xt7xd21rjs6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rjs6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1971 1971 1971-02-15 2020 true xt7xd21rjs6r section xt7xd21rjs6r 4 l . ‘
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. Monday. Ftl). L), 197' UNIVERSITY OF lsENTl (iI\\. LEXINGTON \ HI l \H \o N i, - ‘4 -.
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I“ ”u I“ 1'13“"?! H Klttl'clit‘lllillllllll..t\lt1\lt‘t (aw-i -_- l“. .w- \'-. ie- ;Y,, - . :-‘ I . . ‘ .I‘Q-flt': [.273
. Il\(lll(‘l Matt “titer (Layla IMHL' In“; ppm,“ \j "'H: :‘tI I, ,. I“: . . I, 53- III,: '-I7I-.'Ix .I'

.\ (-IoedI at lIl\ can olitain .i Iiieserijition lot lillll' hillill l't‘tlllltt’ttit‘tit\ to: lim'h-h _"= e‘“ -; lw ‘ ~: 1- - i - .17: Le
('ontio j)|ll\ \\tlli a minimum of red tape .ttltl t‘llt- m3“ Imii liatmtie _ 'I ; "-13.3:
l);tlt;t\I\Illt'ltlI. according, to reseaieh done ll\ it student (UHmeM. “manta.“ t (“Ht » e'i \tI, m. It I ~-.. "‘ ' " ' ' ,2 '
(Ullillllllii ”n" 3”“th personnel to tleli'iiiniie the \ tax-=1 - wtw: "‘l- I '- " .,".

" t '5. -4. - . ,, ‘ , ., ,.--_.'. , . .‘/, "‘

\\ iittin l tll\t isitj polii It‘s stipulate that in order to Hm, “M. .,t H“. Ht...” 4 . H a. .,. dung-5;, it» . t v. a.' ".~ -2' .- ‘-,~

I. . . I i- , . . . . I I I II I II j I III I .I I‘~ ,I-Is‘v :._"I.
olitain siith .iniitstiiption. .i (tied must attend a l.iiiiil_\ emhm- tor ohtaininu .-. jut \ iii-mun fr,; ltii- 3.;1-1 -'_. I‘ ‘ '3.” : f"- 3w:- t
lilaiiniiigr session and iindei'tlo _-i DhIVsieal e\.iniin.ition out \\hether the roles .iettnilljt .iii- till-i r.- it ti- ' ll" ' "- ‘ ' ‘
”I'd other “M3 at :1 Mt”, (“St ”l 52” The student i‘esmiiehei uho \‘.t'!tl thinLJl. the .‘t ..-. "‘ ‘1 " 1" ‘ ‘ ’ Vi ’ ' ' , " ’ V" '. " ~z

FTC? 9‘1"“ stir) steps I)()\t'(l as .t (Ut‘tl ”xi ii-itislx '1 v,:; ‘. f‘. " ' ‘5 ‘9" 55' ' t f "- . - . '- 2 13:3: 2 I' 5.

'l‘he eoniinitteos findings indicate that in actual”) ttitlliL’ inanfi lltt couple ”planned it. nihi- ' ltitl . it!“ ‘i IV“ wttv -, :.t , - » . ,3
a coed niaIV forego the family planning session and that not no\\ alfottl an unwanted pregnant \. it \.tl'l. l“ It"? J;'I_.I.I 3 fI‘. -
if she is a lull-time student. she may go through the “he“ the test-art he! talled to inaLe an immanent m '1 i, -. q I., hm I II. t. . . . ‘i-f. 'I .I
medical procedures free of charge. lis'iiitl the lint for llll j’ihnital t‘.\,ilii iii-i o \t\_ the Wed K enter noise how-Whit! p j,,, ,i 2 ~. '. . . 3" .'.;-"':li

. t . . - , , I v ' ‘ ‘ - I 'o . ' ’, ' mI ‘,
HTS”) [1“3ll'l‘5""\1('t‘- informed her that all m... .l\ \xho \\l\lt«‘tl to union the on \. on" t-- ‘ ' -. . - - T- "-11. ."i I
The committee eonsisted ol sis ineinliei‘s; Iohn pill 1mm .ittend t l..tltitl. It! “who; \. t . it, . ,I I I It; -I I I - ’ ‘ :II «I..III ..
i. ‘I III‘tIt. .
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S ‘0 o l (liitl \\L Will in .ii‘d‘ l N'; "K“ H“ i " 3: 3’ ‘ I-..i :. ,X' is” t
fIllnlnllrlg y living— iiiiseiahij I \' 'i 4' "“i“'!’ 3-- ‘i j-U .- -
. . . . . . ._ . " . I: . c t. I; II.,, n, ., I.. ,- I'. .~ I;
Sophomore (.hrise \\ \inaii lii‘attues for the annual sion Is 1;) tents loi students and \HW l0! Ht”! I1!“ I, ' m ”mm "J ' 'H ' " l Lil ' , “ ," ‘~ ‘ I ' . 'I -‘ .
~ I - - v in ‘ i ' t l I. ‘ l= . ‘ it . i ‘ l" l i‘i- ' ' ' - " " ' ‘ .I . it 'V
Blue Marlins show to he presented nightlx at 8 students. (kernel lilHHt) tn Dirk “an" 3‘ )-lt("h“It‘ “”1“?“ I,“ “I“ I“; I‘ll“ l “m” I "‘ ‘ t ‘.- , "
(,H. . . . ‘ , ”in l,)i'Hl|l)H\ e 't' :3 IV) ,I }¢_~ .-t H. z'tm - * - 7 ,~
l|.l]l., Feh. 2.111. In Memorial (i()ll\('lllll. .hhnis- ‘ l . . 3 \ L . )( H 3 ' ' - . " L. .-
- tut: o\ert.rout-itlivivauxemeani: (nmhgi . .B'. .. .- .
W ‘ . I‘ "I z 3, - 'I.I . I
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A rm y colonel charged mil: 1)!)880881011 ,v-
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r . a . . . . ‘I “"1‘: I‘...~'.‘..",:-
11 l ‘ ‘ 7" e3"] 0 ‘ Ill}: l l'l"
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SAICUX tAPi ~ 'l‘estiinony Kehrli aduuate the use of mini He said there \\'.t\ hea\‘\ llsalt‘ the ehiet dc h \ I " 7- , ' ‘ - -' i ‘ -. '- ‘ w

t‘Mlt‘d Monday ill ”I“ COUI‘t‘ lllimil “Nd N‘Pllt'd. “NPVCI‘.” The in his orgaiii/atioii l)\‘ hoth olh- hon e Lt ('ol l)on..id (V his 4.,” f R: My} . I.,I.. .- .;: . -. '2‘ , -. "i.
martial of an Air Force colonel other defense witnesses—three eers and enlisted men but that of l)uhiiqiie. hmi demand-«l .i that film l d ->:: 1- - ‘~ -~ .' ,' I. . fl 3 3‘." ’
on drug charges who was quot- colonels. a lieutenant colonel he didn't (onsidei it a problem. mistrial hot the motion was de thi li ltHITH‘Y minim.» 5w; I" ‘I . 2‘ ' T. I' .‘ .
ed as saving he thought smok— and a major—testified that Kehr- "He said that he had. in fact. iiied. tt'l. \Hlttht I:;.t!tt‘l.tIi-‘ - i-_;..:. T‘w . -. "I ' 3' .
ing marijuana was a “good li was of such high moral char- comerted this officer. a captain. .-\t another point in his tedi- The pimeeiitioi «.ilt- d < I‘ll ' . . fl: ; . . 3 ' 3
thing" because it helped close acter it was unlikely he had’ to using marijuana and that he mony. Ilaekson said Kehrli told \xitneww HI all. ' ‘ I i' -I ' I. .'
the generation gap. committed the offenses, had smoked with him." him ltt‘ “1011.113” til-lrilllkm-I W118 The ease i» hem: timid ’ c“ it“ f'a ~. :

The defense called six wit- ,The 46-year-old colonel, from Mud} of jaekson's testimom aeood thing because it helped eiulit-nieinlu-i (o‘iit hoard i “' - . j s_‘

nesses who said they had never “tumor, Mllm..I a veteran of it dealt with several social ”1.- him close the generation gap himadier it"ti'tdl anal \t \t :i . I ‘. . It
seen the defendant, (.ol. Gerald years 1" the A” I‘OFCF- “'35 ‘1 nings he spent with Kehrh dur- and gave him .i heItIter nnder- inionelx .ill \t‘tittii toItxehih 1 'I ~ ' ~ .
V- KChT“, smoke "N‘HJUEN'Ia or Squadron ICOImmander of the int; “1]“.le u“. [immtnflm said standing of his men, It (‘titt\l(lt’tl of .ill t'tLIlll ttIHlVll\ I- - ‘ . . I
3(le11“: its USO. The court then M'hmr." Airlift Command here Kehrli smoked marijuana cigar- l nder ei‘oss-e‘tiimination hx lodeed .ttLJlttsl hint. hehih I . - _ I ' .‘
went into recess. at the time (3f th“ alleged Of- ettes. On these oceasions. }u- the defense. IliH‘kSUll acknowl- (tlllltl H‘tl'Ht' .i minimum of “It . ‘ , .' . I
Kehrli is the highest ranking fenses from September to No— related. Kehrli used fl“. “(wk edged that he new r told kehrh \eais iinpiixoriment. tll\t1|l\\.tl II - . I '
US. officer ever to go on trial Vt'mber last year. "mariilIaH-L" “grass" and "joints" he was an Army intelligence of- from the hi l‘tn't e and lt)s\ ot _ I . ‘I . :l
in Vietnam. He, is charged with At the third Sessmn of the in referrint: to u”. ('It-{fll‘t’WW llt‘t'l'. He also :itknowledged .tll pm allowaniu “ -. . . ”I:
possessing, and using marijuana mill, Sunday. lSt Lt. Peter (‘3. The ({(tfmm‘ had (.(mipmlpd that that he was assigned hv h's ,,,,,,-,,--,-,--’--ooo’ ‘ ' .
and exchangim: it with enlisted 13"k5""I' 2’; Of Chicago, 3‘“ Kehrli at no time used the word “”"tm-“KlllluI ”the” last ()(t 1H .. I " ' 3 _ , . '.
"19” Army intelligence officer testi‘ “marijuana" on these oeeasions. t” ”I" .‘\ll‘ l‘oree ()fhee of \pe- \‘ (‘illllt‘l' - 1
Retired (Tol. (I. S. From of tying as a prosecution witness, I ital Investigation. \\l|ltlt \\'I) Hi . ,
Sun AnhjnjnI 'rpxII “rag one of told Of a (llSL'llSS‘lUll llt‘ llSKl \Vllll I I()” “Hf. {MTJHHIT‘ det'lKVHl {I‘N \t"§lltlitltllu ht‘lll'll'\ .it li\llli‘\ lHIt".Ml \ ll‘“ liglll \ltt‘“ lllil a .' I .
the six officers to testify as a Kehrli at the colonel's (tiiarters mm" kiln!) “ml; Numb“?! ““‘l l""'-'"il‘-"“ \iews the pro- bullet wound in the head he re- More than a 3'61” later.~ on only that he ”was seriously eased] from cul’t'V‘tt- — l I $13,?"
.| . posal as providing for compulso- ceived .lll‘t before he was cap- June 13. 1904. the SovietI(.oin- wounded on the Soviet-\orwe- Edllft‘t no harm to the Sovtet
_ . tured. munistl parIty newspapier lravda gig" border and was arrested." “:OH- -l went to the Soviet
. i . . . carrier a siort a tic * e r ' r al‘hOl'ltit'Sll'S' — ' ' .
- ' ‘s . Reliable but unofficnil Soviet . r t r pirtmg He made no reference to (lal- ~ 13:” I have b‘e" F"
. . . . that lshromtsovandanotherman. . . . . confined f0r 11 years. -—I am 'in ce‘ve‘
.- » 0n reSS W1 sources made :iVilable a copy of . . . . . . lai in his letter nor did he say - - ‘ ‘he
'- ' . .. \ladmur lsoiistantinowch . . ' invalid 0f the second class" thev
. . . his letter. It took seven months . . who shot him. He said he man- . ‘ ' “ orrict
.. . . . , (,allai. had been sentenced to 25 He ended his letter written
. monltOI' fund to reach \loscow from lotma. years in I! l'ihor cam for (It aged to reach a populated area. in Russian witl ' It I AP]
, , 200 miles to the southeast. . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ p ’ and surrendered to Soviet au- I I'm appta "he mam
. A Towe
, The ES. Embassy asked pionage. . thorities mencan and lntemational lied
' ' fOI‘ cambOdia about Khromtsov said its offi- . L‘S' lumbassonfiicuils, after (”055 Offlallinltion for medical
. . cial position is ”no comment." investigating lshromtosov s ” lhat was in july 1953. Now “"‘l food S“PP“CS- Bit!
. _ WASHINGTON (AP)—The Asks Vixon's hel claims.I(hd not deny his alliance it is July 1970. All this time I Observers here believe it is mite},
. f General Accounting Office, the Rb ‘ ' ‘ ‘ p . . With LS military intelligence have existediiiconfineiiieiit.seii- highly unlikely that either the 33%?
. _ congressional monitor over ex- l romtsov requested in his 0rgans_ tenced to 25 years. although 1 Americans or the lied (Iross or- Clinic
.. ecutive branch spending, has Setter that Nixon intervene With lshromtsov and (-allai crossed commited no actions harmful to ganlzati'ons would be able to {80"ij
. . agreed to watch closely the new .hgliet ai‘i‘thpnsties. llIe relatlcd the Sowet - .\orwegian border. the Soviet L iiion. help. Rhurss
, . . . . '. as ' i imim . r ‘
‘ ’ $205—million U'S' ald program m received his Americr'linciltixnshiui Clam
Cambodia, it was announced ' ' l ' ' l — — P R o J E c T F U T U R E — — nomni
‘ . v S!
) - s ~ .. ' 1 e i
IWrI:stthogurgIcaIyie _m are» THE KENTUCKY KERNEL SUNDAY. 320 nos: LANE 3.5 g.
; 3 n W t oreign e- Th. Kentucky Kernel. University FEBRUARY 14-18 R 255-0467 . ° ‘
. lations Committee of an ex— filtggzn.gnlyerilty£éogentucky, Lex- ( n d' . 'll be h Id f 3’."
' ~ . . en 110 y . S . a i cussions wi ' 50 0
' change of letters between Chair- RfstIage paid at Lexington.e'igtglr‘iituc3:q ‘ e m '0'" room 0' Newman cent") 50““
. . - ' d f' ‘ _ - ' 7'
"Id” 1“. Fulbright. D-Ark.. sciilogi yézf etigegil’igfifigsdxangxgfi “raj-‘4'” “"SMY—W" hug?”
tt "1 E . .‘ . . , . _ periods, and Once d , h I. on at all the Muses 8:90 sun.
I lintr B. Staats, tlit comp session ””18 t 0 Summer 9, to, 11:15, 11:30 and 5 pm. “TOWARDS VATICAN Ill“ tertgr;
trollcr general and head of the Published by the Board at Student ”A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WEDNESDAY—mi. Waino
' ’ CAO. Pugggclfmons. 31K ecos:i office Box 4986. WAY TO THE -—-——- CHURCH!” Izoo Inn. on Tu
'. . h “S .C a e in 1394 and (5:45 mum—Immediately following Mass) "CHURCH OF THE NEW PENTECOST” pm.
, Much concerned 2:225?ng continuous” as the Kernel MONDAY 15th "wasnAY_""' 9-2 W
.. . a . . . . . —' “:0 DJ“. Grar
\lans members of the C(iiii- Ad‘ert‘s‘“ ”“1"”th hercm ‘5 m' '=°° P-m- ”BIRTH OF A ” ,
. . ‘ . - _ . ’ tended to help the reader buy. An ” I l - [SE-W WORED FOR A NEW ATM“
- iiiittec on Foreign Relations are {$1150 or misleading advertising shouifi D D TELL YOU TOMORROW '5 HERE? W 38,2 ‘11“,
, e repor c to The Editors .
. cl '( ii -* vi . ' _- ' ball M 12:] ad :00 . . . . d; -—F
"Ht 1 U (Until U H thew)“ SUBSCRIPTION RATES "{mtsfin 3"” {m}: By. Reverend Paul Lopierre iii?“ 1
eiiing situation in Cambodia and Yearly. by mail --— $9.45 (p v A receiw
fear that the lat e milita ' and PM copy’ from me“ “ 3.10 “MM...” "e", uthor, TV Commentator) h '
' . , g B . KERNEL TELEPHONES ‘5 minutes W". Fa'he' Paul’s popular style has made him much in demand as a solar.
economic aid program now hung Editor. Managing Editor ., 257.1755 Residence: titreatemast'er.f He has bean a regular commentator on radio and TV line {i
. . -. . , . , .. . . - Editorial Page Editor. 32! low Lane pas 9‘” Yea's- °mm9 "0m the Diocese of Alexandr‘a— J —
mitidted may Involvetllt Lnttetl Associate Editors, Sports .. .25an Tolcphone 255_“‘7 gntario, Canada, he is the National Director for the Canadian Chris'tian 3:931?
States "1011' deeply. Fulbright Adyertising, Business, Circula— 13‘45“ enetwhal CC'enters Assocuation. Presently Fr.ILapierre is writing a book other
“I t” J3 08 mm . _ 258-4646 on— e urch of the New Pentacost—entitled ”Towards Vatican lll." tact It
rt) ( )II n. i. . Hall. 1
I» ‘ . i
N. i-

 "1 l ' ' ' '
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_ - m. THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Monday. Feb. l5, I971- 3 .4 " ' 41'
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