy, and that Dr.
Smith has a great many friends older than you to
whom he must first pay attention. There are his sick
friends, for whom he must prepare medicine; there
are his missionary associates, to whom he must write
long letters; and there are his Armenian brethren, with
whom he must converse. Every week he spends three
or four evenings in visits to their houses ; and in this
way he occupies much time which it would be very
agreeable to employ in writing to you. But to explain
more fully. At one house where I visit, there are
three children whom I teach every evening, either
about the multiplication table, which we used to play
at Trebizond, or about some other useful thing. Now,
I want to ask you, William, whether you are to become
a learned man, and then commence teaching those who
have ignorant parents If so, you must write me in
your next letter all about it, and what you are learning
nowadays to help you on. Gregor, whom you used
to know, is living with me, and sends you, and all your
family, much love.
                              " AZARIAH SMITH."


  William was now eight years old, a healthy, active,
social, loving little fellow, very pleasant to us all. He
was much interested in his correspondence.  His
own notes cost him some labor. He was not much
drilled in spelling; was told to go to the dictionary and
learn how to spell a word before he wrote it. This was
rather a tedious rule, but very effectual; for in his first
writing we find very few words misspelled.  The boys
,of the Mission were very fond of boat-making and boat-
sailing; of kite-making and kite-flying; you would see
them on a terrace upon the top of a high house, their
kites rising higher and higher, with the shout and glee
,of the player after them. They often, too, had a ride
,upon a donkey. This was done up in real Oriental
style. They had no bridles, and if the driver perchance
lagged behind, as he often did, the headstrong donkey
would stand still in the street, or run up a bank, or
down into a ditch, remaining stationary until the driver
came up; then by force of the cane the donkey would
go off on a gallop, and as like as not, in a moment or


two, be down upon his fore legs, the rider tipping
over his head, and landing upon the ground. Another
favorite recreation was sea-bathing. A white-turbaned
caiquegee (boatman) would row them out where the
water was deep and clear near the shore. This was in-
deed a refreshing exercise on hot summer mornings,
such as we had there.
  The spring of I847, Mr. Johnston left home for
Aleppo, Aintab, and other places. His family during
his absence spent the summer months at Boujah, a vil-
lage east of the city, about one hour distant. This
summer William began writing a journal:

  " June i 8, 1847.-Last Friday was my birth-day, and I
was eight years old. I received a ball, a little tract, two
cherries, and a pair of shoes; these are the presents I re-
ceived." " Yesterday was Sunday; we went to Sabbath-
school; Mr. Lewis, the English chaplain, preached. His
text was in the Epistle to the Hebrews, 9th chapter,
27th verse. He preached about death in his sermon."
  "Last Monday we celebrated the 5th of July because

We got up early and went with

the 4th was Sunday.


Samuel Benjamin into the open fields and picked
flowers, and ornamented the rooms and the yard and
everywhere, and then waited for the Riggs and Ben-
jamins to come; but they did not come after all, be-
cause they could not get donkeys. We celebrated it
by fighting the Revolutionary War, and pulling down
the statue of old King George, and then played all
sorts of things."
  " Last week Mr. Riggs received a letter from Mr.
Everett; the news was that Mary Dwight has had a very
bad pain in her head. She died on Monday the 5th,
the very same day we were playing with all our might
and celebrating the 4th." " Mr. Benjamin comes out
to hear brother Fronty's Latin lessons, because papa
has gone to Aintab to preach the gospel." "Every
day we have a fine bath in cold water, and it is very
,nice, I like it very much. Fronty is going to the city
with Mr. B. Yanni has gone for the donkey. I shall
feel very lonely without him."

   Yanni was a Greek domestic who lived with us the greater part of
fifteen years; the children were niuch attached to him and he to them.
He was truthful and faithful. He could read a little, and improved rap-
idly: we read with him in the Armeno-Turkish Bible, and he in the Greco-
Turkish. He would ask Mr. Johnston many questions--wanted to know
if the Bible taught as his Church taught. At length he renounced many
of the ceremonies of the Greek Church; said of the long fasts, Bosh-
empty. After we left he lived with Mr. Parsons, of Nicomedia, who
wrote us that Yanni gave evidence of being a true believer in Christ, and


  " To-day is the day for the Austrian steamboat from
Constantinople; I expect a letter from Mrs. Brown.
We are very careful not to eat many grapes now, and
fruit, because the cholera is in Smyrna. I hope to see
brother Fronty's face to-morrow. We expect Frances
Benjamin here to-day, and I am going to town. I hope
God will keep Frances coming up here, and Igoing
down there, in safety. This morning, before prayers
or breakfast, Fronty painted his ship black. At noon
he made sixteen cannons for his brig of war 57ulius
Ca'sar. Yanni broaght three letters, two for me-one
from Mrs. Brown, and one from Charles P. Dwight."
" Aug. i8.-We have heard the cholera is in Erzroom;
Dr. Smith will tell us all about it when he comes to
attend the annual meeting of the Mission, which is -to
be at Smyrna."
  Mrs. Brown says, May 2: " I have just received your
letter of the 29th, in which you regret that our corre-
spondence is about to end; I amn happy to say that
that need not be, as we have given up all idea of going
to the United States this summer. I am pleased that
you are so fond of drawing; I will continue to send
you little sketches of mine. I had heard of the mutiny
on board the Ganges, and we were well content that

he wrote us himself that he felt the love of God in his heart. This was
cheering news.


an overruling Providence had prevented our being in
her; it is well it did not happen after they were out in
the Atlantic. You want to know what kind of an ani-
mal the gazelle is. It is like a very small deer, is of fawn-
color, with large, beautiful eyes, and can jump a yard
high-straight up. It used to follow Mrs. Brown about
the house like a child. Your little sister must be very
interesting, now that she is walking and learning to talk.
What would you take for her We have not one child
about our house. Let me know, and if you don't ask
too much I will try and buy her."

                         " BOUJAH, July 23, I847.

  "DEAR PAPA :-We were all delighted with the
beautiful pressed flowers you sent us, and it was so
very kind in Baron Nishan to press them for us. Our
American cousins, uncles, and grandpa will be de-
lighted to see flowers from Gethsemane, and all the
places around Jerusalem. On brother F.'s birthday he
had given him the 'Memoir of Harlan Page,' five
piasters in gold, and eleven sugar-plums. On mamma's
birthday, the present she received was, our promise to
be good children. Now I will ask you some questions:
Who washes your clothes Who makes your bed


Who cooks your breakfast, dinner, and supper Do
you get grapes, figs, etc., at Aleppo Tell Baron
Nishan we 'thank him very much for the pressed flow-
ers. I hope you will get to Aintab in safety. I am now
studying the History of the United States.
                    "Your affectionate son,

  His father, on his way between Aleppo and Aintab,
going on a little before his company, was met by a
highway robber, who, pointing his gun at him, de-
manded his money. He spoke to him in Turkish, and
in some way engaged his attention till the company
appeared, when the robber fled. His young sons on
hearing this became alarmed, and seemed to think of
him only as facing the robber, or meeting some new
danger, and finally, after waiting long and anxiously to
see him, on going on board to meet him, they could
hardly recognize him, so sunburnt was his face, and his
beard was so long.


  "1 DECEMBER 9.-We are in town now. The house
has three fountains, and a terrace upon the top. To-
day, I am to draw a picture of the bark Niagara.
  " Mr. Riggs preached yesterday.  His text was:
'Arise! shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of
the Lord is risen upon thee.' Isaiah xl. i. Brother
Henry is very sick.  I put my flag half-mast because
he is sick." " I2th.-H. is better. He expects Meta
Benjamin here at twelve o'clock to stay till half-past
four or five."

  After the hot season had gone by and the cholera
subsided, he commenced study in earnest; this year lie
had some companions in his studies.

  "I am now learning Latin with William Whitall.
Miss Howard  teaches us. I am also learning French.
A French gentleman, Mr.' Razigio, is. our teacher.
Last Saturday we went to Narlee Kney. It is a Turk

 The late Mrs. William Wood, of the Mahratta Mission.


ish name. Translated, it means the Village of Pome-
granates. Papa has gone to Tocat. He went first to
Constantinople, and then he expected to go to Sam-
soon, and then to Zilleh."

  He was now allowed to walk in the street alone, and
began to do little jobs of work and thought himself
almost a man.

  "To-day I did not have any Latin to learn, but I had
French at noon. This afternoon we made a ship out
of boards, and put a mast and bowsprit in her and four
sails. F. and S. were the sailors and I was the captain.
Yesterday I went to the English Church with Miss
Watson. Mr. Walters preached about John the Bap-
tist. This morning I cut twenty-three sticks of wood
before breakfast, and during the day twenty-nine more.
This is a Greek holiday., All the flags are up. Papa,
F., S., and I, went to the point; the large new mill
they are building was open. The French steamer came
at noon. The Queen Dowager is dead. I spinned my
top for half an hour, and then went to my lessons. At
sunset we went home with John Delacio; from there


we went to meeting. Very few attended. Mr. and
Mrs. Van Lennep were there. Yesterday was Sabbath.
Papa preached in the Dutch Chapel. We sang some
hymns after supper, and had prayers in Turkish."

  The following note was written to his brother, then
in Athens, Greece:

                                "Sept. 30, I850.

  "DEAR BROTHER:-I suppose you are in a Greek quar-
antine. Was the sea rough any Is Athens a better
city than Smyrna    The Afton left on Sunday
morning. That pious Italian family which was here
embarked on her. There is no news by the French
steamer, except that Professor Webster is "executed.
We have a letter for you from Mr. Parsons, but the
paper is too thick to send to Athens. The ships are
covered with signals. If it is King Otho's birthday, let
me know what parade they made there. This morning
we went to bathe; I know how to swim now, though I
dare not go beyond my depth. Coming in we had up a
sail, with fair wind, and came home finely. There is a


very strong Inbat-sea breeze; I hope it will bring in some
American vessels. I study Greek now."

  The boys of the Mission were now engaged getting
up small manuscript newspapers and circulating them.
William edited a newspaper, of which this is a specimen

                SMYRNA STAR.

                    MARCH, I85I.

  "ON Monday, the 17th, Messrs. Lawrence, Hosmer,
and Forsythe, who travel in company, rode out to
Bournabat on donkeys. The Doctor had a fall; they
had hard work to keep from getting their legs jammed
against the wall. On Tuesday the i ith, Mr. R. and
family, Mr. B.'s children, and the Editor, took a walk
near the Turkish quarter of the city. A party of Turk-
ish boys demanded money; we, refusing-at first they
took up big stones, and would probably have hurt us
had not Mr. R. given them money. We publish this
to show how uncivilized the Turks are. Our native
helper, Haji Aghasi, went inside the quarantine to see


if his bride, whom he was expecting, had come, when
he was seized, and kept there five days. It is said he
tore his hair and cried like a child. It is not probable
he will go inside the quarantine lines again to look for
his bride."


  "MR. EDITOR:-I thought it might please your read-
ers to see the story of the escape of Mrs. Wagner and
Mrs. Kossuth from Austria. After the defeat of the
Hungarians, a reward of thirty thousand florins was
offered to any one who would show them where Mrs.
Kossuth was. Mrs. Wagner had been with the army,
her son being one of Kossuth's officers, to be near him
in case he should be wounded. After the treachery of
Gen. G., Mrs. Wagner narrowly escaped with her life,
and reached Gov. Kossuth with the other refugees in
Turkey. She then formed the resolution to go into
the heart of Hungary and try to rescue Mrs. Kossuth,
not knowing where she was. This she did at the risk
of her life, for a proclamation had been issued, that
whoever kept Mrs. Kossuth in their houses twenty-four
hours was guilty of a capital offense."


                  "DOMESTIC NEWS.

  "ON the 28th of last month we felt the shock of an
earthquake here. A concert of prayer was held Mon-
day the 3d, and the sum of 104 piasters, about five dol-
lars, was collected. This will be sent to Aintab. We
should be obliged to the editor of the Constantinopoli-
tan if he would give us more news concerning the af-
fairs going on in that city. Dr. Smith writes from
Diarbekir, that he has very often about fifty to attend
his meetings. It is a very promising station."

                  "FOREIGN NEWS.

  "AN exhibition of all the great inventions of all
nations is to be had this year in London.
  " The Austrians have forbidden the Hungarians to
go, or to bring anything to the exhibition.
  "The South Carolinians have decided in favor of
secession, and will probably separate from the United
States before long."


                   "THESSALONICA, July 20, I852.

  "MY DEAR WILLIAM:-Will you accept our thanks
for your interesting paper, and furnish us with a copy
at your convenience. We had an opportunity of com-
paring the Star with the Messenger. It bears the com-
parison well. We think the Star in the ascendant,
This I do not add to flatter you or at all depreciate
the excellent Messenger, but to encourage you in your
enterprise.  On the opposite leaf of this note is an
order for the pay-as I understand the terms-for six
                        "Yours, etc.,
                                "J. W. PARSONS.

  "We like to receive your newspaper very much, and
wish you to consider us as subscribers for at least one
copy. And if your editions are large ones, we will take
two, and send them to some young friends in America."

  Charles P. Dwight, son of the late Dr. H. G. 0.
Dwight, early became a true follower of Christ, and
labored faithfully for the salvation of his young com-
panions. He says:

"1 DEAR WILLIAM:-It is some time since I wrote you,


but I have had my hands full. The influenza entered
our family, and not one escaped. I have had house-
hold matters to look'after-besides, there is a demand
for my paper, which takes all my spare time to supply.
I believe you asked me in your last to write principally
upon religious subjects. I can assure you that this is no
hardship for me, if I can by the blessing of God be ena-
bled to do your soul good, even though it be as a grain
of mustard-seed. You speak of your inability of your-
self to keep good resolutions. But are you left to your-
self Is there no way, nothing to help you  Cannot
you trust God's promises to answer prayer Oh, that
the arrows of conviction might sink deep into your
heart, until you can feel the joy of believing in Jesus."
"Are you still in the same state of mind as you have
been for some time Remember you cannot always re-
main in this state. The Holy Spirit will not always
parley with you. You know it is now an important
time with you. Warm weather is coming on, when all
sorts of distractions will strive hard with you-excur-
sions, travelers, etc.  The warm months are always
very tempting, I have found, and you will find that
your heart will be much farther from religion than
in winter."  "January i9, i852-I am gladto hear your
paper has begun again; I like that plan you told me of,
very much, of editing extra papers, and I have given
notice that such will be issued. Our Frontis-piece was


drawn by an expert artist, with whom I presume you
are not unacquainted-Rev. H. J. Van Lennep. Henry
Goodell says, he is Fronty's agent; and if you think it
well, and are not incommoded by it, will you please be
my agent  But in these things, William, we must not
be too much taken up; there is one greater and more
important theme, we should have all the time in our
minds-the salvation of our souls, and the glory of
God. If you do truly love the Saviour-what joy,
what love and peace, must fill yo