xt7xd21rjr66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rjr66/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1946 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1946 Vol.17 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1946 Vol.17 No.5 1946 1946 2019 true xt7xd21rjr66 section xt7xd21rjr66 . . . ,, ., . .- . I . . . , . . .,,.,.,.:1:. V--4‘-:".J
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i; 'i ° ° 3 l .
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. a 8 at ’LQS an any 771. l ovemen S . n 2 .
iii - ;‘ ‘1‘
is! ' ‘ ‘
if; Thomas Adams. circulation manager ol tion is where our largest Increase has been will be able to publish a late morning edi- l. . l
s? 5 . . . . . . . ‘
lil gleLeXington Herald-Leader. attended the and Wlth more adequate news coverage in tion [or the distant points of the county , . i
if {Wfll'ellmm ol the (Jeiitral States Circulation the rural conmiunities, the Circulation should ahead ot any other outSIdC competition. We " 1
$3? , . . . . . ‘
iii; lallll‘Tel‘S ASSOCIQIUOII in Chica 'o recentl I. Tow bi “lea )S and bounds,” I ho )e. also )lan to Hit on our own (lCll\‘€1" s 'stcni. ‘
. g}. a .9, ) 3 l l
M . . . .
zjg tiiiatle a report at the meeting on post- D. We intend to add two returning men At the present time, we rely on btises and .
$3; iplans for Kentucky daily newspapers. to our staff to increase local news. too many times a bus driver lails to toss olf . . '
.' iii - . I ' . - - - ‘ 1 ‘ i
,Is report continues: L. \Ne have added several new editorial the bundle at the right spot. . I”?
I , . -, . . , : ~ 2 . . . . . . ‘3 . ii : .
ll“ . - . . . page features, Pdlll MAHOH- Ldlmrldl Re— 1;. Our circulation is at an all time higli— Us
35; . lousands ol dollars will be spent in . . ‘ ‘ . _ . > ~. 1 "l . y . '7 '1‘
56353 i . ( . . Y search Reports, we aie running more out we have set a goal (,1 a 10% increase by De- _. . 3 ’ -
[lemurkv in H40 bv lxentuckv l\ewspaper . . ‘ , ‘ .- . , ' 4 .
: E55552 - ' ’ . . I “CW-5' and 1531“er INCH”CS as 0L” Pdlml 5‘“ (ember 31. 19416. We intend to improve . i '
. \ ihlisliers on New Bulldlng‘s, Man Power, ' . 7 ,. . _ . l _ ~ ., "l »ff ‘ ‘ _ _ _ 1 ,i .
. lldM'lCllinch - nation has impimec. A contentiatct c oit our Sunday daily”), serum and make u . ‘ <
' :=:3::‘ ‘ ,- -. , . - . ~ ,,-. . . . ‘
UlLDIV . . ‘5 under WAY I" bu'ld “l’ the Sunday 1551‘9 available to every subscriber in our county ; 1 =
i 0 ‘v("5 with each stall member under instructions on the (lav ”f publication. ‘ l ..
-:;3 . - A . . ' . . . . . . . _ . ' ‘ I
if; ‘ "L lxcntucky PUthhel has already to turn in a by-line story regularly lor each PROMOTION l ‘
33' tiled building one of the most modern Sunday 2
3:}. y. . _ V . , I ‘ , 7 , . - i - . .' . . . ' . . ) i‘ 5
£5: (llllllllg‘ plants m the South—which “.111 ('IR('llL'\'l'l()N .\. \\c liatc spctific plans to lllll)10\€ tlic ‘ t ._
s3; . . .e : . . ‘. ‘ . ‘... .).,'., . '. .. l. -'
l ( lime two newspapers and two radio sta- . I . 1 1 1 qiialit} ol oiii (lCll\(,l) scintc \\l11(.ll has ‘ . 1'
iii ‘ .» . 11' n 'u ’l[l()ll ias s 1()\\‘11 a Ste'K \‘ U . ~ . .. . . . .~ . . .. , .r i
3 3%. lam. Another paper has bought an ad \ ()1 . t c t ‘ 1- l i , been a little unsatislattoi) dining the “at. (‘1 ,
_ '£:E-’:’ -~ . . . . ~ ' J ' H iis 0' “0'1 )i‘esstn‘e , . , , - , a .. ~ ‘ .. ’ -."
. 225i? lining building" to increase their demand grouth “1mm” lnmlulml 1 l hl l , l 3- WC "‘0 Pldnmllfs’ 1‘ C‘HILCSL hing 1"“ V 'l
‘ . ' ~ ' 2.‘ oi . in t 1e 'ist ei "1L , - , .. . . . x ‘
3 533;: lispace; another paper has planned to selling and h” d I )le l _ ‘ l \SY loo Days. \iVe are also planning a mail .‘ . §
iii: 5 ~ - H' t ‘ 0' f. ) . I tiis monti. ‘e - ' '
iii “(reuse the size 01 its present news l‘UOlll.‘ 3”” ”Mllma ){Nlt ’(_ 1 campaign at an early date. 1 1 '.
. . . w .. '. ) continue at ’lIl 'icce- < . . -.
1ltlu lllJl‘ill‘V. and establish an enqravmg LXPL“ [11“ [mm M l ‘ ‘ (.. We hope to be able to get and build .3 i.-
' l‘l‘m- “"Lul P4“ “11“] papci "mm“ m It around the best class ol boys possdfle, giv- 1 1 I
sit , ~~ . _ _ . J,
\ lDlTORl-US plcntilul. mg them such incentives as theater tickets . ‘ ; g "
£5552 ‘ ,v _ q ,. .- -. . ., ~ . . .4 > . . . ‘ I ‘
”We have added two new members to 5- “ht“ “101C “9“5 1’1”“ 1* ‘lleldblC: “C lor good SCI‘VK’C and additional customers. , i
‘ - . . ‘ . ( - ()1) 11101“ 111111 to our circu- f . .. . - . .. , . . - , ‘
jgggg ldrfllltoi‘ial department and will probably intend U ‘ldd In C k ‘ 1‘ _ . D' \\e “1‘ planning (““1“ 1’”) “mll’L” . l I?
’13? ». . . . . ' ' ‘ l o wor' 'i( oniinCOP1C‘ [hose HeEEE
‘ E- E 1 E ‘ E with 1101111516~ . 0111‘ theOTV is to EEEEEEEE 311 rulio 11.31 119 ”m“ E Lligious' PUDEEE EEPEEEEEEE 1‘E department. New Deal. EEEEEEEEEE
' ‘ ‘ .. 1 3 ‘~ . -- Hers. C . . 215 1‘~ ' E . . ~~1 (11‘ l” t ‘ - . )0 KC ‘ . . _ .. .
‘E E E: , E E 1E: gu‘cn EEEE EEEE - the SlleCI‘lE)€1 happl Do mu read .1 (hlll(] “V f 110 99.9: 110 113.11. El' “(1.11 and I‘CE‘g‘ml" EUECE‘EEMC‘
: f: ,1 . ‘1; . E. .1 )lll’ . ' . ’ . f- 7 S. ‘ L): E - [S (”E ‘ E . . -
EEE E EEEEEE E EE E mEEEc EEEE LECE 1E1? building C‘rcumnon ("ulml 1‘05””le E6 EEEEE1E'EE E 15‘ public scrvu‘c (01111141110-
,T ‘1}? .11 1 3’” ,. (321115 ( E Iv ~ )0 III“:11 " _ ' ‘P Ye». 03;
:1 11.111 E i: the but 111 “609 answer, 23.9. ‘111 “mm” (“Immunity l :1111‘ wt‘iCW news (lummatu
;:E . EEEE‘ 11.1. ‘ 1 RATES l 11 ratcfi from 50.00 t0 5 ~ ' “mat is the most I 1 161‘ should s1)011- ls 1(‘1 ,
: ‘31-9‘1‘1“‘ :1 I. \f-ct 1112i ‘ . . :wsm ‘ . . 21. . . I
{:1IgEE: EEE‘ 1 E ,\.\\c1us 109‘ in Circulfltlon. L \_0 (ECVCIOPHEEHE 1011] 11c 119) )E new hospitals. 110].) mm‘ nuvspupcr (mutt {1101\‘18
'4“ i - ‘0 ~ .- c : . “10'. *«--v ~. 06% , -.. J ' :- ‘es.
' 3?. E ‘EEE EE. EE 3 per EEEEEE E\ 1 'lm 110W 20C P0 “E «or? Betlel lEEEEEEEE E51] 1- civic (enters, /’ 5 thcv are called to its atttntmn E
‘ 1'; ”"14; {11 1; ‘aI' . .. CS 1 ' . ~ . .‘ ~ ‘ . » ll.’ 1 ‘
EEE EEIE 11-? :II 1 B. 0111 1:1 _on "[11 16" “C“. 51110015.. th 4 (1- 110 unswCl- 50011 1 3
‘ 11" ;. ., ‘ . - . . . .1 "‘ .. ' : ‘)u - --‘ '- - 1. -'- - ~ '.:
E ‘EEEEEEEE‘ EEE EEE i 1055 111 UltEEEEEEE 1 our rates .E‘mEEEEE‘E \Ey 10016111011 («men 101 1‘ SIM EEEE 110 1611015 to the editm 011 1111
: E'= 231114. 11‘ g r ' ‘1'CzlS€( ., - C E . D0 \()U “T ' ‘51
E’.‘ 11E11‘. gE 11E 1 (‘ \\ C 1111 k b‘. (.111IC1- I, . 1C“; . . I. Y ,9 1‘)~ 110. ()9.
21:7. 1. 1. . .- wce , . I (13, _ .m hke ) ~ - . :1: my”: e. —: .
: 11'. [.11 .1. ~. ‘01 )U _ .. .. 1- and ~ . .. . do ( .. [NHL 1 _ I: . .
. E1; EEEEEEE‘EE‘E 111 1. 1mm 11K to Z E1E(rezlSC II) the 1.11110 11 What we EECEEEEEE’EEEEEEH niarwmc size. 2. 11111 taut. d “(En “The “.h), no“ Aeghgence.
. 311-13311 .E. . . ll 1 ,. . ‘)L. 1 t.1:l(n(. . . l 0 1 . . h
E» . 1.11.1111 -. .. 0c 0| 1E“ .- 1.~11)1t W“ t v 1- hall-we. ~ . 111m .. .. 1c “(31161101101
:.: :111215 .21 111 ‘ a o‘u\L -— - . 0115“ U‘ , ,- 1'11‘ _).‘)- - ' . 11- ~ . l- 1111 L “11 °
_ .1 , , 1 . . . 1U ( .. _ Regu: » .. . own ()1)1 , , [1mg J. (
. 1~ EEE-w‘ fi-i‘w .‘ u j . “-c a1e hm“ a . ,, our MN- - . , .. express I“ (1- (1011 [thC 7 . .. LC 1 letter
111‘ E‘EE‘EE .; ELE .I 1'. kCPL 5(7— ,. 1“”, 3111((. . E E .1 ne‘vspdlMJ - . 1' 110 . . . E 1- '1L , ("4; “:10 1
1‘: wt. 1s! 3. salesmu‘ - $1101“ ‘ . .> Yes 70- . _ ‘: like 1"" 1‘ E‘ . ‘- 1 ‘
1:: «:1.» 1111. w l'n" (mutt .. r W (11111. .1'101‘1111 Page. i _ . ,; (Ionl . 1. (10111 like [ICE
EE‘E EEEEE EEEEEEE EEE hEEEE E n J 'E 1 "1C (“ENC ' » 11 the U 1 E - ' . ~ 111111111515 . - muted, 4'" .
1:. » :1 1 : . nt 5115; . 1'111 111 1011.5 0 . 1.1111 115 (0 “715111 1) .1 1. 2.
I: :1E :11. ‘ , . not had 0 . . 90C but 1)‘ S] ould it [>01 . , and 1t . . l'kc 111C 1c1)\. :
1:1 311‘1 .11 J1 " hd‘C 11111110 at - ' , : - ‘ 11 10. 1 1 -. ; ng 316:1- , 1 1 did“[ 1 ‘
1: .11... .-E 11 E: . - )w M. h .. .- \\e 11111110 I _ . I 11.511. 0, . . 9- '65. )11 _ 1,
‘ 111 1 1 1 .116 m :211110- I _ the) ‘\ ea. ~~ ) . ‘ - 1m 1161)
E11 'E‘EE‘ ‘E‘E EE-Es E: D' \\c - « )1‘0fit 10 the E' . dress it“? ”Pmmn . - - , ‘ ‘ its (‘01— Ed .E 1. ' 0- all 1‘1 "ht thhout I l-
1. 1 1E: - :. 95C “1111111016 1 ’le “Pars. but to ex] respmmbilit) 101 “aways (10111n I Hth 9, crack-
‘ :1 1:: '1? 1 » )_‘ . . ‘ _‘ ‘ ' - . .. 0 - ‘ ~. . ‘ . , 1' 1 “'
E‘EE EEEEEE‘E EEEE EE- EE’ ESE) EE 1 1 some carriers to outsKI (11‘ ("111V 0111‘ Should It EEEEEE- EE * Yes ‘64. Should [L DC 9~ letters wouldn t be EEEEIE) 9- ““19 nevel‘
1.13111211- 1 ; 3 E haw: 0.x . wuld rat] ' . -. 1 0 ”111011.51 ‘ -. 1. 0 )in- ._. __ ) the ct 1101', -1 ‘-
E": .1111 $1 E , .: . 1 .11 boys \\ ummsts I . . . . hummus l , M'te lettcls t1 .
‘1! ;E:-.1... : '1 . . 11nd 1“ -; 11c. .- . 1‘ 115 (‘0 )Otb “11
EE E“EEEE‘EEE1E 'EEIE E ’E‘E EEEEECE EEE‘f the profits were EEEC SEE - present [ullv r65])(m‘E‘EbEC EE) 1' "ted to \\'1'E[C~ 2- dCEEVerE
1‘9 . E :31: a 101‘s 1 , .' ain 01" ‘ . _ 1 ._ _- . 1““ - . . - 1CWSJEUC‘E
EE‘ EE’ EEE ’ El“. E) E) We expec‘ to EEEEEEEEE tht all dailv 1011s.“ \‘5‘ EE 0111‘ newspapCI‘ E’EEEEE DO you (”mum EEEEEE.E v EmEor H E
‘t .. a » _ . . 2 . ,.,V « -. . . .
1 ‘WEEE ' i . .. s 211111 1101)L luS- 11‘ you muld 114“ 1 . .11: wotlld . : (1 30.8; E11“! 25‘) E . I. .‘
.‘ 1W? E ‘E‘ circulation 1.1Le _ 1111 10 the 1111 ) ' : . ~)u W‘dnt 111051: “ “1 . _ god1r (’00 ’ ~ ul‘ sUbscriptiou 1’11Ce
EEf EEEEEE‘E E‘EE‘EEE‘II E E Shapcrs will “OE EEEE - 5 and inexcus- just the thing EE t111t is not now hemg Do mu think thaL )EEEH E61- too high-13‘
1 W!‘ ,.?> ‘ 1 new ‘ ' -  ., lotdl 11L 9 . .. 1 t . 1 . . . ”115111 1 ( 0 I .
E EEE EEEEEEEEEE E E ble low rates 01 1119 FEES. 111 7<>11es immedl' 1Jl‘111th’E Molt 5' more columnists. 1-5‘ What kind ()1 .ulxtl it) 7‘ direct 1111111;
:‘1'114 .‘11‘: 5 g . .. K 1 ‘ - . X'.‘ 7 .- . ‘ t»-
11E :1 E“? {1 EE 1‘ E . ,. ‘6 1111111 hues “1 . '11 the “fled national 1100’ 1 1 ttel‘ tonnes, . l|1(l 3”” EEEC m Enswel‘ 26 5- s(x-i'itioh \\'lll be held Al)r t 1000 11-11" E
» ‘ w 1.. i 21 - ‘11 C ‘ ' . . . 9 ": 110 a - ‘ ' ~' ‘ . .. .' o- a -
. .II ,,I.. . .- , .. . . 511K C , . . 111 . . -. 1_./, . . - . - . 1111
11‘ :. 3 EE‘ E :: 5E (,Iadudtc kill” a masters dtglce‘ .. 15111-1 1)l( llllths' )l‘C local Picture“ Yes, Hotel. LolllS‘lllc’ st 11 n I
{1‘15 'I‘fE'II i : ii journallsm- “CC ‘7 . Im whO can (111“111." \\E()ul(1 1‘01! Elke m‘ _ _ 2r 5. more 11a- ____._—O—/ 1121‘
~. 1‘ 11:1 E S . . - turnino‘ “Clem ‘ . 41011111 pictures. 3- , . Binohum
I .3111: . :1 (ludmg 16 0 , .3111 .3‘)();111()1‘€ su 11.wide ptc— , . 101' Berry 0 . 0
1- . 1.‘ :E ‘ 1 i ‘ . _. 1. for the d“ - , ._ ‘*" . . x 9- more WOT ( , ..1 16150111 ' I 10310115
1 ‘I 11.. 111E; i : 1 .11 1,9 chglh C , . 1 [11C 511101.11 . ,1 mturcs. 13": 11111 Y 1 board 0
E' E‘E‘ "‘3‘“ E “E ' of the reclplent 0 E the “(ma 1 E leen appointed to [EC U hersitv. - '
. In: >1»? 1, : - 11 . ' 0 . . Cr . J ‘ ' 1 E ‘ '
.I .11E 1 E SCICLUOI “I6 by repreScntatncs 1 DL {11168. 5.1.3. 1.1 more sport new? yes. 1 Louisville Munu 1]"11 I .gll.l11\-ll,011.
‘ ‘. ‘~ E‘EE.‘ : ‘I 3 - :‘ll )6 1111 . . - . 1t " .v v1u 1'0 ‘ [10 - : l en 5‘ ‘ ‘
1 » :1‘ 1 - ) \\1 . , ~ >015 «l1 )uld )‘ . . l5 )6 .1.
‘l ‘ ‘ “EEE! I ‘ .. EEEEE . \‘sOCiaUOH "E 5d“ . I 1 “E -msw€l‘, 26. : l‘tor T0111 Wand“e 11‘ . t of the M
E. EEE‘EE E E ‘ Amcru‘zm : 5' ' -. and the 1- (" ‘\ ’ ' E $1.82 110, 259.2: 110 ‘ . new? Yes, LEE - ~ti011 21$ PrESEden - - 'C
1 . . 331., .; -. . 01- ernzllism . I W 111- . . like more {arm red bv 1118 €ng e—Wllll‘m‘
E 'E "“EEEE E l’arlmmm E ittee whose mem EU” “E‘mld EEEEE 05 0 1 E1 c “Ealmn Leagu d' 101111
.2 1‘1 . ‘ - . Lomm ’ . . v. swel‘ ._. - ' a sun . 110
‘E .‘E‘E ‘E‘E E E EdEEEEEEEEOEEEEE ( \ drews Fort “7‘13“67 IndE (12.23,: 1101 12'“ EEO an icligious news? Yes, “on 1 Ir will continue as e e of R
1‘: (41‘ 1.11 :1 . ._ .. ., .. ( ., . - \-
~. ‘821 1 . clude “falter . , and Thomas L “10“](1wm like mol‘e (1.111100 5 . . :fteI‘ a mud lea 11'
.II - 1'15; 1 . g 5 time], chairman, c . lel‘ .E~ I \VinchCSter Sun .1. of 1116 Su
1 . . $1111 1 ‘. News en Lexington Herald—LCM - 65; 110, 15.1. . are market news? \es, . C'1yu‘00dv H member 1 his retif'
E E? .‘E‘EEEEE -1 :3 Adams: 0f the ‘ Would you 11kt m ( .. same.-~ _ . (rs. had announ(,€( T11
1.. E‘E ‘1 ‘11 .___-———— _ g4 ~5- 110 answer: 25' - . staff 101‘ 1/ )6‘1 " . the job. . -'
“E ‘ E E" E 1EE —-—"‘#__ 39W "0’ ‘ - blish 2111 crlmc ‘ 1‘11 contmue on forme
E‘E‘E ‘ ’E‘ ‘ EEE‘EE : ‘EEE Should \‘0111‘ 1115:“‘8P5‘PCl 1111 many but “1 . 111cm of lhe d .
1- __ ag‘im ‘: :51. _ - . . . 1 equlP de
1 : w 11 1 =1 1’65 7 ~ 45 5‘ ‘h er 3‘“ ‘ )9”
_ . .. .» . . 110 - . 1m 111 Y . . .suS1 s
2: E E‘ :‘E Poll EndICO 85 news.“ 165.48. , “1)11511 the names n D111 News plant. . fitSPflE
31 EEEEEE1E “ Readersl preferenC Should your newspaper I) 38 7 O 46 Glasgow c :3 [ter 21 majorlty o 1d‘EKCE
E“ E‘EEE EE _ mail was C01" , . . - sted? Yes, ' ; n ’ E ‘ mber, E9 .1 a ' “'85 5°
'3‘ E!" E -E A public—0Pinlon P011 bi; 11m bv the of all Personb EEEEEE aper publish the names beEEEel entered military serEEEEEEEEby \Ir. 3"
. >111 ‘:"‘ . . ' 0 ( . is)' - e "‘ .
111E > : South 4T . Sh u1dyour new 1 101m . 1» man \
’ V “ ‘11 ' 1 recently 111 . 111111116 0 . 23 5- no, 70- .. newspape ".
» 11- 1 .. ductfl to (16“ . t (1,4 Yes, ~ 1 Tennessee
x. : -1.EE ’ , urnallsm, rem arres e . a .. -
E. ‘, 3.:1E ~. dill School Of J0 ,I .1 6 reader, of child . er )ubhsh the names . lvird btrode. .
: l‘ 1 SE? ‘1‘ Me d dislikes of the ma‘g -. Should the HCWSde 1 Mrs. EU ‘
‘ ' ‘: “1 iii 6 likes an . - . centfl“es 1' . Yes 72- I}
‘ '1 EEEEE . Eh fi dill s are ind1cated 1n PIG E) of habmml 036mm”? ’
E » 3‘ NE; E E Its 11 g the following questlonfi- ‘3';
. . * . , .111: 1 : answers to .11
E: . FEE“: E E . J;
. 1; "31,111 =‘§:E‘
“ ‘ » M1111, E
EEE ' (EVE? 1‘ 'E
- EE 1‘ : E 11:1 E E
. 1‘ ‘11 . 2
‘ 1 ‘ ‘11.: 1 :

 f . _ .. _ , .. , . . ,. . . .. .,. - i . . _7,Am_;4,j,_._i.;..t..:;\;_.;.(;:.....--:.':L ' .',;.; __.,.'.. 7, 39‘" ‘
_ i ,; i
, 1946 1 March, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three g z 2 ;
I] Cdltol‘lill Col. 5 I y ‘
ost 01' the time, ‘ i
s it unfair} Ti); . y i ' .
ilc, “those tlieyl g}.
cw D0111. mine. i
g‘ious mlcrmrcgi a . , 3 j’ '
)nipunics. lt F t I, l j 2 ".
)(Ttltlt? Y6». 03;‘ grtcu 21178 S u uTe ‘ i l I i
)rret'L Cl‘l‘()l'\ ail ‘ l , l
. attention} Yes,’ I I bl H d ‘, . 1 '
i S “n, Ca a e an S ,
IC editor on iiii~: i
12; no. 63%. 2 _ 2 ‘
10L? Negligence, ' 1 .
rile well enough, i, 4
; mee n leueri A few months ago at Cincinnati delegates to the National Junior Vege- ,
I ’ 1k 1 I . . . . . ‘
r; 211:; wiping table Growers convention hailed as their champion an eighteen-year-old ‘ '
thout my lielp," boy from Salem, Oregon. ‘ 1
lished, ‘2; crack- , , ' 2 .
.013 2; “115116?“ By raising and marketing $5,300 worth of vegetables on a lZ-acre plot 2 ,
“"1“le deliver}, he won first place in the $6,000 production and marketing contest sponsored . ‘
3; poor. H. l annually by A 8: P. 2, 2 2 V
Libscription price 2‘ v. i
64; £00 high-13- This young farmer is not an exception. He is typical of thousands of 1
1) von mnsider _ _ , , . ’ '
3; Adiret‘t mail form boys and girls who, domg man-Sized duty In the fields and orchards of i
5.7. the nation during the war, proved that the future of agriculture is in ca- 2 V
ills and circulars. _ : ; ~ .
isportation (b115, Fable hands- 2: i -
or (screen), lS.l;i ' a?“ W p 1 ,
[115 of one With the aid of a ricultural agencies and their own farm outh rou s, ‘1. ,
8/10 9 y 9 P 5
tomorrow's farmers are learning to turn out better products at less cost . . . l I i ‘
()liiizi newspapers . . . y . i
verage advertise-l learning to be even better farmers than their fathers. Their achievements ‘ i I
i promise better food for American consumers and better returns for Amer- A ,
. ican farmers. i
l' ’ ‘ 5 ¢
Tina ot’ the Exe- But since food is valueless until it reaches the consumer, agriculture v 2 ,
, D ‘ _ 2' ;
fntudii' Pms ”iii alone will never raise national living standards. Efficient production must be r 1‘ 2 iv
9 2 1 Brow“ . . . . . . . , g 4‘
l £716,351: m i matched by, and dovetailed with, equally effluent distribution. ' l
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