xt7xd21rjr5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rjr5m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1936 Vol.8 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, June 1936 Vol.8 No.1 1936 1936 2019 true xt7xd21rjr5m section xt7xd21rjr5m M}, " :1
I . “3* . 3
' . Published In the Interest oflébmmunlty 3
_ . . V ' 3
3g. Journallsm - - Ot,y,and For I
*V‘ Kentucky Negfs'papers 3
J U N E, I936
Volume Eight Number One
, o ' 3

 r 36
' ' J C ' AI |<
. O
A . KPA Mid-summer Meeting Honors Secretary . urtls coc _
‘ “WWW—m. . ~ ' x— l RESOLUTIONS
; The presentation of a handsome! ‘ 012$; Eit‘tiltt‘léf’ iiirftlt‘it’ :ci- —— .
, black. fitted Gladstone bag to s-ee- that 13’ q “Twent ’Years on Both Whereas the 67th Annual Mld~
" rt-iary J. Curtis Alcocki in apprw— ‘1 Ute—”s or} the Disk” J Lindsay summer meeting of the Kentucky - i
. ation of his twenty—five years of f Ewes (and his son ‘Gilrnore who Press Association was held in Dan- K e
:; heme and loyal 56W? m that ca- ‘s’ ““1211 urchased ’ the Lexington ville. Kentucky, June 11, 12: 13, ~
.. pacity, brought a. fitting close to 3:11“ j figfaldy where introduced and made 1 1936, as a. tribute to J. Curtis A1- a
the 67th annual meeting 0f the i5333:3:252335;’3'.iii}.i,5:i’§§§§?§;iL-,ZZ} q. 't talks voicing their apprecia— , cock, who has faithfully and effi- A“
. Kentucky Press association at Dan— ‘” W Em nd extended their CODpera— cicntly served this association as ”s
.. ville, June 11, 12: and 13- The 63? .30 the KPA Following the Secretary-Treasurer for 25 years,
' “166mg “W was held In the.“ hls— *«y‘x {an net the guests enjoyed an in— and
. toric Clty In honor Of the editor Of 3” »m f q 1 dance at the Country Club. Whereas the members of the ‘5
. the Danville MBSSBDE‘BT- _ “é’yww‘k Diamand table discussions marked Kentucky Press Association have fig?
-, When the place 0f the mid—sum" a“ U .Ofiusmess 'sessmn”3atui.day been extended the moist cordial *
. mer meeting was to be selected, a” - injcfrnin' “The Importance of Ed— “(61001116 and shown most deeply ’1';
f the Dam/me Chamber Of com‘ who »‘{0rials§'was led by James T_ Nor; appreciated courtesies by the cit—
‘ merce sent an urgent message that with“ ‘ he Ashland Independent He was lif‘ns of Danville and its institu— é}:
: the meeting show be held m h elated in the discussion by Rob—- ion; _ in},
. DanVille, because that representa- $9 it Kincaid Middlesboro Daily Therefore be it resolved that we {“4
: tive body 0f its splendid Cltlzeh_ L‘Vfi" glows who d’Scussed the controver— especially express our appreciation ”‘6‘”;
. Ship, also wanted to do honor to e4 nai editor and Warren Fisher to Editor W. Vernon Richardson W”
their fellowtownsman. _ Soeof-o! WK :“t'llisle lvlercury who submitte d and Mrs. Richardson and Editor fly
, The KPA and an nehhne mined. “a er en the atmosphere or pee—i J. Curtis Aicock and family for site
in this tribute to the man WhO, 1111- ‘ “s‘fv'm° 30113311) t e of editorial :The Busp their assiduous attention to pre-
tiringly, has worked for the best fwfih ‘ ‘Efig ‘:‘ess Egg Of a Newspaper” was the paratioins for our reception and en—
interests 0f journalism and the e '1 rem/'6' t; ic led by Joe T Lovett Murray tertainment and for their warm
press 0f the state, and for the be?‘ ah”: 117' 24$ rFipilr-ies and Ledger He introduced il’liCitUde for our welfare and en— ' ——
interests and advancement of his ,«i/i ; (1 G 'd 'Vho ; oke briefl on icyment during our stay in Dan-
city, county, and state. A h :0 y 109’ :1 “p y ‘viiie; J b
The convention opened Thurs— o» ,th su J-ec. _ Tnat we greatly appreciate the O
-V day evening With the registration “4‘? .1. } Russell Dyche, London “S 8; tinel— superb hospitality of the people of - .
* 0f guests at the Hotel (311315.13 fol— £5,235 {we Echo-Agave a Pager?“ If.“ e (3.01) Danville expressed to us through IS VI
lowed by an mformal reception to ¢¥I for?“ iPrintiiig Department butk hfet' is— the entertainment and social con-
-, the guests and townsmen at the “r @9214 W551“ as 0‘“ 511.0” by1a°1.°h’cllm.e‘ tacts proviedd by the Danville
home Of D1" Charles J' Turck, A??? 2&5}? These papers Will be pub ls e m Chamber of Commerce, Dr. and By
president of historic Centre 001— us.“¢weqx‘f{<§‘ the Press. 1’ ff t 1 h n as Mrs. Charles J. Turck, and Dan— (L‘
' lege. . c , , t Ad diggfitlem 113811“: atlltrlli: :gaci‘gus , ville’s two excellent newspapers, the The 1'
. Pr‘?51d91?t 30h? L- CrawlOid,l - 3° ‘ (n 61." g h D '11 Ad lKentucky Advocate and the Dan- the cour
‘. Corbin Times—Tribune, called the 3:},2;,;e;~.e.;ff ._~'.:17‘;e %§ Countiy club by t e . anv1 e vo— l Ville Daily Messenger; have a
- meeting to order Friday morning W“ ‘ he. “he ”he and the. .Danvme .Messehgerl That we sincerely thank Editor gram oi
111' the Kentucky Theatre. Invoca— 1"."c’ with the families Of Edltm: Blah; I. M. Hutton, of the Harrodsburg most of
tion was offered by Dr. M. A. Hart, ’(‘>‘\3\<§‘ aixdson and Alcock, and a evy o Herald, an (1 his family, and mem- sand jus
pastor, Danville Christian church. Reg‘ pretty girls, as h05t§~ ‘ ‘ bers of the Harrodsburg Chamber in most
. The address of welcome was deliV- (The annual handle“? gag tomflor Commerce for the delightful United :
eied by P. H. Best, pres1dent, Dan— J. CURTIS ALCOCK iniment for the PreSideéi s fcug’puting and generous and instruc— a comp:
ville. Chlambe: of Colmrgiercea who —-—-—-——-—- ‘ fifzfiggdfogythirisggeehst angavilorAi tive entertainment provided at imptOrtaI
gracious y an Sincere y .urne over _. . re news—l ‘ :1‘ . _ b ‘ ‘ ' Fort Harrod; Dar men
the keys of the City to its welcome 2:31:55 Elgar: hfggrofigomhiake the E232: $525351lech E01111: $1131; ($3332; That we. are grateful to the Ken- printing
guests. The response was given'by “an a success. Interested publish- ’ . ’ ; tileY Utllmes company for Its 01 the C.‘
Jody P" Gozder, Campbellsvflle fairs who had not given the plan gig?" was declared ihggméariogafgr gracious reception arranged for us The t:
News—Journel, vice—president of the a ' . . . ‘., Y V11“ ureo a ne ” e Dix Dam to Warner Brothers“ revenue
. ,3 . , their full approbation, discussed the ville's s o-rt nine—hole course. a , _ h
3123’ Ecli'lstittzillirykvixgllafjinlilggtsthat matter at length Whh Mr. Allen, Contrractybridge attracted the 101; the use'of Eh: Kentucciiyt Tillie 3:12:55“?
he had once woi'ked 0n the Dan- and some addittonal fifteen pub‘ bridge “fiends" and attracme gifivifll: 321113;; gist; :er mire-mg give you
ville Advocate, when it was a tri— liszergaféiigzgeagcfigr? 651:; to Ha1._?13?17es were‘won by Vance Armenl— at. our disposal all of its facilities " in order
weekly, and, forever Since, the hos— _ b .. here the 'uests inspec— trout, Louisv1lle .Couner-Jqul‘hai 101‘ our enjoyment; playing.
pitality 0f Danville had never les— £235 tlrlileg it‘llstoric For? Harrod and ind lg/lrs.hE.hG. Kimball; ilttgfihg’ And hey it finally resolved that we passed.
sened or wahed' v. ere entertained at a picnic lunch 1:50:13?” lgandscofi/EIS J Sterlilrirg acknowledgeour obligations to th_6 iggdéet“
The awarding .Of the 1936 news- under the trees in Memorial Park "‘tiwles Danville won'sec-ond place idonors Of prizes Whmh make possi— ra kl, 0
paper CODtESt prIZES was made by by the Harrodsburg Chamber of f - ’ ’ "~ _ -_’ blc our interesting and constructive vee Y I
the contest chairman follo ed b . - while Mrs. Tommy Adklhs’ Louis ~e is 3. er contests which prizes and due
. ’ W y Commerce, headed by the gracious V1116 and Joe T Lovett were con— 1‘ “ p p ’ - - chan-
address, “Onward Kentucky Move— family of Editor “Mac” Hutton. Af_ l tent, with the conso‘ation priyes were awarded by the. Louisville timegfi}
ment," by James L. Isenberg, Har— tor the convention picture was tak— As a pleasant and happy inter- Courier-Journal and Times, The SlJCh Tosb
rcdsburg, originator of the Home en, the motor procession headed lude without a dissenting and 2. Lexington Herald, the Lexmgton e151,: Ja
I“.du5try .Plan- The Speaker,d95- for an inspection of the Dix River iieiiig vote R L “Bob” Elkins for header’ me‘ EhOCh Grehan’ the irostlpi
cribed this movement as deSigned clam power project. There the many years editor of the Central Shelby News and the Bush Krebs formsyai
“to industralize the rural section guests were treated in royal Ken- Record Lancaster "nd long a mem— ccmpany and that we thank Prof. "ei‘tisin*
0f Kentucky .ahd thereby reaching tucky style by the 031013415 0f the her of ’the KPA e3ecutive commit— Victor R" Portmann and ms com- revenueg
and recognizing the true Kentucky Kentucky Utilities Company and . to d a 1.f b f the niittee for their paintaking and im- B t .‘
ability,” and explained that the given a tram ride down the pi‘cCIp— 'aZEngsiéfia e 1 e mem er 0 partial supervision over the con- c’-‘~p:rtrn’:
1390.1“? 0f the state were too well itous slopes to the generating plant “Ecsolutions were adopted which t€5t- gential t,
samfmd to take. advantage 0f the under the huge dam. The motor— in part thanked the hospitable cit— —._—-_ a small
many opportunities that was theirs. code then returned to Danville by i7ens for their untiring efforts to Linotypes Installed we owe
He outlined the history of this far— the Kennedy and Chenault bridges make the association at home and The Young Print1ngCo.,Paducah it as fai
reaching movement through its over Herrington lake. Editors VAlcock Richardson ’ and has installed a Blue Streak Model While
various meetings, climaxed in the The Danville Chamber of Com— Puttor and their families f0} their 8; the Carlisle County News, Bard- _ “bio' bus
Onward Kentucky Exposition held nierce was host at a banquet, Fri— f'rt as host in deli 'hth and well, Tom C. Pettit, editor, has in- a Fremei
at Frankfort during the first week day evening, at the Gilcher hotel. ff”! 0 . 1‘ st‘ ‘3‘ g stalled a Blue Streak Model 14; and‘ Seems to
in June. Dr. Charles J, Truck presided in mm ria mee ing. Mrs. Ada Wear, Center Advance” ciple bac
Charles L. Allen, assistant man— his usual witty and entertaining __________ has purchased a Model 5' I- i/ation, i
ager of the National Editorial 235- manner, and introducedKeen John— If it is news about yourself or _The Kentucky territory,.Charl€§ mass dis
sociation, was introduced and ex— son, lieutenant governor,and pub- your brother editors, the Press Blanchard, salesman, has 1115mm? no “cour
plained the motion picture cooking lisher of the Richmond Register, wants it. . . 19 machines In 1936, Wthh total 15 merit car
school sponsored by the national who gave an interesting address on James S. Porter Jr., has Jomed leading the sales parade. on this i
office. He explained that a number the problems of state government the staff of the Maysville Indepen- "—‘.—'—— to a grea
of Kentucky editors had taken ad- and the methods of solution as be— dent under the tutelage of his dad, .Wheh you Wl‘lte or buy from our the desin
vantage of this splendid oppo-rtun— ing worked out by the administra— affectionately known as “Pop” to advertisers, say that you read their with us.
ity for service, and that the NEA’i tin. Greetings were extended by the craft. ad in the Press.

 936 June, 1936 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ,
OC|< OFFICIaI Picture KPA At Harrodsburg Pioneer Memorial Park :
i1 Mid~ , 1;: , “r, .
.n Dan- = , , «e w ‘
nd effi- ‘“ .. ' wow
flags Mfg/am”, has”?
‘ ’ iaz,§§gwegem’i W
or the eiehhafawim
n have :%§I’%I%§«”V%4m& {.71%®~ 3‘“??? x,
ctéétt 1; e 5a " ,
:. ~ 25;: a ,2, ‘2’; ”f / hie/"5' *' e. a” g?“ , a
if} at h .. i 4 ' 2 ’ M i:
that we is“? ,6 . 2 ., i ’ " I”; h ., . gh , ~ g; E
hardson WW fihh h ”h“; ” 7 .. ~91? ' V» Je‘e ‘ lhhydh“ h‘ , ‘- I‘x ”’ ,, ’h‘ ,
lily for the”? /WWW «3 . "" “We" ’ , , I I
to pre- l
and en— —Courtesy Bush Krebs 00., and Ed. C. Weeks I
- warm 1!
ind en— . —————————————-————“——_——“— ,I‘;
n Dah' !sometimes if your newspaper tries I want a round table discussionI LOCAL AND NATIONAL II
J05 Department ls d° “it: at w lass 2:192:il'iiiateinthtmhsentesi _CTURES :22,
eoiple Of _ V' I P bl Il"chit/highliigolgcalwprinrtglrl: have at— doing certain specialty jobs, but “The thesis that a buyer, living iii
through IS lta r0 em tempted to overcome the los of before doing this I am going to outside a seller’s local community, in!
Lal 6911- — revenue caused by competitionfrom take up a very few minutes ex— ShOUId pay a higher charge for ‘43
Danvme RUSSELL DYCHE) ‘lhecialty mail order houses and by lfiainiiié‘ certain changes in ballot Spending his (1011813 With this 5911' ‘1!
)1" and By t' 1E h hvlhat mi hi: call the loss of the printing in which I believe most of ier’s institution is a philosophy of ii»
d Dan— (London Shn me - c 0) ' (hr 'e” fgsom-e of their townspeople you are interested ’price—making that is 110i; generally I i
ms, the The 10h phhtlhg department 1h,tL,‘%h.o - bu r'ntin' their wa The recent legislature passed a encountered nor universally in use. ill
['9 Dah' the country weekly Shep mlghh well I r; Ihjw Joe p'téd tog rice .cuttiny: number of laws affecting elections “We see then, in the application 1 1
have a place 011 each years 131:” ”dome taveur VS} t'tiop and havi and printed forms needed in they of this rate differential, a publisher ~ h '»
i Editor gram Of this ASSOCiamh; for-With i hi mfe a‘ c‘tfliipe '1 in ‘i a at— oil-riduct of said elections in Ken—l engaged in selling a given amount
'odsburg most or us it is on ever—shifting if]? ugh) m‘clilther hq‘lrlr.1iln2’lt:rspl if; the tuchky You are most familiar with of circulation under a rate struc— i V
d mem— sand Just as are many departments 52:11: coal}; and algl'oining towns the registration law. All the sup- price that requires two different ii
>hambei' in "103‘ EVEI'Y Indus“? 1“ these T su ers a o I" found in one plies needed for the initial regis— buyers to pay different prices for 3i
alightful United states. I have lived to see t “I0 mmt . g . doin‘ candid— tration on August 1 are to be sup- the same measure of consumer in— ii”
ihSh‘UC' a complete hhhhgh.ih the .relatlve'(E‘rfyncafciniygil'l: :ivtelseuch rigdiculously plied by the State, and paid for fluence. It is much as if a man— hi‘h
ded at importance 0f the Joh printing de— fov rices that even if they col— from the State treasury. The coun— ufacturer should classify his buyers “(I
partments, as well as m the type Of i lecteé3 fory all their work at the ties will furnish certain forms after and arbitrarily require one group h}:
[18 Ken- printing done, in even the smallerI f d in 1d, t h |this but these we will take up la— to pay a high price while the other i:;
for its Of the country Weeklies. . inf? fish the ay ,fey “(1&1 h 3? of“; te‘r ’ is favored with a lower price, H
i for us The time was when the prinCipa,l.IIEIIIiIe Seegtnagislofe athanc oneggsu‘ch‘ Another law provides that alli “I believe sincerely, from the Hi
BI‘Othel‘Sh revenue came from “18.3.01? phlhtlhg ij'inter ho from a osition of dis— county ballots must be printedIstandpoint of broad business policy, iii»?
{y The— department, and pIolitiCians and If ntinoh his bills pto that of toi within the county equipped to do that the premises and practices in— ‘3 II
i to the others courting public fthr unld :ou 1 i u es refusin- to shi ethhis work and that in any event \olved in setting up and maintain— H
placing hlve you their small printing JObfiI“213§¥Or%assh in advagnce p Ithey must: be printed within Ken— i in; the differential principle in ‘
facilities" 1“ order to keep the "th0131. hrgah 331?“ 10 this I do not mean to say tucky. This law is not as far i‘each— IN‘WSpaper rates have not proven Sii ,
playing. Thank Ghd that hlmh has i ti at chondemn all rice cuttino ing as it might appear at first, for ' that they contribute any great con— 1? :1“
that we paSSEd' Time was When OI‘dBI‘S Of ‘hl’lmetll’l' a1; corn etpitionn” F2131: there are very few counties in Ken_ i structive force to either the devel— E5. i i
s to the 500 letter heads, or theloDeS: or: 1-1-an itg) Man locpal pi‘inters are I Lucky today where the local printer Cpment of more advertising linage ixI
33 POSSi‘ cards, or circulars make up the i o‘rei'comin - finingial djfiicultjes by ' does not already get the ballot jobs. 01' t0 the stability 0f either financ— ii 3
structive weekly routine Of the- country JOb’ ‘ enterin ' cirtain “s ecialties” fields- i Tviiere is one warning, however, 95 01‘ policy 0f the individual news— i
1 prizes and due to the Sp9013117at10h andisilcia‘goflic and £01k sho forms. that I would give. No printer should 1 paper as an institution. Rather, I j
iouisville change in business methods thatI III: ‘all d eitisin' ieces a}; d nov—y charge exorbitant prices for thiSI believe, after more than a quarter i, ‘
es, The time -ls passing. True It ls What‘hllhCl vlhai‘idline gstgck forms that county’s ballots on account of this Of a century 0f observation, that i ‘
exing‘ion “Ch Jhbs Shhmake up 3‘ COhSIder‘fife-s’ ihted 50801311 om law. For only one or two local the basis of expediency in rate— ii ,
ian, the able hm 9f the Wehk's work! but nlfiytgnfihkepl ‘ y y’ printers to do this might easily put making—whether illustrated by i
h Krebs mostly 1t isIlarger Jh‘bs 0f spemal l “n e ‘ itl’l-e entire country press in bad the differential or other phases of i! i,
rik Prof. forms and Circulars and other ad—‘ IFor myself, I have turned atten- . repute and if there be any printer newspaper rates—has been a defi— If,
115 com- i'ei‘tiSing pieces that bring in theItiIon to blank forms and county ahd‘coriteniplating' gouging his county mto hindrance to the breeding of I, I
and im- revenue. . | city record books, which I have 1 in this way, I pray that he consid- confidence and a positive check up— iii , 1
he con- But whatever changes, the Job found quite profitable. I startedIeII twice. It is certainly to react un— on more satisfactory financial op- ?"
department is still absolutely es—Ithis first several years ago and for l favorably on him as well as pos— eration,” I {MI‘ 1,
_ initial to the profitable conduct of = some time limited my efforts F0 i sibly Work an injury on the entire William 0- D'AI'CY President ‘ i
El small COuntry weekly shop and ! certain books that I could bind Impress “ William C. D’Arcy ’Advei‘tising I I if I
?aducah he owe it to ourselves to develop I my own Office’ SUCh as marriage: I have known and each of you Agency. i ' i
k Model it aSIfar as is profitably possibleilicense bookS, and smaller BX'SICU—f doubtless can fight now call to \Q it:
, d- While what we commonly call’tion and bond books which requiredI I . I . . . . .a n ‘ » i II
5, Bar . “bio business" do- . - i, T - “ht 1 th , b k d cor— mind, instances whe1e unwairanted Dean E3818 JOlhvd the news staff , .:'i‘ v‘
has in a v '35 at times hmldim-h tig , ea 81 ac S hh i .. of the Corbin Times—Tribure i‘e— i ii
. 14; and‘ aeegenéendous succesls on ha what I neids, tali'ld ingtgillgIdI a gagginirpé‘els; I competition has been created by cently s i I III II
, ° 5 0 US “price” a0n6, ‘t e prin— an e m 5 me ’ _ '3‘ abortivo so—called newspapers ' ,. .. I «I; ,
AdvanceI 9-1103? back of this success is oi'gan—itoflis- Now, with01 the exception of i springing up to feast on “legal cogfieiogngeiirgtéggbgofipiaighng II I
(_ 1w, ion, with mass roduction and tax receipts an assessmen i‘ec-. . . ., ‘. . . e l I /
1352:330- nlasIsI distribution; I; believe that i crds, II have this work done in tradegprfnting, This phase inIthe ballot 3:;t2éialf a block in Paducah on I If
itotalii no country” job printing depart—iblnd-eries. Most of the time thatIpi‘inting law might eaSily aggra— An interestin h'st r f th . ,
ment can be successfully developed special ruling is required, I pl‘lntivate that condition, and this is N d t g 11 0y 0 II? I ,
_ on this idea. We must still depend the forms and have the binder do! 'ood neither for you nor for your 9W5 an O hel 0 d Shelbyi’hk .i i
: our to a great personal good will, upon the ruling afterward. This saves hI . . . ”LhWSphphlh was a feature 01 thh ‘ i
irhmtheir the desire of our customer to trade double postage and paying broken I counties these fly-by—night papEisIQLth anniversary of the Shelby II I
.a With us. And this is mighty hard package prices for paper. are supposed to serve. News Filmed on June 5 ;i

 . ~;,"j ' - " ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “'- “ :‘* ~- *~I--~~:,.-->:-«-‘--» ~~r,»~~.~.w.:.:- .,4“sums—«m.i».-....., ,-‘,_ ; ......_...i-.s._....i....i...................i...........n_,,,,,._.,,,,_;_~.\

' Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1936 J

, /,qu_.__n_i "5 _—
l' ‘ —————__———-—_———-—3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! announcement, “WhiCh may be had

1 ; —— in all the standard models, are N
Heading our list of birthday easy on the eyes in more Ways~
' , guests this month is the Shelby than one—easy to operators and

I. .. ., ’ o News, which entered Volume 95 on easy on production managers. They O
i €11 ' , gm 5 gig June 5. James and Daniel O’Sulli— are as good looking as next year’s
‘3 I. .3? K i ‘ ran are giving Shelbyville a worth— motor cars, with an optic—aid fin-
3?. while newspaper. ish that reduces operating fatigue,
" ______—_____(___———— Seated next to the News, is the facilitates maintenance, and Speeds,

' Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association the 11le111811 Courier, the oldest hi) pl‘OduCthD.’: W

- paper in Western Kentucky, began The BlueldStigeiéks rrciiay be had -t(lit(

‘ - Volume '79 on June 14. J. T. HOW— with six mo 5 i esire , in various . ,

., VICTOR R. PORTMANN. . . ..............Editor ard is editor. combinations, and with many other inf:

1 , # Seated in order around the board time and money saving features. of c

Primed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, are the Clovel‘port News, Mildred The universal self—quadder, which it- gr

: Universur 0f Kentucky: Winston I). Babbage, editor, in its 61st year; low—quads to the left 01‘ right, 0811- tuck

_' ##3## 3the Nicholasville News, Clinton tors, automatically indents, and jour

‘ PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS ‘Ricketts, editor, 48th year; the produces low blanks, is also avail— m tl

: JohnL.Crawford ds__ President __ Times-Tribune, Corbin Central Record, Lancaster, J. E. able for application to the Blue 3 15

: Jody P..Gozder -___ Vice President ___. News—Journal, Campbellsville Robinson, publisher, and S. B. Streaks. pers'

, J. Curtis Alcock __ Secretary-Treasurer ....._......... Messenger, DanVille Goodman, m an a g e r, 47th year; ___ ____ ans

:~ EXECUTIVE COMMI’ITEE Somerset Journal, Cecil Williams, VALUE OF INTERVIEWS “11,1

i J. LeMar Bradley, Enterprise, Providence, Chairmani GracemhM. Pedley, Her— 3 publisher, and J. Frank Adams, ed- __ Tl

r ilS:..E§Si:l“ii3:bilt.CisSifter-attested;it}issniffeddistress: lion 40th year; the Cumberland Interviews with well known local

’ Democrat, ’Cynthiana; James T. 1‘3orris,1Indepetndeiitfi{ishlLandc'iThcsmasR‘Ri Uiii News, J. P. Freeman and Olon 1390131e 01' prominent VISltttfi‘S pm}; him,
derwood, Herald, Lexington; Russe Dyeie, Sen ine - cm, on on; as .ic1ar - COOK, ei ‘ht ear; and the Neon “do many newspaper W1 muc

icinhlgiirzinei,az?cl:s,stge(i‘jvligrlgiili'yl?" Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexmgton, Robert NEWS, W.gP. Nhlan and N. M. Webb, news copy. A local banker, pastor. 33::

’ LEGISLATIVE COMM,”EE in its fifth year. Congratulations to City 01‘ county OffiCIal, (19013011 233- the

, Thomas R Underwood Herald Lexington Chairman; Lawrence W. Hagar, all! torney, 01‘ head Of an industrial to 1‘

Messenger .0wensboro; Warren J’E‘isher, Mercury, Carlisle; George A. Joplin Jr., —-———-— Plant can dlscohl'se at length 011. grea

Commonwealth, Somerset; Harold Browning, Whitley Republican, Williamsburg; A TOAST T0 CURTIS! his, particular field of endeavor, and ism

ADVERTISING COMMITTEE ___ the material furnished usually can is sc

~V Joe T. Lovett, Ledger-Times, Murray, Chairman; Robert L. Kincaid, Daily T30 you, Curtis, congratulations be woven {hto an interesting al‘thlev sult

‘ News, Middlesboro; Wesley E. Carter, Enterprise, Elizabethtown; Thomas T. and heart felt thanks for your T0 the SkllIEd Wl'lter every person._ Slve

Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana; Leigh Harris, Gleaner and Journal, Henderson. twenty—five years of devotion, 10y_ be he 01- she a farmer, fireman (m.

i, NE\\’SPAI‘ER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE alty, and hard work in behalf of nurse, insurance salesman, under- G]

I Victor R. Portmann, University of .Kentucky, Chairman; Albert Schumacher, the Kentucky Press Association. taker, child or just plain loafer, is Ken

Citizen, Berea; Denny Spragens, MarlOn Falcon, Lebanon. You have given freely Of your time the SOUI'CE of a potential new sion:

’ and energy, and even money, for SLOI‘Y- Does

. the furtherance of the best in —————————-— mm

ff—Efl journalism in the state and for WHAT READERS LIKE hare

I' OUR BIRTHDAY! promote better journalism in the the promotion or that association —.— thes‘

-——— state through the contests, the ed— that you have served long and well. Your'readel‘s llke t? read about 09hr

With this issue the Press enters itors ought to show their apprecia— When you pack that bag, pack into the , things Wlth Whmh they are ion,

into Volume Eight with augmented tion by sending in entries next 1t the good wishes and admiration familiar, ahd sometimes a blt about Emil

‘ pages and a substantial increase in 3 year. Think this over. 0f your f'EIlOW editors fOI‘ many matters Wlth. .Whmh they are en— 31““

advertising. The edtor has endeav— _,____ mod“? 376.2135 Otdfhlelalthh progpfrity, tilgfieufiggllligme news that a pilbl

- -' i ea rs an, genia, goo e ows i t a. has ‘ ‘ V1110!

fiie Iiie:glinggiihactaoiwgei‘lziiiingeto3 WELCOME TO THE KPA! been yours. p 333633513: liiké): paerlidptllinSher the dbette3 and,

' ' . t , , —— 1 . c more rea erSl edi (

31‘);033m$lémgfipggrltsDtfierKi-‘éigu‘ck; 3 thSeveral. newspapers have Jom-ed MOTION PICTURE COOKING has: This in spite of the fact that Ame

Press Association' and furnish a: e growmgranks 0f the Kentucky, SCHOOL it you ask an inhabitant of one 01 of 1

medium of expression open to ev— 3 Press fissomatlon. The Press ex— _ these towns he will tell you that he qua]

ery editor in the state. Many edi— tenciishtheu glitd handof fellowship Many editors of the state have knows all the news of that‘towt At

tors have been kind to us in stating 3 an opts hat their assoc1atlon shown interest and cooperation in the day it happens and thererorei mam

that the Press is a welcome Visitor I may be profitable both to the news— the motion picture cooking school weekly doesnt interest him. Watch New

to their sanctums and that it is paper and its editor and to the as Sponsred by the National Edi— that same man at the post OfflCE L. p

ftlfilling a. worthwhile duty to the 3311135 ff the“ fellow publishers. torial 95500133110131» Ml‘. Allen had a the day the weekly paper comet. wide

Fourth Estate in Kentucky. With ell; ev-olt, may we lemlnd that they 3 gwtlfymg response at Danville, out. His actions Will belle his. words larit;

this in mind and with a renewed3‘“ ge OUt of their association but informs the Press that many ——or If you want. to test ll? 0‘13 char

sense of obligation to the editors I the samtehthat they put into it. We newspapers in Kentucky could and fall to send him his paper and set lll'lpc

and newspapers, we again pledge oxpect em '00 be loyal members should take advantage of this 013- mm quickly he W111 squawk. pope

ourselves in continued interest and and to respond to every call made pyortunjty for community interest Conversely, the rule is equally. the

loyalty to them, and to furtherilpon them for assistance and co— and betterment. Secretary Alcock, $9001“ Matters not of local interest D3139

that which is best in the production 3 alliteration. Welcome and congratu— or the Press, can furnish, data. con- should be very. sparingly used, an from

of our community newspapers, large. a ions. cerning this plan, or write direct certainly not in an editorial way tury

or smau, ————~ to the NEA office, 124 La, Sane The old days when a. newspapd have

__———_.—_ A TOAST T0 DANVILLE! street, Chicago. It is 2; worthwhile has the organ Wlth WhICh .the 8d depa

KPA CONTESTS __ and feasible plan and should bring tor. lambasted. hls enemies an! appe

__ The press extends felicitations extra revenue to the editor of hmlsed hls triends, are gone ant Sn

The 1936 newspaper contests were and congratulations to Editors Al— newspapers how large and small. ““1: equallbead. form now for m heac

satisfactory in regard to quality, cock and Richardson, to their fam— The NEA needs 1500 signatures to eat 01 .to 3“ his PureLV person? Dher

but rather disappointing in quanti- ilies, and to their associates on the "lake the mole“ '1 reality. Inves—— spite m his editorial 00111th a Bilac

tY, according to the chairman. The Messenger and Advocate, for their tlgate today. It T033108 was the customary thing.“ the

. editor of the Press believes that untiring eil‘orts in making the mid- —‘———— ._ r d: qcoifilslderate editor spal‘estl.It 33:“

every editor in the state should,SiImmer meeting a 1351'»ng SUCCESS- BLUE STREAK LINOTYPES tilad rLt ls personal animosme i: s

enter one or more of these annual 3 They worked hard and long to ex— ANNOUNCED :1.“ 1p? Peevefidnd 3.150 hls 0V8" Quid

contests and make a worthwhile 3 tend the glad hand 0f hospitality ’60 — ‘ “In-e mlng ambrlons 'Wlth' regard U End

display. The Press desires to ex— their visiting editors. and did ev- The Mergenthaler Linoh’pe com‘ 1363801215 and thmgs m Whmh read‘ he

3 press appreciation to the donors of crything in their power, With highest pany announces another achieve— f: t Eve no common ground t“ 131333)]

‘ the splendid trophies: the Courier- success, to make their stay profit— them for the printing and publiSh‘ me Im' isiii'u

Journal, the Lexington Leader, the3zlble and enjoyable. These same mg world—Blue Streak Linotypes _— ~11,”

Lexington Herald, Prof. Enochltizanks are also extended to the in another 0011111111. . Paul Holman, who was graduate ““35

Gl’ehan, President Crawford, and 3 good citizens of Danville, to Editor These new machines incorporate. ”1,3133“: from Morehead’ has W? MGE

Mrs. B. B. Cozine and her associates'l‘lutton and his family, the good among Other new features, a me— fig e 0 the staff Of. the Glasgol ref}!

on the Shelby News. Especial COIm— citizens of Harrodsburg, and the chanism that shifts magazines With ' ews’ T' P' Smith, edltOI‘. hgm

mendation is due Bush Krebs Inc_, Kentucky Utilities Company for lightning rapidity. A single easy ———“-——_f 3,3,3,

and Ed Weeks for the excellent their hospilitality and cordiality, turn of a handle now brings a mag— Addresses given at the mid—sum weeli

contest and trophies which they3The mid—summer meettiing of 1936 azine into operative position—ei— mer meeting in Danville will 3 ing .

inaugurated this year. If these 3 will long remain a pleasant page ther main or auxiliary. printed in this and future issu-esi stall

(30110113 are Willing and eager toin our growing book of memories. “These Blue Streaks,” runs the the Press. '

 : ,. -.A - r ' ,"“' ' ‘ . - . ‘ " "‘ !H E .
. 1936 June, 1936 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Flve .
[y be had . . m , a -. ,v ,1 “Ji‘t<
idels, are N L d SY P , ‘ .. f , , ‘ i "2f ., . Z“ .
ore Way5~ orrls ea S m 05' u := . , . '- * ' ii I”: '3'.
”5&2? On Editorial Problems g ’7‘, a! , *
3—aid in- . , ‘7 ififrn
nd speeds, Ashland Independent Jtctlll'igal epagep make—upp with the re— ’7 thiogsfi,’<fl 4W
Whether 0" “t the newshaper E suit of greater attractiveness to his -. 27.2” m . .
7. be had editorial is holding its own or wan- readers. some few could devote ”42; . it
1“ vah‘h‘ int in importance in Amei‘lcah more attention to editorial comment or J, V T‘ M-
any other life today, at least I am conVlnced E upon questions which vitally concern ’ I” Mg! .. x l . at“; :2"
latures. of one thing. A daily perusal 0f l readers of their communities. 7/ > - f’ ‘ '
der, WhiCh it g00d cross section Of the Ken—E In the beginning, I said this was "‘/ zflit f 7 *7 « 7
'ight, cen- tucky Press shows that individual less true in Kentucky newspapers ӣ3? / _ . I; 7;