xt7xd21rjq04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rjq04/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1982-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, October 1982 text GSO Newsletter, October 1982 1982 1982-10 2019 true xt7xd21rjq04 section xt7xd21rjq04 GSO NEWSLETTER
October 1982
Post Office Box 11471
Lexington, Kentucky 40511
A montth puincation deaIing with matters of interest to the Gay Community of
Lexington and Fayette County, Kentucky, the G80 NEWSLETTER is distributed free
of charge. To be pTaced on the maiIing Tist, send your name or initiais and '
address (which wiII be kept confidentiai) to GSO at the above address.
Entire contents copyrighted©0ctober 1982 by GSO. ATT rights reserved.
The 680 GAYLINE operates on Thursdays and Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Last month's scheduTed GSO benefit at The Bar was canceTTed due to the decision
of the AIcohoIic Beverage ControI Board to deny the owners of The Bar permission
to open on Sunday.
At the Tast minute, we moved to the Circus Disco (a private cIub). As a sociaT
event, it was a great success. We didn't make big bucks, but gosh we had a good
Thanks to the owners of The Bar for their heTp and time spent trying to change
the minds of the foTks in Frankfort. And, thanks to the staff of The Bar for
spreading the word on the change of Iocation.
A speciaT thanks to Rick Barnett and Greg ButTer for their support and for just
being therell
Donations at the benefit $580.00
Rentai of disco 400.00
Beer for benefit 140.00
TotaT $$ for GSO $ 40.00
Each month at GSO meetings our big discussion is money. BasicaTTy, we have none.
Last month, after much anguish, the Board decided that the best way to cut our
expenses woqu be to print a bi—montth newsTetter. This was a reaT tough decision.
A11 of us reaTize that our newsTetter is the onIy contact we have with Tots of
gay men and Tesbians in our community.
WeTT, foTks, we have a reverse decision. Thanks to a much needed and appreciated '
donation of $100.00, we wiTT have a November newsIetter. MANY THANKS TO THE DONORll
There is stiTT the possibiTity of us going to a bi-montth printing, but with
everyone's heTp, this won't have to happen. As I said Iast month, Reaganomics is
reaTTy out there, but with everyone's continued support, WE WILL SURVIVE.
President, Lexington Gay
Services Organization

 Page 2
GSO Newsletter, October 1982
Parents and Friends of Gays is now operational! We had an organizational meeting
on Monday, September 13, and decided to meet once a month from now on. My parents -
are totally involved and will be very happy to talk with other parents or friends
of gay men and women. For their phone number, call the Gayline on Thursday or
Friday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The number is 268-1166. Let us hear
from you.

For the past two years, the Board of the Lexington Gay Services Organization has
given me a free hand to organize social and sports activities. I have enjoyed

_ making a contribution. It has brought me a sense of pride, a feeling of self—
worth, and a spirit of community. I'm gay. I'm proud. I live in Lexington. I
have discovered that these statements are not contradictory.
My desire has been to help provide an opportunity for lesbians and gays to meet,
socialize and have fun beyond the confines of a bar. Judging from the response,
many people have shared this desire. These activities would have died long ago
without the support of the gay community.
I realize these activities aren't for everyone. The social and sports activities
are one facet of many services GSO provides to the gay community in Lexington.
Dedicated members devote long hours to provide a Speakers Bureau, the phoneline,
the newsletter, LAGPAC, Parents and Friends of Gays, Gay AA, and fundraisers. If
needs are not being met by one of these services, then there is always room for
one more. But, that additional service and the continuation of current services
hinges on you.
I am unable to continue in my present capacity. I want to thank the 1981 and 1982
Boards for their encouragement. But, special thanks go to you for attending the
various social and sports activities. Please continue to support these and other
services provided by GSO in whatever way is comfortable for you. In spite of our
shortcomings and our problems, and for all of our accomplishments, I'm mighty
proud of us.

T. Huston

Lambda-Louisville and Dignity-Integrity will host a cruise on the Belle of
Louisville on Friday, October 15, at 8:00 p.m. (that's departure time) and
return at midnight. Boarding will be at Fourth and River Road below the
Bellevedere. River Road runs parallel between Main Street and the Ohio River.
Bring your own bottle; ice and set-ups will be sold. However, coolers will not
be permitted onboard. Tickets and additional information can be obtained from
Lambda-Louisville, P. O. Box 8415, Louisville, Kentucky 40208.

 Page 3

050 Newsletter, October 1982


030 will begin winter bowling at Southland Lanes on Octoberga, from 4:00 p.m. to
6:00 p.m. The fee is $1.25 per game and 50¢ for shoe rental.

As in volleyball, bowling will be for fun. Join us even if your bowling ball spends
more time in the gutter than on the lanes, or if you haven't bowled in several years.
Bowling is fun and easy to learn. You'll find it a great way to meet people.
Bowling will continue through October and November on the first and third Sundays

of the month. For additional information, contact 0. Wieckers at 299-0352.


Last April GSO received an invitation from Lambda—Louisville for a get-acquainted
weekend. Over fifteen Lexingtonians enjoyed an afternoon party, a night on the
town, and a cookout the next day. In addition to meeting some great people, results
of the weekend included GSO's participation in Gay Pride Kentucky (wasn't it great),
August's picnic at Otter Creek Park, and the upcoming Belle of Louisville cruise.

. 030 will reciprocate Bluegrass Hospitality for our Derby City welcome with an .
invitation to the Campout on October 9. According to Don Quire, President of Lambda,
several members will be attending and there is some possibility of early arrivals
on Friday night. We're looking forward to it, Lambda!


050 will host a potluck and campout for Lambda-Louisville on Saturday, October 9,

at the farm of E. Woods. This will replace the usual monthly potluck for October.

Food will be served at 4:00 p.m. Maps are available by calling the Gayline or


Following the potluck, for those who wish to stay over, the Third Annual GSO

campout will be held. In addition to a covered dish for the potluck, campers need

to bring their own breakfast provisions and camping equipment.

”Camping equipment” has been known to include a tape deck, battery—operated TV,

radio, martini pitchers, and floral arrangements, in addition to the more traditional
‘ tents, sleeping bags, and flashlights.

Tradition dictates that awards be given to campers on Sunday morning. Although

they vary year to year, past awards have been: Better Homes and Gardens Award for

best use of color for a tent, Best Sound Effects Award coming from a single tent,

The Lewis and Clark Explorers Award for the longest absence from the bonfire (this

award is usually shared), and the Rula Lenska Look-Alike Award for the worst looking

on Sunday morning. Each year gives cause for new awards and a few repeats.

November's newsletter will list the award categories, but due to the dubious nature

of these distinctions, names will be withheld.

 Page 4
GSO Newsletter, October 1982
GSO will sponsor a final day of fun in the sun, Saturday, October 2, from 1:00 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m. at Jacobson Park, shelter number 7. .-
Shelter number 7 is located behind the seating area of the amphitheater. Tradition-
ally, the site for Kiss Off Summer has been shelter number 5. However, the new
location offers greater privacy, off-the-road parking, and is enclosed.
For those who wish to participate, there will be volleyball (blondes against
brunettes? men against women?), horseshoes, badminton, croquet-—whatever we can
beg, borrow, or liberate. Bring a blanket, catch those final rays, and enjoy the
music. Lunch will be potluck and admission is $3.00 for our final day of the season
at Jacobson.

. *******************************
The Coronation of Emperor I of the Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire is
tentatively scheduled for October 17, 1982 at the Heaven Private Discotheque, Inc.
Call 233-4140 for further information.
Empress I of the Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire Julie Vaughn recently
attended the Coronation of Emperor and Empress II of the Sovereign Peoples Court
of Denver, Colorado, Inc. She was accompanied by the reigning Miss Gay Kentucky
Jeannette Wylde and Prime Minister of the Court Greg S. Butler. Julie accepted an
award in the name of our Court for the Court Traveling the Farthest. Julie also
acted as a Witnessing Monarch for the crowning of Emperor II and Empress II of the
Denver Court. Much fun was had by all and we are looking forward to having our
new friends from Denver visit. Julie is also planning to attend the Coronation
in Boise during the month of October.

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