xt7xd21rg960 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7xd21rg960/data/mets.xml Carter, Howell. [19--]  books b92-83-27375869 English American Printing Co., ltd., : New Orleans : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental histories. Confederate States of America. Army. Louisiana Cavalry Regiment, 1st. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Personal narratives, Confederate. Cavalryman's reminiscences of the civil war  / by Howell Carter. text Cavalryman's reminiscences of the civil war  / by Howell Carter. 19 [19--] 2002 true xt7xd21rg960 section xt7xd21rg960 



       -OF THE-




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  In presenting this volume to the public the author is
conscious of its many imperfections; he feels that in
some instances he has infringed upon the rules of rhet-
oric to such an extent that the finer sensibilities of the
critic may be shocked; he has taken the unpardonable
privilege of using both the first and third person in his
narratives, but, if with all these shortcomings and in-
congruities, he succeeds in rescuing from oblivion the
record and deeds of the "First Louisiana Cavalry" and
the "old boys" are satisfied with his work he will be
willing to say to the critic "lay on Macduff I"
  When the actors in a great drama are about to have
the last curtain rung down, they strain every nerve to
so reach the climax that the audience may go away
with the scene forever stamped upon their minds, and,
thus it is in this case; thirty-five years have passed
away and the dust and cobwebs have so accumulated
that even the names of the actors are almost obliterated,
but with a supreme effort we have brushed and swept
until the walls have whitened and the names of most
of the members of "Scott's Famous Cavalry," as the
Federals called them, are written herein, and, if it
means for preservation, then the author, when the cur-
tain is about to be rung down, will say "this is a far,
far better thing that I do than I have ever done."
  With the fervent prayer that the remnant of this
grand old body of troopers will spend their remaining
days in peace, plenty and happiness, these pages are
sent out to act as sentinels, with the hope that they
will guard well their camp against the attacks of
oblivion's relentless sword.




                  CHAPTER I.
  A complete history of the First Louisiana Cavalry
would be like outlining the history of the Army of
Tennessee, for in i86i the regiment joined that army
and followed its fortunes until i864. At different
periods it fought under Albert Sydney Johnston, Beau-
regard, Bragg, Jos. E. Johnston, Hood, Breckinridge,
Kirby Smith, Polk, Buckner, Taylor, Wheeler, Forrest,
Stephen D. Lee, Cheatham, Pegram and others. In
this sketch, though, no attempt will be made toward
describing places or locations-it will be reminiscential
(aided by notes taken at the time) and will contain
only facts concerning the command, interspersed with
the facetiae of its camps.
  The writer apologizes in advance for the free use he
will be compelled to make of the personal pronouns,
and if more should be said about Company "E" than
others, it must be remembered that it was from this
company the personal observations were made,-and
if the language in some conversations should sound
coarse or indecorous it is because plain unvarnished
tales are being told.
  In the summer of i86i John S. Scott, who was
reared in the Parish of East Feliciana, Louisiana, came
from the Army of Virginia, where he had made, in a
few week's service, quite a reputation as a scout, for
the purpose of raising a regiment of cavalry. The
enthusiasm prevailing throughout the country was so
great that it required only a little while to have the


ten companies ready. They reported at Baton Rouge,
and were mustered into service as the "First Louisi-
ana Cavalry," with John S. Scott as Colonel, J. 0. Nix-
on, Lieut.-Colonel; Gervais Schlatre, Major; Albert
Cammack, Quartermaster; N. T. N. Robinson, com-
missary; Peter C. Fox, Adjutant; Dr. T. P. Hotch-
kiss, Surgeon; Dr. J. L. Gurley, Assistant Surgeon;
James R. Leake, Sergeant Major; Joseph Colton, For-
age Master; A. Wilson, Wagon Master.
  The companies were officered as follows:
  "A"-Calvin W. Keep, Captain; Samuel Matthews,
First Lieutenant; H. R. Slack, Second Lieutenant; E.
A. Marioneaux, Third Lieutenant.
  "B"-J. M. Taylor, Captain; Ed Hiriart, First Lieu-
tenant; N. W. Pope, Second Lieutenant; J. B. Fort,
Third Lieutenant.
  "C"-W. W. Leake, Captain; Robt. D. Gill, First
Lieutenant; E. G. Davis, Second Lieutenant; J. 0.
Howell, Third Lieutenant.
  "D"-John R. Williams, Captain; E. Enette, First
Lieutenant; James Culberson, Second Lieutenant;
Thomas Clements, Third Lieutenant.
  "E"-G. A. Scott, Captain; John F. Keller, First
Lieutenant; A. Ballard, Second Lieutenant; James
Haygood, Third Lieutenant.
  "F"-Jos. Benjamin, Captain; W. R. Purvis, First
Lieutenant; C. B. Wheeler, Second Lieutenant; Hugh
Wilson, Third Lieutenant.
  "G"-Fenelon Cannon,Captain; J. C. Joffrion, First
Lieutenant; W. H. Murdock, Second Lieutenant; H.
C. Cailletean, Third Lieutenant.
  "H"-John Campbell, Captain; H. L. Daigre, First
Lieutenant; J. G. GcGimsey, Second Lieutenant; Sam-
uel Martin, Third Lieutenant.
  "I"-Ovide Lejeune, Captain; Frank Hitchcock,
First Lieutenant; J. H. Halsey, Second Lieutenant;
Charles Villery, Third Lieutenant.



  "K"-Wm. L. Ditto, Captain; Ashbury F. Harper,
First Lieutenant; Thos. J. Wattington, Second Lieu-
tenant;       Richardson, Third Lieutenant.
  For full lists of companies, promotions, etc., see
  The name of John Scott, the Virginia scout, was
heralded far and wide and hence he had no trouble
in raising a regiment. The following editorial is from
the Clinton, La., Patriot, which at that time was edited
by Wm. Greene:

                 JOHN S. SCOTT."

  "This gallant son of our parish, whose recent noble
conduct in Virginia has given so much pride and pleas-
ure to our people, will be here to-day. He will find in
East Feliciana, among those who have known him
from his birth, a hearty greeting. There is nowhere to
be found a more gallant, chivalrous, hightoned South-
ern gentleman than John S. Scott, and we hope John,
since he has been in the big fight at Manassas, and
done such valorous and noble deeds of daring on the
peninsular in Eastern Virginia, wont forget his old
companions in arms in Capt. Comstock's company,
"Andrew Jackson Regiment" in Mexico. You know,
John, that you and we of the "Patriot" were high pri-
vates in that command and if we didn't do any fighting
it was no fault of ours, as we had no chance. We pre-
dict for Colonel Scott's battalion a brilliant and glori-
ous future. It cannot be otherwise with such men as
he will have under his command, added to his own
universally admitted qualifications for a military lead-
er. Capt. Gus Scott's company from this parish, of
this battalion, is composed of our best citizens, plan-
ters, who are used to the saddle and who enter this
branch of the service and join this military corps be-
cause they think it affords the most prospect of get-




ting into the fray. Col. Scott, we know, will see, that
our boys are not disappointed; if there is any fighting
he will take care to have a hand in it. Capt. Gus
Scott's list, we understand, will be closed to-day. All
who wish to join him should do so at once, they may
be too late."
  The New Orleans Crescent's special correspondent
from Richmond, under date of June 15, i86i, writes:
"The most notable man in the Confederate army north
of Virginia, is a Louisianian, John S. Scott, a native
of one of the Felicianas, who has rendered valuable
service to Gen. Magruder and his command, in his
capacity as scout. He is fearless and has passed
through the most imminent dangers without injury.
It was Scott who penetrated the lines of the enemy at
Newport News and reported the strength and position
to Gen. Magruder. He passed the pickets on the 4th
of June, just before daylight and taking his position
on the roof of an uninhabited house remained there
until guard mounting, undiscovered. It was Scott who
notified Gen. Magruder of the advance of the Federal
forces on Great Bethel on the ioth of June. He re-
ported their number also; reported the detour made
by Major Winthrop for the purpose of turning Magru-
der's batteries, in which he was foiled by a cruel and
destructive fire of the masked battery, killing Winthrop
and dispersing the enemy. He never hunts in couples,
but relies alone on his woodcraft and daring; from
retreat to tattoo he selects as the period for passing
the guard, takes some cold provisions for himself and
a few ears of corn for his horse. He never lights a
Are nor sleeps near his horse, but lays in the thicket
for hours awaiting the enemy; if in force he mounts
his horse and reports, if only one or two he is certain
to bag one of them and leave the other one terrified
and amazed at the sudden loss of his companion. Gen.
Magruder, recently at Young's Mills, when annoyed



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by the contradictory reports of his scouts, said to one
of his aides: 'If Scott was here we should learn the
truth; he makes no reports that can be questioned;
whatever he says is considered true and reliable.' "
  The following is taken from the special correspon-
dence of the New Orleans Delta:
                   Great Bethel, York Co., Va.
                                   June I7, i86i.
       In the Government ambulance, besides Mr.
Da. P and Mr. Marion B-, of Louisiana, my
companions were Bishop Polk, the Hon. Henry Mar-
shall and Mr. John Scott. The estimable Bishop you
know well enough, if not personally, at least by repu-
tation    But Mr. Scott, I take it, you don't
know, and perhaps few of your readers, yet I wish you
and them to know him, for he is worth knowing. He
is one of those peculiar men to whose complete devel-
opment peculiar circumstances are necessary. If Rome
had no armies and no wars Caesar might have shone
as an orator equal to Cicero, or a philosopher as fa-
mous as Aristotle; for Caesar was too ambitious to
rest in peace or war. But without the border cam -
paign in Virginia it is quite possible that Mr. Scott's
neighbors and friends in West Feliciana and Pointe
Coupee parishes (he has a plantation in the last and
resides in the first) would have known him only as a
genial companion and intelligent gentleman, distin-
guished especially as a good judge of horse flesh, a bold
rider and a brilliant shot. Here amid the stirring and
eventful scenes of this peninsula he is all this indeed,
but he is greatly and notably more. As a select vol-
unteer scout in the service of Colonel Magruder's com-
mand, it would be hard to point, to any single man
who has assisted to more advantage than he to organize
the success of the Confederate arms along this line of
operations. Leather-Stocking was scarcely a more
skillful woodsman, Marion was not a more daring



cavalier. Though the peninsula was but a short time
ago entirely new to him, he is now familiar with every
nook and corner of it; with every high road and by
path, inlet, river, creek, morass, forest, meadow, of it,
from Hampton and Newport News to Yorktown and
Williamsburg. Not one of its inhabitants is so thor-
ough a master of its military topography. He can tell
you without chart or field book all the ways by which
cavalry, infantry or artillery could be moved-where
the enemy would be at a disadvantage, where our troops
would hold a commanding position. A brief conversa-
tion with him on these topics is worth more than the
diagram of an engineer. In this respect tie is an un-
conscious genius. The engineer only gives you lines
and points and angles; he paints. Were you to hear a
recital of his adventures, his conflicts, his perils, his
almost miraculous escapes, you would be inclined to
ask, "is this the story of Roland or of Amadis repeated
with a modern variation. We cannot refuse to be-
lieve in the substantial existence of the Knight er-
rantry of the mediaeval romaunts, when we behold
such an instance of the same spirit of "chivalrous em-
prise" in our own days.
  From Hampton to Yorktown in every family of
loyal citizens the name of Mr. Scott is already an af-
fectionate household word. He knows them all. He
has the friendship and confidence of the men. The wo-
men almost idolize him. The children love him as an
older brother. Mr. Scott was the first Southerner on
the peninsula to make a Yankee invader bite the dust;
he was the first to bring a live Yankee a prisoner to
the Confederate camp. Several of his desperate en-
counters with the enemy's scouts, pickets and videttes
have been attributed to another. I say "desperate en-
counters," but it is difficult to conceive what encoun-
ter is desperate for one who combines such consum-
mate daring, such coolness and presence of mind, and


such ready knowledge of the situation, however per-
ilous.'In one instance, near Hampton, in company with
two citizens on horseback, he was attacked by nine of
the enemy, who endeavored to surround and take them
prisoners. Mr. Scott turned his horse and feigning
a flight succeeded in drawing their fire. He then
wheeled and charged upon three that were in advance
of the rest. One of them, however, still had his piece
loaded and fired upon Mr. Scott at the distance of
about twenty yards, when the latter was at full gal-
lop. Mr. Scott instantly reined up his horse, shot the
man, who had just fired, dead, with one barrel of his
gun, then with the other barrel mortally wounded an-
other who was running across a field, and Afterwards
captured the third who was not so active in getting
away. While this was going on the rest of his as-
sailants had scampered off in wholesome dread of
meeting with similar treatment from his companions.
Gathering the spolia opima of victory, Mr. Scott then
returned to camp    It is needless to say that
Mr. Scott is in all respects an accomplished guerril-
lero, and if a guerrilla corps should be formed for the
war along the Virginia border, he is the man of all men
to be its chieftain. In person Mr. Scott is about five
feet nine inches high, with a rather florid and full face
-regular, and when in repose, almost feminine; dark
gray eyes, brown wavy hair, broad shoulders, full
chest, and a body, from neck to ankle, far from lean
and angular, yet not soft and rounded to a degree of
obesity. Physiologically I should pronounce his or-
ganization an admirable compound of the vital aftd
motive systerds. His dress in camp and on the road
for scouting service differs little from that which a
young Louisiana planter of elegant tastes would wear
in a walk down Canal street. His arms at present con-
sist of a breech-loading carbine, a Colts revolver and a
bowie knife. Col. Magruder is momentarily expected




this morning from Yorktown, and when he arrives Mr.
Scott will lead a party for a reconnoitering exp2dition.
It is possible that his report may decide the plan of
some important movement against Newport News,
perhaps.                                    J.

  The companies of the newly organized regiment
went to different parts of the State to drill. Capt. Gus
Scott took "E" to Jackson and Olive Branch, where,
for several.weeks they were put through a hardening
process in drill and disciplinary work. The process
was crude, though, as the following example will
show: The Captain was absent from camp and the
Lieutenant in command gave a sergeant and one of the
men permission to go to Clinton, with the injunction
to be back by 5 o'clock that evening. The boys went
to see some girls, and as is often the case under such
circumstances, they stayed a little longer than was
expected, and reached camp at 5 :30. The Lieutenant
looked sternly at them, and said: "Boys, you have re-
mained a half hour over your time, and as discipline is
the all important thing in an army, I will be compelled
to punish you. Sergeant, you will take charge of the
guards at 6 o'clock and remain on duty until 6 to-
morrow evening, and you (turning to the soldier) wvill
go on guard at 6 and remain all night." Of course, it
was done, but in after days the boys often laughed
at the first punishment inflicted in the company. After
several weeks rather pleasantly passed in Jackson and
at Olive Branch, orders came to report to Baton
Rouge. "The Barracks" was then our home for a
while. Daily drills and guard duty was the routine
work. Company "E" had within its ranks a rather
facetious trooper, who caused no little amusement by
an incident that the boys never forgot: Lieut. Colonel
J. 0. Nixon was in command, and like the good officer
that he proved to be, rigid discipline was the course


LiwuT.-CoL. J. 0. NIXON, 1865.

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he marked out to pursue. No man would dare do what
was not strictly in accordance with military rule. A
soldier on duty was required to salute an officer of the
line with a "shoulder," a field officer with "present
arms." The wagon master was about the same height
of the Lieut. Colonel, and their hair too was silvered
alike. "Tom" was sentry at Post No. i-and, as Col.
Nixon was passing he noticed that he received only a
"shoulder arms." Stopping instantly, he said, "Soldier,
do you know who I am, sir" Immediately the sentry
came to "present arms," saying as he did so, "You can
have it any way ybu please sir. I thought you were
the wagon master." The stern look which he then be-
held made him forever remember the Lieut. Colonel of
his -regiment. Poor "old Tom" afterward went to
sleep "on post" in Kentucky, and through the kind-
heartedness of his Colonel and Captain was sent home
and reported "dead." A few months thereafter the re-
port could have been truthfully made, for his spirit
had gone to the God who gave it.

                 CHAPTER II.

  The regiment was soon ordered to the front. On
board the "Magnolia," a large Mississippi river boat.
Company "E" and one or two others embarked; "A"
and two others on the "Vicksburg," and some other
boats whose names cannot now be recalled took the



balance of the regiment. After an uneventful trip,
we safely arrived in Memphis, Tenn. Spending two
or three days in this delightful little city, we then took
the train for Nashville, where we stopped about a
week, had our horses shod, and prepared for march-
ing. On the trip to Bowling Green, nothing of par-
ticular interest occurred. At night we would seek
shelter in houses, barns, and wherever we could find
it. One night some of the boys were sleeping in a
little two room house, where an old man lived alone, at
least was alone that night. "Bob" (one of the com-
pany) asked the old fellow if he couldn't sleep in the
bed with him. He consented, and went out to attend
to some duties about his place, and as Bob had taken
a long ride and was tired he concluded to get in before
the old farmer returned. He found that he was get-
ting into what might be called a "duplex" bed, that is,
the mattress was half cotton and half shucks, and get-
ting over on the cotton side he told the boys who were
sleeping on the floor what he was doing. After a
while the old man came in, and when he found the sol-
dier on his side, he tried to wake him, but he was as
one dead-pretending to be so sound asleep; finally
the old fellow said, "well! I suppose I will have to sleep
on them shucks, but if God will forgive me this time
for doing such a fool thing, I'll never let a soldier
sleep with me again." Old Bob laughed many days
afterward about the way he got the cotton side of that
  In good time we arrived in Bowling Green, and re-
ported to Gen. Albert Sydney Johnston, one of the
grandest and most magnificent looking soldiers it has
ever been our fortune to see. A few days after going
into camp, in company with another soldier I took a
ride. We met quite a number of officers; one particu-
larly attracted our attention. We saluted, and looking
at each other both said: "What a grand looking sol-


dier. If that is not Gen. Johnston, he surely ought to
be in command of an army.' Riding on further we met
a soldier whom we questioned, and he said: "Did you
meet an officer riding a gray horse Well, that was
Gen. Johnston." So the man we had picked out as our
beau ideal of a soldier was indeed the peerless Albert
Sydney Johnston. We were soon ordered to Russel-
ville, which we found a pleasant place to quarter in.
Eggs and chickens were plentiful, the former selling
at three cents per dozen, when we first got there and
the boys feasted for many days. 'The measles, though,
had broken out in camp and havoc was played with the
command, Many of our finest boys died, or went home
to die from the effects of the disease. After spending
several weeks at this place, the Regiment returned to
Bowling Green and went into winter quarters. One
night the tent in which the writer was sleeping with
his messmates caught fire. The boys sprang out of
their straw beds, seizing their guns, accoutrements,
clothing, etc., and jumped into snow about six inches
deep. "W. S.," one of our trustworthy and most re-
liable men-one, who though not a drinking man, al-
ways had a canteen of something that could be counted
on, was among our number who were shivering in the
cold. We had just seen our little Irishman, who was
the life of the mess, come from the corner of a to-
bacco house that stood near, with a broad smile upon
his face. "W" said: "I would give a dollar for a drink
of whisky. I don't see why I let such as that burn up."
The little Hibernian said, "Come with me and I'll give
ye a drink." So to the corner of the house all went,
and no one who saw the look on "W's." face as he took
the canteen, can forget it. He looked first at John,
then at the canteen, and said: "Where did you get
this" "Be the Holy Moses," said he, "while ye were
all in the tint hunting up your thraps, it was meself
that was on the outside feeling for this canteen, for I



knew d-n well there was one under the head of old
'W's.' bed." Not long after this, on account of water,
we had to move quarters. Nearly all of our company
were in hospitals; in fact, the Captain, a sergeant, six
men and the wagon driver were the only ones well
enough for duty the day the move was made. Arriv-
ing at the new camp the Captain told the sergeant not
to allow Lynch to take his mules out until he had
hauled some straw for the boys to sleep on. The old
Irishman said, when he was told to go, "I am going
to wather me mules first." "All right," was the reply,
"but the Captain said not to take those mules out until
you hauled that straw." "Well! I'll wather me mules."
Just then the little Captain made his appearance.
"What does all this mean" said he. "Nothing at all,"
said Lynch, "only I am going to wather me mules."
"It looks to me, Lynch, as if you wanted to be Captain
of this company and have mpe for wagon driver." "No,
I'll be darmed if I do; I wouldn't be Captain of six
sick men." It knocked Captain Scott out completely,
and he made for his tent hurriedly, almost bursting
with laughter. But old Lynch never unhitched his
mules; he winked his eyes as only an Irishman can,
and said, "Be Gad, I shall go and get that sthraw." In
a few minutes the Captain had gotten over his "knock-
out," and returned. "Where are you going, Lynch"
said he. "For the sthraw; didn't me Captain tell me
to get it, and whin did I ever disobey him." It was an-
other "knock-out," but of a different style, and all the
Captain could say was "I am glad you came to your
  About the middie of January Colonel Scott, with
four companies of his regiment, went on a scout to-
ward Green river. Capt. Gus Scott, who had gone
down to Russellville to see about his sick men, heard
of it and asked permission to go along. He got Hen-
dry's horse and Brook's rifle and pistol, and started.



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They spent the night at Greenville and next day went
to Rochester, situated at the junction of Green and
Mud rivers. Here they got sixty-five hogs and left
about 4 o'clock p. m. The enemy was within six miles
of them at the time, report said, nearly four thousand.
Col. Scott went direct from this place to Bowling
Green, Capt. Scott returning to Russellville. Although
they had no engagement, one man was killed on the
trip-to what company he belonged cannot now be
recalled. He was sitting at a table eating; another
soldier coming in, slipped and fell, the hammer of his
gun striking the floor caused it to fire, killing the
man at the table instantly. Captain Scott said that
while he was at the hotel in Greenville he saw a wound-
ed Yankee, the first he had ever seen. He was shot in
several places, in a fight at Sacramento. In the night he
was groaning terribly. Capt. Scott went to him and
found that he had become twisted in his bed, and un-
able to help himself; he fixed him comfortably and
gave him some water; the poor fellow was grateful,
but seemed very much surprised to think that a South-
ern soldier would do anything for him.




                CHAPTER III.
  Early in February, i862, the movements of the
Federals up the Cumberland with land and naval
forces necessitated the evacuation of Bowling Green.
Scott's cavalry was sent to Clarksville; on the trip we
found the roads in a fearful condition, and in sleet,
rain, and mud, the command marched, but strange to
say, just as we got to the Tennessee line the sun came
out beautifully, and the roads were fine. The boys im-
mediately commenced drawing comparisons, in which
Kentucky suffered, for, most of the farmers with
whom we had come in contact in that part of Kentucky
were Union sympathizers, and had not treated the men
as well as they might have done, and as if to strength-
en their views or to corroborate the comparisons made,
Companies B and E stopped in the lot of a man by
the name of Mumford, near Clarksville, who was a
whole-souled gentleman and Southerner. His house
was filled with women and children who had fled from
Hopkinsville, and notwithstanding that forty men got
supper and breakfast, and sixty horses were fed, not
a cent would he take for anything; said he could not
charge Confederate soldiers, and, not being used to
such treatment, the boys thought it refreshing to meet
such- a man. From here we went out to the Fair



Grounds, where we found comfortable quarters for
ourselves and horses. After remaining a day or two
we started toward Indian Mound and almost opposite
Fort Donelson. The fight commenced on the I3th,
and those bitter cold days will never be forgotten by
those who were exposed. The mercury had crept
down at least to zero, it had been sleeting and snowing,
and the suffering among the men was intense; the soles
of their shoes froze to the stirrups, and many fingers
and toes were "frost-bitten." The command was sta-
tioned on that side of the river to watch the move-
ments of the enemy, and was not really engaged, but
they saw and heard enough of the excitement of the
battle to give them the first actual taste of war. The
writer can never forget his good old friend "August"
(as his mess-mates called him) on that bitter cold night
of the 13th. We had been in the saddle for hours, and
not knowing what moment we would meet and become
engaged with the enemy, it was not deemed advisa-
ble to go into camp, but hitching the horses in the
fence corners, with positive orders that each saddle
should be placed right behind the horse, the boys
scratched back the snow, and wrapped up in blankets
for a "snooze" in bivouac. "August" thought it would
do just as well to put his saddle en the fence, and,
about the time he got wrapped up well in his blanket
the Captain walked down the line on an inspection.
Finding no saddle behind this horse, he said, and in
language that could not be misunderstood: "Whoever
this horse belongs to I want to put his saddle right
where it ought to be in two. minutes." "August"
rolled out of his blankets and put the saddle in the place
designated. Being a Christian gentleman, he never
used comparative and superlative degrees of expres-
sion, but seeing the Captain disappear down the line he
said, with a scornful curl of the lip, "By ganny, I'll
tie it to my horse's tail if he wants it,' or something



similar to that, which brought forth a merry peal of
laughter from the almost frozen boys. As to the sur-
render of Fort Donelson, it is not the province or de-
sire of the writer to speak. Other pens will tell of
lloyd and Pilhow escaping, and Bu-ciitr remaining to
share'the destiny of his troops when he surrendered.
Our command was then, on the morning of the i6th,
ordered to fall back toward Nashville, which was done
with no startling incident, and we remained in the city
until the Federals appeared on the oposite side of the
river, when we leisurely marched along toward Frank-
lin. A detachment of Federal cavalry, having annoyed
us some, Col. Scott sent Capt. Scott back on the 9th
of March with a detachment to teach them a lesson,
which was effectually done and we were troubled no
  In a dispatch of Gen. Johnston's to Beauregard, dat-
ed Decatur, March Ii, I862, among other things is
the following: "My cavalry, a part of which still ob-
serves the enemy near Nashville, had a smart skir-
mish with the enemy's cavalry six miles from Nash-
ville day before yesterday. Forty of Scott's cavalry
attacked ioo of the enemy's, killed twelve, routed them
and burned their tents. We lost two, one killed and
one mortally wounded. The force here is in good con-
dition and fine spirits. They are anxious to meet the
enemy. Very respectfully your obedient servant,
                              A. S. JOHNSTON,
                              General C. S. Armv.
See Vol X, Series i, part II, official records. Page 310.

  We now started for Pulaski and thence on to Deca-
tur, Ala. Here we went into camp and many recruits
from Louisiana and elsewhere joined us; among them,
Dr. A. Porter Brown, A. E. Carter and Charles Mc-
Vea in Company "E ;" Frank A. Monroe in Company
"C," and many others whose names cannot now be re-
called. Some regularly enlisted and others joined as



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independents ("peacocks" the boys called them), that
is, they were willing to fight with us and do guard
duty, but would