xt7x959c8n6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x959c8n6s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1989 1989 1989-09-18 2020 true xt7x959c8n6s section xt7x959c8n6s  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XClll. No. 28

University of Kentucky. Leidngton, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Monday,Septombei 18. 1980


Higher education plant in good condition

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A report
released yesterday describes the
$1.2 billion higher education physi-
cal plant as in relatively good con

And the chairman of the Council
on Higher Education said more
must be done to ensure that it re—
mains that way.

The Banks Report, named for its

author, Frankfort architect David
Banks, said maintenance and the
overall state of repair of buildings
on Kentucky college campuses has

Banks said just a few years ago,
there were legitimate concerns
about the status of long-term main-
tenance because of budget

Though conditions have im-
proved, Banks said, “That should

not be considered a time to cut
back in maintenance.“

The 67-page report released to
the council yesterday gives an
overall view of plant maintenance
on every university installation and
community college campus. Not all
buildings were included. Dormito-
ries, for example, were not exam‘

Individual buildings were rated
in good, fair or poor condition.
Banks said a poor rating could re-

sult from neglected maintenance or
a lack of modern facilities, such as
the continued use of hot water ra-
diators for heating.

Council Chairman Michael Har-
reld said the report represented a
significant issue for the panel,
which is charged with setting the
overall direction for higher educa-
tion in Kentucky.

The state has made a significant
investment in the physical plant at
universities, Harreld said.

"We haven‘t paid the kind of at~
tention to the stewardship of that
money we should have," said Har»
reld, 3 Louisville banker.

"(inly when you really look into
it do you realize we‘re not
domg a very good Job.“ Harreld

Harreld said the councd could
begin demanding that universities
be more responsible in setting capi-
tal construction priorities.

Thus, new buildings may be de-


Wildcats Survive


“Our goal is to win," UK offen-
sive tackle Mike Pfeifer said be-
fore the season. “It's that simple.
We don't care how, we just want
to win."

Sports Editor

The UK football team took an—
other step Saturday toward at-
taining their team goal — win
every game, or just win.

“It wasn't very pretty, but we


won and are 2-0," UK defensive
tackle Oliver Barnett said. “Being
2-0 is a whole lot better than being
1—1. We were just a better football
team, today."

The Wildcats defeated the Uni-
versity of North Carolina 1345 in
front of 50,174 rain-soaked fans at
Commonwealth Stadium.

"We are just happy to get the
win,” UK coach Jerry Claiborne
said yesterday. “But we are going
to have to execute better. espe~


cially when we get into the South-
eastern Conference a games i . ' ‘

Sandwiched between the India-
na University game and next Sat-
urday's game at the Universny of
Alabama, the Cats may have been
complacent or unprepared men-
tally for UNC.

“(The emotional level) was not
like it was out there last week,"
Claiborne said. “It's kind of hard
for an athlete to be on an emotion-
al high every game. . . We
played hard today. But if we had


not played hard, we would have
been beaten and beaten good."

Even though Claiborne was sat-
isfied with his team effort. he was
disappointed with his team's exe-
cution and fundamental sound-
ness, especially on offense.

"()ffensively, we did not do our
baSic fundamentals as well as we
need to do." the [K coach said
“We didn't take advantage of the
opportunities we had to score and
you cannot do that.

"When you get the ball cluse


ALAN NAWSE Kernel slim

Torin Dom of North Carolina undercuts Phil Logan of UK during Saturday's game UK hung on to beat the Tar Heels 13-6 and go 2-0 on the season

Flat Cats beat North Carolina 13-6 to go 2-0

down there on the goal line.
you‘ve got to put pomts on the
board. and we did not do it This
is very discouraging, but ll is
nothing that we cannot correct if
we are willing to work hard
enough.‘ (‘laibornesaid
Before the season started. the
ot'fensrve line. looked like it would
he one of the team's strengths
Hut now the offense is sputtering
and (‘laiborne thinks it's t.»ecause
\ccl -\I\ link ‘3


Man of letters

In a long literary life, Robert Penn Warren turned his region into a complex myth

Editor's note: The story contains
the author’s observations and

Senior Staff Writer

asked Robert Penn

Warren questions
about All the King's Men. Most
consider it his masterpiece. so the
questions were natural.

Interviewers inevitably

The novel won Warren his first
Pulitzer Prize and generated a lot
of speculation about the possible
parallels between the book‘s
central character — a corrupt yet


dynamic Southern politican — and
Huey Long, Louisiana governor
during the 1930s

Naturally, the Kentucky Kernel
also asked Warren about the book
in a 1980 interview, and as part of
his answer, he strongly denied any
identity. “I never did a day‘s
research on that novel as Louisiana
was concerned. I was more
concerned with the myth of Huey
Long than with the fact of Huey
Long. . . . I didn‘t want to know
anything . . . about him."

Warren, who died last Friday
morning at his Connecticut home,
had come to UK in 1900 for a
celebration of his 75th birthday, an
event which also brought to the

University several other writers
who knew Warren, including noted
critic Cleanth Brooks.

His remarks point out a paradox.
While Kentuckians are proud of
and now memorialize him as a
native son, he spent little time in
the state after leaving it for
college; and while much of his
work concerns the South, he spent
the last 30 years of his life in New

orn in 1906 at

Guthrie in Todd

County, Ky, the
child of a father who had fought for
the Confederacy under Nathan

Sec Tl'RM‘G. Back page

‘ONS Rolling Stones tight

in Cincinnati concert.

Review, page 3.



layed in favor of spending on up—
grading utilities, Harreld said.

Harreld said universmes had
done a fair job protecting their own
property, but he noted that mainte~
nance is not a riveting subject for
anyone from legislators making ap-
propriations to unii'erSity officials

As one council staff member
noted. "Who wants their name on a
manhole cover" "

gives UK
gift for

(‘ontributing Writer

l'K received 31 1 million in com
puter equipment from the Ameri~
can Telephone & Telegraph ('o

The gift. presented at the Hilary
.i Boone Faculty (.‘lub. includes
computer hardware and software
that will be used by the (.‘ollege of
Engineering's center for robotics
and the department of computer

In addition to new systems in»
Volving electronic mail. computer
networking and scientific computa
tion. the gift includes new data net
working equipment. workstations
and superminicomputer technolo-

“The gift will be used for instruc
tion and research by students and
faculty in the (‘ollege ot Engi
neering and also in computer SC!‘
ence.” said Fred Trutt. associate
dean for academic affairs in the
1. ‘ollege of Engineering

John Queen. AT&T‘s data branch
manager for Kentucky. Tennessee
and Arkansas. praised [K for “the
outstanding job the l'niyersity has
done lll utilizing and maintaining
cqutpment previously donated" by

AT&T has given more than $2 3
million in computer gifts the last
two years to ['K's (‘ollege of Engi-

ln accepting the gift. l'K Presi-
dent David Roselle said that
”AT&TB‘ generosny and iilf‘SlEhi
redness will greatly enhance the ”1*
tormation needs of students and
faculty "

AT&T made the contribution
through the l’niversity l‘lqmpment
Donation Program. Queen said

Nine months ago ['K “im‘ited us
to submit a propsal to the l.'niver5i~
ty Hqu1pment Program.” Queen

“They have worked with us in
the past. and I think because of
this past relationship with AT&T
that: they invited us againl.”
Queen said.

’l‘rutt. \\ ho is the chairman of the
committee that applied tor the
AT&T grant. said l'K should have
all of the eqtnpment by next


From Robert Penn Warren’s
World Enough and Time, Ran-
dom House,1960.

Things went their way, and the
Commonwealth of Kentucky has,
by the latest estimate. 2.819.000
inhabitants, and the only Show
nee in the country is in a WPA
mural on a post-office wall. . . .
and some 400,000,000 pounds of
tobacco are grown annually, and
in a good year over 60,000,000 tax
gallon; of whiskey are distilled,
and the State University now has
8,000 students and a
championship backetball team.


and the literacy rate for the state
is one of the lowest in the nation,
and the thoroughbreds untrack to
the roar of the crowd and the
dainty galvanic legs flash like a
blur of scimitara and the sun is
on the colors and the parimu-
tuels do a $40,000,000 business,
and the negro is emani‘cipated
and can vote and if he is smart
he can even get paid for voting
(just, like white folks). and any-
way he is free and can die of tu-
berculosis in a Louisville slum if
he wants to and nobody will stop
him . . .

In the days before the white

man came, the Indians called the
land of Kentucky the Dark and
Bloody Ground. But they also
called it the Breathing Land and
the Hollow Land, for beneath the
land there are great caves. The
Indians came here to fight and to
hunt. but they did not come here

to live. It was a holy land, it was
a land of mystery . . . But when
the white man came, the god:
fled. either into the upper air or
deeper into the dark earth. So
there was no voice here to speak
and tell the white man what jus-
tice 18.. . .
But men still long/or justice.




Volleyball off
to best start since ’83.
Story, page 5.


 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday. September 18. 1000



Information on this calendar of events Is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The Information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organi-
zations or University Departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.





oGreek (through 9/22): Sigma Kappa
Sorority Colonization Rush; Cali 7-5671

oExhibits (through 9/24): James
Archambeault - An exhibition
featuring his full-color Kentucky
landscape photographs: Free: SCFA
President’s Room: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Call

oOther: Hospice Volunteers - Training
Program; Free: Lexington Public
Library; 7-9 p.m.; Call 233-6890

oReiigious: Penance Service: Free:
Newman Center M.H.; 7:30 p.m.; Call


oConcerts: Art a la Carte - 11m Lake.
banjo; folk (bring your lunchi); Free;
ArtsPlace: Noon-l p.m.; Call 2552951

oSports: Volleyball — UK vs. Miami of Ohio:
Memorial Coliseum: Call 7-3838

ointramurais: Entry deadline for Tennis:
Free: Room 145 Seaton Center: Call

oMeetingS: infertility Support Group: Free:
Room C303 Chandler Medical Center:
7:30 p.m.; Call 2335410




oMovies (through 9/23): “Midnight
Cowboy': $1.95; Worsham Theatre;
7:30 p.m.; Call 78867

oMovies (through 9/24): ‘Hair';131.95:
Worsham Theatre: 10 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

oMeetings: Webb Archaeological
Society — speaker, Gwynn
Henderson; Free: Lafferty Hall: 7:30
p.m.; Call 252-3942

oReiigious: Catholic Traditions: Free:
Room 10 Newman Center: 8 p.m.; Call


oAcademics: Last day for filing an
application fora December degree
in college dean's office

oOther: “Back-to-Schooi Bash,’ featuring
Dance Party Unlimited; Free;
Commons Lounge: 8-10 p.m.; Call

oMeetings: German Club; Room 113
Student Center; 5:30 p.m.; Call 7—7012

oSports (through 9/23): Volleyball —
Nebraska Invitational: UK vs.
Nebraska, Stanford. Pittsburgh (at
Nebraska): Call 7-3838


oSeminars: “The Effects of Stroke on
Social Behavior'; Free:
Sanders-Brown Building; Noon; Call

oGreek: Delta Zeta Fratman’s Classic


oSports: Football - UK vs. Alabama
(away): 8 p.m.; Cali 7-3838

oGreek: Panhelienic Council Walk-a-thon

oReIigious: Distinguished Speakers Series
- Monica Hellwig: Free; Newman
Center M.H.; 7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oSports: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse

Invitational - WPAFB vs. Indiana; Free:

Soccer Field; 11 am: Call 277-6345

oSports: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
invitational — UK vs. Tennessee: Free:
Soccer Field: 12:30 p.m.; Call 277-6345

oSports: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
invitational — UK vs. indiana; Free;
Soccer Field; 2:30 p.m.; Call 277-6345

oSports: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
Invitational - WPAFB vs. Tennessee:
Free; Soccer Field: 4 p.m.; Cali



oExhibits (through 11/12): “The Lexington
Camera Club, 19351972': Free:
University Art Museum; Noon-5 pm.
(closed Mondays); Call 75716

oConcerts: Center Sundays Series
presents Lucien Stark, piano: Free:
SCFA; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4929

oMovies: “Midnight Cowboy”: $1.95;
Worsham Theatre: 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMeetings: Good Foods Co-Op (all
members bring a dessert and
recipe): Unitarian Universalist Church:
5:30 p.m.; Call 2780590

oSports: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
invitational - lndlana vs. Tennessee:
Free: Soccer Field; Noon: Cali 2776345

oSports: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
invitational — UK vs. WPAFB; Free:
Soccer Field; 2 p.m.; Cali 2776345



oExhibits: “Political Uses of Art — the
French Revolution and Beyond';
Free; Peal Gallery: 8 p.m.; Call 7-1415




special events





oAcademIcs — 9/21: Last day for filing an
application fora December degree In
college dean's office

oGreek - 9/18-9/22: Sigma Kappa Sorority
Colonization Rush: Call 7-5671

oGreek - 9/22: Delta Zeta Fratman's Classic
oGreek — 9/23: Panhelienic Council Waik-a-thon

oOther - 9/18: Hospice Volunteers — Training
Program; Free: Lexington Public Library; 7-9
p.m.; Call 233-6890

oOther — 9/21: ‘Back-to-School Bash.‘ featuring
Dance Party Unlimited; Free; Commons
Lounge; 8-10 p.m.; Call 7—6598

oRellglous - 9/ 18: Penance Service: Free:
Newman Center M.H.: 7:30 p.m.; Cali

oRellglous - 9/20: Catholic Traditions; Free:
Room 10 Newman Center: 8 p.m.; Call

oRelIglous - 9/23: Distinguished Speakers Series
— Monica Hellwig: Free; Newman Center
M.H.: 7:30 p.m.; Call 2558566








oConcerts — 9/19: Art a la Carte - Tim Lake.
banjo: folk (bring your lunchi); Free:
ArtsPlace; Noon—1 p.m.; Call 255-2951

oConcerts - 9/24: Center Sundays Series

presents Lucien Stark, piano: Free; SCFA: 3
p.m.; Call 7-4929

oExhlbIts — 9/18-9/24: James Archambeault — An
exhibition featuring his full-color Kentucky
landscape photographs: Free; SCFA
President's Room; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Call 7-1706

oExhlblts — 9/24-1 1/12: “The Leidngton Camera
Club. 1936-1972”: Free; University Art
Museum: Noon-5 p.m. (closed Mondays);
Call 7-5716

oExhlbIts — 9/25: ‘Polltical Uses of Art — the
French Revolution and Beyond'; Free: Peal
Gallery: 8 p.m.; Call 7-1415

oMovies - 9/20-9/23: “Midnight Cowboy'; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMovles - 9/20-9/24: ‘Halr': $1.95; Worsham
Theatre: 10 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0 Movies - 9/24: ‘Midnight Cowboy”: $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.; Cali 7-8867








olntramurals - 9/ 19: Entry deadline for Tennis:
Free; Room 145 Seaton Center; Call 7-3928

oSports: Volleyball — UK vs. Miami of Ohio;
Memorial Coliseum Call 7-3838


~Sports - 9/21-9/23: Volleyball — Nebraska
Invitational: UK vs. Nebraska, Stanford.
Pittsburgh (at Nebraska): Call 7-3838

oSports - 9/23: Football —- UK vs. Alabama
(away): 8 p.m.; Call 7-3838

oSports - 9/23: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
Invitational - WPAFB vs. Indiana; Free;
Soccer Field: 11 am; Call 277-6345

«Sports — 9/23: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
Invitational - UK vs. Tennessee: Free:
Soccer Field; 12:30 p.m.; Call 277-6345

oSports - 9/23: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
invitational — UK vs. Indiana: Free: Soccer
Field: 2:30 p.m.; Call 277-6345

oSports - 9/23: First Annual Bluegrass Lacrosse
Invitational - WPAFB vs. Tennessee; Free:
Soccer Field; 4 p.m.; Call 277-6345

oSports - 9/24: First Amual Bluegraa Lacrosse
Invitational - indiana vs. Tennessee: Free:
Soccer Field: Noon: Call 277-6345

oSports — 9/24: First Amuai Bluegrass Lacrosse
Invitational - UK vs. WPAFB: Free: Soccer
Fleid: 2 p.m.; Cal 277-6345

weekly events






oSports: UK Judo Club (nolexperlence
required, men and women welcome):
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 56:30 p.m.; Call


oMeetings: Student Activities Board Public
Relations Committee; Free; Room 203
Student Center (SAB Office): 7:30 p.m.; Cali

oMeetings: UK Water Ski Club: Room 228
Student Center: 7 p.m.; Cali 252-490)

oOther: Aerobics: Free: Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2: 550-7 p.m.; Call 255—8566

oReIIglous: Tuesday Night Together: Free:
Baptist Student Union (429 Columbia Ave):
7:30 p.m.; Call 7-3989

oReliglous: Tuesday Evening Fellowship (Meal
and Program): 412 Rose St: 6 p.m.; Call

oSports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or
equipment required); Free: Alumni Gym:
7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 8-6591

oMeetlngs: Amnesty lntematlonai; Free: Room
228 Student Center: 7 p.m.; Call 254-4938

oMeetings: Student Activities Board Indoor
Recreation Committee; Free: Room 205
Student Center: 6:30 p.m.; Call 78867

oOther: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2: 5:50-7 p.m.; Call 255—8566

oRellglous: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine’s
Chapel: 5:30 p.m.; Call 254-3726

oSports: UK Judo Club (no experience
required. men and women welcome):
Free: Alumni Gym Balcony: 56:30 p.m.; Call


oMeelings: UK Table Tennis Club; 55 per
semester: Seaton Center Squash Room: 7
p.m.; Call 7—6636

oOther: Aerobics: Free; Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2: 5:50-7 pm: Call 255-8566

oRellglous: Thursday Night Uve: Free: 502
Columbia Ave.: 7:30 p.m.; Call 233—031 3

oSports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or
equipment required): Free: Alumni Gym:
7:30—9:30 p.m.; Call 8-6591

No listings


oRellglous: Mass: Free: Newman Center: 6
p.m.; Call 2558566


uOther: Spaghetti Dinner: 82: Newman Center
Rooms 3 and 4:6 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oRellgIous: Sunday Momlng Worship: Free:
Kolnonia House: 10:30 am: Call 254-1881

oReIIgIous: Mass: Free; Newman Center: 9
am, 11:30 am, 5 pm, 8:30 p.m.; Call

oRelIgIous: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine’s
Chapel: 10:30 am, 5:30 p.m.; Call 254-3726

oRellglous: Collegiate Worship Service: Free:
502 Columbia Ave.: 11 am: Call 233-0313



. 'oééfifii .









oMeetlngs - 9/19: Infertility Support Grow: Free;
Room C303 Chandler Medical Center: 7:30
p.m.; Call 233-5410

oMeetlngs - 9/20: Webb Archaeological
Society — speaker, Gwynn Henderson:
Free; Lafferty Hall; 7:30 p.m.; Call 252-3942

.Meotlngs-W21: German Ckb: Room 113
Student Center: 5:30 p.m.; Cali 7-7012

oMeetings - 9/24: Good Foods Co-Op (all
members bring a dessert and recipe):
Unitarian Uriversallst Church: 5:30 p.m.; Call

oSemlnars — 9/22: ‘The Effects of Stroke on
Social Behavior'; Free: Sanders-Brown
Balding: Noon; Cal 233-5471







MLK Center exhibit brings
African royalty to campus

Contributing Writer

The Martin Luther King Jr. Cul-

tural Center is offering UK a touch
of African royalty.

Through Oct. 20 the King Center
is displaying an exhibit of tradi-
tional Kente fabrics woven in the
Ashante region of Ghana, West Af-

Kente (pronounced Kin—tay) is a
fabric that has been woven and de-
signed by the Ashante people over
several hundred centuries.

The cloth is a horizontal strip of
weaving that is produced in the vil-
lages of Wonoo and Bonwire in
Ashanti, Ghana.

Kente gets its name from promi—
nent people in the region, historic
events, cultural proverbs and in-
animate objects.

The fabric used to be made by
men only and was reserved for
only royalty and village chiefs. The
cloth has maintained its distinctive
character, but it has become more
accessible to the masses.

The cloths reflect a highly orga-
nized culture, according to Chester
Grundy, director of minority af-

American interest in Kente has
steadily grown over recent years,
in part because of a 1984 visit to
the United States by the Ashante
king, who modeled clothing made
of the cloths. Black Americans
have shown special interest in
Kente, embracing the fabric as a
symbol of their cultural past.

The cloth can be used in a vari~


KAREN BALLARD’Kernel Contribut

Through Oct. 20 the Martin Luther King Jr Cultural Center is hold-
ing an exhibition on traditional Kente fabrics.

ety of ways ~ for clothing, bed-
spreads and bookmarks.

Grundy said UK students should
visit the exhibit because “as Amer-
icans we have a responsibility to
better understand other cultures. ”

All items in the exhibit can be
purchased the King Center. The
merchandise is distributed by Har-
riet Schiffer of Philadelphia, presi-
dent of Wonoo Enterprises, Lim-




Kentucky Kernel, Monday, September 18, 1989 - 3

Kip Bowmer
Arts Editor

Jagger, Richards keep the Stones
rolling on slick ‘Steel Wheels’ tour

Arts Editor

The rain came down in sheets at
times and drizzled at others, but
most of the about 40,000 Rolling
Stones fans in Cincinnati‘s Riverf-
ront Stadium Thursday night were
undaunted by the conditions.

When the rain came down the
hardest, rock 'n' roll’s quintessen-
tial frontman, Mick Jagger, said to
the crowd, "You didn't come to get
your hair done, you came to see
the Stones.”

And those who came to see the
band who has been unofficially
dubbed the ”World's Greatest Rock
’n’ Roll Band,” were not disap-
pointed. The Stones are better than
they were on their last tour eight
years ago for mainly two reasons.

For starters, they are a lot tight—
er as a unit. Jagger still covers the
stage like a predatory beast, but be
contributed on guitar and harmoni-
ca throughout the nearly three

Ron Wood and Bill Wyman both
stood out on a number of the newer
tracks, including “Sad Sad Sad."
“One Hit to the Body" and "Rock
in a Hard Place."

But it was Keith Richards, livmg
up to his billing as one of rock ‘n'
roll’s greatest rhythm guitarists on
numbers like “Sympathy for the
Devil" and “Jumpin' Jack Flash,"
who gave the music power Rich—


ards also held his own on “Happy."
one of his two vocal ventures.

The other reason the Stones are
better this time around is that they
are pulling a wider variety of their
songs than they have in past tours.
Some of the more unexpected tunes
included ”Play With Fire" and
“2000 Light Years From Home,“ a
song the Stones had never done on
tour before.

It was a welcome addition.
Smoke oozed onto the stage and a
cornucopia of light swept across
the immense stage setup as the
ominous, psychedelic song reached
its climax.

The placement of three 20-foot
video screens allowed almost all

fans equal visual access to the
Before the show began. the

music from “Continental Drit’t.‘
recorded in Morocco with the help
of the Master Musicians of Jayiu
ka, was piped over the sound sys»
tem. As the middleeastern sound-
ing music reached its crescendo.
the familiar Keith Richards‘ guitar
riff from "Start Me L'p" kicked in
as the Stones hit the stage and
brought the crowd to its feet.

After the opening number. the
Stones sparingly used material re;
corded in the 1980s

But the songs they pulled from
the '80s worked, inlcluding a pow-
erful "One Hit to the Bod)" and
"Undercover.“ which is getting
better with age The audience.

however, was treated to a wealth
of the band's most popular songs.

The Stones brought along a very
impressive set of musicians which
included back-up singers, a pianist,
a keyboardist and a french horn
section. The muSiCians aided im-
mensely on numbers like "I Know
Its ()nly Rock and Roll." where the
piano commanded as much respect
as the throbbing guitar beat

“Paint It Black," "You Can't Al-
ways Get What You Want" and
“Brown Sugar" all had studiolike

But the Stones w ere at their best
on back to back numbers of "Sym-
pathy For the Devil" and “Gimme
Shelter." During Sympathy“ Jag~
ger walked down a long set of steps
from the top of the set wearing a
long coat With tails and gave an
evil rendition oi iconoclastic classt-
cism while Richards laid out a
feverish rhythm

()n “Shelter" Jagger and back-up
singer Cind} Mi/elle had a chemis-
try that gave the song even more
ofan edge

Their stage show was extremely
impressiw as two gargantuan in-
flatable hunky-trunk women were

blown u; luring "Honky Tonk

Th R. .‘:'i,’.;‘ Stones wt." {wrforni
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 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday, September 18. 1989



Executive Editor

UK has the football on the
North Carolina 22-yard line in
Saturday's game on their open-
ing drive. Sophomore quar-
terback Freddie Maggard. with
the backfield in the I-formation,
turns to the right and pitches the
ball to Alfred Rawls.

The senior
t a i l b a c k
blitzs to the
o u t s i d e
where he is
met by
three would-
be Tar Heel
ta c k l e r 5
But instead
of being
5 t o p p e d .

Rawls bounces off to the left and
evades four more tacklers.

By the time he is brought down
at the 7~yard line, Rawls has
gained 15 yards in a display of
power and finesse

This play and others like that
one have caused opposing teams
and Rawls' teammates and
coaches to take notice of the
Pitts, Ga., native.

“I think he's done a heck of a
job." L'K senior tackle Mike
Pfeifer sa1d. “He has the speed
to bust it to the outside."

Rawls did just that Saturday.
After being stopped at the Y‘yard
line, Rawls‘ number was called
on the next play. This time
Rawls sprinted around the left
side and into the endzone un-
touched to give the Cats a 74)

“Tailback Alfred Rawls is an
excellent football player. one of
the best running backs in the
country." UNC coach Mack
Brown said. “Our team got after
him. but with a back like Rawls
you are going to miss some
tackles because he makes you
miss them."

And the effort that Brown
talked about comes from Rawls'
willingness to succeed in compe-

“I’ve got to give the extra ef<


Alfred Rawls is zig-zagging
the Cats to multiple wins

E McFARLANDlKne contributor

Alfred Rawls of UK rushes against Clarence Carter of North Car-
olina in Saturday‘s game. Rawls rushed for for 130 yards.


“I’ve got to give the extra effort. I give 1 10
percent because I want to win. I want to
score a touchdown. I want the whole team

to be proud of me.”

Alfred Rawls,
UK tailback

fort." Rawls said. “I give 110
percent because I want to win. I
want to score a touchdown. I
want the whole team to be proud
of me."

So far, who cannot be proud of
his performance?

Rawls has rushed for 237 yards
on 46 carries this season and has
scored all three UK touchdowns.

Weather does not even effect
Rawls‘ game as he rushed for
130 yards on a soggy Common-
wealth Stadium turf Saturday.

“It didn't effect me,“ Rawls
said. “I just kept my feet up. I
didn't have as much of a prob-
lem as the linemen did. I also
wore different shoes. ”

Rawls can do more than just
run the ball, He also can catch.
Besides his 63-yard touchdown
run in the home-opener against

Indiana University, he caught a
22-yard touchdown pass from

So far, UK coach Jerry Clai-
borne thinks that his 5-11, 220
pound tailback has created his
own opportunities.

“Rawls, right now, is finding
his own holes," Claiborne said.
“He has great acceleration and
he’s making holes that aren‘t
there. He‘s just doing a tremen-

“I think the weights helped me
a whole lot ‘ Rawls said. “First
time I got here (to UK) is the
first time I lifted weights. Mike

Florence really encourages me

Even with his strength Rawls
still takes his bumps and bruises.




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are $30 per year.

Shepherdsville, KY 40165.

(606) 2572871


The Kentucky Kernel

C.A. Duane Bonifer
Brian Jent
Elizabeth Wade
Tonia Wilt

Michael L. Jones
Barry Reeves

Kip Bowmar

Charlie McCue
Steve Sanders

Mike Agin
Jeff Kuerzi
Judy Furst
Scott Ward

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic year and
weekly during the eight-week summer session.

Thirdclass postage paid at Lexington, KY 40511 Mailed subscription rates

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and