xt7xd21rjs4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rjs4k/data/mets.xml Arizona Arizona Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration National Archives (U.S.) 1938 ii, 15 l.; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.5/no.3 books English Tucson,: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Justice -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Arizona -- Catalogs Arizona -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series V, The Departpment of Justice, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series V, The Departpment of Justice, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7xd21rjs4k section xt7xd21rjs4k i“. 3
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3' Q) . N0. 3. ARIZONA ' i
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if} 1 i
_> 3 Prepared by
J , The Survey of Federal Archives - '
, Division of WOmen's and Professional Projects '
Works Progress Administration
- ‘ The National Archives ‘
g Cooperating Sponsor 5
‘ W
E ‘
5 g
2 Tucson, Arizona 1
i The survey of Federal ArchiVGS ;
ii £1938 _
'_ 1

 Q ,

n A
lfifi The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products
Egg of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which Operated as a nation~ ,
gig wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to A
vififi June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the ‘
Tffi Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the
»€W§ Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of
that Administration.
$9? The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I '
fl.fi consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, '-
flqfi and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of fede~
{hfi ral archives in the states» Succeeding series contain the detailed in~
E 3 formation secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate a
Q'E series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except I
3 f the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. 4
its Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organiza— ‘
* 5 tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding
1'} numbers contain the inventory preper, separate numbers being assigned to ‘
ta. each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory
:- for Alabama is no. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas N0. 1+. _
: etc' i ‘
f 7 For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of ‘
i T related records° is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
{g : dates ("to date” indicating an Open file at the time the information was 5
E V secured), general description of informational content, description of ;
31i the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and
g’f purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in fold— ‘
3 T crs. etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical con~ ?
i'.f dition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room num- :
W'h' her or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form ?
i 5) 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker J
ff” and frOm which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file 4
i it in The National Archives. When it contains substantial infOrmation on
if 5 addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimcographed abstract, p
if i indication of this is given by use of the reference “See addenda." S
Eirfi In Arizona the work of the Survey was direct d by Dr. H. A. Hubbard of g.
‘fl-E the University of Arizona, with Mrs. Meryl E. Iorgan as his assistant: K
, until. June 30, 1937. Since that date the state project has been directed ‘
xififi by Mrs. Morgana This inventory of the records of th; Dcpgvtrgnt of jus« j
itifi tice in Arizona Was prepared in the Phoenix branch office of the Survey,
:- With Mr. G. V. Hays as chief editor It 27.11:: exited before final tbflflné ‘
liifi by Hr. A- R. Kooker of the Washington office.
:_i§ Hcryl 3. Morgan ‘
3"€ State Director l
'jsg TRCSOR. Arizona Survey of Federal Arcnivcs l
”f July 27, 1938 in Arizona
?.§K s
gfifi 1
fihh‘ A

x .

 iii .


II? Page '
3:: Globe, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . f . . . . . . 1 . '
:33 Phoenix, United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

:63 Phoenix, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

i . Prescott, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . . . . - M a ‘
;.f Tucson, Assistant United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . . M l

?.-I Tucson, United States Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1

f . Warren, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


if." Phoenix,FieldOffice.................... 11 f

g . Tucson, Prison Camp No. 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2 '

3- ‘ l

’3 g


 .4 2?,
it 1 ‘
set ' :
\ '
he? I *7 sh ,,~ -. - m -— — ,- ~ ‘
37.91% ~_“—‘—"“ "“""“'—"—'—‘~ —-——————~—-—~---———————..———.———~:_:—_:
i ii .
Rig ’
‘fit I
I it
+*§ Post Office Bldg., Hill and Sycamore Sts.
I I A Deyuty Marshal was first stationed at Globe, Arizona in 1910, under ,
I I too old Federal Court system and the office has been maintained since the
i TOOTgenizatiOn of the Federal District of Arizona. This office handles
.ai the uarsnal’e business in the northeast portion of the state.
1 i .
I._ l. GELQJAL COREESPOEDENCE, 1983 to date. All letters and telegrams 5
IV" that come into thy office. Filed chrOnologically. (Daily, official.) l
E ' 3 X ii; and 9 X 1+5 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in 2 steel filing case drawers.
; »‘ 1. son. (81)
i . l
i H _ i , - ._ . . ‘
g = 3. MARSdAD'S DOCKET, may 8, 1925 to date. Prisoners' names and ages, 3
‘ ' —— . .7 -. '— ' ' L. :- - : M .- ‘ *4“: ~ ‘ . . ‘
I ; COmylaifltb, walrunts and daUC oi filinb. (Daily, eli121ai.) 18 i 14 ,.
I_' vols. (2), R in., in wooden desk drawer. R. 204. (53)
I 3. CASE RECORDS, Dec. 1935 to date. Information On each case relur
. tive to complaint, defense, witnesses, etc. (copies); oriIinals sent to I
l.j TucsOn. Filed alphabetically. (Weekly, official.) 9; x lug sheets, 1 ,
i I in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 20H. (82)
I . -
i . a
E '5. i
I :
E . l
- { Federal Bldg., 1st Ave. and Van Buren St.
; The present office of United States Attorney was ere ted in February
_ l912. Prior to that time a prosecuting attorney‘s o7fice was maintained I
‘ I in COnneetion with the old territorial District Courts, tut With the adr ‘
-; vent of statehood in 191? a new Federal District Court was Ol‘ii‘v'fliZCd
.‘f known as the District of Arizona, end siniltaneounly the Office of United
‘ i States Attorney was established for such district. Eeadquarters have ;
5 been variously at Ticson and PKOonix, the present incumbent being located '
, G at Phoenix with assistants at Tucson. ill of the closed criminal case
I. . ' «vi .- . ~ ( V i
, 3 1110s numbered from l to l9b{, Wltfl tee exception of numoers lo7+ and
I'fi 1932, were destroyed in l939 but none of the present office force can
"% advance any reason as to why this was done. Cases tried in the Pnoenix 3
“it and Prescott divisions of the District Court are handled by this Office.
”f% h. WAR RISK IISURAICE CASES, 192w to date. Corresyondence, plead—
‘L’ . V. ., . I ‘ ’ W . ‘l .' a. ‘ —-
{fig lugs, and reports on pending and closed cases. Filed alpn4oeticallj.
Wfi? ‘ ‘


2%, United States Marshal, PhOenix 2 V

Ed (ClOsed cases, rarely; pending cases, frequently, official.) 8 x 12 i

é? f01d0r5. 25 ft-. in 9 steel and M floodenlfiling case drawers. R. 253. i
3 (371+) '

,fig 5. PENDING CRIMINAL CASES, 1928 to date. Correspondence and reports

g,@ On pending cases and on cases upon which no legal action has yet been .
t trim-en- Filoa alphabetically. (Daily. official.) 10 x 1‘4 folders, 8 rt., ..
24% in 4 steel filing case drawers, R. gun, (37g) ,
-_ 1::

gfg 6. PRESCOTT LEGAL CASES, 1988 to date. Correspondence, pleadings and

7‘: TGPOTtS OE CiVil. criminal, and equity cases; closed correspondenco and

rag reports on pending criminal and War Risk Insurance cases. See addenda ‘
g Q for list of cases. Filed alphabetically and numerically. (Closed cases, -
, : rarely; pending cases, daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders and 8 x 10

. ; loose~1eaf books, 7 ft. 9 in., in 8 steel filing case drawers and on fil~

;,1E ing cabinet. 3. 248. (377) '
,fi 7. CLOSED CRIMINAL CASES, 1929 to date. Correspondence, pleadings, l ‘
T t and TGPOTtS- See addenda for lists of cases. Filed alphabetically.

‘ 25 I“: 10 index. 1 in- (Rarely, official.) 10 >2 l‘i— folders, 220 ft. 6 111., "
V ‘ in 11 steel filing case drawers. 3. 253. (350) 1
. . 5- DOCKETS, 1929 to date. Condensed information of various cases

TI handled by the office. See addenda for list of various dockcts. (Daily, “
: .- official-) lo 3; 1:3 loose-deaf books (9), 2 ft. 3 in., on steel filing:
3:? case. B. RES. (376) f
9. PEEEIEG l-IORTC—AGE EOPECLOSUEES, Mar. ‘4, 1931 to date. Reports; and ;
"- correspondence which give dctlils and added information on mortgage eases. ;
. Filed alphabetically-. (Daily, confidential.) S x 1;? folders, 1 ft., in
"'. steel filing case drawer. R. REM. (379) 7
fl 7 10. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPOEDENCE, 1953 to date. Decket entries of g
g , corresp0ndence of office in regard to personnel, office expenses, and ‘
i " general Operation; also original letters. Filed chronologically. (Daily, .
§‘~ Official.) 8 x 10 folder: and leesc-leaf books, 2 ft., in wooden filing i
f case drawer and on filing case.“ Rs. 2H8 and 2&9. (375)
‘3': Federal Bldg., lst Ave. and Van Buren St.

ill The office of United States Marshal for in; District of Arizona was ,
I _ created Feb. 14, 1912. The jurisdiction of the office covers the entire
-75 state. Originally the Marshal's headqdartcrs were at Phoenix with a Onief ,
f'? DCPUtT at Tucson. In 193} a newly abpointcd marshal moved the headquar-
7 d tors to Tucson and new stations his Chief Donut? at PhOenix. ‘
ESE On fees received and expenses incurred (feeding anl clothing of prisoners,
{cg travel expenses, etc.) by Phoenix, Florence and Tucson officials. (Scl~
Egg dom, official.) H x 9 bundles, 71 ft., in } filing ease drawers and
tfifi‘ stacked on shelf. Brittle. NE. corner of basement. (99) i
”an ,
tfit g
fi' 1
x a

 5%} United States Marshal, Phoenix 3 L
3.13? '
- 1%; .


‘Eg Juno 30. 1935'1 Scaled tabulations and correowondcnce. (QuarterlY. con—

do n. . - 5 _ n . . ~ , , _

Ȥ% iidcntial.) 85 x 105 iolders, 4 1n.. in stool filing case in Vault.

i R. 33-). (111) '

3%. 13. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Oct. 1, 1919 - June 30. 1935- Correspondi ‘

2,? once and records from various sources containing confidential reports and

ijfi information, and COpien of Outhing letters. (Majority of records, never: ‘

5"; small portiOn, daily, confidential.) 8% x 10% folders and variously

3:3 sized sheets. 5 ft. 2 in., in wooden filing cane drawer and in steel fil~ -

E 5 lug case in vault. Sheets damaged by careless handling. R. 335. (117, ,

.3; 109, 119. 110, 105, 11M, 112) .

:_ 1M. UNITED STATES FUND BOOK, Feb. 1M, 1922 ~ June 3o, 1935. Records

§.: contain confidential reports. (Never.) 15 x 18 vols., 1 ft., on steel .

5 Shelf in vault. R. 335. (108)

,‘ i

' I i' " U 'N 1 4 - 7 f

v 15. INTERROGATORY OF COMPTROLLEn GEAERAL, 1923 ~ 1932. Records 01

3 previous Marshal. (Never.) 7% x 9% covers, 2 ft., in wooden fiiing case 5

5 drawer. Dusty. R. 335. (103)

3 i

* -- .. _ . ,. , . .. . - E
3 l6. COURT JRITS, July 1983 u June 30, 1935. Papers issued in coart ,

i, proocedings. (Never.) 7 x 8 covers, 2 ft., in wooden filing cnec.drewer. .1

‘ Dusty. 3. 335. (102) '

I ' 1?- DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS, July 1, 1923 ~ 1935. Circular reports nor: .

3’ bercd l_to 898 of fugitives from justice. (Occasionally. official.)

3 » a; 3 log folders, u in., in steel filing case in vault. R. 335. (118)

fi'. 18. APPLICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT. Aug. 1, 1983 — June 30, 1935. Cor—

# - roepondcnco regarding cyplicntions for cmplovment. (Never.) 83 x 10“ t

1 folders. M in., in wooden filing case drawer. R. 335. (120)

i ‘ 19. APPOINTEES 03 U. S. MARSHAL, Aug. 1, 1923 ~ June 30, 1935. Ecc—

' n - ' . w— «1' " ~ 1 ‘ ~ ~ :1: ~ ...

1* orde o: 39p01ntmento. (mever.) ofi x 105 folicrs, 4 1n., in steel 111111b ‘

f case in vault. R. 335. (113) . 1

"K“- . .. n u . w i .- \. l


-:‘ ’ , - \ . V . . 1 .3 . L -

3 , June 1934. Reports and taoulatione of Murcnel's expend1.uren. (Never.)

1.. 93 x 14 covers, H ft., in 2 wooden filing Case drawers. 3. 335. (100)

1 ' 21. BUREAU OF IDENTIFICATION CARDS. 1925 ~ 1931. Reporto and finger-

5’7 prints from Department of Justice 9nd various police departments of the

{1‘ United States. Filed alphabetically. (OccasiOanly, niriciui.) 7~3/. _

2.. X 8g cards, M ft., in 9 wooden filing case drowcrs. R. 33}. (10h)

1-; 22. RECORD OF SEETEICES, Feb. 13. 1928 ~ Mar. 30, 1929; July 11, 1931

t:* * Oct. 16, 1933. Penitentiary and jail sentences of criminals hennled by .

i3; this office. (Never.) 10 x 10 volc., 3 in., in steel filing came in ;

gj. Vault. 3. 339. (191) ;

1:3 23. PARDONS' PAROLBS AND pRQBATIQES, 1939 A 1935. Reportu and corr0_

ifii spendence directed to prcViOus Marshal in regard to yrrdonn. DPT0108. and

Harri ,. . _ -47. .4 \ 1 v . a ‘ H -.‘,‘ V .

fifi firObatlonc. (Occa31onolly, 0111c1a1.; 9: A la LOVOLC' 1 ft., in Jooden

:ié filing case drnwcr. 3. 335. (100) 5




\ i

 £3 United States Attorney, Tucson M _
58 M .
-m= I D . I - . . u _
%§ .2 . luAnSdAL S QDARTERLY ACCOUNT, Jan. 1933 — mar. 193M. Reports and
fig tSOUl3t19nSr0f CXPGHSCS Of marsnal's office. (Never.) 9% x 19 covers,
1:3 1 ft., in 3 wooden filing case drawers. R. 335. (101)
it . _
_§§ '25. BOND AND RECOGNIZANCE RELEASES, July 1, 1935 to date. Records of i
9% prisoners released under bail or on own recognizance. (Daily, official.)
fig 1 . n A . . . . .
9ft 32 x 52 cards, 3 in., in wooden filing case drawer. R. 335. (107) .
. a6. COMPLETED JAIL SENTENCE CASES, July 1, 1935 to date. Can-31mm.
if] tlfll_rep0§ts Of Jail sentences of federal prisoners in Arizona. (Daily,
3$_ confidential.) 35 x 55 cards, 6 in., in wooden filing case drawer. .
'» R- 335- (115) I
%_, 27. CURRENT CORRESPONDENCE, July 1, 1935 to drtc. Letters and tele—
:- brrms originating in this office. (Daily, official.) 8% x 10% folders,
; j 6 ft., in 3 wooden filing case drawers. R. 333. (122)
If . , . - , . i
L 2 2;. PHOENIX CITY JAIL RECORD, Jan. 1936 to date. Reports of prison— ,
; ers held In city jail for the Harshal. (Daily, official.) 3% x 5% cards,
.‘ ‘. ‘ _ n- e 1" N D
:1. 3 in., 1n wooden Tiling.case drawer. R. 335. (116)
I: -_ PRESCch :1
6.. w Federal ,1d3., Montezuma it. ' _ .
f A deputyship of the United States Marshal was established at Prescott,
g ' ArizOna in 191% for hrndling the Marshal‘s affairs in Yavapai, Coconino
g and Mohcve Counties. A Deputy Marshal has been maintained there et :11 l
f . times since. ,
i a
i 29. PRISONERS' REGISTER, June 1925 to date. Particulars as to dnti
1 and cause of arrest, cenviction, and penalty of Federal prisoners h::ilel A
E_' at Prescott. Recorded alphabetically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 12
j" X 18 vols., 1 ft. 6 in., on metal shelf. 3. 12, 2d floor. (79) _.
31.. TUCSO;
53" Federal Bldg., S. Scott St. and Brozdway
Iii The District of Lrizona is divided 1120 the Phoenix and Tucson Divi—
§.3 sions and offices of the United States Attorney are maintiined in both
if} cities, the United States Attorney establishing his office in the Divi— {
ff SiOn of his home or choice and appointing an Assistant to take charge of
I?fi the business in the other Division. At the time Of this survey the of—
?3 ice 0f the Assistrnt was located in Tucson with jurisdiction over all
ts matters arising in the Tucson Divisio:, which includes the cities of
ifi Tucson and Globe.

‘ I

 H United States Attorney, Tucson 5 j

E 30. CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEETS, Oct. 15, 1887 - Oct. 2M, 1899. Compiled

;%' during territorial days under the administration of Everett E. Ellinwood, *
,‘%§ U- S- Attorney for Arizona, giving docket number, name, indictment, pro~

5%, ceedings, etc. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 5% x 8 vols., E in., on

5% wooden shelf of sectional bookcase. R. M11. (628)

5% 31- COPIES OF INDICTLENTS. 1907 ~ 1916. Violations of various sec—

3%; tions of the Penal Code: Chinese exclusion laws, smuggling alcohol, opium '

fifi and cattle; introducing liquor into Indian reservation, Mann Act, imper—

Efi? sonatins officerss grazing shéep without permit, etc. (Rarely, official.)

$5 8 x 19% leese~1eaf book, 1 in., On wooden shelf of sectional bookcase. .

{if R. Mil. (635) _

jfli 32. TUCSON CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEETS - CLOSED, 1917 to date. Record of

3; cases showing case and docket numbers Sh to 7,736 inclusive, and what

Q? action has been taken in court proceedings. 9% x 11% loose—loaf index.

ii (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 11% vols. and 10% x 11% loose—loaf books,

31 3 ft., in steel filing ease drawer and on wooden shelf of sectional book—

571 Case. Rs. fill and Ala. (623) ‘

f' 33. TUCSON AND GLOBE CLOSED CIVIL CASES, 1919 — 193M. Register of ;

:ffi closed civil cases showing docket number, date of court action, procedure, ;

%;‘ etc. 9% x 11% loose-leaf index. (Daily, official.) 8—3/M x ll~3/M and 1'

iff 10% 1.11% looeemleaf books, 6 in., in steel filing case drawer and on -

if. wooden shelf of sectional bookcase. Rs. 911 and 912. (62M)

2; 3M. GLOBE CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEETS, CLOSED, Oct. 28, 1919 — Apr. 1936. 1

E: Record of cases closed, numbers C 31M to C 1516 G, showing court proceed— I

.5 ings, etc. 9% x 11% loose—leaf index. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x ‘

1;; 11$ vols., 10: x 115 loose~1eaf books and pestcboerd covered binders, l

ff, ft., in st001-fi1ing case drawer and on wooden shelf of sectional book~ l

3;' case. Rs. fill and #12. (625)

:9 35. GLOBE PENDING FILE, 1919 to date. Criminal law and office cases 1

‘g- pending trial in court. Filed numerically. 9% x 11% loose—leaf index. i

E; (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders and 9% x 11% loose—leaf books, ,

at 1 ft. 6 in., in wooden filing case drawer. R. H12. (639)

I 36. TUCSON CRIMINAL PENDING FILE, 1919 to date. Record of cases ‘

y; pending in court. Filed alphabetically. 9% x 11g loose—leof index.

ii: (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders and 9% x 11g loose—leaf books,

5;; 1 ft. 6 in., in wooden filing case drawer. 3. M12. (641)

E? 37. TUCSON LAW AND EQUITY PENDING FILE, 1919 to date. Cases which .

Iii are awaiting trial. Filed numerically. 93 x 115 locse~lenf index.

it (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 15 envelopes and 10 x 15 fCldOTS. 1 ft-. ‘

E? in wooden filing ease drawer. R. 912. (636)

3% 38. GLOBE CIVIL AND LAW CASES, 1920 to date. Closed cases from. . _

If Globe Division, including miscellaneous cases as: naturalization, mining,

d? automobiles, etc. Filed alphabetically. Loose-loaf index. (OccaSlon—

3% ally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft., in wooden filing case drawer.

E; R. M11. (632) ‘


d1 j

_; I

 ‘3 United States Attorney, Tucson 6 j
g' 39. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1920 to date. Current miscellane~ i
§§ Gus correspondence, etc. Filed alphsbetioally. (Daily, official.) 10 x 1
.fi 15 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in wooden filing case drawer. R. M12. (637)
g? M0. OFFICE NUMBERS ~ CLOSED, 1920 to date. All cases to which no 3
1% docket numbers have been given, miscellaneous matters filed that have not ‘
‘f? as yet been brought to trial and civil and other cases without sufficient
g; evidence. Filed numerically. Indexed. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x ,
if 15 folders and 9% x 11% loose—leaf books, 12 ft., in 6 wooden filing case
§f drawers and On table. Rs. M11 and M12. (630)
:5 Ml. TUCSON CRIMINAL CLOSED CASES, 1920 to date. Complete and closed
;1 files containing Tucson criminal cases with reports, correspondence,
1- pleas and all matter regarding each particular case. 9% x 11% loose—leaf
i index. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 folders and 9% x 11% loose—leaf .
f’ books, 50 ft., in 28 wooden filing case drawers. Rs. M11 and M12. (638)

‘ i' M2. TUCSON EQUITY CLOSED CASES, 1920 to date. Including cancellar
{ tions of mining leases on Indian reservation. Filed numerically. Loose— §
9 leaf index. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders and 9% x 11% ‘
; loose~1eaf books, 2 ft., in steel filing case drawer. R. M11. (631) 1
f, M3. TUCSON LAW CASES, 1920 to date. War Risk Insurance cases, libel j.
E, suits, etc. Filed numerically. 9% x 11% loose—leaf index. (Occasion— ;
J. ally, official.) lo 1 l5 folders, u ft., in 2 wooden filing case drawers.
1' R. M11. (627) J ’
Q date. U. S. Attorney's criminal docket showing case number, cause of .
5 action, names of witnesses and entries of court proceedings. Filed nu;
fr merically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 9% x 115 loose—leaf books, 83 7
f in~, on table. R. #12. (6N2) ,
1. M5. GLOBE CRIMINAL CLOSED CASES, Sept. 21, 1921 to date. Complete 1
9 files containing criminal cases numbered M02 to 1370, reports, corre—
: spondence, pleas, and other matters pertaining to each particular case. i,
3 Filed numerically. 9% x 11% loose—leaf index. (Occasionally, official.) 3
: Variously sized vols., folders and bundles, 8 ft., in M wooden filing .
f case drawers and on wooden shelf. R. M11. (622)
3- M6. GRAND JURY DOCKET REGISTER BOOKS, Oct. 192M to dete. Tucson and
: Globe closed cases. 9% x 11% loosc~1eaf index. (Occasionally, official.) .
a. 10 x 11% vols. and 11 x 16 loose—leaf books, 1 ft., on wooden shelf of ‘
f: sectional bookcase. R. M11. (629) p .
3. M7. NATIONAL PROHIBITION ACT CASES, July 31, 1926 ~ 1935. Office
11 copies of monthly reports covering criminal, civil, tax, narectic, and
if national Prohibition cases, showing name, number, date, nature of violar
f0 tion of act, form and cause of action, entry, amount claimed, etc. Filed
f5: chronologically. Index. (Occasionally, official.) 8% x 1M ShOOtS: 1 3
:3 ft-. Ctn wooden shelf of sectional bookcase. R. M11. (63M)
fig; bCCks indicating name of witness, case number, when summoned to appear,

 1! I'-
:k United States Marshal, Tucson 7 "
% reported, discharged, etc. ATTCDEEd alphfbetically- (Occasionally, Cf—
§§ ficial.) 10 K 115 loose-leaf books, 5 in., En wooden shelf of sectiCnal ‘
;§ bookcase and on table desk. Rs. #11 and N12. (626)
M9- CIVIL DOCKET, Sept- 3.931 tr: ante. U. s. Attirney's d3cket fer ‘
TE Tucson and Globe, giving case numbers, names, dates, proceedings, etc.
jg Filed numerically. Index. (Daily, official.) 9% x 11% lecse~loaf
bet-ks. 8s in., on table desk. 3. 1112. (61.13) -,
ff 50. REGISTER OF COMPLAINTS, Aug. 1933 to date. U. S. Attorney‘s
;} TCSiStO? 0f complaints and his action thereon, shCWing c:mp1aint number,
t5 county, dCtCs dOfOnant, witnesscs' names, etc. 9% x 11% lccse~1caf "
2” index. (Daily, CffiCial-) 9% X 11% lCTsc~leaf berks, 3 in., "n table
f desk. R. U12. (6U6) ‘
3, 51. REPORTS OF SEIZURES, 1935 to date. Original copies of reprrts ’
{1 from United States Custom Service ccntaining complete description of
f7 Proporty seized frcm perscns entering United States from Mexico, and 5
? shcwing virlatirns of Tariff Act of 1930. Filed numerically. (Oscasi“n— '
5, ally, cfficirl.) 8 x 10% bundles, 2 in., on we’dcn shelf of sectional
(- bCCkcase. R. M11. (633) l
. ‘- ‘
g: 52. CURRENT AND PENDING MONTHLY REPORTS, Jan. 1935 tr date. On all 1
I criminal cases, giving complete informatisn ccncerning defendant and of 7‘
i' offenses Cf which he was frund guilty. Filed numerically. Loose—leaf 1
; index. (Occasi nally, official.) M x 6 cards, 8% in., in card cabinet E
Q and on table. R. H12. (6H5) ,
,2 53. INITIAL AND FINAL DOCKET REPORTS CLOSED, Jan. 1, 1935 to date. ,
3 Monthly reports Cf all criminal cases ccntdining c‘mpletc infirmation
E crncerning defendant and of offenses of which he was found guilty: Filed 1
X alphabetically. Index. (Occasionally, Efficial.) M x 6 cards, 1 ft.
7 9% in., in 2 wooden card cabinet drsaers. R. #12. (6Mh) ,
I 54. GRAND JURY PENDING REGISTER, Apr. 1936 to date- Cases for Tucson J
i and Globe showing grand jury assignments, docket number, name, etc.; ’ ,
:: duplicates of files containing merely the entries cf court proceedings.
1. Arranged alphabetically. Indexed. (Daily, ’fficial.) 9g x 11% lorse~ _
é leaf books, 8% in., on table desk. R. M12. (6UO) ‘ -
ii (A) Pima COunty Courthouse, Church and Pennington 1
(13) Federal Bldg., Scott St. and Broadway
iv The office of United States marshal for Arizona was created in 1863
f: following the organization of Arizona‘s territorial government. During 1
f; the years preceding statehood the Marshal‘s office was maintained at the 1
Eh Territorial Capitol which at different times was at Prescott, Tucson and
3; PhOenix. With the coming of statehood in February 1912, headquarters ‘
th‘ were established at PhOenix and remained there until 1933, during which
R; year a newly appointed U. S. Marshal moved the office to Tucson, where 1
fig it has remained since.
R, 1
1 i ‘

 A 2?
United States Marshal, Tucson 8 t

j 55. TRANSCRIPT CERTIFICATES 0F U. S. TREASURER, 1882 w 1890. State~ 1
% ment 0f remittances to and disbursements by the U. S. Marshal with checks

g and vouchers attached. Certified as correct by the U. S. Treasury Depart—

; ment- Arraneed chronOlogically. (Very rarely, official.) 9% x 16 and

g 15 x 16 loose sheets tied together, 1 ft., in wooden box. Basement vault

g (Bldg. A). (1183)

f 56. LEDGERS, Jan. 6, 1920 to date. Contain office expenses of marw
,% Shel, attorney and clerk of district court, salaries, fees and expenses ‘
t of jurors and witnesses, support of prisoners, pay of bailiffs, miscel— ‘
N laneous expenses, salaries and expenses of U. S. Attorney, pay of regular

3 assistant attorney, salaries of District Court Judges, salaries of clerks

,g of district court, printing and binding, uncollectcd earnings, rent of

: court rOOms, and sales accounts. Vols. 6 and 7 show records of G. A.

E Mauk, Marshal, Jon. 6, 1920 ~ 1930, and vol. 8 shows records of Mauk and

d B. J. McKinney, 1930 to date. That portion of this serial bearing dates

§ prior to 1920 is lodged in the office of the Deputy U. S. Marshal, in the

f Federal Bldg., at Phoenix, Arizona. (Occasionally, official.) 15 x 17 g .
J vole., 7% in., on steel shelves in vault. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg- B)” l
i (379) ‘
'3 57. CIVIL DOCKETS, Apr. 11, 1921 to date. Marshal‘s doekets, with A
3 case numbers 1093 to 3193 containing entries of issuance and execution of i
g process, nature of writs as: when issued and returned, fees earned and l
g expenses incurred in services of process, and monies received and paid 1
3 out. That portion of this serial bearing dates prior to 1921 is lodged 1
i in the office of the Deputy U. S. Marshal, in the Federal Eldg., at ;
:5 Phoenix, Arizona. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 15 x 17 VOls., 1 I
5; ft., On steel shelves in vault. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg. B). (381) ;
f 58. U. S. MARSHAL’S CONFIDENTIAL FILE, 1923 to date. Correspondence ,
‘i and reports pertaining to the business of the Marshal‘s office. That

3; portion of this serial bearing dates prior to 1923 is lodged in the office ,
i; of the Deputy U. S. Marshal, in the Federal Bldg., at Phoenix, Arizona.

9 Filed by subject. (Daily, confidential.) 9 x 15 folders, so ft., in MO I
,2 steel filing case draWers. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg- B)- (387) J
t - 59. PRISON REGISTERS, Feb. 2, 1923 to date. Registers 1, 2, 3, u,

{i and 10 containing records of U. S. prisoners committed to jail, type of \ .
3 offenses, dates committed and discharged, payment of fines, and remarks ,
1 as to nature of dispOsitions; items are numbered from 1 to HO on each 1
g? page of registers. That portion of this serial bearing dates prior to

t 1923 is IOdgcd in the office of the Deputy U- S. Marshal, in the Federal .
3 Bldg., at Phoenix, Arizona. Indexed. (Frequently, Official-> 13 X 16

1 vols., 9% in., on steel shelves in vault. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg. B).

if: (380)

? commitments, nevcments, and final dispoeitiOn. That portion of this se— i
5 rial bearing dates prior to 1927 is lodged in the office of the Deputy 1
? U. S. Marshal, in the Federal Bldg., at Phoenix, Arizona. Index. (FTC‘

r? quently, official.) 6 x 15 folders, 1% ft., in 19 steel filing case

3 drawors. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg. 3). (383)

 4 2!
3 United States Marshal, Warren 9 i
g 61. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, MQT- 18. 1927 to date. Numbered 11 to 31, con~ .
p tain entries of criminal cases numbered 13957 to 25981. That portiOn of 1
% this serial bearing dates prior to 1927 is lodged in the office of the
g Deputy U. S. Marshal in the Federal Bldg., at Phoenix, Arizona. Indexed.
3 (Frequently, official.) 15 x 17 v01s., M ft. 3 in., on steel shelves in
Vault. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg. E). (382)
‘fi 62. UNITED STATES FUNDS DISBURSED, 1931 to date. Those volumes let— i
fii tOTOd A, B and C contain entries of disbursements of salaries, jurors!
i. fees, support of prisoners, and office and miscellaneous expenses. That
. } portion of this serial bearing dates prior to 1931 is lodged in the of— H
;§ fice of the Deputy U. S. Marshal, in the Federal Bldg., at Phoenix, Ari— .
5‘ zona. (Frequently, OffiCifll-) 15 X 17 vols., 7% in., On steel shelves
5', in vault. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg. 13). (3233') ‘
E ACCOUNTING, 1935 to date. Relative to the transactions of the Marshal's , ‘
{ office, including business with commissioners, sheriffs and institutions. 3
i That portion of this serial bearing dates prior to 1923, is lodged in the §
f‘ office of the Deputy U. S. Marshal, in the Federal Bldga, at Phoenix, f
3 Arizona. Filed by subject. (Occasionally, confidential.) 9 x 15 fold— i
” ers, 21 ft., in 11 steel filing case drawers. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 1
;:v (Bldg. B). (3814) _
.. I
. 61+. EINGERERIEE FILE RECORDS, Aug. 1, 1935 to date. Fingerprint file
1 records, numbered from 100 to 829, of prisoners of this district, contain-
2, ing names, physical descriptions and fingerprint classifications. That 1
,5 portion of this serial bearing dates prior to 1935, is lodged in the cf~ .
.2* fice of the Deputy U. S. Marshal, in the Federal Bldg., at Phoenix, Ari— _
. .' zona- Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 9 in., in steel '
,. filing case drawer. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg. B). (386) I
g: 65. FINGERPRINT RECORDS, Aug. 1, 1935 to date. Volume contains 300 j
5’ pages and entries of prisoners‘ fingerprints for this district, numbers ‘
3? 100 to 829 inclusive. That portion of this serial bearing dates prior to
:— 1935, is lodged in the office of the Deputy U. S. Marshal, in the Federal :
g1 Bldg., at Phoenix, Arizona. (Frequently, Official.) 12 x 16 vols., 1% I
2' in., on steel shelves in vault. Rs. 308, 318 and 320 (Bldg. B). (385) i
j; ELMEE '
Private Residence, 200 Briggs St.
in A new deputyship of the United States Marshal was established July 1,
i 1935 at Warren, Arizona. This office was created to facilitate the work ‘
TX of the Marshal's office by having an