xt7xd21rhb0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rhb0j/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1936 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_110_06 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 110 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 110 1936 1936 2014 true xt7xd21rhb0j section xt7xd21rhb0j ;`\  g
Ji? `  
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I  (l()1.1.1·](L1·] UF .»\GRI(jUL'I`URE 5
Im **1 ii  I*]xt¢·nsiun Division E ' g;
Illlu :51 T  _ — {
I }I   THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director ·
Iv nit.; 23  ·`
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[Mil     11.-\'1`(]11lNG ANI) RAISING (.]H1C1xS .
`U J I`? ; ; Poultry Project for 4—H Clubs
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‘       = ’f·    »?’®i"“ ·‘>S:*?§¤’5·T $·   I   ‘*·.  
_ 2 pmt.;  jr ‘ `·**¤£;;—“`     `·   ` -4*  ;. '*·   ‘—    
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WS IW     <`()1.<)NY 1%1{t)()11I·Z11 I1()1`Sl·]\\'I'I`II SYN 1’U1{(`I1
1>t‘Ci1c<. il  5 Lexington. Ky.
5 iwlu    _ February. 1936
  I Published in connection with the cgrZcuZiur¤| extension work ccrried on by coopera-
_ IWW L 2 Mon ct the coiiogo or Agriculture, University ot Kentucky, with the U. S. Dcpurtmcnt ¤f
T {HW`.   V AQIICUHUVG und distributed in furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of COHQYCSS
iiI IIIIII > ‘ I c1M¤y 8, I9l~i.
]r1ll'1 I-) 1..:
Iimiii .1.. -    5

 Hatvhing and Raising (Ihivks
'1`his [)l`()_lL‘ll mu) hu iuiiiul un In hunliing uml 1`ui\iii_
nhicks with hcns or hs hmmling ihilks lll`llll(l1lll}. ll;mhii._
and Yillslllg ulmlgs wi1h hons is siiggusiul lin smull hiws un
¤‘i1`ls who cunmu (uu- lor u l>r<><>¢ln·r. wlu·n·;1s lvmeuliiiv ihill.
u1`lillci;1lly is siiggcstul lor <»loll¤·1` slll('ll In Xlunh livlll. »l
{ 2. Euch lIlL‘llll)L'l` inns! mln his or hor own wink nn ii ”l"‘_l*
Pmiui. ·¤ Ml
ll sll`ii
Il. Eumh lllL‘Illl)&‘l` nnisl kwp u m<»i1i}»l¤·1¢· 1‘¢·i<»nl ul i·\I»i·ii~i` ing <>
1`L‘L`L‘lI>ls. lluulh lusscs. milling uml wllicr iluins llvsiqnuii ll VW
. . . . un
on thi: sliucls in this anxlilur pinxillcil lor ihui i>i11{»··~ A sl]
4, Al lcasl ll)ll1`\L'lIll]g\()l eggs inusl hc wt il h<·n~ uw n~i· ****2*
5. ll ahinks uic in liv l>1`¤>¤>ll<·¤l uilililiulls ill lvusl 2** mul]
shunlil lm nsul. hn! u lIlk'llll)L'l` shnnlll nin nix In l>1¤»~~ lUl`¤¥<
. - lor ll
» imnv lhun lull. .
li. _\ niunilnni sh<>nli‘¤><»r¤>\i1l¤·;i ln`<1<>1‘<><»¤l<. `mll `
7. lhc 1`<·<¤>1`e·l¤nx· lll`lll'I`lIlg lhillgs, lm snilu
(husing or hnililing u l11‘<¤<>1‘<»111v. 'IiIIl' luiiug uliiliix nl lmllvls lmm
:1 liigli-pimlmiiig slruiii is mmln givulvr tlnuii lliui wil iiullvts lnwm
u slruin mr! lnvll Il`<>1‘v.vggs len liulvli-
s ing or llllllss slmulil liv imiii u llmlg lnvll Ima Iiigli ]>1‘<>IllL‘ lliuk urv in I>v usvml tlivi slmulll liv lmm
liviis l`lllllk'l` tliun l1·>i11 Imllvls. Iliv Ivililili uml liuuliuliiliix
ol tliv Eggs will liv givunvr il {liv l>1`vvt‘I`1lIllI`L‘ iluvs mn mlinp in lrvv/ing. uml
i l11r11vv1~
ICI` iliun llmsv tliul liuxv livvn I\v|>1 ini silIIlL' lviigtli nl timv.
Iiggs imirv iliun 1w¤»wvvLs<»luIv iiiiileiim iii si/v. sliupv uml uilnr uml slmiilll liuxv
sl\`<)Ilg slivlls. hmull in 1lI)ll<>I`IlI1lII\ luigv vggs nr ilmsv lliul
liuxv iliiii. i>·m»iis slivlls or uiv (limi slmulll mu liv svl. Iliiwr
vxvr. il it llvmulilvs Il<‘&&‘ss;il`\' ln llvuii vggs tliui liuxv lwvvii lwualli
¤· smilvil. lliis slmulll l>v1l¤>1iv In wiping tlivm liglilli with u (lump
l`l<¤lI1. Ilulvliing Uggs slmulvl mn liv wuslivll lmlvss il is ulvsevllllvl}
mw vssui`}.
It Is Iniporlanl lo (lvl (Ihioks Halolwrl Early
I)I`()\'I%l()I1 slioulml lic mumlv to gvt vliilks liuulivvl mluriiig
Nlurvli uml i\i>i‘il. (Zliiiks liunlivnl ut tliut IIIIIC ol tliv ivur uiv
ll- v l*lt‘l` ln l`2ll‘·l' uml uiv imnv imililulilv livlunsv lrivrs lmm vurli-
in liuulivml vlmks svll lor u liiglivr prilv lliuii ilmsv lmm lutvz
lil Iwulivs. I’ullv1s liutvlivll ril will wmv
` limi l)I`<)(IlI(’ll()Il soiiiivr uml will I>v imnv l)l`<)I`ll2lI)l(` tliuii llmsl _

 l S11 -1l-11/11; /gx/1-11111111 (.`111 11-/111 .\l11, llll
h:1t1l11-1l lill\lli. lll t\l`lll`l` llllll llll(l\\ 111:11 l11- 11111 i11t11 1l11- I111111
11:1111 111- l11-11111l1·1 l11111~1- 1l111-ing \l;11‘1h (ll` .\111‘il, l)l`()\l\lt>Il 11.
>1‘11i11g 1l11- h1-11~ 111 l111t`1l1:1~i11g (lll(l·i\ lllll\l l11· 111;11l1- ll ll`\\` 11-111 lm
lll :11lx:11111- 11l lllill ti1111-. JU
S1·I4·1-IE1111 of Hu- [$1-111111)- Hons lll
ll1-11~ 11l 1l11- ~111:1ll l11-1-1-1l» \ll(ll :1» 1l11- l.1·gl111111 \ll1-1 i1`l11-1 :11-1- ltighly 111-1`\1111¤ ;1111l lil`('lllll llllll :11-1- :1111 111 111, Im
1l11- 11;-»t. (1111il: l11·11» 11l tl11- Q1‘ll1‘l`1ll·l)llllI)lil((' 11111-:11 1111 wi
li1L‘ 11». 111 1l11- ll()(l§l \\'ll(`l`L' \lll‘ i» 111 l11- »1-t lll1ltl' :1 I1-11- ~lll.l1 H.,
eggs 1t111l1-t‘ h1-1‘ :1111l il ~h1- 1`111111i11» 1111 1l11-111 l111‘ 1w1-11111111; In
ll()lll`\ \llL` i~1`1·111l1 111 l11- gl\'('Il ll11‘ g11111l ogy. X11t lllt)l`l` 1l1;111 ll Ul
1·gg» >l11111l1l l11- l1lLllL'(l 11111l1-1‘ 1l11- ll1'Il. 5
1 Svtling tho Hons lll
l’l1‘I]\ tl111t ill`Ll 111 l11- \1'l \ll()lll(l l11- 11111li111·1l 111 ll m-~t .1-.1; lll
ll`t)lll 1l11- l111i11g ll111l1. "l`l11- ll(‘\I Nlltlllltl l11- :11 l1·:1~t :1 l11111 ~1111.1- lll
.\ll 111`:111g1- (l`ZlI(' 111:1l11-> :111 i1l1·:1l 111-~1. 511lt ll1l\ 111- »t1-1111 ~l1111x ll
l11· ll\L‘ll :1~ 111-~1i11g 1111111-1‘i11l. .\ ~l:1t11-1l ll`tlllll 111:11 l11· 11~1·1l 1  
l\(`L‘l) 1l11- h1-11 (|)llllll(`ll 111 lll1' 111·¤t. lllll1‘ l11‘11111l3 l11·11 \llllll li
1 l>1· (llI\lCt¤l (
l>1· 1-x11111i111-1l (‘Zl1ll (l2l}` l<)l` l)l`1)li(‘ll 1-gm. lll l)l`()li(‘I] 1-gp 1ll 1
l1111111l lll(' ~11il1-1l vggs Sll<)lll(l l11- Q'(‘l]Il}' \\`ll)(‘(l with il 1l111h tltll I
111-1l i11 11-:11-111 \\'1ll1‘l`. S11il1-1l Il('\Illlg lll2lll`l`l2ll \llt)lIl(l l11- 1·1·11l;t11` 1
with 1l1-1111 Sll`1l\\' 111 hzty. 'lll1(' (ll`()l>l)lllQ§ \ll()lll(l l11- 1‘1·11111t1 111 ;11·11111111l:111- itl tl--
ll('\l. B1- \lll`<' lll(' ll('ll is (lll\l(‘(l with \()(lllllll ll11111‘i1l1- itl~l ll
{111-1: \ll(' is ~1-t :1111l :1g-11i11 i11 11l11111t 11-11 (lZl}\.

 /]:1/:/11/,*; uml Ilux»m_ (,/]*4 L '
1.., (;(ll'(' of Nuns unc] (]I1i¢·I.·s .11 Hutrlaizrg Tinw ‘  
1·¤ _\ Iyyuml (nop xxlnicla |n<»\i¤l<·~ ;m1l»}¤· l*l¢l\ll ln: r]1<· hwa  
U uml limb \[l1>11llll1<'l<'1|¢l\ :11 |l£l|l|I1I1Q_l1l|¤l‘ I!¤1·¤·»·»l,·.; I¤,\  
`h4;[1I(I\1(·l;|lrI>l<1¤1| :m·E A
w¤»]»¢»i|1l1¢·g1·»1¤m\|Iu·il·»¤»1 11‘1|1;t1|1~ ll`(i |>a· *..1vEl \¤·111iI;m·I lium. (.ll‘Qlll 1Iu· ¤¢»¤»l» and I»·»l IlIl`(iN1l>\IIl>llIll by llillgtli ~·¤ llnzu iI1<· iw
M" {yrinr 4:111 Iw ~1lIl1\<‘¢1 4111 \\‘111l1\ ¢1;l\~. \ mnlul um]; wil]; .;
I"1 u‘i1‘1· m·\1¢·11~i¤>11 in lmm mm by ]¤1¤1¤l¤;¤~ul nx l·;u¢»;»~ in;
'l""_ Im>¢¤Il11g 1I1n·11lc|¤nx· ilu- mI1inL~ :u<· ull l1;ml1¢·111l>l£‘lt‘llll1('t]l1(l¤\(2lIl bv put with \}1vl1<·n than i~1<>
MU l`lll~<' ll1t‘11l. In \I;mI1 uml A\]>11il it i~ \>n·11¢·1 um in pm lI1<>)`&’
ml than l\\’k`lll1 &l ;1» 111:1113 zu thirty ¢l1i¢L~ \llt(t‘\\1llH}.
IMM > '1`]1(‘ luin \]1<)l1](l ho lcd ~lu·lIul (urn ;1~ mam ;a~ lm~»il>l;
[W znhur1l1c¢lmk.~;m· llllltllftl. lmguuu 1hi~ u·ml~ m kcup hw um-
Hl I; tnnucml ;111¢l¢]111c1. ·
I I1 ll·l> z1l¤· to ('\1lIlllI1(` tho hon (1ll`&‘1llll§ lor lieu zxliw
\_ H 1110 1‘l11rk~ nrc I1;mI1cL1ld hs
(lll$l(‘ll NUIIIC l11l)l`|1illg whcn thc ¢l1i not use amy kind nl gn·;m· or nil on :1 hun than i~ Im¤<¤lin·;
httlc cl1i<‘k».
`W Provide Suilablv Whlvrirrg l'lvnsi]s
lynn lfill Ll gvz1H1>11 l)ll(L(`I (or ;1 §$»]¤>umI (l)llL`(`A[iH)~\\`i[ll \\'1llCl`
in Us 1111<1 lI1\<`l`l ll m :1 Inm umm imluw dniyp, h·;1\1n<; ]ll>1 L‘l1Ul1§]l
LIN A- $])Z·1(\’ |>ctwm·1·n mln- lnukpn ;m$l nlm wh- ul mln- pzm Im lhv
lmul *l11<‘k< no (ll`lI11§.. Plll1(`l1 lmlw nn thu mlv <»>\` 14I1c l)U(>k(`l or um
N Mr {H10 2111ll il l1i\1l.lll(`l](‘$ {rum thu ulwn uml. [lux 1gcc]>~ lll? \\`i11L‘1`
fl (hl) V~i\<’l»i>11<‘-llilll 111(`l1 [1`om {hu lol) ui llhc Pill]. H Ulwll ]>£111\ <11`
imma 11V{>l1gl1% 1!l`L‘ Hsu] as \\'llI('l`lllg uicnuls Hwy. >]1011ld 11L‘·(`<1\`C1`k`<1
IWW? 111111 Slklllvd Su;11‘d> in l)l`(‘\`(’l][ {hc \\j{lI(‘l` 1111111 ]>u’<1I11ll1g &`¤111·
in {lh =·11111I121lt‘n1.u I:;1(‘I1 ;_{ll§l]`(l \l]()lll(l hp |l'l\<[ lnrgc Q|l¤1llg11 211 1111`
N lll $111*1111 I1) [ll over 1114- pun ur 11‘4·mgI1, Ihc sluts \\'Ill(`l1 1111lkQ 11[1
1c guzud >lmull`llL‘l` ol tlte hrootl tooli. Il tlte litl ol tlte tltitk l»~~
l is ttsetl tts tt leetler the lirst lew tlxns be sure tlezm ttenst»;tt~
ls plzttetl iu tlte litl ezuth time leetl is ntltletl. llowexer. tune
pie plzttes nre more szuislzutori leetlers lor the lll`sl len tltt·.—
They shoultl be burnetl tts soon tts ther get tlirtx.
Care of thc Hen and Chicks [
lhe hen zmtl chicks shouhl be tonliuetl to the brootl tw
Y tlttring tlte night ztntl until the tlew is oll tlu· glltss in tlte ntnr
ing. lt is zulxisztble to httxe ;t smztll pen tl x lll It.; built 1
Irottt ol the toot: in whith to keep tlte tltltlss tluring the tl.t¤
titne lor the lirst three weeks. t\lter tlte thirtl week. the tw
l nitty be temoxetl ttntl tlte ltett :ml`<>\'l(lC(l lrettttently ttuless tnilk is letl. No wxtter is netessttrx ll
ztll the milk the tltltlss will think is kept belore them.

   [ill/(/liilg and Iiniliiig (J/Ii(}(.S 7
lll i Starling Mash Mixtures (  
. Ground yellow corn ........,...,.........................,.. 70 lbs.  
mi Mixed wheat feed (shipstuff) ............................... 25 lbs. L
my Bone meal (steamed or raw) .....,.......................... 2 lbs. ;
' ·‘ ` sail ,A.....,.....,..l........,......,.,...................,, 1 lb. _
‘li‘ Cod liver oil* ......,................4.....4..,.,.4...,..4,,, 1pint
\ and
tx All the sklmmilk or buttermilk the chicks will drink. N0 additional
llljli grain is needed.
em (N0 milk or additional grain needed)
ilil Ground yellow corn ......,.........,........................ 70 lbs.
1 1. Wheat shorts or shipstuff ....................,.............. 25 lbs.
llll Meat and bone scrap (5000 protein) ......,................... 10 lbs.
l»»~ Salt ..........,,...........................,................ I lb.
;li» Cod liver oil; ...........................................,... ipint
Jin `Omit if chicks are out in sunshine. Sardine oil. cod liver oil
ll.i·.~ concentrate. or any other biologically tested source of vitamin D may
be used in amount recommended by manufacturer.
""li (Qrmring Hash
lily]; Mixed wheat feed (shipstuff) ..........................,..... 30 lbs.
lh', Ground yellow corn .,...........,.,...,...................... 10 lbs.
·_ Meat and bone scrap (5000 protein) ..........,............... TO lbs.
  sail .,....................,...................,...,......... ig lb.
`( ` To be fed with grain such as
U l` Yellow corn ...................,,...........,................ 50 lbs.
my Yellow corn .,,.,.,...._..___,___._,_,,,........,............ 25 lbs.
Wheat ..........,..............,........,.,................. 25 lbs.
s(lll] s . .
bllllUI|(’I' .`I(lII(lzL{(’II|(’Ili bllz£.'g(’SilOIlS
M. 1, %l·ll zill (li(l§(`li(`l\ Qis \lll)l] Qls iln·\ li('lltll ilic \\`L*lglll ol Z
h lip Z. ll>s. ll I>i`<>i»l·i·li l(‘(l_ ilu- ll>lLl·i·l·ls will lw realli lor Illill`liCl
2 lll lll <¤l` I2 \\'(`l‘l§\ lil gigs. lh selling ilic l‘l>llgl·1`cls xii lliis liiiw
zi lii;;lil·i‘ l)l`l(`(' will liv >(`(`llli(`(l lor (livin zmll the pullcls will
_ · li;i\l· :1 l1l·l1l·1` (ll1llll(` in tlL‘\`t‘ll)l). l{t`lllL‘ll\llt‘l` ilixii :1 2-plmml
limb —- l`l`)`l'l` \t>l(l (‘1II`l\' ill lllt‘ $(`il\()ll l)l`lllg\ ;ll)(>lll LIS lllllfll lllOllC\` lli
¤llll Iliv lilmic llmlt ;ii1ll l-(’(‘(l iliuiii gi growing mnsli slltll M

;·———~A ~ ll` O. * I}6FAc¤:. 5:;:,
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~ ` Bvjirwb fwaomt `¤ A nn chi Ebdwy   I —(¤r— ‘ ~ _ `4BAQGL RA"
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_ g \_9 ___ . ·. nzsoac
;._..T-7,5 .O' -rrr - r-»vr if-A--r· __ _Iz._O·_i
‘ Fnorvr E\..EVAT\ON it Eu·.vA·r
5cm.: {= n`-o` Sent {M4:
UI Pouurn N
C/cmcm. fV‘t'.TAL GAP
{ T0 Kaw Our Q».¤¤
A U   .¢·¤5-aww
Roonm-, Lnvno mea L3
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   _ ___ I- A-·i__ ·` ;
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WBARGL Run; JM ____2·b°“ HINOWT!   I _
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    -, __; .. - , ;,,,,L;L_;< · I H *2 ·<4
77 _'  " Eioiwg; rr rr rrrr 4/ In Snummr, on 5¤•¤ INR   II“I¢*—0KR I
""° “""E   " an 6-·¤`   I I
, 5mcu 5ADN /   i I
Z!€ELF.\/ATION //   I _ _ I
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NIT Jill ALL OP:r¤=•nc
M E I t   V   E /’/
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I I IE; ; V / .¤¤·Z°»°C¢$¥1‘éTS‘S$&"¤`}°€S#3¤·¤s
[_  T'. _   / ¤m>m¤ or u.¤»wI.wmu. u•c.u·¤u•zmc.
u 5 nan. ov Anzlwwne w¤v:•zm¤e,
IQUQUF- DRAWING or Fyzgmmc,  
5(LALL %-=I*_°·· ¤t><&•4l¤ W   WY!. YIACP-U  
`Z2‘EE‘£`¤>"’··  ‘JJ$‘1'Ln?.mw
nucw vquqnuumr. FILE N0» Milk}. ,

lll Kenlttt/cr [`iX/t'I].\i(HI (Iirttt/ur .\`o. llll
the one given. Keep tltis lt·etl ht·lore the pullets ttntil
they are ready lor the laying tlttarters.
ll tnilk is axailahle. gixe one gallon a day to eatlt lortt
pullets antl reduce the meat strap in the tnaslt to T1 pounds. lim).
Do not give the thitks tnilk when a ttnntnertial tltitk mash is {nhl
letl. Such a ration wottltl tontain too 11tt1tl1 protein antl *Fl’]l’
- hring the pttllets into egg protluttion helore they ltatl grown W Hi
to niaturttsy ' A _ IWW
.»\ll Illllli l`l)llllllllL'l`% should he tarelull) tIt·a1tt·tl with hotl- _I _
mg \\`1llCl` onte eath tlaw. " in
1 the
Branding Chicks slrtifieially · *""l
These suggestions are lor tltth metnhers wlto are old enough INN
to tare lor a hrootler antl who want to raise utore thitkens mw
than tan he hrootled etonoinitally with hens. Il lbtl or ntore
thitks are to he hrooded. a hrooder hottse and a hrooder should
he ttsed. lt is suggested tltat not lewt·r than Bill} nor inoie will
l than 250 thitks he hrootletl in one hottse. The lahor l`<‘l|llll`t'tl mu;
to eare lor this nttnther ol thitks in one hrooder hottse is no
more than that ol tearing lor a lew hens with thitks.
Nlost ol the eggs that are protltttt·tl tlttring the season ol {dl
high prites are laitl hx earlt—hatthed pttllets lll('l`(’liUl'l'. in or- tk.
der to produce high-prited eggs. it is nt·tess;u’t to hattlt the
) pullets early, The general-purpt>se hrt·t·ds. sttth as l’Isinoutii tm]
` Roek. Rhode lslantl Retl antl \\'saudotte, should he hatthetl wil
in Nlarth or earls .-\pril. The smaller hreetls stttlt as tht· l,t·g—
horn should he hatthed i11 .\pril or early Xla}. itu
Raising early thitks netessitates the ttse ol :1 hrooder hottse (qu
and a hrooder. The shed-rool ttpe ol hrooder hottse. plans lot aht
which are on page S has giten t·stt·llt·nt lesttlls in all parts (tl]
ol lietuttttky. The hill ol niaterial lor this IH s I2 l)l`tNl(ll`li house aht
will he found on page I2. There are houses on st>tIIt‘ larnis ah
that can he rt~modeled into hrootlt-r houses. htu gt·nt·rallx it we
is more etonomit‘al to httiltl. ll an old lttittse is rt·ntodelt·d it
should he jatked up and ]Jtll on runners so that it tan he he
moved. The house should he well lighted and x‘entilatt·d and he
high enough lront the ground to prevent harhoring rats tutder
it. ;\ sun-portth should ht· plated along tl1t· sunny side ol
the hottse unless the hottse has heen moved to tlt·att ground ·\l
See pitture on lront ol this tirtiular. lll
Types 0 f Broudvrs
A eontmertial hrooder. a honte»ntadtr hritk or an oil-tlrtttn ui
hrootler may he ttsetl satisliattorilr. ll a hritk hrooder is to ht- gl
httilt get a topy ol l'ottlny l,eallet No. 5, lor instrnttions. n`

 lltt/t/ting uml Raising (Z/titles Il
Prvparing the House for the Chicks ‘
I, l)i~itil`t-tt tht- l)l`()()(l('l` home ht·lot·t- putting tht- thitkx i
mto it. Swt-t-li tht- lloors :mtl wztlls, tht-it stt-uh them with hoil·  
ing ht- \\'2lI<‘l`. lkt- zt lfl-o1. tztit ol lyt- to Ti gallons ol w2ttt·t‘. Z
applying it with at long-hzttttllc \(l`lll)·l)]`ll\ll. Ilo noi gz-I I/tw ;
So]1!/tori of ]\`t‘ on \'Hll}` lI(lll(I\ or {tut'.
2. Nloxt- tht- hottxt- to tit-w grotttitl wht-tt- no thitltt-its hztxt- ‘
ht-t-it tltt- it-xii ht·lo1t-. ll litmihlt-. htootl tht- thitltx on grottntl
\\'ll('l`L` lllltl§(‘Il~ h;txt- not {wt-\iott~l} tztugt-tl lor two tours. ll
thc hott»t- ttttmot ht- moxt-tl. tottlittt- tht- thitk~ to tht- hott»t-
`% tmtl ~tt1t-]»o1`th lor lll wt-t-lo.
I5. .\ thin lzttt-t‘ ol \1lll(l mu) ht- plxttt-tl on tltt- llooi- nl tht-
l)liIN)(l(‘l` hott~t-. lt mnt ht- toxt-t-t·tl with lint-lt tttt ~tt-ztw. hu}
or ttnttxt- ~h;ttit1g~ atltt-t` lil tl;t3~ to two wt-t-lo.
i. l’l;ttt· tht- ht-ootlt-t‘ in tht- tt-titt-1- ol tht- hottxt-.
3. lht- tt>l`llt‘l\ ol tht- l)l`il>t- il ~olt to;tl i~ htttttt-tl. ll th·-
l>1‘ootlt‘l` i~ not t-t]tti}>]>t·tl lot- tt ll\t‘-llltll pitit-. put tt it-tltttittg
ioitit wht-it tht- pipt- l`it- tht- ~lU\L’.
ll. l"it`t- tht- l)l`()U(l('l` lot` two tl;ti~ l>t-lot`t- tht- tltitl<< ;tl`t- put
imo tht- llUll~('. lluttg tht- lll('l`lll<)lllL‘lL‘l` :tt tht: t-tlgc ol tht-
t-ttttopt tot- 2 lt·t-t h-om tht- ht-itk ot- oil—tlt-ttm htootlt-ri. out- itttlt
athott- tht- lloot; ;tttt-t`;ttttt’t- t‘t·gttl;ttt·tl ht-lort-
tltitlu tttt- pttt into tht- hott~t-. il ht- tt-mi>t-t‘;ttttt’t- ~hottltl ht- kt-pt
zthottt U5 l·`. lot- tht- litxt wt-t·L, lt ttmt ht- rt-tltttt-tl gtxttlttztlly
zthottt 3 tlt-git-t-~ t-ttth wt-t-lt ;t~ tht- thitlt~ grow oltlt-1‘ ;ttttl tht-
wt-tttht-t‘ gt-t~ wztrtttt-t`.
lil. llt- »ttt‘t- thatt tht- It-t-tlt-tx attttl wattt-t` l`otttit;titt~ ;tt‘t- lillt-tl
l)(`li()l`L' tht- thitlts :tt‘t· lhlll into tht- hot1»t-.
Brtmding lhv Chit-L-s
(hilt xit;ot‘ott» thitlt> »hottltl ht- pttt ittto tht- ht-ootlt-r hott~t-.
.\ll wt-ttl; or tlt-Iiormt-tl thitlts »hot1ltl ht- ltillt-tl tts tht-} may ht-
tht- mt-zttit ol ~l>t-tuttlitig tli»t-;t>t- tht-tt tht- llotk.
l’t-ox-itlt- It-t-tlt-tx ;t» tlt-~t1-iht-tl on lixtgt- ti ol this tit-tttlatt`.
'l`ho\t- ht-ootlittg thitlts ;tt`tiliti;tll\‘ >hottltl lollow tht- stht-tl»
lll? INT tltltlt lit-t-tlitig gttttl tht- $lll]\]\l(‘l` mgttigtgt-tttt‘t1l ~llggt‘N*
gut-tt on lmgt- T. (Qt-t tht- thitlt~ ottt ott tht- >ttti tiotth ;t» xoott
its tht- wt-ztlht-t‘ pt-ttttits.

 I2 /xml/111/:1 [-.1/1-nmm lfzzlnlln .\··. llll l
Bill of Materia! for Broocler House 10 Ft. Wide and 12 Ft. Deep l
li'llll1¤‘l`S ....,..... . .........,..A......,.... 2 l"x¤l"xl!' l~ 1,; I
.l11is1s ,............,4...,................... T !"xl"xll1‘ li l._ l‘&ll··l
ll.1l`.1-Vs ,.......,.......,.....,.......,..... li I"x l"\l l' lili Ei.
_, llr1··-el
11:111-sl 1-11; ,....,....................»...,.. Il 2"\l"xlJ' ll i·_
Nnilin: [lil‘l‘é*S und ll¤‘illl<‘l'S ..,....4....,,... 21 2"xl"·~.l; ;; li \\'l1}‘ ll
\`1`i111l1111‘ sill .................,..i.......,... l !"\·l"\l;’ ij i~
Slllllllllll ...,.......4...,.,.......,4....,... il 2"x¤%"\l l' ;~ Ei ‘“'`'`
Sllllltllll; ..,...............,........,....i.. Z1 2"~.l"\l!' il l» wiml
.,-5 ;_ ` ll11\\‘ 1
Rl‘ll£ll lmxin:. l"xl¤>", N11, 2 _....».......   . . . 233 M_ _»I`_’
ljllllllllli. l"x¤i". xlillL‘ll\’(l N11. 2 ......4........,V..... .l'.1· ;
liLlllPllS. l;"xZl" .... , ......,.............4........, . lim lfzl, -- 1-
(`llllillll I.l`2llllt‘S. > pos. l"x2"x4’ 3 llis. lll }li*l1ll}` 1111ils
RO(>l.l1l§. 144 sq. lil. 111 Zl·ply I pi··1··· Ill- 1111l¤l·~;11·l1·· wks illlll 1-ye-s ppl-11i11: Zlllll l`r11111 111i111l1»i1>
lll lbs. S penny 11z1ils lll llll•‘ill` ll. nl l" 111~·sl1 II 1:, ;»  
5 lhs. 6 penny nails try llt‘lllllLL 1111 1~1»1···1· lip'; 4
1 5 lbs. 4 penny nails i11 linok (ll. ll()llS1‘l. 7 V
l)l1l(L‘ :1 oirclo nl wiro llL‘lllllg ;11‘<»11111l 1l1o llllblltlvl   7
;1l>¢1111 two loot l)C}()ll(l lllC oilgo ol llll` llllllllll 111 proxonl °
(`lll(l»i> »11‘11\‘i11<· mo l2ll` l1‘1>111 lllL‘ simo. l`l1i~ Nllfllllll l>o 1·o111·»1
V P1 7
z1l1cr lll(.' (lll(l§S 2ll`<' llll`('(’ 111- l<>111· 1l;11~ 1»l1l. l)¤» Illll ll\l 1
wiro \\`llll :1 l>1‘i1k or (ll`lllll l)l`1‘1l ul ;1ll in-
0l CXl)CllxL`. l)(l lll)l l`L'l\' lll)l)ll lll(‘lll<)l`\ In lllL\liL' :1 ropini ¤
thc close ol 1l1o proiool. ,\llCIl(l 111 lll(‘ rolurll \ll(’('l oxori iid Tr
1 . .. , _ 005
llml \\'()l`l·i is (l()llC (ill lllo l1r<>]o1l; il Il11> is l`ll 111. ·---
bo 2l((lll`2llC llll(l lllC i11li<>r111;11i<>11 \\`lll(`ll il gixos will lio 1‘;1l1111l>i- lllm
Clnb n1e111l1er’s 1121111+- ............,.....................1........ Mlm
Pcstoffioe .................... (`llllllly .....,_......__._, .\;·- .... lim.
Name 0f Club ...................,.,.................,..,,.,... . »v4_
Leudei-’s name ................................................-  
\Vl1y did yon enroll i11 the poultry ]ll`0jl?l‘l? . ,................... lliml
......................,..............1. 1 ..1...,.......,.....   \\`l1

 Y é
\ //¢:/¤/1m`; uml Ifu/xm; (I/I/1/.'\ IJ
  l Kvvnrrl of Hm I'roj¢·r·l “ 4
E [mw p;·<»j•·x·I h~·:;lI1 ...4...4.4...................,.4.....44_ _ ]f9Zi_ 4, :
lh·4·.·4l s··1··¤·1•·
\\']ly di;] you >•~l•·n·l Huis Y>l'<*4‘¢l? ............................ , __,_,,__ 5
~ \\'l1ut h1·¤···m¤>1l<>¤] ..........,.............,.,..................,...... 4
- l·(i11otts oxpottst-s ......,...........,......,.,..   ...,,  
Totatl vost ..........,.......i»....... S ......
Total value of t‘([lll[HIl¤’lll ou huutl ..,........,.......... i ...., E
I )I1ll'k€[ poultry soltl ..................  