xt7xd21rjv4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rjv4p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-03-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1987 1987 1987-03-09 2020 true xt7xd21rjv4p section xt7xd21rjv4p  



Auburn’s runninggame stifles up...“
Alabama outduels ,LSU for SEC ToUrnamentfcirowri





Kentucky Kernel

l Vol. x01, No. 113 \

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


(.‘o fly a kite

I n



‘frer‘iriino 4.


took advantage of yesterday‘s 70-degree
e: :1 tlv a kite at Jacobson Park The weekend‘s warm

temperatures lured many people outside. However, temperatures
are expected to be in the 408 today and tomorrow.

ALAN HAWSE Kerr'e‘ Sta“



Help offered for financial aid troubles

Hm iii as \1\l\I'IS
‘ 1» ‘iitiiiiiizizdrltei

‘ K s: S'tltlt‘fli tinancial aid office
.1.::.< 311» sponsoring a set of finaneial
.1 1 .1111 ksliops today through Thurs

5th xiiii‘liiise til llli- \Utl‘KShUpS 1S It)
applicants questions on an
z,111\.1i11.1l haszs. primarily with re-
' 111 problems generated by fi-
'.1::-1'1.1l .11-i applications

Arson not
ruled out,
official says

“.1 lllli\l\\.l..\’l l.l.l\'\.\
-'.1‘f ‘1\t:tc1


._r .

l"ll‘i‘ Department offi-
are not ruling out arson in a
1'11 1:.11111 the Friday morning at
WW I pperfit

ix \ilnliill‘i

1?.1 Txttistory building. winch
. “11-ll1'1;1\'iiclothiiig store on
1 1 . and a vacant aparte
'he d‘t‘lmtl. caught tire be»
”11.. . 11:11: ‘1 to .1 in Friday. said
- "ti"w-t"-.i' Yltl‘st‘i‘nf‘
V1.11 i111! Robinson ol the Letting-
‘1 "1‘ Department said arson is a
The procedure
.1,..\:.L1..11111- is to eliminate pos-
- ism ‘-1i thetire he said
.:.1:1 electricity in the
.t ..,.1 m that building so that
. ...1‘~s't1.131.iiisc. he said
5.: in.“ k iltilii‘ til the building
‘11 .1 s?.ill‘i'.l\’i‘ leading up to a
apartment and ‘the
was not secure." ltobin-
I ll.l\t' the feeling that
«until have gotten in there
'l'l ~i.ll’it‘tl .l tire
the muse ol the fire is
lini'SIlEHlltm. Robinson


1 possibility


'. . .1 .
,ucti .iLli
.11. yi‘,


slit. tillllt‘l
t '» tepittnient officials t‘SlI‘
91-11 tidllttlilt’s to the building at
r1 iltw 1.11s arrived at the scene
‘ i lint m
llezzrx Harris, owner of the Two
l1l'xf’lll and Paul (iambert. a
lIl'lH‘tl at the fire scene
' 3.111,” : film in .llarris said
\ume gm illflli‘ in and said there
.1 l‘lllhllng on fire.” (iamhert
.1.1: the two proceeded to check
:11: HIV H'plir‘l
v1.1 11t-ert and Harris kicked in the
111111 of Dcia \‘u to "set the
off and attempted to “save
new stuff tor them] (iambert said
\1» tirnkv- the ihacki door open and
'-1i,1-1l 1111 the stairs but it was too
~11 1411

' 191-1211: 1


Because of the emphasis on indi-
vidual assistance. interested stu~
dents are required to reserve a
place in order to ensure appropriate
group sizes. This may be done by
calling the financial aid office at 257~

Several changes in financial aid
availability and application may be
confusing to some students.

Among the most notable of the re-
visions concerning financial aid in

the 1987-88 fiscal year are antici-
pated cutbacks in funds allocated to
the students via the University and
changes in the federal guidelines for
Guaranteed Student Loans.

Other revisions took place in de-
pendent student status eligibility
and minimum standards of satistac
tory academic progress.

The total federal funding allocated
to the University for the 1987-88 year

CLAV own land 8!."

Deia Vu on South Upper Street burned early Friday morning Fire
otherals estimated the damage at about $6,000.

"if somebody was up there, they
could have been dead by the time
we got here." Harris said.

The upstairs apartment has been

vacant for about a month. said John
Miller, owner of the building.

No one was injured in the fire.

Fire officials battled the blaze for
more than 30 minutes until about

Ste ARSON. Page 5

is expected to be decreased by about
five percent,

This funding includes the L'niver-
sity-administered National Direct
Student Loans. the Supplemental
Education Opportunity Grants, the
work/study program. University-ad-
ministered scholarships and Guar-
anteed Student Loans.

It is “vital for students to apply as
Sec \II). back page

Independent since 1971

Monday. March 9, 1987

Kentucky gets
bid for NCAA

Contributing Writer

Eddie Sutton‘s good luck charm
this year has been a buckeye.

As fate would have it, the Wildcats
drew a buckeye of sorts yesterday
when the pairings for the tit-team
NCAA Tournament were announced.

Kentucky. which lost to Auburn in
the quarterfinal round of the South-
eastern Conference Tournament in
Atlanta. will return to The ()mni
Friday to take on the Buckeyes of
Ohio State.

”We're just happy to be in the
tournament." Kentucky coach Eddie
Sutton said. “but my buckeye hasn't
been much help in recent outings. “

Ohio State. 19-12 during the regu-
lar season and 9-9 in the Big Ten, is
coming off a 90—81 loss to Indiana

The Buckeyes. losers in their last
three outings. were also knocked off
by Illinois and Purdue last week.
The three losses. however. were all
on the road

Kentucky‘s record against Ohio
State is 845. The Wildcats have met
the Buckeyes four times in the
NCAA Tournament and lost all four

Sutton attributed his team's selec-
tion to the tournament to its non-
conference victories and the tough
ness of the SEC.

"1 think we‘re a pretty good half
club at times, And nine out of our lo
losses have come against conference
teams.” he said.

The SEC was one of three confer
ences to send six teams to the (‘14-
team tournament. the others being
the Atlantic Coast Conference and
the Big Ten

The teams in the SEC making the
tournament with UK are Alabama.
Florida, Auburn. Georgia and LSU.
Sutton thinks this recognition is
great for the conference.

"l m always going to cheer for ev-
i‘t'yhody in our league except when
\M' have to play them,“ he said.
“The silt‘ gained a lot of respect by
puttirc six teams in the tourna-



Whore: Tonight the doors of
Memorial Coliseum wiii open.
at 5:30 and close at 6 for the
NCAA ticket lottery.

Cost: $18, cash only.

Limit: Two per draw. Students
must have two validated IDs.
Number of tickets: 84.
Information: Tickets available
for Friday night’s session cow.
Kentucky will tip off against
Ohio State at 9:30 at The
Omni in Atlanta. Tickets for
the first session and the finals
on Sunday are avaihble for
$18 a session at The Omni,




This is the 32nd time the Wildcats
have appeared in the NCAA Tourna-
ment Sutton has taken a team to
the tournament for the past it years
and Kentucky has participated the
past eight years

Sutton said the team reaction to
the invitation w as good

“They v. ere reliey ed and
pleased.“ he said "l'l'ie\ ‘t'e _|iiSl
glad to gel to play somebody eke
and look at some new faces

Kentucky is seeded eighth ill the
llitean‘v Solithius‘ regionaf while
tliiio slate holds the ninth spo'. It
Kentucky L‘i‘i> hy lihio State 11 will
play the \\ll‘.llt‘[‘ ot the Georgetown
Bucknell game Sunday

If the Wildcats win that game. the
next round will be played iti Louis
ville‘s Freedom Hall. which Sutton
said would be a blesstng

“If we play in Freedom Hall. I
would have thought that Christmas
came early," he said.

Pollster to explain voting influences

Senior Staff Writer

Ethical considerations more so
than political parties and candi-
dates‘ personalities — influence the
way people vote. says Harrison
Hickman. a “rising national star" in
political polling.

Hickman will share this view in a
free speech at 7:30 tonight at the UK
Newman Center. His speech. titled
“Voters‘ Conception of Right and
Wrong." is the fourth and last in the
Newman Center's 1986-87 Distin-
guished Speakers Series.

“The argument is that voters only
vote according to party or personali-
ty.“ Hickman said. “I‘m going to
point out how voting compares clo-
sely to things that have more
clear-cut (ethical considerations ) . "

Hickman is a partner in Hickman»
Maslin Research. a Democratic po

litical consulting firm based in
Washington. D C

He has done a lot of research in
this area and is especially familiar
with Kentucky politics.

He served as pollster and consul-
tant to Kentucky Gov. Martha
Layne Collins and has worked with
former l' S Sen Walter “Dee" Hud-

Currently. he is working with
Steve Beshear. a candidate in the
Kentucky gubernatorial race

“Kentucky voters are a bit more
interested in politics than voters in
other states." Hickman said

“At the present time. they‘re
probably a little bit more concerned
\th integrity in people running for
oitice " Party has do not affect Ken—
tucky voters any more than they af-
lect voters elsewhere. he said.

”Republicans have not done as
well in elections! . . . but this has

\UK' "I“ I \I I’R. l)1l‘.'\' <

4-week summer classes
to be offered in Mexico

Staff Writer

The Spanish department thinks
summers were meant for sunshine.
travel and encountering new things,

With this in mind, the department
will offer three hours of credit for
upholding the summer traditions.

For about 81,200. students can
spend the four-week intersession in
Mexico. visiting ancient sites and
developing a terrific tan.

The price includes meals. lodging.
round-trip airfare from Lexington to
Mexico City and guided ground
transportation in Mexico.

Not included in the fee are tuition
for the classes and personal ex-

Jeff Barnett, a Spanish depart-
ment teachim assistant and coordi-
nator of the trip. said the cost was
“ocmnioally feasible for the SW

“We try to make all aspects of the
trip as cheap as possible," Barnett
said. "while still seeing the best of
pre—Columbian. colonial and modern

The trip begins in MeXico City on
May it After spending the night in
the. largest City in the world. stu-
dents go by bus to Guanajuato for

There. classes start wth excur-
sions to silver mines and nearby cit-
ies related to the independence

“(Guanajuato i5) 3 very small co-
lonial town, very picturesque.“ Bar-
nett said. “(It is) very popular
amaig tourists when they want to
get away and go into the interior of
Mexico. It‘s very quiet."

From Guamjuato the classes will
travel by bus back to Mexico City.

See MEXICO. Page ti




The Pro Wrestlers are com-
ing back to Lexington. along
with all their bragging. body
slamming and hype. See DI-

In trying to get their stories
first. journalists can‘t over-
look their rosponsibiiities. For
a cokimniot's view. use





 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. March 9,1987


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through

the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilegeallowed farthesalteofelarityofexpression. Formdentorgal’
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

publication date.



0 Workshops Notelakiiiq $10 seni 306 Barker Hall, 1-

“ Uzi ii Call .7 867.1

0 ii‘trar'iiiials Softball Ottit‘ral sCIinrt Free 1358681011.

.1; " Citx 3898

' E "Vb-its Writert‘liltiitls by Jtl/it‘ Ke‘l‘l' F’t‘é’ Rasdail
tittilv", Ht NOV” 41‘ "1 Cd“ 7 881‘ 7

0 i‘v-irhs'ir‘ps l""’.‘llU(‘t|Ol'1 to Algebra 159C110“ ill $35
retraction not tCt-iiiei M a F Noon Call 7-3363

. Cr-r‘i-i-ris rear" Bldlei Lecture Ideology a- p(‘Iarization

an m... 1,. o mi 3 C i,.,: C(1Ht£7."r'\7’h§) Arts 8 p. in Call
' l 1. i

a W" 11' ii\ 5'1"”

J Morriirit,‘ Al‘wlitti >00! Free StOII

, ‘t‘Ll Speakers Program Mr

him: [‘i\"'

:rii’r’ll‘rr stir or Free 135 Seaton

" Hick/Mai ‘.i”\. Cork er". 0' Rial" 5'. Wrong Free
(Ti-rill" i.‘ ‘R- \e Lane 7 3C? '7‘ Call 255-8566
" ‘i irs lbw 1'. x the Black lOli’VY‘ Henry Gates
Arr ifr ' Ai- i'hriwiriqi Five Peale Gallery 8
i V A -4\“
UK Mim-
., 4 4\ ; .

i: s West Virginia Free Home. 2


0 Workshops Reading to Remember. $10 sem 306
Barker Hall 22 50p in .Call 78673

- Workshops Math Rewew for the April GRE (Section 1).
$40. 89 Funkhouser. Tues 7-9 p m ; Call 7-3383

0 workshops Introduction to Algebra (Section 1). $35.
216C Anderson Hall. Tues 7-9 p m .Call 7-3383

0 Concerts University Artist Series The Cleveland
Orchestra $8-UK Student 8 Senor Citizen/$1 7-Others.
Center for the Arts. 8 p m . Call 7-3145

0 Concerts UniverSIty Artist Series The Cleveland
Orchestra w Vladimir Ashkenazy. pianist $17 $8. Center
for the Arts. 8 p m .Call 7-4900

- Concerts Pre-Ccncert Dinner (For reservations call 7-
257-4929) Center for the Arts 8 p m . Call 7-4900

- lntramurals Entry deadline for softball lat managers
meeting only). Free 135 Seaton Center. before 4 p m .
Call 7-2898

- Intramurals Softball managers meeting. Free. Old SC
Theatre. 5 p m .Call 7-2898

~ Meetings SAB Public Relations meeting. Free. SC 1 13;
6 p m .Call 86242

I Meetings Water Ski Club Team meeting; Free. SC
254. 7 30 p m

0 Religious Tuesday Night Together Worship Sen/ice-
Baptist Student Union: Free. 429 Columbia Avenue: 7 30
p m Call 73989

- Religious Prime Time- Campus Crusade for Christ.
Free. 137 Chem Phys Bldg . 89.15 pm; Call 273-1 780

. Seminars Single Parent Student Group- Discuss
personal needs 8 coping (free child care); Free; K~
House 412 Rose Street; 7 30 pm; Call 254-1881

0 Sports Japan Karate Asaniation- Shotokan: $30 sem ;
Alumni Gym loft. 6-8 p m :Call 7-1195



3’s V- 19‘ R». m 'or thv April GRE (Section 111
r:.r i m 81.3: 3in ‘ 5' r m Call 73383
. ‘ a 'W Jr‘- 'i'» -' .iir "'z-i- Center for the Arts
. ' V 4:1‘35‘
o Mooring-4 Uh 0.1“"; .f‘ "Vi-”'“q $10. 212 Seaton
t1 3U 1U Li n (‘di‘ 25-3 7 ‘F’
- Meetings Ferrari r l“ -..;i: The FemdoProtellions
Continuity a Change Frwrr ‘ ‘9 SC. Noon. Call 7-3295
0 Meet rigs Bar r "us rim-L" ; F'ee 545 POT. 5 30
t“ In Call 86242
0 Movres Metrripolis S‘» 95 Wr‘rsham ”if-ave 8p n‘
Call 78867
0 Other The Impact of the YWCA ,r: ‘i‘i'in v: :2 Lues .
YWCA-Cross Keys Road 11 30a ii" : I‘ n r’,, 1276-
0 Relriiious Wednesday Evenina Fells-n so: “we dinner
‘i:r‘ i. darn-es lUnited Campus Ministryi Free V- Hriuse 412
Rt se Street 5 30 p m : Call254-1881
0 Sb: ts UK Men s Tennis Louiswlle Free Hews 2
‘ " Call 254 4079
0 {;l,‘-t"'> Arkrdo Beginner Classes Sell-Defense Fun?
Alumni (‘1er left 8 30 p m Call 266-0102
- Religious Holy Eucharist Canterbury Fellowship Free
*1 Aiiri-isrine Chapel 5 3.0 C: m {$311254 3726
. §U"‘lr"idl§ B.r Chem The Rational Desrgn oi
rr-xyriies Free MN 463. 4 p tr Call 7-3484
- lJ-m "“1. National Ediirviton Association Student
" ' .i Mei-tin: Free :5 SC F r: m Call 269


- Concerts Youth Arts Festival. Free; Center for the Arts.
8 p in . Call 7-4900

- Meetings UK Table Tennis Club. Free; Seaton Center
Squash Courts 7-10 pm .Call 252-7081

0 Movies Metropolis. $1 95. Worsham Theatre: 8 p m .
Call 78867

0 Other Study Abroad Table with Representative from
Study Abroad Office; Free: SC arcade. 1 1 am -2 p m . Call

0 Religious D 8 L Grill- Baptist Student Union: Free. 429
Columbia Avenue. Noon; Call 7-3989

0 Sports Japan Karate Assomahon- Shotokan: $30‘sem
Alumni Gym loft. 6-8 p.m..Call7-1195


3 1 1 Movres Metropolis; $1 95. Worsham Theatre; 8
p m .Call 7-8867
3 12 Mowes Metropolis; $1 95; Worsham Theatre; 8
p m .Call 78867




3/9: Seminars: ‘Theory & the Black ldiom'- Henry Gates
(Aims of Afro-Am. Critical Thinking); Free: Peale Gallery: 8
pm; Call 7-2901

3/ 1 0: Meetings: SAB Public Relations meeting: Free: SC
113; 6 pm: Call 86242

31 10: Meetings: Water Ski Club/Team meeting; Free; SC
254; 7:30 pm.

3/10: Seminars: Single Parent Student Group- Discuss
personal needs & coping (free child care): Free: K-
House/412 Rose Street: 7:30 pm: Call 254-1881

3/1 1: Meetings: UK Cycling Club meeting: $10; 212
Seaton: 8:30-10 pm: Call 254-7765

(W 1 : Meetings: Food for Thought: ‘The Female Profellions:
Continuity & Change'; Free: 1 19 SC: Noon: Call 7-3295
3/1 1: Meetings: Bacchus meeting: Free; 545 POT: 5:30

3/1 1: Meetings: National Education Association Student
Organization Meeting: Free; 228 SC; 6 pm; Call 269-

3/ 1 2: Meetings: UK Table Tennis Club: Free: Seaton
Center Squash Courts: 7-10 pm. Call 252-7081

3/13: Lectures: Kathleen Blee: ‘Women in the Ku Klux Klan
in the 1920's'; Free: Peale Gallery/MI King; Noon; Call 7-



vii; i-rts Youth Art . Fi-sti. 1? Free Center for the Arts
Lit/1 ‘ 4900
. «Wines. Kathleen: B-w Women in the Ku Klux Klan in.
. a Free Perin- Girlr" . MI King. Noon, Call 7

‘rriiars Dept .':‘C"wr‘ Phospholipids Chiralat
~ir=2< Free 17701i Phys Bldg 4 p rn Call 7'

‘ ".i'S K1019 ‘i‘y arm-r U14. trim ~ iliiinn
-~:r»...,ii._i\ Free 1370mm». 9th Bldg 20m C313?


- Concerts Senior Recrtal Lisa Hinton: 4 p m
- Concerts Guest Recital Michael Fitzpatrick 8 p m


3 ‘9. Exhibits: ‘Watercolours'- by Jane Kehrt; Free; Rasoaii
Gallery-SC. Noon-4 p m.: Call 7-8867

.3. 9. Concerts. 1987 Blazer Lecture; Ideology 8. Polarization
in American Politics: Free; Center for the Arts: 8 pm ‘ Call

3 10. Concerts: UniverSIty Artist Series: The Cleveland

Orchestra. $8-UK Student 81 Senior Citizen/$17-Others:
Center for the Arts. 8 p m.; Call 7-3145

3 1O Concerts University Artist Series: The Cleveland
Orchestra w'VIadimir Ashkenazy. pianist; $17/$8; Center
for the Arts: 8 pm; Call 7-4900

3 10. Concerts: Pre-Concert Dinner (For reservations call
7-257-4929). Center for the Arts; 8 pm ; Call 7-4900

3 1 1 Concerts Youth Arts Festival: Free; Center for the
Arts. 8 p m . Call 7-4900

3, 1 2 Concerts Youth Arts Festival; Free: Center for the
Arts. 8 p m . Call 7-4900

3 13 Concerts Youth Arts Festival. Free. Center for the
Arts. 8 p m . Call 7-4900

3 14. Concerts Senior Recital Lisa Hinton- 4 p m

3 14 Concerts Guest ReCital Michael Fitzpatrick; 8 pm

315: Concerts. Center Sundays Series: Central KY Youth
Symphony Orchestra- Daniel Baldwin: Free; Center for the
Arts. 3p m . Call 7-3145


3/9: lntramurals: Softball Official's Clinic; Free; 135 Seaton:
4 pm: Call 7-2898
3/9: lntramurals: Starting date for soccer; Free; 135
Seaton: Call 7-2898
3/9: Sports: UK Men‘s Tennis: West Virginia: Free: Home:
2 pm; Call 254-4072
3/10: lntramurals: Entry deadline for softball (at managers
meeting only): Free: 135 Seaton Center: before 4 pm:
Call 7-2898
3/10: lntramurals: Softball managers meeting; Free: Old SC
Theatre; 5pm.; Call 7-2898
3/10: Sports: Japan Karate Association- Shotokan:
$30/sem.; Alumni Gym loft; 6-8 p.m.:Cal| 7-1195
3/1 1 : Sports: UK Men's Tennis: Louisville: Free; Home; 2
pm; Call 254-4072
3/1 1: Sports: Aikido: Beginner Classes Self-Defense: Free:
Alumni Gym loft: 8:30 pm; Call 266-0102
3/12: Sports: Japan Karate Association- Shotokan:
$30/sem.; Alumni Gym loft; 6-8 p.m.:Call 7-1195
3/16: Sports: UK Men's Tennis: NE Louisiana; Free:
Monroe. LA: 130 pm



o .2 41w" . ~ il'il'ti‘rfl111i.ii?i‘k.{ri;ir‘rr‘ ': 1.”; p, L:
" .1 .2; ' " Artrsr'w Centererwi- ‘r'rr “'1‘ '3‘?" Somme.
' swim“? anti/y "r itir'i ssiri" ‘r 'i-.ii1".r‘,srr,ii
' l “'1“ Center Sundays St" on Crwi- i: r, mm";
C‘ ’ or beam: r)i