xt7xd21rh973 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rh973/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1954 journals 016 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.16 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.16 1954 1954 2014 true xt7xd21rh973 section xt7xd21rh973 Progress Report 16 January, 1954
1953 Corn Performance Tests
The Pennyrile corn performance tests in 1953 were acontinuation of the
program of the Pennyrile Grain Improvement Association in cooperation with
the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Results for the 1945-1952 tests
were reported for those years.
Two comparative yield tests were grown as in previous years. One test
was composed of the hybrid varieties grown in several other locations in the state.
It included various commercial hybrids being grown extensively in the state and the
more promising experimental hybrids. The other test consisted of the commercial
hybrids being grown in this section·6f the state and two-open-pollinated varieties.
The performance of hybrids tested in previous years, but not included in 1953, can
be obtained from reports for previous years. The test of the effect of rate of plant-
ing was continued in 1953.
Experimental Procedure
A cover crop of lespedeza and weeds was turned under in the spring of
1953, and 600 pounds per acre of 8-8-8 fertilizer was applied before planting. The
entries in the uniform test · were compared in 2 by 10 hill plots using a balanced
lattice design with 4 replications, while in the commercial test they were compared
in the conventional randomized complete block design with 5 replications. The hill
spacing was 42 inches each way with 3 plants grown per hill. The corn was planted
May 25 and harvested October 6.
Measure of Performance
1. Yields are recorded as bushels per acre of shelled grain at 15. 5 percent
moisture. In both tests corrections were made for missing hills but not for minor
variation in stand. A
2. Moisture at harvest. The percentage of moisture in the corn at harvest
· was obtained by sampling 15-20 ears from each of two replications. The average
moisture percentage of the two replications sampled was used in calculating the
3. Broken stalks. The percentage of broken stalks was determined by making
a count of the plants broken below the ear-bearing node and are recorded as mechanical
or corn borer. Plants broken because of corn-borer damage were determined by
examining the plants for corn borer punctures or the presence of frass. Percentage
— of plants erect is 100 minus the sum of the mechanical and corn borer broken stalks.
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

4. Dead stalks were determined by examining the base of the stalk just '— .-
above the  tural weakness in the internodes just above the crown is
indicative of premature killing of plant tissues due to the action of stalk rotting
organisms. ‘
5. Ear height was measured, as it is found to be important in relation to
stalk breakage. Lower—eared hybrids are generally less susceptible to breakage,
and more desirable for mechanical harvesting. A
Interpretation of Results
Experimental results cannot be freed completely from an element of error. i
Hybrids of equal yielding capacity may vary appreciably in any one test. The data
reported in the following table have been analyzed statistically to eliminate varietal `
differences in yield which may be due only to chance. The computed least signifi-
cant difference (L. S. D,) which is indicative of true yield difference between hybrids
is found at the foot of each table. Unless the two hybrids being compared differ by -
as much or more than the L. S. D, , little confidence can be placed in the superiority
of one over the other. Superior preformance by a hybrid over a period of years is _
stronger evidence of real superiority than are the results of any one year. For _ .
this reason the period of years results are much more reliable and should be used
when selecting a hybrid for a particular locality or purpose. _
Uniform Hybrid Test
Forty—nine hybrids were included in the 1953 uniform hybrid test. The
average yield for the test was 59. 4 bushels per acre which is a 12. 2 bushel increase _
over the 1952 average. . The yellow hybrids averaged 59. 3 bushels per acre and the
white hybrids 59. 4 bushels per acre. The data for the uniform hybrid test are given
in Table 1. I
Twenty-six hybrids tes-ted in 1952 were included in the 1953 tests, eighteen A
hybrids have been tested for three years, thirteen hybrids have been tested for four
years, nine hybrids have been tested for five years, and five hybrids have been
tested for eight years. Data on hybrids which have been tested for two or more
years are presented in Table 2.
Commercial Hybrid Test
Thirty hybrids were included in the 1953 commercial hybrid test. The
average yield of all entries in the test was 56. 2 bushels per acre. The average
yield for the comparable test in 1952 was 42. 2 bushels per acre. The yellow hybrids i
averaged 58. 6 bushels per acre compared to an average of 53. 5 bushels per acre
for the white hybrids. In 1952 the yellow hybrids were 3. 2 bushels higher yielding
than the white hybrids. The data for the commercial hybrid test given in Table 3.
Twenty-one hybrids tested in 1952 were repeated in 1953, fourteen hybrids _
have been tested for three years, nine hybrids have been tested for four years,
seven hybrids have been tested for six years, and four hybrids have been tested for
seven years. Data on hybrids which have been in the commercial hybrid test for
two or more years are given in Table 4. The white hybrids US 523W, Stull 400W,
and Ind. 750B, and the yellow hybrid Funk G91 are the highest yielding for bothtihe
two year and three year periods. The white hybrids Pioneer 510, Ky 203, and Broad-
bent 235W, and the yellow hybrids US 13, Ky 103, Stull 10OY, Broadbent 402Y, and
L - •-•• ' • "  - • an-; · a n -•• • n-- -· -•-

 1 _  
` 3. .
- Rate of Planting Test
The rate of planting test was continued in 1953 in drill plots with spacing
_ between plants varying with the rate of planting. The white hybrid US 523W was
the only hybrid used. Each plot consisted of four rows thirty—five feet long. Only
the two center rows were harvested to eliminate competition between different
rates of planting in adjacent plots. In addition to the fertilizer treatment previously
mentioned, this test received nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of approximately 200
  pounds per acre as a side dressing.
Results of the Rate of Planting Test “
· Plants per acre shelled grain at Wt. Ct. broken per
Intended Actual 15. 5% moisture harvest basis basis stalks plant
110 . 110 bil . 50 50 50 in 1*10 .
7,110 7,236 53.9 12.9 14.7 28.5 17 1.12
10,668 9,832 55.0 13.3 19.8 30.6 40 0.95
l 14,223 12,624 52.6 12.9 44.1 59.1 29 0.95
` 17,774 15,949 40.8 13.4 71.8 83.8 18 0.74
__ A difference in yield of 5. 5 bushels per acre is required for significance.
The three lowest rates of planting give significantly greater yields than the highest
rate of planting. There was no significant difference in yield among the three lower
rates of planting. The lowest rates of planting have resulted in greater yields for two
- consecutive years, while greater yields were obtained from the higher rates of plant-
ing for the first four years. Droughty conditions during the past two years have
1 probably depressed yields to a greater extent in the higher rates of planting.

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