xt7xd21rgs79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rgs79/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-02-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  8, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  8, 1946 1946 1946-02-08 2013 true xt7xd21rgs79 section xt7xd21rgs79 ECERNEI

Donovan Invites




SGA Presents $100 Siring Trio
Gives Concert
To Campus Magazine Cincinnati Trio
Feature Musicale
Group Hears
New Appointments

a meeting

Monday afternoon.
President Charles Gardner announced the appointment of the
following committees: .






Vet Club Appoints
Investigating Group
By Clayton Roland
Appointment of an investigating
committee and a report of the leg
islative committee's trip to Frankfort last week, highlighted the Mon
day night meeting of the University
Veterans' club.
A committee of six veterans was
to , investigate charges
against the University made by four
students recently and sent to the
Kentucky General Assembly. A mo
tion to endorse the letter containing
the charges was not passed after the
matter was discussed. The com
mittee was instructed to bring in
documentary evidence that there is
reason for an investigation before
any action will be taken by the club.
The active legislative committee
reported on its trip to Frankfort
last Wednesday. They laid the
ground-wor- k
for the introduction of
a bill in the legislature to pay ad
ditional subsistence allowance to
Kentucky veterans qualifying and
attending school under Public laws
18 and 346. Under the plan, single l
veterans would be paid ten dollars1
monthly by the state while married
veterans would receive thirty-fiv- e
dollars per month.
Election Monday
Activities of the University Veterans club, one of the largest organizations on the campus, 'have
increased to a remarkable extent
In the past several weeks and these
efforts of the present administration will culminate next Monday
night when the club holds its an
nual election of officers. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. In the
Union building.
Announcement as to the time of
the election was made two weeks
ago by Commander Joe Covington
in compliance with provisions of the
constitution. Six officers, including
secretary, treasurer,
and chaplain, along
with a faculty advisor, will be
elected at this important meeting.
Nomination of candidates for these
offices will be received from the
floor on the night of the meeting.
The change in the titles of officers is also a result of the new constitution. It Is believed the club
has chosen to steer away from the

Miss Shirey is a brilliant musician who will receive her BM degree
New Committees
in June. Coming to the College of
Judiciary. Wendell Demarcus.
Music after two years n Wittenchairman; activities file. Dick Lowe,
berg college. Miss Shirey continued
chairman. Gwen Pace. Dorothy
fcOitn.,1 ir ii '
ltw ' ytT
her studies of the violin with Mr.
Adams. Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, Dean
Sigmund Effron. During the past
"Most Popular Man" candidates, left to tight: Howard Stewart, Charles
T. T. Jones; convocation, Mary
two seasons she has appeared as
Gardner, Jim Brock, Cornell Clarke, Wash Serini. Not present when
Keith Dosker. chairman, Nclda
soloist with the College of Music
picture was taken was candidate Howard Stephenson.
Napier, Margaret Skinner, Russell'
symphony orchestra and on freX
Drs Cognets; finance, Roger Yost,
quent occasions has appeared in
chairman. Wllma Jeanne Canada,
concerts and recitals in Cincinnati
William Gwillim; University
and surrounding cities. She Is
committee representative, Gerry
gifted not only as a soloist but also
as an ensemble player of unusual
Iiuguette Balzola
The following members of the
Miss Wilber is a graduate of
Student Government AssociaUniversity.
She played
tion were absent from the assembly meeting Monday:
three summer seasons with the
Tulsa, Okla.. symphony and later
Kitty Churchill, Joe Covinc-toBy Jim Wood
toured South America with the
Billie Dale, Russell Dea
The party that gets there "fustest the most popular man and the
Youth orchestra under with the mostest" voters will probCegneU, Elsie Dotson, Gerry
beauty queen, however this
Dugan. William Gwillim, Mar-jea- a
the direction of Leopold Stokowskl. ably elect the most popular man on year po page
will be made available
Miss Huguctte Balzola, University During the past three years she has
Hill, Nelda Napier, Mac
graduate and present traveling sec- continued her study of the cello at the campus when students go to the because page forms have already
BiU Sturgiu. Elizabeth
retary for the World Student Service the college with Walter Heermann. polls at the annual Student Union been prepared, according to Lillian
Allan Thomas.
Board dance, which will be held Davis, Kcntuckian editor.
Fund was on the campus this week
She appeared as soloist with the tomorrow night
Election board. Joan Scott; repre- conferring with leaders of the UK
in the Bluegrass
Last most popular man contest
Cincinnati symphony orchestra dur room of the Union building.
sentative on athletic board. Bill WSSF drive slated to open Febru- ing
was held in 1942 when Albert J.
the season of 1944-4- 5 on one of
Sturgill; installation board, Mar-Jea- n ary 18.
All students must vote by 10:15
Spare. Triangle. Covington, Ky., and
the Young People's symphony conHill: student directory, Emily
Miss Balzola who graduated last certs, and she has been heard fre- if they wish their choice to be tabu- Carl Staker, Independent, Mays-vill- e,
Kloecker; social comJones, Joanne
year was a member of Phi Beta quently as soloist with the College lated. The dance is from 9 to 12.
Ky., received the honors.
mittee, Elizabeth Allen Thomas, Kappa.
Although students will split their
Mortar Board and YWCA. of Music symphony orchestra of
A man from each party was
Billie Dale.
votes among six candidates three
Her home in in Mexico.
which she Is a regular member.
named to the title that year.
Ratlin Faculty Adviser
Over-a- ll
campus chairman for
Mme. Garrigue has appeared ex- from the Independent and three
Of the present candidates, Jim
Dr. Margaret Ratliff was named the WSSF drive is Ed Bary. YMCA tensively in concert both in Europe from the Constitutionalist party
only married one, and
Brock is
faculty adviser. Dr. W. S. Ward will president and Arts and Sciences and America. Her debut In Paris the political group that rallies the he is the the
fatlier of a young daughas faculty adviser, and senior from Bcllevue.
of the notable most voters to the dance will prob- ter.
was hailed as one
another faculty member will be
Personal solicitation, designed to events of the season and she was ably take the most popular man
Decorations for the dance will innext reach every student on the campus, later acclaimed in London where honors.
named by the assembly at the
Candidates elected by the two clude huge hearts with the names
will last from February 18 through she played In Wigmore Hall and
February 22. Bary announced. New York when she made her Town parties at separate meetings Janu of the candidates in each. One
larger heart will dominate
ary 31 are
Speakers at YM and YW meetings Hall debut.
Wash Serini. , decorations and will be "broken
Mme. Garrigue. a native of
that week will emphasize the work
N. Y.; Jim Brock. through" by the winner and the
Ind., made her first public Tuckahoe,
of the organization which is helpbeauty queen. Miss
housing Keotuckian
facul appearance when she was nine. At Cooperstown
ing dislocated students and
O.I. to his first ty in foreign countries to return to the conclusion of her high school unit), and Howard Stewart, Hart Sylvia Mayer, who was presented at
The return of the
the recent Veterans' club dance.
dress formal with a big their universities, providing medi studies, she was awarded a .schol-- 1 ford. Ky. .
Thai-bewill be Dean of
Constitutionalists Charley Gardname band" will be the theme of cal aid for European and Chinese arship to study with Marcian
in Cincinnati and later con ner. Phi Delta Theta, Louisville; Women Sarah B. Holmes, Dean of
decorations at the Interfraternity students injured by war, and making
pianoforte Cornell Clarke, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Men T. T. Jones, Dean and Mrs. M.
Council formal to be held Friday in it possible for impoverished stu- tinued her studies of
Harold Bauer New Mexico, and Howard Stephen- M. White. Dr. and Mrs. Adolph
the Bluegrass room of the Union dents in all
countries under the guidance of
in New York. In private life, she is son, Pi Kappa Alpha, Mt. Sterling, Biggc, Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Dantzler,
building. Bill Sullivan, president, an to resume their studies.
Smith, managing
and the house mothers of the sorornounced today.
Other members of Bary's all- - the wife of Fred College of Music Ky.
years pages were de- ities, fraternities and residence
In pre-wband, fea- campus WSSF committee are: Betty executive of the
Dean Hudson and his
of Cincinnati.
voted in the Kentucklan both to houses of the University.
tured at Hotel Lincoln in New York Lee Fleishman, YWCA president;
Sunday's program will include:
City, win furnish the music. The Mildred Long. Kernel editor; CharPieces de Clavecin en Concert
band will bring Prances Caldwell, les Gardner. SGA president: Paul La Ramcau, La Bucon, L'Agacante
Songbird." an Sands. Independent president; Bill
known as the "Florida
secInterfraternity council Twelve Preludes (selected), ChoSullivan.
a cappella choir, and a comedy
president: Betty Ann Brauer. Mor- pin, by Marjorie Garrigue.
Non-Residen- ts
Three Kentuckians have applied
Favors will be small fraternity tar Board president; Joe Covington,
Trio in C minor. Op. 101, Allegro
for fellowships offered by the
Veterans' club president; and Fran- Energico, Presto non assai. Andante
paddles. Each fraternity will decoto Southern Regional Training Pro"The University will be forced
rate its own table, and the theme ces Street, Panhellenic president: grazioso. Allegro Molto, Brahms.
restrict the enrollment of new non- gram, according to Dr. James W.
will be carried out by large crests Emily Jones, Student Union Board
resident students, beginning with Martin, of the commerce college,
of the member fraternities hung president; and Carolyn McMcckin,
Cwens president.
the spring quarter of the current and a promotes of the committee
around the ballroom.
the program.
Representing the YW cabinet is
year," according to an announceChaperons will include Dr. and
No University of Kentucky stuEdna Crawford, and Lola Stokes is
Mrs. Herman Lee Donovan, Mrs. SuKy representative.
"Convincing girls that beauty, ment released .Wednesday by the dents have applied.
A secretary
Sarah B. Holmes, Dr. and Mrs. T. and a publicity chairman remain to good grooming and an attractive office of the registrar and signed
The fellowships are offered on a
T. Jones, and Mrs. Leo Chamberlain. be named.
personality are the result of good by Dean and Registrar Leo M. competitive basis. Each applicant
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Mr.
cannot be achiev- Chamberlain.
solicitation daily habits, and
Goal of the
must have an AB degree from an
and Mrs. Paul Bryant, Professor and j is 2.500 according to Bary. After ed overnight in time for a Satur
accredited college or university and
The intention will be to hold the must meet
Mrs. Wallace Horlne.
week-lon- g
drive beginning Feb. day dance," is the Job of Miss
certain requirements on
j the
Prior to the dance, council mem- 18, major campus organizations will Elizabeth Macdonald Osborne, Dor.
UK enrollment to a examination.
bers will entertain their dates with sponsor events in the spring quarter othy Gray representative who is maximum of 15 per cent of the total
Each fellowship, which is worth
bar February anticipated enrollment
dinner; at the Lafayette hotel.
with proceeds earmarked for the conducting a make-u- p
for each approximately $750 plus all univerunder the sponsorship of quarter. Applications
WSSF fund.
will be held sity fees, includes three months In
Alpha Lambda Delta.
in abeyance until specified dates, at a government office in Frankfort,
The bar will be set up in the
Nashville, Tenn., or Montgomery,
game room of Jewell hall and Miss which time the quotas will be filled. Ala., and one quarter at the UniFor the spring quarter the
versities of Kentucky, Tennessee
Osborne will grant individual interenrollment will be held to and Alabama.
Members of the Veterans' club views.
an estimated 600, based on 4,000
All girls wishing to sign for check,
The purpose of this program, Dr.
have donated $133 to Virgil P. Lary,
students, anticipated enrollment for
up conferences are asked to sec Mrs.
Martin said, is to give persons effi
Jr, and his family, whose belong- Dorothy
tlie spring quarter.
Evans in the Union or sign
ciency in government administra
ings were destroyed by fire last
Outing club . . . will have a chili Saturday night In Cooperstown.
The restriction became necessary tion as soon as possible. "The priup In Jewell Hall. A charge of 15c
(upper (hiking, eating, singing,
because of "housing conditions in mary function of the program," he
The fire, which was caused by an will be made, Mrs. Evans stated.
dancing) at 5 p.m. Sunday. Meet overheated stove, was reported at
Conference times are Monday, Lexington and the lack of adequate said, "is to improve government
at ft in the Union building.
facilities." Dates for filling quotas administration in the southern
a m. and
10:47 p.m. Saturday night, and
p.m.; each quarter are: spring, February states by making contributions to
Phalanx . . . will meet at noon
a.m. and
of the Lary family day,
25; summer, May 10; and fall, improve leadership in young men
Tuesday at the Colonial Bowling formed a "bucket brigade" and Wednesday,
a.m. and
August 1.
and women throughout the South."
fought the fire before the city fire pjn.
Vniversity for Life program . . . will department arrived at the scene.
present John McCaw on "Youth and No fire prevention measures have
World View" at 6 p.m. Sunday at been made in Cooperstown to this
Central Christian church.
date, according to E. B. Farris, head
Philosophy club . . . will meet at of the University Maintenance and
7:30 p.m. Monday in room 204, Fra-se- c Operations department, but plans
ROTC men received notice of in ment field trios were announced
By Jim Wood
hall. Dr. Shelby McCloy will are being made to equip the village
This is the fifth in a series of duction . . . Kentuckians for 1943 for the duration.
Fpeak on "Rationalist Concepts of with fire plugs and alarm boxes.
Kernel files for the sununer
articles to acquaint the exservic?-mc- n were distributed . . . The SGA elecReligion in the Eighteenth Cenwith the University of Ken- tion turned into a "battle of the months of 1943 are not complete,
sexes." . . . Jane Oldham was elect therefore there, will be no chronotucky during the war years:
all persons interested
May, 1943: Bill Nickell, Lexing- ed president of Cwens . . . Inde- logy of these months.
in fencing will meet at 4 p.m. FriOctober, 1943: At the beginning
ton, was elected president of SuKy pendents Spagnuolo and Hurt were
day in room 205 of the Union
President Donovan spoke to
pep organization . . . Mary Mulli- elected to the tOD SGA positions of the fall quarter, 1,200 soldiers
and House gan went to sleep in the Women's
the combined
Zeta Beta Tau made the highest were at the University and all resiI K Dames . . . will meet at 7:30 appropriations Senate
dences and sorority houses were
gym. slept until after dark, and had scholastic average among fraterni
p.m. Wednesday in the Carnegie
the General Assembly in Frankto be rescued by several Sigma Nu ties for the winter quarter . . . The filled to capacity with women who
Music room. Union building.
fort Tuesday in behalf of the knights without armor . . Panhel- executive committee of the Board were vacated from the women's
H club . . . wlU meet at 7 p.m.
University's request for more
lenic day featured several sorority of Trustees approved land on Euclid dorms . . . Only 1,373 civilians regisMonday in the student room of the
than $5,000,000 for the schools
c- avenue for the new field house . . tered for the fall quarter . . . VirDrdiscussion groups . .
Agriculture building.
operations in the next two
of the College of Com- William S. Ward, of the University ginia Long was made editor of the
Dutch Lunch club . . . will meet at
merce was granted a leave of ab- English department, received his Kentuckian which was to be pubnoon Friday in the Union building.
Donovan termed the request
could serve as doctor's degree at Duke Univer- lished for the first time in January
. . . will hold a called
Mortar Board
"a modest one," asked for price so that he
meeting at 5 p.m. Friday in room
executive of the Lexington sity . . . Total sales of bonds and . . . Zeta Beta Tau made the high$2,874,280 for the fiscal year
Office of Price Administration . . . stamps at the University during est fraternity standing, a
205 of the Union.
1946-4and $2,955,010 for 1947-4was the spring quarter
A Kernel editorial said that stu- the school year of 1942-4- 3
Sid Buckley
Veterans' club . . . will meet at 7
He said the appropriation
p.m. Monday in the Union for the
dent elections at the University $16,000 . . . Movies were made of the and Phillip
Sallee were killed
would cover research, operation,
in Harlan University campus . . . J. C. Do'le in plane crashes. Buckley was in
election of officers.
reminded her of poll-da- y
building repairs and capital outHamilton house . . . Valentine party j lay for the period.
countv . . . Over 500 soldiers in- - was elected president of Phi Delta the Royal Canadian Air Force and
at pjn. tonight.
vaded the campus as 65 advanced Theta . . . Annual geology depart Sallee was In the Army Air Corps







Students To Choose
Most Popular Man


Is S2,500

Ken-tucki- an

Hudson To Play


Interfraternity Ball


war-ravag- ed


Kentuckians Apply

University Places
Enrollment Quota

For Fellowships


Dorothy Gray Agent
Conducts Beauty Bar




Cooperstown Home
Destroyed By Fire











"military caste" titles



adopted those usually associated
organiwith more "democratic"
Brock Boosts Plan
James C. Brock. Harlan, legislative committee chairman, is leader
of the fight for increased veterans
Some states have passed bonus
laws and two bonus bills have al
ready been introduced at the present
session of the Kentucky General
Assembly. One would pay all Kentucky veterans a $500 bonus while
the other places the amount at $50.
Mr. Brock added that the committee was gaining wide support of
various organizations throughout
the state and he hoped the bill
could be introduced In the legislature early next week.
Committee members making the
trip to Frankfort were Mr. Brock
of Harlan; Joe Covington. Bowling
Green; Ed Gabbard. Harrodsburg;
Beaver Dam;
Spurgeon DeWitt, Fort Thomas;
Vance Johns, Louisville, and Bill
Padou, Salem.

Adrance Ball Sales

Advance sales on tickets for the
informal spring dance which will
feature a big name band will start
Monday in the Union building, according to Dick Hundley, who is in
charge of arrangements.
If enough tickets are not sold all
money will be refunded to the stu
dents, Hundley said. Tickets will be
$3.50 stag and $5.00 with drag.

Catching Up With The Campus


Donovan Adresses
Joint Committee








Donovan Asks Inquiry After
Four Vets Petition Assembly




Jewell 'Sweetheart'
To Be Elected

8. 1946

By Gasey Goman
The Cincinnati College of Music
String Trio will present the second
of the 1946 Sunday afternoon musicale programs at 4 p.m. in Memorial hall.
The members of the trio are Betty
Jean Shirey, violinist; Elizabeth
Wilber, cellist; and Marjorie

The Student Government Association appropriated $100 to
"Vague," campus magazine, and
heard new committee appointments




Dr. Frank L. McVey. president
emeritus of the University, was
speaker at the first convocation for
the fall quarter . . . "Dark Eyes"
was the first Guignol play for the
year . . . Alpha Gamma Delta was
cup for
awarded the scholastic
highest sorority standing . . . Sixteen
students were named to Who's Who
Among Students in American
Colleges and Universities . . . Dean
Jones said fraternities were "practically out" . . . Two soldiers were
elected to the Student Union board
Dr. Donovan said the new field
house would be a memorial to the
dead of World War II . . . The University social committee announced
that women's residence halls and
houses would entertain
soldiers on the campus . . . The
University war bond drive was expected to top its goal . . . Sadie
Hawkins week began.


President Asks
Legislature Probe
Charges made by four Universi'y

students to the Kentucky General
Assembly that Dean James H. Graham of the College of Engineering





campus buildings will be
given a closed hearing at 9 a.m.
February 19 in the House chambr.
according to Representative Roy
Arnold, Danville Democrat.
President Donovan this week invited legislators to visit the campus
and conduct their own investigation of the charges leveled by the

four students in a letter mimeographed by them and circulate
among members of the General Assembly last Thursday.
Arnold Heads Committer
Representative Arnold who introduced

Joe Covington
Veterans' Club President

f fllsT



New President
Holcomb Heads

Men's Honorary
Morris F. Ho.tomb, Arts and Sciences senior from Warsaw. Ky., was
elected president of Nu Circle of
Omicron Delta Kappa, national
honorary for senior men, at a meeting held Tuesday in the Union
building. Prof. R. D. Mclntyre announced. Holcomb. a former Army
captain, is a member of Phi Kappa
Tau fraternity.
A faculty committee composed of
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, Dr. H. H.
Downing, and Dr. M. M. White
was appointed by Holcomb to recommend undergraduate candidates
for membership in the organization. Men who are members of the
senior class, have a scholastic average of at least 15. and have shown
qualities of leadership in campus
activities, will be' considered
Omicron Delta Kappa was founded Dec. 3. 1914, at Washington and
Lee University. It has 52 active
circles in American universities and
colleges. Nu Circle was established
in May. 1925. on the University
The purpose of the society is to
recognize and honor men who have
leadership in
college and university life to the
end that the most representative
leaders in all phases of campus acin a worth-whi- le
endeavor and join with faculty
members on a basis of mutual interest and understanding. Professor
Mclntyre said.

Valentine's Day
Sweater Swing
First sweater swing of the winter
quarter will be held from 4 to 6
p.m. this afternoon in the Bluegrass
room of the Student Union building.
This hop will feature the Valen"hearts and flowers,
tine motif

boys and girls, get your man." The
dance is being sponsored by the
house committee of the Student
Union board, of which Gwen Pace
is chairman. Virginia Schaufele is
in charge of decorations, and Marian Salisbury will select the chaperons.
For music the committee has obtained an unusual program through
the courtesy of Jonn r.. uoyie. oi
the University necoraing uiu
company. Long IsBroadcasting
land City. N. Y.
Mr. Boyle is on the campus mak
ing recordings of sorority and fra
songs' as W,!U 88 Prgrf"!
xua uismiiMiMvi,
Oy mubiu uiajuia.
has a private collection of recordings by name bands which will be
played at the sweater swing.

YW Cabinet Holds
Second In Series
Of KesWence Talks
The second in a series of residence hall discussions sponsored by
the YWCA cabinet was held Monday night at Elmside. The subject
of the series is "Kentucky Education" and Betty Lee Fleishman
president of the YWCA. led the
The purpose of the discussion
groups is to present facts about
Kentucky and to make the campus
aware of conditions as they exist.
The plan, which is under the direction of Eleanor Bennett, chairman of the YW student and Industry committee, is to hold the discussions at every dormitory, residence unit and sorority house on
the campus. The first discussion
of the series was held last quarter
at the Sigma Nu house.

poorly-construct- ed



to investigate

whether or not the charges were
true, was named by Speaker of the
House Waterfleld to be chairman
of the committee. Other representatives named to the committee
were Mrs. Mary E. Burnett, Lexington; Thomas A. Noe. Jr.. Russell-vlll- e;
Harry P. Walters, Shelbyville.
all Democrats, and Republican floor
leader E. R. Denny. Mt. Vernon.
Arnold said the four students who
circulated the letter. Robert W.
Meagher. William 8. Riley. Murphy
C. Combs and R. T. Scott; University President H. L. Donovan. Dean
Graham, and Comptroller Frank D.
Peterson would be asked to testify.
Vets Cooduct Investigation
The University Veterans' club
named six members to investigate
the charges from the campus viewpoint. Although the letter itself
was presented for approval by the
club. President Joe Covington said
the group did not endorse it.
The letter denounced as leaky, ill
ventilated and otherwise
buildings at the University and
elsewhere, including the main build
ing at La Grange, for which it
charged Dean Graham was responsible. It also pointed to the earmarking of $1,000,000 of state stir-plfor a field house at the University, and asked whether the
Board of Trustees, if it has the decision to make, would put that first
or would instead improve living
quarters of returned servicemen at
the University.

UK Dames To Hear

Home Demonstrator
The U of K Dames will meet
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Music room of the Union to hear
Miss Mary E. Collins, home demonstration agent, speak on menu planh
ning and
dinners. Dot
Evans, social chairman of the
Union, announced; today.
A social hour will follow the business meeting and speaker.

By Lucy Thomas
Billie Dale. A AS. junior: A clais
on the Dossibilities of future world
pgaee by Vandenbosch.
D. A. Thomas, Engineering, freshman: What chemistry has to offer
for the next ten years.
Emily Steel, A AS. wphomore:
Something about bridge.
Bill Martin, A4S. sophomte:
Annabel Serpent, A A S. vpho-morHow to get a man!
Dick Howard. A AS. senior:
to give a lecture on the Eskimos or Indians in the North and
how they live.
Sarah Smith. A AS. junior: World
Lloyd Bell, A AS. junior: Flrhsi'Ti.
Betty Ree RhouU. A AS, sophomore: A simplified edition of rad ir
and atomic energy.
Dave Phillips. Engineering, sophomore: Possibilities of chemical engineering and plastics.
BiU Spragen. A AS, sophomore:
Discussions of new developments,
particularly in scientific subject?,
should attract a great deal cf
mme. Agriculture,
Ella Koe
Future, boy Future!
Bet tie Tattle. Arts and Sciences,
sophomore: What to do when yoti
have a date and the one and only
one in your life comes home! Th
same night of course.
Betty Tevis, A AS. senior: Kentucky's future possibilities by the
political science department.



� The Kernel Editorial Page





t th.



Otic .t

gnder the Act of March S. 187.

mr.4 clu. Bitter




Eantorty Intereollpglatr Prra Amociktlon

Bettt Tevis




Jane Hammerslet




Jim Wood
o. C. Halyaro, JEan Paxton

York. n. Y.

AD tignr
arftelt ant totems
oprKom of th wtitn thrmtttv,
rrfitrt tk opiUm at The Ktrn.

JtOM Quarter fl 50 One Y.ar

IK Student

or,.., onH a ornrinato nf
the University, will open the World
Student Service Fund drive on the
Auburn campus this week. She will
speak in fraternity and dormitory
dining halls.
Late last fall Miss Balzola re- turned from Europe, where she had
the summer under the aus- of the WSSF.
Next week, she will be here to
help the University in its drive for
$2,500 to aid reconstruction and re- habilitation of university life in

Rewrite Editor
Staff Aaaiatanta

art to ea eamtMarti Via
ant to not meceafdrtiy

ments put the students on their honor, some
professors keep a watchful eye on any young
man or woman with doubtful moral stamina,
and other departments just ignore the fact that
everyone cheats. Seldom is punishment more
serious than lowered grades, a

At Aabarn

a broader cultural foundation
Miss Huguctte Balzola. native of


What Can The Matter Bel
An at tat L on University jxilicics hv Tour law
Modems was circulated among nirmlxTS of the
General Assembly last Friday. A committee
hearing to investigate the charges has lieen set
for February 19, and Dr. Donovan, Dean Graham, and Mr. Peterson will le among those
asked to appear.

Cub Reporter1




a "campus."

rennrter's first assien- The
ment on the Oakdale Journal at
Oakdale, La., was to report on a
wedding, but he did not return to
tne omce untu me . nexi morning .
-wny amnt we get a report. irom
you?" demanded the irate
"There was nothine to report."
was the airv reDlv. "The bride- groom was killed in a car wreck
on the way to the church, the bride
died from shock, there was no wed
ding; so I just went home."

iSaryjM-u- f
Whatever the method here, everyone will adA, iMiafl
mit that it isn't working in any way except perhaps to encourage dishonesty,
Ofily through a system demanding personal
integrity can those standards of honor be attained. Unless the students themselves want to
: v . .x.ir-- J
'be honorable no amount of talk, or any laws
Education Steps Forward:
can force them to be. But whether the "honor
By a vote of 135 to 10, the faculty
system" as such is or is not the solution for the
of Arts and Sciences of Harvard
Student veterans are housed in the gymnasium
I nivrrsitv has aDDroved the pro
University remains to be seen.
condiiioiy," the letter asserted.
"under stable-likgram of general education proposed
By Adele Denman
That it does work effectively at West Point, at
bv the University's Committee on
"If those who run the University can create a
The dean's answer to the proposi- - Objectives, and embodied in the
V'anderbilt, and at many FLASH! Walter Meade has found
gifts for a William and Mary, at
corporation to accept
a room!
report "General Education in a
great athletic program, why can't they raise girls' schools is a known fact. The law school Life:
Is in twenty-fiv- e
Harvard Law Free Society," which was published
by the University in June. Essen- Review.
money for a field house that way?" it continued. at Duke University has reported that there have
These new men are money mad.
tially, the program seeks to provide
been no cases of cheating under their honor and consequently looking for mad
Now, we 3,500 or so other students who are
He says, "Now men I've got to
not complaining would like to ask of these four system. At Sweet Briar the system applies to money. If one approaches them
about Joinine an organization on the
young lawyers, "Just what is your jiolicyr" What every rule, academic and social, and the girl campus, they Immediately want to We have several cases to do.
I wish I had more time to discuss
is to be gained from bringing charges some of herself reports an infraction. She may be ex- you repiy that
this case.
them old and long since worn from use at the pclled if the offense is serious enough. Any vio- - they may be some day, they ask how Read twenty-fiv- e
of the system at VMI is a "shipping of-- much they will be paid. A striking
very time when the University most needs the lation
Rupp. "the man In the brown
desire for economic
suit," started his basketball career
pood will and help of legislators' in bui