xt7xd21rk002 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rk002/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1915-04-02  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 2, 1915 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 2, 1915 1915 1915-04-02 2020 true xt7xd21rk002 section xt7xd21rk002  




The general faculty of the University met on April 2, in

the faculty room, President Barker presiding.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and
Reports of standing committees were called.
Prof. Miller called attention to the fact that
candidates for honorary degrees should be presented
'faculty one month before the final regular session.

Prof. Tigert presented the following report of

mittee on Students


Your Committee on Student Welfare has



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ferences with the Committee on Student Government since
we submitted our last report. We believe that during the
mid-semester examinations and since that time, the work

of the honor System in this Institution are very encour-
aging and that the Faculty should endorse and approve
heartily all of the things that have been done and are
being done by the Student Committee in order to eradicate
cheating on examination and other forms of dishonesty on
the campus, has found as a re-

Your Committee, however,


suit of conferences with the Student Committee that there

are 5.111 some obstacles in the way of perfecting the System.

Seme of the greatest difficulties arise from the follow=


l. A lack of understanding as to what is meant by sus-

2s A lack of understanding as regards the status of
the student while under suSpension and of the
status of such student when re-instated.

3. The lack of information as to whether students
should get credit for work in courses in which
they have been caught cheating.

4. An interference on the part of the Faculty with

the working of the Honor System by making the

operation of the Honor System optional in their









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in their classes, or by refusing to co~operate
with the Student Committee by encouraging those
who have been suspended to continue to engage
in student activities; by using their authority
to call before them members of the Committee, the
y. accused, witnesses, etc., and by passing judgment
on the justice of the actions of the Student Com-
In consideration of these things, it is the sense of
your Committee upon Student Welfare that the successful 0p-
eration of the Honor System can only b; dfisured if these

difficulties are properly looked aftera " We recommend“


therefore, that the General Faculty define the status of
the student when under suspension, and it is our belief that
suspension should include a loss of e11 the rights and priv-

ileges of a student to engage in the general activities of


this Institution;b that written notice shall be given by the

Secretary or proper officer to the Instructors in whose


courses students have been found cheating and for which they
have been suspended from the Institution;; that such stu-
dents be not allowed credit in these courses but be compelled
to take such Work over again; that upon returning to a course
of study, after suspension, the status of such student he

left in the hands of the individual instructors; that where—
as it is desirable for members of the Faculty to report any
evidence of cheating to the Student Committee for their con-
sideration and cooperate with the Student Committee in every
way possible whenever called upon by the Committee to so as-

‘WQQ sist them, yet no member of the Faculty should in any way in:>




3% terfereor participate in the Operation of the system except





when expressedly invited to do so; that making the honor 7};

system optional on the vote of the class is entirely con-


trary to the spirit of the system.

In as much as the Student Cammittee is powerless to en-


force its decision without the sanction of the General Facul-

tyu.we further recommend that any violation of the Honor



 System or failure to abide by the decisions of the Honor
committee shall be brought before the regular Committee
on Discipline and that such violatiOnf shall render the

guilty person liable to expulsion from the University.


After discussion, Prof. Rowe offered the following motion:
That suspension meanSexclusion from all college grounds
and all social and athletic functions. Carried.

Prof. Melcher offered the following resolution:

When a student is suSpended he be given notice of the

suspension and of the penalty, and that he be notified


that Patterson Hall and all other property DWned by the

University is considered a part of the campus, and that

no student under suspension shall be employed by or re-

ceive any salary or pay for services from any department
of the University inclusing the Experiment Station.

«D Motion carried. ,.
‘4 Dean Lafferty moved that W. T. Young be given a diploma and
graduated with the year 1914. Carried.

Dean Miller moved that M. H. Judd be added to the list of
those students eligible to degrees in June. Carried.

Dean Lafferty moved that the names of P. E, Dixon ,‘ J. B.
Nichols, J. 0, Reynolds, G. R. Smith be added to those eligible
for degrees in Junee Carried.

Lieut. Underwood moved that the Battalion be excused from
afternoon classoApril 7”, 15", 30” for practical marches in the
country. Carried.

Lieut. Underwood moved that lawyers be required to drill.


ng. After discussion by the President, Dean Miller, Dean Lafferty,
and Lieut. Underwood, the motion was philand lost.

Prof. Rowe moved that the remaining portion of the report
of the Committee on Students' Welfare be considered at the be-

ginning of the next meeting. Carried.
Meeting was then adjourned.