xt7xd21rgc0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rgc0k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1947-07-jul18-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-07-jul18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-07-jul18-ec. 1947 1947-07-jul18-ec. 2011 true xt7xd21rgc0k section xt7xd21rgc0k 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, July 18, 1947.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Off ice at 10:30 a.mo,
Friday, July 18, 1947.  The following members were present: Judge
Richard C. Stoll$ Chairman; H. D. Palmore, T. H. Cutler, and R. P.
Hobson.   Absent: J. C. Everett.    President H. L. Donovan and
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board of Trustees,
were also present.

     A. Minutes Approved.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of May 22, 1947, were approved as published.

     B. Griffenhagen and Agsoclates--Survey Report Received,

     President Donovan reported that he had received from the Gov-
ernor's Office copies of the Griffenhagen and Associates' Survey
Report, relating to the operation and maintenance of the University
of Kentucky.   He stated that a copy had been mailed to each member
of the Board of Trustees and that he planned to send to each member,
at a later date, a summarization of the Report.

     A question concerning the salary of Dean Thomas Cooper was not-
ed, and members of the Executive Committee discussed that part of
the Griffenhagen Report which relates to the salary of Dean Cooper.

     A letter under date of August 23, 1945, from the Office of the
Acting Solicitor of the United States Department of Agriculture was
read to refresh the memories of the members of the Executive Commit-
tee.   The letter approved the payment of Dean Cooper's salary from
Federal funds in the amount now being received by Dean Cooper.

     No further action was taken.

     C. Report of Captroller.

     The Comptroller made the u3unl financial report for the period
ended May 31, 1947.   He road the following letter summarizing re-
ceipts and disbursements.


June 30, 1947

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentuck1r
     Dear President Donovan:

          I submit herewith the University operating report for
     the eleven months period ended May 31, 1947.

          During the first eleven months of the fiscal year,
     general income had been realized amounting to $5,690,565.15.
     The income realized was 99.1% of the budget estimate of

          Departmental (appropriations approved during the same
     period amounted to i5,035,058*18.   Charges against the ap-
     propriations, including encumbrances, totalled $4,087,673*50.
     The charges were 81.1% of the Departmental Appropriations,

          Plant Fund charges during the period aggregated

          Restricted fund balances amounted to 61,029,265,56,of
     which $571,948.00 was invested in securities.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The members of the Executive Committee examined in some detail
the statement of income and expenditures, after which a motion was
made, seconded and carried directing that the report be received and

     D. Budget Adjustments.

     President Donovan reported that the Board had from time to time,
upon his recommendation, approved certain increases in the appropria-
tions for various departments, and stated that he was recommending
additional increases for administrative and general expenses; various
departments of the College of Arts and Sciences; Related Activities;
also an increase for the Division of Maintenance and Operations; and
the WYomen's Residence Halls. He read the list of' increases totalling
the sum of W67,206.l9.

     After some discussion, a motion was made, seconded and carried
that the recommendation of the President be concurred in and the in-
oreases authorized, and that detailed list be filed with the Secre-
tary of the Board*


     Es Amendment to Charter of Louisville College of Pharmacy Re-
ceiv  and Not

     President Donovan stated that he had been notified by the
Comptroller that certified copy of Certificate of Amendment of
Charter of the Directors of the Louisville College of Pharmacy as
executed prior to July 1, 3.947, had been recorded in the Office of
the Secretary of State, and In the office of the Clerk of the Juf-
ferson County Courts   He also reported that the Deed of Conveyance
of the property by the Board of Directors of the Louisville College
of Pharmacy to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, for the use and b erief it
of the University of Kentucky had been properly signed, executed
aw-d recorded in Deed Book 2254, page 229, of the Office of the Clerk
of the Jefferson County Court.

     Upon motion duly nmde, seconded and carried, the report was
authorized received and made of record in the Minutes.

     F. Lease of Sa.)Ee School Dormitory.

     President Donovan reported the execution by the Comptroller of
a lease between the Board of Trustees of Sayre School, 194 North
Limestone Street, Lexington, Ky., and the Comptroller of the Uni-
versity, acting on behalf of the University of Kentucky, for the en-
tire south dormitory part of Sayre School, located at 194 North
Limestone Street, Lexington, Ky., consisting of 33 bedrooms, three
recreation rooms, reception room and office space, as well as dining-
room and kitchen facilities,   The total space leased will house ap-
proximately 70 girls attending the University of Kentucky.

     The lease provides that the University shall pay in cash and
otherwise a rental of #5,000X00 for the use of the dormitory and fa-
cilities for the period of one year, subject to renewal by mutual
consent of the two parties,

     The President further explained that it was necessary for this
contract to be executed prior to the meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee, that same had been submitted to the Attorney General and ap-
proved by him, and that he was recommending to the Executive Committee
that they authorize the lease, and approve the action of the Comptrol-
ler in entering into the lease on behalf of the University of Ken-

     After due consideration of the lease and the provisions contained
therein, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the lease WaEs
approved and the action of the Comptroller in signing the lease on
behalf of the University of Kentuckyze ratified and approved, and
the Comptroller was directed to transmit samo to the Department of
Finance, Frankfort, Kye for encumbrance of fuurds necessary to fulfill
the provisions of the lease.
     Copy of the lease was ordered filed with the Secretary.



     G. Contracts for Fine Arts Building Cors truction Executed.

     Judge Stoll reported that he, as Vice Chairman of the Board of
Trustees and Chairman of the Executive Committee, and Frank DI.
Peterson, as Secretary of the Board, had executed on behalf of the
University of Kentucky, pursuant to authorization of the Board of
Trustees at its latest meeting, June 3, 1947, the following con-

Contract FA-.lOO General Construction
         The Whittenberg Corporation, 1tic,
              Louisville, Kentucky ...........

Contract FA-200 Heating
         Raymond o. Meyer
              Louisville, Kentucky ..X .......

Contract FA-300 Air Conditioning
         T. J. Conner, Inc.
              Cincinnati, Ohio

Contract FA-400 Plumbing
        Raymond M. Meyer
              Louisville,, Kentucky    ......

Contract FA-500 Electrical
         Payette Electric Co., Inc.
              Lexington, Kentucky

Contract FA-600 Sprinkler System
        Rockwood Sprinkler Company
              Cincinnati, Ohio ..............

Contract FA-700 Elevator
        Murphy Elevator Company, Inc.
             Louisville, Ky,.  ...............

$992, 000.00


  106, 573.00





     The report was ordered received and noted in the minutes.

     H. Ohio Crankshaft Agreement Approved.

     President Donovan reported lease agreement between the Ohio
Crankshaft Company, an Ohio corporation with its principal office
at Cleveland, Ohio, and the University of Kentucky, for the use of
a Tocco unit,   He reported that this was the second lease agreement
for the use of the Tooco unit with the University for apparatus and
equipment to be used in connection with instruction in the College
of Engineering,   The consideration of the lease was $1.00, with
the stipulation that the license fee usually charged be waived so
long as the apparatus and equipmnnt are used in connection with
Instruction given by the University.


    The President recommended approval of the lease and, upon mo-
tion duly made, seconded and carried, the President was directed to
execute the lease, and the Secretary of the Board was authorized to
attest samee

     I. Proposed Sale of Government Boris Rnscinded.

     President Donovan called attention of the Executive Committee
to a minute of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on June 3, 1947,
authorizing the Comptroller to sell government bonds in the amount
of $137,000.00.  He stated that he desired to read a letter from
the Comptroller explaining why the bonds were not sold, and asking
for further direction.  He read the following letter:

                                     July 16, 1947

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     My dear Dr. Donovan:

          The Board of Trustees, at its meeting June 3rd au-
     thorized the Comptroller to sell government bonds amounting
     to $137,000.00 purchased from funds received from the Army
     program, and to transfer same to Frankfort to be used towards
     construction of the Fine Arts Building.  After the Board
     meeting, and before these government bonds were sold, the
     University received from the Veterans Administration
     $137,000.,00 in payment of fees and tuition.  We had not
     anticipated receipt of these funds before August or Septem-
     ber, when the recommendation was made to the Board at its
     meeting on June 3rd,

         With your approval I have transferred $137,000.00 from
    the University revolving fund account 5000 to Account 5003
    "Cor truction of Fine Arts Building", and have refrained
    from selling the government bonds now held.   It seemed
    desirable to keep these investments and to use available
    uninvested funds as above explained.

          I will appreciate your submitting this to the Execu-
    tive Committee for its approval and ratification of the
    action of the Comifroller in handling these funds as outlined
    above.   In the event, however8 the Exeoutive Committee does
    not feel that these current funds should be used for con-
    struction, we can yet carry out the original order, of June
    3rd, of the Boardof Trustees.
                                      Respectfully submitted,
                            (Signed) Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller



      President Donovan stated that he thought the Comptroller had
 acted wisely and recommended that the action of the Board of Trus-
 tees at its meeting on June 3, 1947, be rescinded or held in abey-
      The members of the Executive Committee discussed thoroughly
 the question involved and, upon motion duly made, seconded and unan-
 imously carried, voted to rescind the action of the Board of Trustees
 of June 3, 1947, and to approve the action of the Comptroller in
 not selling government bonds in the amount of $137,000.00 for the
 aforesaid purpose, and in transferring from University Revolving
 Fund, Account 5000, to Account 5003 "Construction of Fine Arts
 Building", the sum of $137,O00.00.

      J. Secretary of Council on Public Higher Education.

      President Donovan stated that the Council on Public Higher Edu-
cation had, for some time, considered the employment of a Secretary,
provided that the Cou*ncil could obtain one third of the funds neces-
sary from the General Education Board,  The General Education Board
did not make the grant, and the Council, together with the State De-
partment, had agreed to finance the office of the Secretary of the
Council on Higher Education,   He quoted Section 164.020 Ky. R.S. as
giving the Council complete authority for incurring all expenses
necessary to carry on successfully the duties and functions of the
office and authorizing the governing board of each institution to
defray partly the expenses of the Secretary on Higher Education out
of the funds of the respective Institutions.

     He stated that it would require approximately $9,000 for the
purpose of employing a Secretary and paying other expehses, such as
clerical assistance, travel and publications.  The State Department
of Education had agreed to finance one half of the cost involved and
the member institutions of the Council had voted, subject to approval
of the governing boards, to provide the balance required, and on the
basis of the membership on the Council representing each institution,
the University should pay fee thirteenths (5/13) of the sum of
$4500.00, or the sum of $1730.75.

     He recommended that the recommendation of the Council on Higher
Education be approved  and that ;1730.75 be appropriated from the
funds of the University and same be made available for expenses of
the office of the Secretary of the Council on Higher Educatione

     The Board considered the recommendation and, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried. authorized appropriation of the sum of
$1730*75, and directed the Comptroller to make same available to the
Secretary of the Council on Hither Education in whatever manner ac-
ceptable to the Council and approved by the State Department of Pi-



    K. Resolution of University Press Amended.
    President Donovan read the following letter which he had Writ-
ten to Dr. Frank L. MoVey, as Chairman of the University Press Com-

                                       July lb, 1947

    Dr. Frank L. McVey
    249 Shady Lane
    Lexington 1, Kentucky

    My dear Dr. McVey:

         At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on September
    21, 1943, I recommended the establishment of the University
    of Kentucky Press.  I presented to the Trustees in con-
    nection with my recommendation the following statement,
    which is a part of a report of a committee on the University
    Press: "The report of the Committee recommends that the Uni-
    versity establish a University of Kentucky Press, and that
    all of the publications of this institution, except those
    of the Experiment Station, bear the imprint of the Universi-
    ty of Kentucky Press, regardless of whether they are paid
    for out of State funds or from the Haggin Fund. If approved,
    the acceptance of manuscripts for publication will remain
    in the hands of the Haggin Rind Publications Committee,
    while materials prepared for monographs in the field of
    anthropology and archaeology, education, and business will
    be published as at pesent on the recommendation of the in-
    dividuals responsible for these agencies, and they will
    continue to be paid for out of State funds set aside for
    this purpose"d

         The Trustees approved this recommendation and the
    University of Kentucky Press was established.

         Some time later it was agreed by your committee, as well
    as by Professor Martin, Dr. Seay, and others, that it was
    inconsistent that the Committee on the University Press should
    assume any responsibility for materials prepared by the bureaus
    of the University that publish from time to time reports of
    their researches. By co0mon cow ent this part of the orig-
    inal authorization by the Trustees was discontinued.   That
    there may be no misunderstanding in the future about this phase
    of the work of your committee, let me record here that the
    Committee on the University of Kentucky Press will assume no
    responsibility for the publication of brochures, bulletins,
    or other materials published by the University, and that your
    responsibility is confined entirely to such publications as
    the committee may accept for publication under the University



     of Kentucky Press. In order to clewa up this misunderstand-
     ing, I will ask the Executive Committee at our meeting Fri-
     day to adopt the following statement as a matter of record
     in the minutes of the Board of Trustees:

          "It is recommended that the Executive Committee re-
     lieve the University of Kentucky Press of any responsibility
     for the publication of monographs, bulletins, or brochures
     published by any of the bureaus or colleges of the Univer-
     sity and that this action repeal instructions given the
     committee in charge of the University of Kentucky Press at
     the meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 21, 1943,
     reported in Volume 21, page 44."

                                     Cordially yours,

                                  (Signed) H. L. Donovan

     The members of the Executive Committee heard the recommendation
of the President, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
amended the Resolution of September 21, 1943, to relieve the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Press of any responsibility for the publication
of monographs,, bulletins and brochures, published by any of the
bureaus or colleges of the University, and ordered that this action
repeal instructions given the committee in charge of the University
of Kentucky Press at the meeting of the Boardof Trustees on Septem-
ber 21, 1943, reported in Volume 21, page 44.

     L, Agreement with the State Employment Service,

     President Donovan submitted cooperative agreement between the
Cooperative Extension Service of the College of Agriculture and Home
Economics, University of Kentucky, and the Kentucky State Employment
Service.   The employment service, urcbr the Agreement, will furnish
certain facilities and services in connection with the farm labor

     This agreement is similar to a cooperative agreement formerly
approved by the Board, and provides a monthly payment of $400.00 for
the services which the Kontucky State Employment Service will render.

     President Donovan reported that Dean Cooper recommends the co-
operative agreement, and feels that it is to the advantage of the
State and Federal governments and of the Division of Agricultural
Extension, which is charged with carrying on the work.

     He recommended the approval of the agreement subject to the ap-
proval of allotment of funds to the College of Agriculture and Home
Economics for the continuation of the work during the next six months.



     The Committee considered the provisions of the cooperative
agreement and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Di-
rector of the Cooperative Extension Service and the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics was directed to execute the agreement
on behalf of the University of Kentucky,

     M. Fence at Maxwell Place.

     President Donovan explained that the Fine Arts Building had
been authorized constructed north of Maxwell Place, that, with his
approval, a temporary classroom and office building is to be erected
northwest of Maxwell Place, and that many people frequented the
driveway leading into Maxwell Place without knowing that it is not
a through street or thoroughfare.

     Members of the Committee expressed a desire to give to Maxwell
Place some degree of privacy, and upon the recommendation of Presi-
dent Donovan, a motion was made, seconded and carried directing the
Comptroller to cause to be erected an iron fence enclosing the
grounds belonging to Maxwell Place which shall meet the approval of
President Donovan.   The necessary funds are appropriated from un-
appropriated surplus of University funds.

     N. Funds for Architects' Fees and Other Expenses Authorized

     President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptrol-
ler explaining certain transactions with nference to payments made
to architects on the Memorial Auditorium Fieldhouse and residence

                                     July 12, 1947

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Dear Dr. Donovan:

          The Board of Trustees has approved payments to archi-
     tects listed below:

          August 1945 GilligoJohnson & Meriwether, first
                       payment on Auditorium-Fieldhouse
                       plan $..., ...                 $   13,000.00

          December 1945 JohM F. Wilson, first payment on
                       Menls Residence Hall No. 4 plans    5,000900



          May 1945    John F. Ifilson, second pay-
                       ment on plans for Men's Resi-
                       dence Hall No. 4              2...........$ 2500.00

          June 1945   Frankel & Curtis, first payment
                       on plans for Women' s Residence
                       Hall Nog 4  ................   6,650.00

          July 1946   Frankel & Curtis, second payment
                       on plans for Women's Residence
                       Hall No. 4   .    ........ 13,300.00.

          In addition to these payments for architects' fees,
     there has been payment made for advertising for the construc-
     tion of the Men's Residence Hall and extra copies of plans
     and specifications for the Women's Hall, amounting to P209*35.

          I recommend that the Executive Committee at its next
     meeting definitely authorize the transfer from Account 3311
     Rent - Fieldhouse Property $5,500.00 and Account 3311-A Rent
     Fieldhouse Investments $7,50000 to take care of the archi-
     teats' fee for plans for the Fieldhouse in the amount of

          I recommend that the sum of V7.572.85 be authorized
     transferred from the Army Program Account 3031-A to Account
     3069 to take care of architect's fees and other expenses
     paid to John F. Wilson on the Men's Residence Hall No. 4p

          I recommend that the sum of $20,086.50 be transferred
     from Account 3031-.4, Army Program, to Account 3069-D to
     take care of architect's fees paid to Frankel & Curtis for
     plans and specifications on the Woments Residence Hall and
     Food Unit.

          You understand that the Board has, from time to time,
     authorized the payment of these fees to architects for ser-
     vices rendered,  I think it would be well for the Executive
     Committee to authorize transfer of funds as above suggested.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                               (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The Committee considered the recommendation, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, authorized transferred from Account
3311 and Account 3311A the sum of $13,000, and the Comptroller was
authorized to sell investments in government bonds in the amount of
$7,500, and to transfer from the Army Program Account 3031A to 3069
the sum of $7,572,85,  The Committee also authorized the transfer
from Army Program Account 3031A to Account 3069D the sum of
$20,086.50, these funds to be appropriated for architects' fees and
other expenses incident to plans and specifications in buildings
listed in the letter of the Comptroller.



     0. Apoaraons for Overruns on Memorial Auditorium lield-
     President Donovan stated that he had received a recommendation
from the Comptroller with reference to appropriating an additional
sum of money to the Memorial Auditorium Fieldhouse to meet increases
due to overruns.  He read the following letter:

                                             July 6, 1947

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     My dea)r President Donovan:

          In connection with our contracts for excavation
     and foundation work for structural steel for the Memori-
     al Auditorium Fieldhouse, we find that concrete and
     other materials will be increased due to overruns. All
     overruns will be approved by the architect and some one
     connected with the University.  To take csare of contem-
     plated overruns, it will be necessary to make a supple-
     mental appropriation out of the current budget to provide
     funds for advices of change as they are approved,  I
     therefore uuggest and recommend that the sum of five thou-
     sand dollars be appropriated from the unappropriated sur-
     plus of the general University budget to be used on the
     Memorial Auditorium Fieldhouse construction contracts.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The members of the Executive Committee considered the recom-
mendation and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum
of $5000 was authorized appropriated from unappropriated surplus
of the University budget and transferred to the Plant Fund for in-
creases due to overruns in connection with construction of the Memo-
rial Auditorium-Fleldhouse.

     P. Contract with Jessamine Journal.

     The Comptroller submitted proposed agreement between University
of Kentucky and the Jessamine Journal for the loan of a file of the
Jessamine Journal, 1899-l926. The agreement provides that the Uni-
versity shall take the papers, make same a part of the University
Library, keep them in a safe building, and be responsible for the
protection of the file against loss within reasonable limits.



      It was further stated that the agreement was similar to other
 agreements which the Board had approved, sponsored by Dr. T. D1
 Clark, of the Department of History,

      The Board heard the recommendation, and upon motion duly made,
 seconded and carried, approved the agreement and, on behalf of the
 University, authorized its execution.

      Q. Beguest of Estate of Judge Samuel M  Wilson PaLid.*

      President Donovan stated that he was in receipt of a letter
 from Mr. Clinton M. Harbison transmitting for Mrs. Samuel M. Wilson,
 the administratrix of the estate, check for $1000.00 in payment of
 the bequest made to the University in Article 4 of Judge Wilsonls
 will, same to be known as the Student Library Endowment Fund.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the menibers of the
 Executive Committee took note of the report of receipt of the pay-
 ments authorized same accepted, and directed President Donovan to
 write to Mr. Harbison and Mrs. Wilson letters expressing their ap-
 preciation on behalf of the University for this bequest.

     Re    laton of LA       dgn Water Company for Special Connec-

     President Donovan submitted application for special connection
of the Lexington Water Company.   He explained that the Lexington
Water Company desired to install one standard fire hydrant near the
Beet Cattle Barn on the Experiment Station Farm property located
approximately 250 feet south of Van Meter road in the Montclair Sub-
division, He stated that the application had been approved by the
Attorney General's office and had been recommended by Dean Cooper.

     Judge Stoll explained that he had no objection to the applica-
tion but, because his firm represented the Water Company, he would
not vote upon the application.

     After due consideration by other members of the Committee, Mo-
tion was made, seconded and carried approving the application and
clreoting that the application be executed by the Chairman of the
Executive Committee on behalf of the University, and witnessed by
the Secretary of the Board. Copy of the application was ordered
filed with the Secretary; Judge Stoll not voting.



    S. Gi fts
               From Mr. P. A. B. Widener--"The Smithsonian Series."

    President Donovan reported gift of "The Smithsonian Series"
from Mr.P.4.B    l Widener, Philadelphia, Pa.  He read the following
                                            June 11, 1947

    Mr. H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Ky.

    Dear Mr. Donovan:

                     Because of the generosity of Mr. P.A.B.
    Widener, you are going to be favored with a set of "The
    Smithsonian Series."1

                      The set will be registered in the name of
     your school and shipment will be made within the next ten
     days.   You are not obligated in any way, so you may feel
     free to accept it when it arrives.   Will you please be
     good enough to acknowledge receipt of this gift direct to
     Mr. Widener, at 405 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, sending
     us a copy of your acknowledgment for our files?

                     No doubt you are familiar with The Smith-
     sonian Series, it having received a tremendous amount of
     favorable publicity in recent years.   It is written in
     the language of the layman and within the comprehension
     of boys and girls of high school age.   It has stimulated
     a keen interest in science wherever it has been made avail-
     able.   One young lad in an Iowa school ranked head and
     shoulders above 10,000 contestants in a science contest
     because as his instructors told us, he had the benefit
     of The 6mithsonian Series.

                     The publication is put to good use when
    placed in the hands of the science teacher.   We trust
    that it will prove Just as beneficial in your school as
    it has in others throughout the country.

                                       Very truly yours,

                               (Signed) A. Monett



      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift was or-
 dered accepted, and President Donovan was requested to write a let-
 ter of appreciation to the donor, on behalf of the University.

           From Mr. Edwin G. Bedford II, Uidland, Texas--Loan
                of his father's diaries, letters, oil paintings,
                et cetera.
      President Donovan reported loan by Ir. Edwin G. Bedford II$
 Midland, Texas, of his father's diaries, letters, oil paintings9 et
 cetera,  He expressed gratification at the receipt of this loans
 and stated that it would be of much historical interest to historians
 doing research on life In Kentucky during the last half of the nine-
 teenth century.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the loan was ac-
 cepted and President Donovan was requested to write a letter of ap-
 preciation to Mr. Bedford, on behalf of the University.

     From the Pacific Coast Borax Company.

     President Donovan reported grant of $600.00 from the Pacific
Coast Borax Company, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, to the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station, for the purpose of conducting field
tests on the need of boron in crops, particularly alfalfa, the money
to be set up as a trust fund and used at the direction of the direct-
or of the Experiment Station, for the purpose stated.   He stated
that the grant will be very helpful in furthering the study on the
need of boron by crops.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the grant of $600
was accepted, and President Donovan was requested to write a letter
of appreciation to the donor, on behalf of the University,

     T. Leave of Absence for Professor A. J. Merer.

     President Donovan reported the request of Professor A. J. Meyer,
Director of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, College of Engineer-
ing, for leave of absence for a month's vacation.   He stated that
Professor Meyer had not had a vacation for the past seven years, and
that he and Mrs. Meyer planned to return to Holland to visit their

     On motion duly