xt7xd21rjq1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rjq1q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1993 text GLSO News, November 1993 1993 1993-11 2019 true xt7xd21rjq1q section xt7xd21rjq1q A Publication bv the Lexungton Gav and Lesbian Servuces Organfihon
an EdltOl’lal Piece: (1 History of LesBiGoy Lexington
Lexrngton City Countll Candidate: (A Series by Jeff Jones)
‘| I,
by Jeff Jones Settlers, Sewers and Sex Shops

With the entire Lexington-Fayette County Urban City
COUflCil being €1€Ct€d onTuesday, NOY- 2, itiS imperative This month I begin a short series on the history
that lesbigay voters b? aware 0f candfdarjes and get out of gay, lesbian and bisexual spaces here in our city.
[0 vote. A5 a non-profit service organization, GL$O cap Basically, I am writing a paper for a graduate class on
not legally endorse candidates. The Views in this urban geography and have had to do the research
editorial are my personal views and do not represent anyway. Similar series have been done in the past by
endorsements by G150 or any other organization 1 David Williams in The Letter and by Greg Lee in the
also must thank local activists Tomi Ross (Fairness of GLSO News in 1984. 1 highly recommend reading
Lexington), Keith Elston (KY Fairness Alliance/ ACLU), both. The UK Library has back copies of both
and Laura Kaplan (Diversity Business Coalition) for publications.
information and opinions provided by them. Since moving to Lexington, I have long
GLSQ hopes that Peqple, Will get 0‘“ to vote for the wondered how a gay bar, The Bar, ended up on Main
candidate 0f their ChOICC 1“ support Of our democratic Street...and apparently for several decades. The story
IDSUVUUOHS- of this area begins all the way back in 1787 when

Lexington was being laid out by the first European
Mayor: ' settlers. Main Street was laid out to run parallel
Pam Miller (seen as generally progressrve) to the Town Branch of Elkhorn Creek. For this reason,
Ted Mims (viewed 35 unsupportive and poor fiscal East Main actually runs NW-SE instead of E—W. The
sense) area currently holding The Bar, the Kentucky Theater,
15‘: . . _ the Lexington Transit Center, and Park Plaza was
(#30189 Brown (WldelY respected bOFh Wthm and originally a single block of ‘outlots.’ At settlement, the
WithOUt the African—American community; Viewed 35 first Lexingtonians receiveda 1/2 acre town lot (centered
supportive 0f human rights for all people) on the area around Triangle Park today) and a 5 acre
Pat MCGHI (member 0f the anti-gay, right-wing local outlot for farming. This East Main block was a natural
chapter 0f the Christian Coalition) valley with the Town Branch through the middle of it
2nd: and a fairly steep grade up to Hill (now High) Street.
RobertJefferson (viewed as moderate; past chair of CONTINUED TO PAGE 7
the Lexington Human Rights Commission)
Kathy Pratt (viewed as sympathetic but not strongly Have you bean discriminated against
SUPPO’T‘VC) . . in the Commonwealth of Kentuc
Brack Marquette (Viewed as conservatlve and . . ,
unresponsive to questionsfrom the lesbigay community) fOI' your sexual orientotlon.
4th: I
Isabel Yates (running unopposed; conservative; has THE" REPORT IT-
called for civil rights for all but will not address 216-5383
question of gay rights)
CONTINUED TO PAGE 6 fiufiimimimfion Ptoct

. ' . Lexington's M.C.C. Keeps Busy
Ci f , ' _ 1 0
@§_) 91250 dVEWé: L”;Q The last few months have been a time of
- organization and consolidation for Lexington’s new
PUthhed Monthly by the Metropolitan Community Church. In July the interim
flexington gay/flgiian £5101:ch Board was elected. Rick T. is Vice-Moderator; Kay M.
. ' is treasurer; John E. is Secretary; Joe C. is Lay Delegate;
L019 amzabon. and Joyce B. and Billy C. are members-at—large.
P-O_ Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 August lst marked the formal reception of the
E dit o r- church’s first membership. There are now fifteen
Kr' , B S , h members and guests attending regular services. An
13““ ' m“ additional membership class will be announced soon.
GLSO Annual Dues - $15.00 On September 25th the community presented
_ it’s Mission Statement and Petition at the Great Lakes
Dues for Couples $2000 District Conference in Cincinnati. We were accepted
Newsletter Only - $10.00 as an official “New Work” (that is “mission”) of the
Views or opinions nxpressed in the GLSO News are those of the authors ChurCh' At the conference We Won, an award for haVing
and don't necessaxily represent figs: 0; tiha 51.50b Board :f the highestpercentage ofcurrentmembership attending_
Zii;:i‘2§’;.i“2’£i§fi§’.§§§ $13: mil nasme mar: lash-:0: :h: Looking into the future, we are planning a Bible
“Turbine“ "ii-““12“ rsiah:1:°a:d:;:u|:m;=:::n :1“ 5:. m study program titled “Those Bible Bullets - Missiles of
timing. “SEES“??? “9.8:“:in in the rsfm News 4;: :2: Love or Hate?” As long as we wear the heterosexist
:::::e:;arson's sexual orientation nor a business' customs: blinders We have been given, We Will Contlrlue [O View
» V i ! a, ' rc_\‘ ,7. * the Bible as “their” book, not “ours". There is a lot in
. ' \fg-i :1’ [5,," ' the Bible about us and for us.
M.C.C. is a church for all people. It’s programs
UPDHTE: MONTIE Ha" DEHTH are open to everyone regardless of religious affiliation
by Steve R. or lack thereof. Services will be held at 6 pm in the
Montie J. Ham was murdered onJuly 3’ 1995’ at his Glenhaven Room at the Greenleaf Inn, 2280
home. Ralph Ospalski and Raymond Taylor were Nicholasville Road. Everyone is welcomed.
arrested on July 14 and charged with Murder first actors Theatre of LOUiSViNQ
12%;: faringnRgfklgrrhbfeursl 561%??? Ag: t Sera?;£g On November 2-8, Actors Theatre of Louisville will be
added 13:1 October 1 Court, the gTrin date WES set for having “A Unique Festival ofAcclaimedSolo Performers”
February 28 — March 10, 199’4, in the Third Division of flfifidgggfe :3fi%waTh;r$:;k:ngnde $35323?
Fayette Circuit Court with Judge Rebecca Overstreet KevinKlin -White /M a I121" everwritt e n 2515 errformed
presiding. Michael Malone is the prosecuting b LouisegSnnth- Frederick Douglass N01; written
Commonwealth Attorney. The defending attornies are Yd f d b ‘th
T om Chapuk, Mark Bowling, and Gene Lewter. The $111 c112: rvxirirtll: n a néRififérgzgng/efi in: 6’ 01:11:21???
suspects are being heldin the Fayette County Detention Queer Bod w ritt e nan d e ff or m: db grim Mill e r3 a fig
Center. There are no court dates scheduled until the mi .y d If p d b l; h, 1
trial but pending status hearings could be ordered If Nao written an pe orme y Ru y Porat—S ova '
’ ' Call the ActorsTheatre at (502) 584-1 205 for information
CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 and tickets.
\. ' A I I“ _.
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50's AND 60's
4%mgfi2. J]
; @é l I, @AIL BAILEY
g8 ; @ SATURDAY,
. 2‘ 9PM

sronswau. 25/GHY Games TRIP gssssas 1%,?
This is to remind anyone who missed the notice in 5%??3" gig?)
last month’s News that Community Health Trust of {,3 HOMO it?
Louisville (CHT) is offering a trip package to the Gay
Games and Stonewall 2S. Stonewall 25, otherwise
known as the March on the UN. for Gay and Lesbian
Human Rights, will take place in NY onJune 26, 1994. _l
Before the march, on June 17th-25th, the Gay Games . .
willtakeplace alongwithaIesbianandGayCultural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
Festival that will be the largest event of its kind in Hey kids, your interim editor [read Nov. only]
history. To help people get there, CHT has obtained editor has lured me back from my job as the most
discounted group rates on the Howard—Johnson Plaza despised person on UK’s campus to my former position
Hotel, convenient to the subway and events. Rates are as the beloved Supreme Diva Disher of Dirt, Christopher
$131 single, $122 double, $153 triple, and $168 for four. Robyn.
CHT is also offering group air fare of approximately Make way for the motherlode! Madonna news
$200 round trip. The fare is available out of Lexington first! The Mad One kicked off her Girlie Show Tour
or Louisville and dates of departure/return are flexible. earlier this month, and it looks like she is taking her
You can stay the entire week or any part of it. CHT will ideas of a Broadway-like show even further than in the
also offer Games and Festival tickets. As afinal benefit, Blonde Ambition Tour. With costumes by hot design
10% of the cost of your trip is tax deductible as a fags Dolce and Gabanna, she treats the fans at the
donation to CHT’s AIDS work. sold—out shows with her take on legends like Marlene
Because five strayt conventions are scheduled in NY Dietrich. She is doing a limited number of shows, so
that week and the strayt folks are already booking up only the truly dedicated will be able to catch it. Look
the hotels, people who fail to make plans now may find outI
later that hotel rooms are unavailable. The rumors are true! As we speak, Eltonjohn
For more info contact Bill Bird (502) 228-1401 or is recording an album of duets which will include a
Linda West (606) 233-7075. remake of his classic “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”
with none other than RuPaul That’s more queens
Pegasus Travel In; than one castle can hold.
Speaking of RuPaul, grunge mama Courtney
Ala/m fibfiW-gfaflt’w- 73M? Love of the band Hole supposedly went into a tizzy
. . . with glee when she spotted him backsta e at the MTV
M 1?an ’erP& 95”“ 6"ng Video Music Awards. She thrust her and Kgurt Cobain’s
,. 1;: _ :. : (Nirvana) newborn baby into RuPaul’s arms. Ru was
{3; : 355; ; 7355;; 1: - ,3, e: delighted, but the baby started to cry immediately.
31:; :figs; :5} 7,: ifgg-é ~35}: Tiff: 7:3; :3? ;- Perhaps the child is afraid of heights?
" " " ' ' " . ' " " ‘ Therewon’tbeanymoviebuffwomenwiththe
800 22 8—4337 60 6 268—4337 blues this month. Gus Van Sant releases his
23: (die 4111 (at e r long-awaited film of the Tom Robbins
Richmond Road, Lexington, Ky 40502 chock-full-o-lesbians bestseller, “Even Cowgirls Get
GLSO DONATION WITH EACH PURCHASE! the Blues.” The soundtrack, recorded by none other
than the ultra purveyor of lesbian chic k.d.lang, was
0 released at the end of last month.
PPOOIOU’ Fur, Disco fags should be sure to pick up the first
new album from the Pet Shop Boys in three years:
. “Ve .” The latest sin le from the album, “Go West,”
nu 30696 P9! 6000‘“an is artbtal takeoff on thg Village People classic “In the
Navy. " It’s a scream!
’ For you manic—depressive queens, cheer up:
expoplpnopd Morrissey is releasing an EP this month. So you can
listen to someone whose life is always more depressing
than your own.
That’s all folks! In the words of the Lesbian and
277-9365 Gay journalist’s Association, “I’m here, I’m queer, and
4 I’m on a deadline!” Peace and love!

Ntvsst'riot'easmrttsv Wm... 5......
“ GLSO’s newest service, the GLSO Welcoming Service,
WORKING WITH GHYHHND LESB|GN has been busy since its inception. Sixteen packets have
CLIENTS gone out. Beginning in August, new residents...or
by Lorna Nichols people just entering our comrnunity...have been able
This summer I took a new social work course to receive a free ‘welcoming packet‘ of information on
entitled “Working with Gay and Lesbian Clients”. local community organizations. Thus far, six local
Although I had to drive to NKU (part of the off campus organizations have providedinformation for thepackets:
social work program) it was well worth it. The class QLSO (GLSO News), DIVCFSIW 3115111655 Coahtion'CThe
3:;meagreement)Mswrghegaches Estatzasamsiomaflm
t . as ac t -
info :nd exczlrliem resouggséssgzestipefkeg “3:31,, and businesses are welcome to provide information.
from the Cincinnati area, were scheduled almost every If: a) you are interested in “$31“de information in the
week representing gay/lesbian agencies/issues. One packets, b) you have a question about the community,
of the best was a lawyer Who really opened my eyes or C) YOU want a packet, please leave a message at
about gay/lesbian legal issues. 276-5383-
Please help support Professor Dolan by ' ' |
spreading the word on this class and feel free to give Get 0 llttlQ uPP'ty'
her a call at 1672-5609 to find out when and where her . by LS .
npfxt Céass ngcheduled. This class will possibly be 111135331? 13:11:16: Sfiuegflrjfi $233332?!) Zed; 111%:
t . - , ~
0 ere a soon a little ad in the paper or your communitys classified
Kentucky “Ilia neg Go“ paper. Something like, “Why does it matter to you if
N "I - N b I am gay?” or if you’re in a mood, “We’re here, we’re
OI' In over“. 2! . queer, get used to it.” Maybe, “God loves me and
The Kentucky Fairness Alliance Will be meeting in knows I am gay.” You get the idea.
northern Kentucky at an as yet undecided location on If you are in a restaurant with a graffiti chalkboard in
Saturday, NOV. 20, at 11am. Kentucky Fairness Alliance the bathroom, leave a message there. Run off a few
is the only statewide lesbigay political organization fliers in the copy shop and leave them around.
working for human rights. For more information, C311 Use your imagination and spread the word. We are
Keith Elston at 266-3934. everywhere!
LesBIGay Slngles Brunch: ‘ g
Hot Browns & Hubbics?? , m 'Dl GUESSfllG! isms ‘
UK Lambda presents a LesBiGay Singles Potluck
Brunch to be held on Sunday, Nov. 7, from g figfi‘flm EWAWLM ‘
10:30am—2230pm. Coming out of a discussion about { .. . .. }
the lack of non-bar meeting places for lesbigay singles, } < B& ‘
this potluck will be held at a local private home at. 3425 { ’
Springlake Dr. (near Tates Creek Rd.). For more > {
information, call Julien Aleksandres at 272-7232 { >
(BEFORE 10PM ONLY!!!). Bring a dish and a single ‘ Prim-ed in a rainbow of colors g
friend! > . 0
on whlte 100 /o re-shrunk cotton 4
Frontrunners fldds New Day { ' I $12 95p+ $1 75 P8H h
Frontrunners, the lesbigay running/jogging club, has h on Y - - }
met for years every Saturday morning at the UK water } SEND T02 ‘
tower off Alumni Rd. at 9am. Now they have added a ‘ ’
second running/jogging day at 6pm on Wednesday ’ LS INK ‘
evenings. If you are interested and are seeking a fun { ’
group to ‘run around with’, then join us at the parking
lot near the corner of Kentucky Ave. and High St. on E P'O' BOX 25095 g
Wednesdays at 6pm. For more information, call Keith } LeXIngl'on, KY 40524 . {

5th: L bda Le 1 f by Jeff Jones _ .
Fernita Wallace and Bill Farmer (Panelists feel both can ers ga If enlie and clilducation FUJI? 133groplp
are moderates who would perhaps be su ortive if a - WY ’ eg a wor ers an supporters e en ingt e
; ; ; PP rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and PWAs in the
Fleeld was shown for 83Y{18h$ 1n Lexrngton. Wallace courts of the land for 20 years. Below is a case from
ail-50 publically pro-ch01ce.) [11611993 Lambda Update showing their continuing
- wor an the issues facing our community:
Mary Ellen Adams 1313le (supported by def‘jmlt Georgia Prescott v. Kerry Blume (California): This
Since Flynn lS seen as unsupportive/conservative- - ~ -
neither viewed as particularly good candidates) t case pomts outhow the lack of legalized marriages also
133?” Flynn (unsympathetic to lesbisay community) 2333123?£121ai‘éuilfibiinti‘iufiiasliggrl‘figil’v‘iiié’é
7 : . ' 7 _
; parenting contract between themselves pI‘IOI‘ to the
Eric )Young (3331“: supported by default due {9 birth of their daughter. The couple has since separated
F0816 5 conservative and unsupportive stances; hme ‘5 and the biological mother has refused visitation to her
glifiwxégf 1Ye01(lcnognssle)rcvsaltl\o/2 on [he ICSbIfigaY commgnityg former partner. A California trial judge has refused to
Wa She ngith’s rabidl aAtEUZUngrtgle, 313311 Flt’; 0 enforce the contract or order visitation rights. Lambda
Chtllch) V g V U an “513“ Legal Defense and the National Center for Lesbian
8th- Rights are. pursuing this case on behalf of the
Fred Brown and Alvin Green (both are viewed as non— iological parent.
unsupportive) Gay Men's Spirituality Group
9th: ' '
Jennifer Mossotti (viewed as unabashedly supportive) M QQtIl‘Ig “90 m
Roy Durbin (unsupportive; does not view anti-bias
ordinances covering sexual orientation as matter for After a hiatus, the Gay Men’s Spirituality Group will be
City Council) meeting on November 5 at 7:50pm at Steve Buck’s
10th: home (726 W. Maxwell #2). For more info, please call
Sanfira Shafer (unsupportive, running unopposed) 233—1782.
11f : ~
Bob Moore (Viewed as moderately supportive) 4 “I‘ll TIRES VKDEO HATCH“ IAISUM SIX.‘ 7‘00 FILM ("CHEVY V:
Jack Hillard (viewed also as moderate) “mm he . W:
12th: "' “'5 ’“"
Gloria Martin (viewed as moderately supportive) ’ °""°" “one 0 "m "
Wayne Mulberry (would not support anti—gay ”5““ " ””5
ordinances; viewed as moderate) 0““ 1m “"1“
The top 3 vote—getters win in at-large races. The entire "SH spurns“ EXPOSURE inosx O» CITEENSHXP :v rum: rz-ezs tn:
City votes on these candidates. Ion “aim lollan yzttou ser sum am- can gm: l-‘sbun .a
At Large: ., , Aussunwe mass M: FAST aecoumc A ._ ,, M,
Michael Wilson (viewed as excellent choice) 2:", ggnélévnnsgigngxmgr ::°,f“‘,‘:;§"‘,;‘fj3§ :, 6,:
Diana Moore (has said that she is willing to listen and m, m Gtossv 'zmes mar HAVE BEEN mentooxeo u n
. . _ . . . . ay . vu r n " "
Skid call :1? Human Rights CornmiSSion to 1nqu1re about m s: penégfiit°ii'.?:§"2?§pte§llfi $353355”; t we
DevrilfieSt °‘ “Eb” ”a?“ f” WW} mm- 2255563; o:"a:;°:::2°..s:.$est: .
a evens opposes iscrirnination in any way ; ' ' ~
3ft says that issue would need to be studied to see if ‘m :0? 33351.3"JESESJ'E’EGANJ’EZETQ"22.? "£3“; “"1"
ere IS a nee '"‘ ‘ USIC, PHoroanPm. H_ ENVI ma , “Est:-
Teresa Isaacs (has Spoken at/attended several gay ”RM“ :l‘r'e‘mi'figmt'fsESTES;"58» pcouLulflfizSEI """"'
events but recent political alliances with rabidly "" ”5’ 3,123; ‘11": 3;"5isg°c°;§mg§‘gefi%‘;;3 5‘ :"
anti—gaySen. Tim Philpot cause the panelists to view “"""' session TIILES. anmsn "pens. me n W E
this candidate as “if—y") In]?! .5“ LARGE SELECIION 0F INDEPENDENI COMICS ,7 -.\'
JObY Gastineau (very unsupportive; conservative) ”DIS lumen Jam-s unusual veqeurun 533...: Ann . :tl; I-rnvy
ChuckEllinger (conservative Republican; unsupportive) run run. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK «In v
m.” : SUN-THR 12-9 FRI-SAT 12-11 .11, "n
mm 7 504 1/2 EUCLID AVE - 255-8987 m
next 1'0 new uonumc COFFEE HOUSE “a

By the early 1800’s, Town Branch had become I .-/"" (“l-c
something of an open sewer. Throughout the 19th 9&5 aLHfa/Zin 905$ Fad?
century, various parts of this creek were buried. Today t '03.
Town Branch flows in large pipes under Vine Street. ———-———-—_="——————-——_—
Water Street behind the Bar, however, attests to its ‘Jhanbs to att mg bniends fiat their suppont and towel vindnea
former aboveground existence.
Residential, commercial and industrial areas CJJappg 28th tBinthdag. (Daddg. «Jibban g UM)“
were not differentiated as today: people lived, worked
andranshopsfromtheir homes. (Thespatial separation at My speciai CUriappg CBiithdag to flee. (Debonah. 9(atheiine. Chad.
Of the eitYls aproduct Of the IndustrialRevolution.) A Nantin. god and the most Suppontiiie den oh Qconpios in academia.
small commercial districtwas growing, however, along 99“
Main Street north of Limestone. Our block was still
largely some farm houses and fields Wit-h some more 9(ap hand Siaunettal. Congnatutations on setting the house and flinding
expenswe reSidences starting to be bu1lt along High a hornet -"Jhe (Digitat gab“, gang
Street. .
Ironically, the area were the police and clerk 0f uh speciat thank you to the whote gang at Acton s Quitd 6m entehtaining
court offices are on Main Street was once known as the us so thonoughtg Wm, Uhe gfiuka g this Show“
“Babylon Block.” Saloons and brothels centered on
this space near the edge 0t downtown hUt also along UCudos to gainness ofi gfextngton on a gneat iob gum/aging the City Councit
the less-than-desirable sewer of Town Branch. The candidates.
coming of the railroads into Lexington, however,
dislocated this red hght district bY the Civil War. The mg betailed Sana. CJriappg ijhhlili/QRSG‘._" ”the past hive geans hai/e been
brothels moved to other marginal land: ahill above the wondenhut. the best iS get to come. cyan maize ei/eng dag speciat.
railroad switching yards (now the area of Midland Ave. 9 t W i gem
and the Herald-Leader building). Freed slaves were a 9011 a _ .
also being housed in this then noisy, sooty subdivision FOII’I'IQSS Campaign Of LQXI ngton
of shotgun frame houses. By 1896, at least nine “female Information Hotline
boarding houses” [a euphemism for brothel] were The Fairness Campaign of Lexington would like to
located along whatis today NortheasternAve. alongside announce that it now has a 24-hour information
Thoroughbred Park. Lexington’s supreme madam, hotline: 275«7812. Various events, meetings, and other
Belle Breezmg, had the largest bawdy house on the occurrences will be announced on a regular basis. A
street (then Megowan St) The foundations Of her brick caller can leave a message for more information. The
home Shh. exrst diagonally from Thoroughbred _P_ark. hotline is not staffed, but its messages are checked
Thls location also found an advantage in the military daily. All callers’ identities are kept confidential.
livery and barracks near the present location of General Meetings
Thoroughbred Park. _ . g The Fairness Campaign of Lexington is working to
Given the POSltloh Of women at that time, poor combat the Harper Bill and similar legislative proposals
women and single mothers often found prostitution as which would limit the basic human rights of
one of the few viable means 0t survival. Lexington’s homosexuals. General meetings are on the third
SCX lndUStI'leS have continued to migrate Out Mldland Monday of every month at Alfalfa’s restaurant at 7:30
to Winchester Rd. from pressure from the developing The next meeting is November 15,
downtown and residential neighborhoods. Thus, the “\/
location of adult bookstores such as the Phoenix _ Q /
Bookstore with its Club Undergroundandlocal ‘massage é§ _‘______—)
parlors’ have a history stretching back all the way to .
Main Street. With changing social ideas, American flQJLU to LQJXiflgtOflQ
woman today can find wage labor in the legal work -
force [albeit at $.69 per $1 on average compared to JUft’ Comlflg OUt’Q
men]. Lexington’s massage parlors today are the For 0 GLSO LUQJIOOFTWJ DOC/HUI,
workplaces of often Asian women caught in a global
trade insexualslavery, povertyand pursuitofAmerican CO” JQJH JOI’WJI Qt, 9706605
opportunity. Lestwe forget, gay men and women have
throughout history found places of refuge at times in LQ’OVQ’ your Home Ofld AddtQJ’U'
these red light districts welcome to Lexington!
Next month: Sodom laws and Main Street

 «(f ' J I M I h
I) "S November 1993 'm CKe'g en
2". GLSO W1shes All a Happy Thanks g1v1ng A xx
w o ELL—— «0
0 g ; ‘_ uLs .w
1 2 3 4 5 6 2560 Richmond Rd. Home: 606—233—9995
- 6: Fronmmm -W odlnnd 7:3 M n’s Cho 7:30p Ga Men' S ' 't.G . 9:00amF ntrunne ‘ - _
780pm GLSO sppt Electron D8 1235:]: 1’3 0 7133521 U]: Lambdam @Stzile’sy 5 P1" I'D 10:008m IIIOV/AHDSIZ-HC . _ SUITe 200 Pagelr' 606-23] 4724
rp. 3:33:11! gngkxvllllje f L 8:00pm “gully & Mo Show'- 3:33? 63%;??? A?!” Lexnng’ron, KY 40509 FAX. 606-268+4667
7:30p Ga In: bi ALAnon = m .‘ ° ' Am” i m ' “. y ° w" ; . - , o w'
8.45; Rail“: gyms,” 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. Actors Guild
' ,
‘ XIII ton S
7 8 9 1o 1 1 12 13 L? g .
7:00pm GLSO SPPt- 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon 6:00pm Frontrunners-Woodlnnd 7:00pm Gay Men's Spirit.Grp. 9:00am Frommnners Metropohtan Communlty
» » 7:30pm TSGRA-Shooters Park ~ - . - , , 8:00pm Gay/LesblanAA 0, 0 V/ ID
2:00pm "Kathy & Mo Slnw'... Grp (Cincinmti) 6:30pm MCC-L'villc 7:30pm Men‘s Chorus 1 '0 am HI A S Ch h
21%|“ Sgfimsfisgn; 8:45pm Rainbow Bowling- 7:00pm GLOBAL-U of L. 3:33;") EKWLZEW G SPPLGYP- urC
: m x.- roe o 1 m ' : m SS 1. . _
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA S “mind ligmfégfigfiafib U pp rp NGLTF Creating Change Conf.—Durham,NC
n rshi — 6 m '
14 15 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2O Gleglllaviahylggm @E) Greenlgaf Inn
4:00pm Diversity Business C... 7:00pm GLSO Sppt. 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners-Woodland 7:30pm Men’s Chorus 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 9:00am Fronlrunnena . 7 . .11 CI
6:00pm Imperial Ct-Club U .. Park 7:3 in UK Lambda AA 10:005rn HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. 2-80 N1ch01asv1 e Roa
6:00pm MCC/ch.-Grecnleaf... Grp.- Before Al—Anon 6:30pm MCC—L’ville . .. 10:00am Men’s Network
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Stonewall" Vlerng 8:45pm Rainbow 7:00pm GLOBAL;U of L. 3:00pm .th' Maids... 8"um Peat“ & “.6
NGLTF Creating Bowling-Southiand 8200‘“ Gay/”5h“ AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. Maiden ‘Acmrs Gmld 8:00pm 'Death & The Maids... .3
21 23 24 25 26 27
6:00pm MCC/ch.-Greenleaf Al-Anon 6,33,“, MCGLMHC 800 m HIV/AIDS 333:: Gui/RE; '21“ ’p' Sppt.G'rp.
Mm“ , 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' p 8:00pm “Death & The 8300p"! Death & The R E A T I V E
7=°0Pm Guy/mm AA Bowling-Southland 10:00pm ICBE Show-Club U SPPt-GI’P‘ Mniden'-Actors Guild Maiden" —Actors Guild 1
, DW
28 30 i
amassing?“ E E
6:00pm Imperial Ct—Club U. 7:309:11 Gay/Lesbian Al-Amn “
m... WW... &° 4 TYPESETTING
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA “NEW 0 (f
5 (”€33‘“ \
(f; v... 'I’ ’
v (606)231-8303
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 n "3" ~. "E42“ -.
“(ES 3'?" r NEWS SHORTS r
Les an
GLSO’s article “New Lesbian Book Catalog Launched” hY Jeff I ones , , .
quotes one of the co—owners of Heartland Books as DENVER; The 5““ over the constitutionality 0f
saying “...The frustration and loneliness of trying to Colorados Amendment 2 began 1“ October. A2
come out in an area devoid of lesbian resources was amends 9010‘ adds state COhShthh to block any type
awful. [would have given anything for a service like of c1v11 rights covering homo/bisexuals. The state’s
this  in those days.” arguments range from homosexuals as a wealthy and
Like Heartland Books, Les’Bian comes out of powerful lObbY ‘0 833’ people 35 mentally in- This case
this similar frustration. is expected to end up before the US Supreme Court and
It took me two months to start finding my could be instrumentalindefining the legal future of gay
sisters. The search took time and courage. I could rights.
have gone to bars, but my kindred sisters are busy with BERLIN: Germany’s highest court ruled Oct. 13 that
homes, work, relationships, families, children, etc. same sex couples currently had no right to legalized
I’ve been to some wonderful pot lucks in the marriage but also calledupon the legislature to consider
past few months with my sisters. I was at home. I better protections for homosexual couples.
belonged. I didn’t know everyone at first, but we COLORADO SPRINGS, CO: Seven Lesbian Avengers
knew we were family. We laughed — with and at each were arrested in Oct. for disturbing the peace at the
other; we talked about memories and plans for the opening of the new $30 million headquarters for the
future;we shared information aboutevents,counseling right-wing Focus on the Family. The women wore
centers, schools, groups; we made plans to gettogether Lesbian Avengers t—shirts and chanted “We are part of
again -next month! We were sad to leave one another your fanjfly” and “Jesus loves us too.” Focus on [he
-wondering when we would be together again with Family sponsored in part the rabidly anti—gay
the same ease - as friends, 35 sisters. Amendment 2. The US AirForce provided parachuters
Les’Bian is a place, a feeling. It’s a bOOk and a choir for the opening in which public school
discussion, a yoga Class, a writing workshop, an art buses were used to transport people.
class, a walk, a movie, a theater outing, a hike, a picnic WASHINGTON: The US House passed a bill on Sept.
' whatever it takes [0 help “5 grow and stay together. 21 that raises the penalties for hate—motivated crimes
It’ssisterssharingourfears,dreamsandpassions (including those based on sexual orientation
and our excitement for life! , characteristics). "I". i is expected to face problems
The Women’s Center has been kmd enough 1“ passing the Senatt -cause of its inclusion of gay
offer us a place to meet (food and drink allowed). eo le
Les’Bian began Se tember 29 and will meet each p p '
Wednesday from £30 to 8:30 pm. Please call The
Women’s Center for further information or contact was '1‘ EVER (OLD, OR WHflT!!!
Planned events for. October: 27th thru Nov. by Steve R-
17th _ writing worksho ’ (no meeting Nov. 24th). The annual GLSO Campout was a huge success, as
December will be dedrijcated to the arts — finger always. Around twenty people showed UP the year.
painting, collage making, drawing, crafts, etc. It had rained during the afternoon, so getting UP the
Can’t wait to see you, and see you, and see you stee p hill was pretty tricky. However, through the mud
Cristo PI'QSS and rain, even a long horse trailer made it. (Yes,
_ , , , , TSGRA guys, there were cowboys and horses there!)
H370“ WOUId hke [9 r eceive differe‘ntinformation'about The trees were fantastic in the reds and yellows of early
how to contact different denominations of religious fall. It rained lightly through the early evening, then
iafigssgsgfgszzso Estes; égiifi‘téiswt‘fitéié dearedoff- The hugecampfire was great—thaw»
. ’ Will and Eddie. We had hot do 3 and marshmellows
CRISTO PRESS! P‘O'BOX 32441, Phoemx AZ 85064 andlots of fun and companionsgip. It got a little cold
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 during the night, but we made it through—teeth
they are, it would help for people to show up to show chattering and blue butts. The next morning the fire
support. Kathyjohnson is the contact with the Victims was stoked and everyone shared doughnuts, bacon,
Advocate Program (252—5571), and _it has been eggs, and the best coffee in the world. The sky was
recommended to call the Commonwealth Attorney if beautiful blue and the air was crisp. We went on the
you have any information dealing with this murder. annualwalk and made the group picture. Those of you
Montie especially needs our support and presence that chickened out missed a great time. See you next
during the trial. Please try to be there. year!

 Lights! Camera! fiction! TSGRH Busy in October
Have you been channel surfing along and stopped on The Tri—State Gay Rodeo Association held a
the public access channel? Usually. it‘seems, there iS number of events last month. On Oct. 2TSGRA hosted
one church serVice or another being broadcast. a contest at Crossings to elect the new Mr./Ms./Miss
Occasionally, there will be an unusual show that will TSGRA;
catch your attention for a while, and you say to Mr. TSGRA_ Rick Godbey
yourself, ”Hey! I can do better than that!” Ms. TSGRA- Jennifer Alvris
It is relatively easy to get you