xt7x959c8s12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x959c8s12/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1969-12-01  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 1, 1969 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 1, 1969 1969 1969-12-01 2020 true xt7x959c8s12 section xt7x959c8s12   


Minutes of the University Senate, November 24, 1969

Dr. Rudd presented a recommendation that the Senate meet at 3:00 p.m.
on the second Monday of each month effective in September 1970 and that
members of the Senate avoid that hour in scheduling their classes next
year. He stated that this recommendation was made in order that the
University Senate might have time to execute its business and in an
effort to avoid "called" meetings. The Senate approved this recommendation
which becomes effective in September 1970.

The Senate approved a motion to adjourn and to have a special called
meeting at 4:00 p.m., next Monday, December 1, 1969, in the Court Room

of the Law Building.

Elbert W. Ockerman


The University Senate met in called session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
December 1, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman
Ogletree presided. Members absent: Robert Aug*, Lyle N. Back*, Robert
A. Baker*, Harry V. Barnard, Henry H. Bauer*, Ben W. Black*, H. Martin
Blacker, Thomas 0. Blues*, L. L. Boyarsky, Wallace N. Briggs, Cecil Bull*,
Jacqueline Bull, Collins W. Burnett, Marion A. Carnes*, Clyde R. Carpenter*,
W. Merle Carter, Maurice A. Clay, Donald B. Coleman*, Carl B. Cone*,
Arthur L. Cooke, Robert L. Cosgriff*, George F. Crewe*, Loretta Denman*,
D. F. Diedrich*, R. Lewis Donohew, W. W. Ecton*, Joseph Engelberg*,
Frederic J. Fleron*, Joseph B. Fugate*, Milton E. Gellin*, William A.
Gordon, Ben R. Gossick, Michael D. Hall, Rebekah Harleston*, Robert D.
Haun, Jean M. Hayter*, J. W. Hollingworth*, Eugene Huff, Vernon L. James*,
Robert W. Kiser*, Donald E. Knapp*, Carl E. Langenhop*, Melvin J. Lerner,
Richard V. McDougall, Michael P. McQuillen, Dean H. Morrow*, Vernon A.
Musselman, Thomas M. Olshewsky, Bobby C. Pass*, Ronald E. Phillips,
Nicholas J. Pisacano, Muriel A. Poulin*, William R. Proffitt, John W.
Roddick*, J. G. Rodriguez*, Donald E. Sands*, John W. Schaefer*, Ian
Shine, Raymond A. Smith*, Stanford L. Smith *, Robert H. Spedding*,

Carl D. Tatum, Richard Thurston*, Duane N. Tweeddale*, Thomas A. Van*,
William S. Ward*, Paul M. Weeks, David R. Wekstein*, David C. White*,
Raymond P. White*, Raymond A. Wilkie, J. D. Wirtschafter, Donald J. Wood,
.Lawrence A. Allen, Charles E. Barnhart, Harry M. Bohannan, Glenwood L.
Creech, Marcia A. Dake*, George W. Denemark, Robert M. Drake, Jr.,

Stuart Forth, Timothy R. Futrell, Harold D. Gordon, Jack B. Hall,

Joseph Hamburg, Ellis F. Hartford, Raymon D. Johnson, Taft McKinstry,
Joseph L. Massie*, Elbert W. Ockerman*, John C. Robertson*, Sheryl G.
Snyder*, John L. Sutton, Joseph V. Swintosky*, and Ernest F. Witte.

The Senate approved the requests of Jeannie Leedom, reporter, and
Kay Brookshire, photographer, both of the Kernel, to attend, report,

and photograph the meeting.

*Absence explained





























Minutes of the University Senate, December 1, 1969

the four—week summer term to precede the regular 1970 eight-week summer
session, which the University Senate had approved at its meeting of November
24, 1969, overlapped the eight—week session.

Chairman Ogletree reported to the.Senate that it had been found that

The Chair then recognized

Dean Stanley Wall, Director of the Summer Session, who presented a recom—
mendation that the official 1970 Su er Session Calendar be amended to

provide for one day of registration/June 15th, begin classes on June 16th,

and end the Summer Session on August llth. The Senate approved this
recommendation. The official 1970 Summer Session Calendar, as amended,

is as follows:


June 15 Monday — Registration

June 16 Tuesday — Class work begins

June 19 Friday — Last day to enter an organized class for the 1970
Summer Session

June 26 Friday — Last day to drop a course without a grade

June 29 Monday — Last day for filing application for an August
degree in the College Dean's Office

July 4 Saturday — Independence Day Holiday - academic holiday

July 15 Wednesday - Last day to pay graduation fees for August
degree in Billings and Collection Office

July 28 Tuesday - Last day to withdraw from a class before end
of Summer Session

July 29 Wednesday — Last day to submit all required documents to
Registrar's Office for admission to the 1970
Fall Semester

August 11 Tuesday — End of 1970 Summer Session

August 13 Thursday — All grades due in Registrar's Office by 4:00 p.m.

Summary gf_Teaching Days, Summer Session 1970
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

June 2 3 2 2 2 2 June

July 4 4 5 5 5 3 July

August 2 2 l l l 2 August

Total 8 9 8 8 8 7

1970 Summer Session






Committee on the Role of Faculty in Public Relations, who summarized

the Report of that Committee which had been circulated to the entire faculty

Teaching Days



The Chair recognized Dr. Malcolm Jewell, Chairman of the Senate ad hoc

under date of November ll, 1969, and pointed out the major emphases in the

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Minutes of the University Senate, December I, 1969

Following Dr. Jewell's summarization the Chair recognized Dr. Plucknett,
Secretary of the University Senate Council, who presented the following

On behalf of the University Senate Council, I move:

iv, (a) the adoption of the Report of the Senate's §d_hoc Committee
[ on the Role of Faculty in Public Relations;

(b) that the document be forwarded to the Senate's Rules
Committee with the charge that appropriate sections become a part
of the Rules of the University Senate;

(c) that the Senate Council be charged with the responsibility
of taking appropriate steps with the Office of the President
and/or the Senate to implement the report as early as possible.

\ Following discussion, the Senate adopted the Report, directed that it

v be forwarded to the Rules Committee for inclusion of appropriate

Wag parts in the Rules, and directed the Senate Council to take appropriate
/ steps with the Office of the President and/or Senate to implement the

Report as early as possible. The Report has been made a part of these

Senate minutes in the Registrar's Office.

K On behalf of the University Senate, the Chairman expressed appreciation
{ to Dr. Jewell and the Committee for the Report.

The Chair recognized Dr. Bruce E. Langlois, Chairman of the Senate
ad hoc Committee on the Attraction of and Academic Programming for Superior
Students, who summarized the Report of that Committee which had been cir—
culated to the entire faculty under date of November II, 1969.




[ Following Dr. Langlois' summation, the Chair recognized Dr. Plucknett

( who presented the following motion:

I In accord with a charge from the University Senate Council and

‘flnh with its full support, I move:

r (a) the adoption of the Report of the Senate's g§_hoc Committee

f on the Attraction of and Academic Programming for Superior

(b) that the document be forwarded to the Senate's Rules
Committee with the charge that appropriate sections be codified
and returned to this body for inclusion in the Rules of the

University Senate;

_ at.“

(c) that the Senate Council be charged with the responsibility
of taking appropriate steps with the Office of the President
and/or the Senate to implement the report as early as possible.


fif— (

Following discussion, motion was made to recommit the Report to the
Committee with the specific charge that it take a further look at the
programming section of the Report in light of the comments from the floor.

The Senate defeated this motion.























Minutes of the University Senate, December 1, 1969

The Senate then adopted the Report, directed that it be forwarded to

the Rules Committee with the charge that appropriate sections be codified
and return to the Senate for inclusion in the Rules of the University
Senate, and directed the Senate Council to take appropriate steps with
the Office of the President and/or Senate to implement the Report

as early as possible. The Report has been made a part of these Senate
minutes in the Registrar's Office.

On behalf of the University Senate, the Chairman thanked Dr. Langlois
and his Committee for the Report.

The Senate adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary


The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
December 8, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Ogletree
presided. Members absent: Clifford Amyx, Robert Aug*, Wendell E. Berry*,
Harmon C. Bickley, Jr., Richard C. Birkebak*, H. Martin Blacker, Jacqueline
Bull*, Marion A. Carnes*, Clyde R. Carpenter*, Maurice A. Clay, Carl B.
Cone*, Robert L. Cosgriff*, Eugene C. Crawford, Jr.*, George F. Crewe,

T. Z. Csaky*, Robert J. DeAngelis, David E. Denton*, D. F. Diedrich, Henry
F. Dobyns, R. Lewis Donohew*, W. G. Duncan, Frank J. Essene, Frederic J.
Fleron, Roy F. Gabbard, Jess L. Gardner*, Peter P. Gillis, Ben R. Gossick,
Joseph J. Gruber*, George W. Gunther, Denny 0. Harris*, Virgil W. Hays,
James W. Herron*, Dorothy Hollingsworth*, J. W. Hollingsworth*, Alfred

S. L. Hu*, Eugene Huff*, John W. Hutchinson*, Don R. Jacobson, Vernon L.
James*, Donald E. Knapp, Albert S. Levy*, John H. Lienhard*, John L.
Madden, Gene L. Mason, L. Randolph McGee, Michael P. McQuillen, Vernon

A. Musselman*, Leonard V. Packett*, Harold F. Parks, Do le E. Peaslee,
Ronald E. Phillips, Curtis Phipps*, Nicholas J. Pisacano*, Muriel A.
Poulin*, Donald E. Sands*, Rudolph Schrils, George W. Schwert*, Ian

Shine, D. Milton Shuffett*, Gerard E. Silberstein*, Robert H. Stroup*,
William G. Survant*, Duane N. Tweeddale, H. Fred Vetter, John N. Walker,
William S. Ward*, Paul M. Weeks, David R. Wekstein*, David C. White,
Donald J. Wood*, Lawrence A. Allen, Charles E. Barnhart, Harry M.
Bohannan*, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia A. Dake*, Robert M. Drake, Jr.,
Charles P. Graves, Jack E. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, Ellis F. Hartford,

Raymon D. Johnson*, William S. Jordan, Jr.*, Taft McKinstry, GeOrge

J. Ruschell, Otis A. Singletary, Eugene J. Small, Sheryl G. Snyder,
and Ernest F. Witte.

The Senate granted permission to Jeannie Leedom of the Kernel to attend
and report.

The minutes of November 24, 1969 were approved as circulated.

*Absence explained