xt7xd21rgs6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rgs6q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-12-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 14, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 14, 1934 1934 1934-12-14 2013 true xt7xd21rgs6q section xt7xd21rgs6q Best Copy Available









London, Dec. 13 (INS) America'
delegation to the London naval parley will leave almost on the day
Washington receives Japan's notification of abrogation of the
ratio treaty. This was made a practical certainty today following a
conference between Prime Minister
Ramsay Mac Donald of Britain and
Norman H. Davis, America's unattached ambassador. Failure of Instructions the Japanese representatives expected from Toklo to arrive
on time was responsible for the additional delay In suspension of the
London talks.

Washington, Dec. 13 (INS) The
American people are the only people
In the world to enjoy a completely
free press free from the whims,
and dictation of the government,
Elisha Hanson, general counsel for
the American Newspaper Publishers' association, told a nation-wid- e
radio audience last night. "This
has been made possible,' he said,
"though the honesty of purpose of
the four great press associations of
the country, the newspapers, and
cooperation with the radio In the
presentation of factual news at a
cost to the associations of more




Rudy Buncos Radio
Band Will Play For

Greek Organizations to Sponsor First Formal of
the Year

Washington, Dec. 13 (INS) Rep.
Joseph Byrns, of Tennessee, today
was assured of election as speaker
of the house In the 74th Congress
Confident for weeks of his election,
Byrns saw the field being cleared
for his unanimous nomination by
House Democrats as rival candidates withdrew from the fight.
Byrns' nomination by the huge
House majority to succeed the late
Speaker Henry I. Ralney Is expected to come when the party caucus
gathers January 2, one day before
Congress convenes.




roads are cleared today
the polo ponies of Culver Military
Academy will be brought here by
airplane for the Academy's engagement Saturday night with the 106th
Trio. Enormous snow
drifts between here and Culver,
Ind., caused MaJ. B. F. Hoge of the
academy faculty to arrange for airplane delivery of the mounts. The
animals, he feared, might contract
pneumonia on a slow trip In the
snow-fille- d



Washington, Dec. 13 (INS) Prestoday appointed
George T. Summerlin, of Louisiana,
as Minister to Panama, and Antonio C. Gonzalez, of New York City,
as Minister to Ecuador.

ident Roosevelt

Manila, P.

I, Dec. 13


U. 8.

Senator William Glbbs McAdoo of
California today was stricken 111
while touring the Philippine Islands
ta company with Senators Tydings
of Maryland and McKellar of Tennessee. Word of Senator McAdoo's
Illness was contained in a brief dispatch from Col. L. F. Manley, UJ3.A.,
who accompanied; the senators to
Hollo, on their tour of the southern
provinces of the islands Colonel
Manley's dispatch, addressed to
Gov. General Frank Murphy did
not describe the nature of the senator's Illness but said he was being
rushed to Manila tomorrow morning by airplane, at the order of bis



Tickets May He Obtained for
$1.50 Before 6 O'clock



Lansing, Mich., Dec. 13 (INS)
As 22 bodies were recovered, plac-

ing the official death toll estimate
59, investigations of the tragic
Kerns hotel fire, today brought
forth startling evidence to Indicate
that the alarm was fatally delayed.
The official estimate of 59 dead
was made while PWA workmen and
firemen continued their gruesome
search of the ruins, and a deep sea
diver sought the bodies of victims
who leaped Into Grand river to escape the flames.
Deputy State Fire Marshal Edward W. Welsh revealed that his Inquiry showed an apparent gap of IS
to 20 minutes between the time the
fire was discovered and receipt of


The first formal dance of the
semested and one of the outstand
ing events of the social calendar
will be held under the sponsorship
of the Interfratemity council from
9 until 12 o'clock tomorrow night
in the Alumni gymnasium,
Rudy Bundy and his twelve-piec- e
orchestra of radio artists furnishing the music.
The music of the orchestra will
be broadcast over station WHAS,
Louisville, from 11:30 until 12 o'clock, according to Elmer Sulzer,
director of the Publicity bureau. the first alarm.
Two conflicting accounts concernThe orchestra is playing regularly
in Louisville at the Castle Madrid ing sending of the alarm were curand broadcasts every night over rent. I. J. Jones, night clerk, said
he telephoned for firemen as soon
the station.
Tickets for the dance may be ob as he received his first Information
tained from any fraternity repre that there was a fire In the buildsentative on the council, from ing. Welsh said all evidence
this could not have been
Dunn's Drug store, or from the office of the dean of men. The ad much later than Sam.
mission price will be 81.50 until 6
Another witness, Andrew Theve-nap. m. tomorrow, after which the
of Flint, said he raft from the
price will be raised to 82.00. Ar flaming hotel all the way to a
rangements for the affair are In nearby fire station, found the enhnrVe of a committee composed of gine house dark, ten minutes after
Waller Hunt, Henry McCown, Tom- the fire started, and then tele- my Atkins, and Omer Heacox.
Chaperones as announces by the
committee yesterday will be: President and Mrs. Frank I McVey, PAN-POLITIK- ON
Dean and Mrs. T. T. Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. Waller B. Hunt, Mrs. P. K.
Holmes, Dean and Mrs P. P. Boyd,
Lieutenant and Mrs. P. E. LeStour-geo- n.
Major and Mrs. B. E. Brewer,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Portmann,
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, and Purposes of Organization Exall fraternity housemothers.
plained at Meeting by Prof.
Rudy Bundy and his band played
Edward Rannells and Wilon the first run RKO circuit from
liam Greathouse
coast to coast recently and has ap-- u
eared on an 18 weeks' engage
A "general outline of the purposes,
ment at the Show Boat In New
York city. The band carries some history, and plans of
excellent novelty numbers, and fea- student organization for the study
tures Marlene GUber, vocalist, while of foreign nations, was given WedRudy himself has been declared by nesday afternoon at a joint meetcritics to be the world's best clar- ing of the executive and
of that body by Prof. Edinetist.
The orchestra played for the mo- ward Rannells, faculty advisor, and
tion pictures "Moonlight and Pret- William Greathouse, president of
zels" and "Good News", and has the group.
A special committee composed of
featured such well known crooners
as Morton Downey, George Olsen, Elizabeth Hardin and Elvis Stahr
and Benny Merhoff In various NBC was appointed by Greathouse to
work with him and Mr. Rannells
network broadcasts.
on the formulation of a written
uatement of the idea behind
and of the work expected
from the members of the committees this year. This compendium
will be sent to members of the
faculty, to members of the subcommittee, and to The Kernel.
It was announced at the meeting
of a
Listeners-i- n
Will Be Judges that a memberSforza, noble Italian
family, Count
whose ancesof Debating Contest Held tors have been Dukes of Milan
Between U. of K. and Uni- since the fifteenth century, will be
brought to the University for a
versity of Louisville
month about the middle of FebruThe University debating team. ary. Italy is the country which
la studying especially
composed of James A. Moore and
Elvis Stahr, engaged in a radio de- this year.
bate with the University of Louisville team yesterday morning over
station WHAS. Moore and Stahr
spoke from the platform of Memorial hall through the faculties of
the extension studios of the University, while the Louisville team "Hamrinsr of the Greens" Is
argued direct from Louisville, each
Feature of



Woman's Building

team listening to the other's arguments through receiving sets at the

The College of Commerce will be
represented at the 47th annual W.S.G.A. Will Give
meeting of the American Economlo
conference, to be held In Chicago,
December 26 to 29, by Dean Welit
A Christmas party is to be given
and Messrs. Carter, Sullivan, Haun,
for the students of Patterson and
Palmer, Mclntyre, and Lawrence.
Boyd halls, Monday night, In the
VYWVWYwyvwvyvwwYVS Patterson hall recreation room.
The program was planned by the
W.S.O.A. council at a meeting last
Monday night. It will Include
dancing from 10:30 until 11:30
o'clock. Willie Frances Riddle will
furnish piano music during this
time. Ruby Dunn will oiler a solo
and lead the carol service. Refreshments will be served.
The W.8G.A. council also an-

Christmas Party



nounced that 11 o'clock permission
would be given for next Wednesday night to girls In the dormitories and sorority houses, as it u
the night before the holidays




Feature Of Next

Sunday Musicale,
HalL Sunday

The University choristers, under
the direction of Mildred Lewis of
the music department, will present
the annual program of Christmas
carols at the Sunday afternoon
musicale, on December 16, In the
Memorial auditorium, at 4 p. m.
The Choristers are composed of 33
selected voices from the men and

women's Glee clubs.
The program presented by this
group last Christmas was one of
the outstanding musical events of
the season. The stage of Memorial
hall is being decorated through
courtesy of Mr A. E. Oram.
Soloists appearing with the Choristers include '
Hardin, organist; Ruby DmuT, sOprano; Mary
Rudtcal. harpist; Lee Crook, violinist; William Conley, tenor; Morton
Potter, tenor; Harlow Dean, Jr.,
baritone; and Thomas Scott, bass.
In one number Miss Lewis is using
an echo chorus seated in the balcony of the auditorium singing an- tiphinally with the chorus on the
The program Is as follows:
Organ Prelude and Christmas
Processional It Came Upon the
Midnight Clear
Carol of the Russian Children..
White Russia
Slumber Song of the Infant
French Carol


Gruocr-WetSilent Night
Antiphinal Chorus



on Page Six)

Cwens to Sponsor

Japanese Bazaar





Feature Sales;

Public Invited


sophomore center from Indiana po-lis. cutting the cords with regularlty for a total of 24 points, and the
entire team clicking as a unit, the
Wildcats had little difficulty with

the Atlanta team.

The visitors were kept well past
the foul line, the few times ti 'V
were able to gain the ball. The
Wildcats guards consistently took
the ball from the backboards to
start the offensive down the floor.
The basketball game scheduled
for tomorrow afternoon In the
Alumni gym with the Georgetown
Tigers has been cancelled, it was
announced by the athletic department yesterday.
With Big Edwards and
Jack Tucker warm from the outset,
the Big Blue began its scoring early
and had countered IS markers in
the first five minutes before the
OgiftUiorpe team had fully awakened to the fact that the game had
Oglethorpe presented a
fairly good ball club but could not
penetrate the Wildcat defense the
few times they had the ball, so
leech-lik- e
was the Cat defense. All
of their baskets were made from
behind the foul circle.
The entire Big Blue squad looked
better than they did in their Initial showing against the Alumni.
Their shooting was better, if possible, and their floorwork, which was
a bit ragged in the opener, was
on Page Six)

Sixteen Matches Are Scheduled for Tonight in Intramural Finals
Butler, Shnnklin, Westbrook
to Battle in Feature

Continuing a custom started
last year. President Frank L.
McVey will give his second "Between Us" talk of the semester
at a general convocation at 10
a m. Monday In Memorial hall.
The first "Between Us" talk of
the year was held at the beginning of this semester. The talks
are more or less Intimate discussions of the problems of student life and give suggestions to
students on taking advantage of
their opportunities.
A special feature of the convoprescation will be a
entation of Christmas carols to
be presented by the same student choir who will give the
Sunday afternoon vesper program next Sunday.


The sixth annual finals of the
greatest Intramural boxing and
wrestling tournament ever seen at
the University will be held at 8
o'clock tonight in the Alumni Oym.
For the price of 25 cents with student books and 50 cents without,
the fans will view a dynamite-lade- n
card of 10 matches, eight boxing
and eight wrestling.
The 32 performers tonleht are the
cream of the crop of 178 athletes
who started in the preliminaries
several weeks ago. Every manner of
fair physical combat will be brought
into play. There will be science,
brute strength, aggressiveness and
finesse of the type only seen In
the professional ring. However, the
AG CONVOCATION spectators will be assured of one
thing and that is plenty of action.
The wrestling will consist of
matches. The winner
must either gain a fall during that
time or at least a
advantage. The boxing will extend
Report of National Livestock through three,
Exposition to Be Given; with a
rest period. The
fight under the
Winners of Gulf States contestants will
Marquis of Queensberry rules and
Steele Contest Introduced


four-minu- te


one-minu- te

Scheduled Today

students In
. Convocation. for the ...111 u. ViaI
me Agriculture uutiegc wui
at 9 a. m. this morning In Memorial hall. Dean Cooper will preside, and music will be furnished
by James Toy, assisted by several
faculty members.
Charles Mathis, member of the
livestock judging team, will tell of
tne work oi tne judging team ana
will give a report on the National
which was
Livestock exposition
held in Chicago last week.
The winners of the Gulf State
Steele Essay contest will be Introduced as follows: Carl Camenlsch,
first place; Charles Mathis, second;
Eugene Cravens, third.
Wood row Coots, who attended a
national meeting of the agriculture
council, will give a short report of
their meeting last week. Mamie
Hart will give a report of her trip
to the National club congress In
Sarah Brown, one of the four
delegates to the student section of
the Rural Life conference held at
Washington, D. C , about two weeks
ago, will speak to the group.
Plans for the winter frolic which
will be held In January will be announced.

Military Ball Queen Will Be
Selected from Groups Selling Most Tickets
The first of a series of three Cadet Hops, sponsored by Scabbard
and Blade, national honorary military fraternity, will be given this
afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. in the
Alumni gym. Music will be furnished by Shinny Herrlngton and
his Kentucky Colonels, and admission will be SO cents
According to reports of members
of Scabbard and Blade, 300 tickets
have been issued to various sorority
and Independent groups. To the so
rority or Independent group selling
the most tickets goes the honor of
naming a limited number of candidates for the position of "Queen
of the Military Ball. Scabbard and
Blade members will select the girl
who will receive the title from the
appointed group. This marks the
inauguration of a new custom on
the campus.
Since the dance Is sponsored by
a mmtary organization,
taking military courses in the Uni
versity are asked by the military
department to wear their uniforms
to the dance.

gloves. Coach
will use
Shively will referee the wrestling
and Bob Featherston the boxing.

Students to Aid
At Entertainments

First Cadet Hop



Be Held Monday

U. K. Choiristers

Christmas Carol Program to
Be Presented at Memorial


Convocat!on To


Cwens, honorary leadership fra
ternity for sophomore women, will
sponsor a Japanese bazaar In Boyd
hall from 11 a. m. to 9 n. m. next
Monday and Tuesday. All students!
and townspeople are Invited.
Articles for sale at the bazaar
have been ordered from Mrs. S.
Yasulof of New York city, dealer
in Japanese gifts and novelties.
Such things as sandals, novelties.
kimonos, and knick-knacwill be
on display. The supervision of the
An old English tradition, the bazaar Is In charge of Mary Rees
hanging of the greens", was the Land, who will be assisted by Nanmain feature of the
cy Phelps and Sarah Louise Cun-clif- f.
festivities held Wednesday after
noon at the Woman's building, un
Cwens has Invited all women stu
der the auspices of the YWCA,
University, members
Approximately 100 women stu dents of the
of the American Association of
dents and faculty members decor- University Women, and the mem
ated the campus house with holly, bers of the faculty to a Japanese
mistletoe, evergreens, and other tea,
which will be
In the
Christmas decorations;
while a ing room of Boydgiven from 4read 8
string trio composed of Lois Rob p. m. Monday.
inson, cellist; Martha Fugett, vioArrangements for the tea are In
linist, and Mary Rudlcel, harpist,
played Christmas carols. Tea was charge of Helen Farmer, assistedserved by members of the YWCA, by Nell Shearer and Martha Blttassisted by Mra E. B. Trimble, ner. Others who will assist at the
chairman of the board of the or' function willSarahMrs. Holmes, Lang
ganlzation, and Mrs. L. M. LeBus, Vance, Mrs.
Harry Lee Franklin.
hostess of the Woman's building.
Virginia Murrell, chairman of the
music Interest group, presided over UNIVERSITY GROUPS
the program, which lnclunded a
vocal solo by Irene Foster, a harp
solo by Mary Rudlcel, and the singThe tenth annual Christmas tree
ing of various carols by the entire party for the kindergarten and first
group. Sarah Whlttlnghlll, presl
second grades will be held
dent of the University YWCA, told and
story from Ben Hur Thursduy, December 20 at 12:30
the Christmas
p. m. at Lincoln school.
Entire program arrangements is being sponsored by theThis
e in charire of the social serA., and the Pitkin club of
vice group with Mary Chick as YWC
eMail man, the music group under the
Every student on the campus Is
Virginia Murrell, and the worship
group supervised by Martha Fugett, invited to have a part in making
this Christmas tree possible and is
urged to enjoy Christmas more by
sluirlng with these children living
The Child Outdance service of In "Irtshtown."
Plans lor this party are being
the Lexington Junior League and
the department of psychology of made bv a committee composed of
Mary Chick, Burton Hawkins, Luth.
the University will give an educa
tlonal exhibition at Neville ball er Matthews, Mark Marlowe. Arth
Monday afternoon.
er Plunimer, and Wulard Lluberg.

Y.W.C.A. Decorates


phoned the alarm from a cafe
across the street.
The records of the fire department show that a single telephone Oglethorpe's "Petrels" Outclassed by Superior Cat
alarm was received at 5:32 a. m., an
hour which would tally generally
with the story told by Thevenau.
was no way to trace the GEORG ETOWN-VBut there
telephone call and determine
whether It came from Thevenau at
the restaurant or Jones at the hotel. Entire Wildcat Squad Seeg
A possible explanation was seen
Action; Visitors Kept
In the fact that the hotel's switchon Defense
board had given trouble and was
out of service for naif an hour the
night before the fire.
Starting like the proverbial house
afire and gaining momentum as
they progressed. Coach Adolph
Rupp's Big Blue baketb9i tean
triumph over the
rolled up an 81-Stormy Petrel of Oglehom university last night In Alumni gym
before a large crowd.


The Kentucky team took the af
Wahsington. Dec. 13 (INS) Wiley
Post, of -- round - the - world" flight firmative of the question: "Resolved,
fame, failed in his attempt of De- That the federal government should
equalizing edu
cember 1 to break the world's alti- adopt the policy of by means of
tude record for airplanes, the Na- cational grants to the several states
tional Aeronautic association an- for publlo elementary and secondnounced today. The altitude reach- ary education."
ed was not disclosed by the N.A-A- .,
Judges of the debate were the
but the Federation Aeronautlque listeners of the radio audience, who
Internationale stated that Post, In are to send in their votes to the
order to officially return the record, station. Mr. Louis Clifton, assistnow held by Commander Donatl of ant director of University extension,
Italy at 47,352 feet, to this country, previously had sent to every debatmust climb 056 feet higher Into the ing team, which la a member of
stratosphere, or to a height of 48,008. the Kentucky High School Debat
ing league, forms for sending In
their votes on the debate.

nyym 'till

Stormy Petrels Fall
Before Cats, 81-1- 2

Death Toll Reaches 59 In
Tragic Lansing Hotel Fire

Indl-dicat- ed




News Flashes








Outstanding performers tonight


will be Holbrook in the
class In both boxing and wrestling.
He is defending his double laurels
for the sceond straight year. In the
wrestling "Strong Man"
Kolyers meets that live performer
wrestling Is a
natural. "Bonecrushing" Fish, the
Town Tornado, meets an experienced gentleman In Levi, Junior
champ of Chicago.
The other wrestling matches are
of equal interest, bringing together
such boys as McComls against Hay,
Dawson against Bryant, and Drury
against Simpson, the flying tackle
Wrestling will be run off before
the boxing. Several outstanding
matches are scheduled in the fisticuff division. The
will bring together those two pile
drivers Slmone and Butler. The
only man to ever defeat Butler at
the University has been Shepherd, who is taking a year off from
(Continued on Page Six)


Pitkin Club to Present Program at Schools
and Institutions

Several Lexington charitable Institutions will be aided in entertainments next week by interest groups
of the Y. W. C. A.. Y. M. C. A., and
the Pitkin club
On Monday afternoon the social
service, music, and worship groups
of the Y W. C. A, under the direction of Virginia Murrell, Mary
Chick, and Martha Fugett, will entertain with a Christmas party for
33 girls of the Girls' reform school.
Presents will be given to each of
the girls. The program will consist of music, stories, games, and
The freshman group of the Y. W.
C. A., under the supervision of
Anna Jean Blackburn, will give a
Christmas party for children in the
Junior League day nursery on Monday afternoon. There will be a program of stories and songs followed
by gifts from the members of the
interest group to the children.
The Pitkin club, the University
GUESTS AT MUSICALE Y. M. O. A, and Y. W. C. A. will
also entertain the children of LinThe University philharmonic or coln school with a Christmas party
under the direction of on Thursday afternoon.
Prof. Carl A Lampert, head of the
music department, presented
hour's program of Christmas music Shropshire
especially for children at
Leave of Absence
Memorial hall yesterday afternoon
1 o'clock.
The University board of ti us tees
The program Included some of
the best compositions of Christmas, met at a regular monthly meeting,
written by the world masters and Tuesday, In President Frank L.
especially suited for children of
secretary of
James Shropshire,
preteen and adolescent agea
as granted a
student publications,
six month's leave of absence beginI K FEATS LOSE CREDIT
ning January 1.
W. H. Keller. Instructor in chemMr. J. L. Crump, manager of
the Interfratemity Purchasing Cor- istry, was granted a saoultlcal
poration, announces that the fol- leave beginning July 1. Miss Norma
lowing fralernitit's and sororities Ca& was granted a seven mouths'
have had a perfect financial re"""1 leave. Miss Kuth Budd was apsince their pointed assistant in library science
with the corporation
for the second semester.
Joining: Alpha Gamma Kno, Dii


No volley ball practices will be
held next week, but there will be


p. m. In

the Women

3 and 4, at 4
a gymnasium.

The WAA council will have its
next meeting at 7 p. m., January 3,
at the home of Miss Helen Jones.
Rifle practice will be held next
Tuesday from 1 till 5 p. m. in the
Women's gymnasium.

Important meeting of Men's Student Council at 6 p. m., December
17, In the dean of men's office.
There will be no more tests for
tuberculosis given until after the
Christmas holidays, and all the
that were taken before the
holidays will be ready after the

Block and Bridle club will meek
at 7:30 o'clock Monday night la the
Agricultural building.
Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Blgge are giving a Christmas party for the
members o the German club at
7:30 o'clock tonight in Dicker hall,

There will be no open house at
the Woman's building this afternoon due to the fact that the Cadet
Hop will be held in the Alumni
gymnasium at that time.


Delta Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Tau
Delta. Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi,
and Zeta Tau Alpha. Two fraternities have been dropped lor financial reasons. Names of all fraternities who are In arrears will be published lu next Tuesday's Kernel.

Resignations of C. B. Coleman,
county agent of Lyon county; Miss
Mary Clopton, home demonstration
agent of Breathitt county; W. C.
Ebkew, field agent of extension, and
W fi. fiiuitl. assistant, cotintv aieiit
' of Barren county, were accepted.

All Independents who have society news for The Kernel are urged
to call Mildred Webb at Ashland
2906. or Willie Hughes Smith at
Ashland 3851 X, between 8 and fl
p. in. on Sunday and Tuesday evenings. Society Editor.

Actives of Sigma Delta Chi wtll
meet at 8 o'clock Monday In McVey
All women students and faculty
members are invited by Cwens, honorary leadership sorority for sophomore women, to attend its annual
Japanese tea from 4 to 0 p. m,
Monday in the reading room of
Boyd halL

� Best Copy

Tajre Two

The Kentucky Kernel



Mf mhrf
Board of


National Cotlw Prr-sKentucky Intcrcollrirtat Press Association
Neva Service
A member of the Major College Publications, represented hy A. J. NnitH HIM Co.,
42nd St., New York City; 1J1 W.
Madison HI., Chicago; 1004 2nd Ave., Beat-tiCall
1031 S Broadway, Los Angeles;
BldR., Ban Francisco.





mi university of

Subscription II 00
Tear. Entered
Leilnfton. Kj , PostoSIca As Second
Class' Mall Matter




tdttor-tn-Cht- tt


.Managing tdttot

On Saturdny evening In the
Alumni Gymnasium, the Inter-fr- a
ternity Council, alias the Pan-Hlcnlc Council, is sponsoring the an
Dance. It is
hoped by this organization that the
dance will become as popular as

Inter-fraterni- ty




P. M.


The First



Inter-fraterni- ty


pose by this time some of my warring ancestors are whirling In theii
respective graves like dervishes, but
this generation has been responsible for a lot of Innovations, and almost without exception they have
been proven to be sound good sense,
when the hysterics of convention
and tradition were over.
I don't suppose there is a man
or boy In this country, worthy of
being called a citizen, who would
not give his life in a minute in order
to protect his home and family
from an Invading enemy; certainly
I would be ashamed of any male
member of my family who would
refuse to fight In this case, but I'm
afraid I would seriously fear for
the sanity of one that would shout,
"Kiss me goodbye with a smile, my
dear the moneyed interests fee,
that they may not be able to declare a dividend unless I go out
and get stabbed with one of their
Grade A,
We are in no danger of invasion,
even from our nearest neighbors.
England would never use Canada
as a means of Ingress, even if she
were foolhardy enough to pick a
fight with us; Mexico represents no
organized menace, and no country
of Europe or Asia is planning on
making a long sea Journey for a
fight which could only end disastrously. So what difference can
their fights abroad make to us? We
are in the center of a natural fortification with batlcments measurable by thousands of miles of water. Could any intelligent person
believe that to enter another European war would be saving his
home and children from foreign
rule, and would any intelligent
person think of getting himself
killed to satisfy a total stranger's
lust for more wealth wealth which
he will never be benefited by?
It's the Job of you, and of the
Press, insofar as you represent it,
to Joint this out and I for one appreciate the ethical, not to say sensible stand you have taken. I suppose we are all sheep, after all, and
if you and other college leaders
keep on crying out the right directions, we can save ourselves from
another wholesale slaughter to
make a holiday for U. S. Steele.
And, by the way, have you noticed
that they are still spelling that
Keep up the good
fight, at least reason is on your
D. T. C.

duties In the past, we predict suc
cess for Mm In his new work.
The Kernel is happy that rec
ognition of ability to serve the federal government has resulted In the
selection of these men, and it Is
hoped that our campus will continue to supply qualified persons for
future governmental service.



Inter-fraterni- ty


and tlons which played for the
in the hope
of yest-yealso prove to be a means of making
money to carry on the good work in that the popularity of the first
the University for which this group formal function of the year will be
revived to the advantage of so destands.
serving an organization.
years ago, Just preceding
This is the one chance of the
the Christmas vacation, marked the
Council in estabdances
last of the
lishing its independence and rewere regarded as the best
spect on the campus. It is trying
social function of the year. It was
to help Itself and deserves the supa gala affair with everyone appearport of the student body in offerfirst
ing in formal dress for the
ing tickets to the dance for sale at
time during the social season. It
all fraternity houses and popular
was the sole source of existence for
campus haunts. Get behind the In
the now defunct organization.
Council and buy a
which was In no way as progressive
ticket to the
a group as the
or conscientious
Not only will you be aiding the
Council on today's
Council, but you will be creating
campus, yet it thrived well on the
priceless tradition for your school,
a year.
sponsoring of one dance
and a most enjoyable annual occa
Why can not the new organizasion.
tion do the same?
The new group has found It exceedingly difficult to maintain the JOURNALISTS DRAFTED
necessary degree of respect for the
The Kernel is gratified at the re
campus in general because of its cent drafts made on Journalists
lack of funds to carry on even a connected with this campus for
small part of its ambitious and en- service in the Federal government.
Recently Prof. V. R. Portmann,
ergetic program of benefit to the
fraternity and the University.
It assistant professor of Journalism,
has gone to great lengths to se- was chosen to a position on the
cure an orchestra meeting the stan- Graphic Arts Kentucky Regional
dards of previous music aggrega- - Code Authority committee.
body Is Instrumental in the admin
lsterlng of rules for newspaper and
printing establishments of the state,
James Shropshire, another mem
ber of our Journalistic personnel
has been granted a leave of ab
sence for six months in order that
he may serve on the rural rehabll- ation program in Kentucky. During
his student days at the University.
Mr. Shropshire studied in the College of Agriculture, and was active
in Journalistic affairs of the campus, serving as business manager
of the Kentucky Kernel. For the
last four years he has acted as
business manager of student pu